path: root/scalalib/src/publish
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scalalib/src/publish')
10 files changed, 1221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scalalib/src/publish/Ivy.scala b/scalalib/src/publish/Ivy.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22e26ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/publish/Ivy.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+package mill.scalalib.publish
+import mill.util.Loose.Agg
+import scala.xml.PrettyPrinter
+object Ivy {
+ val head = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+ def apply(
+ artifact: Artifact,
+ dependencies: Agg[Dependency]
+ ): String = {
+ val xml =
+ <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="">
+ <info
+ organisation={} module={} revision={artifact.version} status="release">
+ <description/>
+ </info>
+ <configurations>
+ <conf name="pom" visibility="public" description=""/>
+ <conf extends="runtime" name="test" visibility="public" description=""/>
+ <conf name="provided" visibility="public" description=""/>
+ <conf name="optional" visibility="public" description=""/>
+ <conf name="compile" visibility="public" description=""/>
+ <conf extends="compile" name="runtime" visibility="public" description=""/>
+ </configurations>
+ <publications>
+ <artifact name={} type="pom" ext="pom" conf="pom"/>
+ <artifact name={} type="jar" ext="jar" conf="compile"/>
+ <artifact name={} type="src" ext="jar" conf="compile" e:classifier="sources"/>
+ <artifact name={} type="doc" ext="jar" conf="compile" e:classifier="javadoc"/>
+ </publications>
+ <dependencies>{}</dependencies>
+ </ivy-module>
+ val pp = new PrettyPrinter(120, 4)
+ head + pp.format(xml).replaceAll("&gt;", ">")
+ }
+ private def renderDependency(dep: Dependency) = {
+ if (dep.exclusions.isEmpty)
+ <dependency org={} name={} rev={dep.artifact.version} conf={s"${scopeToConf(dep.scope)}->${dep.configuration.getOrElse("default(compile)")}"} />
+ else
+ <dependency org={} name={} rev={dep.artifact.version} conf={s"${scopeToConf(dep.scope)}->${dep.configuration.getOrElse("default(compile)")}"}>
+ { => <exclude org={ex._1} name={ex._2} matcher="exact"/>)}
+ </dependency>
+ }
+ private def scopeToConf(s: Scope): String = s match {
+ case Scope.Compile => "compile"
+ case Scope.Provided => "provided"
+ case Scope.Test => "test"
+ case Scope.Runtime => "runtime"
+ }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/publish/JsonFormatters.scala b/scalalib/src/publish/JsonFormatters.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fc90632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/publish/JsonFormatters.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package mill.scalalib.publish
+import upickle.default.{ReadWriter => RW}
+trait JsonFormatters {
+ implicit lazy val artifactFormat: RW[Artifact] = upickle.default.macroRW
+ implicit lazy val developerFormat: RW[Developer] = upickle.default.macroRW
+ implicit lazy val licenseFormat: RW[License] = upickle.default.macroRW
+ implicit lazy val versionControlFormat: RW[VersionControl] = upickle.default.macroRW
+ implicit lazy val pomSettingsFormat: RW[PomSettings] = upickle.default.macroRW
diff --git a/scalalib/src/publish/Licence.scala b/scalalib/src/publish/Licence.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8838ef69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/publish/Licence.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+package mill.scalalib.publish
+case class License(
+ id: String,
+ name: String,
+ url: String,
+ isOsiApproved: Boolean,
+ isFsfLibre: Boolean,
+ distribution: String
+object License {
+ @deprecated("use License.LicenseName (ex: License.`Apache-2.0`)", "0.1.0")
+ def apply(name: String, url: String): License =
+ License(name, name, url, false, false, "repo")
+ /*
+ wget
+ ```
+ val circeVersion = "0.9.1"
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ "io.circe" %% "circe-core",
+ "io.circe" %% "circe-generic",
+ "io.circe" %% "circe-parser"
+ ).map(_ % circeVersion)
+ import io.circe._,, io.circe.parser._, io.circe.syntax._
+ import java.nio.file._
+ import System.{lineSeparator => nl}
+ case class License(
+ reference: String,
+ isDeprecatedLicenseId: Boolean,
+ isFsfLibre: Option[Boolean],
+ detailsUrl: String,
+ referenceNumber: String,
+ name: String,
+ licenseId: String,
+ seeAlso: Option[List[String]],
+ isOsiApproved: Boolean
+ ) {
+ def ident: String = {
+ val startsWithDigit = (0 to 9).map(_.toString).exists(licenseId.startsWith)
+ if (licenseId.contains("-") || !startsWithDigit) s"`$licenseId`"
+ else licenseId
+ }
+ def syntax(identPadding: Int, namePadding: Int): String = {
+ val s1 = " " * (identPadding - ident.size)
+ val s2 = " " * (namePadding - name.size)
+ val ticks = if (ident == licenseId) 2 else 0
+ val s3 = " " * (identPadding - ticks - ident.size)
+ val s4 = if(isOsiApproved) " " else ""
+ s"""val ${ident}${s1} = spdx(\"\"\"$name\"\"\",$s2 "$licenseId", $s3 $isOsiApproved, $s4 ${isFsfLibre.getOrElse(false)})"""
+ }
+ }
+ case class Data(licenses: List[License])
+ val json = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("data.json")))
+ val licences = decode[Data](json).right.get.licenses
+ val identPadding = + 2).max
+ val namePadding =
+ val output = => license.syntax(identPadding, namePadding)).mkString(nl)
+ Files.write(Paths.get("out.scala"), output.getBytes("utf-8"))
+ */
+ val `0BSD` = spdx("BSD Zero Clause License", "0BSD", false, false)
+ val AAL = spdx("Attribution Assurance License", "AAL", true, false)
+ val Abstyles = spdx("Abstyles License", "Abstyles", false, false)
+ val `Adobe-2006` = spdx("Adobe Systems Incorporated Source Code License Agreement", "Adobe-2006", false, false)
+ val `Adobe-Glyph` = spdx("Adobe Glyph List License", "Adobe-Glyph", false, false)
+ val ADSL = spdx("Amazon Digital Services License", "ADSL", false, false)
+ val `AFL-1.1` = spdx("Academic Free License v1.1", "AFL-1.1", true, true)
+ val `AFL-1.2` = spdx("Academic Free License v1.2", "AFL-1.2", true, true)
+ val `AFL-2.0` = spdx("Academic Free License v2.0", "AFL-2.0", true, true)
+ val `AFL-2.1` = spdx("Academic Free License v2.1", "AFL-2.1", true, true)
+ val `AFL-3.0` = spdx("Academic Free License v3.0", "AFL-3.0", true, true)
+ val Afmparse = spdx("Afmparse License", "Afmparse", false, false)
+ val `AGPL-1.0` = spdx("Affero General Public License v1.0", "AGPL-1.0", false, true)
+ val `AGPL-3.0-only` = spdx("GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", "AGPL-3.0-only", true, false)
+ val `AGPL-3.0-or-later` = spdx("GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later", "AGPL-3.0-or-later", true, false)
+ val Aladdin = spdx("Aladdin Free Public License", "Aladdin", false, false)
+ val AMDPLPA = spdx("AMD's plpa_map.c License", "AMDPLPA", false, false)
+ val AML = spdx("Apple MIT License", "AML", false, false)
+ val AMPAS = spdx("Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences BSD", "AMPAS", false, false)
+ val `ANTLR-PD` = spdx("ANTLR Software Rights Notice", "ANTLR-PD", false, false)
+ val `Apache-1.0` = spdx("Apache License 1.0", "Apache-1.0", false, true)
+ val `Apache-1.1` = spdx("Apache License 1.1", "Apache-1.1", true, true)
+ val `Apache-2.0` = spdx("Apache License 2.0", "Apache-2.0", true, true)
+ val APAFML = spdx("Adobe Postscript AFM License", "APAFML", false, false)
+ val `APL-1.0` = spdx("Adaptive Public License 1.0", "APL-1.0", true, false)
+ val `APSL-1.0` = spdx("Apple Public Source License 1.0", "APSL-1.0", true, false)
+ val `APSL-1.1` = spdx("Apple Public Source License 1.1", "APSL-1.1", true, false)
