path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Macros.scala
blob: f5ab9c6dd5d817240016733ea77473ff6ee686a0 (plain) (tree)







































































































































































package typechecker

import symtab.Flags._
import scala.reflect.runtime.ReflectionUtils
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.compat.Platform.EOL
import reflect.internal.util.Statistics
import scala.reflect.macros.util._
import java.lang.{Class => jClass}
import java.lang.reflect.{Array => jArray, Method => jMethod}
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Collections._

 *  Code to deal with macros, namely with:
 *    * Compilation of macro definitions
 *    * Expansion of macro applications
 *  Say we have in a class C:
 *    def foo[T](xs: List[T]): T = macro fooBar
 *  Then fooBar needs to point to a static method of the following form:
 *    def fooBar[T: c.AbsTypeTag]
 *           (c: scala.reflect.macros.Context)
 *           (xs: c.Expr[List[T]])
 *           : c.Expr[T] = {
 *      ...
 *    }
 *  Then, if foo is called in[Int](elems), where qual: D,
 *  the macro application is expanded to a reflective invocation of fooBar with parameters
 *    (simpleMacroContext{ type PrefixType = D; val prefix = qual })
 *    (Expr(elems))
 *    (TypeTag(Int))
trait Macros extends with Traces {
  self: Analyzer =>

  import global._
  import definitions._
  import MacrosStats._
  def globalSettings = global.settings

  val globalMacroCache = collection.mutable.Map[Any, Any]()
  val perRunMacroCache = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, collection.mutable.Map[Any, Any]]

  /** `MacroImplBinding` and its companion module are responsible for
   *  serialization/deserialization of macro def -> impl bindings.
   *  The first officially released version of macros persisted these bindings across compilation runs
   *  using a neat trick. The right-hand side of a macro definition (which contains a reference to a macro impl)
   *  was typechecked and then put verbatim into an annotation on the macro definition.
   *  This solution is very simple, but unfortunately it's also lacking. If we use it, then
   *  signatures of macro defs become transitively dependent on scala-reflect.jar
   *  (because they refer to macro impls, and macro impls refer to scala.reflect.macros.Context defined in scala-reflect.jar).
   *  More details can be found in comments to
   *  Therefore we have to avoid putting macro impls into binding pickles and come up with our own serialization format.
   *  Situation is further complicated by the fact that it's not enough to just pickle macro impl's class name and method name,
   *  because macro expansion needs some knowledge about the shape of macro impl's signature (which we can't pickle).
   *  Hence we precompute necessary stuff (e.g. the layout of type parameters) when compiling macro defs.

  /** Represents all the information that a macro definition needs to know about its implementation.
   *  Includes a path to load the implementation via Java reflection,
   *  and various accounting information necessary when composing an argument list for the reflective invocation.
  private case class MacroImplBinding(
    // Java class name of the class that contains the macro implementation
    // is used to load the corresponding object with Java reflection
    val className: String,
    // method name of the macro implementation
    // `className` and `methName` are all we need to reflectively invoke a macro implementation
    // because macro implementations cannot be overloaded
    val methName: String,
    // flattens the macro impl's parameter lists having symbols replaced with metadata
    // currently metadata is an index of the type parameter corresponding to that type tag (if applicable)
    // f.ex. for: def impl[T: AbsTypeTag, U: AbsTypeTag, V](c: Context)(x: c.Expr[T]): (U, V) = ???
    // `signature` will be equal to List(-1, -1, 0, 1)
    val signature: List[Int],
    // type arguments part of a macro impl ref (the right-hand side of a macro definition)
    // these trees don't refer to a macro impl, so we can pickle them as is
    val targs: List[Tree])

  /** Macro def -> macro impl bindings are serialized into a `macroImpl` annotation
   *  with synthetic content that carries the payload described in `MacroImplBinding`.
   *  For example, for a pair of macro definition and macro implementation:
   *    def impl(c: scala.reflect.macros.Context): c.Expr[Unit] = c.literalUnit;
   *    def foo: Unit = macro impl
   *  We will have the following annotation added on the macro definition `foo`:
   *    @scala.reflect.macros.internal.macroImpl(
   *      `macro`(
   *        "signature" = List(-1),
   *        "methodName" = "impl",
   *        "versionFormat" = 1,
   *        "className" = "Macros$"))
  private object MacroImplBinding {
    val versionFormat = 1

    def pickleAtom(obj: Any): Tree =
      obj match {
        case list: List[_] => Apply(Ident(ListModule), list map pickleAtom)
        case s: String => Literal(Constant(s))
        case i: Int => Literal(Constant(i))

    def unpickleAtom(tree: Tree): Any =
      tree match {
        case Apply(list @ Ident(_), args) if list.symbol == ListModule => args map unpickleAtom
        case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => s
        case Literal(Constant(i: Int)) => i

    def pickle(macroImplRef: Tree): Tree = {
      val macroImpl = macroImplRef.symbol
      val paramss = macroImpl.paramss

      // this logic relies on the assumptions that were valid for the old macro prototype
      // namely that macro implementations can only be defined in top-level classes and modules
      // with the new prototype that materialized in a SIP, macros need to be statically accessible, which is different
      // for example, a macro def could be defined in a trait that is implemented by an object
      // there are some more clever cases when seemingly non-static method ends up being statically accessible
      // however, the code below doesn't account for these guys, because it'd take a look of time to get it right
      // for now I leave it as a todo and move along to more the important stuff
      // todo. refactor when fixing SI-5498
      def className: String = {
        def loop(sym: Symbol): String = sym match {
          case sym if sym.owner.isPackageClass =>
            val suffix = if (sym.isModuleClass) "$" else ""
            sym.fullName + suffix
          case sym =>
            val separator = if (sym.owner.isModuleClass) "" else "$"
            loop(sym.owner) + separator + sym.javaSimpleName.toString


      def signature: List[Int] = {
        val transformed = transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(paramss, (param, tparam) => tparam)
        transformed.flatten map (p => if (p.isTerm) -1 else p.paramPos)

      val payload = List[(String, Any)](
        "versionFormat" -> versionFormat,
        "className"     -> className,
        "methodName"    ->,
        "signature"     -> signature

      // the shape of the nucleus is chosen arbitrarily. it doesn't carry any payload.
      // it's only necessary as a stub `fun` for an Apply node that carries metadata in its `args`
      // so don't try to find a program element named "macro" that corresponds to the nucleus
      // I just named it "macro", because it's macro-related, but I could as well name it "foobar"
      val nucleus = Ident(newTermName("macro"))
      val wrapped = Apply(nucleus, payload map { case (k, v) => Assign(pickleAtom(k), pickleAtom(v)) })
      val pickle = gen.mkTypeApply(wrapped, treeInfo.typeArguments(macroImplRef.duplicate))

