path: root/contrib/bsp/src/mill/contrib/bsp/MillBuildServer.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/bsp/src/mill/contrib/bsp/MillBuildServer.scala')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/bsp/src/mill/contrib/bsp/MillBuildServer.scala b/contrib/bsp/src/mill/contrib/bsp/MillBuildServer.scala
index 40e98ef7..95eb43cd 100644
--- a/contrib/bsp/src/mill/contrib/bsp/MillBuildServer.scala
+++ b/contrib/bsp/src/mill/contrib/bsp/MillBuildServer.scala
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
import ch.epfl.scala.bsp4j._
import mill.api.Result.{Skipped, Success}
-import mill.api.{DummyTestReporter, Result, Strict, BuildProblemReporter}
+import mill.api.{BuildProblemReporter, DummyTestReporter, Result, Strict}
import mill.contrib.bsp.ModuleUtils._
import mill.define.Segment.Label
import mill.define.{Discover, ExternalModule}
@@ -26,37 +26,36 @@ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
_bspVersion: String,
- serverVersion:String,
- languages: List[String]) extends ExternalModule with BuildServer with ScalaBuildServer {
+ serverVersion: String,
+ languages: List[String]) extends ExternalModule with BuildServer with ScalaBuildServer {
implicit def millScoptEvaluatorReads[T]: EvaluatorScopt[T] = new mill.main.EvaluatorScopt[T]()
lazy val millDiscover: Discover[MillBuildServer.this.type] = Discover[this.type]
val bspVersion: String = _bspVersion
val supportedLanguages: List[String] = languages
val millServerVersion: String = serverVersion
- var cancelator: () => Unit = () => ()
val millEvaluator: Evaluator = evaluator
+ val ctx: Ctx.Log with Ctx.Home = new Ctx.Log with Ctx.Home {
+ val log: DummyLogger.type = mill.util.DummyLogger
+ val home: Path = os.pwd
+ }
+ var cancelator: () => Unit = () => ()
var rootModule: JavaModule = ModuleUtils.getRootJavaModule(evaluator.rootModule)
var millModules: Seq[JavaModule] = getMillModules(millEvaluator)
var client: BuildClient = _
var moduleToTargetId: Predef.Map[JavaModule, BuildTargetIdentifier] = ModuleUtils.getModuleTargetIdMap(
- millModules,
- evaluator
- )
+ millModules,
+ evaluator
+ )
var targetIdToModule: Predef.Map[BuildTargetIdentifier, JavaModule] = targetToModule(moduleToTargetId)
var moduleToTarget: Predef.Map[JavaModule, BuildTarget] =
- ModuleUtils.millModulesToBspTargets(millModules, rootModule, evaluator, List("scala", "java"))
+ ModuleUtils.millModulesToBspTargets(millModules, rootModule, evaluator, List("scala", "java"))
var moduleCodeToTargetId: Predef.Map[Int, BuildTargetIdentifier] =
- for ( (targetId, module) <- targetIdToModule ) yield (module.hashCode(), targetId)
+ for ((targetId, module) <- targetIdToModule) yield (module.hashCode(), targetId)
var initialized = false
var clientInitialized = false
- val ctx: Ctx.Log with Ctx.Home = new Ctx.Log with Ctx.Home {
- val log: DummyLogger.type = mill.util.DummyLogger
- val home: Path = os.pwd
- }
override def onConnectWithClient(server: BuildClient): Unit =
client = server
@@ -89,14 +88,15 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
override def workspaceBuildTargets(): CompletableFuture[WorkspaceBuildTargetsResult] = {
- recomputeTargets()
- handleExceptions[String, WorkspaceBuildTargetsResult](
- _ => new WorkspaceBuildTargetsResult(moduleToTarget.values.toList.asJava),
- "")
+ recomputeTargets()
+ handleExceptions[String, WorkspaceBuildTargetsResult](
+ _ => new WorkspaceBuildTargetsResult(moduleToTarget.values.toList.asJava),
+ "")
override def buildTargetSources(sourcesParams: SourcesParams): CompletableFuture[SourcesResult] = {
def computeSourcesResult: SourcesResult = {
var items = List[SourcesItem]()
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
var itemSources = List[SourceItem]()
val sources = evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator, targetIdToModule(targetId).sources, Agg.empty[PathRef]).
