path: root/scalajslib/test/src/mill/scalajslib/HelloJSWorldTests.scala
blob: cc44b7c81f2ff5b8db17d1f80f2b176f6e035e14 (plain) (tree)



































package mill.scalajslib

import{FileReader, StringWriter}
import java.util.jar.JarFile
import javax.script.{ScriptContext, ScriptEngineManager}

import ammonite.ops._
import mill._
import mill.define.Discover
import mill.scalalib.{CrossScalaModule, DepSyntax, Lib, PublishModule, TestRunner}
import mill.scalalib.publish.{Developer, License, PomSettings, SCM}
import mill.util.{TestEvaluator, TestUtil}
import utest._
import mill.util.TestEvaluator.implicitDisover

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

object HelloJSWorldTests extends TestSuite {
  val workspacePath =  TestUtil.getOutPathStatic() / "hello-js-world"

  trait HelloJSWorldModule extends ScalaJSModule with PublishModule with CrossScalaModule{
    override def millSourcePath = workspacePath
    def publishVersion = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
    override def mainClass = Some("Main")

  object HelloJSWorld extends TestUtil.BaseModule {
    val matrix = for {
      scala <- Seq("2.11.8", "2.12.3", "2.12.4")
      scalaJS <- Seq("0.6.22", "1.0.0-M2")
    } yield (scala, scalaJS)

    object helloJsWorld extends Cross[BuildModule](matrix:_*)
    class BuildModule(val crossScalaVersion: String, sjsVersion0: String) extends HelloJSWorldModule {
      override def artifactName = "hello-js-world"
      def scalaJSVersion = sjsVersion0
      def pomSettings = PomSettings(
        organization = "com.lihaoyi",
        description = "hello js world ready for real world publishing",
        url = "",
        licenses = Seq(
          License("Apache License, Version 2.0",
        scm = SCM(
        developers =
          Seq(Developer("lihaoyi", "Li Haoyi", ""))

    object buildUTest extends Cross[BuildModuleUtest](matrix:_*)
    class BuildModuleUtest(crossScalaVersion: String, sjsVersion0: String)
      extends BuildModule(crossScalaVersion, sjsVersion0) {
      object test extends super.Tests {
        override def sources = T.sources{ millSourcePath / 'src / 'utest }
        def testFramework: T[String] = "utest.runner.Framework"
        override def ivyDeps = Agg(

    object buildScalaTest extends Cross[BuildModuleScalaTest](matrix:_*)
    class BuildModuleScalaTest(crossScalaVersion: String, sjsVersion0: String)
      extends BuildModule(crossScalaVersion, sjsVersion0) {
      object test extends super.Tests {
        override def sources = T.sources{ millSourcePath / 'src / 'scalatest }
        def testFramework: T[String] = ""
        override def ivyDeps = Agg(

  val millSourcePath = pwd / 'scalajslib / 'test / 'resources / "hello-js-world"

  val helloWorldEvaluator = TestEvaluator.static(HelloJSWorld)

  val mainObject = helloWorldEvaluator.outPath / 'src / "Main.scala"

  class Console {
    val out = new StringWriter()
    def log(s: String): Unit = out.append(s)

  def runJS(path: Path): String = {
    val engineManager = new ScriptEngineManager(null)
    val engine = engineManager.getEngineByName("nashorn")
    val console = new Console
    val bindings = engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE)
    bindings.put("console", console)
    engine.eval(new FileReader(path.toIO))

  def tests: Tests = Tests {
    'compile - {
      def testCompileFromScratch(scalaVersion: String,
                          scalaJSVersion: String): Unit = {
        val Right((result, evalCount)) =
          helloWorldEvaluator(HelloJSWorld.helloJsWorld(scalaVersion, scalaJSVersion).compile)

        val outPath = result.classes.path
        val outputFiles = ls.rec(outPath)
        val expectedClassfiles = compileClassfiles(outPath)
          outputFiles.toSet == expectedClassfiles,
          evalCount > 0

        // don't recompile if nothing changed
        val Right((_, unchangedEvalCount)) =
          helloWorldEvaluator(HelloJSWorld.helloJsWorld(scalaVersion, scalaJSVersion).compile)
        assert(unchangedEvalCount == 0)

      'fromScratch_2124_0621 - testCompileFromScratch("2.12.4", "0.6.22")
      'fromScratch_2123_0621 - testCompileFromScratch("2.12.3", "0.6.22")
      'fromScratch_2118_0621 - testCompileFromScratch("2.11.8", "0.6.22")
      'fromScratch_2124_100M2 - testCompileFromScratch("2.12.4", "1.0.0-M2")

    def testRun(scalaVersion: String,
                scalaJSVersion: String,
                mode: OptimizeMode): Unit = {
      val task = mode match {
        case FullOpt => HelloJSWorld.helloJsWorld(scalaVersion, scalaJSVersion).fullOpt
        case FastOpt => HelloJSWorld.helloJsWorld(scalaVersion, scalaJSVersion).fastOpt
      val Right((result, evalCount)) = helloWorldEvaluator(task)
      val output = runJS(result.path)
      assert(output == "Hello Scala.js")

