path: root/ruby/tests
diff options
authorChris Fallin <cfallin@c1f.net>2014-11-18 14:19:58 -0800
committerChris Fallin <cfallin@c1f.net>2014-12-09 16:55:59 -0800
commit973f425725f1cc18211992792f2aed83d3d73831 (patch)
treeda0022d2cbe3a0700c02765a02e1be5a8b0c4f30 /ruby/tests
parenta0d9c59a7604139401cab78a27542b23f5724c19 (diff)
Provide a Ruby extension.
This adds a Ruby extension in ruby/ that is based on the 'upb' library (now included as a submodule), and adds support for Ruby code generation to the protoc compiler.
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby/tests')
2 files changed, 671 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby/tests/basic.rb b/ruby/tests/basic.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..237fbb06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby/tests/basic.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+require 'protobuf'
+require 'test/unit'
+# ------------- generated code --------------
+module BasicTest
+ pool = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.new
+ pool.build do
+ add_message "TestMessage" do
+ optional :optional_int32, :int32, 1
+ optional :optional_int64, :int64, 2
+ optional :optional_uint32, :uint32, 3
+ optional :optional_uint64, :uint64, 4
+ optional :optional_bool, :bool, 5
+ optional :optional_float, :float, 6
+ optional :optional_double, :double, 7
+ optional :optional_string, :string, 8
+ optional :optional_bytes, :bytes, 9
+ optional :optional_msg, :message, 10, "TestMessage2"
+ optional :optional_enum, :enum, 11, "TestEnum"
+ repeated :repeated_int32, :int32, 12
+ repeated :repeated_int64, :int64, 13
+ repeated :repeated_uint32, :uint32, 14
+ repeated :repeated_uint64, :uint64, 15
+ repeated :repeated_bool, :bool, 16
+ repeated :repeated_float, :float, 17
+ repeated :repeated_double, :double, 18
+ repeated :repeated_string, :string, 19
+ repeated :repeated_bytes, :bytes, 20
+ repeated :repeated_msg, :message, 21, "TestMessage2"
+ repeated :repeated_enum, :enum, 22, "TestEnum"
+ end
+ add_message "TestMessage2" do
+ optional :foo, :int32, 1
+ end
+ add_message "Recursive1" do
+ optional :foo, :message, 1, "Recursive2"
+ end
+ add_message "Recursive2" do
+ optional :foo, :message, 1, "Recursive1"
+ end
+ add_enum "TestEnum" do
+ value :Default, 0
+ value :A, 1
+ value :B, 2
+ value :C, 3
+ end
+ add_message "BadFieldNames" do
+ optional :dup, :int32, 1
+ optional :class, :int32, 2
+ optional :"a.b", :int32, 3
+ end
+ end
+ TestMessage = pool.lookup("TestMessage").msgclass
+ TestMessage2 = pool.lookup("TestMessage2").msgclass
+ Recursive1 = pool.lookup("Recursive1").msgclass
+ Recursive2 = pool.lookup("Recursive2").msgclass
+ TestEnum = pool.lookup("TestEnum").enummodule
+ BadFieldNames = pool.lookup("BadFieldNames").msgclass
+# ------------ test cases ---------------
+ class MessageContainerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_defaults
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ assert m.optional_int32 == 0
+ assert m.optional_int64 == 0
+ assert m.optional_uint32 == 0
+ assert m.optional_uint64 == 0
+ assert m.optional_bool == false
+ assert m.optional_float == 0.0
+ assert m.optional_double == 0.0
+ assert m.optional_string == ""
+ assert m.optional_bytes == ""
+ assert m.optional_msg == nil
+ assert m.optional_enum == :Default
+ end
+ def test_setters
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ m.optional_int32 = -42
+ assert m.optional_int32 == -42
+ m.optional_int64 = -0x1_0000_0000
+ assert m.optional_int64 == -0x1_0000_0000
+ m.optional_uint32 = 0x9000_0000
