path: root/scalalib/src/GenIdeaImpl.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scalalib/src/GenIdeaImpl.scala')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scalalib/src/GenIdeaImpl.scala b/scalalib/src/GenIdeaImpl.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8f9d35e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/GenIdeaImpl.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+package mill.scalalib
+import ammonite.runtime.SpecialClassLoader
+import coursier.{Cache, CoursierPaths, Repository}
+import mill.define._
+import mill.eval.{Evaluator, PathRef, Result}
+import mill.api.Ctx.{Home, Log}
+import mill.api.Strict.Agg
+import mill.api.{Loose, Strict}
+import mill.{T, scalalib}
+import scala.util.Try
+object GenIdea extends ExternalModule {
+ def idea(ev: Evaluator) = T.command{
+ mill.scalalib.GenIdeaImpl(
+ implicitly,
+ ev.rootModule,
+ ev.rootModule.millDiscover
+ )
+ }
+ implicit def millScoptEvaluatorReads[T] = new mill.main.EvaluatorScopt[T]()
+ lazy val millDiscover = Discover[this.type]
+object GenIdeaImpl {
+ def apply(ctx: Log with Home,
+ rootModule: BaseModule,
+ discover: Discover[_]): Unit = {
+ val pp = new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(999, 4)
+ val jdkInfo = extractCurrentJdk(os.pwd / ".idea" / "misc.xml").getOrElse(("JDK_1_8", "1.8 (1)"))
+ os.remove.all(os.pwd/".idea"/"libraries")
+ os.remove.all(os.pwd/".idea"/"scala_compiler.xml")
+ os.remove.all(os.pwd/".idea_modules")
+ val evaluator = new Evaluator(ctx.home, os.pwd / 'out, os.pwd / 'out, rootModule, ctx.log)
+ for((relPath, xml) <- xmlFileLayout(evaluator, rootModule, jdkInfo)){
+ os.write.over(os.pwd/relPath, pp.format(xml), createFolders = true)
+ }
+ }
+ def extractCurrentJdk(ideaPath: os.Path): Option[(String,String)] = {
+ import scala.xml.XML
+ Try {
+ val xml = XML.loadFile(ideaPath.toString)
+ (xml \\ "component")
+ .filter(x => x.attribute("project-jdk-type").map(_.text).contains("JavaSDK"))
+ .map { n => (n.attribute("languageLevel"), n.attribute("project-jdk-name")) }
+ .collectFirst{ case (Some(lang), Some(jdk)) => (lang.text, jdk.text) }
+ }.getOrElse(None)
+ }
+ def xmlFileLayout(evaluator: Evaluator,
+ rootModule: mill.Module,
+ jdkInfo: (String,String),
+ fetchMillModules: Boolean = true): Seq[(os.RelPath, scala.xml.Node)] = {
+ val modules = rootModule.millInternal.segmentsToModules.values
+ .collect{ case x: scalalib.JavaModule => (x.millModuleSegments, x)}
+ .toSeq
+ val buildLibraryPaths =
+ if (!fetchMillModules) Nil
+ else sys.props.get("MILL_BUILD_LIBRARIES") match {
+ case Some(found) => found.split(',').map(os.Path(_)).distinct.toList
+ case None =>
+ val repos = modules.foldLeft(Set.empty[Repository]) { _ ++ _._2.repositories }
+ val artifactNames = Seq("main-moduledefs", "main-core", "scalalib", "scalajslib")
+ val Result.Success(res) = scalalib.Lib.resolveDependencies(
+ repos.toList,
+ Lib.depToDependency(_, "2.12.4", ""),
+ for(name <- artifactNames)
+ yield ivy"com.lihaoyi::mill-$name:${sys.props("MILL_VERSION")}"
+ )
+ }
+ val buildDepsPaths = Try(evaluator
+ .rootModule
+ .getClass
+ .getClassLoader
+ .asInstanceOf[SpecialClassLoader]
+ ).map {
+ _.allJars
+ .map(url => os.Path(url.getFile))
+ .filter(_.toIO.exists)
+ }.getOrElse(Seq())
+ val resolved = for((path, mod) <- modules) yield {
+ val scalaLibraryIvyDeps = mod match{
+ case x: ScalaModule => x.scalaLibraryIvyDeps
+ case _ => T.task{Nil}
+ }
+ val allIvyDeps = T.task{mod.transitiveIvyDeps() ++ scalaLibraryIvyDeps() ++ mod.compileIvyDeps()}
+ val externalDependencies = T.task{
+ mod.resolveDeps(allIvyDeps)() ++
+ Task.traverse(mod.transitiveModuleDeps)(_.unmanagedClasspath)().flatten
+ }
+ val externalSources = T.task{
+ mod.resolveDeps(allIvyDeps, sources = true)()
+ }
