path: root/src/main/scala/scala/async/Async.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/scala/scala/async/Async.scala')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/scala/async/Async.scala b/src/main/scala/scala/async/Async.scala
index 35d3687..5f577cf 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/scala/async/Async.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/scala/async/Async.scala
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ package scala.async
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import scala.reflect.internal.annotations.compileTimeOnly
+import scala.tools.nsc.Global
+import language.reflectiveCalls
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
object Async extends AsyncBase {
@@ -15,18 +18,22 @@ object Async extends AsyncBase {
lazy val futureSystem = ScalaConcurrentFutureSystem
type FS = ScalaConcurrentFutureSystem.type
- def async[T](body: T) = macro asyncImpl[T]
+ def async[T](body: T)(implicit execContext: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = macro asyncImpl[T]
- override def asyncImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(body: c.Expr[T]): c.Expr[Future[T]] = super.asyncImpl[T](c)(body)
+ override def asyncImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)
+ (body: c.Expr[T])
+ (execContext: c.Expr[futureSystem.ExecContext]): c.Expr[Future[T]] = {
+ super.asyncImpl[T](c)(body)(execContext)
+ }
object AsyncId extends AsyncBase {
lazy val futureSystem = IdentityFutureSystem
type FS = IdentityFutureSystem.type
- def async[T](body: T) = macro asyncImpl[T]
+ def async[T](body: T) = macro asyncIdImpl[T]
- override def asyncImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(body: c.Expr[T]): c.Expr[T] = super.asyncImpl[T](c)(body)
+ def asyncIdImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(body: c.Expr[T]): c.Expr[T] = asyncImpl[T](c)(body)(c.literalUnit)
@@ -62,124 +69,26 @@ abstract class AsyncBase {
protected[async] def fallbackEnabled = false
- def asyncImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(body: c.Expr[T]): c.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[T]] = {
+ def asyncImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)
+ (body: c.Expr[T])
+ (execContext: c.Expr[futureSystem.ExecContext]): c.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[T]] = {
import c.universe._
- val analyzer = AsyncAnalysis[c.type](c, this)
- val utils = TransformUtils[c.type](c)
- import utils.{name, defn}
- analyzer.reportUnsupportedAwaits(body.tree)
- // Transform to A-normal form:
- // - no await calls in qualifiers or arguments,
- // - if/match only used in statement position.
- val anfTree: Block = {
- val anf = AnfTransform[c.type](c)
- val restored = utils.restorePatternMatchingFunctions(body.tree)
- val stats1 :+ expr1 = anf(restored)
- val block = Block(stats1, expr1)
- c.typeCheck(block).asInstanceOf[Block]
- }
- // Analyze the block to find locals that will be accessed from multiple
- // states of our generated state machine, e.g. a value assigned before
- // an `await` and read afterwards.
- val renameMap: Map[Symbol, TermName] = {
- analyzer.defTreesUsedInSubsequentStates(anfTree).map {
- vd =>
- (vd.symbol, name.fresh(vd.name.toTermName))
- }.toMap
- }
- val builder = ExprBuilder[c.type, futureSystem.type](c, self.futureSystem, anfTree)
- import builder.futureSystemOps
- val asyncBlock: builder.AsyncBlock = builder.build(anfTree, renameMap)
- import asyncBlock.asyncStates
- logDiagnostics(c)(anfTree, asyncStates.map(_.toString))
- // Important to retain the original declaration order here!
