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+Mill handles cross-building of all sorts via the `Cross[T]` module.
+## Defining Cross Modules
+You can use this as follows:
+object foo extends mill.Cross[FooModule]("2.10", "2.11", "2.12")
+class FooModule(crossVersion: String) extends Module{
+ def suffix = T{ crossVersion }
+ def bigSuffix = T{ suffix().toUpperCase() }
+This defines three copies of `FooModule`: `"210"`, `"211"` and `"212"`, each of
+which has their own `suffix` target. You can then run them via
+mill --show foo[2.10].suffix
+mill --show foo[2.10].bigSuffix
+mill --show foo[2.11].suffix
+mill --show foo[2.11].bigSuffix
+mill --show foo[2.12].suffix
+mill --show foo[2.12].bigSuffix
+The modules each also have a `basePath` of
+And the `suffix` targets will have the corresponding output paths for their
+metadata and files:
+You can also have a cross-build with multiple inputs:
+val crossMatrix = for{
+ crossVersion <- Seq("210", "211", "212")
+ platform <- Seq("jvm", "js", "native")
+ if !(platform == "native" && crossVersion != "212")
+} yield (crossVersion, platform)
+object foo extends mill.Cross[FooModule](crossMatrix:_*)
+class FooModule(crossVersion: String, platform: String) extends Module{
+ def suffix = T{ crossVersion + "_" + platform }
+Here, we define our cross-values programmatically using a `for`-loop that spits
+out tuples instead of individual values. Our `FooModule` template class then
+takes two parameters instead of one. This creates the following modules each
+with their own `suffix` target:
+mill --show foo[210,jvm].suffix
+mill --show foo[211,jvm].suffix
+mill --show foo[212,jvm].suffix
+mill --show foo[210,js].suffix
+mill --show foo[211,js].suffix
+mill --show foo[212,js].suffix
+mill --show foo[212,native].suffix
+## Using Cross Modules from Outside
+You can refer to targets defined in cross-modules as follows:
+object foo extends mill.Cross[FooModule]("2.10", "2.11", "2.12")
+class FooModule(crossVersion: String) extends Module{
+ def suffix = T{ crossVersion }
+def bar = T{ "hello " + foo("2.10").suffix }
+Here, `foo("2.10")` references the `"2.10"` instance of `FooModule`. You can
+refer to whatever versions of the cross-module you want, even using multiple
+versions of the cross-module in the same target:
+object foo extends mill.Cross[FooModule]("2.10", "2.11", "2.12")
+class FooModule(crossVersion: String) extends Module{
+ def suffix = T{ crossVersion }
+def bar = T{ "hello " + foo("2.10").suffix + " world " + foo("2.12").suffix }
+## Using Cross Modules from other Cross Modules
+Targets in cross-modules can depend on one another the same way that external
+object foo extends mill.Cross[FooModule]("2.10", "2.11", "2.12")
+class FooModule(crossVersion: String) extends Module{
+ def suffix = T{ crossVersion }
+object bar extends mill.Cross[BarModule]("2.10", "2.11", "2.12")
+class BarModule(crossVersion: String) extends Module{
+ def bigSuffix = T{ foo(crossVersion).suffix().toUpperCase() }
+Here, you can run:
+mill --show foo[2.10].suffix
+mill --show foo[2.11].suffix
+mill --show foo[2.12].suffix
+mill --show bar[2.10].bigSuffix
+mill --show bar[2.11].bigSuffix
+mill --show bar[2.12].bigSuffix
+## Cross Resolvers
+You can define an implicit `mill.define.Cross.Resolve` within your
+cross-modules, which would let you use a shorthand `foo()` syntax when referring
+to other cross-modules with an identical set of cross values:
+trait MyModule extends Module{
+ def crossVersion: String
+ implicit object resolver extends mill.define.Cross.Resolve[ResolvedModule]{
+ def resolve[V <: ResolvedModule](c: Cross[V]): V = c.itemMap(crossVersion)
+ }
+object foo extends mill.Cross[FooModule]("2.10", "2.11", "2.12")
+class FooModule(crossVersion: String) extends MyModule{
+ def suffix = T{ crossVersion }
+object bar extends mill.Cross[BarModule]("2.10", "2.11", "2.12")
+class BarModule(crossVersion: String) extends MyModule{
+ def bigSuffix = T{ foo().suffix().toUpperCase() }
+While the example `resolver` simply looks up the target `Cross` value for the
+cross-module instance with the same `crossVersion`, you can make the resolver
+arbitrarily complex. e.g. the `resolver` for `mill.scalalib.CrossSbtModule`
+looks for a cross-module instance whose `scalaVersion` is binary compatible
+(e.g. 2.10.5 is compatible with 2.10.3) with the current cross-module. \ No newline at end of file
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+## Mill Design Principles
+A lot of mills design principles are intended to fix SBT's flaws, as described
+in the blog post
+[What's wrong with SBT](,
+building on the best ideas from tools like [CBT](
+and [Bazel](, and the ideas from my blog post
+[Build Tools as
+Pure Functional Programs](
+Before working on Mill, read through that post to understand where it is coming
+### Dependency graph first
+Mill's most important abstraction is the dependency graph of `Task`s.
+Constructed using the `T{...}` `T.task{...}` `T.command{...}` syntax, these
+track the dependencies between steps of a build, so those steps can be executed
+in the correct order, queried, or parallelized.
+While Mill provides helpers like `ScalaModule` and other things you can use to
+quickly instantiate a bunch of related tasks (resolve dependencies, find
+sources, compile, package into jar, ...) these are secondary. When Mill
+executes, the dependency graph is what matters: any other mode of organization
+(hierarchies, modules, inheritence, etc.) is only important to create this
+dependency graph of `Task`s.
