path: root/main/core/src/util
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2018-12-12 16:56:02 -0800
committerGitHub <>2018-12-12 16:56:02 -0800
commit9ba4cb69331386dfde9bac69dc2d5b22401face3 (patch)
tree120349e8015ae5717d36bd44209cde6ff9543518 /main/core/src/util
parentea7fceb6e56f53bde3517586dfc57e10a605a524 (diff)
collapse boilerplate folder structure within src/ folders (#505)
* collapse boilerplate folder structure within src/ folders * .
Diffstat (limited to 'main/core/src/util')
11 files changed, 1342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/AggWrapper.scala b/main/core/src/util/AggWrapper.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c107875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/AggWrapper.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+package mill.util
+import scala.collection.mutable
+object Strict extends AggWrapper(true)
+object Loose extends AggWrapper(false)
+sealed class AggWrapper(strictUniqueness: Boolean){
+ /**
+ * A collection with enforced uniqueness, fast contains and deterministic
+ * ordering. Raises an exception if a duplicate is found; call
+ * `toSeq.distinct` if you explicitly want to make it swallow duplicates
+ */
+ trait Agg[V] extends TraversableOnce[V]{
+ def contains(v: V): Boolean
+ def items: Iterator[V]
+ def indexed: IndexedSeq[V]
+ def flatMap[T](f: V => TraversableOnce[T]): Agg[T]
+ def map[T](f: V => T): Agg[T]
+ def filter(f: V => Boolean): Agg[V]
+ def withFilter(f: V => Boolean): Agg[V]
+ def collect[T](f: PartialFunction[V, T]): Agg[T]
+ def zipWithIndex: Agg[(V, Int)]
+ def reverse: Agg[V]
+ def zip[T](other: Agg[T]): Agg[(V, T)]
+ def ++[T >: V](other: TraversableOnce[T]): Agg[T]
+ def length: Int
+ }
+ object Agg{
+ def empty[V]: Agg[V] = new Agg.Mutable[V]
+ implicit def jsonFormat[T: upickle.default.ReadWriter]: upickle.default.ReadWriter[Agg[T]] =
+ upickle.default.readwriter[Seq[T]].bimap[Agg[T]](
+ _.toList,
+ Agg.from(_)
+ )
+ def apply[V](items: V*) = from(items)
+ implicit def from[V](items: TraversableOnce[V]): Agg[V] = {
+ val set = new Agg.Mutable[V]()
+ items.foreach(set.append)
+ set
+ }
+ class Mutable[V]() extends Agg[V]{
+ private[this] val set0 = mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty[V]
+ def contains(v: V) = set0.contains(v)
+ def append(v: V) = if (!contains(v)){
+ set0.add(v)
+ }else if (strictUniqueness){
+ throw new Exception("Duplicated item inserted into OrderedSet: " + v)
+ }
+ def appendAll(vs: Seq[V]) = vs.foreach(append)
+ def items = set0.iterator
+ def indexed: IndexedSeq[V] = items.toIndexedSeq
+ def set: collection.Set[V] = set0
+ def map[T](f: V => T): Agg[T] = {
+ val output = new Agg.Mutable[T]
+ for(i <- items) output.append(f(i))
+ output
+ }
+ def flatMap[T](f: V => TraversableOnce[T]): Agg[T] = {
+ val output = new Agg.Mutable[T]
+ for(i <- items) for(i0 <- f(i)) output.append(i0)
+ output
+ }
+ def filter(f: V => Boolean): Agg[V] = {
+ val output = new Agg.Mutable[V]
+ for(i <- items) if (f(i)) output.append(i)
+ output
+ }
+ def withFilter(f: V => Boolean): Agg[V] = filter(f)
+ def collect[T](f: PartialFunction[V, T]) = this.filter(f.isDefinedAt).map(x => f(x))
+ def zipWithIndex = {
+ var i = 0
+{ x =>
+ i += 1
+ (x, i-1)
+ }
+ }
+ def reverse = Agg.from(indexed.reverseIterator)
+ def zip[T](other: Agg[T]) = Agg.from(
+ def ++[T >: V](other: TraversableOnce[T]) = Agg.from(items ++ other)
+ def length: Int = set0.size
+ // Members declared in scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce
+ def isTraversableAgain: Boolean = items.isTraversableAgain
+ def toIterator: Iterator[V] = items.toIterator
+ def toStream: Stream[V] = items.toStream
+ // Members declared in scala.collection.TraversableOnce
+ def copyToArray[B >: V](xs: Array[B], start: Int,len: Int): Unit = items.copyToArray(xs, start, len)
+ def exists(p: V => Boolean): Boolean = items.exists(p)
+ def find(p: V => Boolean): Option[V] = items.find(p)
+ def forall(p: V => Boolean): Boolean = items.forall(p)
+ def foreach[U](f: V => U): Unit = items.foreach(f)
+ def hasDefiniteSize: Boolean = items.hasDefiniteSize
+ def isEmpty: Boolean = items.isEmpty
+ def seq: scala.collection.TraversableOnce[V] = items
+ def toTraversable: Traversable[V] = items.toTraversable
+ override def hashCode() =
+ override def equals(other: Any) = other match{
+ case s: Agg[_] => items.sameElements(s.items)
+ case _ => super.equals(other)
+ }
+ override def toString = items.mkString("Agg(", ", ", ")")
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/EitherOps.scala b/main/core/src/util/EitherOps.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da2552c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/EitherOps.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package mill.util
+import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.language.higherKinds
+object EitherOps {
+ // implementation similar to scala.concurrent.Future#sequence
+ def sequence[A, B, M[X] <: TraversableOnce[X]](in: M[Either[A, B]])(
+ implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[M[Either[A, B]], B, M[B]]): Either[A, M[B]] = {
+ in.foldLeft[Either[A, mutable.Builder[B, M[B]]]](Right(cbf(in))) {
+ case (acc, el) =>
+ for (a <- acc; e <- el) yield a += e
+ }
+ .map(_.result())
+ }
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/EnclosingClass.scala b/main/core/src/util/EnclosingClass.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a69cc525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/EnclosingClass.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package mill.util
+import sourcecode.Compat.Context
+import language.experimental.macros
+case class EnclosingClass(value: Class[_])
+object EnclosingClass{
+ def apply()(implicit c: EnclosingClass) = c.value
+ implicit def generate: EnclosingClass = macro impl
+ def impl(c: Context): c.Tree = {
+ import c.universe._
+ val cls = c.internal.enclosingOwner.owner.asType.asClass
+ // q"new _root_.mill.define.EnclosingClass(classOf[$cls])"
+ q"new _root_.mill.util.EnclosingClass(this.getClass)"
+ }
