path: root/main/src/main/MainRunner.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'main/src/main/MainRunner.scala')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/src/main/MainRunner.scala b/main/src/main/MainRunner.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e50ed370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/src/main/MainRunner.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package mill.main
+import{InputStream, PrintStream}
+import ammonite.Main
+import ammonite.interp.{Interpreter, Preprocessor}
+import ammonite.util.Util.CodeSource
+import ammonite.util._
+import mill.eval.{Evaluator, PathRef}
+import mill.util.PrintLogger
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+ * Customized version of [[ammonite.MainRunner]], allowing us to run Mill
+ * `` scripts with mill-specific tweaks such as a custom
+ * `scriptCodeWrapper` or with a persistent evaluator between runs.
+ */
+class MainRunner(val config: ammonite.main.Cli.Config,
+ disableTicker: Boolean,
+ outprintStream: PrintStream,
+ errPrintStream: PrintStream,
+ stdIn: InputStream,
+ stateCache0: Option[Evaluator.State] = None,
+ env : Map[String, String],
+ setIdle: Boolean => Unit,
+ debugLog: Boolean)
+ extends ammonite.MainRunner(
+ config, outprintStream, errPrintStream,
+ stdIn, outprintStream, errPrintStream
+ ){
+ var stateCache = stateCache0
+ override def watchAndWait(watched: Seq[(os.Path, Long)]) = {
+ printInfo(s"Watching for changes to ${watched.length} files... (Ctrl-C to exit)")
+ def statAll() = watched.forall{ case (file, lastMTime) =>
+ Interpreter.pathSignature(file) == lastMTime
+ }
+ setIdle(true)
+ while(statAll()) Thread.sleep(100)
+ setIdle(false)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Custom version of [[watchLoop]] that lets us generate the watched-file
+ * signature only on demand, so if we don't have enabled we do
+ * not pay the cost of generating it
+ */
+ @tailrec final def watchLoop2[T](isRepl: Boolean,
+ printing: Boolean,
+ run: Main => (Res[T], () => Seq[(os.Path, Long)])): Boolean = {
+ val (result, watched) = run(initMain(isRepl))
+ val success = handleWatchRes(result, printing)
+ if (! success
+ else{
+ watchAndWait(watched())
+ watchLoop2(isRepl, printing, run)
+ }
+ }
+ override def runScript(scriptPath: os.Path, scriptArgs: List[String]) =
+ watchLoop2(
+ isRepl = false,
+ printing = true,
+ mainCfg => {
+ val (result, interpWatched) = RunScript.runScript(
+ config.home,
+ mainCfg.wd,
+ scriptPath,
+ mainCfg.instantiateInterpreter(),
+ scriptArgs,
+ stateCache,
+ new PrintLogger(
+ colors != ammonite.util.Colors.BlackWhite,
+ disableTicker,
+ colors,
+ outprintStream,
+ errPrintStream,
+ errPrintStream,
+ stdIn,
+ debugEnabled = debugLog
+ ),
+ env
+ )
+ result match{
+ case Res.Success(data) =>
+ val (eval, evalWatches, res) = data
+ stateCache = Some(Evaluator.State(eval.rootModule, eval.classLoaderSig, eval.workerCache, interpWatched))
+ val watched = () => {
+ val alreadyStale = evalWatches.exists(p => p.sig != PathRef(p.path, p.quick).sig)
+ // If the file changed between the creation of the original
+ // `PathRef` and the current moment, use random junk .sig values
+ // to force an immediate re-run. Otherwise calculate the
+ // pathSignatures the same way Ammonite would and hand over the
+ // values, so Ammonite can watch them and only re-run if they
+ // subsequently change
+ if (alreadyStale) -> util.Random.nextLong())
+ else => p.path -> Interpreter.pathSignature(p.path))
+ }
+ (Res(res), () => interpWatched ++ watched())
+ case _ => (result, () => interpWatched)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ override def handleWatchRes[T](res: Res[T], printing: Boolean) = {
+ res match{
+ case Res.Success(value) => true
+ case _ => super.handleWatchRes(res, printing)
+ }
+ }
+ override def initMain(isRepl: Boolean) = {
+ super.initMain(isRepl).copy(
+ scriptCodeWrapper = CustomCodeWrapper,
+ // Ammonite does not properly forward the wd from CliConfig to Main, so
+ // force forward it outselves
+ wd = config.wd
+ )
+ }
+ object CustomCodeWrapper extends Preprocessor.CodeWrapper {
+ def apply(code: String,
+ source: CodeSource,
+ imports: ammonite.util.Imports,
+ printCode: String,
+ indexedWrapperName: ammonite.util.Name,
+ extraCode: String): (String, String, Int) = {
+ import source.pkgName
+ val wrapName = indexedWrapperName.backticked
+ val path = source
+ .path
+ .map(path => path.toNIO.getParent)
+ .getOrElse(config.wd.toNIO)
+ val literalPath = pprint.Util.literalize(path.toString)
+ val external = !(path.compareTo(config.wd.toNIO) == 0)
+ val top = s"""
+ |package ${pkgName.head.encoded}
+ |package ${Util.encodeScalaSourcePath(pkgName.tail)}
+ |$imports
+ |import mill._
+ |object $wrapName
+ |extends mill.define.BaseModule(os.Path($literalPath), foreign0 = $external)(
+ | implicitly, implicitly, implicitly, implicitly, mill.define.Caller(())
+ |)
+ |with $wrapName{
+ | // Stub to make sure Ammonite has something to call after it evaluates a script,
+ | // even if it does nothing...
+ | def $$main() = Iterator[String]()
+ |
+ | // Need to wrap the returned Module in Some(...) to make sure it
+ | // doesn't get picked up during reflective child-module discovery
+ | def millSelf = Some(this)
+ |
+ | implicit lazy val millDiscover: mill.define.Discover[this.type] = mill.define.Discover[this.type]
+ |}
+ |
+ |sealed trait $wrapName extends mill.main.MainModule{
+ |""".stripMargin
+ val bottom = "}"
+ (top, bottom, 1)
+ }
+ }