BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
2.6.1-artifactsUpdate protoc-artifacts version to 2.6.1Jisi Liu9 years
2.7.0Remove csharp tests from appveyor.Feng Xiao8 years
3.0.0-beta-3Merge pull request #1737 from jcanizales/testPaul Yang8 years
3.0.0-beta-4Uses head version of rvm to avoid shell_update_session not found error (#1791)Sergio Campamá8 years
3.0.0-preVersioning Java GeneratedMessage.Feng Xiao8 years
3.0.xMerge pull request #2157 from google/csharp_remove_beta_noticeJan Tattermusch8 years
3.1.xMerge pull request #2421 from tsondergaard/3.1.xAdam Cozzette8 years
3.2.xUpdate version number in podspec to 3.2.1Bo Yang7 years
3.3.xMerge pull request #3258 from TeBoring/3.3.xPaul Yang7 years version number to Yang6 years
3.5.xMerge pull request #5001 from acozzette/backport-spelling-fixAdam Cozzette6 years
3.6.xMerge pull request #5048 from jozefizso/fix/4579_backport_for_3.6.xFeng Xiao6 years
alpha-2-fixChange the artifact version to alpha-2.Jisi Liu9 years
csharp3.6.0print() is a function in Python 3 (#4754)cclauss6 years
cython_protobufUpdate descriptor.ccJie Luo6 years
gh-pagesCreate gh-pages branch via GitHubxfxyjwf10 years
integrationUpdate generated descriptors.Feng Xiao6 years
integration_baseMerge remote-tracking branch 'google/master' into integration_baseFeng Xiao6 years
issuetemplatesAdd github issue templatesFeng Xiao6 years
java_experimentalAdding experimental runtimenmittler8 years
javaliteMake .bzl files compatible with future versions of BazelVladimir Moskva7 years
jsbinsplitWIP.Josh Haberman8 years
masterAdd tests to confirm strings/bytes are copied.Thomas Van Lenten6 years
objc-framework-fixBump version number to beta-3.1Bo Yang8 years
package-jsonModified NPM package to make all dependencies dev dependencies.Josh Haberman8 years
php-generated-devadds PHP typehints for message setters (#4533)Brent Shaffer6 years
python-wheelNo longer update python versionBo Yang6 years
python-wheel-kokoro-devAdd kokoro build for python source packageBo Yang6 years
python_depsUpdate tests.shJie Luo6 years
test_jenkinsTry jenkins.Feng Xiao8 years