- map(pathRef => pathRef.path).toSeq
+ map(pathRef => pathRef.path).toSeq
val generatedSources = evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator,
- targetIdToModule(targetId).generatedSources,
- Agg.empty[PathRef]).
- map(pathRef => pathRef.path).toSeq
+ targetIdToModule(targetId).generatedSources,
+ Agg.empty[PathRef]).
+ map(pathRef => pathRef.path).toSeq
for (source <- sources) {
itemSources ++= List(
@@ -125,28 +125,31 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
new SourcesResult(items.asJava)
handleExceptions[String, SourcesResult](_ => computeSourcesResult, "")
override def buildTargetInverseSources(inverseSourcesParams: InverseSourcesParams):
- CompletableFuture[InverseSourcesResult] = {
+ CompletableFuture[InverseSourcesResult] = {
def getInverseSourcesResult: InverseSourcesResult = {
val textDocument = inverseSourcesParams.getTextDocument
val targets = millModules.filter(m => ModuleUtils.evaluateInformativeTask(
- millEvaluator, m.allSourceFiles, Seq.empty[PathRef]).
- map(pathRef => pathRef.path.toIO.toURI.toString).
- contains(textDocument.getUri)).
- map(m => moduleToTargetId(m))
+ millEvaluator, m.allSourceFiles, Seq.empty[PathRef]).
+ map(pathRef => pathRef.path.toIO.toURI.toString).
+ contains(textDocument.getUri)).
+ map(m => moduleToTargetId(m))
new InverseSourcesResult(targets.asJava)
handleExceptions[String, InverseSourcesResult](_ => getInverseSourcesResult, "")
override def buildTargetDependencySources(dependencySourcesParams: DependencySourcesParams):
- CompletableFuture[DependencySourcesResult] = {
+ CompletableFuture[DependencySourcesResult] = {
def getDependencySources: DependencySourcesResult = {
var items = List[DependencySourcesItem]()
@@ -155,117 +158,136 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
var sources = evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator,
Agg.empty[PathRef]) ++
- evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator,
- millModule.resolveDeps(millModule.compileIvyDeps),
- Agg.empty[PathRef]) ++
- evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator,
- millModule.unmanagedClasspath,
- Agg.empty[PathRef])
+ evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator,
+ millModule.resolveDeps(millModule.compileIvyDeps),
+ Agg.empty[PathRef]) ++
+ evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator,
+ millModule.unmanagedClasspath,
+ Agg.empty[PathRef])
millModule match {
case _: ScalaModule => sources ++= evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator,
- millModule.resolveDeps(millModule.asInstanceOf[ScalaModule].scalaLibraryIvyDeps),
- Agg.empty[PathRef])
+ millModule.resolveDeps(millModule.asInstanceOf[ScalaModule].scalaLibraryIvyDeps),
+ Agg.empty[PathRef])
case _: JavaModule => sources ++= List()
items ++= List(new DependencySourcesItem(targetId, sources.
- map(pathRef => pathRef.path.toIO.toURI.toString).
- toList.asJava))
+ map(pathRef => pathRef.path.toIO.toURI.toString).
+ toList.asJava))
new DependencySourcesResult(items.asJava)
handleExceptions[String, DependencySourcesResult](_ => getDependencySources, "")
+ // Recompute the modules in the project in case any changes to the build took place
+ // and update all the mappings that depend on this info
+ private[this] def recomputeTargets(): Unit = {
+ rootModule = ModuleUtils.getRootJavaModule(millEvaluator.rootModule)
+ millModules = getMillModules(millEvaluator)
+ moduleToTargetId = ModuleUtils.getModuleTargetIdMap(millModules, millEvaluator)
+ targetIdToModule = targetToModule(moduleToTargetId)
+ moduleToTarget = ModuleUtils.millModulesToBspTargets(millModules, rootModule, evaluator, List("scala", "java"))
+ }
+ // Given the mapping from modules to targetIds, construct the mapping from targetIds to modules
+ private[this] def targetToModule(moduleToTargetId: Predef.Map[JavaModule, BuildTargetIdentifier]):
+ Predef.Map[BuildTargetIdentifier, JavaModule] = {
+ => (moduleToTargetId(mod), mod)).toMap
+ }
+ // Resolve all the mill modules contained in the project
+ private[this] def getMillModules(ev: Evaluator): Seq[JavaModule] = {
+ ev.rootModule.millInternal.segmentsToModules.values.