+ assert m.optional_uint32 == 0x9000_0000
+ m.optional_uint64 = 0x9000_0000_0000_0000
+ assert m.optional_uint64 == 0x9000_0000_0000_0000
+ m.optional_bool = true
+ assert m.optional_bool == true
+ m.optional_float = 0.5
+ assert m.optional_float == 0.5
+ m.optional_double = 0.5
+ m.optional_string = "hello"
+ assert m.optional_string == "hello"
+ m.optional_bytes = "world".encode!('ASCII-8BIT')
+ assert m.optional_bytes == "world"
+ m.optional_msg = TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42)
+ assert m.optional_msg == TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42)
+ end
+ def test_ctor_args
+ m = TestMessage.new(:optional_int32 => -42,
+ :optional_msg => TestMessage2.new,
+ :optional_enum => :C,
+ :repeated_string => ["hello", "there", "world"])
+ assert m.optional_int32 == -42
+ assert m.optional_msg.class == TestMessage2
+ assert m.repeated_string.length == 3
+ assert m.optional_enum == :C
+ assert m.repeated_string[0] == "hello"
+ assert m.repeated_string[1] == "there"
+ assert m.repeated_string[2] == "world"
+ end
+ def test_inspect
+ m = TestMessage.new(:optional_int32 => -42,
+ :optional_enum => :A,
+ :optional_msg => TestMessage2.new,
+ :repeated_string => ["hello", "there", "world"])
+ expected = '<BasicTest::TestMessage: optional_int32: -42, optional_int64: 0, optional_uint32: 0, optional_uint64: 0, optional_bool: false, optional_float: 0.0, optional_double: 0.0, optional_string: "", optional_bytes: "", optional_msg: <BasicTest::TestMessage2: foo: 0>, optional_enum: :A, repeated_int32: [], repeated_int64: [], repeated_uint32: [], repeated_uint64: [], repeated_bool: [], repeated_float: [], repeated_double: [], repeated_string: ["hello", "there", "world"], repeated_bytes: [], repeated_msg: [], repeated_enum: []>'
+ assert m.inspect == expected
+ end
+ def test_hash
+ m1 = TestMessage.new(:optional_int32 => 42)
+ m2 = TestMessage.new(:optional_int32 => 102)
+ assert m1.hash != 0
+ assert m2.hash != 0
+ # relying on the randomness here -- if hash function changes and we are
+ # unlucky enough to get a collision, then change the values above.
+ assert m1.hash != m2.hash
+ end
+ def test_type_errors
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.optional_int32 = "hello"
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.optional_string = 42
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.optional_string = nil
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.optional_bool = 42
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.optional_msg = TestMessage.new # expects TestMessage2
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.repeated_int32 = [] # needs RepeatedField
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.repeated_int32.push "hello"
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.repeated_msg.push TestMessage.new
+ end
+ end
+ def test_string_encoding
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ # Assigning a normal (ASCII or UTF8) string to a bytes field, or
+ # ASCII-8BIT to a string field, raises an error.
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.optional_bytes = "Test string ASCII".encode!('ASCII')
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.optional_bytes = "Test string UTF-8 \u0100".encode!('UTF-8')
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m.optional_string = ["FFFF"].pack('H*')
+ end
+ # "Ordinary" use case.
+ m.optional_bytes = ["FFFF"].pack('H*')
+ m.optional_string = "\u0100"
+ # strings are mutable so we can do this, but serialize should catch it.