+### Builds are hierarchical
+The syntax for running targets from the command line `mill` is
+the same as referencing a target in Scala code, ``
+Everything that you can run from the command line lives in an object hierarchy
+in your `` file. Different parts of the hierarchy can have different
+`Target`s available: just add a new `def foo = T{...}` somewhere and you'll be
+able to run it.
+Cross builds, using the `Cross` data structure, are just another kind of node in
+the object hierarchy. The only difference is syntax: from the command line you'd
+run something via `mill core.cross[a].printIt` while from code you use
+`core.cross("a").printIt` due to different restrictions in Scala/Bash syntax.
+### Caching by default
+Every `Target` in a build, defined by `def foo = T{...}`, is cached by default.
+Currently this is done using a `foo/meta.json` file in the `out/` folder. The
+`Target` is also provided a `foo/` path on the filesystem dedicated to it, for
+it to store output files etc.
+This happens whether you want it to or not. Every `Target` is cached, not just
+the "slow" ones like `compile` or `assembly`.
+Caching is keyed on the `.hashCode` of the returned value. For `Target`s
+returning the contents of a file/folder on disk, they return `PathRef` instances
+whose hashcode is based on the hash of the disk contents. Serialization of the
+returned values is tentatively done using uPickle.
+### Short-lived build processes
+The Mill build process is meant to be run over and over, not only as a
+long-lived daemon/console. That means we must minimize the startup time of the
+process, and that a new process must be able to re-construct the in-memory data
+structures where a previous process left off, in order to continue the build.
+Re-construction is done via the hierarchical nature of the build: each `Target`
+`` has a fixed position in the build hierarchy, and thus a fixed
+position on disk `out/foo/bar/baz/meta.json`. When the old process dies and a
+new process starts, there will be a new instance of `Target` with the same
+implementation code and same position in the build hierarchy: this new `Target`
+can then load the `out/foo/bar/baz/meta.json` file and pick up where the
+previous process left off.
+Minimizing startup time means aggressive caching, as well as minimizing the
+total amount of bytecode used: Mill's current 1-2s startup time is dominated by
+JVM classloading. In future, we may have a long lived console or
+nailgun/drip-based server/client models to speed up interactive usage, but we
+should always keep "cold" startup as fast as possible.
+### Static dependency graph and Applicative tasks
+`Task`s are *Applicative*, not *Monadic*. There is `.map`, `.zip`, but no
+`.flatMap` operation. That means that we can know the structure of the entire
+dependency graph before we start executing `Task`s. This lets us perform all
+sorts of useful operations on the graph before running it:
+- Given a Target the user wants to run, pre-compute and display what targets
+ will be evaluated ("dry run"), without running them
+- Automatically parallelize different parts of the dependency graph that do not
+ depend on each other, perhaps even distributing it to different worker
+ machines like Bazel/Pants can
+- Visualize the dependency graph easily, e.g. by dumping to a DOT file
+- Query the graph, e.g. "why does this thing depend on that other thing?"
+- Avoid running tasks "halfway": if a Target's upstream Targets fail, we can
+ skip the Target completely rather than running halfway and then bailing out
+ with an exception
+In order to avoid making people using `.map` and `.zip` all over the place when
+defining their `Task`s, we use the `T{...}`/`T.task{...}`/`T.command{...}`
+macros which allow you to use `Task#apply()` within the block to "extract" a
+def test() = T.command{
+ TestRunner.apply(
+ "mill.UTestFramework",
+ runDepClasspath().map(_.path) :+ compile().path,
+ Seq(compile().path)
+This is roughly to the following:
+def test() = T.command{ T.zipMap(runDepClasspath, compile, compile){
+ (runDepClasspath1, compile2, compile3) =>
+ TestRunner.apply(
+ "mill.UTestFramework",
+ :+ compile2.path,
+ Seq(compile3.path)
+ )
+This is similar to SBT's `:=`/`.value` macros, or `scala-async`'s
+`async`/`await`. Like those, the `T{...}` macro should let users program most of
+their code in a "direct" style and have it "automatically" lifted into a graph
+of `Task`s.
+## How Mill aims for Simple
+Why should you expect that the Mill build tool can achieve simple, easy &
+flexible, where other build tools in the past have failed?
+Build tools inherently encompass a huge number of different concepts:
+- What "Tasks" depends on what?
+- How do I define my own tasks?
+- Where do source files come from?
+- What needs to run in what order to do what I want?
+- What can be parallelized and what can't?
+- How do tasks pass data to each other? What data do they pass?
+- What tasks are cached? Where?
+- How are tasks run from the command line?
+- How do you deal with the repetition inherent a build? (e.g. compile, run &
+ test tasks for every "module")
+- What is a "Module"? How do they relate to "Tasks"?
+- How do you configure a Module to do something different?
+- How are cross-builds (across different configurations) handled?
+These are a lot of questions to answer, and we haven't even started talking
+about the actually compiling/running any code yet! If each such facet of a build
+was modelled separately, it's easy to have an explosion of different concepts
+that would make a build tool hard to understand.
+Before you continue, take a moment to think: how would you answer to each of
+those questions using an existing build tool you are familiar with? Different
+tools like [SBT](,
+[Fake](, [Gradle]( or
+[Grunt]( have very different answers.