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/JsonFormatters.scala b/main/core/src/util/JsonFormatters.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..830782c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/JsonFormatters.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package mill.util
+import upickle.default.{ReadWriter => RW}
+trait JsonFormatters extends mill.api.JsonFormatters{
+ implicit lazy val modFormat: RW[coursier.Module] = upickle.default.macroRW
+ implicit lazy val depFormat: RW[coursier.Dependency]= upickle.default.macroRW
+ implicit lazy val attrFormat: RW[coursier.Attributes] = upickle.default.macroRW
+object JsonFormatters extends JsonFormatters
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/Loggers.scala b/main/core/src/util/Loggers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aab1a324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/Loggers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+package mill.util
+import mill.api.Logger
+object DummyLogger extends Logger {
+ def colored = false
+ object errorStream extends PrintStream(_ => ())
+ object outputStream extends PrintStream(_ => ())
+ val inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(Array())
+ def info(s: String) = ()
+ def error(s: String) = ()
+ def ticker(s: String) = ()
+ def debug(s: String) = ()
+class CallbackStream(wrapped: OutputStream,
+ setPrintState0: PrintState => Unit) extends OutputStream{
+ def setPrintState(c: Char) = {
+ setPrintState0(
+ c match{
+ case '\n' => PrintState.Newline
+ case '\r' => PrintState.Newline
+ case _ => PrintState.Middle
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
+ if (b.nonEmpty) setPrintState(b(b.length-1).toChar)
+ wrapped.write(b)
+ }
+ override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = {
+ if (len != 0) setPrintState(b(off+len-1).toChar)
+ wrapped.write(b, off, len)
+ }
+ def write(b: Int) = {
+ setPrintState(b.toChar)
+ wrapped.write(b)
+ }
+sealed trait PrintState
+object PrintState{
+ case object Ticker extends PrintState
+ case object Newline extends PrintState
+ case object Middle extends PrintState
+case class PrintLogger(
+ colored: Boolean,
+ disableTicker: Boolean,
+ colors: ammonite.util.Colors,
+ outStream: PrintStream,
+ infoStream: PrintStream,
+ errStream: PrintStream,
+ inStream: InputStream,
+ debugEnabled: Boolean
+ ) extends Logger {
+ var printState: PrintState = PrintState.Newline
+ override val errorStream = new PrintStream(new CallbackStream(errStream, printState = _))
+ override val outputStream = new PrintStream(new CallbackStream(outStream, printState = _))
+ def info(s: String) = {
+ printState = PrintState.Newline
+ infoStream.println(
+ }
+ def error(s: String) = {
+ printState = PrintState.Newline
+ errStream.println(colors.error()(s))
+ }
+ def ticker(s: String) = {
+ if(!disableTicker) {
+ printState match{
+ case PrintState.Newline =>
+ infoStream.println(
+ case PrintState.Middle =>
+ infoStream.println()
+ infoStream.println(
+ case PrintState.Ticker =>
+ val p = new PrintWriter(infoStream)
+ val nav = new ammonite.terminal.AnsiNav(p)
+ nav.up(1)
+ nav.clearLine(2)
+ nav.left(9999)
+ p.flush()
+ infoStream.println(
+ }
+ printState = PrintState.Ticker
+ }
+ }
+ def debug(s: String) = if (debugEnabled) {
+ printState = PrintState.Newline
+ errStream.println(s)
+ }
+case class FileLogger(colored: Boolean, file: os.Path, debugEnabled: Boolean) extends Logger {
+ private[this] var outputStreamUsed: Boolean = false
+ lazy val outputStream = {
+ if (!outputStreamUsed) os.remove.all(file)
+ outputStreamUsed = true
+ new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file.toIO.getAbsolutePath))
+ }
+ lazy val errorStream = {
+ if (!outputStreamUsed) os.remove.all(file)
+ outputStreamUsed = true
+ new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file.toIO.getAbsolutePath))
+ }
+ def info(s: String) = outputStream.println(s)
+ def error(s: String) = outputStream.println(s)
+ def ticker(s: String) = outputStream.println(s)
+ def debug(s: String) = if (debugEnabled) outputStream.println(s)
+ val inStream: InputStream = mill.api.DummyInputStream
+ override def close() = {
+ if (outputStreamUsed)
+ outputStream.close()
+ }
+class MultiStream(stream1: OutputStream, stream2: OutputStream) extends PrintStream(new OutputStream {
+ def write(b: Int): Unit = {
+ stream1.write(b)
+ stream2.write(b)
+ }
+ override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
+ stream1.write(b)
+ stream2.write(b)
+ }
+ override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int) = {
+ stream1.write(b, off, len)
+ stream2.write(b, off, len)
+ }
+ override def flush() = {
+ stream1.flush()
+ stream2.flush()
+ }
+ override def close() = {
+ stream1.close()
+ stream2.close()
+ }
+case class MultiLogger(colored: Boolean, logger1: Logger, logger2: Logger) extends Logger {
+ lazy val outputStream: PrintStream = new MultiStream(logger1.outputStream, logger2.outputStream)
+ lazy val errorStream: PrintStream = new MultiStream(logger1.errorStream, logger2.errorStream)
+ lazy val inStream = Seq(logger1, logger2).collectFirst{case t: PrintLogger => t} match{
+ case Some(x) => x.inStream
+ case None => new ByteArrayInputStream(Array())
+ }
+ def info(s: String) = {
+ }
+ def error(s: String) = {
+ logger1.error(s)
+ logger2.error(s)
+ }
+ def ticker(s: String) = {
+ logger1.ticker(s)
+ logger2.ticker(s)
+ }
+ def debug(s: String) = {
+ logger1.debug(s)
+ logger2.debug(s)
+ }
+ override def close() = {
+ logger1.close()
+ logger2.close()
+ }
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/MultiBiMap.scala b/main/core/src/util/MultiBiMap.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73bb42c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/MultiBiMap.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package mill.util
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import Strict.Agg
+ * A map from keys to collections of values: you can assign multiple values
+ * to any particular key. Also allows lookups in both directions: what values
+ * are assigned to a key or what key a value is assigned to.
