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+# Protocol Buffers in Swift
+## Objective
+This document describes the user-facing API and internal implementation of
+proto2 and proto3 messages in Apple’s Swift programming language.
+One of the key goals of protobufs is to provide idiomatic APIs for each
+language. In that vein, **interoperability with Objective-C is a non-goal of
+this proposal.** Protobuf users who need to pass messages between Objective-C
+and Swift code in the same application should use the existing Objective-C proto
+library. The goal of the effort described here is to provide an API for protobuf
+messages that uses features specific to Swift—optional types, algebraic
+enumerated types, value types, and so forth—in a natural way that will delight,
+rather than surprise, users of the language.
+## Naming
+* By convention, both typical protobuf message names and Swift structs/classes
+ are `UpperCamelCase`, so for most messages, the name of a message can be the
+ same as the name of its generated type. (However, see the discussion below
+ about prefixes under [Packages](#packages).)
+* Enum cases in protobufs typically are `UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES`, whereas
+ in Swift they are `lowerCamelCase` (as of the Swift 3 API design
+ guidelines). We will transform the names to match Swift convention, using
+ a whitelist similar to the Objective-C compiler plugin to handle commonly
+ used acronyms.
+* Typical fields in proto messages are `lowercase_with_underscores`, while in
+ Swift they are `lowerCamelCase`. We will transform the names to match
+ Swift convention by removing the underscores and uppercasing the subsequent
+ letter.
+## Swift reserved words
+Swift has a large set of reserved words—some always reserved and some
+contextually reserved (that is, they can be used as identifiers in contexts
+where they would not be confused). As of Swift 2.2, the set of always-reserved
+words is:
+_, #available, #column, #else, #elseif, #endif, #file, #function, #if, #line,
+#selector, as, associatedtype, break, case, catch, class, continue, default,
+defer, deinit, do, dynamicType, else, enum, extension, fallthrough, false, for,
+func, guard, if, import, in, init, inout, internal, is, let, nil, operator,
+private, protocol, public, repeat, rethrows, return, self, Self, static,
+struct, subscript, super, switch, throw, throws, true, try, typealias, var,
+where, while
+The set of contextually reserved words is:
+associativity, convenience, dynamic, didSet, final, get, infix, indirect,
+lazy, left, mutating, none, nonmutating, optional, override, postfix,
+precedence, prefix, Protocol, required, right, set, Type, unowned, weak,
+It is possible to use any reserved word as an identifier by escaping it with
+backticks (for example, ``let `class` = 5``). Other name-mangling schemes would
+require us to transform the names themselves (for example, by appending an
+underscore), which requires us to then ensure that the new name does not collide
+with something else in the same namespace.
+While the backtick feature may not be widely known by all Swift developers, a
+small amount of user education can address this and it seems like the best
+approach. We can unconditionally surround all property names with backticks to
+simplify generation.
+Some remapping will still be required, though, to avoid collisions between
+generated properties and the names of methods and properties defined in the base
+protocol/implementation of messages.
+# Features of Protocol Buffers
+This section describes how the features of the protocol buffer syntaxes (proto2
+and proto3) map to features in Swift—what the code generated from a proto will
+look like, and how it will be implemented in the underlying library.
+## Packages
+Modules are the main form of namespacing in Swift, but they are not declared
+using syntactic constructs like namespaces in C++ or packages in Java. Instead,
+they are tied to build targets in Xcode (or, in the future with open-source
+Swift, declarations in a Swift Package Manager manifest). They also do not
+easily support nesting submodules (Clang module maps support this, but pure
+Swift does not yet provide a way to define submodules).
+We will generate types with fully-qualified underscore-delimited names. For
+example, a message `Baz` in package `foo.bar` would generate a struct named
+`Foo_Bar_Baz`. For each fully-qualified proto message, there will be exactly one
+unique type symbol emitted in the generated binary.
+Users are likely to balk at the ugliness of underscore-delimited names for every
+generated type. To improve upon this situation, we will add a new string file
+level option, `swift_package_typealias`, that can be added to `.proto` files.