+Mill aims to provide the answer to these questions using as few, as familiar
+core concepts as possible. The entire Mill build is oriented around a few
+- The Object Hierarchy
+- The Call Graph
+- Instantiating Traits & Classes
+These concepts are already familiar to anyone experienced in Scala (or any other
+programming language...), but are enough to answer all of the complicated
+build-related questions listed above.
+## The Object Hierarchy
+The module hierarchy is the graph of objects, starting from the root of the
+`` file, that extend `mill.Module`. At the leaves of the hierarchy are
+the `Target`s you can run.
+A `Target`'s position in the module hierarchy tells you many things. For
+example, a `Target` at position `core.test.compile` would:
+- Cache output metadata at `out/core/test/compile/meta.json`
+- Output files to the folder `out/core/test/compile/dest/`
+- Source files default to a folder in `core/test/`, `core/test/src/`
+- Be runnable from the command-line via `mill core.test.compile`
+- Be referenced programmatically (from other `Target`s) via `core.test.compile`
+From the position of any `Target` within the object hierarchy, you immediately
+know how to run it, find its output files, find any caches, or refer to it from
+other `Target`s. You know up-front where the `Target`'s data "lives" on disk, and
+are sure that it will never clash with any other `Target`'s data.
+## The Call Graph
+The Scala call graph of "which target references which other target" is core to
+how Mill operates. This graph is reified via the `T{...}` macro to make it
+available to the Mill execution engine at runtime. The call graph tells you:
+- Which `Target`s depend on which other `Target`s
+- For a given `Target` to be built, what other `Target`s need to be run and in
+ what order
+- Which `Target`s can be evaluated in parallel
+- What source files need to be watched when using `--watch` on a given target (by
+ tracing the call graph up to the `Source`s)
+- What a given `Target` makes available for other `Target`s to depend on (via
+ its return value)
+- Defining your own task that depends on others is as simple as `def foo =
+ T{...}`
+The call graph within your Scala code is essentially a data-flow graph: by
+defining a snippet of code:
+val b = ...
+val c = ...
+val d = ...
+val a = f(b, c, d)
+you are telling everyone that the value `a` depends on the values of `b` `c` and
+`d`, processed by `f`. A build tool needs exactly the same data structure:
+knowing what `Target` depends on what other `Target`s, and what processing it
+does on its inputs!
+With Mill, you can take the Scala call graph, wrap everything in the `T{...}`
+macro, and get a `Target`-dependency graph that matches exactly the call-graph
+you already had:
+val b = T{ ... }
+val c = T{ ... }
+val d = T{ ... }
+val a = T{ f(b(), c(), d()) }
+Thus, if you are familiar with how data flows through a normal Scala program,
+you already know how data flows through a Mill build! The Mill build evaluation
+may be incremental, it may cache things, it may read and write from disk, but
+the fundamental syntax, and the data-flow that syntax represents, is unchanged
+from your normal Scala code.
+## Instantiating Traits & Classes
+Classes and traits are a common way of re-using common data structures in Scala:
+if you have a bunch of fields which are related and you want to make multiple
+copies of those fields, you put them in a class/trait and instantiate it over
+and over.
+In Mill, inheriting from traits is the primary way for re-using common parts of
+a build:
+- Scala "project"s with multiple related `Target`s within them, are just a
+ `Trait` you instantiate
+- Replacing the default `Target`s within a project, making them do new
+ things or depend on new `Target`s, is simply `override`-ing them during
+ inheritence.
+- Modifying the default `Target`s within a project, making use of the old value
+ to compute the new value, is simply `override`ing them and using ``
+- Required configuration parameters within a `project` are `abstract` members.
+- Cross-builds are modelled as instantiating a (possibly anonymous) class
+ multiple times, each instance with its own distinct set of `Target`s
+In normal Scala, you bundle up common fields & functionality into a `class` you
+can instantiate over and over, and you can override the things you want to
+customize. Similarly, in Mill, you bundle up common parts of a build into
+`trait`s you can instantiate over and over, and you can override the things you
+want to customize. "Subprojects", "cross-builds", and many other concepts are
+reduced to simply instantiating a `trait` over and over, with tweaks.
+## Prior Work
+### SBT
+Mill is built as a substitute for SBT, whose problems are
+[described here](
+Nevertheless, Mill takes on some parts of SBT (builds written in Scala, Task
+graph with an Applicative "idiom bracket" macro) where it makes sense.
+### Bazel
+Mill is largely inspired by [Bazel]( In particular, the
+single-build-hierarchy, where every Target has an on-disk-cache/output-directory
+according to their position in the hierarchy, comes from Bazel.
+Bazel is a bit odd in it’s own right. the underlying data model is good
+(hierarchy + cached dependency graph) but getting there is hell it (like SBT) is
+also a 3-layer interpretation model, but layers 1 & 2 are almost exactly the
+same: mutable python which performs global side effects (layer 3 is the same
+dependency-graph evaluator as SBT/mill)
+You end up having to deal with a non-trivial python codebase where everything
+happens via
+where `"blah"` is a global identifier that is often constructed programmatically
+via string concatenation and passed around. This is quite challenging.
+Having the two layers be “just python” is great since people know python, but I
+think unnecessary two have two layers ("evaluating macros" and "evaluating rule
+impls") that are almost exactly the same, and I think making them interact via
+return values rather than via a global namespace of programmatically-constructed
+strings would make it easier to follow.
+With Mill, I’m trying to collapse Bazel’s Python layer 1 & 2 into just 1 layer
+of Scala, and have it define its dependency graph/hierarchy by returning
+values, rather than by calling global-side-effecting APIs. I've had trouble
+trying to teach people how-to-bazel at work, and am pretty sure we can make
+something that's easier to use.
