path: root/doc/reference/ScalaReference.tex
blob: 6743cb1898f9c7a8589952f360f21c148afc2b54 (plain) (tree)














% $Id$

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    \pdfinfo {
        /Author   (Martin Odersky)
        /Title    (Scala by Example)
        /Keywords (Scala)
        /Subject  ()
        /Creator  (TeX)
        /Producer (PDFLaTeX)


\renewcommand{\doctitle}{Scala By Example\\[33mm]\ }
\renewcommand{\docauthor}{Martin Odersky\\[53mm]\ }
\renewcommand{\doctitle}{The Scala Language \\ Specification \\ \ }
\renewcommand{\docauthor}{Martin Odersky \\
Philippe Altherr \\
Vincent Cremet \\
Burak Emir \\ 
St\'ephane Micheloud \\
Nikolay Mihaylov \\
Michel Schinz \\
Erik Stenman \\
Matthias Zenger \\[25mm]\ }



%\todo{`:' as synonym for $\EXTENDS$?}



\part{The Scala Language Specification}



