diff options
authorJoshua Haberman <jhaberman@gmail.com>2016-02-19 14:39:17 -0800
committerJoshua Haberman <jhaberman@gmail.com>2016-02-19 14:39:17 -0800
commit32daf513ced8d51e8de6cc8d800cfc972c4df5d6 (patch)
parent894c4d6a8bb9ab6b6d4791be98656cfb5399d0bc (diff)
parent24c5424be5b220d8d4575e4262ee5d6ad9417959 (diff)
Merge pull request #1215 from haberman/commonjs
Added support for CommonJS require()
14 files changed, 667 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/js/README.md b/js/README.md
index fc144a3d..15d48c87 100644
--- a/js/README.md
+++ b/js/README.md
@@ -1,14 +1,159 @@
-This directory contains Protocol Buffer support for JavaScript. This code works
-in browsers and in Node.js.
+Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
-The packaging work for this is still in-progress. For now you can just run the
-tests. First you need to build the main C++ distribution because the code
-generator for JavaScript is written in C++:
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/google/protobuf.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/google/protobuf)
- $ ./autogen.sh
- $ ./configure
- $ make
+Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
-Then you can run the JavaScript tests in this directory:
+This directory contains the JavaScript Protocol Buffers runtime library.
- $ cd js && gulp test
+The library is currently compatible with:
+1. CommonJS-style imports (eg. `var protos = require('my-protos');`)
+2. Closure-style imports (eg. `goog.require('my.package.MyProto');`)
+Support for ES6-style imports is not implemented yet. Browsers can
+be supported by using Browserify, webpack, Closure Compiler, etc. to
+resolve imports at compile time.
+To use Protocol Buffers with JavaScript, you need two main components:
+1. The protobuf runtime library. You can install this with
+ `npm install google-protobuf`, or use the files in this directory.
+2. The Protocol Compiler `protoc`. This translates `.proto` files
+ into `.js` files. The compiler is not currently available via
+ npm, but you can download a pre-built binary
+ [on GitHub](https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases)
+ (look for the `protoc-*.zip` files under **Downloads**).
+First, obtain the Protocol Compiler. The easiest way is to download
+a pre-built binary from [https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases](https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases).
+If you want, you can compile `protoc` from source instead. To do this
+follow the instructions in [the top-level
+Once you have `protoc` compiled, you can run the tests by typing:
+ $ cd js
+ $ npm install
+ $ npm test
+ # If your protoc is somewhere else than ../src/protoc, instead do this.
+ # But make sure your protoc is the same version as this (or compatible)!
+ $ PROTOC=/usr/local/bin/protoc npm test
+This will run two separate copies of the tests: one that uses
+Closure Compiler style imports and one that uses CommonJS imports.
+You can see all the CommonJS files in `commonjs_out/`.
+If all of these tests pass, you know you have a working setup.
+Using Protocol Buffers in your own project
+To use Protocol Buffers in your own project, you need to integrate
+the Protocol Compiler into your build system. The details are a
+little different depending on whether you are using Closure imports
+or CommonJS imports:
+Closure Imports
+If you want to use Closure imports, your build should run a command
+like this:
+ $ protoc --js_out=library=myproto_libs,binary:. messages.proto base.proto
+For Closure imports, `protoc` will generate a single output file
+(`myproto_libs.js` in this example). The generated file will `goog.provide()`
+all of the types defined in your .proto files. For example, for the unit
+tests the generated files contain many `goog.provide` statements like:
+ goog.provide('proto.google.protobuf.DescriptorProto');
+ goog.provide('proto.google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange');
+ goog.provide('proto.google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange');
+ goog.provide('proto.google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto');
+ goog.provide('proto.google.protobuf.EnumOptions');
+The generated code will also `goog.require()` many types in the core library,
+and they will require many types in the Google Closure library. So make sure
+that your `goog.provide()` / `goog.require()` setup can find all of your
+generated code, the core library `.js` files in this directory, and the
+Google Closure library itself.
+Once you've done this, you should be able to import your types with
+statements like:
+ goog.require('proto.my.package.MyMessage');
+ var message = proto.my.package.MyMessage();
+CommonJS imports
+If you want to use CommonJS imports, your build should run a command
+like this:
+ $ protoc --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:. messages.proto base.proto
+For CommonJS imports, `protoc` will spit out one file per input file
+(so `messages_pb.js` and `base_pb.js` in this example). The generated
+code will depend on the core runtime, which should be in a file called
+`google-protobuf.js`. If you are installing from `npm`, this file should
+already be built and available. If you are running from GitHub, you need
+to build it first by running:
+ $ gulp dist
+Once you've done this, you should be able to import your types with
+statements like:
+ var messages = require('./messages_pb');
+ var message = new messages.MyMessage();
+The `--js_out` flag
+The syntax of the `--js_out` flag is:
+ --js_out=[OPTIONS:]output_dir
+Where `OPTIONS` are separated by commas. Options are either `opt=val` or
+just `opt` (for options that don't take a value). The available options
+are specified and documented in the `GeneratorOptions` struct in
+Some examples:
+- `--js_out=library=myprotos_lib.js,binary:.`: this contains the options
+ `library=myprotos.lib.js` and `binary` and outputs to the current directory.
