path: root/nuttx/arch/arm/src/kinetis/kinetis_usbotg.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'nuttx/arch/arm/src/kinetis/kinetis_usbotg.h')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/nuttx/arch/arm/src/kinetis/kinetis_usbotg.h b/nuttx/arch/arm/src/kinetis/kinetis_usbotg.h
index 743a7d138..9219398e7 100644
--- a/nuttx/arch/arm/src/kinetis/kinetis_usbotg.h
+++ b/nuttx/arch/arm/src/kinetis/kinetis_usbotg.h
@@ -146,66 +146,172 @@
/* Register Bit Definitions *****************************************************************/
-/* Peripheral ID Register */
-/* Peripheral ID Complement Register */
-/* Peripheral Revision Register */
-/* Peripheral Additional Info Register */
-/* OTG Interrupt Status Register */
-/* OTG Interrupt Control Register */
-/* OTG Status Register */
-/* OTG Control Register */
-/* Interrupt Status Register */
-/* Interrupt Enable Register */
-/* Error Interrupt Status Register */
-/* Error Interrupt Enable Register */
-/* Status Register */
-/* Control Register */
-/* Address Register */
-/* BDT Page Register 1 */
-/* Frame Number Register Low */
-/* Frame Number Register High */
-/* Token Register */
-/* SOF Threshold Register */
-/* BDT Page Register 2 */
-/* BDT Page Register 3 */
-/* Endpoint n Control Register */
-/* USB Control Register */
-/* USB OTG Observe Register */
-/* USB OTG Control Register */
-/* USB Transceiver Control Register 0 */
- (1 << nn) /* Bit nn:
-_SHIFT (nn) /* Bits nn-nn:
-_MASK (nn << nn)
+/* Peripheral ID Register (8-bit) */
+ /* Bits 6-7: Reserved */
+#define USB_PERID_MASK (0x3f) /* Bits 0-5: Peripheral identification bits */
+/* Peripheral ID Complement Register (8-bit) */
+#define USB_IDCOMP_
+ /* Bits 6-7: Reserved */
+#define USB_IDCOMP_MASK (0x3f) /* Bits 0-5: Ones complement of peripheral identification bits */
+/* Peripheral Revision Register (8-bit revision number) */
+/* Peripheral Additional Info Register (8-bit) */
+#define USB_ADDINFO_IEHOST (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: This bit is set if host mode is enabled */
+ /* Bits 1-2: Reserved */
+#define USB_ADDINFO_IRQNUM_SHIFT (3) /* Bits 3-7: Assigned Interrupt Request Number */
+/* OTG Interrupt Status Register(8-bit) */
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_AVBUSCHG (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: Change in VBUS is detected on an A device */
+ /* Bit 1: Reserved */
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_B_SESS_CHG (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: Change in VBUS is detected on a B device */
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_SESSVLDCHG (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: Change in VBUS is detected */
+ /* Bit 4: Reserved */
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_LINE_STATE_CHG (1 << 5) /* Bit 5: Change USB line state */
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_ONEMSEC (1 << 6) /* Bit 6: Set when the 1 millisecond timer expires */
+#define USB_OTGISTAT_IDCHG (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: Change in ID Signal from the USB connector */
+/* OTG Interrupt Control Register (8-bit) */
+#define USB_OTGICR_AVBUSEN (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: A VBUS Valid interrupt enable */
+ /* Bit 1: Reserved */
+#define USB_OTGICR_BSESSEN (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: B Session END interrupt enable */
+#define USB_OTGICR_SESSVLDEN (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: Session valid interrupt enable */
+ /* Bit 4: Reserved */
+#define USB_OTGICR_LINESTATEEN (1 << 5) /* Bit 5: Line State change interrupt enable */
+#define USB_OTGICR_ONEMSECEN (1 << 6) /* Bit 6: 1 millisecond interrupt enable */
+#define USB_OTGICR_IDEN (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: ID interrupt enable */
+/* OTG Status Register (8-bit) */
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_AVBUSVLD (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: A VBUS Valid */
