path: root/csharp/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TextFormatTest.cs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 487 deletions
diff --git a/csharp/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TextFormatTest.cs b/csharp/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TextFormatTest.cs
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--- a/csharp/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TextFormatTest.cs
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-// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
-// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
-// http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Text;
-using Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos;
-using NUnit.Framework;
-namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers {
- [TestFixture]
- public class TextFormatTest {
- private static readonly string AllFieldsSetText = TestUtil.ReadTextFromFile("text_format_unittest_data.txt");
- private static readonly string AllExtensionsSetText = TestUtil.ReadTextFromFile("text_format_unittest_extensions_data.txt");
- /// <summary>
- /// Note that this is slightly different to the Java - 123.0 becomes 123, and 1.23E17 becomes 1.23E+17.
- /// Both of these differences can be parsed by the Java and the C++, and we can parse their output too.
- /// </summary>
- private const string ExoticText =
- "repeated_int32: -1\n" +
- "repeated_int32: -2147483648\n" +
- "repeated_int64: -1\n" +
- "repeated_int64: -9223372036854775808\n" +
- "repeated_uint32: 4294967295\n" +
- "repeated_uint32: 2147483648\n" +
- "repeated_uint64: 18446744073709551615\n" +
- "repeated_uint64: 9223372036854775808\n" +
- "repeated_double: 123\n" +
- "repeated_double: 123.5\n" +
- "repeated_double: 0.125\n" +
- "repeated_double: 1.23E+17\n" +
- "repeated_double: 1.235E+22\n" +
- "repeated_double: 1.235E-18\n" +
- "repeated_double: 123.456789\n" +
- "repeated_double: Infinity\n" +
- "repeated_double: -Infinity\n" +
- "repeated_double: NaN\n" +
- "repeated_string: \"\\000\\001\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\\\\\'\\\"" +
- "\\341\\210\\264\"\n" +
- "repeated_bytes: \"\\000\\001\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\\\\\'\\\"\\376\"\n";
- private const string MessageSetText =
- "[protobuf_unittest.TestMessageSetExtension1] {\n" +
- " i: 123\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "[protobuf_unittest.TestMessageSetExtension2] {\n" +
- " str: \"foo\"\n" +
- "}\n";
- /// <summary>
- /// Print TestAllTypes and compare with golden file.
- /// </summary>
- [Test]
- public void PrintMessage() {
- string text = TextFormat.PrintToString(TestUtil.GetAllSet());
- Assert.AreEqual(AllFieldsSetText.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), text.Replace("\r\n", "\n"));
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Print TestAllExtensions and compare with golden file.
- /// </summary>
- [Test]
- public void PrintExtensions() {
- string text = TextFormat.PrintToString(TestUtil.GetAllExtensionsSet());
- Assert.AreEqual(AllExtensionsSetText.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), text.Replace("\r\n", "\n"));
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Test printing of unknown fields in a message.
- /// </summary>
- [Test]
- public void PrintUnknownFields() {
- TestEmptyMessage message =
- TestEmptyMessage.CreateBuilder()
- .SetUnknownFields(
- UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder()
- .AddField(5,
- UnknownField.CreateBuilder()
- .AddVarint(1)
- .AddFixed32(2)
- .AddFixed64(3)
- .AddLengthDelimited(ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("4"))
- .AddGroup(
- UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder()
- .AddField(10,
- UnknownField.CreateBuilder()
- .AddVarint(5)
- .Build())
- .Build())
- .Build())
- .AddField(8,
- UnknownField.CreateBuilder()
- .AddVarint(1)
- .AddVarint(2)
- .AddVarint(3)
- .Build())
- .AddField(15,
- UnknownField.CreateBuilder()
- .AddVarint(0xABCDEF1234567890L)
- .AddFixed32(0xABCD1234)
- .AddFixed64(0xABCDEF1234567890L)
- .Build())
- .Build())
- .Build();
- Assert.AreEqual(
- "5: 1\n" +
- "5: 0x00000002\n" +
- "5: 0x0000000000000003\n" +
- "5: \"4\"\n" +
- "5 {\n" +
- " 10: 5\n" +
- "}\n" +
- "8: 1\n" +
- "8: 2\n" +
- "8: 3\n" +
- "15: 12379813812177893520\n" +
- "15: 0xabcd1234\n" +
- "15: 0xabcdef1234567890\n",
- TextFormat.PrintToString(message));
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Helper to construct a ByteString from a string containing only 8-bit
- /// characters. The characters are converted directly to bytes, *not*
- /// encoded using UTF-8.
- /// </summary>
- private static ByteString Bytes(string str) {
- return ByteString.CopyFrom(Encoding.GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes(str));
- }
- [Test]
- public void PrintExotic() {
- IMessage message = TestAllTypes.CreateBuilder()
- // Signed vs. unsigned numbers.