      // assign NoType to all freshly created AST nodes
      // otherwise pickler will choke on tree.tpe being null
      // there's another gotcha
      // if you don't assign a ConstantType to a constant
      // then pickling will crash
      new Transformer {
        override def transform(tree: Tree) = {
          tree match {
            case Literal(const @ Constant(x)) if tree.tpe == null => tree setType ConstantType(const)
            case _ if tree.tpe == null => tree setType NoType
            case _ => ;

    def unpickle(pickle: Tree): MacroImplBinding = {
      val (wrapped, targs) =
        pickle match {
          case TypeApply(wrapped, targs) => (wrapped, targs)
          case wrapped => (wrapped, Nil)
      val Apply(_, pickledPayload) = wrapped
      val payload ={ case Assign(k, v) => (unpickleAtom(k), unpickleAtom(v)) }.toMap

      val pickleVersionFormat = payload("versionFormat").asInstanceOf[Int]
      if (versionFormat != pickleVersionFormat) throw new Error("macro impl binding format mismatch: expected $versionFormat, actual $pickleVersionFormat")

      val className = payload("className").asInstanceOf[String]
      val methodName = payload("methodName").asInstanceOf[String]
      val signature = payload("signature").asInstanceOf[List[Int]]
      MacroImplBinding(className, methodName, signature, targs)

  private def bindMacroImpl(macroDef: Symbol, macroImplRef: Tree): Unit = {
    val pickle = MacroImplBinding.pickle(macroImplRef)
    macroDef withAnnotation AnnotationInfo(MacroImplAnnotation.tpe, List(pickle), Nil)

  private def loadMacroImplBinding(macroDef: Symbol): MacroImplBinding = {
    val Some(AnnotationInfo(_, List(pickle), _)) = macroDef.getAnnotation(MacroImplAnnotation)

  /** A reference macro implementation signature compatible with a given macro definition.
   *  In the example above:
   *    (c: scala.reflect.macros.Context)(xs: c.Expr[List[T]]): c.Expr[T]
   *  @param macroDef The macro definition symbol
   *  @param tparams  The type parameters of the macro definition
   *  @param vparamss The value parameters of the macro definition
   *  @param retTpe   The return type of the macro definition
  private def macroImplSig(macroDef: Symbol, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], retTpe: Type): (List[List[Symbol]], Type) = {
    // had to move method's body to an object because of the recursive dependencies between sigma and param
    object SigGenerator {
      val hasThis = macroDef.owner.isClass
      val ownerTpe = macroDef.owner match {
        case owner if owner.isModuleClass => new UniqueThisType(macroDef.owner)
        case owner if owner.isClass => macroDef.owner.tpe
        case _ => NoType
      val hasTparams = !tparams.isEmpty

      def sigma(tpe: Type): Type = {
        class SigmaTypeMap extends TypeMap {
          def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
            case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
              val pre1 = pre match {
                case ThisType(sym) if sym == macroDef.owner =>
                  SingleType(SingleType(SingleType(NoPrefix, paramsCtx(0)), MacroContextPrefix), ExprValue)
                case SingleType(NoPrefix, sym) =>
                  mfind(vparamss)(_.symbol == sym) match {
                    case Some(macroDefParam) =>
                      SingleType(SingleType(NoPrefix, param(macroDefParam)), ExprValue)
                    case _ =>
                case _ =>
              val args1 = args map mapOver
              TypeRef(pre1, sym, args1)
            case _ =>

        new SigmaTypeMap() apply tpe

      def makeParam(name: Name, pos: Position, tpe: Type, flags: Long = 0L) =
        macroDef.newValueParameter(name, pos, flags) setInfo tpe
      val ctxParam = makeParam(nme.macroContext, macroDef.pos, MacroContextClass.tpe, SYNTHETIC)
      def implType(isType: Boolean, origTpe: Type): Type =
        if (isRepeatedParamType(origTpe))
            List(implType(isType, sigma(origTpe.typeArgs.head))))
        else {
          val tsym = getMember(MacroContextClass, if (isType) tpnme.AbsTypeTag else tpnme.Expr)
          typeRef(singleType(NoPrefix, ctxParam), tsym, List(sigma(origTpe)))
      val paramCache = collection.mutable.Map[Symbol, Symbol]()
      def param(tree: Tree): Symbol =
        paramCache.getOrElseUpdate(tree.symbol, {
          // [Eugene] deskolemization became necessary once I implemented inference of macro def return type
          // please, verify this solution, but for now I'll leave it here - cargo cult for the win
          val sym = tree.symbol.deSkolemize
          val sigParam = makeParam(, sym.pos, implType(sym.isType, sym.tpe))
          if (sym.isSynthetic) sigParam.flags |= SYNTHETIC

      val paramsCtx = List(ctxParam)
      val paramsThis = List(makeParam(nme.macroThis, macroDef.pos, implType(false, ownerTpe), SYNTHETIC))
      val paramsTparams = tparams map param
      val paramssParams = mmap(vparamss)(param)
      val paramss = paramsCtx :: paramssParams
      val implRetTpe = typeRef(singleType(NoPrefix, ctxParam), getMember(MacroContextClass, tpnme.Expr), List(sigma(retTpe)))

    import SigGenerator._
    macroTraceVerbose("generating macroImplSigs for: ")(macroDef)
    macroTraceVerbose("tparams are: ")(tparams)
    macroTraceVerbose("vparamss are: ")(vparamss)
    macroTraceVerbose("retTpe is: ")(retTpe)
    macroTraceVerbose("macroImplSig is: ")(paramss, implRetTpe)

  /** Transforms parameters lists of a macro impl.
   *  The `transform` function is invoked only for AbsTypeTag evidence parameters.
   *  The transformer takes two arguments: a value parameter from the parameter list
   *  and a type parameter that is witnesses by the value parameter.
   *  If the transformer returns a NoSymbol, the value parameter is not included from the result.
   *  If the transformer returns something else, this something else is included in the result instead of the value parameter.
   *  Despite of being highly esoteric, this function significantly simplifies signature analysis.
   *  For example, it can be used to strip macroImpl.paramss from the evidences (necessary when checking def <-> impl correspondence)
   *  or to streamline creation of the list of macro arguments.
  private def transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(paramss: List[List[Symbol]], transform: (Symbol, Symbol) => Symbol): List[List[Symbol]] = {
    if (paramss.isEmpty || paramss.last.isEmpty) return paramss // no implicit parameters in the signature => nothing to do
    if (paramss.head.isEmpty || !(paramss.head.head.tpe <:< MacroContextClass.tpe)) return paramss // no context parameter in the signature => nothing to do
    def transformTag(param: Symbol): Symbol = param.tpe.dealias match {
      case TypeRef(SingleType(SingleType(NoPrefix, c), universe), typetag, targ :: Nil)
      if c == paramss.head.head && universe == MacroContextUniverse && typetag == AbsTypeTagClass =>
        transform(param, targ.typeSymbol)
      case _ =>
    val transformed = paramss.last map transformTag filter (_ ne NoSymbol)
    if (transformed.isEmpty) paramss.init else paramss.init :+ transformed

