path: root/src/main/scala/hbt/Main.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/scala/hbt/Main.scala')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/hbt/Main.scala b/src/main/scala/hbt/Main.scala
index c6323e8f..2cc59cc9 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/hbt/Main.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/hbt/Main.scala
@@ -1,112 +1,7 @@
package hbt
-import collection.JavaConverters._
import java.nio.{file => jnio}
-import java.util.jar.JarEntry
-import sourcecode.Enclosing
-import scala.collection.mutable
-class Args(val args: IndexedSeq[_]){
- def length = args.length
- def apply[T](index: Int): T = {
- if (index >= 0 && index < args.length) args(index).asInstanceOf[T]
- else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Index $index outside of range 0 - ${args.length}")
- }
-sealed trait Target[T]{
- val label: String
- def evaluate(args: Args): T
- val inputs: Seq[Target[_]]
- def map[V](f: T => V)(implicit path: Enclosing) = {
- Target.Mapped(this, f, path.value)
- }
- def zip[V](other: Target[V])(implicit path: Enclosing) = {
- Target.Zipped(this, other, path.value)
- }
- def ~[V, R](other: Target[V])
- (implicit s: Implicits.Sequencer[T, V, R]): Target[R] = {
- _ tupled)
- }
-object Target{
- def traverse[T](source: Seq[Target[T]])(implicit path: Enclosing) = {
- Traverse(source, path.value)
- }
- case class Traverse[T](inputs: Seq[Target[T]], label: String) extends Target[Seq[T]]{
- def evaluate(args: Args) = {
- for (i <- 0 until args.length)
- yield args(i)
- }
- }
- case class Mapped[T, V](source: Target[T], f: T => V,
- label: String) extends Target[V]{
- def evaluate(args: Args) = f(args(0))
- val inputs = List(source)
- }
- case class Zipped[T, V](source1: Target[T],
- source2: Target[V],
- label: String) extends Target[(T, V)]{
- def evaluate(args: Args) = (args(0), args(0))
- val inputs = List(source1, source1)
- }
- case class Path(path: jnio.Path, label: String) extends Target[jnio.Path]{
- def evaluate(args: Args) = path
- val inputs = Nil
- }
-// case class Command(inputs: Seq[Target[jnio.Path]],
-// output: Seq[Target[jnio.Path]],
-// label: String) extends Target[Command.Result]
-// object Command{
-// case class Result(stdout: String,
-// stderr: String,
-// writtenFiles: Seq[jnio.Path])
-// }
+import Util._
object Main{
- def compileAll(sources: Target[Seq[jnio.Path]])
- (implicit path: Enclosing): Target[jnio.Path] = {
- for(sources0 <- sources) yield {
- val output = jnio.Paths.get(path.value)
- jnio.Files.createDirectories(output)
- val command =
- Seq("scalac") ++
- ++
- Seq("-d", path.value)
- new java.lang.ProcessBuilder()
- .command(command: _*)
- .start()
- .waitFor()
- output
- }
- }
- def list(root: Target[jnio.Path]): Target[Seq[jnio.Path]] = {
- }
- def jarUp(roots: Target[jnio.Path]*)(implicit path: Enclosing): Target[jnio.Path] = {
- for(rootsValue <- Target.traverse(roots)) yield {
- val output = new java.util.jar.JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path.value))
- for{
- root <- rootsValue
- path <- jnio.Files.list(root).iterator().asScala
- }{
- val relative = root.relativize(path)
- output.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(relative.toString))
- output.write(jnio.Files.readAllBytes(path))
- }
- jnio.Paths.get(path.value)
- }
- }
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sourceRoot = Target.Path(jnio.Paths.get("test/src"), "sourceRoot")
val resourceRoot = Target.Path(jnio.Paths.get("test/resources"), "resourceRoot")
@@ -114,35 +9,4 @@ object Main{
val classFiles = compileAll(allSources)
val jar = jarUp(resourceRoot, classFiles)
- def evaluateTargetGraph[T](t: Target[T]): T = {
- val targetSet = mutable.Set.empty[Target[_]]
- def rec(t: Target[_]): Unit = {
- if (targetSet.contains(t)) () // do nothing
- else {
- targetSet.add(t)
- t.inputs.foreach(rec)
- }
- }
- rec(t)
- val targets = targetSet.toIndexedSeq
- val targetIndices = targets.zipWithIndex.toMap
- val numberedEdges =
- for(i <- targets.indices)
- yield targets(i)
- val sortedClusters = Tarjans(numberedEdges)
- val nonTrivialClusters = sortedClusters.filter(_.length > 1)
- assert(nonTrivialClusters.isEmpty, nonTrivialClusters)
- val results = mutable.Map.empty[Target[_], Any]
- for (cluster <- sortedClusters){
- val Seq(singletonIndex) = cluster
- val singleton = targets(singletonIndex)
- val inputResults =
- results(singleton) = singleton.evaluate(new Args(inputResults.toIndexedSeq))
- }
- results(t).asInstanceOf[T]
- }
} \ No newline at end of file