path: root/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_enum.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_enum.cc')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_enum.cc b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_enum.cc
index 0d6a9e24..39fe9e68 100644
--- a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_enum.cc
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_enum.cc
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace cpp {
namespace {
// The GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE constant is the max enum value plus 1. If the max enum value
-// is ::google::protobuf::kint32max, GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE will overflow. In such cases we should omit the
+// is kint32max, GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE will overflow. In such cases we should omit the
// generation of the GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE constant.
bool ShouldGenerateArraySize(const EnumDescriptor* descriptor) {
int32 max_value = descriptor->value(0)->number();
@@ -55,61 +55,53 @@ bool ShouldGenerateArraySize(const EnumDescriptor* descriptor) {
max_value = descriptor->value(i)->number();
- return max_value != ::google::protobuf::kint32max;
+ return max_value != kint32max;
} // namespace
EnumGenerator::EnumGenerator(const EnumDescriptor* descriptor,
+ const std::map<string, string>& vars,
const Options& options)
- : descriptor_(descriptor),
- classname_(ClassName(descriptor, false)),
- options_(options),
- generate_array_size_(ShouldGenerateArraySize(descriptor)) {
+ : descriptor_(descriptor),
+ classname_(ClassName(descriptor, false)),
+ options_(options),
+ generate_array_size_(ShouldGenerateArraySize(descriptor)),
+ variables_(vars) {
+ variables_["classname"] = classname_;
+ variables_["classtype"] = QualifiedClassName(descriptor_);
+ variables_["short_name"] = descriptor_->name();
+ variables_["enumbase"] = options_.proto_h ? " : int" : "";
+ variables_["nested_name"] = descriptor_->name();
+ variables_["constexpr"] = options_.proto_h ? "constexpr" : "";
+ variables_["prefix"] =
+ (descriptor_->containing_type() == NULL) ? "" : classname_ + "_";
EnumGenerator::~EnumGenerator() {}
-void EnumGenerator::FillForwardDeclaration(
- std::map<string, const EnumDescriptor*>* enum_names) {
- if (!options_.proto_h) {
- return;
- }
- (*enum_names)[classname_] = descriptor_;
void EnumGenerator::GenerateDefinition(io::Printer* printer) {
- std::map<string, string> vars;
- vars["classname"] = classname_;
- vars["short_name"] = descriptor_->name();
- vars["enumbase"] = options_.proto_h ? " : int" : "";
- // These variables are placeholders to pick out the beginning and ends of
- // identifiers for annotations (when doing so with existing variables would
- // be ambiguous or impossible). They should never be set to anything but the
- // empty string.
- vars["{"] = "";
- vars["}"] = "";
- printer->Print(vars, "enum $classname$$enumbase$ {\n");
- printer->Annotate("classname", descriptor_);
- printer->Indent();
+ Formatter format(printer, variables_);
+ format("enum ${1$$classname$$}$$enumbase$ {\n", descriptor_);
+ format.Indent();
const EnumValueDescriptor* min_value = descriptor_->value(0);
const EnumValueDescriptor* max_value = descriptor_->value(0);
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->value_count(); i++) {
- vars["name"] = EnumValueName(descriptor_->value(i));
+ auto format_value = format;
+ format_value.Set("name", EnumValueName(descriptor_->value(i)));
// In C++, an value of -2147483648 gets interpreted as the negative of
// 2147483648, and since 2147483648 can't fit in an integer, this produces a
// compiler warning. This works around that issue.
- vars["number"] = Int32ToString(descriptor_->value(i)->number());
- vars["prefix"] = (descriptor_->containing_type() == NULL) ?
- "" : classname_ + "_";
- vars["deprecation"] = descriptor_->value(i)->options().deprecated() ?