  /** As specified above, body of a macro definition must reference its implementation.
   *  This function verifies that the body indeed refers to a method, and that
   *  the referenced macro implementation is compatible with the given macro definition.
   *  This means that macro implementation (fooBar in example above) must:
   *    1) Refer to a statically accessible, non-overloaded method.
   *    2) Have the right parameter lists as outlined in the SIP / in the doc comment of this class.
   *  @return typechecked rhs of the given macro definition
  def typedMacroBody(typer: Typer, ddef: DefDef): Tree = {
    import typer.context
    macroLogVerbose("typechecking macro def %s at %s".format(ddef.symbol, ddef.pos))

    val macroDef = ddef.symbol
    val defpos = macroDef.pos
    val implpos = ddef.rhs.pos
    assert(macroDef.isTermMacro, ddef)

    if (fastTrack contains ddef.symbol) {
      macroLogVerbose("typecheck terminated unexpectedly: macro is hardwired")
      assert(!ddef.tpt.isEmpty, "hardwired macros must provide result type")
      return EmptyTree

    if (!typer.checkFeature(ddef.pos, MacrosFeature, immediate = true)) {
      macroLogVerbose("typecheck terminated unexpectedly: language.experimental.macros feature is not enabled")
      ddef.symbol setFlag IS_ERROR
      return EmptyTree

    implicit class AugmentedString(s: String) {
      def abbreviateCoreAliases: String = { // hack!
        var result = s
        result = result.replace("c.universe.AbsTypeTag", "c.AbsTypeTag")
        result = result.replace("c.universe.Expr", "c.Expr")

    var _hasError = false
    def hasError = _hasError
    def setError(): Unit = {
      _hasError = true
      macroDef setFlag IS_ERROR
    def reportError(pos: Position, msg: String) = {
      context.error(pos, msg)

    def invalidBodyError() =
        "macro body has wrong shape:" +
        "\n required: macro <reference to implementation object>.<implementation method name>" +
        "\n or      : macro <implementation method name>")
    def validatePreTyper(rhs: Tree): Unit = rhs match {
      // we do allow macro invocations inside macro bodies
      // personally I don't mind if pre-typer tree is a macro invocation
      // that later resolves to a valid reference to a macro implementation
      // however, I don't think that invalidBodyError() should hint at that
      // let this be an Easter Egg :)
      case Apply(_, _) => ;
      case TypeApply(_, _) => ;
      case Super(_, _) => ;
      case This(_) => ;
      case Ident(_) => ;
      case Select(_, _) => ;
      case _ => invalidBodyError()
    def validatePostTyper(rhs1: Tree): Unit = {
      def loop(tree: Tree): Unit = {
        def errorNotStatic() =
          reportError(implpos, "macro implementation must be in statically accessible object")

        def ensureRoot(sym: Symbol) =
          if (!sym.isModule && !sym.isModuleClass) errorNotStatic()

        def ensureModule(sym: Symbol) =
          if (!sym.isModule) errorNotStatic()

        tree match {
          case TypeApply(fun, _) =>
          case Super(qual, _) =>
          case This(_) =>
          case Select(qual, name) if name.isTypeName =>
          case Select(qual, name) if name.isTermName =>
            if (tree.symbol != rhs1.symbol) ensureModule(tree.symbol)
          case Ident(name) if name.isTypeName =>
          case Ident(name) if name.isTermName =>
            if (tree.symbol != rhs1.symbol) ensureModule(tree.symbol)
          case _ =>


    val rhs = ddef.rhs
    if (hasError) macroTraceVerbose("macro def failed to satisfy trivial preconditions: ")(macroDef)

    // we use typed1 instead of typed, because otherwise adapt is going to mess us up
    // if adapt sees <qualifier>.<method>, it will want to perform eta-expansion and will fail
    // unfortunately, this means that we have to manually trigger macro expansion
    // because it's adapt which is responsible for automatic expansion during typechecking
    def typecheckRhs(rhs: Tree): Tree = {
      try {
        val prevNumErrors = reporter.ERROR.count
        var rhs1 = if (hasError) EmptyTree else typer.typed1(rhs, EXPRmode, WildcardType)
        def typecheckedWithErrors = (rhs1 exists (_.isErroneous)) || reporter.ERROR.count != prevNumErrors
        def rhsNeedsMacroExpansion = rhs1.symbol != null && rhs1.symbol.isTermMacro && !rhs1.symbol.isErroneous
        while (!typecheckedWithErrors && rhsNeedsMacroExpansion) {
          rhs1 = macroExpand1(typer, rhs1) match {
            case Success(expanded) =>
              try {
                val typechecked = typer.typed1(expanded, EXPRmode, WildcardType)
                macroLogVerbose("typechecked1:%n%s%n%s".format(typechecked, showRaw(typechecked)))
              } finally {
                openMacros = openMacros.tail
            case Fallback(fallback) =>
              typer.typed1(fallback, EXPRmode, WildcardType)
            case Other(result) =>
      } catch {
        case ex: TypeError =>
          typer.reportTypeError(context, rhs.pos, ex)

    val prevNumErrors = reporter.ERROR.count // funnily enough, the isErroneous check is not enough
    var rhs1 = typecheckRhs(rhs)
    val macroImpl = rhs1.symbol
    def typecheckedWithErrors = (rhs1 exists (_.isErroneous)) || reporter.ERROR.count != prevNumErrors
    if (typecheckedWithErrors) {
      macroTraceVerbose("body of a macro def failed to typecheck: ")(ddef)
    } else {
      if (!hasError) {
        if (macroImpl == null) {
        } else {
          if (!macroImpl.isMethod)
          if (!macroImpl.isPublic)
            reportError(implpos, "macro implementation must be public")
          if (macroImpl.isOverloaded)
            reportError(implpos, "macro implementation cannot be overloaded")
          if (!macroImpl.typeParams.isEmpty && (!rhs1.isInstanceOf[TypeApply]))
            reportError(implpos, "macro implementation reference needs type arguments")
          if (!hasError)
        if (hasError)
          macroTraceVerbose("macro def failed to satisfy trivial preconditions: ")(macroDef)
      if (!hasError) {
        bindMacroImpl(macroDef, rhs1) // we must bind right over here, because return type inference needs this info

    if (!hasError) {
      def checkCompatibility(reqparamss: List[List[Symbol]], actparamss: List[List[Symbol]], reqres: Type, actres: Type): List[String] = {
        var hasError = false
        var errors = List[String]()
        def compatibilityError(msg: String) {
          hasError = true
          errors :+= msg

