diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2017-10-17 06:03:36 -0700
committerLi Haoyi <>2017-10-17 06:11:28 -0700
commitaa5eb186c044e0c00d512e0c009e9d519a753e0c (patch)
parentdef1d68ebacc38cc93f4de83f5ed08ee6014d806 (diff)
Include Tarjan's algorithm, for doing a topological sort which elegantly handles cycles
4 files changed, 197 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index 6d412fc5..7478db4f 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ name := "hbt"
organization := "com.lihaoyi"
+libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" %% "utest" % "0.5.4" % "test"
+testFrameworks += new TestFramework("utest.runner.Framework")
libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" %% "sourcecode" % "0.1.4"
diff --git a/src/main/scala/hbt/Main.scala b/src/main/scala/hbt/Main.scala
index fb86cecf..b4b5757c 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/hbt/Main.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/hbt/Main.scala
@@ -6,8 +6,18 @@ import java.nio.{file => jnio}
import java.util.jar.JarEntry
import sourcecode.Enclosing
+class Args(val args: IndexedSeq[_]){
+ def length = args.length
+ def apply[T](index: Int): T = {
+ if (index >= 0 && index < args.length) args(index).asInstanceOf[T]
+ else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Index $index outside of range 0 - ${args.length}")
+ }
sealed trait Target[T]{
- def label: String
+ val label: String
+ def evaluate(args: Args): T
+ val inputs: Seq[Target[_]]
def map[V](f: T => V)(implicit path: Enclosing) = {
Target.Mapped(this, f, path.value)
@@ -25,21 +35,36 @@ object Target{
def traverse[T](source: Seq[Target[T]])(implicit path: Enclosing) = {
Traverse(source, path.value)
- case class Traverse[T](source: Seq[Target[T]], label: String) extends Target[Seq[T]]
+ case class Traverse[T](inputs: Seq[Target[T]], label: String) extends Target[Seq[T]]{
+ def evaluate(args: Args) = {
+ for (i <- 0 until args.length)
+ yield args(i)
+ }
+ }
case class Mapped[T, V](source: Target[T], f: T => V,
- label: String) extends Target[V]
- case class Zipped[T, V](source: Target[T],
+ label: String) extends Target[V]{
+ def evaluate(args: Args) = f(args(0))
+ val inputs = List(source)
+ }
+ case class Zipped[T, V](source1: Target[T],
source2: Target[V],
- label: String) extends Target[(T, V)]
- case class Path(path: jnio.Path, label: String) extends Target[jnio.Path]
- case class Command(inputs: Seq[Target[jnio.Path]],
- output: Seq[Target[jnio.Path]],
- label: String) extends Target[Command.Result]
- object Command{
- case class Result(stdout: String,
- stderr: String,
- writtenFiles: Seq[jnio.Path])
+ label: String) extends Target[(T, V)]{
+ def evaluate(args: Args) = (args(0), args(0))
+ val inputs = List(source1, source1)
+ }
+ case class Path(path: jnio.Path, label: String) extends Target[jnio.Path]{
+ def evaluate(args: Args) = path
+ val inputs = Nil
+// case class Command(inputs: Seq[Target[jnio.Path]],
+// output: Seq[Target[jnio.Path]],
+// label: String) extends Target[Command.Result]
+// object Command{
+// case class Result(stdout: String,
+// stderr: String,
+// writtenFiles: Seq[jnio.Path])
+// }
object Main{
def compileAll(sources: Target[Seq[jnio.Path]])
@@ -87,4 +112,10 @@ object Main{
val classFiles = compileAll(allSources)
val jar = jarUp(resourceRoot, classFiles)
+ def evaluateTargetGraph[T](t: Target[T]): T = {
+ ???