+ format_value.Set("number", Int32ToString(descriptor_->value(i)->number()));
+ format_value.Set(
+ "deprecation",
+ DeprecatedAttribute(options_,
+ descriptor_->value(i)->options().deprecated()));
- if (i > 0) printer->Print(",\n");
- printer->Print(vars, "${$$prefix$$name$$}$$deprecation$ = $number$");
- printer->Annotate("{", "}", descriptor_->value(i));
+ if (i > 0) format_value(",\n");
+ format_value("${1$$prefix$$name$$}$ $deprecation$= $number$",
+ descriptor_->value(i));
if (descriptor_->value(i)->number() < min_value->number()) {
min_value = descriptor_->value(i);
@@ -122,153 +114,163 @@ void EnumGenerator::GenerateDefinition(io::Printer* printer) {
if (HasPreservingUnknownEnumSemantics(descriptor_->file())) {
// For new enum semantics: generate min and max sentinel values equal to
// INT32_MIN and INT32_MAX
- if (descriptor_->value_count() > 0) printer->Print(",\n");
- printer->Print(vars,
- "$classname$_$prefix$INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = ::google::protobuf::kint32min,\n"
- "$classname$_$prefix$INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = ::google::protobuf::kint32max");
+ if (descriptor_->value_count() > 0) format(",\n");
+ format(
+ "$classname$_$prefix$INT_MIN_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = "
+ "std::numeric_limits<$int32$>::min(),\n"
+ "$classname$_$prefix$INT_MAX_SENTINEL_DO_NOT_USE_ = "
+ "std::numeric_limits<$int32$>::max()");
- printer->Outdent();
- printer->Print("\n};\n");
+ format.Outdent();
+ format("\n};\n");
- vars["min_name"] = EnumValueName(min_value);
- vars["max_name"] = EnumValueName(max_value);
- if (options_.dllexport_decl.empty()) {
- vars["dllexport"] = "";
- } else {
- vars["dllexport"] = options_.dllexport_decl + " ";
- }
- printer->Print(vars,
- "$dllexport$bool $classname$_IsValid(int value);\n"
- "const $classname$ ${$$prefix$$short_name$_MIN$}$ = "
- "$prefix$$min_name$;\n");
- printer->Annotate("{", "}", descriptor_);
- printer->Print(vars,
- "const $classname$ ${$$prefix$$short_name$_MAX$}$ = "
- "$prefix$$max_name$;\n");
- printer->Annotate("{", "}", descriptor_);
+ format(
+ "$dllexport_decl $bool $classname$_IsValid(int value);\n"
+ "const $classname$ ${1$$prefix$$short_name$_MIN$}$ = "
+ "$prefix$$2$;\n"
+ "const $classname$ ${1$$prefix$$short_name$_MAX$}$ = "
+ "$prefix$$3$;\n",
+ descriptor_, EnumValueName(min_value), EnumValueName(max_value));
if (generate_array_size_) {
- printer->Print(vars,
- "const int ${$$prefix$$short_name$_ARRAYSIZE$}$ = "
- "$prefix$$short_name$_MAX + 1;\n\n");
- printer->Annotate("{", "}", descriptor_);
+ format(
+ "const int ${1$$prefix$$short_name$_ARRAYSIZE$}$ = "
+ "$prefix$$short_name$_MAX + 1;\n\n",
+ descriptor_);
if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file(), options_)) {
- printer->Print(vars,
- "$dllexport$const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* $classname$_descriptor();\n");
+ format(
+ "$dllexport_decl $const ::$proto_ns$::EnumDescriptor* "
+ "$classname$_descriptor();\n");
// The _Name and _Parse methods
- printer->Print(
- vars,
- "inline const ::std::string& $classname$_Name($classname$ value) {\n"
- " return ::google::protobuf::internal::NameOfEnum(\n"
- " $classname$_descriptor(), value);\n"
+ if (options_.opensource_runtime) {
+ // TODO(haberman): consider removing this in favor of the stricter
+ // version below. Would this break our compatibility guarantees?
+ format(
+ "inline const $string$& $classname$_Name($classname$ value) {\n"
+ " return ::$proto_ns$::internal::NameOfEnum(\n"
+ " $classname$_descriptor(), value);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ } else {
+ // Support a stricter, type-checked enum-to-string method that
+ // statically checks whether the parameter is the exact enum type or is
+ // an integral type.