+When present, this will cause `typealias`es to be added to the generated Swift
+messages that replace the package name prefix with the provided string. For
+example, the following `.proto` file:
+option swift_package_typealias = "FBP";
+package foo.bar;
+message Baz {
+ // Message fields
+would generate the following Swift source:
+public struct Foo_Bar_Baz {
+ // Message fields and other methods
+typealias FBPBaz = Foo_Bar_Baz
+It should be noted that this type alias is recorded in the generated
+`.swiftmodule` so that code importing the module can refer to it, but it does
+not cause a new symbol to be generated in the compiled binary (i.e., we do not
+risk compiled size bloat by adding `typealias`es for every type).
+Other strategies to handle packages that were considered and rejected can be
+found in [Appendix A](#appendix-a-rejected-strategies-to-handle-packages).
+## Messages
+Proto messages are natural value types and we will generate messages as structs
+instead of classes. Users will benefit from Swift’s built-in behavior with
+regard to mutability. We will define a `ProtoMessage` protocol that defines the
+common methods and properties for all messages (such as serialization) and also
+lets users treat messages polymorphically. Any shared method implementations
+that do not differ between individual messages can be implemented in a protocol
+The backing storage itself for fields of a message will be managed by a
+`ProtoFieldStorage` type that uses an internal dictionary keyed by field number,
+and whose values are the value of the field with that number (up-cast to Swift’s
+`Any` type). This class will provide type-safe getters and setters so that
+generated messages can manipulate this storage, and core serialization logic
+will live here as well. Furthermore, factoring the storage out into a separate
+type, rather than inlining the fields as stored properties in the message
+itself, lets us implement copy-on-write efficiently to support passing around
+large messages. (Furthermore, because the messages themselves are value types,
+inlining fields is not possible if the fields are submessages of the same type,
+or a type that eventually includes a submessage of the same type.)
+### Required fields (proto2 only)
+Required fields in proto2 messages seem like they could be naturally represented
+by non-optional properties in Swift, but this presents some problems/concerns.
+Serialization APIs permit partial serialization, which allows required fields to
+remain unset. Furthermore, other language APIs still provide `has*` and `clear*`
+methods for required fields, and knowing whether a property has a value when the
+message is in memory is still useful.
+For example, an e-mail draft message may have the “to” address required on the
+wire, but when the user constructs it in memory, it doesn’t make sense to force
+a value until they provide one. We only want to force a value to be present when
+the message is serialized to the wire. Using non-optional properties prevents
+this use case, and makes client usage awkward because the user would be forced
+to select a sentinel or placeholder value for any required fields at the time
+the message was created.
+### Default values
+In proto2, fields can have a default value specified that may be a value other
+than the default value for its corresponding language type (for example, a
+default value of 5 instead of 0 for an integer). When reading a field that is
+not explicitly set, the user expects to get that value. This makes Swift
+optionals (i.e., `Foo?`) unsuitable for fields in general. Unfortunately, we
+cannot implement our own “enhanced optional” type without severely complicating
+usage (Swift’s use of type inference and its lack of implicit conversions would
+require manual unwrapping of every property value).
+Instead, we can use **implicitly unwrapped optionals.** For example, a property
+generated for a field of type `int32` would have Swift type `Int32!`. These
+properties would behave with the following characteristics, which mirror the
+nil-resettable properties used elsewhere in Apple’s SDKs (for example,
+* Assigning a non-nil value to a property sets the field to that value.
+* Assigning nil to a property clears the field (its internal representation is
+ nilled out).
+* Reading the value of a property returns its value if it is set, or returns
+ its default value if it is not set. Reading a property never returns nil.
+The final point in the list above implies that the optional cannot be checked to
+determine if the field is set to a value other than its default: it will never
+be nil. Instead, we must provide `has*` methods for each field to allow the user
+to check this. These methods will be public in proto2. In proto3, these methods
+will be private (if generated at all), since the user can test the returned
+value against the zero value for that type.