+ /* Bit 1: Reserved */
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_BSESSEND (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: B Session END */
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_SESS_VLD (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: Session valid */
+ /* Bit 4: Reserved */
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_LINESTATESTABLE (1 << 5) /* Bit 5: OTGISTAT LINE_STATE_CHG bit stable */
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_ONEMSECEN (1 << 6) /* Bit 6: Reserved for the 1msec count */
+#define USB_OTGSTAT_ID (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: Current state of the ID pin on the USB connector */
+/* OTG Control Register (8-bit) */
+ /* Bits 0-1: Reserved */
+#define USB_OTGCTL_OTGEN (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: On-The-Go pullup/pulldown resistor enable */
+ /* Bit 3: Reserved */
+#define USB_OTGCTL_DMLOW (1 << 4) /* Bit 4: D- Data Line pull-down resistor enable */
+#define USB_OTGCTL_DPLOW (1 << 5) /* Bit 5: D+ Data Line pull-down resistor enable */
+ /* Bit 6: Reserved */
+#define USB_OTGCTL_DPHIGH (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: D+ Data Line pullup resistor enable */
+/* Interrupt Status Register Interrupt Enable Register (8-bit) */
+#define USB_INT_USBRST (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: USB Module has decoded a valid USB reset */
+#define USB_INT_ERROR (1 << 1) /* Bit 1: Any of the error conditions within the ERRSTAT register */
+#define USB_INT_SOFTOK (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: USB Module received a Start Of Frame (SOF) token */
+#define USB_INT_TOKDNE (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: Current token being processed has completed */
+#define USB_INT_SLEEP (1 << 4) /* Bit 4: Constant idle on the USB bus for 3 milliseconds */
+#define USB_INT_RESUME (1 << 5) /* Bit 5: Signal remote wake-up signaling */
+#define USB_INT_ATTACH (1 << 6) /* Bit 6: Attach Interrupt */
+#define USB_INT_STALL (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: Stall Interrupt */
+/* Error Interrupt Status Register and Error Interrupt Enable Register (8-bit) */
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_PIDERR (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: This bit is set when the PID check field fails */
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_CRC5EOF (1 << 1) /* Bit 1: Host data CRC error or End of frame errors */
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_CRC16 (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: Data packet is rejected due to a CRC16 error */
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_DFN8 (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: Data field received was not 8 bits in length */
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_BTOERR (1 << 4) /* Bit 4: Bus turnaround timeout error occurred */
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_DMAERR (1 << 5) /* Bit 5: DMA error */
+ /* Bit 6: Reserved */
+#define USB_ERRSTAT_BTSERR (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: Bit stuff error is detected */
+/* Status Register (8-bit) */
+ /* Bits 0-1: Reserved */
+#define USB_STAT_ODD (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: Last Buffer Descriptor was in the odd bank of the BDT */
+#define USB_STAT_TX (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: Transmit Indicator */
+#define USB_STAT_ENDP_SHIFT (4) /* Bits 4-7: Endpoint address that received or transmitted the token */
+/* Control Register (8-bit) */
+#define USB_CTL_USBENSOFEN (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: USB Enable */
+#define USB_CTL_ODDRST (1 << 1) /* Bit 1: Resets all the BDT ODD ping/pong bits to 0 */
+#define USB_CTL_RESUME (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: Enables the USB Module to execute resume signaling */