+ */
+trait MultiBiMap[K, V]{
+ def containsValue(v: V): Boolean
+ def lookupKey(k: K): Agg[V]
+ def lookupValue(v: V): K
+ def lookupValueOpt(v: V): Option[K]
+ def add(k: K, v: V): Unit
+ def removeAll(k: K): Agg[V]
+ def addAll(k: K, vs: TraversableOnce[V]): Unit
+ def keys(): Iterator[K]
+ def items(): Iterator[(K, Agg[V])]
+ def values(): Iterator[Agg[V]]
+ def keyCount: Int
+object MultiBiMap{
+ class Mutable[K, V]() extends MultiBiMap[K, V]{
+ private[this] val valueToKey = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[V, K]
+ private[this] val keyToValues = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[K, Agg.Mutable[V]]
+ def containsValue(v: V) = valueToKey.contains(v)
+ def lookupKey(k: K) = keyToValues(k)
+ def lookupKeyOpt(k: K) = keyToValues.get(k)
+ def lookupValue(v: V) = valueToKey(v)
+ def lookupValueOpt(v: V) = valueToKey.get(v)
+ def add(k: K, v: V): Unit = {
+ valueToKey(v) = k
+ keyToValues.getOrElseUpdate(k, new Agg.Mutable[V]()).append(v)
+ }
+ def removeAll(k: K): Agg[V] = keyToValues.get(k) match {
+ case None => Agg()
+ case Some(vs) =>
+ vs.foreach(valueToKey.remove)
+ keyToValues.remove(k)
+ vs
+ }
+ def addAll(k: K, vs: TraversableOnce[V]): Unit = vs.foreach(this.add(k, _))
+ def keys() = keyToValues.keysIterator
+ def values() = keyToValues.valuesIterator
+ def items() = keyToValues.iterator
+ def keyCount = keyToValues.size
+ }
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/ParseArgs.scala b/main/core/src/util/ParseArgs.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc1a8ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/ParseArgs.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+package mill.util
+import fastparse._, NoWhitespace._
+import mill.define.{Segment, Segments}
+object ParseArgs {
+ def apply(scriptArgs: Seq[String],
+ multiSelect: Boolean): Either[String, (List[(Option[Segments], Segments)], Seq[String])] = {
+ val (selectors, args) = extractSelsAndArgs(scriptArgs, multiSelect)
+ for {
+ _ <- validateSelectors(selectors)
+ expandedSelectors <- EitherOps
+ .sequence(
+ .map(_.flatten)
+ selectors <- EitherOps.sequence(
+ } yield (selectors.toList, args)
+ }
+ def extractSelsAndArgs(scriptArgs: Seq[String],
+ multiSelect: Boolean): (Seq[String], Seq[String]) = {
+ if (multiSelect) {
+ val dd = scriptArgs.indexOf("--")
+ val selectors = if (dd == -1) scriptArgs else scriptArgs.take(dd)
+ val args = if (dd == -1) Seq.empty else scriptArgs.drop(dd + 1)
+ (selectors, args)
+ } else {
+ (scriptArgs.take(1), scriptArgs.drop(1))
+ }
+ }
+ private def validateSelectors(selectors: Seq[String]): Either[String, Unit] = {
+ if (selectors.isEmpty || selectors.exists(_.isEmpty))
+ Left("Selector cannot be empty")
+ else Right(())
+ }
+ def expandBraces(selectorString: String): Either[String, List[String]] = {
+ parseBraceExpansion(selectorString) match {
+ case f: Parsed.Failure => Left(s"Parsing exception ${f.msg}")
+ case Parsed.Success(expanded, _) => Right(expanded.toList)
+ }
+ }
+ private sealed trait Fragment
+ private object Fragment {
+ case class Keep(value: String) extends Fragment
+ case class Expand(values: List[List[Fragment]]) extends Fragment
+ def unfold(fragments: List[Fragment]): Seq[String] = {
+ fragments match {
+ case head :: rest =>
+ val prefixes = head match {
+ case Keep(v) => Seq(v)
+ case Expand(Nil) => Seq("{}")
+ case Expand(List(vs)) => unfold(vs).map("{" + _ + "}")
+ case Expand(vss) => vss.flatMap(unfold)
+ }
+ for {
+ prefix <- prefixes
+ suffix <- unfold(rest)
+ } yield prefix + suffix
+ case Nil => Seq("")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private object BraceExpansionParser {
+ def plainChars[_: P] =
+ P(CharsWhile(c => c != ',' && c != '{' && c != '}')).!.map(Fragment.Keep)
+ def toExpand[_: P]: P[Fragment] =
+ P("{" ~ braceParser.rep(1).rep(sep = ",") ~ "}").map(
+ x => Fragment.Expand(
+ )
+ def braceParser[_: P] = P(toExpand | plainChars)
+ def parser[_: P] = P(braceParser.rep(1).rep(sep = ",") ~ End).map { vss =>
+ def unfold(vss: List[Seq[String]]): Seq[String] = {
+ vss match {
+ case Nil => Seq("")
+ case head :: rest =>
+ for {
+ str <- head
+ r <- unfold(rest)
+ } yield
+ r match {
+ case "" => str
+ case _ => str + "," + r
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val stringss = => Fragment.unfold(x.toList)).toList
+ unfold(stringss)
+ }
+ }
+ private def parseBraceExpansion(input: String) = {
+ parse(
+ input,
+ BraceExpansionParser.parser(_)
+ )
+ }
+ def extractSegments(selectorString: String): Either[String, (Option[Segments], Segments)] =
+ parseSelector(selectorString) match {
+ case f: Parsed.Failure => Left(s"Parsing exception ${f.msg}")
+ case Parsed.Success(selector, _) => Right(selector)
+ }
+ private def ident[_: P] = P( CharsWhileIn("a-zA-Z0-9_\\-") ).!