+ m.optional_string = "asdf".encode!('UTF-8')
+ m.optional_string.encode!('ASCII-8BIT')
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ data = TestMessage.encode(m)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_rptfield_int32
+ l = Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new(:int32)
+ assert l.count == 0
+ l = Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new(:int32, [1, 2, 3])
+ assert l.count == 3
+ assert l == [1, 2, 3]
+ l.push 4
+ assert l == [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ dst_list = []
+ l.each { |val| dst_list.push val }
+ assert dst_list == [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ assert l.to_a == [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ assert l[0] == 1
+ assert l[3] == 4
+ l[0] = 5
+ assert l == [5, 2, 3, 4]
+ l2 = l.dup
+ assert l == l2
+ assert l.object_id != l2.object_id
+ l2.push 6
+ assert l.count == 4
+ assert l2.count == 5
+ assert l.inspect == '[5, 2, 3, 4]'
+ l.insert(7, 8, 9)
+ assert l == [5, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]
+ assert l.pop == 9
+ assert l == [5, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8]
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ l.push m
+ end
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ m.repeated_int32 = l
+ assert m.repeated_int32 == [5, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8]
+ assert m.repeated_int32.object_id == l.object_id
+ l.push 42
+ assert m.repeated_int32.pop == 42
+ l3 = l + l.dup
+ assert l3.count == l.count * 2
+ l.count.times do |i|
+ assert l3[i] == l[i]
+ assert l3[l.count + i] == l[i]
+ end
+ l.clear
+ assert l.count == 0
+ l += [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ l.replace([5, 6, 7, 8])
+ assert l == [5, 6, 7, 8]
+ l4 = Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new(:int32)
+ l4[5] = 42
+ assert l4 == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42]
+ l4 << 100
+ assert l4 == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 100]
+ l4 << 101 << 102
+ assert l4 == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 100, 101, 102]
+ end
+ def test_rptfield_msg
+ l = Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new(:message, TestMessage)
+ l.push TestMessage.new
+ assert l.count == 1
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ l.push TestMessage2.new
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ l.push 42
+ end
+ l2 = l.dup
+ assert l2[0] == l[0]
+ assert l2[0].object_id == l[0].object_id
+ l2 = Google::Protobuf.deep_copy(l)
+ assert l2[0] == l[0]
+ assert l2[0].object_id != l[0].object_id
+ l3 = l + l2
+ assert l3.count == 2
+ assert l3[0] == l[0]
+ assert l3[1] == l2[0]
+ l3[0].optional_int32 = 1000
+ assert l[0].optional_int32 == 1000
+ new_msg = TestMessage.new(:optional_int32 => 200)
+ l4 = l + [new_msg]
+ assert l4.count == 2
+ new_msg.optional_int32 = 1000
+ assert l4[1].optional_int32 == 1000
+ end
+ def test_rptfield_enum
+ l = Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new(:enum, TestEnum)
+ l.push :A
+ l.push :B
+ l.push :C
+ assert l.count == 3
+ assert_raise NameError do
+ l.push :D
+ end
+ assert l[0] == :A
+ l.push 4
+ assert l[3] == 4
+ end
+ def test_rptfield_initialize
+ assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ l = Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new
+ end
+ assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ l = Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new(:message)
+ end
+ assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ l = Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new([1, 2, 3])
+ end
+ assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ l = Google::Protobuf::RepeatedField.new(:message, [TestMessage2.new])
+ end
+ end
+ def test_enum_field
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ assert m.optional_enum == :Default
+ m.optional_enum = :A
+ assert m.optional_enum == :A
+ assert_raise NameError do
+ m.optional_enum = :ASDF
+ end
+ m.optional_enum = 1
+ assert m.optional_enum == :A
+ m.optional_enum = 100
+ assert m.optional_enum == 100
+ end
+ def test_dup
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ m.optional_string = "hello"
+ m.optional_int32 = 42
+ m.repeated_msg.push TestMessage2.new(:foo => 100)
+ m.repeated_msg.push TestMessage2.new(:foo => 200)
+ m2 = m.dup
+ assert m == m2
+ m.optional_int32 += 1
+ assert m != m2
+ assert m.repeated_msg[0] == m2.repeated_msg[0]
