path: root/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf.Test/TestProtos/UnittestIssues.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'csharp/src/Google.Protobuf.Test/TestProtos/UnittestIssues.cs')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf.Test/TestProtos/UnittestIssues.cs b/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf.Test/TestProtos/UnittestIssues.cs
index 63119a34..addec057 100644
--- a/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf.Test/TestProtos/UnittestIssues.cs
+++ b/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf.Test/TestProtos/UnittestIssues.cs
@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ using pbr = global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection;
using scg = global::System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Holder for reflection information generated from unittest_issues.proto</summary>
public static partial class UnittestIssues {
#region Descriptor
+ /// <summary>File descriptor for unittest_issues.proto</summary>
public static pbr::FileDescriptor Descriptor {
get { return descriptor; }
@@ -21,28 +23,28 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
static UnittestIssues() {
byte[] descriptorData = global::System.Convert.FromBase64String(
- "ChV1bml0dGVzdF9pc3N1ZXMucHJvdG8SD3VuaXR0ZXN0X2lzc3VlcyInCghJ",
- "c3N1ZTMwNxobCgpOZXN0ZWRPbmNlGg0KC05lc3RlZFR3aWNlIrABChNOZWdh",
- "dGl2ZUVudW1NZXNzYWdlEiwKBXZhbHVlGAEgASgOMh0udW5pdHRlc3RfaXNz",
- "dWVzLk5lZ2F0aXZlRW51bRIxCgZ2YWx1ZXMYAiADKA4yHS51bml0dGVzdF9p",
- "Mh0udW5pdHRlc3RfaXNzdWVzLk5lZ2F0aXZlRW51bUICEAEiEQoPRGVwcmVj",
- "YXRlZENoaWxkIrkCChdEZXByZWNhdGVkRmllbGRzTWVzc2FnZRIaCg5Qcmlt",
- "AhgBEjoKDE1lc3NhZ2VWYWx1ZRgDIAEoCzIgLnVuaXR0ZXN0X2lzc3Vlcy5E",
- "ZXByZWNhdGVkQ2hpbGRCAhgBEjoKDE1lc3NhZ2VBcnJheRgEIAMoCzIgLnVu",
- "aXR0ZXN0X2lzc3Vlcy5EZXByZWNhdGVkQ2hpbGRCAhgBEjYKCUVudW1WYWx1",
- "NgoJRW51bUFycmF5GAYgAygOMh8udW5pdHRlc3RfaXNzdWVzLkRlcHJlY2F0",
- "EAoOU29tZU5lc3RlZFR5cGUioAEKFVRlc3RKc29uRmllbGRPcmRlcmluZxIT",
- "CgtwbGFpbl9pbnQzMhgEIAEoBRITCglvMV9zdHJpbmcYAiABKAlIABISCghv",
- "MV9pbnQzMhgFIAEoBUgAEhQKDHBsYWluX3N0cmluZxgBIAEoCRISCghvMl9p",
- "bnQzMhgGIAEoBUgBEhMKCW8yX3N0cmluZxgDIAEoCUgBQgQKAm8xQgQKAm8y",
- "aXZlQmVsb3cQ+///////////ARIVCghNaW51c09uZRD///////////8BKi4K",
+ "ChV1bml0dGVzdF9pc3N1ZXMucHJvdG8SD3VuaXR0ZXN0X2lzc3VlcyInCghJ",
+ "c3N1ZTMwNxobCgpOZXN0ZWRPbmNlGg0KC05lc3RlZFR3aWNlIrABChNOZWdh",
+ "dGl2ZUVudW1NZXNzYWdlEiwKBXZhbHVlGAEgASgOMh0udW5pdHRlc3RfaXNz",
+ "dWVzLk5lZ2F0aXZlRW51bRIxCgZ2YWx1ZXMYAiADKA4yHS51bml0dGVzdF9p",
+ "Mh0udW5pdHRlc3RfaXNzdWVzLk5lZ2F0aXZlRW51bUICEAEiEQoPRGVwcmVj",
+ "YXRlZENoaWxkIrkCChdEZXByZWNhdGVkRmllbGRzTWVzc2FnZRIaCg5Qcmlt",
+ "AhgBEjoKDE1lc3NhZ2VWYWx1ZRgDIAEoCzIgLnVuaXR0ZXN0X2lzc3Vlcy5E",
+ "ZXByZWNhdGVkQ2hpbGRCAhgBEjoKDE1lc3NhZ2VBcnJheRgEIAMoCzIgLnVu",
+ "aXR0ZXN0X2lzc3Vlcy5EZXByZWNhdGVkQ2hpbGRCAhgBEjYKCUVudW1WYWx1",
+ "NgoJRW51bUFycmF5GAYgAygOMh8udW5pdHRlc3RfaXNzdWVzLkRlcHJlY2F0",
+ "EAoOU29tZU5lc3RlZFR5cGUioAEKFVRlc3RKc29uRmllbGRPcmRlcmluZxIT",
+ "CgtwbGFpbl9pbnQzMhgEIAEoBRITCglvMV9zdHJpbmcYAiABKAlIABISCghv",
+ "MV9pbnQzMhgFIAEoBUgAEhQKDHBsYWluX3N0cmluZxgBIAEoCRISCghvMl9p",
+ "bnQzMhgGIAEoBUgBEhMKCW8yX3N0cmluZxgDIAEoCUgBQgQKAm8xQgQKAm8y",
+ "aXZlQmVsb3cQ+///////////ARIVCghNaW51c09uZRD///////////8BKi4K",
descriptor = pbr::FileDescriptor.InternalBuildGeneratedFileFrom(descriptorData,
new pbr::FileDescriptor[] { },
@@ -74,6 +76,10 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
#region Messages
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Issue 307: when generating doubly-nested types, any references
+ /// should be of the form A.Types.B.Types.C.
+ /// </summary>
public sealed partial class Issue307 : pb::IMessage<Issue307> {
private static readonly pb::MessageParser<Issue307> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<Issue307>(() => new Issue307());
@@ -149,6 +155,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
#region Nested types
+ /// <summary>Container for nested types declared in the Issue307 message type.</summary>