+ val `APSL-1.2` = spdx("Apple Public Source License 1.2", "APSL-1.2", true, false)
+ val `APSL-2.0` = spdx("Apple Public Source License 2.0", "APSL-2.0", true, true)
+ val `Artistic-1.0-cl8` = spdx("Artistic License 1.0 w/clause 8", "Artistic-1.0-cl8", true, false)
+ val `Artistic-1.0-Perl` = spdx("Artistic License 1.0 (Perl)", "Artistic-1.0-Perl", true, false)
+ val `Artistic-1.0` = spdx("Artistic License 1.0", "Artistic-1.0", true, false)
+ val `Artistic-2.0` = spdx("Artistic License 2.0", "Artistic-2.0", true, true)
+ val Bahyph = spdx("Bahyph License", "Bahyph", false, false)
+ val Barr = spdx("Barr License", "Barr", false, false)
+ val Beerware = spdx("Beerware License", "Beerware", false, false)
+ val `BitTorrent-1.0` = spdx("BitTorrent Open Source License v1.0", "BitTorrent-1.0", false, false)
+ val `BitTorrent-1.1` = spdx("BitTorrent Open Source License v1.1", "BitTorrent-1.1", false, true)
+ val Borceux = spdx("Borceux license", "Borceux", false, false)
+ val `BSD-1-Clause` = spdx("BSD 1-Clause License", "BSD-1-Clause", false, false)
+ val `BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD` = spdx("BSD 2-Clause FreeBSD License", "BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD", false, true)
+ val `BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD` = spdx("BSD 2-Clause NetBSD License", "BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD", false, false)
+ val `BSD-2-Clause-Patent` = spdx("BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License", "BSD-2-Clause-Patent", true, false)
+ val `BSD-2-Clause` = spdx("BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" License", "BSD-2-Clause", true, false)
+ val `BSD-3-Clause-Attribution` = spdx("BSD with attribution", "BSD-3-Clause-Attribution", false, false)
+ val `BSD-3-Clause-Clear` = spdx("BSD 3-Clause Clear License", "BSD-3-Clause-Clear", false, true)
+ val `BSD-3-Clause-LBNL` = spdx("Lawrence Berkeley National Labs BSD variant license", "BSD-3-Clause-LBNL", false, false)
+ val `BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License-2014` = spdx("BSD 3-Clause No Nuclear License 2014", "BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License-2014", false, false)
+ val `BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License` = spdx("BSD 3-Clause No Nuclear License", "BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License", false, false)
+ val `BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-Warranty` = spdx("BSD 3-Clause No Nuclear Warranty", "BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-Warranty", false, false)
+ val `BSD-3-Clause` = spdx("BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "BSD-3-Clause", true, true)
+ val `BSD-4-Clause-UC` = spdx("BSD-4-Clause (University of California-Specific)", "BSD-4-Clause-UC", false, false)
+ val `BSD-4-Clause` = spdx("BSD 4-Clause \"Original\" or \"Old\" License", "BSD-4-Clause", false, true)
+ val `BSD-Protection` = spdx("BSD Protection License", "BSD-Protection", false, false)
+ val `BSD-Source-Code` = spdx("BSD Source Code Attribution", "BSD-Source-Code", false, false)
+ val `BSL-1.0` = spdx("Boost Software License 1.0", "BSL-1.0", true, true)
+ val `bzip2-1.0.5` = spdx("bzip2 and libbzip2 License v1.0.5", "bzip2-1.0.5", false, false)
+ val `bzip2-1.0.6` = spdx("bzip2 and libbzip2 License v1.0.6", "bzip2-1.0.6", false, false)
+ val Caldera = spdx("Caldera License", "Caldera", false, false)
+ val `CATOSL-1.1` = spdx("Computer Associates Trusted Open Source License 1.1", "CATOSL-1.1", true, false)
+ val `CC-BY-1.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution 1.0", "CC-BY-1.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-2.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution 2.0", "CC-BY-2.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-2.5` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution 2.5", "CC-BY-2.5", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-3.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution 3.0", "CC-BY-3.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-4.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution 4.0", "CC-BY-4.0", false, true)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-1.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 1.0", "CC-BY-NC-1.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-2.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 2.0", "CC-BY-NC-2.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-2.5` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 2.5", "CC-BY-NC-2.5", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-3.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0", "CC-BY-NC-3.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-4.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0", "CC-BY-NC-4.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-ND-1.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 1.0", "CC-BY-NC-ND-1.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 2.0", "CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-ND-2.5` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 2.5", "CC-BY-NC-ND-2.5", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 3.0", "CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0", "CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-SA-1.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 1.0", "CC-BY-NC-SA-1.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.0", "CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.5", "CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0", "CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0", "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-ND-1.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 1.0", "CC-BY-ND-1.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-ND-2.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 2.0", "CC-BY-ND-2.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-ND-2.5` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 2.5", "CC-BY-ND-2.5", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-ND-3.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 3.0", "CC-BY-ND-3.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-ND-4.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 4.0", "CC-BY-ND-4.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-SA-1.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 1.0", "CC-BY-SA-1.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-SA-2.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.0", "CC-BY-SA-2.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-SA-2.5` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5", "CC-BY-SA-2.5", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-SA-3.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0", "CC-BY-SA-3.0", false, false)
+ val `CC-BY-SA-4.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0", "CC-BY-SA-4.0", false, true)
+ val `CC0-1.0` = spdx("Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "CC0-1.0", false, true)
+ val `CDDL-1.0` = spdx("Common Development and Distribution License 1.0", "CDDL-1.0", true, true)
+ val `CDDL-1.1` = spdx("Common Development and Distribution License 1.1", "CDDL-1.1", false, false)
+ val `CDLA-Permissive-1.0` = spdx("Community Data License Agreement Permissive 1.0", "CDLA-Permissive-1.0", false, false)
+ val `CDLA-Sharing-1.0` = spdx("Community Data License Agreement Sharing 1.0", "CDLA-Sharing-1.0", false, false)
+ val `CECILL-1.0` = spdx("CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v1.0", "CECILL-1.0", false, false)