+ def standaloneIdent[_: P] = P(Start ~ ident ~ End )
+ def isLegalIdentifier(identifier: String): Boolean =
+ parse(identifier, standaloneIdent(_)).isInstanceOf[Parsed.Success[_]]
+ private def parseSelector(input: String) = {
+ def ident2[_: P] = P( CharsWhileIn("a-zA-Z0-9_\\-.") ).!
+ def segment[_: P] = P( ident ).map( Segment.Label)
+ def crossSegment[_: P] = P("[" ~ ident2.rep(1, sep = ",") ~ "]").map(Segment.Cross)
+ def simpleQuery[_: P] = P(segment ~ ("." ~ segment | crossSegment).rep).map {
+ case (h, rest) => Segments(h :: rest.toList:_*)
+ }
+ def query[_: P] = P( simpleQuery ~ ("/" ~/ simpleQuery).?).map{
+ case (q, None) => (None, q)
+ case (q, Some(q2)) => (Some(q), q2)
+ }
+ parse(input, query(_))
+ }
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/Router.scala b/main/core/src/util/Router.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dd3c947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/Router.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+package mill.util
+import ammonite.main.Compat
+import language.experimental.macros
+import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
+ * More or less a minimal version of Autowire's Server that lets you generate
+ * a set of "routes" from the methods defined in an object, and call them
+ * using passing in name/args/kwargs via Java reflection, without having to
+ * generate/compile code or use Scala reflection. This saves us spinning up
+ * the Scala compiler and greatly reduces the startup time of cached scripts.
+ */
+object Router{
+ /**
+ * Allows you to query how many things are overriden by the enclosing owner.
+ */
+ case class Overrides(value: Int)
+ object Overrides{
+ def apply()(implicit c: Overrides) = c.value
+ implicit def generate: Overrides = macro impl
+ def impl(c: Context): c.Tree = {
+ import c.universe._
+ q"new _root_.mill.util.Router.Overrides(${c.internal.enclosingOwner.overrides.length})"
+ }
+ }
+ class doc(s: String) extends StaticAnnotation
+ class main extends StaticAnnotation
+ def generateRoutes[T]: Seq[Router.EntryPoint[T]] = macro generateRoutesImpl[T]
+ def generateRoutesImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Seq[EntryPoint[T]]] = {
+ import c.universe._
+ val r = new Router(c)
+ val allRoutes = r.getAllRoutesForClass(
+ weakTypeOf[T].asInstanceOf[r.c.Type]
+ ).asInstanceOf[Iterable[c.Tree]]
+ c.Expr[Seq[EntryPoint[T]]](q"_root_.scala.Seq(..$allRoutes)")
+ }
+ /**
+ * Models what is known by the router about a single argument: that it has
+ * a [[name]], a human-readable [[typeString]] describing what the type is
+ * (just for logging and reading, not a replacement for a `TypeTag`) and
+ * possible a function that can compute its default value
+ */
+ case class ArgSig[T, V](name: String,
+ typeString: String,
+ doc: Option[String],
+ default: Option[T => V])
+ (implicit val reads: scopt.Read[V])
+ def stripDashes(s: String) = {
+ if (s.startsWith("--")) s.drop(2)
+ else if (s.startsWith("-")) s.drop(1)
+ else s
+ }
+ /**
+ * What is known about a single endpoint for our routes. It has a [[name]],
+ * [[argSignatures]] for each argument, and a macro-generated [[invoke0]]
+ * that performs all the necessary argument parsing and de-serialization.
+ *
+ * Realistically, you will probably spend most of your time calling [[invoke]]
+ * instead, which provides a nicer API to call it that mimmicks the API of
+ * calling a Scala method.