+### Autocreation of nested messages
+For convenience, dotting into an unset field representing a nested message will
+return an instance of that message with default values. As in the Objective-C
+implementation, this does not actually cause the field to be set until the
+returned message is mutated. Fortunately, thanks to the way mutability of value
+types is implemented in Swift, the language automatically handles the
+reassignment-on-mutation for us. A static singleton instance containing default
+values can be associated with each message that can be returned when reading, so
+copies are only made by the Swift runtime when mutation occurs. For example,
+given the following proto:
+message Node {
+ Node child = 1;
+ string value = 2 [default = "foo"];
+The following Swift code would act as commented, where setting deeply nested
+properties causes the copies and mutations to occur as the assignment statement
+is unwound:
+var node = Node()
+let s = node.child.child.value
+// 1. node.child returns the "default Node".
+// 2. Reading .child on the result of (1) returns the same default Node.
+// 3. Reading .value on the result of (2) returns the default value "foo".
+node.child.child.value = "bar"
+// 4. Setting .value on the default Node causes a copy to be made and sets
+// the property on that copy. Subsequently, the language updates the
+// value of "node.child.child" to point to that copy.
+// 5. Updating "node.child.child" in (4) requires another copy, because
+// "node.child" was also the instance of the default node. The copy is
+// assigned back to "node.child".
+// 6. Setting "node.child" in (5) is a simple value reassignment, since
+// "node" is a mutable var.
+In other words, the generated messages do not internally have to manage parental
+relationships to backfill the appropriate properties on mutation. Swift provides
+this for free.
+## Scalar value fields
+Proto scalar value fields will map to Swift types in the following way:
+.proto Type | Swift Type
+----------- | -------------------
+`double` | `Double`
+`float` | `Float`
+`int32` | `Int32`
+`int64` | `Int64`
+`uint32` | `UInt32`
+`uint64` | `UInt64`
+`sint32` | `Int32`
+`sint64` | `Int64`
+`fixed32` | `UInt32`
+`fixed64` | `UInt64`
+`sfixed32` | `Int32`
+`sfixed64` | `Int64`
+`bool` | `Bool`
+`string` | `String`
+`bytes` | `Foundation.NSData`
+The proto spec defines a number of integral types that map to the same Swift
+type; for example, `intXX`, `sintXX`, and `sfixedXX` are all signed integers,
+and `uintXX` and `fixedXX` are both unsigned integers. No other language
+implementation distinguishes these further, so we do not do so either. The
+rationale is that the various types only serve to distinguish how the value is
+**encoded on the wire**; once loaded in memory, the user is not concerned about
+these variations.
+Swift’s lack of implicit conversions among types will make it slightly annoying
+to use these types in a context expecting an `Int`, or vice-versa, but since
+this is a data-interchange format with explicitly-sized fields, we should not
+hide that information from the user. Users will have to explicitly write
+`Int(message.myField)`, for example.
+## Embedded message fields
+Embedded message fields can be represented using an optional variable of the
+generated message type. Thus, the message
+message Foo {
+ Bar bar = 1;
+would be represented in Swift as
+public struct Foo: ProtoMessage {
+ public var bar: Bar! {
+ get { ... }
+ set { ... }
+ }
+If the user explicitly sets `bar` to nil, or if it was never set when read from
+the wire, retrieving the value of `bar` would return a default, statically
+allocated instance of `Bar` containing default values for its fields. This
+achieves the desired behavior for default values in the same way that scalar
+fields are designed, and also allows users to deep-drill into complex object
+graphs to get or set fields without checking for nil at each step.
+## Enum fields
+The design and implementation of enum fields will differ somewhat drastically
+depending on whether the message being generated is a proto2 or proto3 message.
