path: root/scalalib/src/main/scala
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2018-01-20 03:49:17 -0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2018-01-20 03:49:17 -0800
commitd14f56a3fd881f809e58783c49866d1491a5f3fe (patch)
tree4a9f93d3d7f69211aa444ce15837fe6e79b9db7f /scalalib/src/main/scala
parentaebd7a144fab5bdb95f6ee4f4bc170be65cd0549 (diff)
Swap over to simplified Mill module/source layout from SBT's
Removes a lot of useless folders and gives us a chance to exercise this simplified layout. Support for the SBT layout is still verified by our integration tests
Diffstat (limited to 'scalalib/src/main/scala')
17 files changed, 0 insertions, 1672 deletions
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/Dep.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/Dep.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index aa301fcb..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/Dep.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib
-import mill.util.JsonFormatters._
-import upickle.default.{macroRW, ReadWriter => RW}
-sealed trait Dep
-object Dep{
- implicit def parse(signature: String) = {
- signature.split(':') match{
- case Array(a, b, c) => Dep.Java(a, b, c)
- case Array(a, "", b, c) => Dep.Scala(a, b, c)
- case Array(a, "", "", b, c) => Dep.Point(a, b, c)
- case _ => throw new Exception(s"Unable to parse signature: [$signature]")
- }
- }
- def apply(org: String, name: String, version: String): Dep = {
- this(coursier.Dependency(coursier.Module(org, name), version))
- }
- case class Java(dep: coursier.Dependency) extends Dep
- object Java{
- implicit def rw: RW[Java] = macroRW
- def apply(org: String, name: String, version: String): Dep = {
- Java(coursier.Dependency(coursier.Module(org, name), version))
- }
- }
- implicit def default(dep: coursier.Dependency): Dep = new Java(dep)
- def apply(dep: coursier.Dependency) = Scala(dep)
- case class Scala(dep: coursier.Dependency) extends Dep
- object Scala{
- implicit def rw: RW[Scala] = macroRW
- def apply(org: String, name: String, version: String): Dep = {
- Scala(coursier.Dependency(coursier.Module(org, name), version))
- }
- }
- case class Point(dep: coursier.Dependency) extends Dep
- object Point{
- implicit def rw: RW[Point] = macroRW
- def apply(org: String, name: String, version: String): Dep = {
- Point(coursier.Dependency(coursier.Module(org, name), version))
- }
- }
- implicit def rw = RW.merge[Dep](
- )
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/GenIdea.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/GenIdea.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4496c8c6..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/GenIdea.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib
-import ammonite.ops._
-import mill.define.{Segment, Segments, Target}
-import mill.eval.{Evaluator, PathRef, RootModuleLoader}
-import mill.scalalib
-import mill.util.Ctx.{LoaderCtx, LogCtx}
-import mill.util.{Loose, PrintLogger, Strict}
-import mill.util.Strict.Agg
-object GenIdea {
- def apply()(implicit ctx: LoaderCtx with LogCtx): Unit = {
- val rootModule = ctx.load(RootModuleLoader)
- val pp = new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(999, 4)
- rm! pwd/".idea"
- rm! pwd/".idea_modules"
- val evaluator = new Evaluator(pwd / 'out, pwd, rootModule , ctx.log)
- for((relPath, xml) <- xmlFileLayout(evaluator, rootModule)){
- write.over(pwd/relPath, pp.format(xml))
- }
- }
- def xmlFileLayout[T](evaluator: Evaluator[T], rootModule: mill.Module): Seq[(RelPath, scala.xml.Node)] = {
- val modules = rootModule.millInternal.segmentsToModules.values.collect{case x: scalalib.ScalaModule => (x.millModuleSegments, x)}.toSeq
- val resolved = for((path, mod) <- modules) yield {
- val Seq(resolvedCp: Loose.Agg[PathRef], resolvedSrcs: Loose.Agg[PathRef]) =
- evaluator.evaluate(Agg(mod.externalCompileDepClasspath, mod.externalCompileDepSources))
- .values
- (path, == "jar") ++, mod)
- }
- val moduleLabels =
- val fixedFiles = Seq(
- Tuple2(".idea"/"misc.xml", miscXmlTemplate()),
- Tuple2(
- ".idea"/"modules.xml",
- allModulesXmlTemplate(
- for((path, mod) <- modules)
- yield moduleName(path)
- )
- ),
- Tuple2(".idea_modules"/"root.iml", rootXmlTemplate())
- )
- val allResolved = resolved.flatMap(_._2).distinct
- val minResolvedLength =
- val commonPrefix =
- .transpose
- .takeWhile(_.distinct.length == 1)
- .length
- val pathToLibName = allResolved
- .map{p => (p, p.segments.drop(commonPrefix).mkString("_"))}
- .toMap
- val libraries ={path =>
- val url = "jar://" + path + "!/"
- val name = pathToLibName(path)
- Tuple2(".idea"/'libraries/s"$name.xml", libraryXmlTemplate(name, url))
- }
- val moduleFiles ={ case (path, resolvedDeps, mod) =>
- val Seq(
- resoucesPathRefs: Loose.Agg[PathRef],
- sourcesPathRef: Loose.Agg[PathRef],
- generatedSourcePathRefs: Loose.Agg[PathRef],
- allSourcesPathRefs: Loose.Agg[PathRef]
- ) = evaluator.evaluate(Agg(mod.resources, mod.sources, mod.generatedSources, mod.allSources)).values
- val generatedSourcePaths =
- val normalSourcePaths = ( -- generatedSourcePaths.toSet).toSeq
- val paths = Evaluator.resolveDestPaths(
- evaluator.workspacePath,
- mod.compile.ctx.segments
- )
- val elem = moduleXmlTemplate(
- Strict.Agg.from(,
- Strict.Agg.from(normalSourcePaths),
- Strict.Agg.from(generatedSourcePaths),
- paths.out,
- Strict.Agg.from(,
- Strict.Agg.from({ m => moduleName(moduleLabels(m))}.distinct)
- )
- Tuple2(".idea_modules"/s"${moduleName(path)}.iml", elem)
- }
- fixedFiles ++ libraries ++ moduleFiles
- }
- def relify(p: Path) = {
- val r = p.relativeTo(pwd/".idea_modules")
- (Seq.fill("..") ++ r.segments).mkString("/")
- }
- def moduleName(p: Segments) = p.value.foldLeft(StringBuilder.newBuilder) {
- case (sb, Segment.Label(s)) if sb.isEmpty => sb.append(s)
- case (sb, Segment.Cross(s)) if sb.isEmpty => sb.append(s.mkString("-"))
- case (sb, Segment.Label(s)) => sb.append(".").append(s)
- case (sb, Segment.Cross(s)) => sb.append("-").append(s.mkString("-"))
- }.mkString.toLowerCase()
- def miscXmlTemplate() = {