+ format(
+ "template<typename T>\n"
+ "inline const $string$& $classname$_Name(T enum_t_value) {\n"
+ " static_assert(::std::is_same<T, $classname$>::value ||\n"
+ " ::std::is_integral<T>::value,\n"
+ " \"Incorrect type passed to function $classname$_Name.\");\n"
+ " return ::$proto_ns$::internal::NameOfEnum(\n"
+ " $classname$_descriptor(), enum_t_value);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ }
+ format(
+ "inline bool $classname$_Parse(\n"
+ " const $string$& name, $classname$* value) {\n"
+ " return ::$proto_ns$::internal::ParseNamedEnum<$classname$>(\n"
+ " $classname$_descriptor(), name, value);\n"
- printer->Print(vars,
- "inline bool $classname$_Parse(\n"
- " const ::std::string& name, $classname$* value) {\n"
- " return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<$classname$>(\n"
- " $classname$_descriptor(), name, value);\n"
- "}\n");
-void EnumGenerator::
-GenerateGetEnumDescriptorSpecializations(io::Printer* printer) {
- printer->Print(
- "template <> struct is_proto_enum< $classname$> : ::std::true_type "
- "{};\n",
- "classname", ClassName(descriptor_, true));
+void EnumGenerator::GenerateGetEnumDescriptorSpecializations(
+ io::Printer* printer) {
+ Formatter format(printer, variables_);
+ format(
+ "template <> struct is_proto_enum< $classtype$> : ::std::true_type "
+ "{};\n");
if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file(), options_)) {
- printer->Print(
- "template <>\n"
- "inline const EnumDescriptor* GetEnumDescriptor< $classname$>() {\n"
- " return $classname$_descriptor();\n"
- "}\n",
- "classname", ClassName(descriptor_, true));
+ format(
+ "template <>\n"
+ "inline const EnumDescriptor* GetEnumDescriptor< $classtype$>() {\n"
+ " return $classtype$_descriptor();\n"
+ "}\n");
-void EnumGenerator::GenerateSymbolImports(io::Printer* printer) {
- std::map<string, string> vars;
- vars["nested_name"] = descriptor_->name();
- vars["classname"] = classname_;
- vars["constexpr"] = options_.proto_h ? "constexpr " : "";
- vars["{"] = "";
- vars["}"] = "";
- printer->Print(vars, "typedef $classname$ $nested_name$;\n");
+void EnumGenerator::GenerateSymbolImports(io::Printer* printer) const {
+ Formatter format(printer, variables_);
+ format("typedef $classname$ $nested_name$;\n");
for (int j = 0; j < descriptor_->value_count(); j++) {
- vars["tag"] = EnumValueName(descriptor_->value(j));
- vars["deprecated_attr"] = descriptor_->value(j)->options().deprecated() ?
- printer->Print(vars,
- "$deprecated_attr$static $constexpr$const $nested_name$ ${$$tag$$}$ =\n"
- " $classname$_$tag$;\n");
- printer->Annotate("{", "}", descriptor_->value(j));
+ string deprecated_attr = DeprecatedAttribute(
+ options_, descriptor_->value(j)->options().deprecated());
+ format(
+ "$1$static $constexpr $const $nested_name$ ${2$$3$$}$ =\n"
+ " $classname$_$3$;\n",
+ deprecated_attr, descriptor_->value(j),
+ EnumValueName(descriptor_->value(j)));
- printer->Print(vars,
- "static inline bool $nested_name$_IsValid(int value) {\n"
- " return $classname$_IsValid(value);\n"
- "}\n"
- "static const $nested_name$ ${$$nested_name$_MIN$}$ =\n"
- " $classname$_$nested_name$_MIN;\n");
- printer->Annotate("{", "}", descriptor_);
- printer->Print(vars,
- "static const $nested_name$ ${$$nested_name$_MAX$}$ =\n"
- " $classname$_$nested_name$_MAX;\n");
- printer->Annotate("{", "}", descriptor_);
+ format(
+ "static inline bool $nested_name$_IsValid(int value) {\n"
+ " return $classname$_IsValid(value);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "static const $nested_name$ ${1$$nested_name$_MIN$}$ =\n"
+ " $classname$_$nested_name$_MIN;\n"
+ "static const $nested_name$ ${1$$nested_name$_MAX$}$ =\n"
+ " $classname$_$nested_name$_MAX;\n",
+ descriptor_);
if (generate_array_size_) {
- printer->Print(vars,
- "static const int ${$$nested_name$_ARRAYSIZE$}$ =\n"
- " $classname$_$nested_name$_ARRAYSIZE;\n");
- printer->Annotate("{", "}", descriptor_);
+ format(
+ "static const int ${1$$nested_name$_ARRAYSIZE$}$ =\n"
+ " $classname$_$nested_name$_ARRAYSIZE;\n",
+ descriptor_);
if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file(), options_)) {
- printer->Print(vars,
- "static inline const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*\n"
- "$nested_name$_descriptor() {\n"
- " return $classname$_descriptor();\n"
- "}\n");
- printer->Print(vars,
- "static inline const ::std::string& "
- "$nested_name$_Name($nested_name$ value) {"
- "\n"
- " return $classname$_Name(value);\n"
- "}\n");
- printer->Print(vars,
- "static inline bool $nested_name$_Parse(const ::std::string& name,\n"
- " $nested_name$* value) {\n"
- " return $classname$_Parse(name, value);\n"
- "}\n");
+ format(
+ "static inline const ::$proto_ns$::EnumDescriptor*\n"
+ "$nested_name$_descriptor() {\n"
+ " return $classname$_descriptor();\n"
+ "}\n");
+ if (options_.opensource_runtime) {
+ // TODO(haberman): consider removing this in favor of the stricter
+ // version below. Would this break our compatibility guarantees?