+ */
+ case class EntryPoint[T](name: String,
+ argSignatures: Seq[ArgSig[T, _]],
+ doc: Option[String],
+ varargs: Boolean,
+ invoke0: (T, Map[String, String], Seq[String], Seq[ArgSig[T, _]]) => Result[Any],
+ overrides: Int){
+ def invoke(target: T, groupedArgs: Seq[(String, Option[String])]): Result[Any] = {
+ var remainingArgSignatures = argSignatures.toList.filter(_.reads.arity > 0)
+ val accumulatedKeywords = mutable.Map.empty[ArgSig[T, _], mutable.Buffer[String]]
+ val keywordableArgs = if (varargs) argSignatures.dropRight(1) else argSignatures
+ for(arg <- keywordableArgs) accumulatedKeywords(arg) = mutable.Buffer.empty
+ val leftoverArgs = mutable.Buffer.empty[String]
+ val lookupArgSig = Map( => (, x)):_*)
+ var incomplete: Option[ArgSig[T, _]] = None
+ for(group <- groupedArgs){
+ group match{
+ case (value, None) =>
+ if (value(0) == '-' && !varargs){
+ lookupArgSig.get(stripDashes(value)) match{
+ case None => leftoverArgs.append(value)
+ case Some(sig) => incomplete = Some(sig)
+ }
+ } else remainingArgSignatures match {
+ case Nil => leftoverArgs.append(value)
+ case last :: Nil if varargs => leftoverArgs.append(value)
+ case next :: rest =>
+ accumulatedKeywords(next).append(value)
+ remainingArgSignatures = rest
+ }
+ case (rawKey, Some(value)) =>
+ val key = stripDashes(rawKey)
+ lookupArgSig.get(key) match{
+ case Some(x) if accumulatedKeywords.contains(x) =>
+ if (accumulatedKeywords(x).nonEmpty && varargs){
+ leftoverArgs.append(rawKey, value)
+ }else{
+ accumulatedKeywords(x).append(value)
+ remainingArgSignatures = remainingArgSignatures.filter( != key)
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ leftoverArgs.append(rawKey, value)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val missing0 = remainingArgSignatures
+ .filter(_.default.isEmpty)
+ val missing = if(varargs) {
+ missing0.filter(_ != argSignatures.last)
+ } else {
+ missing0.filter(x => incomplete != Some(x))
+ }
+ val duplicates = accumulatedKeywords.toSeq.filter(_._2.length > 1)
+ if (
+ incomplete.nonEmpty ||
+ missing.nonEmpty ||
+ duplicates.nonEmpty ||
+ (leftoverArgs.nonEmpty && !varargs)
+ ){
+ Result.Error.MismatchedArguments(
+ missing = missing,
+ unknown = leftoverArgs,
+ duplicate = duplicates,
+ incomplete = incomplete
+ )
+ } else {
+ val mapping = accumulatedKeywords
+ .iterator
+ .collect{case (k, Seq(single)) => (, single)}
+ .toMap
+ try invoke0(target, mapping, leftoverArgs, argSignatures)
+ catch{case e: Throwable =>
+ Result.Error.Exception(e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def tryEither[T](t: => T, error: Throwable => Result.ParamError) = {
+ try Right(t)
+ catch{ case e: Throwable => Left(error(e))}
+ }
+ def readVarargs(arg: ArgSig[_, _],
+ values: Seq[String],
+ thunk: String => Any) = {
+ val attempts =
+ for(item <- values)
+ yield tryEither(thunk(item), Result.ParamError.Invalid(arg, item, _))
+ val bad = attempts.collect{ case Left(x) => x}
+ if (bad.nonEmpty) Left(bad)
+ else Right(attempts.collect{case Right(x) => x})
+ }
+ def read(dict: Map[String, String],
+ default: => Option[Any],
+ arg: ArgSig[_, _],
+ thunk: String => Any): FailMaybe = {
+ arg.reads.arity match{
+ case 0 =>
+ tryEither(thunk(null), Result.ParamError.DefaultFailed(arg, _))
+ case 1 =>
+ dict.get( match{
+ case None =>
+ tryEither(default.get, Result.ParamError.DefaultFailed(arg, _))
+ case Some(x) =>
+ tryEither(thunk(x), Result.ParamError.Invalid(arg, x, _))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Represents what comes out of an attempt to invoke an [[EntryPoint]].
+ * Could succeed with a value, but could fail in many different ways.
+ */
+ sealed trait Result[+T]
+ object Result{
+ /**
+ * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] was totally successful, and returned a
+ * result
+ */
+ case class Success[T](value: T) extends Result[T]
+ /**
+ * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] was not successful
+ */
+ sealed trait Error extends Result[Nothing]
+ object Error{
+ /**
+ * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] failed with an exception while executing
+ * code within it.
+ */
+ case class Exception(t: Throwable) extends Error
+ /**
+ * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] failed because the arguments provided
+ * did not line up with the arguments expected
+ */
+ case class MismatchedArguments(missing: Seq[ArgSig[_, _]],
+ unknown: Seq[String],
+ duplicate: Seq[(ArgSig[_, _], Seq[String])],
+ incomplete: Option[ArgSig[_, _]]) extends Error
+ /**
+ * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] failed because there were problems
+ * deserializing/parsing individual arguments
+ */
+ case class InvalidArguments(values: Seq[ParamError]) extends Error
+ }
+ sealed trait ParamError
+ object ParamError{
+ /**