- <project version="4">
- <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" languageLevel="JDK_1_8" project-jdk-name="1.8 (1)" project-jdk-type="JavaSDK">
- <output url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/target/idea_output"/>
- </component>
- </project>
- }
- def allModulesXmlTemplate(selectors: Seq[String]) = {
- <project version="4">
- <component name="ProjectModuleManager">
- <modules>
- <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea_modules/root.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea_modules/root.iml" />
- {
- for(selector <- selectors)
- yield {
- val filepath = "$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea_modules/" + selector + ".iml"
- val fileurl = "file://" + filepath
- <module fileurl={fileurl} filepath={filepath} />
- }
- }
- </modules>
- </component>
- </project>
- }
- def rootXmlTemplate() = {
- <module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
- <component name="NewModuleRootManager">
- <output url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/../out"/>
- <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/.." />
- <exclude-output/>
- <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
- <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
- </component>
- </module>
- }
- def libraryXmlTemplate(name: String, url: String) = {
- <component name="libraryTable">
- <library name={name} type={if(name.contains("org_scala-lang_scala-library_")) "Scala" else null}>
- <root url={url}/>
- </library>
- </component>
- }
- def moduleXmlTemplate(resourcePaths: Strict.Agg[Path],
- normalSourcePaths: Strict.Agg[Path],
- generatedSourcePaths: Strict.Agg[Path],
- outputPath: Path,
- libNames: Strict.Agg[String],
- depNames: Strict.Agg[String]) = {
- <module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
- <component name="NewModuleRootManager">
- <output url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(outputPath) + "/dest/classes"} />
- <exclude-output />
- {
- for (normalSourcePath <- normalSourcePaths.toSeq.sorted)
- yield
- <content url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(normalSourcePath)}>
- <sourceFolder url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(normalSourcePath)} isTestSource="false" />
- </content>
- }
- {
- for (generatedSourcePath <- generatedSourcePaths.toSeq.sorted)
- yield
- <content url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(generatedSourcePath)}>
- <sourceFolder url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(generatedSourcePath)} isTestSource="false" generated="true" />
- </content>
- }
- {
- for (resourcePath <- resourcePaths.toSeq.sorted)
- yield
- <content url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(resourcePath)}>
- <sourceFolder url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(resourcePath)} isTestSource="false" type="java-resource" />
- </content>
- }
- <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
- <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
- {
- for(name <- libNames.toSeq.sorted)
- yield <orderEntry type="library" name={name} level="project" />
- }
- {
- for(depName <- depNames.toSeq.sorted)
- yield <orderEntry type="module" module-name={depName} exported="" />
- }
- </component>
- </module>
- }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/Lib.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/Lib.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a038a59b..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/Lib.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-package mill
-package scalalib
-import java.util.Optional
-import ammonite.ops._
-import coursier.{Cache, Fetch, MavenRepository, Repository, Resolution, Module => CoursierModule}
-import mill.define.Worker
-import mill.eval.{PathRef, Result}
-import mill.util.{Ctx}
-import mill.util.Loose.Agg
-import sbt.internal.util.{ConsoleOut, MainAppender}
-import sbt.util.LogExchange
-import xsbti.compile.{CompilerCache => _, FileAnalysisStore => _, ScalaInstance => _, _}
-object CompilationResult {
- implicit val jsonFormatter: upickle.default.ReadWriter[CompilationResult] = upickle.default.macroRW
-// analysisFile is represented by Path, so we won't break caches after file changes
-case class CompilationResult(analysisFile: Path, classes: PathRef)
-object ZincWorker extends Worker[ZincWorker]{
- def make() = new ZincWorker
-class ZincWorker{
- @volatile var scalaClassloaderCache = Option.empty[(Long, ClassLoader)]
- @volatile var scalaInstanceCache = Option.empty[(Long, ScalaInstance)]
-object Lib{
- case class MockedLookup(am: File => Optional[CompileAnalysis]) extends PerClasspathEntryLookup {
- override def analysis(classpathEntry: File): Optional[CompileAnalysis] =
- am(classpathEntry)
- override def definesClass(classpathEntry: File): DefinesClass =
- Locate.definesClass(classpathEntry)
- }
- def grepJar(classPath: Agg[Path], s: String) = {
- classPath
- .find(_.toString.endsWith(s))
- .getOrElse(throw new Exception("Cannot find " + s))
- .toIO
- }
- def compileScala(zincWorker: ZincWorker,
- scalaVersion: String,
- sources: Agg[Path],
- compileClasspath: Agg[Path],
- compilerClasspath: Agg[Path],
- pluginClasspath: Agg[Path],
- compilerBridge: Path,
- scalacOptions: Seq[String],
- scalacPluginClasspath: Agg[Path],
- javacOptions: Seq[String],
- upstreamCompileOutput: Seq[CompilationResult])
- (implicit ctx: Ctx): CompilationResult = {
- val compileClasspathFiles =
- val compilerJars =
- val pluginJars =
- val compilerClassloaderSig = => p.toString().hashCode + p.mtime.toMillis).sum
- val scalaInstanceSig =
- compilerClassloaderSig + => p.toString().hashCode + p.mtime.toMillis).sum
- val compilerClassLoader = zincWorker.scalaClassloaderCache match{
- case Some((k, v)) if k == compilerClassloaderSig => v
- case _ =>
- val classloader = new URLClassLoader(, null)
- zincWorker.scalaClassloaderCache = Some((compilerClassloaderSig, classloader))
- classloader
- }
- val scalaInstance = zincWorker.scalaInstanceCache match{
- case Some((k, v)) if k == scalaInstanceSig => v