+ collect {
+ case m: scalalib.JavaModule => m
+ }.toSeq ++ Seq(rootModule)
+ }
+ // Given a function that take input of type T and return output of type V,
+ // apply the function on the given inputs and return a completable future of
+ // the result. If the execution of the function raises an Exception, complete
+ // the future exceptionally. Also complete exceptionally if the server was not
+ // yet initialized.
+ private[this] def handleExceptions[T, V](serverMethod: T => V, input: T): CompletableFuture[V] = {
+ val future = new CompletableFuture[V]()
+ if (initialized) {
+ try {
+ future.complete(serverMethod(input))
+ } catch {
+ case e: Exception => future.completeExceptionally(e)
+ }
+ } else {
+ future.completeExceptionally(
+ new Exception("Can not respond to any request before receiving the `initialize` request.")
+ )
+ }
+ future
+ }
override def buildTargetResources(resourcesParams: ResourcesParams): CompletableFuture[ResourcesResult] = {
def getResources: ResourcesResult = {
var items = List[ResourcesItem]()
for (targetId <- resourcesParams.getTargets.asScala) {
val millModule = targetIdToModule(targetId)
val resources = evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator, millModule.resources, Agg.empty[PathRef]).
- filter(pathRef => os.exists(pathRef.path)).
- flatMap(pathRef => os.walk(pathRef.path)).
- map(path => path.toIO.toURI.toString).
- toList.asJava
+ filter(pathRef => os.exists(pathRef.path)).
+ flatMap(pathRef => os.walk(pathRef.path)).
+ map(path => path.toIO.toURI.toString).
+ toList.asJava
items ++= List(new ResourcesItem(targetId, resources))
new ResourcesResult(items.asJava)
- handleExceptions[String, ResourcesResult](_ => getResources, "")
- }
- // construct the ManagedLogger that will go into the compilation problems reporter
- private[this] def getCompilationLogger: ManagedLogger = {
- val consoleAppender = MainAppender.defaultScreen(ConsoleOut.printStreamOut(
- millEvaluator.log.outputStream
- ))
- val l = LogExchange.logger("Hello")
- LogExchange.unbindLoggerAppenders("Hello")
- LogExchange.bindLoggerAppenders("Hello", (consoleAppender -> sbt.util.Level.Info) :: Nil)
- l
- }
- // define the function that spawns compilation reporter for each module based on the
- // module's hash code TODO: find something more reliable than the hash code
- private[this] def getBspLoggedReporterPool(params: Parameters, taskStartMessage: String => String,
- taskStartDataKind: String, taskStartData: BuildTargetIdentifier => Object):
- Int => Option[BuildProblemReporter] = {
- int: Int =>
- if (moduleCodeToTargetId.contains(int)) {
- val targetId = moduleCodeToTargetId(int)
- val taskId = new TaskId(targetIdToModule(targetId).compile.hashCode.toString)
- val taskStartParams = new TaskStartParams(taskId)
- taskStartParams.setEventTime(System.currentTimeMillis())
- taskStartParams.setData(taskStartData(targetId))
- taskStartParams.setDataKind(taskStartDataKind)
- taskStartParams.setMessage(taskStartMessage(moduleToTarget(targetIdToModule(targetId)).getDisplayName))
- client.onBuildTaskStart(taskStartParams)
- Option(new BspLoggedReporter(client,
- targetId,
- taskId,
- params.getOriginId))}
- else None
+ handleExceptions[String, ResourcesResult](_ => getResources, "")
//TODO: if the client wants to give compilation arguments and the module
// already has some from the build file, what to do?
override def buildTargetCompile(compileParams: CompileParams): CompletableFuture[CompileResult] = {
def getCompileResult: CompileResult = {
val params = TaskParameters.fromCompileParams(compileParams)
val taskId = params.hashCode()
val compileTasks = Strict.Agg(params.getTargets.