+// val evaluated = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Target[_], Any]
+// val forwardEdges
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/scala/hbt/Tarjans.scala b/src/main/scala/hbt/Tarjans.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc95b02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/hbt/Tarjans.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+package hbt
+import collection.mutable
+// Adapted from
+object Tarjans {
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ val components = Tarjans(
+ Vector(
+ Vector(1),
+ Vector(0),
+ Vector(0, 1)
+ )
+ )
+ println(components)
+ }
+ def apply(graph0: Seq[Seq[Int]]): Seq[Seq[Int]] = {
+ val graph =
+ val n = graph.length
+ val visited = new Array[Boolean](n)
+ val stack = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Integer]
+ var time = 0
+ val lowlink = new Array[Int](n)
+ val components = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Seq[Int]]
+ for (u <- 0 until n) {
+ if (!visited(u)) dfs(u)
+ }
+ def dfs(u: Int): Unit = {
+ lowlink(u) = time
+ time += 1
+ visited(u) = true
+ stack.append(u)
+ var isComponentRoot = true
+ for (v <- graph(u)) {
+ if (!visited(v)) dfs(v)
+ if (lowlink(u) > lowlink(v)) {
+ lowlink(u) = lowlink(v)
+ isComponentRoot = false
+ }
+ }
+ if (isComponentRoot) {
+ val component = mutable.Buffer.empty[Int]
+ var done = false
+ while (!done) {
+ val x = stack.last
+ stack.remove(stack.length - 1)
+ component.append(x)
+ lowlink(x) = Integer.MAX_VALUE
+ if (x == u) done = true
+ }
+ components.append(component)
+ }
+ }
+ components
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/scala/hbt/TarjanTests.scala b/src/test/scala/hbt/TarjanTests.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48314cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/hbt/TarjanTests.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package hbt
+import utest._
+object TarjanTests extends TestSuite{
+ def check(input: Seq[Seq[Int]], expected: Seq[Seq[Int]]) = {
+ val result = Tarjans(input).map(_.sorted)
+ val sortedExpected =
+ assert(result == sortedExpected)
+ }
+ val tests = Tests{
+ //
+ 'empty - check(Seq(), Seq())
+ // (0)
+ 'singleton - check(Seq(Seq()), Seq(Seq(0)))
+ // (0)-.
+ // ^._/
+ 'selfCycle - check(Seq(Seq(0)), Seq(Seq(0)))
+ // (0) <-> (1)
+ 'simpleCycle- check(Seq(Seq(1), Seq(0)), Seq(Seq(1, 0)))
+ // (0) (1) (2)
+ 'multipleSingletons - check(
+ Seq(Seq(), Seq(), Seq()),
+ Seq(Seq(0), Seq(1), Seq(2))
+ )
+ // (0) -> (1) -> (2)
+ 'straightLineNoCycles- check(
+ Seq(Seq(1), Seq(2), Seq()),
+ Seq(Seq(2), Seq(1), Seq(0))
+ )
+ // (0) <- (1) <- (2)
+ 'straightLineNoCyclesReversed- check(
+ Seq(Seq(), Seq(0), Seq(1)),
+ Seq(Seq(0), Seq(1), Seq(2))
+ )
+ // (0) <-> (1) (2) -> (3) -> (4)
+ // ^.____________/
+ 'independentSimpleCycles - check(
+ Seq(Seq(1), Seq(0), Seq(3), Seq(4), Seq(2)),
+ Seq(Seq(1, 0), Seq(4, 3, 2))
+ )
+ // ___________________
+ // v \
+ // (0) <-> (1) (2) -> (3) -> (4)
+ // ^.____________/
+ 'independentLinkedCycles - check(
+ Seq(Seq(1), Seq(0), Seq(3), Seq(4), Seq(2, 1)),
+ Seq(Seq(1, 0), Seq(4, 3, 2))
+ )
+ // _____________
+ // / v
+ // (0) <-> (1) (2) -> (3) -> (4)
+ // ^.____________/
+ 'independentLinkedCycles2 - check(
+ Seq(Seq(1, 2), Seq(0), Seq(3), Seq(4), Seq(2)),
+ Seq(Seq(4, 3, 2), Seq(1, 0))
+ )
+ // _____________
+ // / v
+ // (0) <-> (1) (2) -> (3) -> (4)
+ // ^. ^.____________/
+ // \________________/
+ 'combinedCycles - check(
+ Seq(Seq(1, 2), Seq(0), Seq(3), Seq(4), Seq(2, 1)),
+ Seq(Seq(4, 3, 2, 1, 0))
+ )
+ //
+ // (0) <-> (1) <- (2) <- (3) <-> (4) <- (5)
+ // ^.____________/ / /
+ // / /
+ // (6) <- (7) <-/ (8) <-'
+ // / /
+ // v /
+ // (9) <--------'
+ 'combinedCycles - check(
+ Seq(Seq(1), Seq(0), Seq(0, 1), Seq(2, 4, 7, 9), Seq(3), Seq(4, 8), Seq(9), Seq(6), Seq(), Seq()),
+ Seq(Seq(0, 1), Seq(2), Seq(9), Seq(6), Seq(7), Seq(3, 4), Seq(8), Seq(5))
+ )
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file