- case _ =>
- val scalaInstance = new ScalaInstance(
- version = scalaVersion,
- loader = new URLClassLoader(, compilerClassLoader),
- libraryJar = grepJar(compilerClasspath, s"scala-library-$scalaVersion.jar"),
- compilerJar = grepJar(compilerClasspath, s"scala-compiler-$scalaVersion.jar"),
- allJars = compilerJars ++ pluginJars,
- explicitActual = None
- )
- zincWorker.scalaInstanceCache = Some((scalaInstanceSig, scalaInstance))
- scalaInstance
- }
- mkdir(ctx.dest)
- val ic = new
- val logger = {
- val consoleAppender = MainAppender.defaultScreen(ConsoleOut.printStreamOut(
- ctx.log.outputStream
- ))
- val l = LogExchange.logger("Hello")
- LogExchange.unbindLoggerAppenders("Hello")
- LogExchange.bindLoggerAppenders("Hello", (consoleAppender -> sbt.util.Level.Info) :: Nil)
- l
- }
- def analysisMap(f: File): Optional[CompileAnalysis] = {
- if (f.isFile) {
- Optional.empty[CompileAnalysis]
- } else {
- upstreamCompileOutput.collectFirst {
- case CompilationResult(zincPath, classFiles) if classFiles.path.toNIO == f.toPath =>
- FileAnalysisStore.binary(zincPath.toIO).get().map[CompileAnalysis](_.getAnalysis)
- }.getOrElse(Optional.empty[CompileAnalysis])
- }
- }
- val lookup = MockedLookup(analysisMap)
- val zincFile = ctx.dest / 'zinc
- val classesDir = ctx.dest / 'classes
- val zincIOFile = zincFile.toIO
- val classesIODir = classesDir.toIO
- val store = FileAnalysisStore.binary(zincIOFile)
- val newResult = ic.compile(
- ic.inputs(
- classpath = classesIODir +: compileClasspathFiles,
- sources = for{
- root <- sources.toArray
- if exists(root)
- path <- ls.rec(root)
- if path.isFile && (path.ext == "scala" || path.ext == "java")
- } yield path.toIO,
- classesDirectory = classesIODir,
- scalacOptions = ( => s"-Xplugin:${jar}") ++ scalacOptions).toArray,
- javacOptions = javacOptions.toArray,
- maxErrors = 10,
- sourcePositionMappers = Array(),
- order = CompileOrder.Mixed,
- compilers = ic.compilers(
- scalaInstance,
- ClasspathOptionsUtil.boot,
- None,
- ZincUtil.scalaCompiler(scalaInstance, compilerBridge.toIO)
- ),
- setup = ic.setup(
- lookup,
- skip = false,
- zincIOFile,
- new FreshCompilerCache,
- IncOptions.of(),
- new ManagedLoggedReporter(10, logger),
- None,
- Array()
- ),
- pr = {
- val prev = store.get()
- PreviousResult.of(,
- }
- ),
- logger = logger
- )
- store.set(
- AnalysisContents.create(
- newResult.analysis(),
- newResult.setup()
- )
- )
- CompilationResult(zincFile, PathRef(classesDir))
- }
- def resolveDependencies(repositories: Seq[Repository],
- scalaVersion: String,
- scalaBinaryVersion: String,
- deps: TraversableOnce[Dep],
- sources: Boolean = false): Result[Agg[PathRef]] = {
- val flattened ={
- case Dep.Java(dep) => dep
- case Dep.Scala(dep) =>
- dep.copy(module = dep.module.copy(name = + "_" + scalaBinaryVersion))
- case Dep.Point(dep) =>
- dep.copy(module = dep.module.copy(name = + "_" + scalaVersion))
- }.toSet
- val start = Resolution(flattened)
- val fetch = Fetch.from(repositories, Cache.fetch())
- val resolution =
- val errs = resolution.metadataErrors
- if(errs.nonEmpty) {
- val header =
- s"""|
- |Resolution failed for ${errs.length} modules:
- |--------------------------------------------
- |""".stripMargin
- val errLines = {
- case ((module, vsn), errMsgs) => s" ${module.trim}:$vsn \n\t" + errMsgs.mkString("\n\t")
- }.mkString("\n")
- val msg = header + errLines + "\n"
- Result.Failure(msg)
- } else {
- val sourceOrJar =
- if (sources) resolution.classifiersArtifacts(Seq("sources"))
- else resolution.artifacts
- val localArtifacts: Seq[File] = scalaz.concurrent.Task
- .gatherUnordered(
- .unsafePerformSync
- .flatMap(_.toOption)
- Agg.from(
- => PathRef(Path(p), quick = true)).filter(_.path.ext == "jar")
- )
- }
- }
- def scalaCompilerIvyDeps(scalaVersion: String) = Agg[Dep](
- Dep.Java("org.scala-lang", "scala-compiler", scalaVersion),
- Dep.Java("org.scala-lang", "scala-reflect", scalaVersion)
- )
- def scalaRuntimeIvyDeps(scalaVersion: String) = Agg[Dep](
- Dep.Java("org.scala-lang", "scala-library", scalaVersion)
- )
- def compilerBridgeIvyDep(scalaVersion: String) =
- Dep.Point(coursier.Dependency(coursier.Module("com.lihaoyi", "mill-bridge"), "0.1", transitive = false))
- val DefaultShellScript: Seq[String] = Seq(
- "#!/usr/bin/env sh",
- "exec java -jar \"$0\" \"$@\""
- )
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/Main.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/Main.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 584fe9d1..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/Main.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib
-object Main {
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- mill.Main.main(args)
- }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/MiscModule.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/MiscModule.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 502ba461..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/MiscModule.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-package mill
-package scalalib
-import mill.define.Cross.Resolver
-import mill.define.{Cross, Task}
-import mill.eval.{PathRef, Result}
-import mill.util.Loose.Agg
-trait SbtModule extends ScalaModule { outer =>
- override def sources = T.input{
- Agg(
- PathRef(basePath / 'src / 'main / 'scala),
- PathRef(basePath / 'src / 'main / 'java)
- )
- }
- override def resources = T.input{ Agg(PathRef(basePath / 'src / 'main / 'resources)) }
- trait Tests extends super.Tests {
- override def basePath = outer.basePath
- override def sources = T.input{
- Agg(
- PathRef(basePath / 'src / 'test / 'scala),
- PathRef(basePath / 'src / 'test / 'java)
- )
- }
- override def resources = T.input{ Agg(PathRef(basePath / 'src / 'test / 'resources)) }
- }
-trait CrossSbtModule extends SbtModule { outer =>
- override def basePath = super.basePath / ammonite.ops.up
- implicit def crossSbtModuleResolver: Resolver[CrossSbtModule] = new Resolver[CrossSbtModule]{
- def resolve[V <: CrossSbtModule](c: Cross[V]): V = {
- crossScalaVersion.split('.')