+ The `import_style` option is left to the default, which is `closure`.
+- `--js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:protos`: this contains the options
+ `import_style=commonjs` and `binary` and outputs to the directory `protos`.
+The API is not well-documented yet. Here is a quick example to give you an
+idea of how the library generally works:
+ var message = new MyMessage();
+ message.setName("John Doe");
+ message.setAge(25);
+ message.setPhoneNumbers(["800-555-1212", "800-555-0000"]);
+ // Serializes to a UInt8Array.
+ bytes = message.serializeBinary();
+ var message2 = new MyMessage();
+ message2.deserializeBinary(bytes);
+For more examples, see the tests. You can also look at the generated code
+to see what methods are defined for your generated messages.
diff --git a/js/binary/proto_test.js b/js/binary/proto_test.js
index 1cb7ff0e..817f8a79 100644
--- a/js/binary/proto_test.js
+++ b/js/binary/proto_test.js
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
// Test suite is written using Jasmine -- see http://jasmine.github.io/
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: testbinary_pb proto.jspb.test
diff --git a/js/commonjs/export.js b/js/commonjs/export.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3cfbd6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/commonjs/export.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * @fileoverview Export symbols needed by generated code in CommonJS style.
+ *
+ * This effectively is our canonical list of what we publicly export from
+ * the google-protobuf.js file that we build at distribution time.
+ */
+exports.Message = jspb.Message;
+exports.BinaryReader = jspb.BinaryReader;
+exports.BinaryWriter = jspb.BinaryWriter;
+exports.ExtensionFieldInfo = jspb.ExtensionFieldInfo;
+// These are used by generated code but should not be used directly by clients.
+exports.exportSymbol = goog.exportSymbol;
+exports.inherits = goog.inherits;
+exports.object = {extend: goog.object.extend};
diff --git a/js/commonjs/export_asserts.js b/js/commonjs/export_asserts.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5219d120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/commonjs/export_asserts.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * @fileoverview Exports symbols needed only by tests.
+ *
+ * This file exports several Closure Library symbols that are only
+ * used by tests. It is used to generate a file
+ * closure_asserts_commonjs.js that is only used at testing time.
+ */
+var global = Function('return this')();
+// All of the closure "assert" functions are exported at the global level.
+// The Google Closure assert functions start with assert, eg.
+// assertThrows
+// assertNotThrows
+// assertTrue
+// ...
+// The one exception is the "fail" function.
+function shouldExport(str) {
+ return str.lastIndexOf('assert') === 0 || str == 'fail';
+for (var key in global) {
+ if ((typeof key == "string") && global.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
+ shouldExport(key)) {
+ exports[key] = global[key];
+ }
+// The COMPILED variable is set by Closure compiler to "true" when it compiles
+// JavaScript, so in practice this is equivalent to "exports.COMPILED = true".
+// This will disable some debugging functionality in debug.js. We could
+// investigate whether this can/should be enabled in CommonJS builds.
diff --git a/js/commonjs/jasmine.json b/js/commonjs/jasmine.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..666b8edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/commonjs/jasmine.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "spec_dir": "",
+ "spec_files": [
+ "*_test.js",
+ "binary/proto_test.js"
+ ],
+ "helpers": [
+ ]
diff --git a/js/commonjs/rewrite_tests_for_commonjs.js b/js/commonjs/rewrite_tests_for_commonjs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc5effec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/commonjs/rewrite_tests_for_commonjs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * @fileoverview Utility to translate test files to CommonJS imports.
+ *
+ * This is a somewhat hacky tool designed to do one very specific thing.
+ * All of the test files in *_test.js are written with Closure-style
+ * imports (goog.require()). This works great for running the tests
+ * against Closure-style generated code, but we also want to run the
+ * tests against CommonJS-style generated code without having to fork
+ * the tests.
+ *
+ * Closure-style imports import each individual type by name. This is
+ * very different than CommonJS imports which are by file. So we put
+ * special comments in these tests like:
+ *
+ * // CommonJS-LoadFromFile: test_pb
+ * goog.require('proto.jspb.test.CloneExtension');
+ * goog.require('proto.jspb.test.Complex');
+ * goog.require('proto.jspb.test.DefaultValues');
+ *
+ * This script parses that special comment and uses it to generate proper
+ * CommonJS require() statements so that the tests can run and pass using
+ * CommonJS imports. The script will change the above statements into:
+ *
+ * var test_pb = require('test_pb');
+ * googleProtobuf.exportSymbol('proto.jspb.test.CloneExtension', test_pb.CloneExtension, global);
+ * googleProtobuf.exportSymbol('proto.jspb.test.Complex', test_pb.Complex, global);
+ * googleProtobuf.exportSymbol('proto.jspb.test.DefaultValues', test_pb.DefaultValues, global);
+ *
+ * (The "exportSymbol" function will define the given names in the global
+ * namespace, taking care not to overwrite any previous value for
+ * "proto.jspb.test").
