path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/NamesDefaults.scala
blob: 44a3abf1b2a13f3d1c3c2a20dbee916556e42f82 (plain) (tree)













































































/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package typechecker

import symtab.Flags._
import scala.collection.mutable

 *  @author Lukas Rytz
 *  @version 1.0
trait NamesDefaults { self: Analyzer =>

  import global._
  import definitions._
  import NamesDefaultsErrorsGen._

  val defaultParametersOfMethod =
    perRunCaches.newWeakMap[Symbol, Set[Symbol]]() withDefaultValue Set()

  case class NamedApplyInfo(
    qual:       Option[Tree],
    targs:      List[Tree],
    vargss:     List[List[Tree]],
    blockTyper: Typer
  ) { }

  val noApplyInfo = NamedApplyInfo(None, Nil, Nil, null)

  def nameOf(arg: Tree) = arg match {
    case AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(name), rhs) => Some(name)
    case _ => None
  def isNamed(arg: Tree) = nameOf(arg).isDefined

  /** @param pos maps indices from old to new */
  def reorderArgs[T: ClassManifest](args: List[T], pos: Int => Int): List[T] = {
    val res = new Array[T](args.length)
    foreachWithIndex(args)((arg, index) => res(pos(index)) = arg)

  /** @param pos maps indices from new to old (!) */
  def reorderArgsInv[T: ClassManifest](args: List[T], pos: Int => Int): List[T] = {
    val argsArray = args.toArray
    argsArray.indices map (i => argsArray(pos(i))) toList

  /** returns `true` if every element is equal to its index */
  def isIdentity(a: Array[Int]) = (0 until a.length).forall(i => a(i) == i)

   * Transform a function application into a Block, and assigns typer.context
   * .namedApplyBlockInfo to the new block as side-effect. If tree has the form
   *    Apply(fun, args)
   * first the function "fun" (which might be an application itself!) is transformed into a
   * block of the form
   *   {
   *     val qual$1 = qualifier_of_fun
   *     val x$1 = arg_1_of_fun
   *     ...
   *     val x$n = arg_n_of_fun
   *     qual$[targs](x$1, ...)...(..., x$n)
   *   }
   * then for each argument in args, a value is created and entered into the block. finally
   * the application expression of the block is updated.
   *   {
   *     val qual$1 = ..
   *     ...
   *     val x$n = ...
   *  >  val qual$n+1 = arg(1)
   *  >  ...
   *  >  val qual$n+m = arg(m)
   *  >  qual$[targs](x$1, ...)...(..., x$n)(x$n+1, ..., x$n+m)
   *   }
   * @param typer the typer calling this method; this method calls
   *    typer.doTypedApply
   * @param mode the mode to use for calling typer.doTypedApply
   * @param pt the expected type for calling typer.doTypedApply
   * @param tree: the function application tree
   * @argPos: a function mapping arguments from their current position to the
   *   position specified by the method type. example:
   *    def foo(a: Int, b: String)
   *    foo(b = "1", a = 2)
   *  calls
   *    transformNamedApplication(Apply(foo, List("1", 2), { 0 => 1, 1 => 0 })
   *  @return the transformed application (a Block) together with the NamedApplyInfo.
   *     if isNamedApplyBlock(tree), returns the existing context.namedApplyBlockInfo
  def transformNamedApplication(typer: Typer, mode: Int, pt: Type)
                               (tree: Tree, argPos: Int => Int): Tree = {
    import typer._
    import typer.infer._
    val context = typer.context
    import context.unit

     * Transform a function into a block, and passing context.namedApplyBlockInfo to
     * the new block as side-effect.
     * `baseFun` is typed, the resulting block must be typed as well.
     * Fun is transformed in the following way:
     *  - Ident(f)                                    ==>  Block(Nil, Ident(f))
     *  - Select(qual, f) if (qual is stable)         ==>  Block(Nil, Select(qual, f))
     *  - Select(qual, f) otherwise                   ==>  Block(ValDef(qual$1, qual), Select(qual$1, f))
     *  - TypeApply(fun, targs)                       ==>  Block(Nil or qual$1, TypeApply(fun, targs))
     *  - Select(New(TypeTree()), <init>)             ==>  Block(Nil, Select(New(TypeTree()), <init>))
     *  - Select(New(Select(qual, typeName)), <init>) ==>  Block(Nil, Select(...))     NOTE: qual must be stable in a `new`
    def baseFunBlock(baseFun: Tree): Tree = {
      val isConstr = baseFun.symbol.isConstructor
      val blockTyper = newTyper(context.makeNewScope(tree, context.owner))