- .AddRepeatedInt32 (-1)
- .AddRepeatedUint32(uint.MaxValue)
- .AddRepeatedInt64 (-1)
- .AddRepeatedUint64(ulong.MaxValue)
- .AddRepeatedInt32 (1 << 31)
- .AddRepeatedUint32(1U << 31)
- .AddRepeatedInt64 (1L << 63)
- .AddRepeatedUint64(1UL << 63)
- // Floats of various precisions and exponents.
- .AddRepeatedDouble(123)
- .AddRepeatedDouble(123.5)
- .AddRepeatedDouble(0.125)
- .AddRepeatedDouble(123e15)
- .AddRepeatedDouble(123.5e20)
- .AddRepeatedDouble(123.5e-20)
- .AddRepeatedDouble(123.456789)
- .AddRepeatedDouble(Double.PositiveInfinity)
- .AddRepeatedDouble(Double.NegativeInfinity)
- .AddRepeatedDouble(Double.NaN)
- // Strings and bytes that needing escaping.
- .AddRepeatedString("\0\u0001\u0007\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\'\"\u1234")
- .AddRepeatedBytes(Bytes("\0\u0001\u0007\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\'\"\u00fe"))
- .Build();
- Assert.AreEqual(ExoticText, message.ToString());
- }
- [Test]
- public void PrintMessageSet() {
- TestMessageSet messageSet =
- TestMessageSet.CreateBuilder()
- .SetExtension(
- TestMessageSetExtension1.MessageSetExtension,
- TestMessageSetExtension1.CreateBuilder().SetI(123).Build())
- .SetExtension(
- TestMessageSetExtension2.MessageSetExtension,
- TestMessageSetExtension2.CreateBuilder().SetStr("foo").Build())
- .Build();
- Assert.AreEqual(MessageSetText, messageSet.ToString());
- }
- // =================================================================
- [Test]
- public void Parse() {
- TestAllTypes.Builder builder = TestAllTypes.CreateBuilder();
- TextFormat.Merge(AllFieldsSetText, builder);
- TestUtil.AssertAllFieldsSet(builder.Build());
- }
- [Test]
- public void ParseReader() {
- TestAllTypes.Builder builder = TestAllTypes.CreateBuilder();
- TextFormat.Merge(new StringReader(AllFieldsSetText), builder);
- TestUtil.AssertAllFieldsSet(builder.Build());
- }
- [Test]
- public void ParseExtensions() {
- TestAllExtensions.Builder builder = TestAllExtensions.CreateBuilder();
- TextFormat.Merge(AllExtensionsSetText,
- TestUtil.CreateExtensionRegistry(),
- builder);
- TestUtil.AssertAllExtensionsSet(builder.Build());
- }
- [Test]
- public void ParseCompatibility() {
- string original = "repeated_float: inf\n" +
- "repeated_float: -inf\n" +
- "repeated_float: nan\n" +
- "repeated_float: inff\n" +
- "repeated_float: -inff\n" +
- "repeated_float: nanf\n" +
- "repeated_float: 1.0f\n" +
- "repeated_float: infinityf\n" +
- "repeated_float: -Infinityf\n" +
- "repeated_double: infinity\n" +
- "repeated_double: -infinity\n" +
- "repeated_double: nan\n";
- string canonical = "repeated_float: Infinity\n" +
- "repeated_float: -Infinity\n" +
- "repeated_float: NaN\n" +
- "repeated_float: Infinity\n" +
- "repeated_float: -Infinity\n" +
- "repeated_float: NaN\n" +
- "repeated_float: 1\n" + // Java has 1.0; this is fine
- "repeated_float: Infinity\n" +
- "repeated_float: -Infinity\n" +
- "repeated_double: Infinity\n" +
- "repeated_double: -Infinity\n" +
- "repeated_double: NaN\n";
- TestAllTypes.Builder builder = TestAllTypes.CreateBuilder();
- TextFormat.Merge(original, builder);
- Assert.AreEqual(canonical, builder.Build().ToString());
- }
- [Test]
- public void ParseExotic() {
- TestAllTypes.Builder builder = TestAllTypes.CreateBuilder();
- TextFormat.Merge(ExoticText, builder);
- // Too lazy to check things individually. Don't try to debug this
- // if testPrintExotic() is Assert.Failing.