+### Scala.Rx
+Mill's "direct-style" applicative syntax is inspired by my old
+[Scala.Rx]( project. While there are
+differences (Mill captures the dependency graph lexically using Macros, Scala.Rx
+captures it at runtime, they are pretty similar.
+The end-goal is the same: to write code in a "direct style" and have it
+automatically "lifted" into a dependency graph, which you can introspect and use
+for incremental updates at runtime.
+Scala.Rx is itself build upon the 2010 paper
+[Deprecating the Observer Pattern](
+### CBT
+Mill looks a lot like [CBT]( The inheritance based
+model for customizing `Module`s/`ScalaModule`s comes straight from there, as
+does the "command line path matches Scala selector path" idea. Most other things
+are different though: the reified dependency graph, the execution model, the
+caching module all follow Bazel more than they do CBT
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+Mill is a general purpose build-tool. It has built in support for the
+[Scala]( programming language, and can serve as a
+replacement for [SBT](, but can also be extended to
+support any other language or platform via modules (written in Java or Scala) or
+through external subprocesses. Mill aims for simplicity by re-using concepts you
+are already familiar with to let you define your project's build. Mill's
+`` files are Scala scripts.
+## Hello Mill
+The simplest Mill build for a Scala project looks as follows:
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+This would build a project laid out as follows:
+ src/
+ Main.scala
+ resources/
+ ...
+ foo/
+ ...
+The source code for this module would live in the `foo/src/` folder, matching
+the name you assigned to the module. Output for this module (compiled files,
+resolved dependency lists, ...) would live in `out/foo/`.
+This can be run from the Bash shell via:
+$ mill foo.compile # compile sources into classfiles
+$ mill # run the main method, if any
+$ mill foo.jar # bundle the classfiles into a jar
+$ mill foo.assembly # bundle the classfiles and all dependencies into a jar
+The most common **tasks** that Mill can run are cached **targets**, such as
+`compile`, and un-cached **commands** such as ``. Targets do not
+re-evaluate unless one of their inputs changes, where-as commands re-run every
+### Watch and Re-evaluate
+You can use the `--watch` flag to make Mill watch a task's inputs, re-evaluating
+the task as necessary when the inputs change:
+$ mill --watch foo.compile
+$ mill --watch
+### Show Target Output
+By default, Mill does not print out the metadata from evaluating a task. Most
+people would not be interested in e.g. viewing the metadata related to
+incremental compilation: they just want to compile their code! However, if you
+want to inspect the build to debug problems, you can make Mill show you the
+metadata output for a task using the `--show` flag:
+You can also ask Mill to display the metadata output of a task using `--show`:
+$ mill --show foo.compile
+ "analysisFile": "/Users/lihaoyi/Dropbox/Github/test/out/foo/compile/dest/zinc",
+ "classes": {
+ "path": "/Users/lihaoyi/Dropbox/Github/test/out/foo/compile/dest/classes"
+ }
+This also applies to tasks which hold simple configurable values:
+$ mill --show foo.sources
+ {"path": "/Users/lihaoyi/Dropbox/Github/test/foo/src"}
+$ mill --show foo.compileDepClasspath
+ {"path": ".../org/scala-lang/scala-compiler/2.12.4/scala-compiler-2.12.4.jar"},
+ {"path": ".../org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.12.4/scala-library-2.12.4.jar"},
+ {"path": ".../org/scala-lang/scala-reflect/2.12.4/scala-reflect-2.12.4.jar"},
+ {"path": ".../org/scala-lang/modules/scala-xml_2.12/1.0.6/scala-xml_2.12-1.0.6.jar"}
+Any flags passed *before* the name of the task (e.g. `foo.compile`) are given to
+Mill, while any arguments passed *after* the task are given to the task itself.
+For example:
+$ mill --watch
+Makes Mill watch-and-re-evaluate the `` task, while `mill
+--watch` evaluates `` once and passes it the `--watch` flag. This matches
+the behavior of other executables such as `java` or `python`.
+### The Build Repl
+$ mill
+@ foo
+res1: foo.type =
+ .runLocal(args: String*)()
+ .run(args: String*)()
+ .runMainLocal(mainClass: String, args: String*)()
+ .runMain(mainClass: String, args: String*)()
+ .console()()
+ .allSources()
+ .artifactId()
+ .artifactName()
+@ foo.compile
+res3: mill.package.T[mill.scalalib.CompilationResult] = mill.scalalib.ScalaModule#compile:152
+ foo.scalaVersion
+ foo.allSources
+ foo.compileDepClasspath
+@ foo.compile()
+res2: mill.scalalib.CompilationResult = CompilationResult(
+ root/'Users/'lihaoyi/'Dropbox/'Github/'test/'out/'foo/'compile/'dest/'zinc,
+ PathRef(root/'Users/'lihaoyi/'Dropbox/'Github/'test/'out/'foo/'compile/'dest/'classes, false)
+You can run `mill` alone to open a build REPL; this is a Scala console with your
+`` loaded, which lets you run tasks interactively. The task-running
+syntax is slightly different from the command-line, but more in-line with how
+you would depend on tasks from within your build file.
+You can use this REPL to run build commands quicker, due to keeping the JVM warm
+between runs, or to interactively explore your build to see what is available.
+## Configuring Mill
+You can configure your Mill build in a number of ways:
+### Compilation & Execution Flags
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ def scalacOptions = Seq("-Ydelambdafy:inline")
+ def forkArgs = Seq("-Xmx4g")
+ def forkEnv = Map("HELLO_MY_ENV_VAR" -> "WORLD")
+You can pass flags to the Scala compiler via `scalacOptions`. By default,
+`` runs the compiled code in a subprocess, and you can pass in JVM flags
+via `forkArgs` or environment-variables via `forkEnv`.