+### proto2 enums
+For proto2, we do not need to be concerned about unknown enum values, so we can
+use the simple raw-value enum syntax provided by Swift. So the following enum in
+enum ContentType {
+ TEXT = 0;
+ IMAGE = 1;
+would become this Swift enum:
+public enum ContentType: Int32, NilLiteralConvertible {
+ case text = 0
+ case image = 1
+ public init(nilLiteral: ()) {
+ self = .text
+ }
+See below for the discussion about `NilLiteralConvertible`.
+### proto3 enums
+For proto3, we need to be able to preserve unknown enum values that may come
+across the wire so that they can be written back if unmodified. We can
+accomplish this in Swift by using a case with an associated value for unknowns.
+So the following enum in proto3:
+enum ContentType {
+ TEXT = 0;
+ IMAGE = 1;
+would become this Swift enum:
+public enum ContentType: RawRepresentable, NilLiteralConvertible {
+ case text
+ case image
+ case UNKNOWN_VALUE(Int32)
+ public typealias RawValue = Int32
+ public init(nilLiteral: ()) {
+ self = .text
+ }
+ public init(rawValue: RawValue) {
+ switch rawValue {
+ case 0: self = .text
+ case 1: self = .image
+ default: self = .UNKNOWN_VALUE(rawValue)
+ }
+ public var rawValue: RawValue {
+ switch self {
+ case .text: return 0
+ case .image: return 1
+ case .UNKNOWN_VALUE(let value): return value
+ }
+ }
+Note that the use of a parameterized case prevents us from inheriting from the
+raw `Int32` type; Swift does not allow an enum with a raw type to have cases
+with arguments. Instead, we must implement the raw value initializer and
+computed property manually. The `UNKNOWN_VALUE` case is explicitly chosen to be
+"ugly" so that it stands out and does not conflict with other possible case
+Using this approach, proto3 consumers must always have a default case or handle
+the `.UNKNOWN_VALUE` case to satisfy case exhaustion in a switch statement; the
+Swift compiler considers it an error if switch statements are not exhaustive.
+### NilLiteralConvertible conformance
+This is required to clean up the usage of enum-typed properties in switch
+statements. Unlike other field types, enum properties cannot be
+implicitly-unwrapped optionals without requiring that uses in switch statements
+be explicitly unwrapped. For example, if we consider a message with the enum
+above, this usage will fail to compile:
+// Without NilLiteralConvertible conformance on ContentType
+public struct SomeMessage: ProtoMessage {
+ public var contentType: ContentType! { ... }
+// ERROR: no case named text or image
+switch someMessage.contentType {
+ case .text: { ... }
+ case .image: { ... }
+Even though our implementation guarantees that `contentType` will never be nil,
+if it is an optional type, its cases would be `some` and `none`, not the cases
+of the underlying enum type. In order to use it in this context, the user must
+write `someMessage.contentType!` in their switch statement.
+Making the enum itself `NilLiteralConvertible` permits us to make the property
+non-optional, so the user can still set it to nil to clear it (i.e., reset it to
+its default value), while eliminating the need to explicitly unwrap it in a
+switch statement.
+// With NilLiteralConvertible conformance on ContentType
+public struct SomeMessage: ProtoMessage {
+ // Note that the property type is no longer optional
+ public var contentType: ContentType { ... }
+// OK: Compiles and runs as expected
+switch someMessage.contentType {
+ case .text: { ... }
+ case .image: { ... }
+// The enum can be reset to its default value this way
+someMessage.contentType = nil
+One minor oddity with this approach is that nil will be auto-converted to the
+default value of the enum in any context, not just field assignment. In other
+words, this is valid:
+func foo(contentType: ContentType) { ... }
+foo(nil) // Inside foo, contentType == .text
+That being said, the advantage of being able to simultaneously support
+nil-resettability and switch-without-unwrapping outweighs this side effect,
+especially if appropriately documented. It is our hope that a new form of
+resettable properties will be added to Swift that eliminates this inconsistency.
+Some community members have already drafted or sent proposals for review that
+would benefit our designs:
+* [SE-0030: Property Behaviors]
+ (https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0030-property-behavior-decls.md)
+* [Drafted: Resettable Properties]
+ (https://github.com/patters/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0000-resettable-properties.md)
+### Enum aliases
+The `allow_alias` option in protobuf slightly complicates the use of Swift enums
+to represent that type, because raw values of cases in an enum must be unique.