+ */
+var lineReader = require('readline').createInterface({
+ input: process.stdin,
+ output: process.stdout
+function tryStripPrefix(str, prefix) {
+ if (str.lastIndexOf(prefix) !== 0) {
+ throw "String: " + str + " didn't start with: " + prefix;
+ }
+ return str.substr(prefix.length);
+function camelCase(str) {
+ var ret = '';
+ var ucaseNext = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
+ if (str[i] == '-') {
+ ucaseNext = true;
+ } else if (ucaseNext) {
+ ret += str[i].toUpperCase();
+ ucaseNext = false;
+ } else {
+ ret += str[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+var module = null;
+var pkg = null;
+lineReader.on('line', function(line) {
+ var isRequire = line.match(/goog\.require\('([^']*)'\)/);
+ var isLoadFromFile = line.match(/CommonJS-LoadFromFile: (\S*) (.*)/);
+ var isSetTestOnly = line.match(/goog.setTestOnly()/);
+ if (isRequire) {
+ if (module) { // Skip goog.require() lines before the first directive.
+ var fullSym = isRequire[1];
+ var sym = tryStripPrefix(fullSym, pkg);
+ console.log("googleProtobuf.exportSymbol('" + fullSym + "', " + module + sym + ', global);');
+ }
+ } else if (isLoadFromFile) {
+ if (!module) {
+ console.log("var googleProtobuf = require('google-protobuf');");
+ console.log("var asserts = require('closure_asserts_commonjs');");
+ console.log("var global = Function('return this')();");
+ console.log("");
+ console.log("// Bring asserts into the global namespace.");
+ console.log("googleProtobuf.object.extend(global, asserts);");
+ }
+ module = camelCase(isLoadFromFile[1])
+ pkg = isLoadFromFile[2];
+ if (module != "googleProtobuf") { // We unconditionally require this in the header.
+ console.log("var " + module + " = require('" + isLoadFromFile[1] + "');");
+ }
+ } else if (!isSetTestOnly) { // Remove goog.setTestOnly() lines.
+ console.log(line);
+ }
diff --git a/js/debug_test.js b/js/debug_test.js
index 615fc7c6..d7bf3768 100644
--- a/js/debug_test.js
+++ b/js/debug_test.js
@@ -31,13 +31,16 @@
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: google-protobuf
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: test_pb
describe('debugTest', function() {
it('testSimple1', function() {
diff --git a/js/gulpfile.js b/js/gulpfile.js
index 79095d65..b0faed06 100644
--- a/js/gulpfile.js
+++ b/js/gulpfile.js
@@ -1,25 +1,79 @@
var gulp = require('gulp');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
+var glob = require('glob');
-gulp.task('genproto', function (cb) {
- exec('../src/protoc --js_out=library=testproto_libs,binary:. -I ../src -I . *.proto ../src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto',
+var protoc = process.env.PROTOC || '../src/protoc';
+gulp.task('genproto_closure', function (cb) {
+ exec(protoc + ' --js_out=library=testproto_libs,binary:. -I ../src -I . *.proto ../src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto',
+ function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+ console.log(stdout);
+ console.log(stderr);
+ cb(err);
+ });
+gulp.task('genproto_commonjs', function (cb) {
+ exec('mkdir -p commonjs_out && ' + protoc + ' --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:commonjs_out -I ../src -I . *.proto ../src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto',
+ function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+ console.log(stdout);
+ console.log(stderr);
+ cb(err);
+ });
+gulp.task('dist', function (cb) {
+ // TODO(haberman): minify this more aggressively.
+ // Will require proper externs/exports.
+ exec('./node_modules/google-closure-library/closure/bin/calcdeps.py -i message.js -i binary/reader.js -i binary/writer.js -i commonjs/export.js -p . -p node_modules/google-closure-library/closure -o compiled --compiler_jar node_modules/google-closure-compiler/compiler.jar > google-protobuf.js',
+ function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+ console.log(stdout);
+ console.log(stderr);
+ cb(err);
+ });
+gulp.task('commonjs_asserts', function (cb) {
+ exec('mkdir -p commonjs_out && ./node_modules/google-closure-library/closure/bin/calcdeps.py -i commonjs/export_asserts.js -p . -p node_modules/google-closure-library/closure -o compiled --compiler_jar node_modules/google-closure-compiler/compiler.jar > commonjs_out/closure_asserts_commonjs.js',
function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+gulp.task('make_commonjs_out', ['dist', 'genproto_commonjs', 'commonjs_asserts'], function (cb) {
+ // TODO(haberman): minify this more aggressively.