- filter(targetId => targetId != moduleToTarget(rootModule).getId).
- map(targetId => targetIdToModule(targetId).compile):_*)
+ filter(targetId => targetId != moduleToTarget(rootModule).getId).
+ map(targetId => targetIdToModule(targetId).compile): _*)
val result = millEvaluator.evaluate(compileTasks,
- getBspLoggedReporterPool(params, t => s"Started compiling target: $t",
- TaskDataKind.COMPILE_TASK, (targetId: BuildTargetIdentifier) => new CompileTask(targetId)),
- DummyTestReporter,
- new MillBspLogger(client, taskId, millEvaluator.log)
- )
+ getBspLoggedReporterPool(params, t => s"Started compiling target: $t",
+ TaskDataKind.COMPILE_TASK, (targetId: BuildTargetIdentifier) => new CompileTask(targetId)),
+ DummyTestReporter,
+ new MillBspLogger(client, taskId, millEvaluator.log)
+ )
val compileResult = new CompileResult(getStatusCode(result))
compileResult //TODO: See in what form IntelliJ expects data about products of compilation in order to set data field
handleExceptions[String, CompileResult](_ => getCompileResult, "")
override def buildTargetRun(runParams: RunParams): CompletableFuture[RunResult] = {
def getRunResult: RunResult = {
val params = TaskParameters.fromRunParams(runParams)
val module = targetIdToModule(params.getTargets.head)
val args = params.getArguments.getOrElse(Seq.empty[String])
- val runTask =*)
+ val runTask = _*)
val runResult = millEvaluator.evaluate(Strict.Agg(runTask),
- getBspLoggedReporterPool(
- params,
- t => s"Started compiling target: $t",
- TaskDataKind.COMPILE_TASK,
- (targetId: BuildTargetIdentifier) => new CompileTask(targetId)),
- logger = new MillBspLogger(client, runTask.hashCode(), millEvaluator.log))
+ getBspLoggedReporterPool(
+ params,
+ t => s"Started compiling target: $t",
+ TaskDataKind.COMPILE_TASK,
+ (targetId: BuildTargetIdentifier) => new CompileTask(targetId)),
+ logger = new MillBspLogger(client, runTask.hashCode(), millEvaluator.log))
val response = runResult.results(runTask) match {
case _: Result.Success[Any] => new RunResult(StatusCode.OK)
case _ => new RunResult(StatusCode.ERROR)
@@ -276,52 +298,34 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
- handleExceptions[String, RunResult](_ => getRunResult, "")
- }
- private[this] def getStatusCodePerTask(results: Evaluator.Results, task: mill.define.Task[_]): StatusCode = {
- results.results(task) match {
- case _: Success[_] => StatusCode.OK
- case Skipped => StatusCode.CANCELLED
- case _ => StatusCode.ERROR
- }
- }
- // Get the execution status code given the results from Evaluator.evaluate
- private[this] def getStatusCode(results: Evaluator.Results): StatusCode = {
- val statusCodes = => getStatusCodePerTask(results, task)).toSeq
- if (statusCodes.contains(StatusCode.ERROR))
- StatusCode.ERROR
- else if (statusCodes.contains(StatusCode.CANCELLED))
- StatusCode.CANCELLED
- else
- StatusCode.OK
+ handleExceptions[String, RunResult](_ => getRunResult, "")
override def buildTargetTest(testParams: TestParams): CompletableFuture[TestResult] = {
def getTestResult: TestResult = {
val params = TaskParameters.fromTestParams(testParams)
val argsMap = try {
- val scalaTestParams = testParams.getData.asInstanceOf[JsonObject]
- (for (testItem <- scalaTestParams.get("testClasses").getAsJsonArray.asScala)
- yield (
- testItem.getAsJsonObject.get("target").getAsJsonObject.get("uri").getAsString,
- testItem.getAsJsonObject.get("classes").getAsJsonArray
- => elem.getAsString).toSeq)).toMap
- } catch {
- case _: Exception => (for (targetId <- testParams.getTargets.asScala) yield