public static partial class Types {
@@ -226,6 +233,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
#region Nested types
+ /// <summary>Container for nested types declared in the NestedOnce message type.</summary>
public static partial class Types {
@@ -343,6 +351,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
return new NegativeEnumMessage(this);
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "value" field.</summary>
public const int ValueFieldNumber = 1;
private global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.NegativeEnum value_ = global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.NegativeEnum.NEGATIVE_ENUM_ZERO;
public global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.NegativeEnum Value {
@@ -352,6 +361,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "values" field.</summary>
public const int ValuesFieldNumber = 2;
private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.NegativeEnum> _repeated_values_codec
= pb::FieldCodec.ForEnum(16, x => (int) x, x => (global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.NegativeEnum) x);
@@ -360,6 +370,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
get { return values_; }
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "packed_values" field.</summary>
public const int PackedValuesFieldNumber = 3;
private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.NegativeEnum> _repeated_packedValues_codec
= pb::FieldCodec.ForEnum(26, x => (int) x, x => (global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.NegativeEnum) x);
@@ -562,6 +573,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
return new DeprecatedFieldsMessage(this);
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "PrimitiveValue" field.</summary>
public const int PrimitiveValueFieldNumber = 1;
private int primitiveValue_;
@@ -572,6 +584,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "PrimitiveArray" field.</summary>
public const int PrimitiveArrayFieldNumber = 2;
private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<int> _repeated_primitiveArray_codec
= pb::FieldCodec.ForInt32(18);
@@ -581,6 +594,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
get { return primitiveArray_; }
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "MessageValue" field.</summary>
public const int MessageValueFieldNumber = 3;
private global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.DeprecatedChild messageValue_;
@@ -591,6 +605,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "MessageArray" field.</summary>
public const int MessageArrayFieldNumber = 4;
private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.DeprecatedChild> _repeated_messageArray_codec
= pb::FieldCodec.ForMessage(34, global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.DeprecatedChild.Parser);
@@ -600,6 +615,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
get { return messageArray_; }
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "EnumValue" field.</summary>
public const int EnumValueFieldNumber = 5;
private global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.DeprecatedEnum enumValue_ = global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.DeprecatedEnum.DEPRECATED_ZERO;
@@ -610,6 +626,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "EnumArray" field.</summary>
public const int EnumArrayFieldNumber = 6;
private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.DeprecatedEnum> _repeated_enumArray_codec
= pb::FieldCodec.ForEnum(50, x => (int) x, x => (global::UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.DeprecatedEnum) x);
@@ -752,6 +769,9 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Issue 45: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-csharp-port/issues/detail?id=45
+ /// </summary>
public sealed partial class ItemField : pb::IMessage<ItemField> {
private static readonly pb::MessageParser<ItemField> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<ItemField>(() => new ItemField());