      // baseFun1: extract the function from a potential TypeApply
      // funTargs: type arguments on baseFun, used to reconstruct TypeApply in blockWith(Out)Qualifier
      // defaultTargs: type arguments to be used for calling defaultGetters. If the type arguments are given
      //   in the source code, re-use them for default getter. Otherwise infer the default getter's t-args.
      val (baseFun1, funTargs, defaultTargs) = baseFun match {
        case TypeApply(fun, targs) =>
          val targsInSource =
            if (targs.forall(a => context.undetparams contains a.symbol)) Nil
            else targs
          (fun, targs, targsInSource)

        case Select(New(tpt @ TypeTree()), _) if isConstr =>
          val targsInSource = tpt.tpe match {
            case TypeRef(pre, sym, args)
            if (!args.forall(a => context.undetparams contains a.typeSymbol)) =>
            case _ =>
          (baseFun, Nil, targsInSource)

        case Select(TypeApply(New(TypeTree()), targs), _) if isConstr =>
          val targsInSource =
            if (targs.forall(a => context.undetparams contains a.symbol)) Nil
            else targs
          (baseFun, Nil, targsInSource)

        case _ => (baseFun, Nil, Nil)

      // never used for constructor calls, they always have a stable qualifier
      def blockWithQualifier(qual: Tree, selected: Name) = {
        val sym = blockTyper.context.owner.newValue(unit.freshTermName("qual$"), qual.pos) setInfo qual.tpe
        blockTyper.context.scope enter sym
        val vd = atPos(sym.pos)(ValDef(sym, qual) setType NoType)

        var baseFunTransformed = atPos(baseFun.pos.makeTransparent) {
          // don't use treeCopy: it would assign opaque position.
          val f = Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(sym), selected)
          if (funTargs.isEmpty) f
          else TypeApply(f, funTargs).setType(baseFun.tpe)

        val b = Block(List(vd), baseFunTransformed)

        val defaultQual = Some(atPos(qual.pos.focus)(gen.mkAttributedRef(sym)))
        context.namedApplyBlockInfo =
          Some((b, NamedApplyInfo(defaultQual, defaultTargs, Nil, blockTyper)))

      def blockWithoutQualifier(defaultQual: Option[Tree]) = {
        val b = atPos(baseFun.pos)(Block(Nil, baseFun).setType(baseFun.tpe))
        context.namedApplyBlockInfo =
          Some((b, NamedApplyInfo(defaultQual, defaultTargs, Nil, blockTyper)))

      def moduleQual(pos: Position, classType: Type) = {
        // prefix does 'normalize', which fixes #3384
        val pre = classType.prefix
        if (pre == NoType) {
        } else {
          val module = companionSymbolOf(baseFun.symbol.owner, context)
          if (module == NoSymbol) None
          else {
            val ref = atPos(pos.focus)(gen.mkAttributedRef(pre, module))
            if (module.isStable && pre.isStable)    // fixes #4524. the type checker does the same for
              ref.setType(singleType(pre, module))  // typedSelect, it calls "stabilize" on the result.

      baseFun1 match {
        // constructor calls

        case Select(New(tp @ TypeTree()), _) if isConstr =>
          // 'moduleQual' fixes #3338. Same qualifier for selecting the companion object as for the class.
          blockWithoutQualifier(moduleQual(tp.pos, tp.tpe))
        case Select(TypeApply(New(tp @ TypeTree()), _), _) if isConstr =>
          blockWithoutQualifier(moduleQual(tp.pos, tp.tpe))

        case Select(New(tp @ Ident(_)), _) if isConstr =>
          // 'moduleQual' fixes #3344
          blockWithoutQualifier(moduleQual(tp.pos, tp.tpe))
        case Select(TypeApply(New(tp @ Ident(_)), _), _) if isConstr =>
          blockWithoutQualifier(moduleQual(tp.pos, tp.tpe))

        case Select(New(tp @ Select(qual, _)), _) if isConstr =>
          // in `new q.C()', q is always stable
          assert(treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(qual), qual)
          // 'moduleQual' fixes #2057
          blockWithoutQualifier(moduleQual(tp.pos, tp.tpe))
        case Select(TypeApply(New(tp @ Select(qual, _)), _), _) if isConstr =>
          assert(treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(qual), qual)
          blockWithoutQualifier(moduleQual(tp.pos, tp.tpe))