        val flatreqparams = reqparamss.flatten
        val flatactparams = actparamss.flatten
        val tparams = macroImpl.typeParams
        val tvars = tparams map freshVar
        def lengthMsg(which: String, extra: Symbol) =
          "parameter lists have different length, "+which+" extra parameter "+extra.defString
        if (actparamss.length != reqparamss.length)
          compatibilityError("number of parameter sections differ")

        def checkSubType(slot: String, reqtpe: Type, acttpe: Type): Unit = {
          val ok = if (macroDebugVerbose) {
            if (reqtpe eq acttpe) println(reqtpe + " <: " + acttpe + "?" + EOL + "true")
            withTypesExplained(reqtpe <:< acttpe)
          } else reqtpe <:< acttpe
          if (!ok) {
            compatibilityError("type mismatch for %s: %s does not conform to %s".format(slot, reqtpe.toString.abbreviateCoreAliases, acttpe.toString.abbreviateCoreAliases))

        if (!hasError) {
          try {
            for ((rparams, aparams) <- reqparamss zip actparamss) {
              if (rparams.length < aparams.length)
                compatibilityError(lengthMsg("found", aparams(rparams.length)))
              if (aparams.length < rparams.length)
                compatibilityError(lengthMsg("required", rparams(aparams.length)).abbreviateCoreAliases)
            // if the implementation signature is already deemed to be incompatible, we bail out
            // otherwise, high-order type magic employed below might crash in weird ways
            if (!hasError) {
              for ((rparams, aparams) <- reqparamss zip actparamss) {
                for ((rparam, aparam) <- rparams zip aparams) {
                  def isRepeated(param: Symbol) = param.tpe.typeSymbol == RepeatedParamClass
                  if ( != && !rparam.isSynthetic) {
                    val rparam1 = rparam
                    val aparam1 = aparam
                    compatibilityError("parameter names differ: "" != "
                  if (isRepeated(rparam) && !isRepeated(aparam))
                    compatibilityError("types incompatible for parameter "": corresponding is not a vararg parameter")
                  if (!isRepeated(rparam) && isRepeated(aparam))
                    compatibilityError("types incompatible for parameter "": corresponding is not a vararg parameter")
                  if (!hasError) {
                    var atpe = aparam.tpe.substSym(flatactparams, flatreqparams).instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
                    atpe = atpe.dealias // SI-5706
                    // strip the { type PrefixType = ... } refinement off the Context or otherwise we get compatibility errors
                    atpe = atpe match {
                      case RefinedType(List(tpe), Scope(sym)) if tpe == MacroContextClass.tpe && sym.allOverriddenSymbols.contains(MacroContextPrefixType) => tpe
                      case _ => atpe
                    checkSubType("parameter " +, rparam.tpe, atpe)
            if (!hasError) {
              val atpe = actres.substSym(flatactparams, flatreqparams).instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
              checkSubType("return type", atpe, reqres)
            if (!hasError) {
              val targs = solvedTypes(tvars, tparams, tparams map varianceInType(actres), false,
                lubDepth(flatactparams map (_.tpe)) max lubDepth(flatreqparams map (_.tpe)))
              val boundsOk = typer.silent(_.infer.checkBounds(ddef, NoPrefix, NoSymbol, tparams, targs, ""))
              boundsOk match {
                case SilentResultValue(true) => ;
                case SilentResultValue(false) | SilentTypeError(_) =>
                  val bounds = tparams map (tp =>, targs).bounds)
                  compatibilityError("type arguments " + targs.mkString("[", ",", "]") +
                                     " do not conform to " + tparams.head.owner + "'s type parameter bounds " +
                                     (tparams map (_.defString)).mkString("[", ",", "]"))
          } catch {
            case ex: NoInstance =>
                "type parameters "+(tparams map (_.defString) mkString ", ")+" cannot be instantiated\n"+


      var actparamss = macroImpl.paramss
      actparamss = transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(actparamss, (param, tparam) => NoSymbol)
      val actres = macroImpl.tpe.finalResultType
      val implicitParams = actparamss.flatten filter (_.isImplicit)
      if (implicitParams.length > 0) {
        // prohibit implicit params on macro implementations
        // we don't have to do this, but it appears to be more clear than allowing them
        reportError(implicitParams.head.pos, "macro implementations cannot have implicit parameters other than AbsTypeTag evidences")
        macroTraceVerbose("macro def failed to satisfy trivial preconditions: ")(macroDef)

      if (!hasError) {
        val rettpe = if (!ddef.tpt.isEmpty) typer.typedType(ddef.tpt).tpe else computeMacroDefTypeFromMacroImpl(ddef, macroDef, macroImpl)
        val (reqparamss, reqres) = macroImplSig(macroDef, ddef.tparams, ddef.vparamss, rettpe)

        def showMeth(pss: List[List[Symbol]], restpe: Type, abbreviate: Boolean) = {
          var argsPart = (pss map (ps => ps map (_.defString) mkString ("(", ", ", ")"))).mkString
          if (abbreviate) argsPart = argsPart.abbreviateCoreAliases
          var retPart = restpe.toString
          if (abbreviate || ddef.tpt.tpe == null) retPart = retPart.abbreviateCoreAliases
          argsPart + ": " + retPart
        def compatibilityError(addendum: String) =
            "macro implementation has wrong shape:"+
            "\n required: "+showMeth(reqparamss, reqres, true) +
            "\n found   : "+showMeth(actparamss, actres, false)+

        val errors = checkCompatibility(reqparamss, actparamss, reqres, actres)
        if (errors.nonEmpty) compatibilityError(errors mkString "\n")


  def computeMacroDefTypeFromMacroImpl(macroDdef: DefDef, macroDef: Symbol, macroImpl: Symbol): Type = {
    // get return type from method type
    def unwrapRet(tpe: Type): Type = {
      def loop(tpe: Type) = tpe match {
        case NullaryMethodType(ret) => ret
        case mtpe @ MethodType(_, ret) => unwrapRet(ret)
        case _ => tpe

      tpe match {
        case PolyType(_, tpe) => loop(tpe)
        case _ => loop(tpe)
    var metaType = unwrapRet(macroImpl.tpe)

    // downgrade from metalevel-0 to metalevel-1
    def inferRuntimeType(metaType: Type): Type = metaType match {
      case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if == tpnme.Expr && args.length == 1 =>
      case _ =>
    var runtimeType = inferRuntimeType(metaType)

    // transform type parameters of a macro implementation into type parameters of a macro definition
    runtimeType = runtimeType map {
      case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
        // sym.paramPos is unreliable (see an example in `macroArgs`)
        val tparams = macroImpl.typeParams map (_.deSkolemize)
        val paramPos = tparams indexOf sym.deSkolemize
        val sym1 =
          if (paramPos == -1) sym
          else loadMacroImplBinding(macroDef).targs(paramPos).tpe.typeSymbol
        TypeRef(pre, sym1, args)
      case tpe =>