+You can also run your code via
+mill foo.runLocal
+Which runs it in-process within an isolated classloader. This may be faster
+since you avoid the JVM startup, but does not support `forkArgs` or `forkEnv`.
+### Adding Ivy Dependencies
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(
+ ivy"com.lihaoyi::upickle:0.5.1",
+ ivy"com.lihaoyi::pprint:0.5.2",
+ ivy"com.lihaoyi::fansi:0.2.4"
+ )
+You can define the `ivyDeps` field to add ivy dependencies to your module. The
+`ivy"com.lihaoyi::upickle:0.5.1"` syntax (with `::`) represents Scala
+dependencies; for Java dependencies you would use a single `:` e.g.
+By default these are resolved from maven central, but you can add your own
+resolvers by overriding the `repositories` definition in the module:
+def repositories = super.repositories ++ Seq(
+ MavenRepository("")
+### Adding a Test Suite
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ object test extends Tests{
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::utest:0.6.0")
+ def testFramework = "mill.UTestFramework"
+ }
+You can define a test suite by creating a nested module extending `Tests`, and
+specifying the ivy coordinates and name of your test framework. This expects the
+tests to be laid out as follows:
+ src/
+ Main.scala
+ resources/
+ ...
+ test/
+ src/
+ MainTest.scala
+ resources/
+ ...
+ foo/
+ ...
+ test/
+ ...
+The above example can be run via
+mill foo.test
+By default, tests are run in a subprocess, and `forkArg` and `forkEnv` can be
+overriden to pass JVM flags & environment variables. You can also use
+mill foo.test.testLocal
+To run tests in-process in an isolated classloader.
+You can define multiple test suites if you want, e.g.:
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ object test extends Tests{
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::utest:0.6.0")
+ def testFramework = "mill.UTestFramework"
+ }
+ object integration extends Tests{
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::utest:0.6.0")
+ def testFramework = "mill.UTestFramework"
+ }
+Each of which will expect their sources to be in their respective `foo/test` and
+`foo/integration` folder.
+`Tests` modules are `ScalaModule`s like any other, and all the same
+configuration options apply.
+### Multiple Modules
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+object bar extends ScalaModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(foo)
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+You can define multiple modules the same way you define a single module, using
+`def moduleDeps` to define the relationship between them. The above build
+expects the following project layout:
+ src/
+ Main.scala
+ resources/
+ ...
+ src/
+ Main2.scala
+ resources/
+ ...
+ foo/
+ ...
+ bar/
+ ...
+Mill's evaluator will ensure that the modules are compiled in the right order,
+and re-compiled as necessary when source code in each module changes.
+Modules can also be nested:
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ object bar extends ScalaModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(foo)
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ }
+Which would result in a similarly nested project layout:
+ src/
+ Main.scala
+ resources/
+ ...
+ bar/
+ src/
+ Main2.scala
+ resources/
+ ...
+ foo/
+ ...
+ bar/
+ ...
+### Scala Compiler Plugins
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ def compileIvyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::acyclic:0.1.7")
+ def scalacOptions = Seq("-P:acyclic:force")
+ def scalacPluginIvyDeps = Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi::acyclic:0.1.7")
+You can use Scala compiler plugins by setting `scalacPluginIvyDeps`. The above
+example also adds the plugin to `compileIvyDeps`, since that plugin's artifact
+is needed on the compilation classpath (though not at runtime).
+### Common Configuration
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+trait CommonModule extends ScalaModule{
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+object foo extends CommonModule
+object bar extends CommonModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(foo)
+You can extract out configuration common to multiple modules into a `trait` that
+those modules extend. This is useful for providing convenience & ensuring
+consistent configuration: every module often has the same scala-version, uses
+the same testing framework, etc. and all that can be extracted out into the
+### Custom Tasks
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+def lineCount = T{
+ import ammonite.ops._
+ foo.sources().flatMap(ref => ls.rec(ref.path)).flatMap(read.lines).size
+def printLineCount() = T.command{
+ println(lineCount())
+You can define new cached Targets using the `T{...}` syntax, depending on
+existing Targets e.g. `foo.sources` via the `foo.sources()` syntax to extract
+their current value, as shown in `lineCount` above. The return-type of a Target
+has to be JSON-serializable (using
+[uPickle]( and the Target is cached when
+first run until it's inputs change (in this case, if someone edits the
+`foo.sources` files which live in `foo/src`. Cached Targets cannot take
+You can print the value of your custom target using `--show`, e.g.
+mill run --show lineCount
+You can define new un-cached Commands using the `T.command{...}` syntax. These
+are un-cached and re-evaluate every time you run them, but can take parameters.
+Their return type needs to be JSON-writable as well, or `(): Unit` if you want
+to return nothing.
+### Custom Modules
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object qux extends Module{
+ object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ }
+ object bar extends ScalaModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(foo)
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ }
+Not every Module needs to be a `ScalaModule`; sometimes you just want to group
+things together for neatness. In the above example, you can run `foo` and `bar`
+namespaced inside `qux`:
+You can also define your own module traits, with their own set of custom tasks,
+to represent other things e.g. Javascript bundles, docker image building,:
+trait MySpecialModule extends Module{
+ ...
+object foo extends MySpecialModule
+object bar extends MySpecialModule
+### Overriding Tasks
+import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4"
+ def compile = T{
+ println("Compiling...")