- (targetId.getUri, Seq.empty[String])).toMap
- }
+ val scalaTestParams = testParams.getData.asInstanceOf[JsonObject]
+ (for (testItem <- scalaTestParams.get("testClasses").getAsJsonArray.asScala)
+ yield (
+ testItem.getAsJsonObject.get("target").getAsJsonObject.get("uri").getAsString,
+ testItem.getAsJsonObject.get("classes").getAsJsonArray
+ => elem.getAsString).toSeq)).toMap
+ } catch {
+ case _: Exception => (for (targetId <- testParams.getTargets.asScala) yield
+ (targetId.getUri, Seq.empty[String])).toMap
+ }
var overallStatusCode = StatusCode.OK
for (targetId <- testParams.getTargets.asScala) {
val module = targetIdToModule(targetId)
module match {
case m: TestModule => val testModule = m.asInstanceOf[TestModule]
- val testTask = testModule.testLocal(argsMap(targetId.getUri):_*)
+ val testTask = testModule.testLocal(argsMap(targetId.getUri): _*)
// notifying the client that the testing of this build target started
val taskStartParams = new TaskStartParams(new TaskId(testTask.hashCode().toString))
@@ -339,7 +343,7 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
val results = millEvaluator.evaluate(
getBspLoggedReporterPool(params, t => s"Started compiling target: $t",
- TaskDataKind.COMPILE_TASK, (targetId: BuildTargetIdentifier) => new CompileTask(targetId)),
+ TaskDataKind.COMPILE_TASK, (targetId: BuildTargetIdentifier) => new CompileTask(targetId)),
new MillBspLogger(client, testTask.hashCode, millEvaluator.log))
val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
@@ -354,10 +358,10 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
val taskFinishParams = new TaskFinishParams(
new TaskId(testTask.hashCode().toString),
- )
+ )
taskFinishParams.setMessage("Finished testing target: " +
- moduleToTarget(targetIdToModule(targetId)).getDisplayName)
+ moduleToTarget(targetIdToModule(targetId)).getDisplayName)
@@ -369,56 +373,105 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
params.getOriginId match {
case None => testResult
case Some(id) =>
- //TODO: Add the messages from mill to the data field?
+ //TODO: Add the messages from mill to the data field?
handleExceptions[String, TestResult](_ => getTestResult, "")
+ // define the function that spawns compilation reporter for each module based on the
+ // module's hash code TODO: find something more reliable than the hash code
+ private[this] def getBspLoggedReporterPool(params: Parameters,
+ taskStartMessage: String => String,
+ taskStartDataKind: String,
+ taskStartData: BuildTargetIdentifier => Object):
+ Int => Option[BuildProblemReporter] = {
+ int: Int =>
+ if (moduleCodeToTargetId.contains(int)) {
+ val targetId = moduleCodeToTargetId(int)
+ val taskId = new TaskId(targetIdToModule(targetId).compile.hashCode.toString)
+ val taskStartParams = new TaskStartParams(taskId)
+ taskStartParams.setEventTime(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ taskStartParams.setData(taskStartData(targetId))
+ taskStartParams.setDataKind(taskStartDataKind)
+ taskStartParams.setMessage(taskStartMessage(moduleToTarget(targetIdToModule(targetId)).getDisplayName))
+ client.onBuildTaskStart(taskStartParams)
+ Option(new BspLoggedReporter(client,
+ targetId,
+ taskId,
+ params.getOriginId))
+ }
+ else None
+ }
+ // Get the execution status code given the results from Evaluator.evaluate
+ private[this] def getStatusCode(results: Evaluator.Results): StatusCode = {
+ val statusCodes = => getStatusCodePerTask(results, task)).toSeq
+ if (statusCodes.contains(StatusCode.ERROR))