+ val `CECILL-1.1` = spdx("CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v1.1", "CECILL-1.1", false, false)
+ val `CECILL-2.0` = spdx("CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0", "CECILL-2.0", false, true)
+ val `CECILL-2.1` = spdx("CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1", "CECILL-2.1", true, false)
+ val `CECILL-B` = spdx("CeCILL-B Free Software License Agreement", "CECILL-B", false, true)
+ val `CECILL-C` = spdx("CeCILL-C Free Software License Agreement", "CECILL-C", false, true)
+ val ClArtistic = spdx("Clarified Artistic License", "ClArtistic", false, true)
+ val `CNRI-Jython` = spdx("CNRI Jython License", "CNRI-Jython", false, false)
+ val `CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible` = spdx("CNRI Python Open Source GPL Compatible License Agreement", "CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible", false, false)
+ val `CNRI-Python` = spdx("CNRI Python License", "CNRI-Python", true, false)
+ val `Condor-1.1` = spdx("Condor Public License v1.1", "Condor-1.1", false, true)
+ val `CPAL-1.0` = spdx("Common Public Attribution License 1.0", "CPAL-1.0", true, true)
+ val `CPL-1.0` = spdx("Common Public License 1.0", "CPL-1.0", true, true)
+ val `CPOL-1.02` = spdx("Code Project Open License 1.02", "CPOL-1.02", false, false)
+ val Crossword = spdx("Crossword License", "Crossword", false, false)
+ val CrystalStacker = spdx("CrystalStacker License", "CrystalStacker", false, false)
+ val `CUA-OPL-1.0` = spdx("CUA Office Public License v1.0", "CUA-OPL-1.0", true, false)
+ val Cube = spdx("Cube License", "Cube", false, false)
+ val curl = spdx("curl License", "curl", false, false)
+ val `D-FSL-1.0` = spdx("Deutsche Freie Software Lizenz", "D-FSL-1.0", false, false)
+ val diffmark = spdx("diffmark license", "diffmark", false, false)
+ val DOC = spdx("DOC License", "DOC", false, false)
+ val Dotseqn = spdx("Dotseqn License", "Dotseqn", false, false)
+ val DSDP = spdx("DSDP License", "DSDP", false, false)
+ val dvipdfm = spdx("dvipdfm License", "dvipdfm", false, false)
+ val `ECL-1.0` = spdx("Educational Community License v1.0", "ECL-1.0", true, false)
+ val `ECL-2.0` = spdx("Educational Community License v2.0", "ECL-2.0", true, true)
+ val `EFL-1.0` = spdx("Eiffel Forum License v1.0", "EFL-1.0", true, false)
+ val `EFL-2.0` = spdx("Eiffel Forum License v2.0", "EFL-2.0", true, true)
+ val eGenix = spdx(" Public License 1.1.0", "eGenix", false, false)
+ val Entessa = spdx("Entessa Public License v1.0", "Entessa", true, false)
+ val `EPL-1.0` = spdx("Eclipse Public License 1.0", "EPL-1.0", true, true)
+ val `EPL-2.0` = spdx("Eclipse Public License 2.0", "EPL-2.0", true, true)
+ val `ErlPL-1.1` = spdx("Erlang Public License v1.1", "ErlPL-1.1", false, false)
+ val EUDatagrid = spdx("EU DataGrid Software License", "EUDatagrid", true, true)
+ val `EUPL-1.0` = spdx("European Union Public License 1.0", "EUPL-1.0", false, false)
+ val `EUPL-1.1` = spdx("European Union Public License 1.1", "EUPL-1.1", true, true)
+ val `EUPL-1.2` = spdx("European Union Public License 1.2", "EUPL-1.2", true, false)
+ val Eurosym = spdx("Eurosym License", "Eurosym", false, false)
+ val Fair = spdx("Fair License", "Fair", true, false)
+ val `Frameworx-1.0` = spdx("Frameworx Open License 1.0", "Frameworx-1.0", true, false)
+ val FreeImage = spdx("FreeImage Public License v1.0", "FreeImage", false, false)
+ val FSFAP = spdx("FSF All Permissive License", "FSFAP", false, true)
+ val FSFUL = spdx("FSF Unlimited License", "FSFUL", false, false)
+ val FSFULLR = spdx("FSF Unlimited License (with License Retention)", "FSFULLR", false, false)
+ val FTL = spdx("Freetype Project License", "FTL", false, true)
+ val `GFDL-1.1-only` = spdx("GNU Free Documentation License v1.1 only", "GFDL-1.1-only", false, false)
+ val `GFDL-1.1-or-later` = spdx("GNU Free Documentation License v1.1 or later", "GFDL-1.1-or-later", false, false)
+ val `GFDL-1.2-only` = spdx("GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 only", "GFDL-1.2-only", false, false)
+ val `GFDL-1.2-or-later` = spdx("GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 or later", "GFDL-1.2-or-later", false, false)
+ val `GFDL-1.3-only` = spdx("GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 only", "GFDL-1.3-only", false, false)
+ val `GFDL-1.3-or-later` = spdx("GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 or later", "GFDL-1.3-or-later", false, false)
+ val Giftware = spdx("Giftware License", "Giftware", false, false)
+ val GL2PS = spdx("GL2PS License", "GL2PS", false, false)
+ val Glide = spdx("3dfx Glide License", "Glide", false, false)
+ val Glulxe = spdx("Glulxe License", "Glulxe", false, false)
+ val gnuplot = spdx("gnuplot License", "gnuplot", false, true)
+ val `GPL-1.0-only` = spdx("GNU General Public License v1.0 only", "GPL-1.0-only", false, false)
+ val `GPL-1.0-or-later` = spdx("GNU General Public License v1.0 or later", "GPL-1.0-or-later", false, false)
+ val `GPL-2.0-only` = spdx("GNU General Public License v2.0 only", "GPL-2.0-only", true, false)
+ val `GPL-2.0-or-later` = spdx("GNU General Public License v2.0 or later", "GPL-2.0-or-later", true, false)
+ val `GPL-3.0-only` = spdx("GNU General Public License v3.0 only", "GPL-3.0-only", true, false)
+ val `GPL-3.0-or-later` = spdx("GNU General Public License v3.0 or later", "GPL-3.0-or-later", true, false)
+ val `gSOAP-1.3b` = spdx("gSOAP Public License v1.3b", "gSOAP-1.3b", false, false)
+ val HaskellReport = spdx("Haskell Language Report License", "HaskellReport", false, false)
+ val HPND = spdx("Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer", "HPND", true, true)
+ val `IBM-pibs` = spdx("IBM PowerPC Initialization and Boot Software", "IBM-pibs", false, false)
+ val ICU = spdx("ICU License", "ICU", false, false)
+ val IJG = spdx("Independent JPEG Group License", "IJG", false, true)
+ val ImageMagick = spdx("ImageMagick License", "ImageMagick", false, false)
+ val iMatix = spdx("iMatix Standard Function Library Agreement", "iMatix", false, true)
+ val Imlib2 = spdx("Imlib2 License", "Imlib2", false, true)
+ val `Info-ZIP` = spdx("Info-ZIP License", "Info-ZIP", false, false)
+ val `Intel-ACPI` = spdx("Intel ACPI Software License Agreement", "Intel-ACPI", false, false)
+ val Intel = spdx("Intel Open Source License", "Intel", true, true)
+ val `Interbase-1.0` = spdx("Interbase Public License v1.0", "Interbase-1.0", false, false)
+ val IPA = spdx("IPA Font License", "IPA", true, true)
+ val `IPL-1.0` = spdx("IBM Public License v1.0", "IPL-1.0", true, true)
+ val ISC = spdx("ISC License", "ISC", true, true)
+ val `JasPer-2.0` = spdx("JasPer License", "JasPer-2.0", false, false)
+ val JSON = spdx("JSON License", "JSON", false, false)
+ val `LAL-1.2` = spdx("Licence Art Libre 1.2", "LAL-1.2", false, false)
+ val `LAL-1.3` = spdx("Licence Art Libre 1.3", "LAL-1.3", false, false)
+ val Latex2e = spdx("Latex2e License", "Latex2e", false, false)
+ val Leptonica = spdx("Leptonica License", "Leptonica", false, false)
+ val `LGPL-2.0-only` = spdx("GNU Library General Public License v2 only", "LGPL-2.0-only", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-2.0-or-later` = spdx("GNU Library General Public License v2 or later", "LGPL-2.0-or-later", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-2.1-only` = spdx("GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only", "LGPL-2.1-only", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-2.1-or-later` = spdx("GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later", "LGPL-2.1-or-later", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-3.0-only` = spdx("GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 only", "LGPL-3.0-only", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-3.0-or-later` = spdx("GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later", "LGPL-3.0-or-later", true, false)