    // as stated in the spec, before being matched to macroimpl, type and value parameters of macrodef
    // undergo a special transformation, sigma, that adapts them to the different metalevel macroimpl lives in
    // as a result, we need to reverse this transformation when inferring macrodef ret from macroimpl ret
    def unsigma(tpe: Type): Type = {
      // unfortunately, we cannot dereference ``paramss'', because we're in the middle of inferring a type for ``macroDef''
//      val defParamss = macroDef.paramss
      val defParamss = mmap(macroDdef.vparamss)(_.symbol)
      var implParamss = macroImpl.paramss
      implParamss = transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(implParamss, (param, tparam) => NoSymbol)

      val implCtxParam = if (implParamss.length > 0 && implParamss(0).length > 0) implParamss(0)(0) else null
      def implParamToDefParam(implParam: Symbol): Symbol = {
        val indices = (((implParamss drop 1).zipWithIndex) map { case (implParams, index) => (index, implParams indexOf implParam) } filter (_._2 != -1)).headOption
        val defParam = indices flatMap {
          case (plistIndex, pIndex) =>
            if (defParamss.length <= plistIndex) None
            else if (defParamss(plistIndex).length <= pIndex) None
            else Some(defParamss(plistIndex)(pIndex))

      class UnsigmaTypeMap extends TypeMap {
        def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
          case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
            val pre1 = pre match {
              case SingleType(SingleType(SingleType(NoPrefix, param), prefix), value) if param == implCtxParam && prefix == MacroContextPrefix && value == ExprValue =>
              case SingleType(SingleType(NoPrefix, param), value) if implParamToDefParam(param) != null && value == ExprValue =>
                val macroDefParam = implParamToDefParam(param)
                SingleType(NoPrefix, macroDefParam)
              case _ =>
            val args1 = args map mapOver
            TypeRef(pre1, sym, args1)
          case _ =>

      new UnsigmaTypeMap() apply tpe
    runtimeType = unsigma(runtimeType)


  /** Macro classloader that is used to resolve and run macro implementations.
   *  Loads classes from from -cp (aka the library classpath).
   *  Is also capable of detecting REPL and reusing its classloader.
  lazy val macroClassloader: ClassLoader = {
    if (global.forMSIL)
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Scala reflection not available on this platform")

    val classpath = global.classPath.asURLs
    macroLogVerbose("macro classloader: initializing from -cp: %s".format(classpath))
    val loader = ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(classpath, self.getClass.getClassLoader)

    // a heuristic to detect the REPL
    if (global.settings.exposeEmptyPackage.value) {
      macroLogVerbose("macro classloader: initializing from a REPL classloader".format(global.classPath.asURLs))
      val virtualDirectory = global.settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput.get
      new AbstractFileClassLoader(virtualDirectory, loader) {}
    } else {

  /** Produces a function that can be used to invoke macro implementation for a given macro definition:
   *    1) Looks up macro implementation symbol in this universe.
   *    2) Loads its enclosing class from the macro classloader.
   *    3) Loads the companion of that enclosing class from the macro classloader.
   *    4) Resolves macro implementation within the loaded companion.
   *  @return Requested runtime if macro implementation can be loaded successfully from either of the mirrors,
   *          null otherwise.
  type MacroRuntime = List[Any] => Any
  private val macroRuntimesCache = perRunCaches.newWeakMap[Symbol, MacroRuntime]
  private def macroRuntime(macroDef: Symbol): MacroRuntime = {
    macroTraceVerbose("looking for macro implementation: ")(macroDef)
    if (fastTrack contains macroDef) {
      macroLogVerbose("macro expansion is serviced by a fast track")
    } else {
      macroRuntimesCache.getOrElseUpdate(macroDef, {
        val binding = loadMacroImplBinding(macroDef)
        val className = binding.className
        val methName = binding.methName
        macroLogVerbose(s"resolved implementation as $className.$methName")

        // I don't use Scala reflection here, because it seems to interfere with JIT magic
        // whenever you instantiate a mirror (and not do anything with in, just instantiate), performance drops by 15-20%
        // I'm not sure what's the reason - for me it's pure voodoo
        // upd. my latest experiments show that everything's okay
        // it seems that in 2.10.1 we can easily switch to Scala reflection
        try {
          macroTraceVerbose("loading implementation class: ")(className)
          macroTraceVerbose("classloader is: ")(
          val implObj = ReflectionUtils.staticSingletonInstance(macroClassloader, className)
          // relies on the fact that macro impls cannot be overloaded
          // so every methName can resolve to at maximum one method
          val implMeths = implObj.getClass.getDeclaredMethods.find(_.getName == methName)
          val implMeth = implMeths getOrElse { throw new NoSuchMethodException(s"$className.$methName") }
          macroLogVerbose("successfully loaded macro impl as (%s, %s)".format(implObj, implMeth))
          (args: List[Any]) => implMeth.invoke(implObj, (args map (_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])): _*)
        } catch {
          case ex: Exception =>
            macroTraceVerbose(s"macro runtime failed to load: ")(ex.toString)
            macroDef setFlag IS_ERROR

  private def macroContext(typer: Typer, prefixTree: Tree, expandeeTree: Tree): MacroContext =
    new {
      val universe: =
      val callsiteTyper: universe.analyzer.Typer = typer.asInstanceOf[global.analyzer.Typer]
      val expandee = expandeeTree
    } with UnaffiliatedMacroContext {
      // todo. infer precise typetag for this Expr, namely the PrefixType member of the Context refinement
      val prefix = Expr[Nothing](prefixTree)(TypeTag.Nothing)
      override def toString = "MacroContext(%s@%s +%d)".format(, expandee.pos, enclosingMacros.length - 1 /* exclude myself */)