+ super.compile()
+ }
+ def run(args: String*) = T.command{
+ println("Running... + args.mkString(" "))
+ }
+You can re-define targets and commands to override them, and use `super` if you
+want to refer to the originally defined task. The above example shows how to
+override `compile` and `run` to add additional logging messages.
+In Mill builds the `override` keyword is optional.
+### Publishing Modules
+## Common Project Layouts
+Above, we have shown how to work with the Mill default Scala module layout. Here
+we will explore some other common project layouts that you may want in your
+Scala build:
+### Cross Scala-Version Modules
+### Scala.js Modules
+### Cross Scala-JVM/Scala.js Modules
+### Cross Scala-Version Scala-JVM/JS Modules
+### SBT-Compatible Modules
+### SBT-Compatible Cross Scala-Version Modules
+### SBT-Compatible Cross Scala-Version Scala-JVM/JS Modules
+## Example Builds
+Mill comes bundled with example builds for existing open-source projects, as
+integration tests and examples:
+### Acyclic
+- [Mill Build](
+A small single-module cross-build, with few sources minimal dependencies
+### Better-Files
+- [Mill Build](
+A collection of small modules compiled for a single Scala version.
+Also demonstrates how to define shared configuration in a `trait`, enable Scala
+compiler flags, and download artifacts as part of the build.
+### Jawn
+- [Mill Build](
+A collection of relatively small modules, all cross-built across the same few
+versions of Scala.
+### Ammonite
+- [Mill Build](
+A relatively complex build with numerous submodules, some cross-built across
+Scala major versions while others are cross-built against Scala minor versions.
+Also demonstrates how to pass one module's compiled artifacts to the
+`run`/`test` commands of another, via their `forkEnv`.
+## Extending Mill \ No newline at end of file
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+Mill modules are `object`s extending `mill.Module`, and let you group related
+tasks together to keep things neat and organized. Mill's comes with built in
+modules such as `mill.scalalib.ScalaModule` and `mill.scalalib.CrossSbtModule`,
+but you can use modules for other purposes as well.
+## Using Modules
+The path to a Mill module from the root of your build file corresponds to the
+path you would use to run tasks within that module from the command line. e.g.
+for the following build:
+object foo extends mill.Module{
+ def bar = T{ "hello" }
+ object baz extends mill.Module{
+ def qux = T{ "world" }
+ }
+You would be able to run the two targets via `mill` or `mill
+foo.baz.qux`. You can use `mill --show` or `mill --show foo.baz.qux` to
+make Mill echo out the string value being returned by each Target. The two
+targets will store their output metadata & files at `./out/foo/bar` and
+`./out/foo/baz/qux` respectively.
+Modules also provide a way to define and re-use common collections of tasks, via
+Scala `trait`s. For example, you can define your own `FooModule` trait:
+trait FooModule extends mill.Module{
+ def bar = T{ "hello" }
+ def baz = T{ "world" }
+And use it to define multiple modules with the same `bar` and `baz` targets,
+along with any other customizations such as `qux`:
+object foo1 extends FooModule
+object foo2 extends FooModule{
+ def qux = T{ "I am Cow" }
+This would make the following targets available from the command line
+- `mill --show`
+- `mill --show foo1.baz`
+- `mill --show`
+- `mill --show foo2.baz`
+- `mill --show foo2.qux`
+The built in `mill.scalalib` package uses this to define
+`mill.scalalib.ScalaModule`, `mill.scalalib.SbtModule` and
+`mill.scalalib.TestScalaModule`, all of which contain a set of "standard"
+operations such as `compile` `jar` or `assembly` that you may expect from a
+typical Scala module.
+## Overriding Targets
+trait BaseModule extends Module {
+ def foo = T{ Seq("base") }
+ def cmd(i: Int) = T.command{ Seq("base" + i) }
+object canOverrideSuper with BaseModule {
+ def foo = T{ ++ Seq("object") }
+ def cmd(i: Int) = T.command{ super.cmd(i)() ++ Seq("object" + i) }
+You can override targets and commands to customize them or change what they do.
+The overriden version is available via `super`. You can omit the `override`
+keyword in Mill builds.
+## basePath
+Each Module has a `basePath` field that corresponds to the path that module
+expects it's input files to be on disk. Re-visiting our examples above:
+object foo extends mill.Module{
+ def bar = T{ "hello" }
+ object baz extends mill.Module{
+ def qux = T{ "world" }
+ }
+The `foo` module has a `basePath` of `./foo`, while the `foo.baz` module has a
+`basePath` of `./foo/baz`.
+You can use `basePath` to automatically set the source directories of your
+modules to match the build structure. You are not forced to rigidly use
+`basePath` to define the source folders of all your code, but it can simplify
+the common case where you probably want your build-layout on on-disk-layout to
+be the same.
+e.g. for `mill.scalalib.ScalaModule`, the Scala source code is assumed by
+default to be in `basePath/"src"` while resources are automatically assumed to
+be in `basePath/"resources"`.
+You can override `basePath`:
+object foo extends mill.Module{
+ def basePath = super.basePath / "lols"
+ def bar = T{ "hello" }
+ object baz extends mill.Module{
+ def qux = T{ "world" }
+ }
+And any overrides propagate down to the module's children: in the above example,
+module `foo` would have it's `basePath` be `./foo/lols` while module` foo.baz`
+would have it's `basePath` be `./foo/lols/baz`.
+Note that `basePath` is generally only used for a module's input source files.
