path: root/scalaworker/src/mill/scalaworker/ScalaWorker.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scalaworker/src/mill/scalaworker/ScalaWorker.scala')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scalaworker/src/mill/scalaworker/ScalaWorker.scala b/scalaworker/src/mill/scalaworker/ScalaWorker.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df92cd0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalaworker/src/mill/scalaworker/ScalaWorker.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+package mill.scalaworker
+import{File, FileInputStream}
+import java.lang.annotation.Annotation
+import java.util.Optional
+import ammonite.ops.{Path, exists, ls, mkdir}
+import mill.Agg
+import mill.define.Worker
+import mill.eval.PathRef
+import mill.modules.Jvm
+import mill.scalalib.CompilationResult
+import xsbti.compile.{CompilerCache => _, FileAnalysisStore => _, ScalaInstance => _, _}
+import mill.scalalib.Lib.grepJar
+import mill.scalalib.TestRunner.Result
+import mill.util.Ctx
+import sbt.internal.util.{ConsoleOut, MainAppender}
+import sbt.testing._
+import sbt.util.LogExchange
+import scala.collection.mutable
+case class MockedLookup(am: File => Optional[CompileAnalysis]) extends PerClasspathEntryLookup {
+ override def analysis(classpathEntry: File): Optional[CompileAnalysis] =
+ am(classpathEntry)
+ override def definesClass(classpathEntry: File): DefinesClass =
+ Locate.definesClass(classpathEntry)
+class ScalaWorker(ctx0: mill.util.Ctx) extends mill.scalalib.ScalaWorkerApi{
+ @volatile var scalaClassloaderCache = Option.empty[(Long, ClassLoader)]
+ @volatile var scalaInstanceCache = Option.empty[(Long, ScalaInstance)]
+ def compileScala(scalaVersion: String,
+ sources: Agg[Path],
+ compileClasspath: Agg[Path],
+ compilerClasspath: Agg[Path],
+ pluginClasspath: Agg[Path],
+ compilerBridge: Path,
+ scalacOptions: Seq[String],
+ scalacPluginClasspath: Agg[Path],
+ javacOptions: Seq[String],
+ upstreamCompileOutput: Seq[CompilationResult])
+ (implicit ctx: mill.util.Ctx): CompilationResult = {
+ val compileClasspathFiles =
+ val compilerJars =
+ val pluginJars =
+ val compilerClassloaderSig = => p.toString().hashCode + p.mtime.toMillis).sum
+ val scalaInstanceSig =
+ compilerClassloaderSig + => p.toString().hashCode + p.mtime.toMillis).sum
+ val compilerClassLoader = scalaClassloaderCache match{
+ case Some((k, v)) if k == compilerClassloaderSig => v
+ case _ =>
+ val classloader = new URLClassLoader(, null)
+ scalaClassloaderCache = Some((compilerClassloaderSig, classloader))
+ classloader
+ }
+ val scalaInstance = scalaInstanceCache match{
+ case Some((k, v)) if k == scalaInstanceSig => v
+ case _ =>
+ val scalaInstance = new ScalaInstance(
+ version = scalaVersion,
+ loader = new URLClassLoader(, compilerClassLoader),
+ libraryJar = grepJar(compilerClasspath, s"scala-library-$scalaVersion.jar"),
+ compilerJar = grepJar(compilerClasspath, s"scala-compiler-$scalaVersion.jar"),
+ allJars = compilerJars ++ pluginJars,
+ explicitActual = None
+ )
+ scalaInstanceCache = Some((scalaInstanceSig, scalaInstance))
+ scalaInstance
+ }
+ mkdir(ctx.dest)
+ val ic = new
+ val logger = {
+ val consoleAppender = MainAppender.defaultScreen(ConsoleOut.printStreamOut(
+ ctx.log.outputStream
+ ))
+ val l = LogExchange.logger("Hello")
+ LogExchange.unbindLoggerAppenders("Hello")
+ LogExchange.bindLoggerAppenders("Hello", (consoleAppender -> sbt.util.Level.Info) :: Nil)
+ l
+ }
+ def analysisMap(f: File): Optional[CompileAnalysis] = {
+ if (f.isFile) {
+ Optional.empty[CompileAnalysis]
+ } else {
+ upstreamCompileOutput.collectFirst {
+ case CompilationResult(zincPath, classFiles) if classFiles.path.toNIO == f.toPath =>
+ FileAnalysisStore.binary(zincPath.toIO).get().map[CompileAnalysis](_.getAnalysis)
+ }.getOrElse(Optional.empty[CompileAnalysis])
+ }
+ }
+ val lookup = MockedLookup(analysisMap)
+ val zincFile = ctx.dest / 'zinc