+ StatusCode.ERROR
+ else if (statusCodes.contains(StatusCode.CANCELLED))
+ StatusCode.CANCELLED
+ else
+ StatusCode.OK
+ }
+ private[this] def getStatusCodePerTask(results: Evaluator.Results, task: mill.define.Task[_]): StatusCode = {
+ results.results(task) match {
+ case _: Success[_] => StatusCode.OK
+ case Skipped => StatusCode.CANCELLED
+ case _ => StatusCode.ERROR
+ }
+ }
override def buildTargetCleanCache(cleanCacheParams: CleanCacheParams): CompletableFuture[CleanCacheResult] = {
- recomputeTargets()
- def getCleanCacheResult: CleanCacheResult = {
- var msg = ""
- var cleaned = true
- for (targetId <- cleanCacheParams.getTargets.asScala) {
- val module = targetIdToModule(targetId)
- val mainModule = new MainModule {
- override implicit def millDiscover: Discover[_] = {
- Discover[this.type]
- }
+ recomputeTargets()
+ def getCleanCacheResult: CleanCacheResult = {
+ var msg = ""
+ var cleaned = true
+ for (targetId <- cleanCacheParams.getTargets.asScala) {
+ val module = targetIdToModule(targetId)
+ val mainModule = new MainModule {
+ override implicit def millDiscover: Discover[_] = {
+ Discover[this.type]
- val cleanTask = mainModule.clean(millEvaluator, List(s"${module.millModuleSegments.render}.compile"):_*)
- val cleanResult = millEvaluator.evaluate(
- Strict.Agg(cleanTask),
- logger = new MillBspLogger(client, cleanTask.hashCode, millEvaluator.log)
+ }
+ val cleanTask = mainModule.clean(millEvaluator, List(s"${module.millModuleSegments.render}.compile"): _*)
+ val cleanResult = millEvaluator.evaluate(
+ Strict.Agg(cleanTask),
+ logger = new MillBspLogger(client, cleanTask.hashCode, millEvaluator.log)
- if (cleanResult.failing.keyCount > 0) {
- cleaned = false
- msg += s" Target ${module.millModuleSegments.render} could not be cleaned. See message from mill: \n"
- cleanResult.results(cleanTask) match {
- case fail: Result.Failure[Any] => msg += fail.msg + "\n"
- case _ => msg += "could not retrieve message"
- }
- } else {
- msg += s"${module.millModuleSegments.render} cleaned \n"
+ if (cleanResult.failing.keyCount > 0) {
+ cleaned = false
+ msg += s" Target ${module.millModuleSegments.render} could not be cleaned. See message from mill: \n"
+ cleanResult.results(cleanTask) match {
+ case fail: Result.Failure[Any] => msg += fail.msg + "\n"
+ case _ => msg += "could not retrieve message"
+ }
+ } else {
+ msg += s"${module.millModuleSegments.render} cleaned \n"
- val outDir = Evaluator.resolveDestPaths(os.pwd / "out", module.millModuleSegments ++
- Seq(Label("compile"))).out
- while (os.exists(outDir)) {
- Thread.sleep(10)
- }
+ val outDir = Evaluator.resolveDestPaths(os.pwd / "out", module.millModuleSegments ++
+ Seq(Label("compile"))).out
+ while (os.exists(outDir)) {
+ Thread.sleep(10)
- new CleanCacheResult(msg, cleaned)
- handleExceptions[String, CleanCacheResult](_ => getCleanCacheResult, "")
+ new CleanCacheResult(msg, cleaned)
+ handleExceptions[String, CleanCacheResult](_ => getCleanCacheResult, "")
+ }
override def buildTargetScalacOptions(scalacOptionsParams: ScalacOptionsParams):
- CompletableFuture[ScalacOptionsResult] = {
+ CompletableFuture[ScalacOptionsResult] = {
def getScalacOptionsResult: ScalacOptionsResult = {
var targetScalacOptions = List.empty[ScalacOptionsItem]
for (targetId <- scalacOptionsParams.getTargets.asScala) {
@@ -429,8 +482,8 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
val classpath = evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator, m.runClasspath, Agg.empty[PathRef]).