  /** Calculate the arguments to pass to a macro implementation when expanding the provided tree.
   *  This includes inferring the exact type and instance of the macro context to pass, and also
   *  allowing for missing parameter sections in macro implementation (see ``macroImplParamsss'' for more info).
   *  @return list of runtime objects to pass to the implementation obtained by ``macroRuntime''
  private def macroArgs(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree): Option[List[Any]] = {
    val macroDef   = expandee.symbol
    val prefixTree = expandee.collect{ case Select(qual, name) => qual }.headOption.getOrElse(EmptyTree)
    val context    = expandee.attachments.get[MacroRuntimeAttachment].flatMap(_.macroContext).getOrElse(macroContext(typer, prefixTree, expandee))
    var typeArgs   = List[Tree]()
    val exprArgs   = ListBuffer[List[Expr[_]]]()
    def collectMacroArgs(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
      case Apply(fn, args) =>
        // todo. infer precise typetag for this Expr, namely the declared type of the corresponding macro impl argument
        exprArgs.prepend(args map (arg => context.Expr[Nothing](arg)(TypeTag.Nothing)))
      case TypeApply(fn, args) =>
        typeArgs = args
      case _ =>

    val argcDoesntMatch = macroDef.paramss.length != exprArgs.length
    val nullaryArgsEmptyParams = exprArgs.isEmpty && macroDef.paramss == List(List())
    if (argcDoesntMatch && !nullaryArgsEmptyParams) { typer.TyperErrorGen.MacroPartialApplicationError(expandee); return None }

    var argss: List[List[Any]] = List(context) :: exprArgs.toList
    macroTraceVerbose("argss: ")(argss)
    val rawArgss =
      if (fastTrack contains macroDef) {
        if (fastTrack(macroDef) validate argss) argss
        else {
          // if you're getting here, it's not necessarily partial application that is at fault
          // for example, if a signature of a hardwired macro has been changed without updated FastTrack
          // then the corresponding partial function in FastTrack will refuse to process the expandee
          // validation will return false, and control flow will end up here
          // however, for simplicity sake, I didn't introduce the notion of error handling to FastTrack
          // so all kinds of validation errors produce `MacroPartialApplicationError`
          return None
      } else {
        val binding = loadMacroImplBinding(macroDef)
        macroTraceVerbose("binding: ")(binding)

        // if paramss have typetag context bounds, add an arglist to argss if necessary and instantiate the corresponding evidences
        // consider the following example:
        //   class D[T] {
        //     class C[U] {
        //       def foo[V] = macro[T, U, V]
        //     }
        //   }
        //   val outer1 = new D[Int]
        //   val outer2 = new outer1.C[String]
        // then T and U need to be inferred from the lexical scope of the call using ``asSeenFrom''
        // whereas V won't be resolved by asSeenFrom and need to be loaded directly from ``expandee'' which needs to contain a TypeApply node
        // also, macro implementation reference may contain a regular type as a type argument, then we pass it verbatim
        val tags = binding.signature filter (_ != -1) map (paramPos => {
          val targ = binding.targs(paramPos).tpe.typeSymbol
          val tpe = if (targ.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) {
            if (targ.owner == macroDef) {
              // doesn't work when macro def is compiled separately from its usages
              // then targ is not a skolem and isn't equal to any of macroDef.typeParams
              // val argPos = targ.deSkolemize.paramPos
              val argPos = macroDef.typeParams.indexWhere( ==
            } else
                if (prefixTree == EmptyTree) macroDef.owner.tpe else prefixTree.tpe,
          } else
          if (tpe.isConcrete) context.TypeTag(tpe) else context.AbsTypeTag(tpe)
        val hasImplicitParams = macroDef.paramss.flatten.lastOption exists (_.isImplicit)
        argss = if (hasImplicitParams) argss.dropRight(1) :+ (tags ++ argss.last) else argss :+ tags

        // transforms argss taking into account varargness of paramss
        // not all argument lists in argss map to macroDef.paramss, so we need to apply extra care
        // namely:
        // 1) the first argument list represents (c: Context) in macroImpl, so it doesn't have correspondence in macroDef
        // 2) typetag context bounds are only declared on macroImpls, so this optional arglist also doesn't match macroDef
        // nb! varargs can apply to any parameter section, not necessarily to the last one
        mapWithIndex(argss)((as, i_argss) => {
          val i_paramss = i_argss - 1
          val mapsToParamss = 0 <= i_paramss && i_paramss < macroDef.paramss.length
          if (mapsToParamss) {
            val ps = macroDef.paramss(i_paramss)
            if (isVarArgsList(ps)) as.take(ps.length - 1) :+ as.drop(ps.length - 1)
            else as
          } else as
    val rawArgs = rawArgss.flatten
    macroTraceVerbose("rawArgs: ")(rawArgs)

  /** Keeps track of macros in-flight.
   *  See more informations in comments to ``openMacros'' in ``scala.reflect.macros.Context''.
  var openMacros = List[MacroContext]()
  def enclosingMacroPosition = openMacros map (_.macroApplication.pos) find (_ ne NoPosition) getOrElse NoPosition

  /** Performs macro expansion:
   *    1) Checks whether the expansion needs to be delayed (see ``mustDelayMacroExpansion'')
   *    2) Loads macro implementation using ``macroMirror''
   *    3) Synthesizes invocation arguments for the macro implementation
   *    4) Checks that the result is a tree bound to this universe
   *    5) Typechecks the result against the return type of the macro definition
   *  If -Ymacro-debug-lite is enabled, you will get basic notifications about macro expansion
   *  along with macro expansions logged in the form that can be copy/pasted verbatim into REPL.
   *  If -Ymacro-debug-verbose is enabled, you will get detailed log of how exactly this function
   *  performs class loading and method resolution in order to load the macro implementation.
   *  The log will also include other non-trivial steps of macro expansion.
   *  @return
   *    the expansion result                    if the expansion has been successful,
   *    the fallback method invocation          if the expansion has been unsuccessful, but there is a fallback,
   *    the expandee unchanged                  if the expansion has been delayed,
   *    the expandee fully expanded             if the expansion has been delayed before and has been expanded now,
   *    the expandee with an error marker set   if the expansion has been cancelled due malformed arguments or implementation
   *    the expandee with an error marker set   if there has been an error
  def macroExpand(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree, mode: Int = EXPRmode, pt: Type = WildcardType): Tree = {
    def fail(what: String, tree: Tree): Tree = {
      val err = typer.context.errBuffer.head, tree, err.errPos, "failed to %s: %s".format(what, err.errMsg))
      return expandee
    val start = Statistics.startTimer(macroExpandNanos)
    try {
      macroExpand1(typer, expandee) match {
        case Success(expanded0) =>
          try {
            val expanded = expanded0 // virtpatmat swallows the local for expandee from the match
                                     // so I added this dummy local for the ease of debugging
            var expectedTpe = expandee.tpe

            val isNullaryInvocation = expandee match {
              case TypeApply(Select(_, _), _) => true
              case TypeApply(Ident(_), _) => true
              case Select(_, _) => true
              case Ident(_) => true
              case _ => false
            if (isNullaryInvocation) expectedTpe match {
              case NullaryMethodType(restpe) =>
                macroTraceVerbose("nullary invocation of a nullary method. unwrapping expectedTpe from " + expectedTpe + " to: ")(restpe)
                expectedTpe = restpe
              case MethodType(Nil, restpe) =>
                macroTraceVerbose("nullary invocation of a method with an empty parameter list. unwrapping expectedTpe from " + expectedTpe + " to: ")(restpe)
                expectedTpe = restpe
              case _ => ;