+ val LGPLLR = spdx("Lesser General Public License For Linguistic Resources", "LGPLLR", false, false)
+ val Libpng = spdx("libpng License", "Libpng", false, false)
+ val libtiff = spdx("libtiff License", "libtiff", false, false)
+ val `LiLiQ-P-1.1` = spdx("Licence Libre du Québec – Permissive version 1.1", "LiLiQ-P-1.1", true, false)
+ val `LiLiQ-R-1.1` = spdx("Licence Libre du Québec – Réciprocité version 1.1", "LiLiQ-R-1.1", true, false)
+ val `LiLiQ-Rplus-1.1` = spdx("Licence Libre du Québec – Réciprocité forte version 1.1", "LiLiQ-Rplus-1.1", true, false)
+ val `LPL-1.0` = spdx("Lucent Public License Version 1.0", "LPL-1.0", true, false)
+ val `LPL-1.02` = spdx("Lucent Public License v1.02", "LPL-1.02", true, true)
+ val `LPPL-1.0` = spdx("LaTeX Project Public License v1.0", "LPPL-1.0", false, false)
+ val `LPPL-1.1` = spdx("LaTeX Project Public License v1.1", "LPPL-1.1", false, false)
+ val `LPPL-1.2` = spdx("LaTeX Project Public License v1.2", "LPPL-1.2", false, true)
+ val `LPPL-1.3a` = spdx("LaTeX Project Public License v1.3a", "LPPL-1.3a", false, true)
+ val `LPPL-1.3c` = spdx("LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c", "LPPL-1.3c", true, false)
+ val MakeIndex = spdx("MakeIndex License", "MakeIndex", false, false)
+ val MirOS = spdx("MirOS License", "MirOS", true, false)
+ val `MIT-advertising` = spdx("Enlightenment License (e16)", "MIT-advertising", false, false)
+ val `MIT-CMU` = spdx("CMU License", "MIT-CMU", false, false)
+ val `MIT-enna` = spdx("enna License", "MIT-enna", false, false)
+ val `MIT-feh` = spdx("feh License", "MIT-feh", false, false)
+ val MIT = spdx("MIT License", "MIT", true, true)
+ val MITNFA = spdx("MIT +no-false-attribs license", "MITNFA", false, false)
+ val Motosoto = spdx("Motosoto License", "Motosoto", true, false)
+ val mpich2 = spdx("mpich2 License", "mpich2", false, false)
+ val `MPL-1.0` = spdx("Mozilla Public License 1.0", "MPL-1.0", true, false)
+ val `MPL-1.1` = spdx("Mozilla Public License 1.1", "MPL-1.1", true, true)
+ val `MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception` = spdx("Mozilla Public License 2.0 (no copyleft exception)", "MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception", true, false)
+ val `MPL-2.0` = spdx("Mozilla Public License 2.0", "MPL-2.0", true, true)
+ val `MS-PL` = spdx("Microsoft Public License", "MS-PL", true, true)
+ val `MS-RL` = spdx("Microsoft Reciprocal License", "MS-RL", true, true)
+ val MTLL = spdx("Matrix Template Library License", "MTLL", false, false)
+ val Multics = spdx("Multics License", "Multics", true, false)
+ val Mup = spdx("Mup License", "Mup", false, false)
+ val `NASA-1.3` = spdx("NASA Open Source Agreement 1.3", "NASA-1.3", true, false)
+ val Naumen = spdx("Naumen Public License", "Naumen", true, false)
+ val `NBPL-1.0` = spdx("Net Boolean Public License v1", "NBPL-1.0", false, false)
+ val NCSA = spdx("University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License", "NCSA", true, true)
+ val `Net-SNMP` = spdx("Net-SNMP License", "Net-SNMP", false, false)
+ val NetCDF = spdx("NetCDF license", "NetCDF", false, false)
+ val Newsletr = spdx("Newsletr License", "Newsletr", false, false)
+ val NGPL = spdx("Nethack General Public License", "NGPL", true, false)
+ val `NLOD-1.0` = spdx("Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data", "NLOD-1.0", false, false)
+ val NLPL = spdx("No Limit Public License", "NLPL", false, false)
+ val Nokia = spdx("Nokia Open Source License", "Nokia", true, true)
+ val NOSL = spdx("Netizen Open Source License", "NOSL", false, true)
+ val Noweb = spdx("Noweb License", "Noweb", false, false)
+ val `NPL-1.0` = spdx("Netscape Public License v1.0", "NPL-1.0", false, true)
+ val `NPL-1.1` = spdx("Netscape Public License v1.1", "NPL-1.1", false, true)
+ val `NPOSL-3.0` = spdx("Non-Profit Open Software License 3.0", "NPOSL-3.0", true, false)
+ val NRL = spdx("NRL License", "NRL", false, false)
+ val NTP = spdx("NTP License", "NTP", true, false)
+ val `OCCT-PL` = spdx("Open CASCADE Technology Public License", "OCCT-PL", false, false)
+ val `OCLC-2.0` = spdx("OCLC Research Public License 2.0", "OCLC-2.0", true, false)
+ val `ODbL-1.0` = spdx("ODC Open Database License v1.0", "ODbL-1.0", false, true)
+ val `OFL-1.0` = spdx("SIL Open Font License 1.0", "OFL-1.0", false, false)
+ val `OFL-1.1` = spdx("SIL Open Font License 1.1", "OFL-1.1", true, true)
+ val OGTSL = spdx("Open Group Test Suite License", "OGTSL", true, false)
+ val `OLDAP-1.1` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v1.1", "OLDAP-1.1", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-1.2` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v1.2", "OLDAP-1.2", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-1.3` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v1.3", "OLDAP-1.3", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-1.4` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v1.4", "OLDAP-1.4", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-2.0.1` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.0.1", "OLDAP-2.0.1", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-2.0` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.0 (or possibly 2.0A and 2.0B)", "OLDAP-2.0", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-2.1` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.1", "OLDAP-2.1", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-2.2.1` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.2.1", "OLDAP-2.2.1", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-2.2.2` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License 2.2.2", "OLDAP-2.2.2", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-2.2` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.2", "OLDAP-2.2", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-2.3` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.3", "OLDAP-2.3", false, true)
+ val `OLDAP-2.4` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.4", "OLDAP-2.4", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-2.5` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.5", "OLDAP-2.5", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-2.6` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.6", "OLDAP-2.6", false, false)
+ val `OLDAP-2.7` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.7", "OLDAP-2.7", false, true)
+ val `OLDAP-2.8` = spdx("Open LDAP Public License v2.8", "OLDAP-2.8", false, false)
+ val OML = spdx("Open Market License", "OML", false, false)
+ val OpenSSL = spdx("OpenSSL License", "OpenSSL", false, true)
+ val `OPL-1.0` = spdx("Open Public License v1.0", "OPL-1.0", false, false)
+ val `OSET-PL-2.1` = spdx("OSET Public License version 2.1", "OSET-PL-2.1", true, false)
+ val `OSL-1.0` = spdx("Open Software License 1.0", "OSL-1.0", true, true)
+ val `OSL-1.1` = spdx("Open Software License 1.1", "OSL-1.1", false, true)
+ val `OSL-2.0` = spdx("Open Software License 2.0", "OSL-2.0", true, true)
+ val `OSL-2.1` = spdx("Open Software License 2.1", "OSL-2.1", true, true)
+ val `OSL-3.0` = spdx("Open Software License 3.0", "OSL-3.0", true, true)
+ val `PDDL-1.0` = spdx("ODC Public Domain Dedication & License 1.0", "PDDL-1.0", false, false)
+ val `PHP-3.0` = spdx("PHP License v3.0", "PHP-3.0", true, false)
+ val `PHP-3.01` = spdx("PHP License v3.01", "PHP-3.01", false, true)