+ val (scalacPluginsIvyDeps, scalacOptions) = mod match{
+ case mod: ScalaModule => T.task{mod.scalacPluginIvyDeps()} -> T.task{mod.scalacOptions()}
+ case _ => T.task(Loose.Agg[Dep]()) -> T.task(Seq())
+ }
+ val scalacPluginDependencies = T.task{
+ mod.resolveDeps(scalacPluginsIvyDeps)()
+ }
+ val resolvedCp: Loose.Agg[PathRef] = evalOrElse(evaluator, externalDependencies, Loose.Agg.empty)
+ val resolvedSrcs: Loose.Agg[PathRef] = evalOrElse(evaluator, externalSources, Loose.Agg.empty)
+ val resolvedSp: Loose.Agg[PathRef] = evalOrElse(evaluator, scalacPluginDependencies, Loose.Agg.empty)
+ val scalacOpts: Seq[String] = evalOrElse(evaluator, scalacOptions, Seq())
+ (
+ path,
+ == "jar") ++,
+ mod,
+ == "jar"),
+ scalacOpts
+ )
+ }
+ val moduleLabels =
+ val allResolved = resolved.flatMap(_._2) ++ buildLibraryPaths ++ buildDepsPaths
+ val commonPrefix =
+ if (allResolved.isEmpty) 0
+ else {
+ val minResolvedLength =
+ .transpose
+ .takeWhile(_.distinct.length == 1)
+ .length
+ }
+ // only resort to full long path names if the jar name is a duplicate
+ val pathShortLibNameDuplicate = allResolved
+ .distinct
+ .map{p => p.last -> p}
+ .groupBy(_._1)
+ .filter(_._2.size > 1)
+ .keySet
+ val pathToLibName = allResolved
+ .map{p =>
+ if (pathShortLibNameDuplicate(p.last))
+ (p, p.segments.drop(commonPrefix).mkString("_"))
+ else
+ (p, p.last)
+ }
+ .toMap
+ sealed trait ResolvedLibrary { def path : os.Path }
+ case class CoursierResolved(path : os.Path, pom : os.Path, sources : Option[os.Path])
+ extends ResolvedLibrary
+ case class OtherResolved(path : os.Path) extends ResolvedLibrary
+ // Tries to group jars with their poms and sources.
+ def toResolvedJar(path : os.Path) : Option[ResolvedLibrary] = {
+ val inCoursierCache = path.startsWith(os.Path(CoursierPaths.cacheDirectory()))
+ val isSource = path.last.endsWith("sources.jar")
+ val isPom = path.ext == "pom"
+ if (inCoursierCache && (isSource || isPom)) {
+ // Remove sources and pom as they'll be recovered from the jar path
+ None
+ } else if (inCoursierCache && path.ext == "jar") {
+ val withoutExt = path.last.dropRight(path.ext.length + 1)
+ val pom = path / os.up / s"$withoutExt.pom"
+ val sources = Some(path / os.up / s"$withoutExt-sources.jar")
+ .filter(_.toIO.exists())
+ Some(CoursierResolved(path, pom, sources))
+ } else Some(OtherResolved(path))
+ }
+ // Hack so that Intellij does not complain about unresolved magic
+ // imports in when in fact they are resolved
+ def sbtLibraryNameFromPom(pom : os.Path) : String = {
+ val xml = scala.xml.XML.loadFile(pom.toIO)
+ val groupId = (xml \ "groupId").text
+ val artifactId = (xml \ "artifactId").text
+ val version = (xml \ "version").text
+ // The scala version here is non incidental
+ s"SBT: $groupId:$artifactId:$version:jar"
+ }
+ def libraryName(resolvedJar: ResolvedLibrary) : String = resolvedJar match {
+ case CoursierResolved(path, pom, _) if buildDepsPaths.contains(path) =>
+ sbtLibraryNameFromPom(pom)
+ case CoursierResolved(path, _, _) =>
+ pathToLibName(path)
+ case OtherResolved(path) =>
+ pathToLibName(path)
+ }
+ def resolvedLibraries(resolved : Seq[os.Path]) : Seq[ResolvedLibrary] = resolved
+ .map(toResolvedJar)
+ .collect { case Some(r) => r}
+ val compilerSettings = resolved
+ .foldLeft(Map[(Loose.Agg[os.Path], Seq[String]), Vector[JavaModule]]()) {
+ (r, q) =>
+ val key = (q._4, q._5)
+ r + (key -> (r.getOrElse(key, Vector()) :+ q._3))
+ }
+ val allBuildLibraries : Set[ResolvedLibrary] =
+ resolvedLibraries(buildLibraryPaths ++ buildDepsPaths).toSet
+ val fixedFiles = Seq(
+ Tuple2(os.rel/".idea"/"misc.xml", miscXmlTemplate(jdkInfo)),
+ Tuple2(os.rel/".idea"/"scala_settings.xml", scalaSettingsTemplate()),
+ Tuple2(
+ os.rel/".idea"/"modules.xml",
+ allModulesXmlTemplate(
+ modules
+ .filter(!_._2.skipIdea)