+ assert m.repeated_msg[0].object_id == m2.repeated_msg[0].object_id
+ end
+ def test_deep_copy
+ m = TestMessage.new(:optional_int32 => 42,
+ :repeated_msg => [TestMessage2.new(:foo => 100)])
+ m2 = Google::Protobuf.deep_copy(m)
+ assert m == m2
+ assert m.repeated_msg == m2.repeated_msg
+ assert m.repeated_msg.object_id != m2.repeated_msg.object_id
+ assert m.repeated_msg[0].object_id != m2.repeated_msg[0].object_id
+ end
+ def test_enum_lookup
+ assert TestEnum::A == 1
+ assert TestEnum::B == 2
+ assert TestEnum::C == 3
+ assert TestEnum::lookup(1) == :A
+ assert TestEnum::lookup(2) == :B
+ assert TestEnum::lookup(3) == :C
+ assert TestEnum::resolve(:A) == 1
+ assert TestEnum::resolve(:B) == 2
+ assert TestEnum::resolve(:C) == 3
+ end
+ def test_parse_serialize
+ m = TestMessage.new(:optional_int32 => 42,
+ :optional_string => "hello world",
+ :optional_enum => :B,
+ :repeated_string => ["a", "b", "c"],
+ :repeated_int32 => [42, 43, 44],
+ :repeated_enum => [:A, :B, :C, 100],
+ :repeated_msg => [TestMessage2.new(:foo => 1), TestMessage2.new(:foo => 2)])
+ data = TestMessage.encode m
+ m2 = TestMessage.decode data
+ assert m == m2
+ data = Google::Protobuf.encode m
+ m2 = Google::Protobuf.decode(TestMessage, data)
+ assert m == m2
+ end
+ def test_def_errors
+ s = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.new
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ s.build do
+ # enum with no default (integer value 0)
+ add_enum "MyEnum" do
+ value :A, 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise TypeError do
+ s.build do
+ # message with required field (unsupported in proto3)
+ add_message "MyMessage" do
+ required :foo, :int32, 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_corecursive
+ # just be sure that we can instantiate types with corecursive field-type
+ # references.
+ m = Recursive1.new(:foo => Recursive2.new(:foo => Recursive1.new))
+ assert Recursive1.descriptor.lookup("foo").subtype ==
+ Recursive2.descriptor
+ assert Recursive2.descriptor.lookup("foo").subtype ==
+ Recursive1.descriptor
+ serialized = Recursive1.encode(m)
+ m2 = Recursive1.decode(serialized)
+ assert m == m2
+ end
+ def test_serialize_cycle
+ m = Recursive1.new(:foo => Recursive2.new)
+ m.foo.foo = m
+ assert_raise RuntimeError do
+ serialized = Recursive1.encode(m)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_bad_field_names
+ m = BadFieldNames.new(:dup => 1, :class => 2)
+ m2 = m.dup
+ assert m == m2
+ assert m['dup'] == 1
+ assert m['class'] == 2
+ m['dup'] = 3
+ assert m['dup'] == 3
+ m['a.b'] = 4
+ assert m['a.b'] == 4
+ end
+ def test_int_ranges
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ m.optional_int32 = 0
+ m.optional_int32 = -0x8000_0000
+ m.optional_int32 = +0x7fff_ffff
+ m.optional_int32 = 1.0
+ m.optional_int32 = -1.0
+ m.optional_int32 = 2e9
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_int32 = -0x8000_0001
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_int32 = +0x8000_0000
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_int32 = +0x1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 # force Bignum
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_int32 = 1e12
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_int32 = 1.5
+ end
+ m.optional_uint32 = 0
+ m.optional_uint32 = +0xffff_ffff
+ m.optional_uint32 = 1.0
+ m.optional_uint32 = 4e9
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint32 = -1
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint32 = -1.5
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint32 = -1.5e12
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint32 = -0x1000_0000_0000_0000
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint32 = +0x1_0000_0000
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint32 = +0x1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 # force Bignum
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint32 = 1e12
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint32 = 1.5
+ end
+ m.optional_int64 = 0
+ m.optional_int64 = -0x8000_0000_0000_0000
+ m.optional_int64 = +0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffff
+ m.optional_int64 = 1.0
+ m.optional_int64 = -1.0
+ m.optional_int64 = 8e18
+ m.optional_int64 = -8e18
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_int64 = -0x8000_0000_0000_0001
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_int64 = +0x8000_0000_0000_0000
