diff options
authorFeng Xiao <xiaofeng@google.com>2015-08-26 17:38:35 -0700
committerFeng Xiao <xiaofeng@google.com>2015-08-26 17:38:35 -0700
commit5b771ed6510b9058d34efc6012f7b71ca65ee652 (patch)
parent106f3eb985670761ce51bc7a08416ce6083c6bbd (diff)
parentcc607538206e0d7b81b8d3d3583e2cd96b07a4d2 (diff)
Merge pull request #754 from xfxyjwf/changelog
Update change log for beta-1.
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 846d735e..ca3078c3 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,109 @@
+2015-08-26 version 3.0.0-beta-1 (C++/Java/Python/Ruby/Nano/Objective-C/C#)
+ About Beta
+ * This is the first beta release of protobuf v3.0.0. Not all languages
+ have reached beta stage. Languages not marked as beta are still in
+ alpha (i.e., be prepared for API breaking changes).
+ General
+ * Proto3 JSON is supported in several languages (fully supported in C++
+ and Java, partially supported in Ruby/C#). The JSON spec is defined in
+ the proto3 language guide:
+ https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json
+ We will publish a more detailed spec to define the exact behavior of
+ proto3-conformant JSON serializers and parsers. Until then, do not rely
+ on specific behaviors of the implementation if it’s not documented in
+ the above spec. More specifically, the behavior is not yet finalized for
+ the following:
+ - Parsing invalid JSON input (e.g., input with trailing commas).
+ - Non-camelCase names in JSON input.
+ - The same field appears multiple times in JSON input.
+ - JSON arrays contain “null” values.
+ - The message has unknown fields.
+ * Proto3 now enforces strict UTF-8 checking. Parsing will fail if a string
+ field contains non UTF-8 data.
+ C++ (Beta)
+ * Introduced new utility functions/classes in the google/protobuf/util
+ directory:
+ - MessageDifferencer: compare two proto messages and report their
+ differences.
+ - JsonUtil: support converting protobuf binary format to/from JSON.
+ - TimeUtil: utility functions to work with well-known types Timestamp
+ and Duration.
+ - FieldMaskUtil: utility functions to work with FieldMask.
+ * Performance optimization of arena construction and destruction.
+ * Bug fixes for arena and maps support.
+ * Changed to use cmake for Windows Visual Studio builds.
+ * Added Bazel support.
+ Java (Beta)
+ * Introduced a new util package that will be distributed as a separate
+ artifact in maven. It contains:
+ - JsonFormat: convert proto messages to/from JSON.
+ - TimeUtil: utility functions to work with Timestamp and Duration.
+ - FieldMaskUtil: utility functions to work with FieldMask.
+ * The static PARSER in each generated message is deprecated, and it will
+ be removed in a future release. A static parser() getter is generated
+ for each message type instead.
+ * Performance optimizations for String fields serialization.
+ * Performance optimizations for Lite runtime on Android:
+ - Reduced allocations
+ - Reduced method overhead after ProGuarding
+ - Reduced code size after ProGuarding
+ Python (Alpha)
+ * Removed legacy Python 2.5 support.
+ * Moved to a single Python 2.x/3.x-compatible codebase, instead of using 2to3.
+ * Fixed build/tests on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, and 3.4.
+ - Pure-Python works on all four.
+ - Python/C++ implementation works on all but 3.4, due to changes in the
+ Python/C++ API in 3.4.
+ * Some preliminary work has been done to allow for multiple DescriptorPools
+ with Python/C++.
+ Ruby (Alpha)
+ * Many bugfixes:
+ - fixed parsing/serialization of bytes, sint, sfixed types
+ - other parser bugfixes
+ - fixed memory leak affecting Ruby 2.2
+ JavaNano (Alpha)
+ * JavaNano generated code now will be put in a nano package by default to
+ avoid conflicts with Java generated code.
+ Objective-C (Alpha)
+ * Added non-null markup to ObjC library. Requires SDK 8.4+ to build.
+ * Many bugfixes:
+ - Removed the class/enum filter.
+ - Renamed some internal types to avoid conflicts with the well-known types
+ protos.
+ - Added missing support for parsing repeated primitive fields in packed or
+ unpacked forms.
+ - Added *Count for repeated and map<> fields to avoid auto-create when
+ checking for them being set.
+ C# (Alpha)
+ * Namespace changed to Google.Protobuf (and NuGet package will be named
+ correspondingly).
+ * Target platforms now .NET 4.5 and selected portable subsets only.
+ * Removed lite runtime.
+ * Reimplementation to use mutable message types.
+ * Null references used to represent "no value" for message type fields.
+ * Proto3 semantics supported; proto2 files are prohibited for C# codegen.
+ Most proto3 features supported:
+ - JSON formatting (a.k.a. serialization to JSON), including well-known
+ types (except for Any).
+ - Wrapper types mapped to nullable value types (or string/ByteString
+ allowing nullability). JSON parsing is not supported yet.
+ - maps
+ - oneof
+ - enum unknown value preservation
2015-05-25 version 3.0.0-alpha-3 (Objective-C/C#):
* Introduced two new language implementations (Objective-C, C#) to proto3.