+ * Something went wrong trying to de-serialize the input parameter;
+ * the thrown exception is stored in [[ex]]
+ */
+ case class Invalid(arg: ArgSig[_, _], value: String, ex: Throwable) extends ParamError
+ /**
+ * Something went wrong trying to evaluate the default value
+ * for this input parameter
+ */
+ case class DefaultFailed(arg: ArgSig[_, _], ex: Throwable) extends ParamError
+ }
+ }
+ type FailMaybe = Either[Seq[Result.ParamError], Any]
+ type FailAll = Either[Seq[Result.ParamError], Seq[Any]]
+ def validate(args: Seq[FailMaybe]): Result[Seq[Any]] = {
+ val lefts = args.collect{case Left(x) => x}.flatten
+ if (lefts.nonEmpty) Result.Error.InvalidArguments(lefts)
+ else {
+ val rights = args.collect{case Right(x) => x}
+ Result.Success(rights)
+ }
+ }
+ def makeReadCall(dict: Map[String, String],
+ default: => Option[Any],
+ arg: ArgSig[_, _]) = {
+ read(dict, default, arg, arg.reads.reads(_))
+ }
+ def makeReadVarargsCall(arg: ArgSig[_, _], values: Seq[String]) = {
+ readVarargs(arg, values, arg.reads.reads(_))
+ }
+class Router [C <: Context](val c: C) {
+ import c.universe._
+ def getValsOrMeths(curCls: Type): Iterable[MethodSymbol] = {
+ def isAMemberOfAnyRef(member: Symbol) = {
+ // AnyRef is an alias symbol, we go to the real "owner" of these methods
+ val anyRefSym = c.mirror.universe.definitions.ObjectClass
+ member.owner == anyRefSym
+ }
+ val extractableMembers = for {
+ member <- curCls.members.toList.reverse
+ if !isAMemberOfAnyRef(member)
+ if !member.isSynthetic
+ if member.isPublic
+ if member.isTerm
+ memTerm = member.asTerm
+ if memTerm.isMethod
+ if !memTerm.isModule
+ } yield memTerm.asMethod
+ extractableMembers flatMap { case memTerm =>
+ if (memTerm.isSetter || memTerm.isConstructor || memTerm.isGetter) Nil
+ else Seq(memTerm)
+ }
+ }
+ def extractMethod(meth: MethodSymbol, curCls: c.universe.Type): c.universe.Tree = {
+ val baseArgSym = TermName(c.freshName())
+ val flattenedArgLists = meth.paramss.flatten
+ def hasDefault(i: Int) = {
+ val defaultName = s"${}$$default$$${i + 1}"
+ if (curCls.members.exists( == defaultName)) Some(defaultName)
+ else None
+ }
+ val argListSymbol = q"${c.fresh[TermName]("argsList")}"
+ val extrasSymbol = q"${c.fresh[TermName]("extras")}"
+ val defaults = for ((arg, i) <- flattenedArgLists.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val arg = TermName(c.freshName())
+ hasDefault(i).map(defaultName => q"($arg: $curCls) => $arg.${newTermName(defaultName)}")
+ }
+ def getDocAnnotation(annotations: List[Annotation]) = {
+ val (docTrees, remaining) = annotations.partition(_.tpe =:= typeOf[Router.doc])
+ val docValues = for {
+ doc <- docTrees
+ if doc.scalaArgs.head.isInstanceOf[Literal]
+ l = doc.scalaArgs.head.asInstanceOf[Literal]
+ if l.value.value.isInstanceOf[String]
+ } yield l.value.value.asInstanceOf[String]
+ (remaining, docValues.headOption)
+ }
+ def unwrapVarargType(arg: Symbol) = {
+ val vararg = arg.typeSignature.typeSymbol == definitions.RepeatedParamClass
+ val unwrappedType =
+ if (!vararg) arg.typeSignature
+ else arg.typeSignature.asInstanceOf[TypeRef].args(0)
+ (vararg, unwrappedType)
+ }
+ val argSigSymbol = q"${c.fresh[TermName]("argSigs")}"
+ val (_, methodDoc) = getDocAnnotation(meth.annotations)
+ val readArgSigs = for(
+ ((arg, defaultOpt), i) <-
+ ) yield {
+ val (vararg, varargUnwrappedType) = unwrapVarargType(arg)
+ val default =
+ if (vararg) q"scala.Some(scala.Nil)"
+ else defaultOpt match {
+ case Some(defaultExpr) => q"scala.Some($defaultExpr($baseArgSym))"
+ case None => q"scala.None"
+ }
+ val (docUnwrappedType, docOpt) = varargUnwrappedType match{
+ case t: AnnotatedType =>
+ val (remaining, docValue) = getDocAnnotation(t.annotations)
+ if (remaining.isEmpty) (t.underlying, docValue)
+ else (Compat.copyAnnotatedType(c)(t, remaining), docValue)
+ case t => (t, None)
+ }
+ val docTree = docOpt match{
+ case None => q"scala.None"
+ case Some(s) => q"scala.Some($s)"
+ }
+ val argSig = q"""
+ mill.util.Router.ArgSig[$curCls, $docUnwrappedType](
+ ${},
+ ${docUnwrappedType.toString + (if(vararg) "*" else "")},
+ $docTree,
+ $defaultOpt
+ )
+ """
+ val reader =
+ if(vararg) q"""
+ mill.util.Router.makeReadVarargsCall(
+ $argSigSymbol($i),
+ $extrasSymbol
+ )
+ """ else q"""
+ mill.util.Router.makeReadCall(
+ $argListSymbol,
+ $default,
+ $argSigSymbol($i)
+ )
+ """
+ c.internal.setPos(reader, meth.pos)
+ (reader, argSig, vararg)
+ }
+ val readArgs =
+ val argSigs =
+ val varargs =
+ val (argNames, argNameCasts) = { arg =>
+ val (vararg, unwrappedType) = unwrapVarargType(arg)
+ (
+ pq"${}",
+ if (!vararg) q"${}.asInstanceOf[$unwrappedType]"
+ else q"${}.asInstanceOf[Seq[$unwrappedType]]: _*"
+ )
+ }.unzip
+ val res = q"""
+ mill.util.Router.EntryPoint[$curCls](
+ ${},
+ scala.Seq(..$argSigs),
+ ${methodDoc match{
+ case None => q"scala.None"
