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1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index c3503fc8..7254b99c 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,107 @@
+2016-05-10 version 3.0.0-beta-3 (C++/Java/Python/Ruby/Nano/Objective-C/C#/JavaScript)
+ General
+ * Supported Proto3 lite-runtime in C++/Java for mobile platforms.
+ * Any type now supports APIs to specify prefixes other than
+ type.googleapis.com
+ C++ (Beta)
+ * Improved hash maps. TODO(gpike)
+ * Arenas
+ - Several inlined methods in Arena were moved to out-of-line to improve
+ build performance and code size.
+ - Added SpaceAllocatedAndUsed() to report both space used and allocated
+ - Added convenient class UnsafeArenaAllocatedRepeatedPtrFieldBackInserter
+ * Any
+ - Allow custom type URL prefixes in Any packing.
+ - TextFormat now expand the Any type rather than printing bytes.
+ * Performance optimizations and various bug fixes.
+ Java (Beta)
+ * Introduced an ExperimentalApi annotation. Annotated APIs are experimental
+ and are subject to change in a backward incompatible way in future releases.
+ * Introduced zero-copy serialization as an ExperimentalApi
+ - Introduction of the `ByteOutput` interface. This is similar to
+ `OutputStream` but provides semantics for lazy writing (i.e. no
+ immediate copy required) of fields that are considered to be immutable.
+ - `ByteString` now supports writing to a `ByteOutput`, which will directly
+ expose the internals of the `ByteString` (i.e. `byte[]` or `ByteBuffer`)
+ to the `ByteOutput` without copying.
+ - `CodedOutputStream` now supports writing to a `ByteOutput`. `ByteString`
+ instances that are too large to fit in the internal buffer will be
+ (lazily) written to the `ByteOutput` directly.
+ - This allows applications using large `ByteString` fields to avoid
+ duplication of these fields entirely. Such an application can supply a
+ `ByteOutput` that chains together the chunks received from
+ `CodedOutputStream` before forwarding them onto the IO system.
+ * Other related changes to `CodedOutputStream`
+ - Additional use of `sun.misc.Unsafe` where possible to perform fast
+ access to `byte[]` and `ByteBuffer` values and avoiding unnecessary
+ range checking.
+ - `ByteBuffer`-backed `CodedOutputStream` now writes directly to the
+ `ByteBuffer` rather than to an intermediate array.
+ * Improved the performance for lite-runtime. TODO(dweis)
+ * Various bug fixes and small feature enhancement.
+ - Fixed stack overflow when in hashCode() for infinite recursive oneofs.
+ - Fixed the lazy field parsing in lite to merge rather than overwrite.
+ - TextFormat now supports reporting line/column numbers on errors.
+ Python (Beta)
+ * TODO(jieluo)
+ Objective-C (Beta)
+ * Proto comments now come over as HeaderDoc comments in the generated sources
+ so Xcode can pick them up and display them.
+ * The library headers have been updated to use HeaderDoc comments so Xcode can
+ pick them up and display them.
+ * The per message and per field overhead in both generated code and runtime
+ object sizes was reduced.
+ * Generated code now include deprecated annotations when the proto file
+ included them.
+ C# (Beta)
+ In general: some changes are breaking, which require regenerating messages.
+ Most user-written code will not be impacted *except* for the renaming of enum
+ values.
+ * Allow custom type URL prefixes in `Any` packing, and ignore them when
+ unpacking
+ * `protoc` is now in a separate NuGet package (Google.Protobuf.Tools)
+ * New option: `internal_access` to generate internal classes
+ * Enum values are now PascalCased, and if there's a prefix which matches the
+ name of the enum, that is removed (so an enum `COLOR` with a value
+ `COLOR_BLUE` would generate a value of just `Blue`). An option
+ (`legacy_enum_values`) is temporarily available to disable this, but the
+ option will be removed for GA.
+ * `json_name` option is now honored
+ * If group tags are encountered when parsing, they are validated more
+ thoroughly (although we don't support actual groups)
+ * NuGet dependencies are better specified
+ * Breaking: `Preconditions` is renamed to `ProtoPreconditions`
+ * Breaking: `GeneratedCodeInfo` is renamed to `GeneratedClrTypeInfo`
+ * `JsonFormatter` now allows writing to a `TextWriter`
+ * New interface, `ICustomDiagnosticMessage` to allow more compact
+ representations from `ToString`
+ * `CodedInputStream` and `CodedOutputStream` now implement `IDisposable`,
+ which simply disposes of the streams they were constructed with
+ * Map fields no longer support null values (in line with other languages)
+ * Improvements in JSON formatting and parsing
+ Javascript (Alpha)
+ * TODO(haberman)
+ C++/Java Lite (Alpha)
+ A new "lite" generator parameter was introduced in the protoc for C++ and
+ Java for Proto3 syntax messages. Example usage:
+ ./protoc --cpp_out=lite:$OUTPUT_PATH foo.proto
+ The protoc will treat the current input and all the transitive dependencies
+ as LITE. The same generator parameter must be used to generate the
+ dependencies.
+ In Proto3 syntax files, "optimized_for=LITE_RUNTIME" is no longer supported.
2015-12-30 version 3.0.0-beta-2 (C++/Java/Python/Ruby/Nano/Objective-C/C#/JavaScript)
* Introduced a new language implementation: JavaScript.