- val localVarTrees = anfTree.collect {
- case vd@ValDef(_, _, tpt, _) if renameMap contains vd.symbol =>
- utils.mkVarDefTree(tpt.tpe, renameMap(vd.symbol))
- case dd@DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) if renameMap contains dd.symbol =>
- DefDef(mods, renameMap(dd.symbol), tparams, vparamss, tpt, c.resetAllAttrs(utils.substituteNames(rhs, renameMap)))
- }
- val onCompleteHandler = {
- Function(
- List(ValDef(Modifiers(Flag.PARAM), name.tr, TypeTree(defn.TryAnyType), EmptyTree)),
- asyncBlock.onCompleteHandler)
- }
- val resumeFunTree = asyncBlock.resumeFunTree[T]
- val stateMachineType = utils.applied("scala.async.StateMachine", List(futureSystemOps.promType[T], futureSystemOps.execContextType))
- lazy val stateMachine: ClassDef = {
- val body: List[Tree] = {
- val stateVar = ValDef(Modifiers(Flag.MUTABLE), name.state, TypeTree(definitions.IntTpe), Literal(Constant(0)))
- val result = ValDef(NoMods, name.result, TypeTree(futureSystemOps.promType[T]), futureSystemOps.createProm[T].tree)
- val execContext = ValDef(NoMods, name.execContext, TypeTree(), futureSystemOps.execContext.tree)
- val applyDefDef: DefDef = {
- val applyVParamss = List(List(ValDef(Modifiers(Flag.PARAM), name.tr, TypeTree(defn.TryAnyType), EmptyTree)))
- val applyBody = asyncBlock.onCompleteHandler
- DefDef(NoMods, name.apply, Nil, applyVParamss, TypeTree(definitions.UnitTpe), applyBody)
- }
- val apply0DefDef: DefDef = {
- // We extend () => Unit so we can pass this class as the by-name argument to `Future.apply`.
- // See SI-1247 for the the optimization that avoids creatio
- val applyVParamss = List(List(ValDef(Modifiers(Flag.PARAM), name.tr, TypeTree(defn.TryAnyType), EmptyTree)))
- val applyBody = asyncBlock.onCompleteHandler
- DefDef(NoMods, name.apply, Nil, Nil, TypeTree(definitions.UnitTpe), Apply(Ident(name.resume), Nil))
- }
- List(utils.emptyConstructor, stateVar, result, execContext) ++ localVarTrees ++ List(resumeFunTree, applyDefDef, apply0DefDef)
- }
- val template = {
- Template(List(stateMachineType), emptyValDef, body)
- }
- ClassDef(NoMods, name.stateMachineT, Nil, template)
- }
- def selectStateMachine(selection: TermName) = Select(Ident(name.stateMachine), selection)
- val code: c.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[T]] = {
- val isSimple = asyncStates.size == 1
- val tree =
- if (isSimple)
- Block(Nil, futureSystemOps.spawn(body.tree)) // generate lean code for the simple case of `async { 1 + 1 }`
- else {
- Block(List[Tree](
- stateMachine,
- ValDef(NoMods, name.stateMachine, stateMachineType, Apply(Select(New(Ident(name.stateMachineT)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), Nil)),
- futureSystemOps.spawn(Apply(selectStateMachine(name.apply), Nil))
- ),
- futureSystemOps.promiseToFuture(c.Expr[futureSystem.Prom[T]](selectStateMachine(name.result))).tree)
- }
- c.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[T]](tree)
- }
- AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"async state machine transform expands to:\n ${code.tree}")
- code
- }
+ val asyncMacro = AsyncMacro(c, futureSystem)
+ val code = asyncMacro.asyncTransform[T](
+ body.tree.asInstanceOf[asyncMacro.global.Tree],
+ execContext.tree.asInstanceOf[asyncMacro.global.Tree],
+ fallbackEnabled)(implicitly[c.WeakTypeTag[T]].asInstanceOf[asyncMacro.global.WeakTypeTag[T]])
- def logDiagnostics(c: Context)(anfTree: c.Tree, states: Seq[String]) {
- def location = try {
- c.macroApplication.pos.source.path
- } catch {
- case _: UnsupportedOperationException =>
- c.macroApplication.pos.toString
- }
- AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"In file '$location':")
- AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"${c.macroApplication}")
- AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"ANF transform expands to:\n $anfTree")
- states foreach (s => AsyncUtils.vprintln(s))
+ AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"async state machine transform expands to:\n ${code}")
+ c.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[T]](code.asInstanceOf[Tree])
/** Internal class used by the `async` macro; should not be manually extended by client code */
abstract class StateMachine[Result, EC] extends (scala.util.Try[Any] => Unit) with (() => Unit) {
- def result$async: Result
+ def result: Result
- def execContext$async: EC
+ def execContext: EC