path: root/src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface_unittest.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface_unittest.cc')
1 files changed, 964 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface_unittest.cc b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface_unittest.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b1458de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface_unittest.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
+// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
+// http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)
+// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
+// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
+#include <vector>
+#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/compiler/command_line_interface.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/compiler/code_generator.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/printer.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/testing/file.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/testing/googletest.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+namespace google {
+namespace protobuf {
+namespace compiler {
+namespace {
+class CommandLineInterfaceTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetUp();
+ virtual void TearDown();
+ // Runs the CommandLineInterface with the given command line. The
+ // command is automatically split on spaces, and the string "$tmpdir"
+ // is replaced with TestTempDir().
+ void Run(const string& command);
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Methods to set up the test (called before Run()).
+ class MockCodeGenerator;
+ // Registers a MockCodeGenerator with the given name.
+ MockCodeGenerator* RegisterGenerator(const string& generator_name,
+ const string& flag_name,
+ const string& filename,
+ const string& help_text);
+ MockCodeGenerator* RegisterErrorGenerator(const string& generator_name,
+ const string& error_text,
+ const string& flag_name,
+ const string& filename,
+ const string& help_text);
+ // Create a temp file within temp_directory_ with the given name.
+ // The containing directory is also created if necessary.
+ void CreateTempFile(const string& name, const string& contents);
+ void SetInputsAreProtoPathRelative(bool enable) {
+ cli_.SetInputsAreProtoPathRelative(enable);
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Methods to check the test results (called after Run()).
+ // Checks that no text was written to stderr during Run(), and Run()
+ // returned 0.
+ void ExpectNoErrors();
+ // Checks that Run() returned non-zero and the stderr output is exactly
+ // the text given. expected_test may contain references to "$tmpdir",
+ // which will be replaced by the temporary directory path.
+ void ExpectErrorText(const string& expected_text);
+ // Checks that Run() returned non-zero and the stderr contains the given
+ // substring.
+ void ExpectErrorSubstring(const string& expected_substring);
+ // Returns true if ExpectErrorSubstring(expected_substring) would pass, but
+ // does not fail otherwise.
+ bool HasAlternateErrorSubstring(const string& expected_substring);
+ // Checks that MockCodeGenerator::Generate() was called in the given
+ // context. That is, this tests if the generator with the given name
+ // was called with the given parameter and proto file and produced the
+ // given output file. This is checked by reading the output file and
+ // checking that it contains the content that MockCodeGenerator would
+ // generate given these inputs. message_name is the name of the first
+ // message that appeared in the proto file; this is just to make extra
+ // sure that the correct file was parsed.
+ void ExpectGenerated(const string& generator_name,
+ const string& parameter,
+ const string& proto_name,
+ const string& message_name,
+ const string& output_file);
+ private:
+ // The object we are testing.
+ CommandLineInterface cli_;
+ // We create a directory within TestTempDir() in order to add extra
+ // protection against accidentally deleting user files (since we recursively
+ // delete this directory during the test). This is the full path of that
+ // directory.
+ string temp_directory_;
+ // The result of Run().
+ int return_code_;
+ // The captured stderr output.
+ string error_text_;
+ // Pointers which need to be deleted later.
+ vector<MockCodeGenerator*> mock_generators_to_delete_;
+// A mock CodeGenerator which outputs information about the context in which
+// it was called, which can then be checked. Output is written to a filename
+// constructed by concatenating the filename_prefix (given to the constructor)
+// with the proto file name, separated by a '.'.
+class CommandLineInterfaceTest::MockCodeGenerator : public CodeGenerator {
+ public:
+ // Create a MockCodeGenerator whose Generate() method returns true.
+ MockCodeGenerator(const string& name, const string& filename_prefix);
+ // Create a MockCodeGenerator whose Generate() method returns false
+ // and sets the error string to the given string.
+ MockCodeGenerator(const string& name, const string& filename_prefix,
+ const string& error);
+ ~MockCodeGenerator();
+ void set_expect_write_error(bool value) {
+ expect_write_error_ = value;
+ }
+ // implements CodeGenerator ----------------------------------------
+ bool Generate(const FileDescriptor* file,
+ const string& parameter,
+ OutputDirectory* output_directory,
+ string* error) const;
+ private:
+ string name_;
+ string filename_prefix_;
+ bool return_error_;
+ string error_;
+ bool expect_write_error_;
+// ===================================================================
+void CommandLineInterfaceTest::SetUp() {
+ // Most of these tests were written before this option was added, so we
+ // run with the option on (which used to be the only way) except in certain
+ // tests where we turn it off.
+ cli_.SetInputsAreProtoPathRelative(true);
+ temp_directory_ = TestTempDir() + "/proto2_cli_test_temp";
+ // If the temp directory already exists, it must be left over from a
+ // previous run. Delete it.