+ format(
+ "static inline const $string$& "
+ "$nested_name$_Name($nested_name$ value) {"
+ "\n"
+ " return $classname$_Name(value);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ } else {
+ // Support a stricter, type-checked enum-to-string method that
+ // statically checks whether the parameter is the exact enum type or is
+ // an integral type.
+ format(
+ "template<typename T>\n"
+ "static inline const $string$& $nested_name$_Name(T enum_t_value) {\n"
+ " static_assert(::std::is_same<T, $nested_name$>::value ||\n"
+ " ::std::is_integral<T>::value,\n"
+ " \"Incorrect type passed to function $nested_name$_Name.\");\n"
+ " return $classname$_Name(enum_t_value);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ }
+ format(
+ "static inline bool $nested_name$_Parse(const $string$& name,\n"
+ " $nested_name$* value) {\n"
+ " return $classname$_Parse(name, value);\n"
+ "}\n");
void EnumGenerator::GenerateMethods(int idx, io::Printer* printer) {
- std::map<string, string> vars;
- vars["classname"] = classname_;
- vars["index_in_metadata"] = SimpleItoa(idx);
- vars["constexpr"] = options_.proto_h ? "constexpr " : "";
- vars["file_namespace"] = FileLevelNamespace(descriptor_->file()->name());
+ Formatter format(printer, variables_);
if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file(), options_)) {
- printer->Print(
- vars,
- "const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* $classname$_descriptor() {\n"
- " $file_namespace$::protobuf_AssignDescriptorsOnce();\n"
- " return "
- "$file_namespace$::file_level_enum_descriptors[$index_in_metadata$];\n"
- "}\n");
+ format(
+ "const ::$proto_ns$::EnumDescriptor* $classname$_descriptor() {\n"
+ " ::$proto_ns$::internal::AssignDescriptors(&$assign_desc_table$);\n"
+ " return $file_level_enum_descriptors$[$1$];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ idx);
- printer->Print(vars,
- "bool $classname$_IsValid(int value) {\n"
- " switch (value) {\n");
+ format(
+ "bool $classname$_IsValid(int value) {\n"
+ " switch (value) {\n");
// Multiple values may have the same number. Make sure we only cover
// each number once by first constructing a set containing all valid
@@ -280,44 +282,40 @@ void EnumGenerator::GenerateMethods(int idx, io::Printer* printer) {
- for (std::set<int>::iterator iter = numbers.begin();
- iter != numbers.end(); ++iter) {
- printer->Print(
- " case $number$:\n",
- "number", Int32ToString(*iter));
+ for (std::set<int>::iterator iter = numbers.begin(); iter != numbers.end();
+ ++iter) {
+ format(" case $1$:\n", Int32ToString(*iter));
- printer->Print(vars,
- " return true;\n"
- " default:\n"
- " return false;\n"
- " }\n"
- "}\n"
- "\n");
+ format(
+ " return true;\n"
+ " default:\n"
+ " return false;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n");
if (descriptor_->containing_type() != NULL) {
+ string parent = ClassName(descriptor_->containing_type(), false);
// We need to "define" the static constants which were declared in the
// header, to give the linker a place to put them. Or at least the C++
// standard says we have to. MSVC actually insists that we do _not_ define
// them again in the .cc file, prior to VC++ 2015.
- printer->Print("#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900\n");
+ format("#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900\n");
- vars["parent"] = ClassName(descriptor_->containing_type(), false);
- vars["nested_name"] = descriptor_->name();
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->value_count(); i++) {
- vars["value"] = EnumValueName(descriptor_->value(i));
- printer->Print(vars,
- "$constexpr$const $classname$ $parent$::$value$;\n");
+ format("$constexpr $const $classname$ $1$::$2$;\n", parent,
+ EnumValueName(descriptor_->value(i)));
- printer->Print(vars,
- "const $classname$ $parent$::$nested_name$_MIN;\n"
- "const $classname$ $parent$::$nested_name$_MAX;\n");
+ format(
+ "const $classname$ $1$::$nested_name$_MIN;\n"
+ "const $classname$ $1$::$nested_name$_MAX;\n",
+ parent);
if (generate_array_size_) {
- printer->Print(vars,
- "const int $parent$::$nested_name$_ARRAYSIZE;\n");
+ format("const int $1$::$nested_name$_ARRAYSIZE;\n", parent);
- printer->Print("#endif // !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900\n");
+ format("#endif // !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900\n");