- .inits
- .takeWhile(_.length > 1)
- .flatMap( prefix =>
- )
- .collectFirst{case x => x}
- .getOrElse(
- throw new Exception(
- s"Unable to find compatible cross version between $crossScalaVersion and "+
- )
- )
- }
- }
- def crossScalaVersion: String
- def scalaVersion = crossScalaVersion
- override def sources = T.input{
- super.sources() ++
- crossScalaVersion.split('.').inits.filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.mkString(".")).map{
- s => PathRef{ basePath / 'src / 'main / s"scala-$s" }
- }
- }
- override def resources = T.input{ Agg(PathRef(basePath / 'src / 'main / 'resources)) }
- trait Tests extends super.Tests {
- override def basePath = outer.basePath
- override def sources = T.input{
- super.sources() ++
- crossScalaVersion.split('.').inits.filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.mkString(".")).map{
- s => PathRef{ basePath / 'src / 'test / s"scala-$s" }
- }
- }
- override def resources = T.input{ Agg(PathRef(basePath / 'src / 'test / 'resources)) }
- }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/PublishModule.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/PublishModule.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 64efce77..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/PublishModule.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-package mill
-package scalalib
-import ammonite.ops._
-import mill.eval.{PathRef, Result}
-import mill.util.Loose.Agg
- * Configuration necessary for publishing a Scala module to Maven Central or similar
- */
-trait PublishModule extends ScalaModule { outer =>
- import mill.scalalib.publish._
- def pomSettings: T[PomSettings]
- def publishVersion: T[String] = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
- def pom = T {
- val dependencies =
- ivyDeps().map(Artifact.fromDep(_, scalaVersion(), scalaBinaryVersion()))
- val pom = Pom(artifact(), dependencies, artifactName(), pomSettings())
- val pomPath = T.ctx().dest / s"${artifactId()}-${publishVersion()}.pom"
- write.over(pomPath, pom)
- PathRef(pomPath)
- }
- def ivy = T {
- val dependencies =
- ivyDeps().map(Artifact.fromDep(_, scalaVersion(), scalaBinaryVersion()))
- val ivy = Ivy(artifact(), dependencies)
- val ivyPath = T.ctx().dest / "ivy.xml"
- write.over(ivyPath, ivy)
- PathRef(ivyPath)
- }
- def artifact: T[Artifact] = T {
- Artifact(pomSettings().organization, artifactId(), publishVersion())
- }
- def publishLocal(): define.Command[Unit] = T.command {
- LocalPublisher.publish(
- jar = jar().path,
- sourcesJar = sourcesJar().path,
- docsJar = docsJar().path,
- pom = pom().path,
- ivy = ivy().path,
- artifact = artifact()
- )
- }
- def sonatypeUri: String = ""
- def sonatypeSnapshotUri: String = ""
- def publish(credentials: String, gpgPassphrase: String): define.Command[Unit] = T.command {
- val baseName = s"${artifactId()}-${publishVersion()}"
- val artifacts = Seq(
- jar().path -> s"${baseName}.jar",
- sourcesJar().path -> s"${baseName}-sources.jar",
- docsJar().path -> s"${baseName}-javadoc.jar",
- pom().path -> s"${baseName}.pom"
- )
- new SonatypePublisher(
- sonatypeUri,
- sonatypeSnapshotUri,
- credentials,
- gpgPassphrase,
- T.ctx().log
- ).publish(artifacts, artifact())
- }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/ScalaModule.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/ScalaModule.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b2bd28d..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/ScalaModule.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-package mill
-package scalalib
-import ammonite.ops._
-import coursier.{Cache, MavenRepository, Repository}
-import mill.define.{Cross, Task}
-import mill.define.TaskModule
-import mill.eval.{PathRef, Result}
-import mill.modules.Jvm
-import mill.modules.Jvm.{createAssembly, createJar, interactiveSubprocess, subprocess, inprocess}
-import Lib._
-import mill.define.Cross.Resolver
-import mill.util.Loose.Agg
-import sbt.testing.Status
- * Core configuration required to compile a single Scala compilation target
- */
-trait ScalaModule extends mill.Module with TaskModule { outer =>
- def defaultCommandName() = "run"
- trait Tests extends TestModule{
- def scalaVersion = outer.scalaVersion()
- override def moduleDeps = Seq(outer)
- }
- def scalaVersion: T[String]
- def mainClass: T[Option[String]] = None
- def scalaBinaryVersion = T{ scalaVersion().split('.').dropRight(1).mkString(".") }
- def ivyDeps = T{ Agg.empty[Dep] }
- def compileIvyDeps = T{ Agg.empty[Dep] }
- def scalacPluginIvyDeps = T{ Agg.empty[Dep] }
- def runIvyDeps = T{ Agg.empty[Dep] }
- def scalacOptions = T{ Seq.empty[String] }
- def javacOptions = T{ Seq.empty[String] }
- def repositories: Seq[Repository] = Seq(
- Cache.ivy2Local,
- MavenRepository("")
- )
- def moduleDeps = Seq.empty[ScalaModule]
- def depClasspath = T{ Agg.empty[PathRef] }
- def upstreamRunClasspath = T{
- Task.traverse(moduleDeps)(p =>
- T.task(p.runDepClasspath() ++ p.runClasspath())
- )
- }
- def upstreamCompileOutput = T{
- Task.traverse(moduleDeps)(_.compile)
- }
- def upstreamCompileClasspath = T{
- externalCompileDepClasspath() ++
- upstreamCompileOutput().map(_.classes) ++
- Task.traverse(moduleDeps)(_.compileDepClasspath)().flatten
- }
- def resolveDeps(deps: Task[Agg[Dep]], sources: Boolean = false) = T.task{
- resolveDependencies(
- repositories,
- scalaVersion(),
- scalaBinaryVersion(),
- deps(),
- sources
- )
- }
- def externalCompileDepClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] = T{
- Agg.from(Task.traverse(moduleDeps)(_.externalCompileDepClasspath)().flatten) ++
- resolveDeps(
- T.task{ivyDeps() ++ compileIvyDeps() ++ scalaCompilerIvyDeps(scalaVersion())}
- )()
- }
- def externalCompileDepSources: T[Agg[PathRef]] = T{
- Agg.from(Task.traverse(moduleDeps)(_.externalCompileDepSources)().flatten) ++
- resolveDeps(
- T.task{ivyDeps() ++ compileIvyDeps() ++ scalaCompilerIvyDeps(scalaVersion())},
- sources = true
- )()
- }
- /**
- * Things that need to be on the classpath in order for this code to compile;
- * might be less than the runtime classpath
- */
- def compileDepClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] = T{
- upstreamCompileClasspath() ++
- depClasspath()
- }
- /**
- * Strange compiler-bridge jar that the Zinc incremental compile needs
- */
- def compilerBridge: T[PathRef] = T{
- val compilerBridgeKey = "MILL_COMPILER_BRIDGE_" + scalaVersion().replace('.', '_')
- val compilerBridgePath = sys.props(compilerBridgeKey)
- if (compilerBridgePath != null) PathRef(Path(compilerBridgePath), quick = true)
- else {
- val dep = compilerBridgeIvyDep(scalaVersion())
- val classpath = resolveDependencies(
- repositories,
- scalaVersion(),
- scalaBinaryVersion(),
- Seq(dep)
- )
- classpath match {
- case Result.Success(resolved) =>
- resolved.filter(_.path.ext != "pom").toSeq match {
- case Seq(single) => PathRef(single.path, quick = true)
- case Seq() => throw new Exception(dep + " resolution failed") // TODO: find out, is it possible?
- case _ => throw new Exception(dep + " resolution resulted in more than one file")
- }
- case f: Result.Failure => throw new Exception(dep + s" resolution failed.\n + ${f.msg}") // TODO: remove, resolveDependencies will take care of this.