+ if (File::Exists(temp_directory_)) {
+ File::DeleteRecursively(temp_directory_, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ // Create the temp directory.
+ GOOGLE_CHECK(File::CreateDir(temp_directory_.c_str(), DEFAULT_FILE_MODE));
+void CommandLineInterfaceTest::TearDown() {
+ // Delete the temp directory.
+ File::DeleteRecursively(temp_directory_, NULL, NULL);
+ // Delete all the MockCodeGenerators.
+ for (int i = 0; i < mock_generators_to_delete_.size(); i++) {
+ delete mock_generators_to_delete_[i];
+ }
+ mock_generators_to_delete_.clear();
+void CommandLineInterfaceTest::Run(const string& command) {
+ vector<string> args;
+ SplitStringUsing(command, " ", &args);
+ scoped_array<const char*> argv(new const char*[args.size()]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
+ args[i] = StringReplace(args[i], "$tmpdir", temp_directory_, true);
+ argv[i] = args[i].c_str();
+ }
+ CaptureTestStderr();
+ return_code_ = cli_.Run(args.size(), argv.get());
+ error_text_ = GetCapturedTestStderr();
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const string& generator_name,
+ const string& flag_name,
+ const string& filename,
+ const string& help_text) {
+ MockCodeGenerator* generator =
+ new MockCodeGenerator(generator_name, filename);
+ mock_generators_to_delete_.push_back(generator);
+ cli_.RegisterGenerator(flag_name, generator, help_text);
+ return generator;
+ const string& generator_name,
+ const string& error_text,
+ const string& flag_name,
+ const string& filename_prefix,
+ const string& help_text) {
+ MockCodeGenerator* generator =
+ new MockCodeGenerator(generator_name, filename_prefix, error_text);
+ mock_generators_to_delete_.push_back(generator);
+ cli_.RegisterGenerator(flag_name, generator, help_text);
+ return generator;
+void CommandLineInterfaceTest::CreateTempFile(
+ const string& name,
+ const string& contents) {
+ // Create parent directory, if necessary.
+ string::size_type slash_pos = name.find_last_of('/');
+ if (slash_pos != string::npos) {
+ string dir = name.substr(0, slash_pos);
+ File::RecursivelyCreateDir(temp_directory_ + "/" + dir, 0777);
+ }
+ // Write file.
+ string full_name = temp_directory_ + "/" + name;
+ File::WriteStringToFileOrDie(contents, full_name);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CommandLineInterfaceTest::ExpectNoErrors() {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, return_code_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", error_text_);
+void CommandLineInterfaceTest::ExpectErrorText(const string& expected_text) {
+ EXPECT_NE(0, return_code_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(StringReplace(expected_text, "$tmpdir", temp_directory_, true),
+ error_text_);
+void CommandLineInterfaceTest::ExpectErrorSubstring(
+ const string& expected_substring) {
+ EXPECT_NE(0, return_code_);
+ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(testing::IsSubstring, expected_substring, error_text_);
+bool CommandLineInterfaceTest::HasAlternateErrorSubstring(
+ const string& expected_substring) {
+ EXPECT_NE(0, return_code_);
+ return error_text_.find(expected_substring) != string::npos;
+void CommandLineInterfaceTest::ExpectGenerated(
+ const string& generator_name,
+ const string& parameter,
+ const string& proto_name,
+ const string& message_name,
+ const string& output_file_prefix) {
+ // Open and read the file.
+ string output_file = output_file_prefix + "." + proto_name;
+ string file_contents;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(File::ReadFileToString(temp_directory_ + "/" + output_file,
+ &file_contents))
+ << "Failed to open file: " + output_file;
+ // Check that the contents are as we expect.
+ string expected_contents =
+ generator_name + ": " + parameter + ", " + proto_name + ", " +
+ message_name + "\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_contents, file_contents)
+ << "Output file did not have expected contents: " + output_file;
+// ===================================================================
+ const string& name, const string& filename_prefix)
+ : name_(name),
+ filename_prefix_(filename_prefix),
+ return_error_(false),
+ expect_write_error_(false) {
+ const string& name, const string& filename_prefix, const string& error)
+ : name_(name),
+ filename_prefix_(filename_prefix),
+ return_error_(true),
+ error_(error),
+ expect_write_error_(false) {
+CommandLineInterfaceTest::MockCodeGenerator::~MockCodeGenerator() {}
+bool CommandLineInterfaceTest::MockCodeGenerator::Generate(
+ const FileDescriptor* file,
+ const string& parameter,
+ OutputDirectory* output_directory,
+ string* error) const {
+ scoped_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> output(
+ output_directory->Open(filename_prefix_ + "." + file->name()));
+ io::Printer printer(output.get(), '$');
+ map<string, string> vars;
+ vars["name"] = name_;
+ vars["parameter"] = parameter;
+ vars["proto_name"] = file->name();
+ vars["message_name"] = file->message_type_count() > 0 ?