+#define USB_CTL_HOSTMODEEN (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: Enables the USB Module to operate in Host mode */
+#define USB_CTL_RESET (1 << 4) /* Bit 4: Enables the USB Module to generate USB reset signaling */
+#define USB_CTL_TXSUSPENDTOKENBUSY (1 << 5) /* Bit 5: USB Module is busy executing a USB token */
+#define USB_CTL_SE0 (1 << 6) /* Bit 6: Live USB Single Ended Zero signal */
+#define USB_CTL_JSTATE (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: Live USB differential receiver JSTATE signal */
+/* Address Register (8-bit) */
+#define USB_ADDR_LSEN (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: Low Speed Enable bit */
+#define USB_ADDR_SHIFT (0) /* Bits 0-6: USB address */
+#define USB_ADDR_MASK (0x7f << USB_ADDR_SHIFT)
+/* BDT Page Register 1 (8-bit) */
+ /* Bit 0: Reserved */
+#define USB_BDTPAGE1_SHIFT (1) /* Bits 1-7: Address bits 9-15 of the BDT base address */
+/* Frame Number Register Low (8-bit, bits 0-7 of the 11 bit frame number) */
+/* Frame Number Register High (8-bit) */
+ /* Bits 3-7: Reserved */
+#define USB_FRMNUMH_SHIFT (0) /* Bits 0-2: Bits 8-10 of the 11-bit frame number */
+/* Token Register (8-bit) */
+#define USB_TOKEN_ENDPT_SHIFT (0) /* Bits 0-3: Endpoint address for the token command */
+#define USB_TOKEN_PID_SHIFT (4) /* Bits 4-7: Token type executed by the USB Module */
+# define USB_TOKEN_PID_OUT (1 << USB_TOKEN_PID_SHIFT) /* OUT Token */
+# define USB_TOKEN_PID_IN (9 << USB_TOKEN_PID_SHIFT) /* IN Token */
+/* SOF Threshold Register (8-bit count value) */
+/* BDT Page Register 2/3 (16 bit address in two 8-bit registers) */
+/* Endpoint n Control Register (8-bit) */
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPHSHK (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: Enable handshaking during a transaction to the endpoint */
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPSTALL (1 << 1) /* Bit 1: Endpoint is stalled */
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPTXEN (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: Enable the endpoint for TX transfers */
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPRXEN (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: Enable the endpoint for RX transfers */
+#define USB_ENDPT_EPCTLDIS (1 << 4) /* Bit 4: Disable control (SETUP) transfers */
+ /* Bit 5: Reserved */
+#define USB_ENDPT_RETRYDIS (1 << 6) /* Bit 6: Disable host retry NAK'ed transactions (host EP0) */
+#define USB_ENDPT_HOSTWOHUB (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: Allows the host to communicate to a low speed device (host EP0) */
+/* USB Control Register (8-bit) */
+ /* Bits 0-5: Reserved */
+#define USB_USBCTRL_PDE (1 << 6) /* Bit 6: Enables the weak pulldowns on the USB transceiver */
+#define USB_USBCTRL_SUSP (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: Places the USB transceiver into the suspend state */
+/* USB OTG Observe Register (8-bit) */
+ /* Bits 0-3: Reserved */
+#define USB_OBSERVE_DMPD (1 << 4) /* Bit 4: D- Pull Down signal output from the USB OTG module */
+ /* Bit 5: Reserved */
+#define USB_OBSERVE_DPPD (1 << 6) /* Bit 6: D+ Pull Down signal output from the USB OTG module */
+#define USB_OBSERVE_DPPU (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: D+ Pull Up signal output from the USB OTG module */
+/* USB OTG Control Register (8-bit) */
+ /* Bits 0-3: Reserved */
+#define USB_CONTROL_DPPULLUPNONOTG (1 << 4) /* Bit 4: Controls of the DP PULLUP in the USB OTG module */
+ /* Bits 5-7: Reserved */
+/* USB Transceiver Control Register 0 (8-bit) */
+#define USB_USBTRC0_USBRESET (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: USB reset */
+ /* Bit 6: Reserved */
+#define USB_USBTRC0_USBRESMEN (1 << 5) /* Bit 5: Asynchronous Resume Interrupt Enable */
+ /* Bits 2-4: Reserved */
+#define USB_USBTRC0_SYNC_DET (1 << 1) /* Bit 1: Synchronous USB Interrupt Detect */
+#define USB_USBTRC0_RESUME_INT (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: USB Asynchronous Interrupt */
* Public Types