- }
- }
- }
- def scalacPluginClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] =
- resolveDeps(
- T.task{scalacPluginIvyDeps()}
- )()
- /**
- * Classpath of the Scala Compiler & any compiler plugins
- */
- def scalaCompilerClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] = T{
- resolveDeps(
- T.task{scalaCompilerIvyDeps(scalaVersion()) ++ scalaRuntimeIvyDeps(scalaVersion())}
- )()
- }
- /**
- * Things that need to be on the classpath in order for this code to run
- */
- def runDepClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] = T{
- Agg.from(upstreamRunClasspath().flatten) ++
- depClasspath() ++
- resolveDeps(
- T.task{ivyDeps() ++ runIvyDeps() ++ scalaRuntimeIvyDeps(scalaVersion())}
- )()
- }
- def prependShellScript: T[String] = T{ "" }
- def sources = T.input{ Agg(PathRef(basePath / 'src)) }
- def resources = T.input{ Agg(PathRef(basePath / 'resources)) }
- def generatedSources = T { Agg.empty[PathRef] }
- def allSources = T{ sources() ++ generatedSources() }
- def compile: T[CompilationResult] = T.persistent{
- compileScala(
- ZincWorker(),
- scalaVersion(),
- allSources().map(_.path),
- compileDepClasspath().map(_.path),
- scalaCompilerClasspath().map(_.path),
- scalacPluginClasspath().map(_.path),
- compilerBridge().path,
- scalacOptions(),
- scalacPluginClasspath().map(_.path),
- javacOptions(),
- upstreamCompileOutput()
- )
- }
- def runClasspath = T{
- runDepClasspath() ++ resources() ++ Seq(compile().classes)
- }
- def assembly = T{
- createAssembly(
- runClasspath().map(_.path).filter(exists),
- mainClass(),
- prependShellScript = prependShellScript()
- )
- }
- def localClasspath = T{ resources() ++ Seq(compile().classes) }
- def jar = T{
- createJar(
- localClasspath().map(_.path).filter(exists),
- mainClass()
- )
- }
- def docsJar = T {
- val outDir = T.ctx().dest
- val javadocDir = outDir / 'javadoc
- mkdir(javadocDir)
- val options = {
- val files = for{
- ref <- sources()
- p <- ls.rec(ref.path)
- if p.isFile
- } yield p.toNIO.toString
- files ++ Seq("-d", javadocDir.toNIO.toString, "-usejavacp")
- }
- subprocess(
- "",
- compileDepClasspath().filter(_.path.ext != "pom").map(_.path),
- options = options.toSeq
- )
- createJar(Agg(javadocDir))(outDir / "javadoc.jar")
- }
- def sourcesJar = T {
- createJar((sources() ++ resources()).map(_.path).filter(exists))(T.ctx().dest / "sources.jar")
- }
- def forkArgs = T{ Seq.empty[String] }
- def run(args: String*) = T.command {
- inprocess(
- mainClass().getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("No mainClass provided!")),
- runClasspath().map(_.path),
- args)
- }
- def forkRun(args: String*) = T.command{
- subprocess(
- mainClass().getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("No mainClass provided!")),
- runClasspath().map(_.path),
- forkArgs(),
- args,
- workingDir = ammonite.ops.pwd)
- }
- def runMain(mainClass: String, args: String*) = T.command{
- subprocess(
- mainClass,
- runClasspath().map(_.path),
- forkArgs(),
- args,
- workingDir = ammonite.ops.pwd
- )
- }
- def console() = T.command{
- interactiveSubprocess(
- mainClass = "",
- classPath = runClasspath().map(_.path),
- options = Seq("-usejavacp")
- )
- }
- // publish artifact with name "mill_2.12.4" instead of "mill_2.12"
- def crossFullScalaVersion: T[Boolean] = false
- def artifactName: T[String] = basePath.last.toString
- def artifactScalaVersion: T[String] = T {
- if (crossFullScalaVersion()) scalaVersion()
- else scalaBinaryVersion()
- }
- def artifactId: T[String] = T { s"${artifactName()}_${artifactScalaVersion()}" }
-object TestModule{
- def handleResults(doneMsg: String, results: Seq[TestRunner.Result]) = {
- if (results.count(Set(Status.Error, Status.Failure)) == 0) Result.Success((doneMsg, results))
- else {
- val grouped = => x).mapValues(_.length).filter(_._2 != 0).toList.sorted
- Result.Failure({case (k, v) => k + ": " + v}.mkString(","))
- }
- }
-trait TestModule extends ScalaModule with TaskModule {
- override def defaultCommandName() = "test"
- def testFramework: T[String]
- def forkWorkingDir = ammonite.ops.pwd
- def forkTest(args: String*) = T.command{
- mkdir(T.ctx().dest)
- val outputPath = T.ctx().dest/"out.json"
- Jvm.subprocess(
- mainClass = "mill.scalalib.TestRunner",
- classPath = Jvm.gatherClassloaderJars(),
- jvmOptions = forkArgs(),
- options = Seq(
- testFramework(),
- runClasspath().map(_.path).mkString(" "),
- Seq(compile().classes.path).mkString(" "),
- args.mkString(" "),
- outputPath.toString,
- T.ctx().log.colored.toString
- ),
- workingDir = forkWorkingDir
- )
- val jsonOutput =
- val (doneMsg, results) = upickle.default.readJs[(String, Seq[TestRunner.Result])](jsonOutput)
- TestModule.handleResults(doneMsg, results)
- }
- def test(args: String*) = T.command{
- val (doneMsg, results) = TestRunner(
- testFramework(),
- runClasspath().map(_.path),
- Agg(compile().classes.path),
- args
- )
- TestModule.handleResults(doneMsg, results)
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/TestRunner.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/TestRunner.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 01726022..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/TestRunner.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib
-import java.lang.annotation.Annotation
-import ammonite.ops.{Path, ls, pwd}
-import ammonite.util.Colors
-import mill.modules.Jvm
-import mill.util.Ctx.LogCtx
-import mill.util.{PrintLogger}
-import mill.util.Loose.Agg
-import sbt.testing._
-import upickle.Js
-import mill.util.JsonFormatters._
-import scala.collection.mutable
-object TestRunner {
- def listClassFiles(base: Path): Iterator[String] = {
- if (base.isDir) ls.rec(base).toIterator.filter(_.ext == "class").map(_.relativeTo(base).toString)
- else {
- val zip = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(base.toIO))
- Iterator.continually(zip.getNextEntry).takeWhile(_ != null).map(_.getName).filter(_.endsWith(".class"))
- }
- }
- def runTests(cl: ClassLoader, framework: Framework, classpath: Agg[Path]) = {
- val fingerprints = framework.fingerprints()
- val testClasses = classpath.flatMap { base =>
- listClassFiles(base).flatMap { path =>
- val cls = cl.loadClass(path.stripSuffix(".class").replace('/', '.'))