+Swift lets us define static variables in an enum that alias actual cases. For
+example, the following protobuf enum:
+enum Foo {
+ option allow_alias = true;
+ BAR = 0;
+ BAZ = 0;
+will be represented in Swift as:
+public enum Foo: Int32, NilLiteralConvertible {
+ case bar = 0
+ static public let baz = bar
+ // ... etc.
+// Can still use .baz shorthand to reference the alias in contexts
+// where the type is inferred
+That is, we use the first name as the actual case and use static variables for
+the other aliases. One drawback to this approach is that the static aliases
+cannot be used as cases in a switch statement (the compiler emits the error
+*“Enum case ‘baz’ not found in type ‘Foo’”*). However, in our own code bases,
+there are only a few places where enum aliases are not mere renamings of an
+older value, but they also don’t appear to be the type of value that one would
+expect to switch on (for example, a group of named constants representing
+metrics rather than a set of options), so this restriction is not significant.
+This strategy also implies that changing the name of an enum and adding the old
+name as an alias below the new name will be a breaking change in the generated
+Swift code.
+## Oneof types
+The `oneof` feature represents a “variant/union” data type that maps nicely to
+Swift enums with associated values (algebraic types). These fields can also be
+accessed independently though, and, specifically in the case of proto2, it’s
+reasonable to expect access to default values when accessing a field that is not
+explicitly set.
+Taking all this into account, we can represent a `oneof` in Swift with two sets
+of constructs:
+* Properties in the message that correspond to the `oneof` fields.
+* A nested enum named after the `oneof` and which provides the corresponding
+ field values as case arguments.
+This approach fulfills the needs of proto consumers by providing a
+Swift-idiomatic way of simultaneously checking which field is set and accessing
+its value, providing individual properties to access the default values
+(important for proto2), and safely allows a field to be moved into a `oneof`
+without breaking clients.
+Consider the following proto:
+message MyMessage {
+ oneof record {
+ string name = 1 [default = "unnamed"];
+ int32 id_number = 2 [default = 0];
+ }
+In Swift, we would generate an enum, a property for that enum, and properties
+for the fields themselves:
+public struct MyMessage: ProtoMessage {
+ public enum Record: NilLiteralConvertible {
+ case name(String)
+ case idNumber(Int32)
+ case NOT_SET
+ public init(nilLiteral: ()) { self = .NOT_SET }
+ }
+ // This is the "Swifty" way of accessing the value
+ public var record: Record { ... }
+ // Direct access to the underlying fields
+ public var name: String! { ... }
+ public var idNumber: Int32! { ... }
+This makes both usage patterns possible:
+// Usage 1: Case-based dispatch
+switch message.record {
+ case .name(let name):
+ // Do something with name if it was explicitly set
+ case .idNumber(let id):
+ // Do something with id_number if it was explicitly set
+ case .NOT_SET:
+ // Do something if it’s not set
+// Usage 2: Direct access for default value fallback
+// Sets the label text to the name if it was explicitly set, or to
+// "unnamed" (the default value for the field) if id_number was set
+// instead
+let myLabel = UILabel()
+myLabel.text = message.name
+As with proto enums, the generated `oneof` enum conforms to
+`NilLiteralConvertible` to avoid switch statement issues. Setting the property
+to nil will clear it (i.e., reset it to `NOT_SET`).
+## Unknown Fields (proto2 only)
+To be written.
+## Extensions (proto2 only)
+To be written.
+## Reflection and Descriptors
+We will not include reflection or descriptors in the first version of the Swift
+library. The use cases for reflection on mobile are not as strong and the static
+data to represent the descriptors would add bloat when we wish to keep the code
+size small.
+In the future, we will investigate whether they can be included as extensions
+which might be able to be excluded from a build and/or automatically dead
+stripped by the compiler if they are not used.
