path: root/sources/scala/Stream.scala
blob: 7be860553b9acd5d2832f778a75f4d3c7734b10c (plain) (tree)




























package scala;

trait Stream[+a] extends Seq[a] {

  def isEmpty: Boolean;
  def head: a;
  def tail: Stream[a];

  def length: int = if (isEmpty) 0 else tail.length + 1;

  def append[b >: a](def rest: Stream[b]): Stream[b] =
    if (isEmpty) rest
    else Stream.cons(head, tail.append(rest));

  def elements: Iterator[a] = new Iterator[a] {
    var current = Stream.this;
    def hasNext: boolean = !current.isEmpty;
    def next: a = { val result = current.head; current = current.tail; result }

  def init: Stream[a] =
    if (isEmpty) error("Stream.empty.init")
    else if (tail.isEmpty) Stream.empty
    else Stream.cons(head, tail.init);

  def last: a =
    if (isEmpty) error("Stream.empty.last")
    else if (tail.isEmpty) head
    else tail.last;

  def take(n: int): Stream[a] =
    if (n == 0) Stream.empty
    else Stream.cons(head, tail.take(n-1));

  def drop(n: int): Stream[a] =
    if (n == 0) this
    else tail.drop(n-1);

  def apply(n: int) = drop(n).head;
  def at(n: int) = drop(n).head;

  def takeWhile(p: a => Boolean): Stream[a] =
    if (isEmpty || !p(head)) Stream.empty
    else Stream.cons(head, tail.takeWhile(p));

  def dropWhile(p: a => Boolean): Stream[a] =
    if (isEmpty || !p(head)) this
    else tail.dropWhile(p);

  def map[b](f: a => b): Stream[b] =
    if (isEmpty) Stream.empty
    else Stream.cons(f(head),;

  def foreach(f: a => unit): unit =
    if (isEmpty) {}
    else { f(head); tail.foreach(f) }

  def filter(p: a => Boolean): Stream[a] =
    if (isEmpty) this
    else if (p(head)) Stream.cons(head, tail.filter(p))
    else tail.filter(p);

  def forall(p: a => Boolean): Boolean =
    isEmpty || (p(head) && tail.forall(p));

  def exists(p: a => Boolean): Boolean =
    !isEmpty && (p(head) || tail.exists(p));

  def foldLeft[b](z: b)(f: (b, a) => b): b =
    if (isEmpty) z
    else tail.foldLeft[b](f(z, head))(f);

  def foldRight[b](z: b)(f: (a, b) => b): b =
    if (isEmpty) z
    else f(head, tail.foldRight(z)(f));

  def /:[b](z: b)(f: (b, a) => b): b = foldLeft(z)(f);
  def :/[b](z: b)(f: (a, b) => b): b = foldRight(z)(f);

  def reduceLeft[b >: a](f: (b, b) => b): b =
    if (isEmpty) error("Stream.empty.reduceLeft")
    else ((tail: Stream[b]) foldLeft (head: b))(f);

  def reduceRight[b >: a](f: (b, b) => b): b =
    if (isEmpty) error("Stream.empty.reduceRight")
    else if (tail.isEmpty) head: b
    else f(head, tail.reduceRight(f));

  def flatMap[b](f: a => Stream[b]): Stream[b] =
    if (isEmpty) Stream.empty
    else f(head).append(tail.flatMap(f));

  def reverse: Stream[a] =
    foldLeft(Stream.empty: Stream[a])((xs, x) => Stream.cons(x, xs));

  // The following method is not compilable without run-time type
  // information. It should therefore be left commented-out for
  // now.
  //       def toArray: Array[a] = {
  //         val xs = new Array[a](length);
  //         copyToArray(xs, 0);
  //         xs
  //       }

  def copyToArray[b >: a](xs: Array[b], start: int): int =
    if (isEmpty) start
    else { xs(start) = head; tail.copyToArray(xs, start + 1) }

  def zip[b](that: Stream[b]): Stream[Tuple2[a, b]] =
    if (this.isEmpty || that.isEmpty) Stream.empty
    else Stream.cons(Tuple2(this.head, that.head),;

  def print: unit =
    if (isEmpty) System.out.println("Stream.empty")
    else {
      System.out.print(head as java.lang.Object);
      System.out.print(", ");

  override def toString() =
    "Stream(" + printElems(new StringBuffer(), "") + ")";

  def printElems(buf: StringBuffer, prefix: String): StringBuffer;

object Stream {

  val empty: Stream[All] = new Stream[All] {
    def isEmpty = true;
    def head: All = error("head of empty stream");
    def tail: Stream[All] = error("tail of empty stream");
    def printElems(buf: StringBuffer, prefix: String): StringBuffer = buf;

  def cons[a](hd: a, def tl: Stream[a]) = new Stream[a] {
    def isEmpty = false;
    def head = hd;
    private var tlVal: Stream[a] = _;
    private var tlDefined = false;
    def tail: Stream[a] = {
      if (!tlDefined) { tlVal = tl; tlDefined = true; }
    def printElems(buf: StringBuffer, prefix: String): StringBuffer = {
      val buf1 = buf.append(prefix).append(hd as java.lang.Object);
      if (tlDefined) printElems(buf1, ", ") else buf1 append ", ?";

  def concat[a](xs: Seq[Stream[a]]): Stream[a] = concat(xs.elements);

  def concat[a](xs: Iterator[Stream[a]]): Stream[a] = {
    if (xs.hasNext) append concat(xs)
    else empty;

  def range(start: int, end: int): Stream[int] =
    if (start >= end) empty
    else cons(start, range(start + 1, end));