- Assert.AreEqual(ExoticText, builder.Build().ToString());
- }
- [Test]
- public void ParseMessageSet() {
- ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry.CreateInstance();
- extensionRegistry.Add(TestMessageSetExtension1.MessageSetExtension);
- extensionRegistry.Add(TestMessageSetExtension2.MessageSetExtension);
- TestMessageSet.Builder builder = TestMessageSet.CreateBuilder();
- TextFormat.Merge(MessageSetText, extensionRegistry, builder);
- TestMessageSet messageSet = builder.Build();
- Assert.IsTrue(messageSet.HasExtension(TestMessageSetExtension1.MessageSetExtension));
- Assert.AreEqual(123, messageSet.GetExtension(TestMessageSetExtension1.MessageSetExtension).I);
- Assert.IsTrue(messageSet.HasExtension(TestMessageSetExtension2.MessageSetExtension));
- Assert.AreEqual("foo", messageSet.GetExtension(TestMessageSetExtension2.MessageSetExtension).Str);
- }
- [Test]
- public void ParseNumericEnum() {
- TestAllTypes.Builder builder = TestAllTypes.CreateBuilder();
- TextFormat.Merge("optional_nested_enum: 2", builder);
- Assert.AreEqual(TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.BAR, builder.OptionalNestedEnum);
- }
- [Test]
- public void ParseAngleBrackets() {
- TestAllTypes.Builder builder = TestAllTypes.CreateBuilder();
- TextFormat.Merge("OptionalGroup: < a: 1 >", builder);
- Assert.IsTrue(builder.HasOptionalGroup);
- Assert.AreEqual(1, builder.OptionalGroup.A);
- }
- [Test]
- public void ParseComment() {
- TestAllTypes.Builder builder = TestAllTypes.CreateBuilder();
- TextFormat.Merge(
- "# this is a comment\n" +
- "optional_int32: 1 # another comment\n" +
- "optional_int64: 2\n" +
- "# EOF comment", builder);
- Assert.AreEqual(1, builder.OptionalInt32);
- Assert.AreEqual(2, builder.OptionalInt64);
- }
- private static void AssertParseError(string error, string text) {
- TestAllTypes.Builder builder = TestAllTypes.CreateBuilder();
- try {
- TextFormat.Merge(text, TestUtil.CreateExtensionRegistry(), builder);
- Assert.Fail("Expected parse exception.");
- } catch (FormatException e) {
- Assert.AreEqual(error, e.Message);
- }
- }
- [Test]
- public void ParseErrors() {
- AssertParseError(
- "1:16: Expected \":\".",
- "optional_int32 123");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:23: Expected identifier.",
- "optional_nested_enum: ?");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:18: Couldn't parse integer: Number must be positive: -1",
- "optional_uint32: -1");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:17: Couldn't parse integer: Number out of range for 32-bit signed " +
- "integer: 82301481290849012385230157",
- "optional_int32: 82301481290849012385230157");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:16: Expected \"true\" or \"false\".",
- "optional_bool: maybe");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:18: Expected string.",
- "optional_string: 123");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:18: String missing ending quote.",
- "optional_string: \"ueoauaoe");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:18: String missing ending quote.",
- "optional_string: \"ueoauaoe\n" +
- "optional_int32: 123");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:18: Invalid escape sequence: '\\z'",
- "optional_string: \"\\z\"");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:18: String missing ending quote.",
- "optional_string: \"ueoauaoe\n" +
- "optional_int32: 123");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:2: Extension \"nosuchext\" not found in the ExtensionRegistry.",
- "[nosuchext]: 123");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:20: Extension \"protobuf_unittest.optional_int32_extension\" does " +
- "not extend message type \"protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes\".",
- "[protobuf_unittest.optional_int32_extension]: 123");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:1: Message type \"protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes\" has no field " +
- "named \"nosuchfield\".",
- "nosuchfield: 123");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:21: Expected \">\".",
- "OptionalGroup < a: 1");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:23: Enum type \"protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum\" has no " +
- "value named \"NO_SUCH_VALUE\".",
- "optional_nested_enum: NO_SUCH_VALUE");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:23: Enum type \"protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes.NestedEnum\" has no " +
- "value with number 123.",
- "optional_nested_enum: 123");
- // Delimiters must match.
- AssertParseError(
- "1:22: Expected identifier.",
- "OptionalGroup < a: 1 }");
- AssertParseError(
- "1:22: Expected identifier.",
- "OptionalGroup { a: 1 >");
- }
- // =================================================================
- private static ByteString Bytes(params byte[] bytes) {
- return ByteString.CopyFrom(bytes);
- }
- private delegate void FormattingAction();
- private static void AssertFormatException(FormattingAction action) {
- try {
- action();
- Assert.Fail("Should have thrown an exception.");
- } catch (FormatException) {
- // success
- }
- }
- [Test]
- public void Escape() {
- // Escape sequences.
- Assert.AreEqual("\\000\\001\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\\\\\'\\\"",
- TextFormat.EscapeBytes(Bytes("\0\u0001\u0007\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\'\"")));
- Assert.AreEqual("\\000\\001\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\\\\\'\\\"",
- TextFormat.EscapeText("\0\u0001\u0007\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\'\""));
- Assert.AreEqual(Bytes("\0\u0001\u0007\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\'\""),
- TextFormat.UnescapeBytes("\\000\\001\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\\\\\'\\\""));
- Assert.AreEqual("\0\u0001\u0007\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\'\"",
- TextFormat.UnescapeText("\\000\\001\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\\\\\'\\\""));
- // Unicode handling.