+## Appendix A: Rejected strategies to handle packages
+### Each package is its own Swift module
+Each proto package could be declared as its own Swift module, replacing dots
+with underscores (e.g., package `foo.bar` becomes module `Foo_Bar`). Then, users
+would simply import modules containing whatever proto modules they want to use
+and refer to the generated types by their short names.
+**This solution is simply not possible, however.** Swift modules cannot
+circularly reference each other, but there is no restriction against proto
+packages doing so. Circular imports are forbidden (e.g., `foo.proto` importing
+`bar.proto` importing `foo.proto`), but nothing prevents package `foo` from
+using a type in package `bar` which uses a different type in package `foo`, as
+long as there is no import cycle. If these packages were generated as Swift
+modules, then `Foo` would contain an `import Bar` statement and `Bar` would
+contain an `import Foo` statement, and there is no way to compile this.
+### Ad hoc namespacing with structs
+We can “fake” namespaces in Swift by declaring empty structs with private
+initializers. Since modules are constructed based on compiler arguments, not by
+syntactic constructs, and because there is no pure Swift way to define
+submodules (even though Clang module maps support this), there is no
+source-drive way to group generated code into namespaces aside from this
+Types can be added to those intermediate package structs using Swift extensions.
+For example, a message `Baz` in package `foo.bar` could be represented in Swift
+as follows:
+public struct Foo {
+ private init() {}
+public extension Foo {
+ public struct Bar {
+ private init() {}
+ }
+public extension Foo.Bar {
+ public struct Baz {
+ // Message fields and other methods
+ }
+let baz = Foo.Bar.Baz()
+Each of these constructs would actually be defined in a separate file; Swift
+lets us keep them separate and add multiple structs to a single “namespace”
+through extensions.
+Unfortunately, these intermediate structs generate symbols of their own
+(metatype information in the data segment). This becomes problematic if multiple
+build targets contain Swift sources generated from different messages in the
+same package. At link time, these symbols would collide, resulting in multiple
+definition errors.
+This approach also has the disadvantage that there is no automatic “short” way
+to refer to the generated messages at the deepest nesting levels; since this use
+of structs is a hack around the lack of namespaces, there is no equivalent to
+import (Java) or using (C++) to simplify this. Users would have to declare type
+aliases to make this cleaner, or we would have to generate them for users.
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+# Third-Party Add-ons for Protocol Buffers
+This page lists code related to Protocol Buffers which is developed and maintained by third parties. You may find this code useful, but note that **these projects are not affiliated with or endorsed by Google (unless explicitly marked)**; try them at your own risk. Also note that many projects here are in the early stages of development and not production-ready.
+If you have a project that should be listed here, please [send us a pull request](https://github.com/google/protobuf/pulls) to update this page.
+## Programming Languages
+These are projects we know about implementing Protocol Buffers for other programming languages:
+* Action Script: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-actionscript3/
+* Action Script: https://code.google.com/p/protoc-gen-as3/
+* Action Script: https://github.com/matrix3d/JProtoc
+* C: https://github.com/protobuf-c/protobuf-c
+* C: http://koti.kapsi.fi/jpa/nanopb/
+* C: https://github.com/cloudwu/pbc/
+* C: https://github.com/haberman/upb/wiki
+* C: https://github.com/squidfunk/protobluff
+* C++: https://github.com/google/protobuf (Google-official implementation)
+* C/C++: http://spbc.sf.net/
+* C#: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-csharp-port
+* C#: http://code.google.com/p/protosharp/
+* C#: https://silentorbit.com/protobuf/