+ val classesDir = ctx.dest / 'classes
+ val zincIOFile = zincFile.toIO
+ val classesIODir = classesDir.toIO
+ val store = FileAnalysisStore.binary(zincIOFile)
+ val newResult = ic.compile(
+ ic.inputs(
+ classpath = classesIODir +: compileClasspathFiles,
+ sources = for{
+ root <- sources.toArray
+ if exists(root)
+ path <- ls.rec(root)
+ if path.isFile && (path.ext == "scala" || path.ext == "java")
+ } yield path.toIO,
+ classesDirectory = classesIODir,
+ scalacOptions = ( => s"-Xplugin:${jar}") ++ scalacOptions).toArray,
+ javacOptions = javacOptions.toArray,
+ maxErrors = 10,
+ sourcePositionMappers = Array(),
+ order = CompileOrder.Mixed,
+ compilers = ic.compilers(
+ scalaInstance,
+ ClasspathOptionsUtil.boot,
+ None,
+ ZincUtil.scalaCompiler(scalaInstance, compilerBridge.toIO)
+ ),
+ setup = ic.setup(
+ lookup,
+ skip = false,
+ zincIOFile,
+ new FreshCompilerCache,
+ IncOptions.of(),
+ new ManagedLoggedReporter(10, logger),
+ None,
+ Array()
+ ),
+ pr = {
+ val prev = store.get()
+ PreviousResult.of(,
+ }
+ ),
+ logger = logger
+ )
+ store.set(
+ AnalysisContents.create(
+ newResult.analysis(),
+ newResult.setup()
+ )
+ )
+ CompilationResult(zincFile, PathRef(classesDir))
+ }
+ def apply(frameworkName: String,
+ entireClasspath: Agg[Path],
+ testClassfilePath: Agg[Path],
+ args: Seq[String])
+ (implicit ctx: mill.util.Ctx): (String, Seq[Result]) = {
+ Jvm.inprocess(entireClasspath, classLoaderOverrideSbtTesting = true, cl => {
+ val framework = cl.loadClass(frameworkName)
+ .newInstance()
+ .asInstanceOf[sbt.testing.Framework]
+ val testClasses = runTests(cl, framework, testClassfilePath)
+ val runner = framework.runner(args.toArray, args.toArray, cl)
+ val tasks = runner.tasks(
+ for ((cls, fingerprint) <- testClasses.toArray)
+ yield new TaskDef(cls.getName.stripSuffix("$"), fingerprint, true, Array(new SuiteSelector))
+ )
+ val events = mutable.Buffer.empty[Event]
+ for (t <- tasks) {
+ t.execute(
+ new EventHandler {
+ def handle(event: Event) = events.append(event)
+ },
+ Array(
+ new Logger {
+ def debug(msg: String) =
+ def error(msg: String) = ctx.log.error(msg)
+ def ansiCodesSupported() = true
+ def warn(msg: String) =
+ def trace(t: Throwable) = t.printStackTrace(ctx.log.outputStream)
+ def info(msg: String) =
+ })
+ )
+ }
+ val doneMsg = runner.done()
+ val results = for(e <- events) yield {
+ val ex = if (e.throwable().isDefined) Some(e.throwable().get) else None
+ Result(
+ e.fullyQualifiedName(),
+ e.selector() match{
+ case s: NestedSuiteSelector => s.suiteId()
+ case s: NestedTestSelector => s.suiteId() + "." + s.testName()
+ case s: SuiteSelector => s.toString
+ case s: TestSelector => s.testName()
+ case s: TestWildcardSelector => s.testWildcard()
+ },
+ e.duration(),
+ e.status().toString,
+ )
+ }
+ (doneMsg, results)
+ })
+ }
+ def listClassFiles(base: Path): Iterator[String] = {
+ if (base.isDir) ls.rec(base).toIterator.filter(_.ext == "class").map(_.relativeTo(base).toString)
+ else {
+ val zip = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(base.toIO))
+ Iterator.continually(zip.getNextEntry).takeWhile(_ != null).map(_.getName).filter(_.endsWith(".class"))
+ }
+ }
+ def runTests(cl: ClassLoader, framework: Framework, classpath: Agg[Path]) = {
+ val fingerprints = framework.fingerprints()
+ val testClasses = classpath.flatMap { base =>
+ listClassFiles(base).flatMap { path =>
+ val cls = cl.loadClass(path.stripSuffix(".class").replace('/', '.'))
+ fingerprints.find {
+ case f: SubclassFingerprint =>
+ (f.isModule == cls.getName.endsWith("$")) &&
+ cl.loadClass(f.superclassName()).isAssignableFrom(cls)
+ case f: AnnotatedFingerprint =>
+ (f.isModule == cls.getName.endsWith("$")) &&
+ cls.isAnnotationPresent(
+ cl.loadClass(f.annotationName()).asInstanceOf[Class[Annotation]]
+ )
+ }.map { f => (cls, f) }
+ }
+ }
+ testClasses
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file