+ case Some(s) => q"scala.Some($s)"
+ }},
+ ${varargs.contains(true)},
+ (
+ $baseArgSym: $curCls,
+ $argListSymbol: Map[String, String],
+ $extrasSymbol: Seq[String],
+ $argSigSymbol: Seq[mill.util.Router.ArgSig[$curCls, _]]
+ ) =>
+ mill.util.Router.validate(Seq(..$readArgs)) match{
+ case mill.util.Router.Result.Success(List(..$argNames)) =>
+ mill.util.Router.Result.Success(
+ $baseArgSym.${}(..$argNameCasts)
+ )
+ case x: mill.util.Router.Result.Error => x
+ },
+ ammonite.main.Router.Overrides()
+ )
+ """
+ res
+ }
+ def hasMainAnnotation(t: MethodSymbol) = {
+ t.annotations.exists(_.tpe =:= typeOf[Router.main])
+ }
+ def getAllRoutesForClass(curCls: Type,
+ pred: MethodSymbol => Boolean = hasMainAnnotation)
+ : Iterable[c.universe.Tree] = {
+ for{
+ t <- getValsOrMeths(curCls)
+ if pred(t)
+ } yield {
+ extractMethod(t, curCls)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/Scripts.scala b/main/core/src/util/Scripts.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65eb6b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/Scripts.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+package mill.util
+import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException
+import ammonite.runtime.Evaluator.AmmoniteExit
+import ammonite.util.Name.backtickWrap
+import ammonite.util.Util.CodeSource
+import ammonite.util.{Name, Res, Util}
+import fastparse.internal.Util.literalize
+import mill.util.Router.{ArgSig, EntryPoint}
+ * Logic around using Ammonite as a script-runner; invoking scripts via the
+ * macro-generated [[Router]], and pretty-printing any output or error messages
+ */
+object Scripts {
+ def groupArgs(flatArgs: List[String]): Seq[(String, Option[String])] = {
+ var keywordTokens = flatArgs
+ var scriptArgs = Vector.empty[(String, Option[String])]
+ while(keywordTokens.nonEmpty) keywordTokens match{
+ case List(head, next, rest@_*) if head.startsWith("-") =>
+ scriptArgs = scriptArgs :+ (head, Some(next))
+ keywordTokens = rest.toList
+ case List(head, rest@_*) =>
+ scriptArgs = scriptArgs :+ (head, None)
+ keywordTokens = rest.toList
+ }
+ scriptArgs
+ }
+ def runScript(wd: os.Path,
+ path: os.Path,
+ interp: ammonite.interp.Interpreter,
+ scriptArgs: Seq[(String, Option[String])] = Nil) = {
+ val (pkg, wrapper) = Util.pathToPackageWrapper(Seq(), path relativeTo wd)
+ for{
+ scriptTxt <- try Res.Success(Util.normalizeNewlines( catch{
+ case e: NoSuchFileException => Res.Failure("Script file not found: " + path)
+ }
+ processed <- interp.processModule(
+ scriptTxt,
+ CodeSource(wrapper, pkg, Seq(Name("ammonite"), Name("$file")), Some(path)),
+ autoImport = true,
+ // Not sure why we need to wrap this in a separate `$routes` object,
+ // but if we don't do it for some reason the `generateRoutes` macro
+ // does not see the annotations on the methods of the outer-wrapper.
+ // It can inspect the type and its methods fine, it's just the
+ // `methodsymbol.annotations` ends up being empty.
+ extraCode = Util.normalizeNewlines(
+ s"""
+ |val $$routesOuter = this
+ |object $$routes
+ |extends scala.Function0[scala.Seq[ammonite.main.Router.EntryPoint[$$routesOuter.type]]]{
+ | def apply() = ammonite.main.Router.generateRoutes[$$routesOuter.type]
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ ),
+ hardcoded = true
+ )
+ routeClsName <- processed.blockInfo.lastOption match{
+ case Some(meta) => Res.Success(
+ case None => Res.Skip
+ }
+ mainCls =
+ interp
+ .evalClassloader
+ .loadClass( + "$")
+ routesCls =
+ interp
+ .evalClassloader
+ .loadClass(routeClsName + "$$routes$")
+ scriptMains =
+ routesCls
+ .getField("MODULE$")
+ .get(null)
+ .asInstanceOf[() => Seq[Router.EntryPoint[Any]]]
+ .apply()
+ mainObj = mainCls.getField("MODULE$").get(null)
+ res <- Util.withContextClassloader(interp.evalClassloader){
+ scriptMains match {
+ // If there are no @main methods, there's nothing to do
+ case Seq() =>
+ if (scriptArgs.isEmpty) Res.Success(())
+ else {
+ val scriptArgString =
+ scriptArgs.flatMap{case (a, b) => Seq(a) ++ b}.map(literalize(_))
+ .mkString(" ")
+ Res.Failure("Script " + path.last + " does not take arguments: " + scriptArgString)
+ }
+ // If there's one @main method, we run it with all args
+ case Seq(main) => runMainMethod(mainObj, main, scriptArgs)
+ // If there are multiple @main methods, we use the first arg to decide
+ // which method to run, and pass the rest to that main method
+ case mainMethods =>
+ val suffix = formatMainMethods(mainObj, mainMethods)
+ scriptArgs match{
+ case Seq() =>
+ Res.Failure(
+ s"Need to specify a subcommand to call when running " + path.last + suffix
+ )
+ case Seq((head, Some(_)), tail @ _*) =>
+ Res.Failure(
+ "To select a subcommand to run, you don't need --s." + Util.newLine +
+ s"Did you mean `${head.drop(2)}` instead of `$head`?"
