path: root/scalaplugin/src/test/scala
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2017-11-29 19:26:27 -0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2017-11-29 19:26:27 -0800
commita561cb89b202e2cfb1ab548960e25c1743b318d2 (patch)
treebe7bcdc0bd9402a186b08614ebaece88a633fe49 /scalaplugin/src/test/scala
parent5efc40317f4650e2f0f1357af428d5833ccc4613 (diff)
first pass at building better-files using Mill
Diffstat (limited to 'scalaplugin/src/test/scala')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scalaplugin/src/test/scala/mill/scalaplugin/BetterFilesTests.scala b/scalaplugin/src/test/scala/mill/scalaplugin/BetterFilesTests.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2f3a832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalaplugin/src/test/scala/mill/scalaplugin/BetterFilesTests.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+package mill.scalaplugin
+import ammonite.ops.ImplicitWd._
+import ammonite.ops._
+import mill.define.{Cross,Task}
+import mill.eval.Result
+import utest._
+import mill.util.JsonFormatters._
+object BetterFilesBuild{
+ trait BetterFilesModule extends ScalaModule{ outer =>
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ override def sources = basePath/'src/'main/'scala
+ override def scalacOptions = Seq(
+ "-deprecation", // Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.
+ "-encoding", "utf-8", // Specify character encoding used by source files.
+ "-explaintypes", // Explain type errors in more detail.
+ "-feature", // Emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly.
+ "-language:existentials", // Existential types (besides wildcard types) can be written and inferred
+ "-language:experimental.macros", // Allow macro definition (besides implementation and application)
+ "-language:higherKinds", // Allow higher-kinded types
+ "-language:implicitConversions", // Allow definition of implicit functions called views
+ "-unchecked", // Enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions.
+ "-Xcheckinit", // Wrap field accessors to throw an exception on uninitialized access.
+ "-Xfatal-warnings", // Fail the compilation if there are any warnings.
+ "-Xfuture", // Turn on future language features.
+ "-Xlint:adapted-args", // Warn if an argument list is modified to match the receiver.
+ "-Xlint:by-name-right-associative", // By-name parameter of right associative operator.
+ "-Xlint:constant", // Evaluation of a constant arithmetic expression results in an error.
+ "-Xlint:delayedinit-select", // Selecting member of DelayedInit.
+ "-Xlint:doc-detached", // A Scaladoc comment appears to be detached from its element.
+ "-Xlint:inaccessible", // Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures.
+ "-Xlint:infer-any", // Warn when a type argument is inferred to be `Any`.
+ "-Xlint:missing-interpolator", // A string literal appears to be missing an interpolator id.
+ "-Xlint:nullary-override", // Warn when non-nullary `def f()' overrides nullary `def f'.
+ "-Xlint:nullary-unit", // Warn when nullary methods return Unit.
+ "-Xlint:option-implicit", // Option.apply used implicit view.
+ "-Xlint:package-object-classes", // Class or object defined in package object.
+ "-Xlint:poly-implicit-overload", // Parameterized overloaded implicit methods are not visible as view bounds.
+ "-Xlint:private-shadow", // A private field (or class parameter) shadows a superclass field.
+ "-Xlint:stars-align", // Pattern sequence wildcard must align with sequence component.
+ "-Xlint:type-parameter-shadow", // A local type parameter shadows a type already in scope.
+ "-Xlint:unsound-match", // Pattern match may not be typesafe.
+ "-Yno-adapted-args", // Do not adapt an argument list (either by inserting () or creating a tuple) to match the receiver.
+ "-Ypartial-unification", // Enable partial unification in type constructor inference
+ "-Ywarn-dead-code", // Warn when dead code is identified.
+ "-Ywarn-extra-implicit", // Warn when more than one implicit parameter section is defined.
+ "-Ywarn-inaccessible", // Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures.
+ "-Ywarn-infer-any", // Warn when a type argument is inferred to be `Any`.
+ "-Ywarn-nullary-override", // Warn when non-nullary `def f()' overrides nullary `def f'.
+ "-Ywarn-nullary-unit", // Warn when nullary methods return Unit.
+ "-Ywarn-numeric-widen", // Warn when numerics are widened.
+ "-Ywarn-unused:implicits", // Warn if an implicit parameter is unused.
+ "-Ywarn-unused:imports", // Warn if an import selector is not referenced.
+ "-Ywarn-unused:locals", // Warn if a local definition is unused.
+ "-Ywarn-unused:params", // Warn if a value parameter is unused.
+ "-Ywarn-unused:patvars", // Warn if a variable bound in a pattern is unused.
+ "-Ywarn-unused:privates", // Warn if a private member is unused.
+ "-Ywarn-value-discard" // Warn when non-Unit expression results are unused.
+ )
+ override def javacOptions = Seq("-source", "1.8", "-target", "1.8", "-Xlint")
+ object test extends this.Tests{
+ override def projectDeps =
+ if (this == Core.test) Seq(Core)
+ else Seq(outer, Core.test)
+ def basePath = outer.basePath
+ override def ivyDeps = Seq(Dep("org.scalatest", "scalatest", "3.0.4"))
+ override def sources = basePath/'src/'test/'scala
+ def testFramework = ""
+ }
+ }
+ object Core extends BetterFilesModule{
+ def basePath = BetterFilesTests.srcPath/"core"
+ }
+ object Akka extends BetterFilesModule{
+ override def projectDeps = Seq(Core)
+ def basePath = BetterFilesTests.srcPath/"akka"
+ override def ivyDeps = Seq(Dep("com.typesafe.akka", "akka-actor", "2.5.6"))
+ }
+ object ShapelessScanner extends BetterFilesModule{
+ override def projectDeps = Seq(Core)
+ def basePath = BetterFilesTests.srcPath/"shapeless"
+ override def ivyDeps = Seq(Dep("com.chuusai", "shapeless", "2.3.2"))
+ }
+ object Benchmarks extends BetterFilesModule{
+ override def projectDeps = Seq(Core)
+ def basePath = BetterFilesTests.srcPath/"benchmarks"
+ override def ivyDeps = Seq(
+ Dep.Java("commons-io", "commons-io", "2.5")
+ // "fastjavaio" % "fastjavaio" % "1.0" from ""
+ )
+ }
+object BetterFilesTests extends TestSuite{
+ val workspacePath = pwd / 'target / 'workspace / "better-files"
+ val srcPath = pwd / 'scalaplugin / 'src / 'test / 'resource / "better-files"
+ val tests = Tests{
+ rm(workspacePath)
+ mkdir(workspacePath/up)
+ cp(srcPath, workspacePath)
+ val mapping = Discovered.mapping(BetterFilesBuild)
+ def eval[T](t: Task[T]) = TestEvaluator.eval(mapping, workspacePath)(t)
+ 'test - {
+ val Right(_) = eval(BetterFilesBuild.Core.test.test())
+ val Right(_) = eval(BetterFilesBuild.Akka.test.test())
+ val Right(_) = eval(BetterFilesBuild.ShapelessScanner.test.test())
+ // Doesn't work yet, need to support curling down a jar and caching it
+ val Left(_) = eval(BetterFilesBuild.Benchmarks.test.test())
+ }
+ }