+ val Plexus = spdx("Plexus Classworlds License", "Plexus", false, false)
+ val PostgreSQL = spdx("PostgreSQL License", "PostgreSQL", true, false)
+ val psfrag = spdx("psfrag License", "psfrag", false, false)
+ val psutils = spdx("psutils License", "psutils", false, false)
+ val `Python-2.0` = spdx("Python License 2.0", "Python-2.0", true, true)
+ val Qhull = spdx("Qhull License", "Qhull", false, false)
+ val `QPL-1.0` = spdx("Q Public License 1.0", "QPL-1.0", true, true)
+ val Rdisc = spdx("Rdisc License", "Rdisc", false, false)
+ val `RHeCos-1.1` = spdx("Red Hat eCos Public License v1.1", "RHeCos-1.1", false, false)
+ val `RPL-1.1` = spdx("Reciprocal Public License 1.1", "RPL-1.1", true, false)
+ val `RPL-1.5` = spdx("Reciprocal Public License 1.5", "RPL-1.5", true, false)
+ val `RPSL-1.0` = spdx("RealNetworks Public Source License v1.0", "RPSL-1.0", true, true)
+ val `RSA-MD` = spdx("RSA Message-Digest License ", "RSA-MD", false, false)
+ val RSCPL = spdx("Ricoh Source Code Public License", "RSCPL", true, false)
+ val Ruby = spdx("Ruby License", "Ruby", false, true)
+ val `SAX-PD` = spdx("Sax Public Domain Notice", "SAX-PD", false, false)
+ val Saxpath = spdx("Saxpath License", "Saxpath", false, false)
+ val SCEA = spdx("SCEA Shared Source License", "SCEA", false, false)
+ val Sendmail = spdx("Sendmail License", "Sendmail", false, false)
+ val `SGI-B-1.0` = spdx("SGI Free Software License B v1.0", "SGI-B-1.0", false, false)
+ val `SGI-B-1.1` = spdx("SGI Free Software License B v1.1", "SGI-B-1.1", false, false)
+ val `SGI-B-2.0` = spdx("SGI Free Software License B v2.0", "SGI-B-2.0", false, true)
+ val `SimPL-2.0` = spdx("Simple Public License 2.0", "SimPL-2.0", true, false)
+ val `SISSL-1.2` = spdx("Sun Industry Standards Source License v1.2", "SISSL-1.2", false, false)
+ val SISSL = spdx("Sun Industry Standards Source License v1.1", "SISSL", true, false)
+ val Sleepycat = spdx("Sleepycat License", "Sleepycat", true, true)
+ val SMLNJ = spdx("Standard ML of New Jersey License", "SMLNJ", false, true)
+ val SMPPL = spdx("Secure Messaging Protocol Public License", "SMPPL", false, false)
+ val SNIA = spdx("SNIA Public License 1.1", "SNIA", false, false)
+ val `Spencer-86` = spdx("Spencer License 86", "Spencer-86", false, false)
+ val `Spencer-94` = spdx("Spencer License 94", "Spencer-94", false, false)
+ val `Spencer-99` = spdx("Spencer License 99", "Spencer-99", false, false)
+ val `SPL-1.0` = spdx("Sun Public License v1.0", "SPL-1.0", true, true)
+ val `SugarCRM-1.1.3` = spdx("SugarCRM Public License v1.1.3", "SugarCRM-1.1.3", false, false)
+ val SWL = spdx("Scheme Widget Library (SWL) Software License Agreement", "SWL", false, false)
+ val TCL = spdx("TCL/TK License", "TCL", false, false)
+ val `TCP-wrappers` = spdx("TCP Wrappers License", "TCP-wrappers", false, false)
+ val TMate = spdx("TMate Open Source License", "TMate", false, false)
+ val `TORQUE-1.1` = spdx("TORQUE v2.5+ Software License v1.1", "TORQUE-1.1", false, false)
+ val TOSL = spdx("Trusster Open Source License", "TOSL", false, false)
+ val `Unicode-DFS-2015` = spdx("Unicode License Agreement - Data Files and Software (2015)", "Unicode-DFS-2015", false, false)
+ val `Unicode-DFS-2016` = spdx("Unicode License Agreement - Data Files and Software (2016)", "Unicode-DFS-2016", false, false)
+ val `Unicode-TOU` = spdx("Unicode Terms of Use", "Unicode-TOU", false, false)
+ val Unlicense = spdx("The Unlicense", "Unlicense", false, true)
+ val `UPL-1.0` = spdx("Universal Permissive License v1.0", "UPL-1.0", true, true)
+ val Vim = spdx("Vim License", "Vim", false, true)
+ val VOSTROM = spdx("VOSTROM Public License for Open Source", "VOSTROM", false, false)
+ val `VSL-1.0` = spdx("Vovida Software License v1.0", "VSL-1.0", true, false)
+ val `W3C-19980720` = spdx("W3C Software Notice and License (1998-07-20)", "W3C-19980720", false, false)
+ val `W3C-20150513` = spdx("W3C Software Notice and Document License (2015-05-13)", "W3C-20150513", false, false)
+ val W3C = spdx("W3C Software Notice and License (2002-12-31)", "W3C", true, true)
+ val `Watcom-1.0` = spdx("Sybase Open Watcom Public License 1.0", "Watcom-1.0", true, false)
+ val Wsuipa = spdx("Wsuipa License", "Wsuipa", false, false)
+ val WTFPL = spdx("Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License", "WTFPL", false, true)
+ val X11 = spdx("X11 License", "X11", false, true)
+ val Xerox = spdx("Xerox License", "Xerox", false, false)
+ val `XFree86-1.1` = spdx("XFree86 License 1.1", "XFree86-1.1", false, true)
+ val xinetd = spdx("xinetd License", "xinetd", false, true)
+ val Xnet = spdx("X.Net License", "Xnet", true, false)
+ val xpp = spdx("XPP License", "xpp", false, false)
+ val XSkat = spdx("XSkat License", "XSkat", false, false)
+ val `YPL-1.0` = spdx("Yahoo! Public License v1.0", "YPL-1.0", false, false)
+ val `YPL-1.1` = spdx("Yahoo! Public License v1.1", "YPL-1.1", false, true)
+ val Zed = spdx("Zed License", "Zed", false, false)
+ val `Zend-2.0` = spdx("Zend License v2.0", "Zend-2.0", false, true)
+ val `Zimbra-1.3` = spdx("Zimbra Public License v1.3", "Zimbra-1.3", false, true)
+ val `Zimbra-1.4` = spdx("Zimbra Public License v1.4", "Zimbra-1.4", false, false)
+ val `zlib-acknowledgement` = spdx("zlib/libpng License with Acknowledgement", "zlib-acknowledgement", false, false)
+ val Zlib = spdx("zlib License", "Zlib", true, true)
+ val `ZPL-1.1` = spdx("Zope Public License 1.1", "ZPL-1.1", false, false)
+ val `ZPL-2.0` = spdx("Zope Public License 2.0", "ZPL-2.0", true, true)
+ val `ZPL-2.1` = spdx("Zope Public License 2.1", "ZPL-2.1", false, true)
+ val `AGPL-3.0` = spdx("GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "AGPL-3.0", true, false)
+ val `eCos-2.0` = spdx("eCos license version 2.0", "eCos-2.0", false, false)
+ val `GFDL-1.1` = spdx("GNU Free Documentation License v1.1", "GFDL-1.1", false, false)
+ val `GFDL-1.2` = spdx("GNU Free Documentation License v1.2", "GFDL-1.2", false, false)
+ val `GFDL-1.3` = spdx("GNU Free Documentation License v1.3", "GFDL-1.3", false, false)
+ val `GPL-1.0+` = spdx("GNU General Public License v1.0 or later", "GPL-1.0+", false, false)
+ val `GPL-1.0` = spdx("GNU General Public License v1.0 only", "GPL-1.0", false, false)
+ val `GPL-2.0+` = spdx("GNU General Public License v2.0 or later", "GPL-2.0+", true, false)
+ val `GPL-2.0-with-autoconf-exception` = spdx("GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Autoconf exception", "GPL-2.0-with-autoconf-exception", false, false)
+ val `GPL-2.0-with-bison-exception` = spdx("GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Bison exception", "GPL-2.0-with-bison-exception", false, false)
+ val `GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception` = spdx("GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception", "GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception", false, false)
+ val `GPL-2.0-with-font-exception` = spdx("GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Font exception", "GPL-2.0-with-font-exception", false, false)
+ val `GPL-2.0-with-GCC-exception` = spdx("GNU General Public License v2.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exception", "GPL-2.0-with-GCC-exception", false, false)
+ val `GPL-2.0` = spdx("GNU General Public License v2.0 only", "GPL-2.0", true, false)
+ val `GPL-3.0+` = spdx("GNU General Public License v3.0 or later", "GPL-3.0+", true, false)
+ val `GPL-3.0-with-autoconf-exception` = spdx("GNU General Public License v3.0 w/Autoconf exception", "GPL-3.0-with-autoconf-exception", false, false)