- Assert.AreEqual("\\341\\210\\264", TextFormat.EscapeText("\u1234"));
- Assert.AreEqual("\\341\\210\\264", TextFormat.EscapeBytes(Bytes(0xe1, 0x88, 0xb4)));
- Assert.AreEqual("\u1234", TextFormat.UnescapeText("\\341\\210\\264"));
- Assert.AreEqual(Bytes(0xe1, 0x88, 0xb4), TextFormat.UnescapeBytes("\\341\\210\\264"));
- Assert.AreEqual("\u1234", TextFormat.UnescapeText("\\xe1\\x88\\xb4"));
- Assert.AreEqual(Bytes(0xe1, 0x88, 0xb4), TextFormat.UnescapeBytes("\\xe1\\x88\\xb4"));
- // Errors.
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.UnescapeText("\\x"));
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.UnescapeText("\\z"));
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.UnescapeText("\\"));
- }
- [Test]
- public void ParseInteger() {
- Assert.AreEqual( 0, TextFormat.ParseInt32( "0"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 1, TextFormat.ParseInt32( "1"));
- Assert.AreEqual( -1, TextFormat.ParseInt32( "-1"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 12345, TextFormat.ParseInt32( "12345"));
- Assert.AreEqual( -12345, TextFormat.ParseInt32( "-12345"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 2147483647, TextFormat.ParseInt32( "2147483647"));
- Assert.AreEqual(-2147483648, TextFormat.ParseInt32("-2147483648"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 0, TextFormat.ParseUInt32( "0"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 1, TextFormat.ParseUInt32( "1"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 12345, TextFormat.ParseUInt32( "12345"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 2147483647, TextFormat.ParseUInt32("2147483647"));
- Assert.AreEqual(2147483648U, TextFormat.ParseUInt32("2147483648"));
- Assert.AreEqual(4294967295U, TextFormat.ParseUInt32("4294967295"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 0L, TextFormat.ParseInt64( "0"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 1L, TextFormat.ParseInt64( "1"));
- Assert.AreEqual( -1L, TextFormat.ParseInt64( "-1"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 12345L, TextFormat.ParseInt64( "12345"));
- Assert.AreEqual( -12345L, TextFormat.ParseInt64( "-12345"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 2147483647L, TextFormat.ParseInt64( "2147483647"));
- Assert.AreEqual(-2147483648L, TextFormat.ParseInt64("-2147483648"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 4294967295L, TextFormat.ParseInt64( "4294967295"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 4294967296L, TextFormat.ParseInt64( "4294967296"));
- Assert.AreEqual(9223372036854775807L, TextFormat.ParseInt64("9223372036854775807"));
- Assert.AreEqual(-9223372036854775808L, TextFormat.ParseInt64("-9223372036854775808"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 0L, TextFormat.ParseUInt64( "0"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 1L, TextFormat.ParseUInt64( "1"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 12345L, TextFormat.ParseUInt64( "12345"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 2147483647L, TextFormat.ParseUInt64( "2147483647"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 4294967295L, TextFormat.ParseUInt64( "4294967295"));
- Assert.AreEqual( 4294967296L, TextFormat.ParseUInt64( "4294967296"));
- Assert.AreEqual(9223372036854775807UL, TextFormat.ParseUInt64("9223372036854775807"));
- Assert.AreEqual(9223372036854775808UL, TextFormat.ParseUInt64("9223372036854775808"));
- Assert.AreEqual(18446744073709551615UL, TextFormat.ParseUInt64("18446744073709551615"));
- // Hex
- Assert.AreEqual(0x1234abcd, TextFormat.ParseInt32("0x1234abcd"));
- Assert.AreEqual(-0x1234abcd, TextFormat.ParseInt32("-0x1234abcd"));
- Assert.AreEqual(0xffffffffffffffffUL, TextFormat.ParseUInt64("0xffffffffffffffff"));
- Assert.AreEqual(0x7fffffffffffffffL,
- TextFormat.ParseInt64("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
- // Octal
- Assert.AreEqual(342391, TextFormat.ParseInt32("01234567"));
- // Out-of-range
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.ParseInt32("2147483648"));
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.ParseInt32("-2147483649"));
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.ParseUInt32("4294967296"));
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.ParseUInt32("-1"));
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.ParseInt64("9223372036854775808"));
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.ParseInt64("-9223372036854775809"));
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.ParseUInt64("18446744073709551616"));
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.ParseUInt64("-1"));
- AssertFormatException(() => TextFormat.ParseInt32("abcd"));
- }
- }