+* C#/.NET/WCF/VB: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-net/
+* Clojure: http://github.com/ninjudd/clojure-protobuf
+* Common Lisp: http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~ndantam3/docs/s-protobuf/
+* Common Lisp: http://github.com/brown/protobuf
+* D: https://github.com/msoucy/dproto
+* D: http://256.makerslocal.org/wiki/index.php/ProtocolBuffer
+* D: https://github.com/opticron/ProtocolBuffer
+* Dart: https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-protobuf (runtime) https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-protoc-plugin (code generator)
+* Delphi: http://sourceforge.net/projects/protobuf-delphi/
+* Delphi: http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/dl.html
+* Elixir: https://github.com/jeremyong/exprotoc
+* Erlang: http://github.com/ngerakines/erlang_protobuffs/tree/master
+* Erlang: http://piqi.org/
+* Erlang: https://code.google.com/p/protoc-gen-erl/
+* Erlang: https://github.com/basho/erlang_protobuffs
+* Go: https://github.com/golang/protobuf (Google-official implementation)
+* Go: http://code.google.com/p/goprotobuf/
+* Go: https://github.com/akunspy/gopbuf
+* Haskell: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hprotoc
+* Haxe: https://github.com/Atry/protoc-gen-haxe
+* Java: https://github.com/google/protobuf (Google-official implementation)
+* Java/Android: https://github.com/square/wire
+* Java ME: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-javame/
+* Java ME: http://swingme.sourceforge.net/encode.shtml
+* Java ME: http://github.com/ponderingpanda/protobuf-j2me
+* Java ME: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-j2me/
+* Javascript: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-js/
+* Javascript: http://github.com/sirikata/protojs
+* Javascript: https://github.com/dcodeIO/ProtoBuf.js
+* Javascript: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-for-node/
+* Javascript: http://code.google.com/p/protostuff/
+* Julia: https://github.com/tanmaykm/ProtoBuf.jl
+* Lua: http://code.google.com/p/protoc-gen-lua/
+* Lua: http://github.com/indygreg/lua-protobuf
+* Lua: https://github.com/Neopallium/lua-pb
+* Matlab: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-matlab/
+* Mercury: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-mercury/
+* Objective C: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-objc/
+* Objective C: https://github.com/alexeyxo/protobuf-objc
+* OCaml: http://piqi.org/
+* Perl: http://groups.google.com/group/protobuf-perl
+* Perl: http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Google::ProtocolBuffers
+* Perl/XS: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-perlxs/
+* PHP: http://code.google.com/p/pb4php/
+* PHP: https://github.com/allegro/php-protobuf/
+* PHP: https://github.com/chobie/php-protocolbuffers
+* PHP: http://drslump.github.com/Protobuf-PHP
+* Prolog: http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/package/protobufs.html
+* Python: https://github.com/google/protobuf (Google-official implementation)
+* Python: http://eigenein.github.com/protobuf/
+* R: http://cran.r-project.org/package=RProtoBuf
+* Ruby: http://code.google.com/p/ruby-protobuf/
+* Ruby: http://github.com/mozy/ruby-protocol-buffers
+* Ruby: https://github.com/bmizerany/beefcake/tree/master/lib/beefcake
+* Ruby: https://github.com/localshred/protobuf
+* Rust: https://github.com/stepancheg/rust-protobuf/
+* Scala: http://github.com/jeffplaisance/scala-protobuf
+* Scala: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-scala
+* Scala: https://github.com/SandroGrzicic/ScalaBuff
+* Scala: http://trueaccord.github.io/ScalaPB/
+* Swift: https://github.com/alexeyxo/protobuf-swift
+* Vala: https://launchpad.net/protobuf-vala
+* Visual Basic: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-net/
+## RPC Implementations
+GRPC (http://www.grpc.io/) is Google's RPC implementation for Protocol Buffers. There are other third-party RPC implementations as well. Some of these actually work with Protocol Buffers service definitions (defined using the `service` keyword in `.proto` files) while others just use Protocol Buffers message objects.