+ // Will require proper externs/exports.
+ var cmd = "mkdir -p commonjs_out/binary && ";
+ function addTestFile(file) {
+ cmd += 'node commonjs/rewrite_tests_for_commonjs.js < ' + file +
+ ' > commonjs_out/' + file + '&& ';
+ }
+ glob.sync('*_test.js').forEach(addTestFile);
+ glob.sync('binary/*_test.js').forEach(addTestFile);
+ exec(cmd +
+ 'cp commonjs/jasmine.json commonjs_out/jasmine.json && ' +
+ 'cp google-protobuf.js commonjs_out',
+ function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+ console.log(stdout);
+ console.log(stderr);
+ cb(err);
+ });
-gulp.task('deps', ['genproto'], function (cb) {
+gulp.task('deps', ['genproto_closure'], function (cb) {
exec('./node_modules/google-closure-library/closure/bin/build/depswriter.py *.js binary/*.js > deps.js',
function (err, stdout, stderr) {
-gulp.task('test', ['genproto', 'deps'], function (cb) {
+gulp.task('test_closure', ['genproto_closure', 'deps'], function (cb) {
exec('JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=jasmine.json ./node_modules/.bin/jasmine',
function (err, stdout, stderr) {
@@ -27,3 +81,16 @@ gulp.task('test', ['genproto', 'deps'], function (cb) {
+gulp.task('test_commonjs', ['make_commonjs_out'], function (cb) {
+ exec('cd commonjs_out && JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=jasmine.json NODE_PATH=. ../node_modules/.bin/jasmine',
+ function (err, stdout, stderr) {
+ console.log(stdout);
+ console.log(stderr);
+ cb(err);
+ });
+gulp.task('test', ['test_closure', 'test_commonjs'], function(cb) {
+ cb();
diff --git a/js/message_test.js b/js/message_test.js
index 971ea4f4..f572188e 100644
--- a/js/message_test.js
+++ b/js/message_test.js
@@ -34,35 +34,47 @@ goog.setTestOnly();
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: google-protobuf jspb
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: test5_pb proto.jspb.exttest.beta
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: test3_pb proto.jspb.exttest
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: test4_pb proto.jspb.exttest
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: test_pb proto.jspb.test
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: test2_pb proto.jspb.test
@@ -86,6 +98,12 @@ describe('Message test suite', function() {
assertEquals('some_bytes', data.getBytesField());
+ it('testNestedMessage', function() {
+ var msg = new proto.jspb.test.OuterMessage.Complex();
+ msg.setInnerComplexField(5);
+ assertObjectEquals({innerComplexField: 5}, msg.toObject());
+ });
it('testComplexConversion', function() {
var data1 = ['a',,, [, 11], [[, 22], [, 33]],, ['s1', 's2'],, 1];
var data2 = ['a',,, [, 11], [[, 22], [, 33]],, ['s1', 's2'],, 1];
diff --git a/js/package.json b/js/package.json
index be93286f..6418e507 100644
--- a/js/package.json
+++ b/js/package.json
@@ -2,13 +2,16 @@
"name": "google-protobuf",
"version": "3.0.0-alpha.5",
"description": "Protocol Buffers for JavaScript",
- "main": "debug.js",
+ "main": "google-protobuf.js",
"dependencies": {
"google-closure-library": "~20160125.0.0",
"gulp": "~3.9.0",
"jasmine": "~2.4.1"
- "devDependencies": {},
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "google-closure-compiler": "~20151216.2.0",
+ "glob": "~6.0.4"
+ },
"scripts": {
"test": "./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js test"
diff --git a/js/proto3_test.js b/js/proto3_test.js
index 8102bab6..f8868716 100644
--- a/js/proto3_test.js
+++ b/js/proto3_test.js
@@ -29,7 +29,11 @@
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: testbinary_pb proto.jspb.test
+// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: proto3_test_pb proto.jspb.test
diff --git a/js/test.proto b/js/test.proto
index 5f9078ef..3cea5f37 100644
--- a/js/test.proto
+++ b/js/test.proto
@@ -100,6 +100,13 @@ message Complex {
repeated string a_repeated_string = 7;
+message OuterMessage {
+ // Make sure this doesn't conflict with the other Complex message.
+ message Complex {
+ optional int32 inner_complex_field = 1;
+ }
message IsExtension {
extend HasExtensions {
optional IsExtension ext_field = 100;
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/js/js_generator.cc b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/js/js_generator.cc
index e6c3b36a..351c3966 100755
--- a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/js/js_generator.cc
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/js/js_generator.cc
@@ -134,12 +134,37 @@ bool IsReserved(const string& ident) {
// Returns a copy of |filename| with any trailing ".protodevel" or ".proto
// suffix stripped.
