path: root/main
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main')
3 files changed, 101 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/main/core/src/mill/eval/Evaluator.scala b/main/core/src/mill/eval/Evaluator.scala
index 7cf55fdb..563d7b63 100644
--- a/main/core/src/mill/eval/Evaluator.scala
+++ b/main/core/src/mill/eval/Evaluator.scala
@@ -268,13 +268,7 @@ case class Evaluator(home: os.Path,
for (task <- nonEvaluatedTargets) {
val targetInputValues = task.inputs
- .map{x =>
- val res = newResults.getOrElse(x, results(x))
- if (!res.isInstanceOf[Result.Success[_]]){
- println("FAILURE " + x)
- }
- res
- }
+ .map{x => newResults.getOrElse(x, results(x))}
.collect{ case Result.Success((v, hashCode)) => v }
val res =
diff --git a/main/src/mill/modules/Jvm.scala b/main/src/mill/modules/Jvm.scala
index b4a55de3..8d2c4de4 100644
--- a/main/src/mill/modules/Jvm.scala
+++ b/main/src/mill/modules/Jvm.scala
@@ -20,67 +20,115 @@ import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object Jvm {
+ /**
+ * Runs a JVM subprocess with the given configuration and returns a
+ * [[os.CommandResult]] with it's aggregated output and error streams
+ */
+ def callSubprocess(mainClass: String,
+ classPath: Agg[os.Path],
+ jvmArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
+ envArgs: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
+ mainArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
+ workingDir: os.Path = null,
+ streamOut: Boolean = true)
+ (implicit ctx: Ctx) = {
+ val commandArgs =
+ Vector("java") ++
+ jvmArgs ++
+ Vector("-cp", classPath.mkString(File.pathSeparator), mainClass) ++
+ mainArgs
+ val workingDir1 = Option(workingDir).getOrElse(ctx.dest)
+ os.makeDir.all(workingDir1)
- def interactiveSubprocess(mainClass: String,
- classPath: Agg[os.Path],
- jvmArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
- envArgs: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
- mainArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
- workingDir: os.Path = null,
- background: Boolean = false): Unit = {
+ os.proc(commandArgs).call(cwd = workingDir1, env = envArgs)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs a JVM subprocess with the given configuration and streams
+ * it's stdout and stderr to the console.
+ */
+ def runSubprocess(mainClass: String,
+ classPath: Agg[os.Path],
+ jvmArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
+ envArgs: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
+ mainArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
+ workingDir: os.Path = null,
+ background: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val args =
Vector("java") ++
jvmArgs ++
Vector("-cp", classPath.mkString(File.pathSeparator), mainClass) ++
- if (background) baseInteractiveSubprocess0(args, envArgs, workingDir)
- else baseInteractiveSubprocess(args, envArgs, workingDir)
+ if (background) spawnSubprocess(args, envArgs, workingDir)
+ else runSubprocess(args, envArgs, workingDir)
+ @deprecated("Use runSubprocess instead")
def baseInteractiveSubprocess(commandArgs: Seq[String],
envArgs: Map[String, String],
workingDir: os.Path) = {
- val process = baseInteractiveSubprocess0(commandArgs, envArgs, workingDir)
+ runSubprocess(commandArgs, envArgs, workingDir)
+ }
- val exitCode = process.waitFor()
- if (exitCode == 0) ()
+ /**
+ * Runs a generic subprocess and waits for it to terminate.
+ */
+ def runSubprocess(commandArgs: Seq[String],
+ envArgs: Map[String, String],
+ workingDir: os.Path) = {
+ val process = spawnSubprocess(commandArgs, envArgs, workingDir)
+ process.waitFor()
+ if (process.exitCode() == 0) ()
else throw new Exception("Interactive Subprocess Failed")
- def baseInteractiveSubprocess0(commandArgs: Seq[String],
- envArgs: Map[String, String],
- workingDir: os.Path) = {
- val builder = new java.lang.ProcessBuilder()
- for ((k, v) <- envArgs){
- if (v != null) builder.environment().put(k, v)
- else builder.environment().remove(k)
- }
+ /**
+ * Spawns a generic subprocess, streaming the stdout and stderr to the
+ * console. If the System.out/System.err have been substituted, makes sure
+ * that the subprocess's stdout and stderr streams go to the subtituted
+ * streams
+ */
+ def spawnSubprocess(commandArgs: Seq[String],
+ envArgs: Map[String, String],
+ workingDir: os.Path) = {
+ // If is fake, then we pump output manually rather than relying
+ // on `os.Inherit`. That is because `os.Inherit` does not follow changes
+ // to, so the subprocess's streams get sent
+ // to the parent process's origin outputs even if we want to direct them
+ // elsewhere
if ([ByteArrayInputStream]){
- val process = builder
- .command(commandArgs:_*)
- .start()
+ val process = os.proc(commandArgs).spawn(
