path: root/misc/pascal/insn16/doc/PascalTestStatus.txt
blob: a30470c7d7b45f41a10279c217cc8539f742f99e (plain) (tree)

000-099: Basic functionality

TEST FILE: 001-beginend.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 002-writeln.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 003-for.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 004-repeat.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 005-while.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 006-optconst.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error

    You have to use plist to examine the output.  All integer constant
    expressions are correctly optimized EXCEPT the last one.  This
    is most like a problem with the way the optimizer buffers instructions
    -- i.e., the window is not big enough to capture the full context

    Still need to add logic to verify real expressions.

100-199: Math and runtime libraries

TEST FILE: 101-cosine.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 102-cen2fahr.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 103-sumharm.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 104-primes.pas
Fatal Error 43 -- Compilation aborted

  0:0013   sieve, primes : array[0..w] of set of 0..maxbit;
  Line 0:0012 Error 2e Token 0a

TEST FILE: 105-inflation.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

200-299: Strings

TEST FILE: 201-strcat.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 202-strcmp.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

500-599: multi-file features:  uses, units

TEST FILE: 501-uses.pas
  Compiles without error
  Gets the following runtime errors:

        FILE  0, "src/uses.pas"
        PRGM  0, "MYPROGRAM"
        FILE  1, "src/unit.pas"
        IMPRT 66, L0001, "MYCOSINE"
        Entry is label L0002
        P-Code label L0002 loaded at iSpace[3]
        Entry point set to 0x0003
        Last p-code address: 0x0063
        ERROR: Could not find code label 0x00000001
        ERROR: Failed to bind program addresses
        ERROR: Could not load src/uses.PCD

TEST FILE: 501-unit.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes with error as exepected:
    ERROR: Cannot execute. Entry Point NOT found
    Runtime error 0x80 -- Execution Stopped
  Line 0:0016 Error 36 Token 01 (READKEY)

800-899: Erie pascal programs

TEST FILE: 801-cgihello.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 802-cgiinfo.pas
  Compiles without error
  Executes without error
  Output is correct

TEST FILE: 803-redirect.pas
Fatal Error 14 -- Compilation aborted

  0:0031 len : 0..maxint;
  0:0039 val(ContentLength, len, err)

  Line 0:0039 Error 42 Token 51

  Error 42: eVARPARMTYPE
  Token 51: tSUBRANGE

  len is used as output in VAR built-in.  Compiler currently won't
  accept subrange of type for type.  It should as an input, but it
  should not as an output unless there is range checking.

  0:0061 EncodedVariable, DecodedVariable, name, value : string;
  0:0063 procedure ProcessNameValuePair(var name, value : string);

  Line 0:0063 Error 0e Token 4b

  Error 0e: eINDENT
  Token 4b: sSTRING

  Declared from line 'if (token != tIDENT) error (eIDENT);'
  in function declare parameter.  tkn_strt = 'NAME'

  Problem with scope of names.  'name' already exists in outscope and
  cannot be redeclared in the innerscope.

TEST FILE: 804-cgiform.pas
Fatal Error 29 -- Compilation aborted

  Uses 'list of'

  0:0054  NameValuePairs : list of NameValuePair;
  Line 0:0054 Error 1e Token 01 (LIST)

TEST FILE: 805-cgimail.pas
Fatal Error 29 -- Compilation aborted

  Uses type file name

  strErrorLink, strSuccessLink : filename;
  Line 0:0018 Error 1e Token 01 (FILENAME)

  filename is an Irie pascal type.
  Also uses Irie pascal specific file IO calls.

TEST FILE: 806-cgicook.pas
Fatal Error 29 -- Compilation aborted

  Uses 'list of'

  0:0088  CookieList = list of Cookie;
  Line 0:0088 Error 1e Token 01 (LIST)

900-999: Misc. large programs not targeted at any particular feature.

TEST FILE: 901-pageutils.pas
Fatal Error 45 -- Compilation aborted

Reirects standard input and output:

  input = 1;
  output = 2;
  Line 0:0654 Error 0f Token 45

  45 = sFILE

Issues the list_cb_type

  0:4640 PROCEDURE init_list  (VAR list: list_cb_type; max_nol: short) ;
  Line 0:4640 Error 2c Token 01 (LIST_CB_TYPE)