+ val `GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception` = spdx("GNU General Public License v3.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exception", "GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception", true, false)
+ val `GPL-3.0` = spdx("GNU General Public License v3.0 only", "GPL-3.0", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-2.0+` = spdx("GNU Library General Public License v2 or later", "LGPL-2.0+", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-2.0` = spdx("GNU Library General Public License v2 only", "LGPL-2.0", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-2.1+` = spdx("GNU Library General Public License v2 or later", "LGPL-2.1+", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-2.1` = spdx("GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only", "LGPL-2.1", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-3.0+` = spdx("GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later", "LGPL-3.0+", true, false)
+ val `LGPL-3.0` = spdx("GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 only", "LGPL-3.0", true, false)
+ val Nunit = spdx("Nunit License", "Nunit", false, false)
+ val `StandardML-NJ` = spdx("Standard ML of New Jersey License", "StandardML-NJ", false, false)
+ val wxWindows = spdx("wxWindows Library License", "wxWindows", false, false)
+ private def spdx(fullName: String, id: String, isOsiApproved: Boolean, isFsfLibre: Boolean): License =
+ License(fullName, id, s"$id.html", isOsiApproved, isFsfLibre, "repo")
+ val PublicDomain = License(
+ id = "Public Domain",
+ name = "Public Domain",
+ url = "",
+ isOsiApproved = true, // sort of:
+ isFsfLibre = true, // I'm not sure about this
+ distribution = "repo"
+ )
+ val Scala = License(
+ id = "Scala License",
+ name = "Scala License",
+ url = "",
+ isOsiApproved = false,
+ isFsfLibre = false,
+ distribution = "repo"
+ )
+ val TypesafeSubscriptionAgreement = License(
+ id = "Typesafe Subscription Agreement",
+ name = "Typesafe Subscription Agreement",
+ url = "",
+ isOsiApproved = false,
+ isFsfLibre = false,
+ distribution = "repo"
+ )
+ //
+ object Common {
+ val Apache2 = License.`Apache-2.0`
+ val MIT = License.MIT
+ val BSD4 = License.`BSD-4-Clause`
+ val Typesafe = License.TypesafeSubscriptionAgreement
+ val BSD3 = License.`BSD-3-Clause`
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scalalib/src/publish/LocalPublisher.scala b/scalalib/src/publish/LocalPublisher.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9839831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/publish/LocalPublisher.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package mill.scalalib.publish
+object LocalPublisher {
+ private val root: os.Path = os.home / ".ivy2" / "local"
+ def publish(jar: os.Path,
+ sourcesJar: os.Path,
+ docJar: os.Path,
+ pom: os.Path,
+ ivy: os.Path,
+ artifact: Artifact): Unit = {
+ val releaseDir = root / / / artifact.version
+ writeFiles(
+ jar -> releaseDir / "jars" / s"${}.jar",
+ sourcesJar -> releaseDir / "srcs" / s"${}-sources.jar",
+ docJar -> releaseDir / "docs" / s"${}-javadoc.jar",
+ pom -> releaseDir / "poms" / s"${}.pom",
+ ivy -> releaseDir / "ivys" / "ivy.xml"
+ )
+ }
+ private def writeFiles(fromTo: (os.Path, os.Path)*): Unit = {
+ fromTo.foreach {
+ case (from, to) =>
+ os.makeDir.all(to / os.up)
+ os.copy.over(from, to)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/publish/Pom.scala b/scalalib/src/publish/Pom.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57a0e196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/publish/Pom.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+package mill.scalalib.publish
+import mill.util.Loose.Agg
+import scala.xml.{Atom, Elem, NodeSeq, PrettyPrinter}
+object Pom {
+ val head = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+ implicit class XmlOps(val e: Elem) extends AnyVal {
+ // source:
+ def optional : NodeSeq = {
+ require(e.child.length == 1)
+ e.child.head match {
+ case atom: Atom[Option[_]] => match {
+ case None => NodeSeq.Empty
+ case Some(x) => e.copy(child = x match {
+ case n: NodeSeq => n
+ case x => new Atom(x)
+ })
+ }
+ case _ => e
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO - not only jar packaging support?
+ def apply(artifact: Artifact,
+ dependencies: Agg[Dependency],
+ name: String,
+ pomSettings: PomSettings): String = {
+ val xml =
+ <project
+ xsi:schemaLocation=""
+ xmlns:xsi =""
+ xmlns ="">
+ <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+ <name>{name}</name>
+ <groupId>{}</groupId>
+ <artifactId>{}</artifactId>
+ <packaging>jar</packaging>
+ <description>{pomSettings.description}</description>
+ <version>{artifact.version}</version>
+ <url>{pomSettings.url}</url>
+ <licenses>
+ {}
+ </licenses>
+ <scm>
+ { <connection>{pomSettings.versionControl.connection}</connection>.optional }
+ { <developerConnection>{pomSettings.versionControl.developerConnection}</developerConnection>.optional }
+ { <tag>{pomSettings.versionControl.tag}</tag>.optional }
+ { <url>{pomSettings.versionControl.browsableRepository}</url>.optional }
+ </scm>
+ <developers>
+ {}
+ </developers>
+ <dependencies>
+ {}
+ </dependencies>
+ </project>
+ val pp = new PrettyPrinter(120, 4)
+ head + pp.format(xml)
+ }
+ private def renderLicense(l: License): Elem = {
+ <license>
+ <name>{}</name>
+ <url>{l.url}</url>
+ <distribution>{l.distribution}</distribution>
+ </license>
+ }
+ private def renderDeveloper(d: Developer): Elem = {
+ <developer>
+ <id>{}</id>
+ <name>{}</name>
+ { <organization>{d.organization}</organization>.optional }
+ { <organizationUrl>{d.organizationUrl}</organizationUrl>.optional }
+ </developer>
+ }
+ private def renderDependency(d: Dependency): Elem = {
+ val scope = d.scope match {
+ case Scope.Compile => NodeSeq.Empty
+ case Scope.Provided => <scope>provided</scope>
+ case Scope.Test => <scope>test</scope>
+ case Scope.Runtime => <scope>runtime</scope>
+ }
+ if (d.exclusions.isEmpty)
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>{}</groupId>
+ <artifactId>{}</artifactId>
+ <version>{d.artifact.version}</version>
+ {scope}
+ </dependency>
+ else
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>{}</groupId>
+ <artifactId>{}</artifactId>
+ <version>{d.artifact.version}</version>
+ <exclusions>
+ { =>
+ <exclusion>
+ <groupId>{ex._1}</groupId>
+ <artifactId>{ex._2}</artifactId>
+ </exclusion>
+ )}
+ </exclusions>
+ {scope}
+ </dependency>
+ }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/publish/SonatypeHttpApi.scala b/scalalib/src/publish/SonatypeHttpApi.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12defa93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/publish/SonatypeHttpApi.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+package mill.scalalib.publish
+import java.util.Base64
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import scalaj.http.{BaseHttp, HttpOptions, HttpRequest, HttpResponse}
+object PatientHttp
+ extends BaseHttp(
+ options = Seq(
+ HttpOptions.connTimeout(5.seconds.toMillis.toInt),
+ HttpOptions.readTimeout(1.minute.toMillis.toInt),
+ HttpOptions.followRedirects(false)
+ )
+ )
+class SonatypeHttpApi(uri: String, credentials: String) {
+ private val base64Creds = base64(credentials)
+ private val commonHeaders = Seq(
+ "Authorization" -> s"Basic $base64Creds",
+ "Accept" -> "application/json",
+ "Content-Type" -> "application/json"
+ )
+ //
+ def getStagingProfileUri(groupId: String): String = {
+ val response = withRetry(
+ PatientHttp(s"$uri/staging/profiles").headers(commonHeaders))
+ .throwError
+ val resourceUri =
+ ujson
+ .read(response.body)("data")
+ .arr
+ .find(profile =>
+ groupId.split('.').startsWith(profile("name").str.split('.')))