+// TODO(robinson): Unify with copy in compiler/cpp/internal/helpers.cc.
string StripProto(const string& filename) {
const char* suffix = HasSuffixString(filename, ".protodevel")
? ".protodevel" : ".proto";
return StripSuffixString(filename, suffix);
+// Given a filename like foo/bar/baz.proto, returns the correspoding JavaScript
+// file foo/bar/baz.js.
+string GetJSFilename(const string& filename) {
+ const char* suffix = HasSuffixString(filename, ".protodevel")
+ ? ".protodevel" : ".proto";
+ return StripSuffixString(filename, suffix) + "_pb.js";
+// Returns the alias we assign to the module of the given .proto filename
+// when importing.
+string ModuleAlias(const string& filename) {
+ // This scheme could technically cause problems if a file includes any 2 of:
+ // foo/bar_baz.proto
+ // foo_bar_baz.proto
+ // foo_bar/baz.proto
+ //
+ // We'll worry about this problem if/when we actually see it. This name isn't
+ // exposed to users so we can change it later if we need to.
+ string basename = StripProto(filename);
+ StripString(&basename, "-", '$');
+ StripString(&basename, "/", '_');
+ return basename + "_pb";
// Returns the fully normalized JavaScript path for the given
// file descriptor's package.
string GetPath(const GeneratorOptions& options,
@@ -215,6 +240,26 @@ string GetPath(const GeneratorOptions& options,
value_descriptor->type()) + "." + value_descriptor->name();
+string MaybeCrossFileRef(const GeneratorOptions& options,
+ const FileDescriptor* from_file,
+ const Descriptor* to_message) {
+ if (options.import_style == GeneratorOptions::IMPORT_COMMONJS &&
+ from_file != to_message->file()) {
+ // Cross-file ref in CommonJS needs to use the module alias instead of
+ // the global name.
+ return ModuleAlias(to_message->file()->name()) + "." + to_message->name();
+ } else {
+ // Within a single file we use a full name.
+ return GetPath(options, to_message);
+ }
+string SubmessageTypeRef(const GeneratorOptions& options,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) {
+ GOOGLE_CHECK(field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE);
+ return MaybeCrossFileRef(options, field->file(), field->message_type());
// - Object field name: LOWER_UNDERSCORE -> LOWER_CAMEL, except for group fields
// (UPPER_CAMEL -> LOWER_CAMEL), with "List" (or "Map") appended if appropriate,
// and with reserved words triggering a "pb_" prefix.
@@ -952,11 +997,13 @@ string RelativeTypeName(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
string JSExtensionsObjectName(const GeneratorOptions& options,
+ const FileDescriptor* from_file,
const Descriptor* desc) {
if (desc->full_name() == "google.protobuf.bridge.MessageSet") {
+ // TODO(haberman): fix this for the IMPORT_COMMONJS case.
return "jspb.Message.messageSetExtensions";
} else {
- return GetPath(options, desc) + ".extensions";
+ return MaybeCrossFileRef(options, from_file, desc) + ".extensions";
@@ -1113,19 +1160,24 @@ void Generator::GenerateHeader(const GeneratorOptions& options,
+void Generator::FindProvidesForFile(const GeneratorOptions& options,
+ io::Printer* printer,
+ const FileDescriptor* file,
+ std::set<string>* provided) const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < file->message_type_count(); i++) {
+ FindProvidesForMessage(options, printer, file->message_type(i), provided);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < file->enum_type_count(); i++) {
+ FindProvidesForEnum(options, printer, file->enum_type(i), provided);
+ }
void Generator::FindProvides(const GeneratorOptions& options,
io::Printer* printer,
const vector<const FileDescriptor*>& files,
std::set<string>* provided) const {
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < files[i]->message_type_count(); j++) {
- FindProvidesForMessage(options, printer, files[i]->message_type(j),
- provided);
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < files[i]->enum_type_count(); j++) {
- FindProvidesForEnum(options, printer, files[i]->enum_type(j),
- provided);
- }
+ FindProvidesForFile(options, printer, files[i], provided);
@@ -1204,38 +1256,45 @@ void Generator::GenerateRequires(const GeneratorOptions& options,
io::Printer* printer,
const vector<const FileDescriptor*>& files,
std::set<string>* provided) const {
- std::set<string> required;
- std::set<string> forwards;
- bool have_extensions = false;
- bool have_message = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < files[i]->message_type_count(); j++) {
- FindRequiresForMessage(options,
- files[i]->message_type(j),
- &required, &forwards, &have_message);
- }
- if (!have_extensions && HasExtensions(files[i])) {
- have_extensions = true;
- }
+ if (options.import_style == GeneratorOptions::IMPORT_BROWSER) {
+ return;
+ } else if (options.import_style == GeneratorOptions::IMPORT_CLOSURE) {
+ // For Closure imports we need to import every message type individually.