+* https://github.com/grpc/grpc (C++, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#, Google-official implementation)
+* http://zeroc.com/ice.html (Multiple languages)
+* http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-net/ (C#/.NET/WCF/VB)
+* https://launchpad.net/txprotobuf/ (Python)
+* https://github.com/modeswitch/protobuf-rpc (Python)
+* http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-socket-rpc/ (Java, Python)
+* http://code.google.com/p/proto-streamer/ (Java)
+* http://code.google.com/p/server1/ (C++)
+* http://deltavsoft.com/RcfUserGuide/Protobufs (C++)
+* http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-mina-rpc/ (Python client, Java server)
+* http://code.google.com/p/casocklib/ (C++)
+* http://code.google.com/p/cxf-protobuf/ (Java)
+* http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-remote/ (C++/C#)
+* http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-rpc-pro/ (Java)
+* https://code.google.com/p/protorpc/ (Go/C++)
+* https://code.google.com/p/eneter-protobuf-serializer/ (Java/.NET)
+* http://www.deltavsoft.com/RCFProto.html (C++/Java/Python/C#)
+* https://github.com/robbinfan/claire-protorpc (C++)
+* https://github.com/BaiduPS/sofa-pbrpc (C++)
+* https://github.com/ebencheung/arab (C++)
+* http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-csharp-rpc/ (C#)
+* https://github.com/thesamet/rpcz (C++/Python, based on ZeroMQ)
+* https://github.com/w359405949/libmaid (C++, Python)
+* https://github.com/madwyn/libpbrpc (C++)
+## Other Utilities
+There are miscellaneous other things you may find useful as a Protocol Buffers developer.
+* [NetBeans IDE plugin](http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-netbeans-plugin/)
+* [Wireshark/Ethereal packet sniffer plugin](http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-wireshark/)
+* [Alternate encodings (JSON, XML, HTML) for Java protobufs](http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-java-format/)
+* [Another JSON encoder/decoder for Java](https://github.com/sijuv/protobuf-codec)
+* [Editor for serialized protobufs](http://code.google.com/p/protobufeditor/)
+* [Intellij IDEA plugin](http://github.com/nnmatveev/idea-plugin-protobuf)
+* [TextMate syntax highlighting](http://github.com/michaeledgar/protobuf-tmbundle)
+* [Oracle PL SQL plugin](http://code.google.com/p/protocol-buffer-plsql/)
+* [Eclipse editor for protobuf (from Google)](http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-dt/)
+* [C++ Builder compatible protobuf](https://github.com/saadware/protobuf-cppbuilder)
+* Maven Protocol Compiler Plugin
+ * https://github.com/sergei-ivanov/maven-protoc-plugin/
+ * http://igor-petruk.github.com/protobuf-maven-plugin/
+ * http://code.google.com/p/maven-protoc-plugin/
+ * https://github.com/os72/protoc-jar-maven-plugin
+* [Documentation generator plugin (Markdown/HTML/DocBook/...)](https://github.com/estan/protoc-gen-doc)
+* [DocBook generator for .proto files](http://code.google.com/p/protoc-gen-docbook/)
+* [Protobuf for nginx module](https://github.com/dbcode/protobuf-nginx/)
+* [RSpec matchers and Cucumber step defs for testing Protocol Buffers](https://github.com/connamara/protobuf_spec)
+* [Sbt plugin for Protocol Buffers](https://github.com/Atry/sbt-cppp)
+* [Gradle Protobuf Plugin](https://github.com/aantono/gradle-plugin-protobuf)
+* [Multi-platform executable JAR and Java API for protoc](https://github.com/os72/protoc-jar)
+* [Python scripts to convert between Protocol Buffers and JSON](https://github.com/NextTuesday/py-pb-converters)
+* [Visual Studio Language Service support for Protocol Buffers](http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/4bc0f38c-b058-4e05-ae38-155e053c19c5)
+* [C++ library for serialization/de-serialization between Protocol Buffers and JSON.](https://github.com/yinqiwen/pbjson)
+* [ProtoBuf with Java EE7 Expression Language 3.0; pure Java ProtoBuf Parser and Builder.](https://github.com/protobufel/protobuf-el)
+* [Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting for .proto files](https://github.com/chai2010/notepadplus-protobuf)
+* [Linter for .proto files](https://github.com/ckaznocha/protoc-gen-lint)