+ .map(_("resourceURI").str.toString)
+ resourceUri.getOrElse(
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ s"Could not find staging profile for groupId: ${groupId}")
+ )
+ }
+ def getStagingRepoState(stagingRepoId: String): String = {
+ val response = PatientHttp(s"${uri}/staging/repository/${stagingRepoId}")
+ .option(HttpOptions.readTimeout(60000))
+ .headers(commonHeaders)
+ .asString
+ .throwError
+ }
+ //
+ def createStagingRepo(profileUri: String, groupId: String): String = {
+ val response = withRetry(PatientHttp(s"${profileUri}/start")
+ .headers(commonHeaders)
+ .postData(
+ s"""{"data": {"description": "fresh staging profile for ${groupId}"}}"""))
+ .throwError
+ }
+ //
+ def closeStagingRepo(profileUri: String, repositoryId: String): Boolean = {
+ val response = withRetry(
+ PatientHttp(s"${profileUri}/finish")
+ .headers(commonHeaders)
+ .postData(
+ s"""{"data": {"stagedRepositoryId": "${repositoryId}", "description": "closing staging repository"}}"""
+ ))
+ response.code == 201
+ }
+ //
+ def promoteStagingRepo(profileUri: String, repositoryId: String): Boolean = {
+ val response = withRetry(
+ PatientHttp(s"${profileUri}/promote")
+ .headers(commonHeaders)
+ .postData(
+ s"""{"data": {"stagedRepositoryId": "${repositoryId}", "description": "promote staging repository"}}"""
+ ))
+ response.code == 201
+ }
+ //
+ def dropStagingRepo(profileUri: String, repositoryId: String): Boolean = {
+ val response = withRetry(
+ PatientHttp(s"${profileUri}/drop")
+ .headers(commonHeaders)
+ .postData(
+ s"""{"data": {"stagedRepositoryId": "${repositoryId}", "description": "drop staging repository"}}"""
+ ))
+ response.code == 201
+ }
+ private val uploadTimeout = 5.minutes.toMillis.toInt
+ def upload(uri: String, data: Array[Byte]): HttpResponse[String] = {
+ PatientHttp(uri)
+ .option(HttpOptions.readTimeout(uploadTimeout))
+ .method("PUT")
+ .headers(
+ "Content-Type" -> "application/binary",
+ "Authorization" -> s"Basic ${base64Creds}"
+ )
+ .put(data)
+ .asString
+ }
+ private def withRetry(request: HttpRequest,
+ retries: Int = 10): HttpResponse[String] = {
+ val resp = request.asString
+ if (resp.is5xx && retries > 0) {
+ Thread.sleep(500)
+ withRetry(request, retries - 1)
+ } else {
+ resp
+ }
+ }
+ private def base64(s: String) =
+ new String(Base64.getEncoder.encode(s.getBytes))
diff --git a/scalalib/src/publish/SonatypePublisher.scala b/scalalib/src/publish/SonatypePublisher.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1843943b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/publish/SonatypePublisher.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+package mill.scalalib.publish
+import java.math.BigInteger
+import mill.api.Logger
+import scalaj.http.HttpResponse
+class SonatypePublisher(uri: String,
+ snapshotUri: String,
+ credentials: String,
+ gpgPassphrase: Option[String],
+ signed: Boolean,
+ log: Logger) {
+ private val api = new SonatypeHttpApi(uri, credentials)
+ def publish(fileMapping: Seq[(os.Path, String)], artifact: Artifact, release: Boolean): Unit = {
+ publishAll(release, fileMapping -> artifact)
+ }
+ def publishAll(release: Boolean, artifacts: (Seq[(os.Path, String)], Artifact)*): Unit = {
+ val mappings = for ((fileMapping0, artifact) <- artifacts) yield {
+ val publishPath = Seq(
+".", "/"),
+ artifact.version
+ ).mkString("/")
+ val fileMapping ={ case (file, name) => (file, publishPath+"/"+name) }
+ val signedArtifacts = if (signed) {
+ case (file, name) => poorMansSign(file, gpgPassphrase) -> s"$name.asc"
+ } else Seq()
+ artifact -> (fileMapping ++ signedArtifacts).flatMap {
+ case (file, name) =>
+ val content =
+ Seq(
+ name -> content,
+ (name + ".md5") -> md5hex(content),
+ (name + ".sha1") -> sha1hex(content)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ val (snapshots, releases) = mappings.partition(_._1.isSnapshot)
+ if(snapshots.nonEmpty) {
+ publishSnapshot(snapshots.flatMap(_._2),
+ }
+ val releaseGroups = releases.groupBy(
+ for((group, groupReleases) <- releaseGroups){
+ publishRelease(release, groupReleases.flatMap(_._2), group,
+ }
+ }
+ private def publishSnapshot(payloads: Seq[(String, Array[Byte])],
+ artifacts: Seq[Artifact]): Unit = {
+ val publishResults = {
+ case (fileName, data) =>
+"Uploading $fileName")
+ val resp = api.upload(s"$snapshotUri/$fileName", data)
+ resp
+ }
+ reportPublishResults(publishResults, artifacts)
+ }
+ private def publishRelease(release: Boolean,
+ payloads: Seq[(String, Array[Byte])],
+ stagingProfile: String,
+ artifacts: Seq[Artifact]): Unit = {
+ val profileUri = api.getStagingProfileUri(stagingProfile)
+ val stagingRepoId =
+ api.createStagingRepo(profileUri, stagingProfile)
+ val baseUri = s"$uri/staging/deployByRepositoryId/$stagingRepoId/"
+ val publishResults = {
+ case (fileName, data) =>
+"Uploading ${fileName}")
+ api.upload(s"$baseUri/$fileName", data)
+ }
+ reportPublishResults(publishResults, artifacts)
+ if (release) {
+"Closing staging repository")
+ api.closeStagingRepo(profileUri, stagingRepoId)
+"Waiting for staging repository to close")
+ awaitRepoStatus("closed", stagingRepoId)
+"Promoting staging repository")
+ api.promoteStagingRepo(profileUri, stagingRepoId)
+"Waiting for staging repository to release")
+ awaitRepoStatus("released", stagingRepoId)
+"Dropping staging repository")
+ api.dropStagingRepo(profileUri, stagingRepoId)
+"Published ${", ")} successfully")
+ }
+ }
+ private def reportPublishResults(publishResults: Seq[HttpResponse[String]],
+ artifacts: Seq[Artifact]) = {
+ if (publishResults.forall(_.is2xx)) {
+"Published ${", ")} to Sonatype")
+ } else {
+ val errors = publishResults.filterNot(_.is2xx).map { response =>
+ s"Code: ${response.code}, message: ${response.body}"
+ }
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ s"Failed to publish ${", ")} to Sonatype. Errors: \n${errors.mkString("\n")}"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ private def awaitRepoStatus(status: String,
+ stagingRepoId: String,
+ attempts: Int = 20): Unit = {
+ def isRightStatus =
+ api.getStagingRepoState(stagingRepoId).equalsIgnoreCase(status)
+ var attemptsLeft = attempts
+ while (attemptsLeft > 0 && !isRightStatus) {
+ Thread.sleep(3000)
+ attemptsLeft -= 1
+ if (attemptsLeft == 0) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ s"Couldn't wait for staging repository to be ${status}. Failing")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ private def poorMansSign(file: os.Path, maybePassphrase: Option[String]): os.Path = {
+ val fileName = file.toString
+ maybePassphrase match {
+ case Some(passphrase) =>
+ os.proc("gpg", "--passphrase", passphrase, "--batch", "--yes", "-a", "-b", fileName)
+ .call(stdin = os.Inherit, stdout = os.Inherit, stderr = os.Inherit)
+ case None =>
+ os.proc("gpg", "--batch", "--yes", "-a", "-b", fileName)
+ .call(stdin = os.Inherit, stdout = os.Inherit, stderr = os.Inherit)
+ }
+ os.Path(fileName + ".asc")
+ }
+ private def md5hex(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] =
+ hexArray(md5.digest(bytes)).getBytes
+ private def sha1hex(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] =
+ hexArray(sha1.digest(bytes)).getBytes
+ private def md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("md5")
+ private def sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("sha1")
+ private def hexArray(arr: Array[Byte]) =
+ String.format("%0" + (arr.length << 1) + "x", new BigInteger(1, arr))
diff --git a/scalalib/src/publish/VersionControl.scala b/scalalib/src/publish/VersionControl.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aad38ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/publish/VersionControl.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+package mill.scalalib.publish
+ * @param browsableRepository: a publicly browsable repository
+ * (example:
+ * @param connection: read-only connection to repository
+ * (example: scm:git:git://
+ * @param developerConnection: read-write connection to repository
+ * (example:
+ * @param tag: tag that was created for this release. This is useful for
+ * git and mercurial since it's not possible to include the tag in
+ * the connection url.
