path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Settings.scala
blob: e717851b122ef07063b9ad0d1f823db26ec47647 (plain) (tree)



































/* NSC -- new scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2006 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky
// $Id$



class Settings(error: String => unit) {

  private var allsettings: List[Setting] = List()

  private def getProperty(name: String): String =
    if (System.getProperty(name) != "")
    else null

  private val classpathDefault =

  private val bootclasspathDefault =

  private val extdirsDefault =

  private def alternatePath(p1: String, p2: => String) =
    if (p1 != null) p1 else p2

  private def concatPath(p1: String, p2: String) =
     if (p1 != null && p2 != null) p1 + File.pathSeparator + p2
     else if (p1 != null) p1
     else p2

  private def guessedScalaBootClassPath = {
    val scalaHome = System.getProperty("scala.home")
    if (scalaHome != null) {
      val guess = new File(new File(new File(scalaHome), "lib"), "scala-library.jar")
      if (guess.exists()) guess.getPath() else null
    } else null

  val doc           = BooleanSetting("-doc", "Generate documentation");
  val debuginfo     = BooleanSetting("-g", "Generate debugging info")
  val nowarnings    = BooleanSetting("-nowarn", "Generate no warnings")
  val noassertions  = BooleanSetting("-noassert", "Generate no assertions and assumptions")
  val verbose       = BooleanSetting("-verbose", "Output messages about what the compiler is doing")
  val classpath     = StringSetting ("-classpath", "path", "Specify where to find user class files", classpathDefault)
  // This is a hack: it should really be part of the extension path, but since extension only accepts dirs, I add it to the end of classpath.
  classpath.value = concatPath(classpath.value, getProperty("scala.ext.path"))
  val sourcepath    = StringSetting ("-sourcepath", "path", "Specify where to find input source files", "")
  val bootclasspath = StringSetting ("-bootclasspath", "path", "Override location of bootstrap class files", bootclasspathDefault)
  val extdirs       = StringSetting ("-extdirs", "dirs", "Override location of installed extensions", extdirsDefault)
  val outdir        = StringSetting ("-d", "directory", "Specify where to place generated class files", ".")
  val encoding      = StringSetting ("-encoding", "encoding", "Specify character encoding used by source files", "ISO-8859-1")
  val target        = ChoiceSetting ("-target", "Specify which backend to use",  List("jvm", "msil"), "jvm")
  val migrate       = BooleanSetting("-migrate", "Assist in migrating from Scala version 1.0")
  val debug         = BooleanSetting("-debug", "Output debugging messages")
  val statistics    = BooleanSetting("-statistics", "Print compiler statistics")
  val explaintypes  = BooleanSetting("-explaintypes", "Explain type errors in more detail")
  val resident      = BooleanSetting("-resident", "Compiler stays resident, files to compile are read from standard input")
  val uniqid        = BooleanSetting("-uniqid", "Print identifiers with unique names (debugging option)")
  val printtypes    = BooleanSetting("-printtypes", "Print tree types (debugging option)")
  val prompt        = BooleanSetting("-prompt", "Display a prompt after each error (debugging option)")
  val noimports     = BooleanSetting("-noimports", "Compile without any implicit imports")
  val nopredefs     = BooleanSetting("-nopredefs", "Compile without any implicit predefined values")
  val skip          = PhasesSetting ("-skip", "Skip")
  val check         = PhasesSetting ("-check", "Check the tree at start of")
  val print         = PhasesSetting ("-print", "Print out program after")
  val printer       = ChoiceSetting ("-printer", "Printer to use", List("text", "html"), "text")
  val printfile     = StringSetting ("-printfile", "file", "Specify file in which to print trees", "-")
  val graph         = PhasesSetting ("-graph", "Graph the program after")
  val browse        = PhasesSetting ("-browse", "Browse the abstract syntax tree after")
  val stop          = PhasesSetting ("-stop", "Stop after phase")
  val log           = PhasesSetting ("-log", "Log operations in")
  val version       = BooleanSetting("-version", "Print product version and exit")
  val help          = BooleanSetting("-help", "Print a synopsis of standard options")

  val inline        = BooleanSetting("-Xinline", "Perform inlining when possible")
  val Xshowcls      = StringSetting ("-Xshowcls", "class", "Show class info", "")
  val Xshowobj      = StringSetting ("-Xshowobj", "object", "Show object info", "")
  val Xshowicode    = BooleanSetting("-Xshowicode", "Print the generated ICode")
  val Xgadt         = BooleanSetting("-Xgadt", "enable gadt for classes")
  val Xlinearizer   = ChoiceSetting ("-Xlinearizer", "Linearizer to use", List("normal", "dfs", "rpo"), "rpo")
  val Xgenerics     = BooleanSetting("-Xgenerics", "Use generic Java types");

  /** A list of all settings */
  def allSettings: List[Setting] = allsettings.reverse

  /** A base class for settings of all types.
   *  Subclasses each define a `value' field of the appropriate type.
  abstract class Setting(name: String, descr: String) {

    /** If first arg defines this setting, consume it as well as all following
     *  args needed to define the setting. If this can be done without
     *  error, set value field and return suffix of args else
     *  issue error message and return empty.
     *  If first arg does not define this setting return args unchanged.
    def tryToSet(args: List[String]): List[String]

    /** The syntax defining this setting in a help string */
    def helpSyntax: String = name

    /** A description of the purpose of this setting in a help string */
    def helpDescription = descr

    // initialization
    allsettings = this :: allsettings

  /** A setting represented by a boolean flag (false, unless set) */
  case class BooleanSetting(name: String, descr: String)
  extends Setting(name, descr) {
    var value: boolean = false

    def tryToSet(args: List[String]): List[String] = args match {
      case n :: rest if (n == name) => value = true; rest
      case _ => args

  /** A setting represented by a string, (`default' unless set) */
  case class StringSetting(name: String, arg: String, descr: String, default: String)
  extends Setting(name, descr) {
    var value: String = default

    def tryToSet(args: List[String]): List[String] = args match {
      case n :: rest if (n == name) =>
        if (rest.isEmpty) {
	  error("missing argument")
	} else {
	  value = rest.head

      case _ => args

    override def helpSyntax = name + " <" + arg + ">"

  /** A setting represented by a string in a given set of `choices',
   *  (`default' unless set)
  case class ChoiceSetting(name: String, descr: String, choices: List[String], default: String)
  extends Setting(name, descr + choices.mkString(" (", ",", ")")) {
    var value: String = default

    private def argument: String = name.substring(1)

    def tryToSet(args: List[String]): List[String] = args match {
      case n :: rest if (n startsWith (name + ":")) =>
        val choice = n.substring(name.length() + 1)
        if (!(choices contains choice)) {
            if (choice == "") "missing " + argument
            else "unknown " + argument + " '" + choice + "'")
        } else {
          value = choice
      case _ => args

    override def helpSyntax = name + ":<" + argument + ">"

  /** A setting represented by a list of strings which should be prefixes of
   *  phase names. This is not checked here, however.
   *  (the empty list, unless set)
  case class PhasesSetting(name: String, descr: String)
  extends Setting(name, descr + " <phases> (see below)") {
    var value: List[String] = List()

    def tryToSet(args: List[String]): List[String] = args match {
      case n :: rest if (n startsWith (name + ":")) =>
        val phase = n.substring(name.length() + 1)
        if (phase == "") {
          error("missing phase")
        } else {
          value = value ::: List(phase)
      case _ => args

    override def helpSyntax = name + ":<phase>"

    def contains(phasename: String): boolean =
      value exists (str => phasename startsWith str)