@@ -779,6 +799,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
return new ItemField(this);
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "item" field.</summary>
public const int ItemFieldNumber = 1;
private int item_;
public int Item {
@@ -882,6 +903,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
return new ReservedNames(this);
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "types" field.</summary>
public const int Types_FieldNumber = 1;
private int types_;
public int Types_ {
@@ -891,6 +913,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "descriptor" field.</summary>
public const int Descriptor_FieldNumber = 2;
private int descriptor_;
public int Descriptor_ {
@@ -981,8 +1004,12 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
#region Nested types
+ /// <summary>Container for nested types declared in the ReservedNames message type.</summary>
public static partial class Types {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Force a nested type called Types
+ /// </summary>
public sealed partial class SomeNestedType : pb::IMessage<SomeNestedType> {
private static readonly pb::MessageParser<SomeNestedType> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<SomeNestedType>(() => new SomeNestedType());
@@ -1064,6 +1091,18 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// These fields are deliberately not declared in numeric
+ /// order, and the oneof fields aren't contiguous either.
+ /// This allows for reasonably robust tests of JSON output
+ /// ordering.
+ /// TestFieldOrderings in unittest_proto3.proto is similar,
+ /// but doesn't include oneofs.
+ /// TODO: Consider adding oneofs to TestFieldOrderings, although
+ /// that will require fixing other tests in multiple platforms.
+ /// Alternatively, consider just adding this to
+ /// unittest_proto3.proto if multiple platforms want it.
+ /// </summary>
public sealed partial class TestJsonFieldOrdering : pb::IMessage<TestJsonFieldOrdering> {
private static readonly pb::MessageParser<TestJsonFieldOrdering> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<TestJsonFieldOrdering>(() => new TestJsonFieldOrdering());
@@ -1110,6 +1149,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
return new TestJsonFieldOrdering(this);
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "plain_int32" field.</summary>
public const int PlainInt32FieldNumber = 4;
private int plainInt32_;
public int PlainInt32 {
@@ -1119,6 +1159,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "o1_string" field.</summary>
public const int O1StringFieldNumber = 2;
public string O1String {
get { return o1Case_ == O1OneofCase.O1String ? (string) o1_ : ""; }
@@ -1128,6 +1169,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "o1_int32" field.</summary>
public const int O1Int32FieldNumber = 5;
public int O1Int32 {
get { return o1Case_ == O1OneofCase.O1Int32 ? (int) o1_ : 0; }
@@ -1137,6 +1179,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "plain_string" field.</summary>
public const int PlainStringFieldNumber = 1;
private string plainString_ = "";
public string PlainString {
@@ -1146,6 +1189,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "o2_int32" field.</summary>
public const int O2Int32FieldNumber = 6;
public int O2Int32 {
get { return o2Case_ == O2OneofCase.O2Int32 ? (int) o2_ : 0; }
@@ -1155,6 +1199,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
+ /// <summary>Field number for the "o2_string" field.</summary>
public const int O2StringFieldNumber = 3;
public string O2String {
get { return o2Case_ == O2OneofCase.O2String ? (string) o2_ : ""; }
@@ -1165,6 +1210,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
private object o1_;
+ /// <summary>Enum of possible cases for the "o1" oneof.</summary>
public enum O1OneofCase {
None = 0,
O1String = 2,
@@ -1181,6 +1227,7 @@ namespace UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos {
private object o2_;
+ /// <summary>Enum of possible cases for the "o2" oneof.</summary>
public enum O2OneofCase {
None = 0,
O2Int32 = 6,