- fingerprints.find {
- case f: SubclassFingerprint =>
- (f.isModule == cls.getName.endsWith("$")) &&
- cl.loadClass(f.superclassName()).isAssignableFrom(cls)
- case f: AnnotatedFingerprint =>
- (f.isModule == cls.getName.endsWith("$")) &&
- cls.isAnnotationPresent(
- cl.loadClass(f.annotationName()).asInstanceOf[Class[Annotation]]
- )
- }.map { f => (cls, f) }
- }
- }
- testClasses
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- try{
- val result = apply(
- frameworkName = args(0),
- entireClasspath = Agg.from(args(1).split(" ").map(Path(_))),
- testClassfilePath = Agg.from(args(2).split(" ").map(Path(_))),
- args = args(3) match{ case "" => Nil case x => x.split(" ").toList }
- )(new PrintLogger(
- args(5) == "true",
- if(args(5) == "true") Colors.Default
- else Colors.BlackWhite,
- System.out,
- System.err,
- System.err
- ))
- val outputPath = args(4)
- ammonite.ops.write(Path(outputPath), upickle.default.write(result))
- }catch{case e: Throwable =>
- println(e)
- e.printStackTrace()
- }
- // Tests are over, kill the JVM whether or not anyone's threads are still running
- // Always return 0, even if tests fail. The caller can pick up the detailed test
- // results from the outputPath
- System.exit(0)
- }
- def apply(frameworkName: String,
- entireClasspath: Agg[Path],
- testClassfilePath: Agg[Path],
- args: Seq[String])
- (implicit ctx: LogCtx): (String, Seq[Result]) = {
- Jvm.inprocess(entireClasspath, classLoaderOverrideSbtTesting = true, cl => {
- val framework = cl.loadClass(frameworkName)
- .newInstance()
- .asInstanceOf[sbt.testing.Framework]
- val testClasses = runTests(cl, framework, testClassfilePath)
- val runner = framework.runner(args.toArray, args.toArray, cl)
- val tasks = runner.tasks(
- for ((cls, fingerprint) <- testClasses.toArray)
- yield new TaskDef(cls.getName.stripSuffix("$"), fingerprint, true, Array(new SuiteSelector))
- )
- val events = mutable.Buffer.empty[Event]
- for (t <- tasks) {
- t.execute(
- new EventHandler {
- def handle(event: Event) = events.append(event)
- },
- Array(
- new Logger {
- def debug(msg: String) =
- def error(msg: String) = ctx.log.error(msg)
- def ansiCodesSupported() = true
- def warn(msg: String) =
- def trace(t: Throwable) = t.printStackTrace(ctx.log.outputStream)
- def info(msg: String) =
- })
- )
- }
- val doneMsg = runner.done()
- val results = for(e <- events) yield {
- val ex = if (e.throwable().isDefined) Some(e.throwable().get) else None
- Result(
- e.fullyQualifiedName(),
- e.selector() match{
- case s: NestedSuiteSelector => s.suiteId()
- case s: NestedTestSelector => s.suiteId() + "." + s.testName()
- case s: SuiteSelector => s.toString
- case s: TestSelector => s.testName()
- case s: TestWildcardSelector => s.testWildcard()
- },
- e.duration(),
- e.status(),
- )
- }
- (doneMsg, results)
- })
- }
- case class Result(fullyQualifiedName: String,
- selector: String,
- duration: Long,
- status: Status,
- exceptionName: Option[String],
- exceptionMsg: Option[String],
- exceptionTrace: Option[Seq[StackTraceElement]])
- object Result{
- implicit def resultRW: upickle.default.ReadWriter[Result] = upickle.default.macroRW[Result]
- implicit def statusRW: upickle.default.ReadWriter[Status] = upickle.default.ReadWriter[Status](
- {
- case Status.Success => Js.Str("Success")
- case Status.Error => Js.Str("Error")
- case Status.Failure => Js.Str("Failure")
- case Status.Skipped => Js.Str("Skipped")
- case Status.Ignored => Js.Str("Ignored")
- case Status.Canceled => Js.Str("Canceled")
- case Status.Pending => Js.Str("Pending")
- },
- {
- case Js.Str("Success") => Status.Success
- case Js.Str("Error") => Status.Error
- case Js.Str("Failure") => Status.Failure
- case Js.Str("Skipped") => Status.Skipped
- case Js.Str("Ignored") => Status.Ignored
- case Js.Str("Canceled") => Status.Canceled
- case Js.Str("Pending") => Status.Pending
- }
- )
- }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/package.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/package.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a282e82..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/package.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package mill
-package object scalalib {
- implicit class DepSyntax(ctx: StringContext){
- def ivy(args: Any*) = Dep.parse{
- (
-{case (p, a) => Seq(p, a)} ++
- ).mkString
- }
- }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/Ivy.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/Ivy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b0b6443e..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/Ivy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib.publish
-import mill.util.Loose.Agg
-import scala.xml.PrettyPrinter
-object Ivy {
- val head = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
- def apply(
- artifact: Artifact,
- dependencies: Agg[Dependency]
- ): String = {
- val xml =
- <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="">
- <info
- organisation={} module={} revision={artifact.version} status="release">
- <description/>
- </info>
- <configurations>
- <conf name="pom" visibility="public" description=""/>
- <conf extends="runtime" name="test" visibility="public" description=""/>
- <conf name="provided" visibility="public" description=""/>
- <conf name="optional" visibility="public" description=""/>
- <conf name="compile" visibility="public" description=""/>
- <conf extends="compile" name="runtime" visibility="public" description=""/>
- </configurations>
- <publications>
- <artifact name={} type="pom" ext="pom" conf="pom"/>
- <artifact name={} type="jar" ext="jar" conf="compile"/>
- <artifact name={} type="src" ext="jar" conf="compile" e:classifier="sources"/>
- <artifact name={} type="doc" ext="jar" conf="compile" e:classifier="javadoc"/>
- </publications>
- <dependencies>{}</dependencies>
- </ivy-module>
- val pp = new PrettyPrinter(120, 4)
- head + pp.format(xml).replaceAll("&gt;", ">")
- }
- private def renderDependency(dep: Dependency) = {
- val scope = scopeToConf(dep.scope)
- <dependency org={} name={} rev={dep.artifact.version} conf={s"$scope->default(compile)"}></dependency>
- }
- private def scopeToConf(s: Scope): String = s match {
- case Scope.Compile => "compile"
- case Scope.Provided => "provided"
- case Scope.Test => "test"
- case Scope.Runtime => "runtime"
- }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/JsonFormatters.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/JsonFormatters.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index cf1af557..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/JsonFormatters.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib.publish
-import upickle.default.{ReadWriter => RW}
-trait JsonFormatters {
- implicit lazy val artifactFormat: RW[Artifact] = upickle.default.macroRW
- implicit lazy val developerFormat: RW[Developer] = upickle.default.macroRW
- implicit lazy val licenseFormat: RW[License] = upickle.default.macroRW
- implicit lazy val scmFormat: RW[SCM] = upickle.default.macroRW
- implicit lazy val pomSettingsFormat: RW[PomSettings] = upickle.default.macroRW
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/LocalPublisher.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/LocalPublisher.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a9957e5c..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/LocalPublisher.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib.publish
-import ammonite.ops._
-object LocalPublisher {
- private val root: Path = home / ".ivy2" / "local"
- def publish(jar: Path,
- sourcesJar: Path,
- docsJar: Path,
- pom: Path,
- ivy: Path,
- artifact: Artifact): Unit = {
- val releaseDir = root / / / artifact.version
- writeFiles(
- jar -> releaseDir / "jars" / s"${}.jar",
- sourcesJar -> releaseDir / "srcs" / s"${}-sources.jar",
- docsJar -> releaseDir / "docs" / s"${}-javadoc.jar",
- pom -> releaseDir / "poms" / s"${}.pom",
- ivy -> releaseDir / "ivys" / "ivy.xml"
- )
- }
- private def writeFiles(fromTo: (Path, Path)*): Unit = {
- fromTo.foreach {
- case (from, to) =>
- mkdir(to / up)
- cp.over(from, to)
- }
- }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/Pom.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/Pom.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 74dc6e8f..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/Pom.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib.publish
-import mill.util.Loose.Agg
-import scala.xml.{Elem, NodeSeq, PrettyPrinter}
-object Pom {
- val head = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
- //TODO - not only jar packaging support?