            macroLogVerbose("typechecking1 against %s: %s".format(expectedTpe, expanded))
            var typechecked = typer.context.withImplicitsEnabled(typer.typed(expanded, EXPRmode, expectedTpe))
            if (typer.context.hasErrors) fail("typecheck against macro def return type", expanded)
            macroLogVerbose("typechecked1:%n%s%n%s".format(typechecked, showRaw(typechecked)))

            macroLogVerbose("typechecking2 against %s: %s".format(pt, expanded))
            typechecked = typer.context.withImplicitsEnabled(typer.typed(typechecked, EXPRmode, pt))
            if (typer.context.hasErrors) fail("typecheck against expected type", expanded)
            macroLogVerbose("typechecked2:%n%s%n%s".format(typechecked, showRaw(typechecked)))

            typechecked addAttachment MacroExpansionAttachment(expandee)
          } finally {
            openMacros = openMacros.tail
        case Fallback(fallback) =>
          typer.context.withImplicitsEnabled(typer.typed(fallback, EXPRmode, pt))
        case Other(result) =>
    } finally {
      Statistics.stopTimer(macroExpandNanos, start)

  private sealed abstract class MacroExpansionResult extends Product with Serializable
  private case class Success(expanded: Tree) extends MacroExpansionResult
  private case class Fallback(fallback: Tree) extends MacroExpansionResult
  private case class Other(result: Tree) extends MacroExpansionResult
  private def Delay(expanded: Tree) = Other(expanded)
  private def Skip(expanded: Tree) = Other(expanded)
  private def Cancel(expandee: Tree) = Other(expandee)
  private def Failure(expandee: Tree) = Other(expandee)
  private def fail(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree, pos: Position = NoPosition, msg: String = null) = {
    def msgForLog = if (msg != null && (msg contains "exception during macro expansion")) msg.split(EOL).drop(1).headOption.getOrElse("?") else msg
    macroLogLite("macro expansion has failed: %s".format(msgForLog))
    val errorPos = if (pos != NoPosition) pos else (if (expandee.pos != NoPosition) expandee.pos else enclosingMacroPosition)
    if (msg != null) typer.context.error(errorPos, msg)

  /** Does the same as ``macroExpand'', but without typechecking the expansion
   *  Meant for internal use within the macro infrastructure, don't use it elsewhere.
  private def macroExpand1(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree): MacroExpansionResult =
    // InfoLevel.Verbose examines and prints out infos of symbols
    // by the means of this'es these symbols can climb up the lexical scope
    // when these symbols will be examined by a node printer
    // they will enumerate and analyze their children (ask for infos and tpes)
    // if one of those children involves macro expansion, things might get nasty
    // that's why I'm temporarily turning this behavior off
    withInfoLevel(nodePrinters.InfoLevel.Quiet) {
      // if a macro implementation is incompatible or any of the arguments are erroneous
      // there is no sense to expand the macro itself => it will only make matters worse
      if (expandee.symbol.isErroneous || (expandee exists (_.isErroneous))) {
        val reason = if (expandee.symbol.isErroneous) "not found or incompatible macro implementation" else "erroneous arguments"
        macroTraceVerbose("cancelled macro expansion because of %s: ".format(reason))(expandee)
        return Cancel(typer.infer.setError(expandee))

      val runtime = macroRuntime(expandee.symbol)
      if (runtime != null) macroExpandWithRuntime(typer, expandee, runtime)
      else macroExpandWithoutRuntime(typer, expandee)

  /** Expands a macro when a runtime (i.e. the macro implementation) can be successfully loaded
   *  Meant for internal use within the macro infrastructure, don't use it elsewhere.
  private def macroExpandWithRuntime(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree, runtime: MacroRuntime): MacroExpansionResult = {
    def issueFreeError(sym: FreeSymbol) = {
      val template = (
          "Macro expansion contains free @kind@ variable %s. Have you forgotten to use %s? "
        + "If you have troubles tracking free @kind@ variables, consider using -Xlog-free-@kind@s"
      val forgotten = (
        if (sym.isTerm) "splice when splicing this variable into a reifee"
        else "c.AbsTypeTag annotation for this type parameter"
 + " " + sym.origin, forgotten)
    def macroExpandInternal = {
      val wasDelayed  = isDelayed(expandee)
      val undetparams = calculateUndetparams(expandee)
      val nowDelayed  = !typer.context.macrosEnabled || undetparams.nonEmpty

      def failExpansion(msg: String = null) = fail(typer, expandee, msg = msg)
      def performExpansion(args: List[Any]): MacroExpansionResult = {
        val numErrors    = reporter.ERROR.count
        def hasNewErrors = reporter.ERROR.count > numErrors

        val expanded = runtime(args)

        if (hasNewErrors)
          failExpansion() // errors have been reported by the macro itself
        else expanded match {
          case expanded: Expr[_] =>
            macroLogLite("" + expanded.tree + "\n" + showRaw(expanded.tree))

            expanded.tree.freeTerms foreach issueFreeError
            expanded.tree.freeTypes foreach issueFreeError
            if (hasNewErrors) failExpansion()

            // inherit the position from the first position-ful expandee in macro callstack
            // this is essential for sane error messages
            // now macro expansion gets typechecked against the macro definition return type
            // however, this happens in macroExpand, not here in macroExpand1
            else Success(atPos(enclosingMacroPosition.focus)(expanded.tree))
          case _ =>
              "macro must return a compiler-specific expr; returned value is " + (
                if (expanded.isInstanceOf[Expr[_]]) " Expr, but it doesn't belong to this compiler's universe"
                else " of " + expanded.getClass

      if (wasDelayed) {
        if (nowDelayed) Delay(expandee)
        else Skip(macroExpandAll(typer, expandee))
      else {
        macroLogLite("typechecking macro expansion %s at %s".format(expandee, expandee.pos))
        macroArgs(typer, expandee).fold(failExpansion(): MacroExpansionResult) {
          args => (args: @unchecked) match {
            // crashes virtpatmat:
            // case args @ ((context: MacroContext) :: _) =>
            // todo. extract a minimized test case
            case args @ (context0 :: _) =>
              val context = context0.asInstanceOf[MacroContext]
              if (nowDelayed) {
                macroLogLite("macro expansion is delayed: %s".format(expandee))
                delayed += expandee -> undetparams
                // need to save typer context for `macroExpandAll`
                // need to save macro context to preserve enclosures
                expandee addAttachment MacroRuntimeAttachment(delayed = true, typerContext = typer.context, macroContext = Some(context.asInstanceOf[MacroContext]))
              else {
                // adding stuff to openMacros is easy, but removing it is a nightmare
                // it needs to be sprinkled over several different code locations
                // why?
                // todo. will be improved
                openMacros ::= context
                var isSuccess = false
                try performExpansion(args) match {
                  case x: Success => isSuccess = true ; x
                  case x          => x
                finally {
                  if (!isSuccess) openMacros = openMacros.tail

