path: root/src/test/scala/scala/async/run/ifelse4/IfElse4.scala
blob: b0ecf13cb8575ecf590651a0e19c6bc24b323bfc (plain) (tree)

 * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com>

package scala.async
package run
package ifelse4

import language.{reflectiveCalls, postfixOps}
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext, future, Await}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.async.Async.{async, await}
import org.junit.Test

class TestIfElse4Class {

  import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
  class F[A]
  class S[A](val id: String)
  trait P
  case class K(f: F[_])

  def result[A](f: F[A]) = async {
    new S[A with P]("foo")
  def run(k: K) = async {
    val res = await(result(k.f))
    // these triggered a crash with mismatched existential skolems
    //  found   : S#10272[_$1#10308 with String#137] where type _$1#10308
    //  required: S#10272[_$1#10311 with String#137] forSome { type _$1#10311 }

    // This variation of the crash could be avoided by fixing the over-eager
    // generation of states in `If` nodes, which was caused by a bug in label
    // detection code.
    if(true) {

    // This variation remained after the aforementioned fix, however.
    // It was fixed by manually typing the `Assign(liftedField, rhs)` AST,
    // which is how we avoid these problems through the rest of the ANF transform.
    if(true) {

class IfElse4Spec {

  def `await result with complex type containing skolem`() {
    val o = new TestIfElse4Class
    val fut = o.run(new o.K(null))
    val res = Await.result(fut, 2 seconds)
    res.id mustBe ("foo")