+ std::set<string> required;
+ std::set<string> forwards;
+ bool have_extensions = false;
+ bool have_message = false;
- for (int j = 0; j < files[i]->extension_count(); j++) {
- const FieldDescriptor* extension = files[i]->extension(j);
- if (IgnoreField(extension)) {
- continue;
+ for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < files[i]->message_type_count(); j++) {
+ FindRequiresForMessage(options,
+ files[i]->message_type(j),
+ &required, &forwards, &have_message);
- if (extension->containing_type()->full_name() !=
- "google.protobuf.bridge.MessageSet") {
- required.insert(GetPath(options, extension->containing_type()));
+ if (!have_extensions && HasExtensions(files[i])) {
+ have_extensions = true;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < files[i]->extension_count(); j++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* extension = files[i]->extension(j);
+ if (IgnoreField(extension)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (extension->containing_type()->full_name() !=
+ "google.protobuf.bridge.MessageSet") {
+ required.insert(GetPath(options, extension->containing_type()));
+ }
+ FindRequiresForField(options, extension, &required, &forwards);
+ have_extensions = true;
- FindRequiresForField(options, extension, &required, &forwards);
- have_extensions = true;
- }
- GenerateRequiresImpl(options, printer, &required, &forwards, provided,
- /* require_jspb = */ have_message,
- /* require_extension = */ have_extensions);
+ GenerateRequiresImpl(options, printer, &required, &forwards, provided,
+ /* require_jspb = */ have_message,
+ /* require_extension = */ have_extensions);
+ } else if (options.import_style == GeneratorOptions::IMPORT_COMMONJS) {
+ // CommonJS imports are based on files
+ }
void Generator::GenerateRequires(const GeneratorOptions& options,
@@ -1406,6 +1465,12 @@ void Generator::GenerateClass(const GeneratorOptions& options,
if (IsExtendable(desc) && desc->full_name() != "google.protobuf.bridge.MessageSet") {
GenerateClassExtensionFieldInfo(options, printer, desc);
+ if (options.import_style != GeneratorOptions:: IMPORT_CLOSURE) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < desc->extension_count(); i++) {
+ GenerateExtension(options, printer, desc->extension(i));
+ }
+ }
// Recurse on nested types.
@@ -1623,7 +1688,7 @@ void Generator::GenerateClassToObject(const GeneratorOptions& options,
" $extObject$, $class$.prototype.getExtension,\n"
" includeInstance);\n",
- "extObject", JSExtensionsObjectName(options, desc),
+ "extObject", JSExtensionsObjectName(options, desc->file(), desc),
"class", GetPath(options, desc));
@@ -1652,13 +1717,13 @@ void Generator::GenerateClassFieldToObject(const GeneratorOptions& options,
" $type$.toObject, includeInstance)",
"getter", JSGetterName(field),
- "type", GetPath(options, field->message_type()));
+ "type", SubmessageTypeRef(options, field));
} else {
printer->Print("(f = msg.get$getter$()) && "
"$type$.toObject(includeInstance, f)",
"getter", JSGetterName(field),
- "type", GetPath(options, field->message_type()));
+ "type", SubmessageTypeRef(options, field));
} else {
// Simple field (singular or repeated).
@@ -1723,7 +1788,7 @@ void Generator::GenerateClassFieldFromObject(
" }));\n",
"name", JSObjectFieldName(field),
"index", JSFieldIndex(field),
- "fieldclass", GetPath(options, field->message_type()));
+ "fieldclass", SubmessageTypeRef(options, field));
} else {
@@ -1731,7 +1796,7 @@ void Generator::GenerateClassFieldFromObject(
" msg, $index$, $fieldclass$.fromObject(obj.$name$));\n",
"name", JSObjectFieldName(field),
"index", JSFieldIndex(field),
- "fieldclass", GetPath(options, field->message_type()));
+ "fieldclass", SubmessageTypeRef(options, field));
} else {
// Simple (primitive) field.
@@ -1815,7 +1880,7 @@ void Generator::GenerateClassField(const GeneratorOptions& options,
/* always_singular = */ false),
"rpt", (field->is_repeated() ? "Repeated" : ""),
"index", JSFieldIndex(field),
- "wrapperclass", GetPath(options, field->message_type()),
+ "wrapperclass", SubmessageTypeRef(options, field),
"required", (field->label() == FieldDescriptor::LABEL_REQUIRED ?
", 1" : ""));
@@ -2043,7 +2108,7 @@ void Generator::GenerateClassDeserializeBinary(const GeneratorOptions& options,
" $class$.prototype.getExtension,\n"
" $class$.prototype.setExtension);\n"
" break;\n",
- "extobj", JSExtensionsObjectName(options, desc),
+ "extobj", JSExtensionsObjectName(options, desc->file(), desc),
"class", GetPath(options, desc));
} else {
@@ -2073,7 +2138,7 @@ void Generator::GenerateClassDeserializeBinaryField(
" var value = new $fieldclass$;\n"
" reader.read$msgOrGroup$($grpfield$value,"
- "fieldclass", GetPath(options, field->message_type()),
+ "fieldclass", SubmessageTypeRef(options, field),
"msgOrGroup", (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) ?