+ .map { case (path, mod) => moduleName(path) }
+ )
+ ),
+ Tuple2(
+ os.rel/".idea_modules"/"mill-build.iml",
+ rootXmlTemplate(
+ for(lib <- allBuildLibraries)
+ yield libraryName(lib)
+ )
+ ),
+ Tuple2(
+ os.rel/".idea"/"scala_compiler.xml",
+ scalaCompilerTemplate(compilerSettings)
+ )
+ )
+ val libraries = resolvedLibraries(allResolved).map{ resolved =>
+ import resolved.path
+ val url = "jar://" + path + "!/"
+ val name = libraryName(resolved)
+ val sources = resolved match {
+ case CoursierResolved(_, _, s) => => "jar://" + p + "!/")
+ case OtherResolved(_) => None
+ }
+ Tuple2(os.rel/".idea"/'libraries/s"$name.xml", libraryXmlTemplate(name, url, sources))
+ }
+ val moduleFiles ={ case (path, resolvedDeps, mod, _, _) =>
+ val Seq(
+ resourcesPathRefs: Seq[PathRef],
+ sourcesPathRef: Seq[PathRef],
+ generatedSourcePathRefs: Seq[PathRef],
+ allSourcesPathRefs: Seq[PathRef]
+ ) = evaluator.evaluate(Agg(mod.resources, mod.sources, mod.generatedSources, mod.allSources)).values
+ val generatedSourcePaths =
+ val normalSourcePaths = ( -- generatedSourcePaths.toSet).toSeq
+ val paths = Evaluator.resolveDestPaths(
+ evaluator.outPath,
+ mod.compile.ctx.segments
+ )
+ val scalaVersionOpt = mod match {
+ case x: ScalaModule => Some(evaluator.evaluate(Agg(x.scalaVersion)).values.head.asInstanceOf[String])
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ val generatedSourceOutPath = Evaluator.resolveDestPaths(
+ evaluator.outPath,
+ mod.generatedSources.ctx.segments
+ )
+ val isTest = mod.isInstanceOf[TestModule]
+ val elem = moduleXmlTemplate(
+ mod.intellijModulePath,
+ scalaVersionOpt,
+ Strict.Agg.from(,
+ Strict.Agg.from(normalSourcePaths),
+ Strict.Agg.from(generatedSourcePaths),
+ paths.out,
+ generatedSourceOutPath.dest,
+ Strict.Agg.from(,
+ Strict.Agg.from({ m => moduleName(moduleLabels(m))}.distinct),
+ isTest
+ )
+ Tuple2(os.rel/".idea_modules"/s"${moduleName(path)}.iml", elem)
+ }
+ fixedFiles ++ libraries ++ moduleFiles
+ }
+ def evalOrElse[T](evaluator: Evaluator, e: Task[T], default: => T): T = {
+ evaluator.evaluate(Agg(e)).values match {
+ case Seq() => default
+ case Seq(e: T) => e
+ }
+ }
+ def relify(p: os.Path) = {
+ val r = p.relativeTo(os.pwd/".idea_modules")
+ (Seq.fill("..") ++ r.segments).mkString("/")
+ }
+ def moduleName(p: Segments) = p.value.foldLeft(StringBuilder.newBuilder) {
+ case (sb, Segment.Label(s)) if sb.isEmpty => sb.append(s)
+ case (sb, Segment.Cross(s)) if sb.isEmpty => sb.append(s.mkString("-"))
+ case (sb, Segment.Label(s)) => sb.append(".").append(s)
+ case (sb, Segment.Cross(s)) => sb.append("-").append(s.mkString("-"))
+ }.mkString.toLowerCase()
+ def scalaSettingsTemplate() = {
+ <project version="4">
+ <component name="ScalaProjectSettings">
+ <option name="scFileMode" value="Ammonite" />
+ </component>
+ </project>
+ }
+ def miscXmlTemplate(jdkInfo: (String,String)) = {
+ <project version="4">
+ <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" languageLevel={jdkInfo._1} project-jdk-name={jdkInfo._2} project-jdk-type="JavaSDK">
+ <output url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/target/idea_output"/>
+ </component>
+ </project>
+ }
+ def allModulesXmlTemplate(selectors: Seq[String]) = {
+ <project version="4">
+ <component name="ProjectModuleManager">
+ <modules>
+ <module
+ fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea_modules/mill-build.iml"
+ filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea_modules/mill-build.iml"
+ />
+ {
+ for(selector <- selectors)
+ yield {
+ val filepath = "$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea_modules/" + selector + ".iml"
+ val fileurl = "file://" + filepath
+ <module fileurl={fileurl} filepath={filepath} />
+ }
+ }
+ </modules>
+ </component>
+ </project>
+ }
+ def rootXmlTemplate(libNames: Strict.Agg[String]) = {