    try macroExpandInternal
    catch { case ex: Throwable => handleMacroExpansionException(typer, expandee, ex) }

  private def macroExpandWithoutRuntime(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree): MacroExpansionResult = {
    val macroDef = expandee.symbol
    def notFound() = {
      typer.context.error(expandee.pos, "macro implementation not found: " + + " " +
        "(the most common reason for that is that you cannot use macro implementations in the same compilation run that defines them)")
    def fallBackToOverridden(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = {
      tree match {
        case Select(qual, name) if (macroDef.isTermMacro) =>
          macroDef.allOverriddenSymbols match {
            case first :: _ =>
              Some(Select(qual, name) setPos tree.pos setSymbol first)
            case _ =>
              macroTraceVerbose("macro is not overridden: ")(tree)
        case Apply(fn, args) =>
          fallBackToOverridden(fn) match {
            case Some(fn1) => Some(Apply(fn1, args) setPos tree.pos)
            case _         => None
        case TypeApply(fn, args) =>
          fallBackToOverridden(fn) match {
            case Some(fn1) => Some(TypeApply(fn1, args) setPos tree.pos)
            case _         => None
        case _ =>
          macroTraceVerbose("unexpected tree in fallback: ")(tree)
    fallBackToOverridden(expandee) match {
      case Some(tree1) =>
        macroTraceLite("falling back to: ")(tree1)
        currentRun.macroExpansionFailed = true
      case None =>
        fail(typer, expandee)

  private def handleMacroExpansionException(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree, ex: Throwable): MacroExpansionResult = {
    val realex = ReflectionUtils.unwrapThrowable(ex)
    realex match {
      case realex: reflect.macros.runtime.AbortMacroException =>
        macroLogVerbose("macro expansion has failed: %s".format(realex.msg))
        fail(typer, expandee) // error has been reported by abort
      case err: TypeError =>
        macroLogLite("macro expansion has failed: %s at %s".format(err.msg, err.pos))
        throw err // error should be propagated, don't report
      case _ =>
        val message = {
          try {
            // [Eugene] is there a better way?
            // [Paul] See Exceptional.scala and Origins.scala.
            val relevancyThreshold = realex.getStackTrace().indexWhere(este => este.getMethodName == "macroExpand1")
            if (relevancyThreshold == -1) None
            else {
              var relevantElements = realex.getStackTrace().take(relevancyThreshold + 1)
              def isMacroInvoker(este: StackTraceElement) = este.isNativeMethod || (este.getClassName != null && (este.getClassName contains "fastTrack"))
              var threshold = relevantElements.reverse.indexWhere(isMacroInvoker) + 1
              while (threshold != relevantElements.length && isMacroInvoker(relevantElements(relevantElements.length - threshold - 1))) threshold += 1
              relevantElements = relevantElements dropRight threshold

              val message = new
              Some(EOL + message)
          } catch {
            // if the magic above goes boom, just fall back to uninformative, but better than nothing, getMessage
            case ex: Throwable =>
        } getOrElse {
          val msg = realex.getMessage
          if (msg != null) msg else realex.getClass.getName
        fail(typer, expandee, msg = "exception during macro expansion: " + message)

  /** Without any restrictions on macro expansion, macro applications will expand at will,
   *  and when type inference is involved, expansions will end up using yet uninferred type params.
   *  For some macros this might be ok (thanks to TreeTypeSubstituter that replaces
   *  the occurrences of undetparams with their inferred values), but in general case this won't work.
   *  E.g. for reification simple substitution is not enough - we actually need to re-reify inferred types.
   *  Luckily, there exists a very simple way to fix the problem: delay macro expansion until everything is inferred.
   *  Here are the exact rules. Macro application gets delayed if any of its subtrees contain:
   *    1) type vars (tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeVar]) // [Eugene] this check is disabled right now, because TypeVars seem to be created from undetparams anyways
   *    2) undetparams (sym.isTypeParameter && !sym.isSkolem)
  var hasPendingMacroExpansions = false
  private val delayed = perRunCaches.newWeakMap[Tree, collection.mutable.Set[Int]]
  private def isDelayed(expandee: Tree) = delayed contains expandee
  private def calculateUndetparams(expandee: Tree): collection.mutable.Set[Int] =
    delayed.get(expandee).getOrElse {
      val calculated = collection.mutable.Set[Symbol]()
      expandee foreach (sub => {
        def traverse(sym: Symbol) = if (sym != null && (undetparams contains calculated += sym
        if (sub.symbol != null) traverse(sub.symbol)
        if (sub.tpe != null) sub.tpe foreach (sub => traverse(sub.typeSymbol))
      macroLogVerbose("calculateUndetparams: %s".format(calculated))
      calculated map (
  private val undetparams = perRunCaches.newSet[Int]
  def notifyUndetparamsAdded(newUndets: List[Symbol]): Unit = {
    undetparams ++= newUndets map (
    if (macroDebugVerbose) newUndets foreach (sym => println("undetParam added: %s".format(sym)))
  def notifyUndetparamsInferred(undetNoMore: List[Symbol], inferreds: List[Type]): Unit = {
    undetparams --= undetNoMore map (
    if (macroDebugVerbose) (undetNoMore zip inferreds) foreach { case (sym, tpe) => println("undetParam inferred: %s as %s".format(sym, tpe))}
    if (!delayed.isEmpty)
      delayed.toList foreach {
        case (expandee, undetparams) if !undetparams.isEmpty =>
          undetparams --= undetNoMore map (
          if (undetparams.isEmpty) {
            hasPendingMacroExpansions = true
            macroTraceVerbose("macro expansion is pending: ")(expandee)
        case _ =>
          // do nothing

  /** Performs macro expansion on all subtrees of a given tree.
   *  Innermost macros are expanded first, outermost macros are expanded last.
   *  See the documentation for ``macroExpand'' for more information.
  def macroExpandAll(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree): Tree =
    new Transformer {
      override def transform(tree: Tree) = super.transform(tree match {
        // todo. expansion should work from the inside out
        case wannabe if (delayed contains wannabe) && calculateUndetparams(wannabe).isEmpty =>
          val context = wannabe.attachments.get[MacroRuntimeAttachment].get.typerContext
          delayed -= wannabe
          context.implicitsEnabled = typer.context.implicitsEnabled
          context.enrichmentEnabled = typer.context.enrichmentEnabled
          context.macrosEnabled = typer.context.macrosEnabled
          macroExpand(newTyper(context), wannabe, EXPRmode, WildcardType)
        case _ =>

object MacrosStats {
  import reflect.internal.TypesStats.typerNanos
  val macroExpandCount    = Statistics.newCounter ("#macro expansions", "typer")
  val macroExpandNanos    = Statistics.newSubTimer("time spent in macroExpand", typerNanos)