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_int64 = +0x1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 # force Bignum
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_int64 = 1e50
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_int64 = 1.5
+ end
+ m.optional_uint64 = 0
+ m.optional_uint64 = +0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff
+ m.optional_uint64 = 1.0
+ m.optional_uint64 = 16e18
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint64 = -1
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint64 = -1.5
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint64 = -1.5e12
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint64 = -0x1_0000_0000_0000_0000
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint64 = +0x1_0000_0000_0000_0000
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint64 = +0x1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 # force Bignum
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint64 = 1e50
+ end
+ assert_raise RangeError do
+ m.optional_uint64 = 1.5
+ end
+ end
+ def test_stress_test
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ m.optional_int32 = 42
+ m.optional_int64 = 0x100000000
+ m.optional_string = "hello world"
+ 10.times do m.repeated_msg.push TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42) end
+ 10.times do m.repeated_string.push "hello world" end
+ data = TestMessage.encode(m)
+ l = 0
+ 10_000.times do
+ m = TestMessage.decode(data)
+ data_new = TestMessage.encode(m)
+ assert data_new == data
+ data = data_new
+ end
+ end
+ def test_reflection
+ m = TestMessage.new(:optional_int32 => 1234)
+ msgdef = m.class.descriptor
+ assert msgdef.class == Google::Protobuf::Descriptor
+ assert msgdef.any? {|field| field.name == "optional_int32"}
+ optional_int32 = msgdef.lookup "optional_int32"
+ assert optional_int32.class == Google::Protobuf::FieldDescriptor
+ assert optional_int32 != nil
+ assert optional_int32.name == "optional_int32"
+ assert optional_int32.type == :int32
+ optional_int32.set(m, 5678)
+ assert m.optional_int32 == 5678
+ m.optional_int32 = 1000
+ assert optional_int32.get(m) == 1000
+ optional_msg = msgdef.lookup "optional_msg"
+ assert optional_msg.subtype == TestMessage2.descriptor
+ optional_msg.set(m, optional_msg.subtype.msgclass.new)
+ assert msgdef.msgclass == TestMessage
+ optional_enum = msgdef.lookup "optional_enum"
+ assert optional_enum.subtype == TestEnum.descriptor
+ assert optional_enum.subtype.class == Google::Protobuf::EnumDescriptor
+ optional_enum.subtype.each do |k, v|
+ # set with integer, check resolution to symbolic name
+ optional_enum.set(m, v)
+ assert optional_enum.get(m) == k
+ end
+ end
+ def test_json
+ m = TestMessage.new(:optional_int32 => 1234,
+ :optional_int64 => -0x1_0000_0000,
+ :optional_uint32 => 0x8000_0000,
+ :optional_uint64 => 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff,
+ :optional_bool => true,
+ :optional_float => 1.0,
+ :optional_double => -1e100,
+ :optional_string => "Test string",
+ :optional_bytes => ["FFFFFFFF"].pack('H*'),
+ :optional_msg => TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42),
+ :repeated_int32 => [1, 2, 3, 4],
+ :repeated_string => ["a", "b", "c"],
+ :repeated_bool => [true, false, true, false],
+ :repeated_msg => [TestMessage2.new(:foo => 1),
+ TestMessage2.new(:foo => 2)])
+ json_text = TestMessage.encode_json(m)
+ m2 = TestMessage.decode_json(json_text)
+ assert m == m2
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby/tests/stress.rb b/ruby/tests/stress.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc4bbf5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby/tests/stress.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+require 'protobuf'
+require 'test/unit'
+module StressTest
+ pool = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.new
+ pool.build do
+ add_message "TestMessage" do
+ optional :a, :int32, 1
+ repeated :b, :message, 2, "M"
+ end
+ add_message "M" do
+ optional :foo, :string, 1
+ end
+ end
+ TestMessage = pool.lookup("TestMessage").msgclass
+ M = pool.lookup("M").msgclass
+ class StressTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def get_msg
+ TestMessage.new(:a => 1000,
+ :b => [M.new(:foo => "hello"),
+ M.new(:foo => "world")])
+ end
+ def test_stress
+ m = get_msg
+ data = TestMessage.encode(m)
+ 100_000.times do
+ mnew = TestMessage.decode(data)
+ mnew = mnew.dup
+ assert mnew.inspect == m.inspect
+ assert TestMessage.encode(mnew) == data
+ end
+ end
+ end