+ file->message_type(0)->full_name().c_str() : "(none)";
+ printer.Print(vars, "$name$: $parameter$, $proto_name$, $message_name$\n");
+ if (expect_write_error_) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(printer.failed());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(printer.failed());
+ }
+ *error = error_;
+ return !return_error_;
+// ===================================================================
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, BasicOutput) {
+ // Test that the common case works.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, MultipleInputs) {
+ // Test parsing multiple input files.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ CreateTempFile("bar.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Bar {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto bar.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "bar.proto", "Bar", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, CreateDirectory) {
+ // Test that when we output to a sub-directory, it is created.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "bar/baz/output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "",
+ "foo.proto", "Foo", "bar/baz/output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, GeneratorParameters) {
+ // Test that generator parameters are correctly parsed from the command line.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=TestParameter:$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "TestParameter",
+ "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, PathLookup) {
+ // Test that specifying multiple directories in the proto search path works.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("b/bar.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Bar {}\n");
+ CreateTempFile("a/foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "import \"bar.proto\";\n"
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional Bar a = 1;\n"
+ "}\n");
+ CreateTempFile("b/foo.proto", "this should not be parsed\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir/a --proto_path=$tmpdir/b foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, ColonDelimitedPath) {
+ // Same as PathLookup, but we provide the proto_path in a single flag.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("b/bar.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Bar {}\n");
+ CreateTempFile("a/foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "import \"bar.proto\";\n"
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional Bar a = 1;\n"
+ "}\n");
+ CreateTempFile("b/foo.proto", "this should not be parsed\n");
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#define PATH_SEPARATOR ";"
+#define PATH_SEPARATOR ":"
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir/a"PATH_SEPARATOR"$tmpdir/b foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, NonRootMapping) {
+ // Test setting up a search path mapping a directory to a non-root location.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=bar=$tmpdir bar/foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "bar/foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, MultipleGenerators) {
+ // Test that we can have multiple generators and use both in one invocation,
+ // each with a different output directory.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator_1", "--test1_out",
+ "output1.test", "Test output 1.");
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator_2", "--test2_out",
+ "output2.test", "Test output 2.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ // Create the "a" and "b" sub-directories.
+ CreateTempFile("a/dummy", "");
+ CreateTempFile("b/dummy", "");
+ Run("protocol_compiler "
+ "--test1_out=$tmpdir/a "
+ "--test2_out=$tmpdir/b "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator_1", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "a/output1.test");
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator_2", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "b/output2.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, DisallowServicesNoServices) {
+ // Test that --disallow_services doesn't cause a problem when there are no
+ // services.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --disallow_services --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, DisallowServicesHasService) {
+ // Test that --disallow_services produces an error when there are services.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n"
+ "service Bar {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --disallow_services --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorSubstring("foo.proto: This file contains services");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, AllowServicesHasService) {
+ // Test that services work fine as long as --disallow_services is not used.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n"
+ "service Bar {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, CwdRelativeInputs) {
+ // Test that we can accept working-directory-relative input files.
+ SetInputsAreProtoPathRelative(false);
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir $tmpdir/foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, ParseErrors) {
+ // Test that parse errors are reported.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "badsyntax\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorText(
+ "foo.proto:2:1: Expected top-level statement (e.g. \"message\").\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, ParseErrorsMultipleFiles) {
+ // Test that parse errors are reported from multiple files.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ // We set up files such that foo.proto actually depends on bar.proto in
+ // two ways: Directly and through baz.proto. bar.proto's errors should
+ // only be reported once.
+ CreateTempFile("bar.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "badsyntax\n");
+ CreateTempFile("baz.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "import \"bar.proto\";\n");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "import \"bar.proto\";\n"
+ "import \"baz.proto\";\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorText(
+ "bar.proto:2:1: Expected top-level statement (e.g. \"message\").\n"
+ "baz.proto: Import \"bar.proto\" was not found or had errors.\n"
+ "foo.proto: Import \"bar.proto\" was not found or had errors.\n"
+ "foo.proto: Import \"baz.proto\" was not found or had errors.\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, InputNotFoundError) {
+ // Test what happens if the input file is not found.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorText(
+ "foo.proto: File not found.\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, CwdRelativeInputNotFoundError) {
+ // Test what happens when a working-directory-relative input file is not
+ // found.
+ SetInputsAreProtoPathRelative(false);
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir $tmpdir/foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorText(
+ "$tmpdir/foo.proto: No such file or directory\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, CwdRelativeInputNotMappedError) {
+ // Test what happens when a working-directory-relative input file is not
+ // mapped to a virtual path.
