path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/TailCalls.scala
blob: 20d7b97320c01aed7d0bebd958cf4c2178c85a8d (plain) (tree)


































































/* NSC -- new scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2007 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author Iulian Dragos
// $Id$



/** Perform tail recursive call elimination.
 *  @author Iulian Dragos
 *  @version 1.0
abstract class TailCalls extends Transform
                         /* with JavaLogging() */ {
  // inherits abstract value `global' and class `Phase' from Transform

  import global._                  // the global environment
  import definitions._             // standard classes and methods
  import typer.{typed, atOwner}    // methods to type trees
  import posAssigner.atPos         // for filling in tree positions

  val phaseName: String = "tailcalls"

  def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
    new TailCallElimination(unit)

  /** Create a new phase which applies transformer */
  override def newPhase(prev: StdPhase = new Phase(prev)

  /** The phase defined by this transform */
  class Phase(prev: extends StdPhase(prev) {
    def apply(unit: global.CompilationUnit) {
      if (!(settings.debuginfo.value == "notc")) {

   * A Tail Call Transformer
   * @author     Erik Stenman, Iulian Dragos
   * @version    1.1
   * What it does:
   * <p>
   *   Finds method calls in tail-position and replaces them with jumps.
   *   A call is in a tail-position if it is the last instruction to be
   *   executed in the body of a method.  This is done by recursing over
   *   the trees that may contain calls in tail-position (trees that can't
   *   contain such calls are not transformed). However, they are not that
   *   many.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *   Self-recursive calls in tail-position are replaced by jumps to a
   *   label at the beginning of the method. As the JVM provides no way to
   *   jump from a method to another one, non-recursive calls in
   *   tail-position are not optimized.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *   A method call is self-recursive if it calls the current method and
   *   the method is final (otherwise, it could
   *   be a call to an overridden method in a subclass). Furthermore, If
   *   the method has type parameters, the call must contain these
   *   parameters as type arguments. Recursive calls on a different instance
   *   are optimized. Since 'this' is not a local variable, a dummy local val
   *   is added and used as a label parameter. The backend knows to load
   *   the corresponding argument in the 'this' (local at index 0). This dummy local
   *   is never used and should be cleand up by dead code elmination (when enabled).
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *   This phase has been moved before pattern matching to catch more
   *   of the common cases of tail recursive functions. This means that
   *   more cases should be taken into account (like nested function, and
   *   pattern cases).
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *   If a method contains self-recursive calls, a label is added to at
   *   the beginning of its body and the calls are replaced by jumps to
   *   that label.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *   Assumes: <code>Uncurry</code> has been run already, and no multiple
   *            parameter lists exit.
   * </p>
  class TailCallElimination(unit: CompilationUnit) extends Transformer {

    class Context {
      /** The current method */
      var currentMethod: Symbol = NoSymbol

      /** The current tail-call label */
      var label: Symbol = NoSymbol

      /** The expected type arguments of self-recursive calls */
      var tparams: List[Symbol] = Nil

      /** Tells whether we are in a (possible) tail position */
      var tailPos = false

      /** Is the label accessed? */
      var accessed = false

      def this(that: Context) = {
        this.currentMethod = that.currentMethod
        this.label         = that.label
        this.tparams       = that.tparams
        this.tailPos       = that.tailPos
        this.accessed      = that.accessed

      /** Create a new method symbol for the current method and store it in
        * the label field.
      def makeLabel(): Unit = {
        label = currentMethod.newLabel(currentMethod.pos, "_" +
        accessed = false

      override def toString(): String = (
        "" + + " tparams: " + tparams + " tailPos: " + tailPos +
        " accessed: " + accessed + "\nLabel: " + label + "\nLabel type: " +

    private def mkContext(that: Context) = new Context(that)
    private def mkContext(that: Context, tp: Boolean): Context = {
      val t = mkContext(that)
      t.tailPos = tp

    private var ctx: Context = new Context()

    /** Rewrite this tree to contain no tail recursive calls */
    def transform(tree: Tree, nctx: Context): Tree = {
      val oldCtx = ctx
      ctx = nctx
      val t = transform(tree)
      this.ctx = oldCtx

    override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      tree match {

        case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpt, rhs) =>
          log("Entering DefDef: " + name)
          val newCtx = mkContext(ctx)
          newCtx.currentMethod = tree.symbol
          newCtx.label.setInfo(MethodType(currentClass.tpe :: tree.symbol.tpe.paramTypes, tree.symbol.tpe.finalResultType))
          newCtx.tailPos = true

          val t1 = if (newCtx.currentMethod.isFinal ||
                       newCtx.currentMethod.enclClass.hasFlag(Flags.MODULE)) {
            newCtx.tparams = Nil
            log("  Considering " + name + " for tailcalls")
            tree.symbol.tpe match {
              case PolyType(tpes, restpe) =>
                newCtx.tparams = tparams map (_.symbol)
                  newCtx.label.tpe.substSym(tpes, tparams map (_.symbol)))
              case _ => ()