map(pathRef => pathRef.path.toIO.toURI.toString).toList
val classDirectory = (Evaluator.resolveDestPaths(
- os.pwd / "out" ,
- m.millModuleSegments ++ Seq(Label("compile"))).dest / "classes"
+ os.pwd / "out",
+ m.millModuleSegments ++ Seq(Label("compile"))).dest / "classes"
targetScalacOptions ++= List(new ScalacOptionsItem(targetId, options.asJava, classpath.asJava, classDirectory))
@@ -439,6 +492,7 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
new ScalacOptionsResult(targetScalacOptions.asJava)
handleExceptions[String, ScalacOptionsResult](_ => getScalacOptionsResult, "")
@@ -446,8 +500,9 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
// defined for the same module, do something so that those can still be detected
// such that IntelliJ can run any of them
override def buildTargetScalaMainClasses(scalaMainClassesParams: ScalaMainClassesParams):
- CompletableFuture[ScalaMainClassesResult] = {
+ CompletableFuture[ScalaMainClassesResult] = {
def getScalaMainClasses: ScalaMainClassesResult = {
var items = List.empty[ScalaMainClassesItem]
for (targetId <- scalaMainClassesParams.getTargets.asScala) {
@@ -456,10 +511,10 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
case result: Result.Success[Any] => result.asSuccess.get.value match {
case mainClass: Right[String, String] =>
List(new ScalaMainClass(
- mainClass.value,
- List.empty[String].asJava,
- evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator, module.forkArgs, Seq.empty[String]).
- toList.asJava))
+ mainClass.value,
+ List.empty[String].asJava,
+ evaluateInformativeTask(evaluator, module.forkArgs, Seq.empty[String]).
+ toList.asJava))
case msg: Left[String, String] =>
val messageParams = new ShowMessageParams(MessageType.WARNING, msg.value)
@@ -468,96 +523,64 @@ class MillBuildServer(evaluator: Evaluator,
case _ => List.empty[ScalaMainClass]
- val item = new ScalaMainClassesItem (targetId , scalaMainClasses.asJava)
+ val item = new ScalaMainClassesItem(targetId, scalaMainClasses.asJava)
items ++= List(item)
- }
+ }
new ScalaMainClassesResult(items.asJava)
- handleExceptions[String, ScalaMainClassesResult](_ => getScalaMainClasses, "")
- }
- // Detect and return the test classes contained in the given TestModule
- private[this] def getTestClasses(module: TestModule) (implicit ctx: Ctx.Home): Seq[String] = {
- val runClasspath = getTaskResult(millEvaluator, module.runClasspath)
- val frameworks = getTaskResult(millEvaluator, module.testFrameworks)
- val compilationResult = getTaskResult(millEvaluator, module.compile)
- (runClasspath, frameworks, compilationResult) match {
- case (Result.Success(classpath), Result.Success(testFrameworks), Result.Success(compResult)) =>
- val classFingerprint = Jvm.inprocess(classpath.asInstanceOf[Seq[PathRef]].map(_.path),
- classLoaderOverrideSbtTesting = true,
- isolated = true,
- closeContextClassLoaderWhenDone = false, cl => {
- val fs = TestRunner.frameworks(testFrameworks.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]])(cl)
- fs.flatMap(framework =>
- discoverTests(cl, framework, Agg(compResult.asInstanceOf[CompilationResult].