- def apply(artifact: Artifact,
- dependencies: Agg[Dependency],
- name: String,
- pomSettings: PomSettings): String = {
- val xml =
- <project
- xsi:schemaLocation=""
- xmlns:xsi =""
- xmlns ="">
- <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
- <name>{name}</name>
- <groupId>{}</groupId>
- <artifactId>{}</artifactId>
- <packaging>jar</packaging>
- <description>{pomSettings.description}</description>
- <version>{artifact.version}</version>
- <url>{pomSettings.url}</url>
- <licenses>
- {}
- </licenses>
- <scm>
- <url>{pomSettings.scm.url}</url>
- <connection>{pomSettings.scm.connection}</connection>
- </scm>
- <developers>
- {}
- </developers>
- <dependencies>
- {}
- </dependencies>
- </project>
- val pp = new PrettyPrinter(120, 4)
- head + pp.format(xml)
- }
- private def renderLicense(l: License): Elem = {
- <license>
- <name>{}</name>
- <url>{l.url}</url>
- <distribution>{l.distribution}</distribution>
- </license>
- }
- private def renderDeveloper(d: Developer): Elem = {
- <developer>
- <id>{}</id>
- <name>{}</name>
- {
- { org =>
- <organization>{org}</organization>
- }.getOrElse(NodeSeq.Empty)
- }
- {
- { orgUrl =>
- <organizationUrl>{orgUrl}</organizationUrl>
- }.getOrElse(NodeSeq.Empty)
- }
- </developer>
- }
- private def renderDependency(d: Dependency): Elem = {
- val scope = d.scope match {
- case Scope.Compile => NodeSeq.Empty
- case Scope.Provided => <scope>provided</scope>
- case Scope.Test => <scope>test</scope>
- case Scope.Runtime => <scope>runtime</scope>
- }
- <dependency>
- <groupId>{}</groupId>
- <artifactId>{}</artifactId>
- <version>{d.artifact.version}</version>
- {scope}
- </dependency>
- }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/SonatypeHttpApi.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/SonatypeHttpApi.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ccdf3ea..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/SonatypeHttpApi.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib.publish
-import java.util.Base64
-import upickle.json
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-import scalaj.http.{BaseHttp, HttpOptions, HttpRequest, HttpResponse}
-object PatientHttp
- extends BaseHttp(
- options = Seq(
- HttpOptions.connTimeout(5.seconds.toMillis.toInt),
- HttpOptions.readTimeout(1.minute.toMillis.toInt),
- HttpOptions.followRedirects(false)
- )
- )
-class SonatypeHttpApi(uri: String, credentials: String) {
- private val base64Creds = base64(credentials)
- private val commonHeaders = Seq(
- "Authorization" -> s"Basic ${base64Creds}",
- "Accept" -> "application/json",
- "Content-Type" -> "application/json"
- )
- //
- def getStagingProfileUri(groupId: String): String = {
- val response = withRetry(
- PatientHttp(s"${uri}/staging/profiles").headers(commonHeaders))
- val resourceUri =
- json
- .read(response.body)("data")
- .arr
- .find(profile => profile("name").str == groupId)
- .map(_("resourceURI").str.toString)
- resourceUri.getOrElse(
- throw new RuntimeException(
- s"Could not find staging profile for groupId: ${groupId}")
- )
- }
- def getStagingRepoState(stagingRepoId: String): String = {
- val response = PatientHttp(s"${uri}/staging/repository/${stagingRepoId}")
- .option(HttpOptions.readTimeout(60000))
- .headers(commonHeaders)
- .asString
- }
- //
- def createStagingRepo(profileUri: String, groupId: String): String = {
- val response = withRetry(PatientHttp(s"${profileUri}/start")
- .headers(commonHeaders)
- .postData(
- s"""{"data": {"description": "fresh staging profile for ${groupId}"}}"""))
- }
- //
- def closeStagingRepo(profileUri: String, repositoryId: String): Boolean = {
- val response = withRetry(
- PatientHttp(s"${profileUri}/finish")
- .headers(commonHeaders)
- .postData(
- s"""{"data": {"stagedRepositoryId": "${repositoryId}", "description": "closing staging repository"}}"""
- ))
- response.code == 201
- }
- //
- def promoteStagingRepo(profileUri: String, repositoryId: String): Boolean = {
- val response = withRetry(
- PatientHttp(s"${profileUri}/promote")
- .headers(commonHeaders)
- .postData(
- s"""{"data": {"stagedRepositoryId": "${repositoryId}", "description": "promote staging repository"}}"""
- ))
- response.code == 201
- }
- //
- def dropStagingRepo(profileUri: String, repositoryId: String): Boolean = {
- val response = withRetry(
- PatientHttp(s"${profileUri}/drop")
- .headers(commonHeaders)
- .postData(
- s"""{"data": {"stagedRepositoryId": "${repositoryId}", "description": "drop staging repository"}}"""
- ))
- response.code == 201
- }
- private val uploadTimeout = 5.minutes.toMillis.toInt
- def upload(uri: String, data: Array[Byte]): HttpResponse[String] = {
- PatientHttp(uri)
- .option(HttpOptions.readTimeout(uploadTimeout))
- .method("PUT")
- .headers(
- "Content-Type" -> "application/binary",
- "Authorization" -> s"Basic ${base64Creds}"
- )
- .put(data)
- .asString
- }
- private def withRetry(request: HttpRequest,
- retries: Int = 10): HttpResponse[String] = {
- val resp = request.asString
- if (resp.is5xx && retries > 0) {
- Thread.sleep(500)
- withRetry(request, retries - 1)
- } else {
- resp
- }
- }
- private def base64(s: String) =
- new String(Base64.getEncoder.encode(s.getBytes))
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/SonatypePublisher.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/SonatypePublisher.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0749b0c5..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/SonatypePublisher.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib.publish
-import java.math.BigInteger
-import ammonite.ops._
-import mill.util.Logger
-import scalaj.http.HttpResponse
-class SonatypePublisher(uri: String,
- snapshotUri: String,
- credentials: String,
- gpgPassphrase: String,
- log: Logger) {