+ * (example: v2.12.4, HEAD, my-branch, fd8a2567ad32c11bcf8adbaca85bdba72bb4f935, ...)
+ */
+case class VersionControl(
+ browsableRepository: Option[String] = None,
+ connection: Option[String] = None,
+ developerConnection: Option[String] = None,
+ tag: Option[String] = None
+@deprecated("use VersionControl", "0.1.3")
+case class SCM(
+ url: String,
+ connection: String
+object VersionControl {
+ def github(owner: String, repo: String, tag: Option[String] = None): VersionControl =
+ VersionControl(
+ browsableRepository = Some(s"$owner/$repo"),
+ connection = Some(VersionControlConnection.gitGit("", s"$owner/$repo.git")),
+ developerConnection = Some(VersionControlConnection.gitSsh("", s":$owner/$repo.git", username = Some("git"))),
+ tag = tag
+ )
+ def gitlab(owner: String, repo: String, tag: Option[String] = None): VersionControl =
+ VersionControl(
+ browsableRepository = Some(s"$owner/$repo"),
+ connection = Some(VersionControlConnection.gitGit("", s"$owner/$repo.git")),
+ developerConnection = Some(VersionControlConnection.gitSsh("", s":$owner/$repo.git", username = Some("git"))),
+ tag = tag
+ )
+object VersionControlConnection {
+ def network(scm: String,
+ protocol: String,
+ hostname: String,
+ path: String,
+ username: Option[String] = None,
+ password: Option[String] = None,
+ port: Option[Int] = None): String = {
+ val portPart =":" + _).getOrElse("")
+ val credentials =
+ username match {
+ case Some(user) =>
+ val pass =":" + _).getOrElse("")
+ s"${user}${pass}@"
+ case None =>
+ password match {
+ case Some(p) => sys.error(s"no username set for password: $p")
+ case _ => ""
+ }
+ }
+ val path0 =
+ if(path.startsWith(":") || path.startsWith("/")) path
+ else "/" + path
+ s"scm:${scm}:${protocol}://${credentials}${hostname}${portPart}${path0}"
+ }
+ def file(scm: String, path: String): String = {
+ s"scm:$scm:file://$path"
+ }
+ def gitGit(hostname: String,
+ path: String = "",
+ port: Option[Int] = None): String =
+ network("git", "git", hostname, path, port = port)
+ def gitHttp(hostname: String,
+ path: String = "",
+ port: Option[Int] = None): String =
+ network("git", "http", hostname, path, port = port)
+ def gitHttps(hostname: String,
+ path: String = "",
+ port: Option[Int] = None): String =
+ network("git", "https", hostname, path, port = port)
+ def gitSsh(hostname: String,
+ path: String = "",
+ username: Option[String] = None,
+ port: Option[Int] = None): String =
+ network("git", "ssh", hostname, path, username = username, port = port)
+ def gitFile(path: String): String =
+ file("git", path)
+ def svnSsh(hostname: String,
+ path: String = "",
+ username: Option[String] = None,
+ port: Option[Int] = None): String =
+ network("svn", "svn+ssh", hostname, path, username, None, port)
+ def svnHttp(hostname: String,
+ path: String = "",
+ username: Option[String] = None,
+ password: Option[String] = None,
+ port: Option[Int] = None): String =
+ network("svn", "http", hostname, path, username, password, port)
+ def svnHttps(hostname: String,
+ path: String = "",
+ username: Option[String] = None,
+ password: Option[String] = None,
+ port: Option[Int] = None): String =
+ network("svn", "https", hostname, path, username, password, port)
+ def svnSvn(hostname: String,
+ path: String = "",
+ username: Option[String] = None,
+ password: Option[String] = None,
+ port: Option[Int] = None): String =
+ network("svn", "svn", hostname, path, username, password, port)
+ def svnFile(path: String): String =
+ file("svn", path)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scalalib/src/publish/package.scala b/scalalib/src/publish/package.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99eeec14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/publish/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+package mill.scalalib
+package object publish extends JsonFormatters
diff --git a/scalalib/src/publish/settings.scala b/scalalib/src/publish/settings.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bca81cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/src/publish/settings.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+package mill.scalalib.publish
+import mill.scalalib.Dep
+case class Artifact(group: String, id: String, version: String) {
+ def isSnapshot: Boolean = version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")
+object Artifact {
+ def fromDepJava(dep: Dep) = {
+ assert(dep.cross.isConstant, s"Not a Java dependency: $dep")
+ fromDep(dep, "", "", "")
+ }
+ def fromDep(dep: Dep,
+ scalaFull: String,
+ scalaBin: String,
+ platformSuffix: String): Dependency = {
+ val name = dep.artifactName(
+ binaryVersion = scalaBin,
+ fullVersion = scalaFull,
+ platformSuffix = platformSuffix
+ )
+ Dependency(
+ Artifact(
+ dep.dep.module.organization,
+ name,
+ dep.dep.version
+ ),
+ Scope.Compile,
+ if (dep.dep.configuration == "") None else Some(dep.dep.configuration),
+ dep.dep.exclusions.toList
+ )
+ }
+sealed trait Scope
+object Scope {
+ case object Compile extends Scope
+ case object Provided extends Scope
+ case object Runtime extends Scope
+ case object Test extends Scope
+case class Dependency(
+ artifact: Artifact,
+ scope: Scope,
+ configuration: Option[String] = None,
+ exclusions: Seq[(String, String)] = Nil
+case class Developer(
+ id: String,
+ name: String,
+ url: String,
+ organization: Option[String] = None,
+ organizationUrl: Option[String] = None
+case class PomSettings(
+ description: String,
+ organization: String,
+ url: String,
+ licenses: Seq[License],
+ versionControl: VersionControl,
+ developers: Seq[Developer]
+object PomSettings {
+ @deprecated("use VersionControl instead of SCM", "0.1.3")
+ def apply(description: String,
+ organization: String,
+ url: String,
+ licenses: Seq[License],
+ scm: SCM,
+ developers: Seq[Developer]): PomSettings = {
+ PomSettings(
+ description = description,
+ organization = organization,
+ url = url,
+ licenses = licenses,
+ versionControl = VersionControl(
+ browsableRepository = Some(scm.url),
+ connection = Some(scm.connection),
+ developerConnection = None,
+ tag = None
+ ),
+ developers = developers
+ )
+ }