- classes.path)))
- })
- => classF._1.getName.stripSuffix("$"))
- case _ => Seq.empty[String] //TODO: or send notification that something went wrong
- }
+ handleExceptions[String, ScalaMainClassesResult](_ => getScalaMainClasses, "")
override def buildTargetScalaTestClasses(scalaTestClassesParams: ScalaTestClassesParams):
- CompletableFuture[ScalaTestClassesResult] = {
+ CompletableFuture[ScalaTestClassesResult] = {
- def getScalaTestClasses (implicit ctx: Ctx.Home): ScalaTestClassesResult = {
+ def getScalaTestClasses(implicit ctx: Ctx.Home): ScalaTestClassesResult = {
var items = List.empty[ScalaTestClassesItem]
for (targetId <- scalaTestClassesParams.getTargets.asScala) {
targetIdToModule(targetId) match {
case module: TestModule =>
- items ++= List(new ScalaTestClassesItem(targetId, getTestClasses(module).toList.asJava))
+ items ++= List(new ScalaTestClassesItem(targetId, getTestClasses(module).toList.asJava))
case _: JavaModule => //TODO: maybe send a notification that this target has no test classes
new ScalaTestClassesResult(items.asJava)
- handleExceptions[Ctx.Home, ScalaTestClassesResult](c => getScalaTestClasses(c), ctx)
- }
- // Given the mapping from modules to targetIds, construct the mapping from targetIds to modules
- private[this] def targetToModule(moduleToTargetId: Predef.Map[JavaModule, BuildTargetIdentifier]):
- Predef.Map[BuildTargetIdentifier, JavaModule] = {
- => (moduleToTargetId(mod), mod)).toMap
+ handleExceptions[Ctx.Home, ScalaTestClassesResult](c => getScalaTestClasses(c), ctx)
- // Resolve all the mill modules contained in the project
- private[this] def getMillModules(ev: Evaluator): Seq[JavaModule] = {
- ev.rootModule.millInternal.segmentsToModules.values.
- collect {
- case m: scalalib.JavaModule => m
- }.toSeq ++ Seq(rootModule)
- }
+ // Detect and return the test classes contained in the given TestModule
+ private[this] def getTestClasses(module: TestModule)(implicit ctx: Ctx.Home): Seq[String] = {
+ val runClasspath = getTaskResult(millEvaluator, module.runClasspath)
+ val frameworks = getTaskResult(millEvaluator, module.testFrameworks)
+ val compilationResult = getTaskResult(millEvaluator, module.compile)
- // Recompute the modules in the project in case any changes to the build took place
- // and update all the mappings that depend on this info
- private[this] def recomputeTargets(): Unit = {
- rootModule = ModuleUtils.getRootJavaModule(millEvaluator.rootModule)
- millModules = getMillModules(millEvaluator)
- moduleToTargetId = ModuleUtils.getModuleTargetIdMap(millModules, millEvaluator)
- targetIdToModule = targetToModule(moduleToTargetId)
- moduleToTarget = ModuleUtils.millModulesToBspTargets(millModules, rootModule, evaluator, List("scala", "java"))
+ (runClasspath, frameworks, compilationResult) match {
+ case (Result.Success(classpath), Result.Success(testFrameworks), Result.Success(compResult)) =>
+ val classFingerprint = Jvm.inprocess(classpath.asInstanceOf[Seq[PathRef]].map(_.path),
+ classLoaderOverrideSbtTesting = true,
+ isolated = true,
+ closeContextClassLoaderWhenDone = false, cl => {
+ val fs = TestRunner.frameworks(testFrameworks.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]])(cl)
+ fs.flatMap(framework =>
+ discoverTests(cl, framework, Agg(compResult.asInstanceOf[CompilationResult].
+ classes.path)))
+ })
+ => classF._1.getName.stripSuffix("$"))
+ case _ => Seq.empty[String] //TODO: or send notification that something went wrong
+ }
- // Given a function that take input of type T and return output of type V,
- // apply the function on the given inputs and return a completable future of
- // the result. If the execution of the function raises an Exception, complete
- // the future exceptionally. Also complete exceptionally if the server was not
- // yet initialized.
- private[this] def handleExceptions[T, V](serverMethod: T => V, input: T): CompletableFuture[V] = {
- val future = new CompletableFuture[V]()
- if (initialized) {
- try {
- future.complete(serverMethod(input))
- } catch {
- case e: Exception => future.completeExceptionally(e)
- }
- } else {
- future.completeExceptionally(
- new Exception("Can not respond to any request before receiving the `initialize` request.")
- )
- }
- future
+ // construct the ManagedLogger that will go into the compilation problems reporter
+ private[this] def getCompilationLogger: ManagedLogger = {
+ val consoleAppender = MainAppender.defaultScreen(ConsoleOut.printStreamOut(
+ millEvaluator.log.outputStream
+ ))
+ val l = LogExchange.logger("Hello")
+ LogExchange.unbindLoggerAppenders("Hello")
+ LogExchange.bindLoggerAppenders("Hello", (consoleAppender -> sbt.util.Level.Info) :: Nil)
+ l