+Output is always in the `out/` folder and cannot be changed, e.g. even with the
+overriden `basePath` the output paths are still the default `./out/foo/bar` and
+`./out/foo/baz/qux` folders. \ No newline at end of file
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+One of Mill's core abstractions is it's *Task Graph*: this is how Mill defines,
+orders and caches work it needs to do, and exists independently of any support
+for building Scala.
+The following is a simple self-contained example using Mill to compile Java:
+import ammonite.ops._, mill._
+def sourceRootPath = pwd / 'src
+def resourceRootPath = pwd / 'resources
+def sourceRoot = T.source{ sourceRootPath }
+def resourceRoot = T.source{ resourceRootPath }
+def allSources = T{ ls.rec(sourceRoot().path).map(PathRef(_)) }
+def classFiles = T{
+ mkdir(T.ctx().dest)
+ import ammonite.ops._
+ %("javac", sources().map(_.path.toString()), "-d", T.ctx().dest)(wd = T.ctx().dest)
+ PathRef(T.ctx().dest)
+def jar = T{ mill.modules.Jvm.createJar(Agg(resourceRoot().path, classFiles().path)) }
+def run(mainClsName: String) = T.command{
+ %%('java, "-cp", classFiles().path, mainClsName)
+Here, we have two `T.source`s, `sourceRoot` and `resourceRoot`, which act as the
+roots of our task graph. `allSources` depends on `sourceRoot` by calling
+`sourceRoot()` to extract it's value, `classFiles` depends on `allSources` the
+same way, and `jar` depends on both `classFiles` and `resourceRoot`.
+Filesystem o1perations in Mill are done using the
+[Ammonite-Ops]( library.
+The above build defines the following task graph:
+sourceRoot -> allSources -> classFiles
+ |
+ v
+ resourceRoot ----> jar
+When you first evaluate `jar` (e.g. via `mill jar` at the command line), it will
+evaluate all the defined targets: `sourceRoot`, `allSources`, `classFiles`,
+`resourceRoot` and `jar`.
+Subsequent `mill jars` will evaluate only as much as is necessary, depending on
+what input sources changed:
+- If the files in `sourceRoot` change, it will re-evaluate `allSources`,
+ compiling to `classFiles`, and building the `jar`
+- If the files in `resourceRoot` change, it will only re-evaluate `jar` and use
+ the cached output of `allSources` and `classFiles`
+Apart from the `foo()` call-sites which define what each targets depend on, the
+code within each `T{...}` wrapper is arbirary Scala code that can compute an
+arbitrary result from it's inputs.
+## Different Kinds of Tasks
+There are four primary kinds of *Tasks* that you should care about:
+- [Targets](#targets), defined using `T{...}`
+- [Sources](#sources), defined using `T.source{...}`
+- [Commands](#commands), defined using `T.command{...}`
+### Targets
+def allSources = T{ ls.rec(sourceRoot().path).map(PathRef(_)) }
+`Target`s are defined using the `def foo = T{...}` syntax, and dependencies on
+other targets are defined using `foo()` to extract the value from them. Apart
+from the `foo()` calls, the `T{...}` block contains arbitrary code that does
+some work and returns a result.
+Each target e.g. `classFiles` is assigned a path on disk as scratch space & to
+store it's output files at `out/classFiles/dest/`, and it's returned metadata is
+automatically JSON-serialized and stored at `out/classFiles/meta.json`. The
+return-value of targets has to be JSON-serializable via
+If you want to return a file or a set of files as the result of a `Target`,
+write them to disk within your `T.ctx().dest` available through the
+[Task Context API](#task-context-api) and return a `PathRef` to the files you
+If a target's inputs change but it's output does not, e.g. someone changes a
+comment within the source files that doesn't affect the classfiles, then
+downstream targets do not re-evaluate. This is determined using the `.hashCode`
+of the Target's return value. For target's returning `ammonite.ops.Path`s that
+reference files on disk, you can wrap the `Path` in a `PathRef` (shown above)
+whose `.hashCode()` will include the hashes of all files on disk at time of
+The graph of inter-dependent targets is evaluated in topological order; that
+means that the body of a target will not even begin to evaluate if one of it's
+upstream dependencies has failed. This is unlike normal Scala functions: a plain
+old function `foo` would evaluate halfway and then blow up if one of `foo`'s
+dependencies throws an exception.
+Targets cannot take parameters and must be 0-argument `def`s defined directly
+within a `Module` body
+### Sources
+def sourceRootPath = pwd / 'src
+def sourceRoot = T.source{ sourceRootPath }
+`Source`s are defined using `T.source{ ... }`, taking an `ammonite.ops.Path` as
+an input. A `Source` is a subclass of `Target[PathRef]`: this means that it's
+build signature/`hashCode` depends not just on the path it refers to (e.g.
+`foo/bar/baz`) but also the MD5 hash of the filesystem tree under that path.
+### Commands
+def run(mainClsName: String) = T.command{
+ %%('java, "-cp", classFiles().path, mainClsName)
+Defined using `T.command{ ... }` syntax, `Command`s can run arbitrary code, with
+dependencies declared using the same `foo()` syntax (e.g. `classFiles()` above).
+Commands can be parametrized, but their output is not cached, so they will
+re-evaluate every time even if none of their inputs have changed.
+Like [Targets](#targets), a command only evaluates after all it's upstream
+dependencies have completed, and will not begin to run if any upstream
+dependency has failed.
+Commands are assigned the same scratch/output directory `out/run/dest/` as
+Targets are, and it's returned metadata stored at the same `out/run/meta.json`
+path for consumption by external tools.
+Commands can only be defined directly within a `Module` body.