+ <module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
+ <component name="NewModuleRootManager">
+ <output url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/../out"/>
+ <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/..">
+ <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/../project" />
+ <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/../target" />
+ </content>
+ <exclude-output/>
+ <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
+ <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
+ {
+ for(name <- libNames.toSeq.sorted)
+ yield <orderEntry type="library" name={name} level="project" />
+ }
+ </component>
+ </module>
+ }
+ def libraryXmlTemplate(name: String, url: String, sources: Option[String]) = {
+ <component name="libraryTable">
+ <library name={name} type={if(name.contains("scala-library-")) "Scala" else null}>
+ <root url={url}/>
+ { if (sources.isDefined) {
+ <root url={sources.get}/>
+ }
+ }
+ </library>
+ </component>
+ }
+ def moduleXmlTemplate(basePath: os.Path,
+ scalaVersionOpt: Option[String],
+ resourcePaths: Strict.Agg[os.Path],
+ normalSourcePaths: Strict.Agg[os.Path],
+ generatedSourcePaths: Strict.Agg[os.Path],
+ compileOutputPath: os.Path,
+ generatedSourceOutputPath: os.Path,
+ libNames: Strict.Agg[String],
+ depNames: Strict.Agg[String],
+ isTest: Boolean
+ ) = {
+ <module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
+ <component name="NewModuleRootManager">
+ {
+ val outputUrl = "file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(compileOutputPath) + "/dest/classes"
+ if (isTest)
+ <output-test url={outputUrl} />
+ else
+ <output url={outputUrl} />
+ }
+ <exclude-output />
+ <content url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(generatedSourceOutputPath)} />
+ <content url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(basePath)}>
+ {
+ for (normalSourcePath <- normalSourcePaths.toSeq.sorted)
+ yield
+ <sourceFolder url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(normalSourcePath)} isTestSource={isTest.toString} />
+ }
+ {
+ for (generatedSourcePath <- generatedSourcePaths.toSeq.sorted)
+ yield
+ <sourceFolder url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(generatedSourcePath)} isTestSource={isTest.toString} generated="true" />
+ }
+ {
+ val resourceType = if (isTest) "java-test-resource" else "java-resource"
+ for (resourcePath <- resourcePaths.toSeq.sorted)
+ yield
+ <sourceFolder url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(resourcePath)} type={resourceType} />
+ }
+ <excludeFolder url={"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relify(basePath) + "/target"} />
+ </content>
+ <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
+ <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
+ {
+ for(scalaVersion <- scalaVersionOpt.toSeq)
+ yield <orderEntry type="library" name={s"scala-sdk-$scalaVersion"} level="application" />
+ }
+ {
+ for(name <- libNames.toSeq.sorted)
+ yield <orderEntry type="library" name={name} level="project" />
+ }
+ {
+ for(depName <- depNames.toSeq.sorted)
+ yield <orderEntry type="module" module-name={depName} exported="" />
+ }
+ </component>
+ </module>
+ }
+ def scalaCompilerTemplate(settings: Map[(Loose.Agg[os.Path], Seq[String]), Seq[JavaModule]]) = {
+ <project version="4">
+ <component name="ScalaCompilerConfiguration">
+ {
+ for((((plugins, params), mods), i) <- to settings.size))
+ yield
+ <profile name={s"mill $i"} modules={ => moduleName(m.millModuleSegments)).mkString(",")}>
+ <parameters>
+ {
+ for(param <- params)
+ yield <parameter value={param} />
+ }
+ </parameters>
+ <plugins>
+ {
+ for(plugin <- plugins.toSeq)
+ yield <plugin path={plugin.toString} />
+ }
+ </plugins>
+ </profile>
+ }
+ </component>
+ </project>
+ }