+ SetInputsAreProtoPathRelative(false);
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ // Create a directory called "bar" so that we can point --proto_path at it.
+ CreateTempFile("bar/dummy", "");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir/bar $tmpdir/foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorText(
+ "$tmpdir/foo.proto: File does not reside within any path "
+ "specified using --proto_path (or -I). You must specify a "
+ "--proto_path which encompasses this file.\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, CwdRelativeInputNotFoundAndNotMappedError) {
+ // Check what happens if the input file is not found *and* is not mapped
+ // in the proto_path.
+ SetInputsAreProtoPathRelative(false);
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ // Create a directory called "bar" so that we can point --proto_path at it.
+ CreateTempFile("bar/dummy", "");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir/bar $tmpdir/foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorText(
+ "$tmpdir/foo.proto: No such file or directory\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, CwdRelativeInputShadowedError) {
+ // Test what happens when a working-directory-relative input file is shadowed
+ // by another file in the virtual path.
+ SetInputsAreProtoPathRelative(false);
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo/foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ CreateTempFile("bar/foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Bar {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir/foo --proto_path=$tmpdir/bar "
+ "$tmpdir/bar/foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorText(
+ "$tmpdir/bar/foo.proto: Input is shadowed in the --proto_path "
+ "by \"$tmpdir/foo/foo.proto\". Either use the latter "
+ "file as your input or reorder the --proto_path so that the "
+ "former file's location comes first.\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, ProtoPathNotFoundError) {
+ // Test what happens if the input file is not found.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir/foo foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorText(
+ "$tmpdir/foo: warning: directory does not exist.\n"
+ "foo.proto: File not found.\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, MissingInputError) {
+ // Test that we get an error if no inputs are given.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir");
+ ExpectErrorText("Missing input file.\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, MissingOutputError) {
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorText("Missing output directives.\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, OutputWriteError) {
+ MockCodeGenerator* generator =
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ generator->set_expect_write_error(true);
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ // Create a directory blocking our output location.
+ CreateTempFile("output.test.foo.proto/foo", "");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+ // Windows with MSVCRT.dll produces EPERM instead of EISDIR.
+ if (HasAlternateErrorSubstring("output.test.foo.proto: Permission denied")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ExpectErrorSubstring("output.test.foo.proto: Is a directory");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, OutputDirectoryNotFoundError) {
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir/nosuchdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorSubstring("nosuchdir/: "
+ "No such file or directory");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, OutputDirectoryIsFileError) {
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir/foo.proto "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+ // Windows with MSVCRT.dll produces EINVAL instead of ENOTDIR.
+ if (HasAlternateErrorSubstring("foo.proto/: Invalid argument")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ExpectErrorSubstring("foo.proto/: Not a directory");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, GeneratorError) {
+ RegisterErrorGenerator("error_generator", "Test error message.",
+ "--error_out", "output.test", "Test error output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --error_out=$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorSubstring("--error_out: Test error message.");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, HelpText) {
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ RegisterErrorGenerator("error_generator", "Test error message.",
+ "--error_out", "output.test", "Test error output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("test_exec_name --help");
+ ExpectErrorSubstring("Usage: test_exec_name ");
+ ExpectErrorSubstring("--test_out=OUT_DIR");
+ ExpectErrorSubstring("Test output.");
+ ExpectErrorSubstring("--error_out=OUT_DIR");
+ ExpectErrorSubstring("Test error output.");
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Flag parsing tests
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, ParseSingleCharacterFlag) {
+ // Test that a single-character flag works.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "-o",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler -o$tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, ParseSpaceDelimitedValue) {
+ // Test that separating the flag value with a space works.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out $tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, ParseSingleCharacterSpaceDelimitedValue) {
+ // Test that separating the flag value with a space works for
+ // single-character flags.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "-o",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ CreateTempFile("foo.proto",
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n");
+ Run("protocol_compiler -o $tmpdir "
+ "--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectNoErrors();
+ ExpectGenerated("test_generator", "", "foo.proto", "Foo", "output.test");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, MissingValueError) {
+ // Test that we get an error if a flag is missing its value.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out --proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
+ ExpectErrorText("Missing value for flag: --test_out\n");
+TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, MissingValueAtEndError) {
+ // Test that we get an error if the last argument is a flag requiring a
+ // value.
+ RegisterGenerator("test_generator", "--test_out",
+ "output.test", "Test output.");
+ Run("protocol_compiler --test_out");
+ ExpectErrorText("Missing value for flag: --test_out\n");
+} // anonymous namespace
+} // namespace compiler
+} // namespace protobuf
+} // namespace google