            //println("label.tpe: " + newCtx.label.tpe)
            var newRHS = transform(rhs, newCtx);
            if (newCtx.accessed) {
              log("Rewrote def " + newCtx.currentMethod)

              val newThis = newCtx.currentMethod.newValue(tree.pos, nme.THIS)
              newRHS =
                    ValDef(newThis, This(currentClass))),
                             newThis :: (List.flatten(vparams) map (_.symbol)),
              copy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpt, newRHS);
            } else
              copy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpt, newRHS);
          } else {
            copy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpt, transform(rhs, newCtx))
          log("Leaving DefDef: " + name)

        case EmptyTree => tree

        case PackageDef(name, stats) =>

        case ClassDef(_, name, _, _) =>
          log("Entering class " + name)
          val res = super.transform(tree)
          log("Leaving class " + name)

        case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => super.transform(tree)
        case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) => super.transform(tree)

        case Template(parents, self, body) =>

        case Block(stats, expr) =>
                     transformTrees(stats, mkContext(ctx, false)),

        case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
          copy.CaseDef(tree, pat, guard, transform(body))

        case Sequence(_) | Alternative(_) |
             Star(_)     | Bind(_, _) =>
          throw new RuntimeException("We should've never gotten inside a pattern")

        case Function(vparams, body) =>
          //throw new RuntimeException("Anonymous function should not exist at this point. at: " + unit.position(tree.pos));

        case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>

        case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
          copy.If(tree, cond, transform(thenp), transform(elsep))

        case Match(selector, cases) => //super.transform(tree);
          copy.Match(tree, transform(selector, mkContext(ctx, false)), transformTrees(cases).asInstanceOf[List[CaseDef]])

        case Return(expr) => super.transform(tree)
        case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
          if (finalizer == EmptyTree)
            copy.Try(tree, transform(block, mkContext(ctx, false)), // recursive calls are not in tail position if there is non-empty finally clause
                           transformTrees(catches, ctx).asInstanceOf[List[CaseDef]],
                           transform(finalizer, ctx))

        case Throw(expr) => super.transform(tree)
        case New(tpt) => super.transform(tree)
        case Typed(expr, tpt) => super.transform(tree)

        case Apply(tapply @ TypeApply(fun, targs), vargs) =>
          lazy val defaultTree = copy.Apply(tree, tapply, transformTrees(vargs, mkContext(ctx, false)))
          if ( ctx.currentMethod.isFinal &&
               ctx.tailPos &&
               isSameTypes(ctx.tparams, targs map (_.tpe.typeSymbol)) &&
               isRecursiveCall(fun)) {
            fun match {
              case Select(receiver, _) => if (!forMSIL) rewriteTailCall(fun, receiver :: transformTrees(vargs, mkContext(ctx, false))) else defaultTree
              case _ => rewriteTailCall(fun, This(currentClass) :: transformTrees(vargs, mkContext(ctx, false)))
          } else

        case TypeApply(fun, args) =>

        case Apply(fun, args) if (fun.symbol == definitions.Boolean_or ||
                                  fun.symbol == definitions.Boolean_and) =>
          copy.Apply(tree, fun, transformTrees(args))

        case Apply(fun, args) =>
          lazy val defaultTree = copy.Apply(tree, fun, transformTrees(args, mkContext(ctx, false)))
          if (ctx.currentMethod.isFinal &&
              ctx.tailPos &&
              isRecursiveCall(fun)) {
            fun match {
              case Select(receiver, _) => if (!forMSIL) rewriteTailCall(fun, receiver :: transformTrees(args, mkContext(ctx, false))) else defaultTree
              case _ => rewriteTailCall(fun, This(currentClass) :: transformTrees(args, mkContext(ctx, false)))
          } else

        case Super(qual, mix) =>
        case This(qual) =>
        case Select(qualifier, selector) =>
        case Ident(name) =>
        case Literal(value) =>
        case TypeTree() =>
        case _ =>

    def transformTrees(trees: List[Tree], nctx: Context): List[Tree] =
      trees map ((tree) => transform(tree, nctx))

    private def rewriteTailCall(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree = {
      log("Rewriting tail recursive method call at: " +
      ctx.accessed = true
      //println("fun: " + fun + " args: " + args)
        Apply(Ident(ctx.label), args)))

    private def isSameTypes(ts1: List[Symbol], ts2: List[Symbol]): Boolean = {
      def isSameType(t1: Symbol, t2: Symbol) = {
        t1 == t2
      List.forall2(ts1, ts2)(isSameType)

    /** Returns <code>true</code> if the fun tree refers to the same method as
     *  the one saved in <code>ctx</code>.
     *  @param fun the expression that is applied
     *  @return    <code>true</code> if the tree symbol refers to the innermost
     *             enclosing method
    private def isRecursiveCall(fun: Tree): Boolean =
      (fun.symbol eq ctx.currentMethod)