"Group" : "Message",
"grpfield", (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) ?
@@ -2149,7 +2214,7 @@ void Generator::GenerateClassSerializeBinary(const GeneratorOptions& options,
" jspb.Message.serializeBinaryExtensions(this, writer, $extobj$,\n"
" $class$.prototype.getExtension);\n",
- "extobj", JSExtensionsObjectName(options, desc),
+ "extobj", JSExtensionsObjectName(options, desc->file(), desc),
"class", GetPath(options, desc));
@@ -2222,7 +2287,7 @@ void Generator::GenerateClassSerializeBinaryField(
" $submsg$.serializeBinaryToWriter\n",
- "submsg", GetPath(options, field->message_type()));
+ "submsg", SubmessageTypeRef(options, field));
} else {
@@ -2290,9 +2355,9 @@ void Generator::GenerateExtension(const GeneratorOptions& options,
"index", SimpleItoa(field->number()),
"name", JSObjectFieldName(field),
"ctor", (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE ?
- GetPath(options, field->message_type()) : string("null")),
+ SubmessageTypeRef(options, field) : string("null")),
"toObject", (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE ?
- (GetPath(options, field->message_type()) + ".toObject") :
+ (SubmessageTypeRef(options, field) + ".toObject") :
"repeated", (field->is_repeated() ? "1" : "0"));
@@ -2308,11 +2373,11 @@ void Generator::GenerateExtension(const GeneratorOptions& options,
"binaryWriterFn", JSBinaryWriterMethodName(field),
(field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) ?
- (GetPath(options, field->message_type()) +
+ (SubmessageTypeRef(options, field) +
".serializeBinaryToWriter") : "null",
(field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) ?
- (GetPath(options, field->message_type()) +
+ (SubmessageTypeRef(options, field) +
".deserializeBinaryFromReader") : "null",
"isPacked", (field->is_packed() ? "true" : "false"));
} else {
@@ -2324,7 +2389,8 @@ void Generator::GenerateExtension(const GeneratorOptions& options,
"// toObject() will function correctly.\n"
"$extendName$[$index$] = $class$.$name$;\n"
- "extendName", JSExtensionsObjectName(options, field->containing_type()),
+ "extendName", JSExtensionsObjectName(options, field->file(),
+ field->containing_type()),
"index", SimpleItoa(field->number()),
"class", extension_scope,
"name", JSObjectFieldName(field));
@@ -2364,6 +2430,19 @@ bool GeneratorOptions::ParseFromOptions(
namespace_prefix = options[i].second;
} else if (options[i].first == "library") {
library = options[i].second;
+ } else if (options[i].first == "import_style") {
+ if (options[i].second == "closure") {
+ import_style = IMPORT_CLOSURE;
+ } else if (options[i].second == "commonjs") {
+ import_style = IMPORT_COMMONJS;
+ } else if (options[i].second == "browser") {
+ import_style = IMPORT_BROWSER;
+ } else if (options[i].second == "es6") {
+ import_style = IMPORT_ES6;
+ } else {
+ *error = "Unknown import style " + options[i].second + ", expected " +
+ "one of: closure, commonjs, browser, es6.";
+ }
} else {
// Assume any other option is an output directory, as long as it is a bare
// `key` rather than a `key=value` option.
@@ -2375,6 +2454,11 @@ bool GeneratorOptions::ParseFromOptions(
+ if (!library.empty() && import_style != IMPORT_CLOSURE) {
+ *error = "The library option should only be used for "
+ "import_style=closure";
+ }
return true;
@@ -2418,6 +2502,63 @@ void Generator::GenerateFileAndDeps(
+void Generator::GenerateFile(const GeneratorOptions& options,
+ io::Printer* printer,
+ const FileDescriptor* file) const {
+ GenerateHeader(options, printer);
+ // Generate "require" statements.
+ if (options.import_style == GeneratorOptions::IMPORT_COMMONJS) {
+ printer->Print("var jspb = require('google-protobuf');\n");
+ printer->Print("var goog = jspb;\n");
+ printer->Print("var global = Function('return this')();\n\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < file->dependency_count(); i++) {
+ const std::string& name = file->dependency(i)->name();
+ printer->Print(
+ "var $alias$ = require('$file$');\n",
+ "alias", ModuleAlias(name),
+ "file", GetJSFilename(name));
+ }
+ }
+ // We aren't using Closure's import system, but we use goog.exportSymbol()
+ // to construct the expected tree of objects, eg.