    'fullOpt - {
      'run_2124_0621 - testRun("2.12.4", "0.6.22", FullOpt)
      'run_2123_0621 - testRun("2.12.3", "0.6.22", FullOpt)
      'run_2118_0621 - testRun("2.11.8", "0.6.22", FullOpt)
      'run_2124_100M2 - testRun("2.12.4", "1.0.0-M2", FullOpt)
    'fastOpt - {
      'run_2124_0621 - testRun("2.12.4", "0.6.22", FastOpt)
      'run_2123_0621 - testRun("2.12.3", "0.6.22", FastOpt)
      'run_2118_0621 - testRun("2.11.8", "0.6.22", FastOpt)
      'run_2124_100M2 - testRun("2.12.4", "1.0.0-M2", FastOpt)
    'jar - {
      'containsSJSIRs - {
        val Right((result, evalCount)) = helloWorldEvaluator(HelloJSWorld.helloJsWorld("2.12.4", "0.6.22").jar)
        val jar = result.path
        val entries = new JarFile(jar.toIO).entries()
    'publish - {
      def testArtifactId(scalaVersion: String,
                         scalaJSVersion: String,
                         artifactId: String): Unit = {
        val Right((result, evalCount)) = helloWorldEvaluator(HelloJSWorld.helloJsWorld(scalaVersion, scalaJSVersion).artifact)
        assert( == artifactId)
      'artifactId_0621 - testArtifactId("2.12.4", "0.6.22", "hello-js-world_sjs0.6_2.12")
      'artifactId_100M2 - testArtifactId("2.12.4", "1.0.0-M2", "hello-js-world_sjs1.0.0-M2_2.12")
    'test - {
      def runTests(testTask: define.Command[(String, Seq[TestRunner.Result])]): Map[String, Map[String, TestRunner.Result]] = {
        val Right(((_, testResults), evalCount)) = helloWorldEvaluator(testTask)

        assert(evalCount > 0)

          .mapValues( => e.selector -> e).toMap)

      def checkUtest(scalaVersion: String, scalaJSVersion: String) = {
        val resultMap = runTests(HelloJSWorld.buildUTest(scalaVersion, scalaJSVersion).test.test())

        val mainTests = resultMap("MainTests")
        val argParserTests = resultMap("ArgsParserTests")

          mainTests.size == 2,
          mainTests("MainTests.vmName.containJs").status == "Success",
          mainTests("MainTests.vmName.containScala").status == "Success",

          argParserTests.size == 2,
          argParserTests("").status == "Success",
          argParserTests("ArgsParserTests.two").status == "Failure"

      def checkScalaTest(scalaVersion: String, scalaJSVersion: String) = {
        val resultMap = runTests(HelloJSWorld.buildScalaTest(scalaVersion, scalaJSVersion).test.test())

        val mainSpec = resultMap("MainSpec")
        val argParserSpec = resultMap("ArgsParserSpec")

          mainSpec.size == 2,
          mainSpec("vmName should contain js").status == "Success",
          mainSpec("vmName should contain Scala").status == "Success",

          argParserSpec.size == 2,
          argParserSpec("parse should one").status == "Success",
          argParserSpec("parse should two").status == "Failure"

      'utest_2118_0621 - checkUtest("2.11.8", "0.6.22")
      'utest_2124_0621 - checkUtest("2.12.4", "0.6.22")
      'utest_2118_100M2 - checkUtest("2.11.8", "1.0.0-M2")
      'utest_2124_100M2 - checkUtest("2.12.4", "1.0.0-M2")

      'scalaTest_2118_0621 - checkScalaTest("2.11.8", "0.6.22")
      'scalaTest_2124_0621 - checkScalaTest("2.12.4", "0.6.22")
//      No scalatest artifact for scala.js 1.0.0-M2 published yet
//      'scalaTest_2118_100M2 - checkScalaTest("2.11.8", "1.0.0-M2")
//      'scalaTest_2124_100M2 - checkScalaTest("2.12.4", "1.0.0-M2")

  def compileClassfiles(parentDir: Path) = Set(
    parentDir / "ArgsParser$.class",
    parentDir / "ArgsParser$.sjsir",
    parentDir / "ArgsParser.class",
    parentDir / "Main.class",
    parentDir / "Main$.class",
    parentDir / "Main$delayedInit$body.class",
    parentDir / "Main$.sjsir",
    parentDir / "Main$delayedInit$body.sjsir"

  def prepareWorkspace(): Unit = {
    mkdir(workspacePath / up)
    cp(millSourcePath, workspacePath)
