path: root/conformance/conformance_objc.m
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Review feedback.Thomas Van Lenten2017-07-261-8/+6
| | | | | - Better error message for unknown messageType. - Remove unneeded if.
* Add the proto2 message conformance support for ObjC.Thomas Van Lenten2017-07-261-10/+12
* Add a objc_class_prefix to test_messages_proto3.proto.Thomas Van Lenten2017-07-261-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | Both test_messages_proto3.proto & test_messages_proto2.proto define message ForeignMessage {...} and enum ForeignEnum {...} but since objc doesn't use the proto package in the naming, these end up conflicting. Adding the objc_class_prefix option to the proto3 file ensure the generated objc types are all unique.
* add some test proto2 supported, add js proto2 supported, fixed some errorYilun Chong2017-06-301-3/+3
* change php objc nodejs csharp rubyYilun Chong2017-06-291-2/+2
* add objec supportYilun Chong2017-06-281-6/+14
* Factored Conformance and Benchmark test messages into shared test schema. ↵Joshua Haberman2016-12-031-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (#1971) * Factored Conformance test messages into shared test schema. * Updated benchmarks to use new proto3 message locations. * Fixed include path. * Conformance: fixed include of Python test messages. * Make maven in Rakefile use --batch-mode. * Revert changes to benchmarks. On second thought I think a separate schema for CPU benchmarking makes sense. * Try regenerating C# protos for new test protos. * Removed benchmark messages from test proto. * Added Jon Skeet's fixes for C#. * Removed duplicate/old test messages C# file. * C# fixes for test schema move. * Fixed C# to use the correct TestAllTypes message. * Fixes for Objective C test schema move. * Added missing EXTRA_DIST file.
* Fix up the conformance testsThomas Van Lenten2016-01-051-1/+1
| | | | | - Update all the new runner cases to handle a skip result as a skip and not a failure. - Make ObjC use the new serialize_error result if it fails to generate the data.
* Add support for the conformance test for objc when run on OS XThomas Van Lenten2015-11-181-0/+179