+ //
+ // goog.exportSymbol('foo.bar.Baz', null, this);
+ //
+ // // Later generated code expects foo.bar = {} to exist:
+ // foo.bar.Baz = function() { /* ... */ }
+ std::set<std::string> provided;
+ // Cover the case where this file declares extensions but no messages.
+ // This will ensure that the file-level object will be declared to hold
+ // the extensions.
+ for (int i = 0; i < file->extension_count(); i++) {
+ provided.insert(file->extension(i)->full_name());
+ }
+ FindProvidesForFile(options, printer, file, &provided);
+ for (std::set<string>::iterator it = provided.begin();
+ it != provided.end(); ++it) {
+ printer->Print("goog.exportSymbol('$name$', null, global);\n",
+ "name", *it);
+ }
+ GenerateClassesAndEnums(options, printer, file);
+ // Extensions nested inside messages are emitted inside
+ // GenerateClassesAndEnums().
+ for (int i = 0; i < file->extension_count(); i++) {
+ GenerateExtension(options, printer, file->extension(i));
+ }
+ if (options.import_style == GeneratorOptions::IMPORT_COMMONJS) {
+ printer->Print("goog.object.extend(exports, $package$);\n",
+ "package", GetPath(options, file));
+ }
bool Generator::GenerateAll(const vector<const FileDescriptor*>& files,
const string& parameter,
GeneratorContext* context,
@@ -2430,10 +2571,14 @@ bool Generator::GenerateAll(const vector<const FileDescriptor*>& files,
- // We're either generating a single library file with definitions for message
- // and enum types in *all* FileDescriptor inputs, or we're generating a single
- // file for each type.
- if (options.library != "") {
+ // There are three schemes for where output files go:
+ //
+ // - import_style = IMPORT_CLOSURE, library non-empty: all output in one file
+ // - import_style = IMPORT_CLOSURE, library empty: one output file per type
+ // - import_style != IMPORT_CLOSURE: one output file per .proto file
+ if (options.import_style == GeneratorOptions::IMPORT_CLOSURE &&
+ options.library != "") {
+ // All output should go in a single file.
string filename = options.output_dir + "/" + options.library + ".js";
google::protobuf::scoped_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(context->Open(filename));
@@ -2469,7 +2614,7 @@ bool Generator::GenerateAll(const vector<const FileDescriptor*>& files,
if (printer.failed()) {
return false;
- } else {
+ } else if (options.import_style == GeneratorOptions::IMPORT_CLOSURE) {
// Collect all types, and print each type to a separate file. Pull out
// free-floating extensions while we make this pass.
map< string, vector<const FieldDescriptor*> > extensions_by_namespace;
@@ -2611,6 +2756,24 @@ bool Generator::GenerateAll(const vector<const FileDescriptor*>& files,
+ } else {
+ // Generate one output file per input (.proto) file.
+ for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
+ const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file = files[i];
+ string filename = options.output_dir + "/" + GetJSFilename(file->name());
+ google::protobuf::scoped_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(
+ context->Open(filename));
+ GOOGLE_CHECK(output.get());
+ io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
+ GenerateFile(options, &printer, file);
+ if (printer.failed()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
return true;
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/js/js_generator.h b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/js/js_generator.h
index db2dceb3..db9178d3 100755
--- a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/js/js_generator.h
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/js/js_generator.h
@@ -67,6 +67,13 @@ struct GeneratorOptions {
bool error_on_name_conflict;
// Enable binary-format support?
bool binary;
+ // What style of imports should be used.
+ enum ImportStyle {
+ IMPORT_CLOSURE, // goog.require()
+ IMPORT_COMMONJS, // require()
+ IMPORT_BROWSER, // no import statements
+ IMPORT_ES6, // import { member } from ''
+ } import_style;
: add_require_for_enums(false),
@@ -75,7 +82,8 @@ struct GeneratorOptions {
- binary(false) {}
+ binary(false),
+ import_style(IMPORT_CLOSURE) {}
bool ParseFromOptions(
const vector< pair< string, string > >& options,
@@ -111,6 +119,10 @@ class LIBPROTOC_EXPORT Generator : public CodeGenerator {
io::Printer* printer,
const vector<const FileDescriptor*>& file,
std::set<string>* provided) const;
+ void FindProvidesForFile(const GeneratorOptions& options,
+ io::Printer* printer,
+ const FileDescriptor* file,
+ std::set<string>* provided) const;
void FindProvidesForMessage(const GeneratorOptions& options,
io::Printer* printer,
const Descriptor* desc,
@@ -168,6 +180,10 @@ class LIBPROTOC_EXPORT Generator : public CodeGenerator {
std::set<string>* required,
std::set<string>* forwards) const;
+ void GenerateFile(const GeneratorOptions& options,
+ io::Printer* printer,
+ const FileDescriptor* file) const;
// Generate definitions for all message classes and enums in all files,
// processing the files in dependence order.
void GenerateFilesInDepOrder(const GeneratorOptions& options,