- private val api = new SonatypeHttpApi(uri, credentials)
- def publish(artifacts: Seq[(Path, String)], artifact: Artifact): Unit = {
- val signedArtifacts = artifacts ++ {
- case (file, name) =>
- poorMansSign(file, gpgPassphrase) -> s"${name}.asc"
- }
- val signedArtifactsWithDigest = signedArtifacts.flatMap {
- case (file, name) =>
- val content = read.bytes(file)
- Seq(
- name -> content,
- (name + ".md5") -> md5hex(content),
- (name + ".sha1") -> sha1hex(content)
- )
- }
- val publishPath = Seq(
-".", "/"),
- artifact.version
- ).mkString("/")
- if (artifact.isSnapshot)
- publishSnapshot(publishPath, signedArtifactsWithDigest, artifact)
- else
- publishRelease(publishPath, signedArtifactsWithDigest, artifact)
- }
- private def publishSnapshot(publishPath: String,
- payloads: Seq[(String, Array[Byte])],
- artifact: Artifact): Unit = {
- val baseUri: String = snapshotUri + "/" + publishPath
- val publishResults = {
- case (fileName, data) =>
-"Uploading ${fileName}")
- val resp = api.upload(s"${baseUri}/${fileName}", data)
- resp
- }
- reportPublishResults(publishResults, artifact)
- }
- private def publishRelease(publishPath: String,
- payloads: Seq[(String, Array[Byte])],
- artifact: Artifact): Unit = {
- val profileUri = api.getStagingProfileUri(
- val stagingRepoId =
- api.createStagingRepo(profileUri,
- val baseUri =
- s"${uri}/staging/deployByRepositoryId/${stagingRepoId}/${publishPath}"
- val publishResults = {
- case (fileName, data) =>
-"Uploading ${fileName}")
- api.upload(s"${baseUri}/${fileName}", data)
- }
- reportPublishResults(publishResults, artifact)
-"Closing staging repository")
- api.closeStagingRepo(profileUri, stagingRepoId)
-"Waiting for staging repository to close")
- awaitRepoStatus("closed", stagingRepoId)
-"Promoting staging repository")
- api.promoteStagingRepo(profileUri, stagingRepoId)
-"Waiting for staging repository to release")
- awaitRepoStatus("released", stagingRepoId)
-"Dropping staging repository")
- api.dropStagingRepo(profileUri, stagingRepoId)
-"Published ${} successfully")
- }
- private def reportPublishResults(publishResults: Seq[HttpResponse[String]],
- artifact: Artifact) = {
- if (publishResults.forall(_.is2xx)) {
-"Published ${} to Sonatype")
- } else {
- val errors = publishResults.filterNot(_.is2xx).map { response =>
- s"Code: ${response.code}, message: ${response.body}"
- }
- throw new RuntimeException(
- s"Failed to publish ${} to Sonatype. Errors: \n${errors.mkString("\n")}"
- )
- }
- }
- private def awaitRepoStatus(status: String,
- stagingRepoId: String,
- attempts: Int = 20): Unit = {
- def isRightStatus =
- api.getStagingRepoState(stagingRepoId).equalsIgnoreCase(status)
- var attemptsLeft = attempts
- while (attemptsLeft > 0 && !isRightStatus) {
- Thread.sleep(3000)
- attemptsLeft -= 1
- if (attemptsLeft == 0) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- s"Couldn't wait for staging repository to be ${status}. Failing")
- }
- }
- }
- //
- private def poorMansSign(file: Path, passphrase: String): Path = {
- val fileName = file.toString
- import ammonite.ops.ImplicitWd._
- %("gpg", "--yes", "-a", "-b", "--passphrase", passphrase, fileName)
- Path(fileName + ".asc")
- }
- private def md5hex(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] =
- hexArray(md5.digest(bytes)).getBytes
- private def sha1hex(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] =
- hexArray(sha1.digest(bytes)).getBytes
- private def md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("md5")
- private def sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("sha1")
- private def hexArray(arr: Array[Byte]) =
- String.format("%0" + (arr.length << 1) + "x", new BigInteger(1, arr))
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/package.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/package.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 99eeec14..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/package.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib
-package object publish extends JsonFormatters
diff --git a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/settings.scala b/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/settings.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index eb0a44b6..00000000
--- a/scalalib/src/main/scala/mill/scalalib/publish/settings.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-package mill.scalalib.publish
-import mill.scalalib.Dep
-case class Artifact(group: String, id: String, version: String) {
- def isSnapshot: Boolean = version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")
-object Artifact {
- def fromDep(dep: Dep, scalaFull: String, scalaBin: String): Dependency = {
- dep match {
- case Dep.Java(dep) =>
- Dependency(
- Artifact(dep.module.organization,, dep.version),
- Scope.Compile)
- case Dep.Scala(dep) =>
- Dependency(Artifact(dep.module.organization,
- s"${}_${scalaBin}",
- dep.version),
- Scope.Compile)
- case Dep.Point(dep) =>
- Dependency(Artifact(dep.module.organization,
- s"${}_${scalaFull}",
- dep.version),
- Scope.Compile)
- }
- }
-sealed trait Scope
-object Scope {
- case object Compile extends Scope
- case object Provided extends Scope
- case object Runtime extends Scope
- case object Test extends Scope
-case class Dependency(
- artifact: Artifact,
- scope: Scope
-case class License(
- name: String,
- url: String,
- distribution: String = "repo"
-case class SCM(
- url: String,
- connection: String
-case class Developer(
- id: String,
- name: String,
- url: String,
- organization: Option[String] = None,
- organizationUrl: Option[String] = None
-case class PomSettings(
- description: String,
- organization: String,
- url: String,
- licenses: Seq[License],
- scm: SCM,
- developers: Seq[Developer]