+ cwd = workingDir,
+ env = envArgs,
+ stdin = os.Pipe,
+ stdout = os.Pipe,
+ stderr = os.Pipe
+ )
val sources = Seq(
- process.getInputStream -> System.out,
- process.getErrorStream -> System.err,
- -> process.getOutputStream
+ process.stdout -> System.out,
+ process.stderr -> System.err,
+ -> process.stdin
for((std, dest) <- sources){
new Thread(new InputPumper(std, dest, false)).start()
- builder
- .command(commandArgs:_*)
- .inheritIO()
- .start()
+ os.proc(commandArgs).spawn(
+ cwd = workingDir,
+ env = envArgs,
+ stdin = os.Inherit,
+ stdout = os.Inherit,
+ stderr = os.Inherit
+ )
@@ -108,7 +156,6 @@ object Jvm {
def inprocess[T](classPath: Agg[os.Path],
classLoaderOverrideSbtTesting: Boolean,
isolated: Boolean,
@@ -141,62 +188,6 @@ object Jvm {
- def subprocess(mainClass: String,
- classPath: Agg[os.Path],
- jvmArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
- envArgs: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
- mainArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
- workingDir: os.Path = null)
- (implicit ctx: Ctx) = {
- val commandArgs =
- Vector("java") ++
- jvmArgs ++
- Vector("-cp", classPath.mkString(File.pathSeparator), mainClass) ++
- mainArgs
- val workingDir1 = Option(workingDir).getOrElse(ctx.dest)
- os.makeDir.all(workingDir1)
- val builder =
- new java.lang.ProcessBuilder()
- .directory(workingDir1.toIO)
- .command(commandArgs:_*)
- .redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE)
- .redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE)
- for((k, v) <- envArgs) builder.environment().put(k, v)
- val proc = builder.start()
- val stdout = proc.getInputStream
- val stderr = proc.getErrorStream
- val sources = Seq(
- (stdout, Left(_: os.Bytes), ctx.log.outputStream),
- (stderr, Right(_: os.Bytes),ctx.log.errorStream )
- )
- val chunks = mutable.Buffer.empty[Either[os.Bytes, os.Bytes]]
- while(
- // Process.isAlive doesn't exist on JDK 7 =/
- util.Try(proc.exitValue).isFailure ||
- stdout.available() > 0 ||
- stderr.available() > 0
- ){
- var readSomething = false
- for ((subStream, wrapper, parentStream) <- sources){
- while (subStream.available() > 0){
- readSomething = true
- val array = new Array[Byte](subStream.available())
- val actuallyRead =
- chunks.append(wrapper(new os.Bytes(array)))
- parentStream.write(array, 0, actuallyRead)
- }
- }
- // if we did not read anything sleep briefly to avoid spinning
- if(!readSomething)
- Thread.sleep(2)
- }
- if (proc.exitValue() != 0) throw new Exception("Subprocess failed")
- else os.CommandResult(proc.exitValue(), chunks)
- }
private def createManifest(mainClass: Option[String]) = {
val m = new java.util.jar.Manifest()
@@ -291,14 +282,14 @@ object Jvm {
Assembly.groupAssemblyEntries(inputPaths, assemblyRules).view
.foreach {
case (mapping, AppendEntry(entries)) =>
- val path = zipFs.getPath(mapping)
+ val path = zipFs.getPath(mapping).toAbsolutePath
val concatenated = new SequenceInputStream(
- writeEntry(os.Path(path), concatenated, append = true)
+ writeEntry(path, concatenated, append = true)
case (mapping, WriteOnceEntry(entry)) =>
- val path = zipFs.getPath(mapping)
+ val path = zipFs.getPath(mapping).toAbsolutePath
if (Files.notExists(path)) {
- writeEntry(os.Path(path), entry.inputStream, append = false)
+ writeEntry(path, entry.inputStream, append = false)
@@ -331,14 +322,17 @@ object Jvm {
- private def writeEntry(p: os.Path, is: InputStream, append: Boolean): Unit = {
- if (p.toNIO.getParent != null) Files.createDirectories(p.toNIO.getParent)
- if (append) os.write(p, is)
- else os.write.append(p, is)
+ private def writeEntry(p: java.nio.file.Path, is: InputStream, append: Boolean): Unit = {
+ if (p.getParent != null) Files.createDirectories(p.getParent)
+ val options =
+ if(append) Seq(StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)
+ else Seq(StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)
+ val outputStream = java.nio.file.Files.newOutputStream(p, options:_*)
+, outputStream)
+ outputStream.close()
def universalScript(shellCommands: String,
cmdCommands: String,
shebang: Boolean = false): String = {
diff --git a/main/test/src/mill/util/ScriptTestSuite.scala b/main/test/src/mill/util/ScriptTestSuite.scala
index b324f94c..8a639f92 100644
--- a/main/test/src/mill/util/ScriptTestSuite.scala
+++ b/main/test/src/mill/util/ScriptTestSuite.scala
@@ -24,7 +24,12 @@ abstract class ScriptTestSuite(fork: Boolean) extends TestSuite{
if (!fork) runner.runScript(workspacePath / buildPath , s.toList)
try {
- os.proc(os.home / "mill-release", "-i", s).call(wd)
+ os.proc(os.home / "mill-release", "-i", s).call(
+ wd,
+ stdin = os.Inherit,
+ stdout = os.Inherit,
+ stderr = os.Inherit,
+ )
}catch{case e: Throwable => false}