+## Task Context API
+There are several APIs available to you within the body of a `T{...}` or
+`T.command{...}` block to help your write the code implementing your Target or
+### mill.util.Ctx.DefCtx
+- `T.ctx().dest`
+- `implicitly[mill.util.Ctx.DefCtx]`
+This is the unique `out/classFiles/dest/` path or `out/run/dest/` path that is
+assigned to every Target or Command. It is cleared before your task runs, and
+you can use it as a scratch space for temporary files or a place to put returned
+artifacts. This is guaranteed to be unique for every `Target` or `Command`, so
+you can be sure that you will not collide or interfere with anyone else writing
+to those same paths.
+### mill.util.Ctx.LogCtx
+- `T.ctx().log`
+- `implicitly[mill.util.Ctx.LogCtx]`
+This is the default logger provided for every task. While your task is running,
+`System.out` and `` are also redirected to this logger. The logs for a
+task are streamed to standard out/error as you would expect, but each task's
+specific output is also streamed to a log file on disk e.g. `out/run/log` or
+`out/classFiles/log` for you to inspect later.
+## Other Tasks
+- [Anonymous Tasks](#anonymous-tasks), defined using `T.task{...}`
+- [Persistent Targets](#persistent-targets)
+- [Inputs](#inputs)
+- [Workers](#workers)
+### Anonymous Tasks
+def foo(x: Int) = T.task{ ... x ... bar() ... }
+You can define anonymous tasks using the `T.task{ ... }` syntax. These are not
+runnable from the command-line, but can be used to share common code you find
+yourself repeating in `Target`s and `Command`s.
+def downstreamTarget = T{ ... foo() ... }
+def downstreamCommand = T.command{ ... foo() ... }
+Anonymous tasks's output does not need to be JSON-serializable, their output is
+not cached, and they can be defined with or without arguments. Unlike
+[Targets](#targets) or [Commands](#commands), anonymous tasks can be defined
+anywhere and passed around any way you want, until you finally make use of them
+within a downstream target or command.
+While an anonymous task `foo`'s own output is not cached, if it is used in a
+downstream target `bar` and the upstream targets's `baz` `qux` haven't changed,
+`bar`'s cached output will be used and `foo`'s evaluation will be skipped
+### Persistent Targets
+def foo = T.persistent{ ... }
+Identical to [Targets](#targets), except that the `dest/` directory is not
+cleared in between runs.
+This is useful if you are running external incremental-compilers, such as
+Scala's [Zinc](, Javascript's
+[WebPack](, which rely on filesystem caches to speed up
+incremental execution of their particular build step.
+Since Mill no longer forces a "clean slate" re-evaluation of `T.persistent`
+targets, it is up to you to ensure your code (or the third-party incremental
+compilers you rely on!) are deterministic. They should always converge to the
+same outputs for a given set of inputs, regardless of what builds and what
+filesystem states existed before.
+### Inputs
+def foo = T.input{ ... }
+A generalization of [Sources](#sources), `T.input`s are tasks that re-evaluate
+*every time* (Unlike [Anonymous Tasks](#anonymous-tasks)), containing an
+arbitrary block of code.
+Inputs can be used to force re-evaluation of some external property that may
+affect your build. For example, if I have a [Target](#targets) `bar` that makes
+use of the current git version:
+def bar = T{ ... %%("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD").out.string ... }
+`bar` will not know that `git rev-parse` can change, and will
+not know to re-evaluate when your `git rev-parse HEAD` *does* change. This means
+`bar` will continue to use any previously cached value, and `bar`'s output will
+be out of date!
+To fix this, you can wrap your `git rev-parse HEAD` in a `T.input`:
+def foo = T.input{ %%("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD").out.string }
+def bar = T{ ... foo() ... }
+This makes `foo` will always re-evaluate every build; if `git rev-parse HEAD`
+does not change, that will not invalidate `bar`'s caches. But if `git rev-parse
+HEAD` *does* change, `foo`'s output will change and `bar` will be correctly
+invalidated and re-compute using the new version of `foo`.
+Note that because `T.input`s re-evaluate every time, you should ensure that the
+code you put in `T.input` runs quickly. Ideally it should just be a simple check
+"did anything change?" and any heavy-lifting can be delegated to downstream
+### Workers
+def foo = T.worker{ ... }
+Most tasks dispose of their in-memory return-value every evaluation; in the case
+of [Targets](#targets), this is stored on disk and loaded next time if
+necessary, while [Commands](#commands) just re-compute them each time. Even if
+you use `--watch` or the Build REPL to keep the Mill process running, all this
+state is still discarded and re-built every evaluation.
+Workers are unique in that they store their in-memory return-value between
+evaluations. This makes them useful for storing in-memory caches or references
+to long-lived external worker processes that you can re-use.
+Mill uses workers to managed long-lived instances of the
+[Zinc Incremental Scala Compiler]( and the
+[Scala.js Optimizer]( This lets us keep
+them in-memory with warm caches and fast incremental execution.
+Like [Persistent Targets](#persistent-targets), Workers inherently involve
+mutable state, and it is up to the implementation to ensure that this mutable
+state is only used for caching/performance and does not affect the
+externally-visible behavior of the worker.
+## Cheat Sheet
+The following table might help you make sense of the small collection of
+different Task types:
+| | Target | Command | Source/Input | Anonymous Task | Persistent Target | Worker |
+| Cached on Disk | X | X | | | X | |
+| Must be JSON Writable | X | X | | | X | |
+| Must be JSON Readable | X | | | | X | |
+| Runnable from the Command Line | X | X | | | X | |
+| Can Take Arguments | | X | | X | | |
+| Cached between Evaluations | | | | | | X |