+ )
+ case Seq((head, None), tail @ _*) =>
+ mainMethods.find( == head) match{
+ case None =>
+ Res.Failure(
+ s"Unable to find subcommand: " + backtickWrap(head) + suffix
+ )
+ case Some(main) =>
+ runMainMethod(mainObj, main, tail)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } yield res
+ }
+ def formatMainMethods[T](base: T, mainMethods: Seq[Router.EntryPoint[T]]) = {
+ if (mainMethods.isEmpty) ""
+ else{
+ val leftColWidth = getLeftColWidth(mainMethods.flatMap(_.argSignatures))
+ val methods =
+ for(main <- mainMethods)
+ yield formatMainMethodSignature(base, main, 2, leftColWidth)
+ Util.normalizeNewlines(
+ s"""
+ |
+ |Available subcommands:
+ |
+ |${methods.mkString(Util.newLine)}""".stripMargin
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ def getLeftColWidth[T](items: Seq[ArgSig[T, _]]) = {
+ + 2) match{
+ case Nil => 0
+ case x => x.max
+ }
+ }
+ def formatMainMethodSignature[T](base: T,
+ main: Router.EntryPoint[T],
+ leftIndent: Int,
+ leftColWidth: Int) = {
+ // +2 for space on right of left col
+ val args =, _, leftColWidth + leftIndent + 2 + 2, 80))
+ val leftIndentStr = " " * leftIndent
+ val argStrings =
+ for((lhs, rhs) <- args)
+ yield {
+ val lhsPadded = lhs.padTo(leftColWidth, ' ')
+ val rhsPadded = rhs.linesIterator.mkString(Util.newLine)
+ s"$leftIndentStr $lhsPadded $rhsPadded"
+ }
+ val mainDocSuffix = main.doc match{
+ case Some(d) => Util.newLine + leftIndentStr + softWrap(d, leftIndent, 80)
+ case None => ""
+ }
+ s"""$leftIndentStr${}$mainDocSuffix
+ |${ + Util.newLine).mkString}""".stripMargin
+ }
+ def runMainMethod[T](base: T,
+ mainMethod: Router.EntryPoint[T],
+ scriptArgs: Seq[(String, Option[String])]): Res[Any] = {
+ val leftColWidth = getLeftColWidth(mainMethod.argSignatures)
+ def expectedMsg = formatMainMethodSignature(base: T, mainMethod, 0, leftColWidth)
+ def pluralize(s: String, n: Int) = {
+ if (n == 1) s else s + "s"
+ }
+ mainMethod.invoke(base, scriptArgs) match{
+ case Router.Result.Success(x) => Res.Success(x)
+ case Router.Result.Error.Exception(x: AmmoniteExit) => Res.Success(x.value)
+ case Router.Result.Error.Exception(x) => Res.Exception(x, "")
+ case Router.Result.Error.MismatchedArguments(missing, unknown, duplicate, incomplete) =>
+ val missingStr =
+ if (missing.isEmpty) ""
+ else {
+ val chunks =
+ for (x <- missing)
+ yield "--" + + ": " + x.typeString
+ val argumentsStr = pluralize("argument", chunks.length)
+ s"Missing $argumentsStr: (${chunks.mkString(", ")})" + Util.newLine
+ }
+ val unknownStr =
+ if (unknown.isEmpty) ""
+ else {
+ val argumentsStr = pluralize("argument", unknown.length)
+ s"Unknown $argumentsStr: " +" ") + Util.newLine
+ }
+ val duplicateStr =
+ if (duplicate.isEmpty) ""
+ else {
+ val lines =
+ for ((sig, options) <- duplicate)
+ yield {
+ s"Duplicate arguments for (--${}: ${sig.typeString}): " +
+" ") + Util.newLine
+ }
+ lines.mkString
+ }
+ val incompleteStr = incomplete match{
+ case None => ""
+ case Some(sig) =>
+ s"Option (--${}: ${sig.typeString}) is missing a corresponding value" +
+ Util.newLine
+ }
+ Res.Failure(
+ Util.normalizeNewlines(
+ s"""$missingStr$unknownStr$duplicateStr$incompleteStr
+ |Arguments provided did not match expected signature:
+ |
+ |$expectedMsg
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ )
+ case Router.Result.Error.InvalidArguments(x) =>
+ val argumentsStr = pluralize("argument", x.length)
+ val thingies ={
+ case Router.Result.ParamError.Invalid(p, v, ex) =>
+ val literalV = literalize(v)
+ val rendered = {renderArgShort(p)}
+ s"$rendered: ${p.typeString} = $literalV failed to parse with $ex"
+ case Router.Result.ParamError.DefaultFailed(p, ex) =>
+ s"${renderArgShort(p)}'s default value failed to evaluate with $ex"
+ }
+ Res.Failure(
+ Util.normalizeNewlines(
+ s"""The following $argumentsStr failed to parse:
+ |
+ |${thingies.mkString(Util.newLine)}
+ |
+ |expected signature:
+ |
+ |$expectedMsg
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ def softWrap(s: String, leftOffset: Int, maxWidth: Int) = {
+ val oneLine = s.linesIterator.mkString(" ").split(' ')
+ lazy val indent = " " * leftOffset
+ val output = new StringBuilder(oneLine.head)
+ var currentLineWidth = oneLine.head.length
+ for(chunk <- oneLine.tail){
+ val addedWidth = currentLineWidth + chunk.length + 1
+ if (addedWidth > maxWidth){
+ output.append(Util.newLine + indent)
+ output.append(chunk)
+ currentLineWidth = chunk.length
+ } else{
+ currentLineWidth = addedWidth
+ output.append(' ')
+ output.append(chunk)
+ }
+ }
+ output.mkString
+ }
+ def renderArgShort[T](arg: ArgSig[T, _]) = "--" + backtickWrap(
+ def renderArg[T](base: T,
+ arg: ArgSig[T, _],
+ leftOffset: Int,
+ wrappedWidth: Int): (String, String) = {
+ val suffix = arg.default match{
+ case Some(f) => " (default " + f(base) + ")"
+ case None => ""
+ }
+ val docSuffix = arg.doc match{
+ case Some(d) => ": " + d
+ case None => ""
+ }
+ val wrapped = softWrap(
+ arg.typeString + suffix + docSuffix,
+ leftOffset,
+ wrappedWidth - leftOffset
+ )
+ (renderArgShort(arg), wrapped)
+ }
+ def mainMethodDetails[T](ep: EntryPoint[T]) = {
+ ep.argSignatures.collect{
+ case ArgSig(name, tpe, Some(doc), default) =>
+ Util.newLine + name + " // " + doc
+ }.mkString
+ }
+ /**
+ * Additional [[scopt.Read]] instance to teach it how to read Ammonite paths
+ */
+ implicit def pathScoptRead: scopt.Read[os.Path] =, os.pwd))
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/Watched.scala b/main/core/src/util/Watched.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29be53c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/Watched.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package mill.util
+import mill.api.PathRef
+case class Watched[T](value: T, watched: Seq[PathRef])
+object Watched{
+ implicit def readWrite[T: upickle.default.ReadWriter] = upickle.default.macroRW[Watched[T]]
diff --git a/main/core/src/util/package.scala b/main/core/src/util/package.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec5d2efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/core/src/util/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package mill
+package object util {
+ // Backwards compat stubs
+ val Ctx = mill.api.Ctx
+ type Ctx = mill.api.Ctx