        // super constructor calls
        case Select(sp @ Super(_, _), _) if isConstr =>
          // 'moduleQual' fixes #3207. selection of the companion module of the
          // superclass needs to have the same prefix as the superclass.
          blockWithoutQualifier(moduleQual(baseFun.pos, sp.symbol.tpe.parents.head))

        // self constructor calls (in secondary constructors)
        case Select(tp, name) if isConstr =>
          assert(treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(tp), tp)
          blockWithoutQualifier(moduleQual(tp.pos, tp.tpe))

        // other method calls

        case Ident(_) =>

        case Select(qual, name) =>
          if (treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(qual))
            blockWithQualifier(qual, name)

     * For each argument (arg: T), create a local value
     *  x$n: T = arg
     * assumes "args" are typed. owner of the definitions in the block is the owner of
     * the block (see typedBlock), but the symbols have to be entered into the block's scope.
     * For by-name parameters, create a value
     *  x$n: () => T = () => arg
    def argValDefs(args: List[Tree], paramTypes: List[Type], blockTyper: Typer): List[ValDef] = {
      val context = blockTyper.context
      val symPs = map2(args, paramTypes)((arg, tpe) => {
        val byName = isByNameParamType(tpe)
        val (argTpe, repeated) =
          if (isScalaRepeatedParamType(tpe)) arg match {
            case Typed(expr, Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR)) =>
              (expr.tpe, true)
            case _ =>
              (seqType(arg.tpe), true)
          } else (arg.tpe, false)
        val s = context.owner.newValue(unit.freshTermName("x$"), arg.pos)
        val valType = if (byName) functionType(List(), argTpe)
                      else if (repeated) argTpe
                      else argTpe
        (context.scope.enter(s), byName, repeated)
      map2(symPs, args) {
        case ((sym, byName, repeated), arg) =>
          val body =
            if (byName) {
              val res = blockTyper.typed(Function(List(), arg))
              new ChangeOwnerTraverser(context.owner, res.symbol) traverse arg // fixes #2290
            } else {
              new ChangeOwnerTraverser(context.owner, sym) traverse arg // fixes #4502
              if (repeated) arg match {
                case Typed(expr, Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR)) =>
                case _ =>
                  val factory = Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(SeqModule), nme.apply)
                  blockTyper.typed(Apply(factory, List(resetLocalAttrs(arg))))
              } else arg
          atPos(body.pos)(ValDef(sym, body).setType(NoType))

    // begin transform
    if (isNamedApplyBlock(tree)) {
    } else tree match {
      // `fun` is typed. `namelessArgs` might be typed or not, if they are types are kept.
      case Apply(fun, namelessArgs) =>
        val transformedFun = transformNamedApplication(typer, mode, pt)(fun, x => x)
        if (transformedFun.isErroneous) setError(tree)
        else {
          assert(isNamedApplyBlock(transformedFun), transformedFun)
          val NamedApplyInfo(qual, targs, vargss, blockTyper) =
          val existingBlock @ Block(stats, funOnly) = transformedFun

          // type the application without names; put the arguments in definition-site order
          val typedApp = doTypedApply(tree, funOnly, reorderArgs(namelessArgs, argPos), mode, pt)
          if (typedApp.isErrorTyped) tree
          else typedApp match {
            // Extract the typed arguments, restore the call-site evaluation order (using
            // ValDef's in the block), change the arguments to these local values.
            case Apply(expr, typedArgs) =>
              // typedArgs: definition-site order
              val formals = formalTypes(expr.tpe.paramTypes, typedArgs.length, false, false)
              // valDefs: call-site order
              val valDefs = argValDefs(reorderArgsInv(typedArgs, argPos),
                                       reorderArgsInv(formals, argPos),
              // refArgs: definition-site order again
              val refArgs = map2(reorderArgs(valDefs, argPos), formals)((vDef, tpe) => {
                val ref = gen.mkAttributedRef(vDef.symbol)
                atPos(vDef.pos.focus) {
                  // for by-name parameters, the local value is a nullary function returning the argument
                  tpe.typeSymbol match {
                    case ByNameParamClass   => Apply(ref, Nil)
                    case RepeatedParamClass => Typed(ref, Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR))
                    case _                  => ref
              // cannot call blockTyper.typedBlock here, because the method expr might be partially applied only
              val res = blockTyper.doTypedApply(tree, expr, refArgs, mode, pt)
              val block = Block(stats ::: valDefs, res).setType(res.tpe).setPos(tree.pos)
              context.namedApplyBlockInfo =
                Some((block, NamedApplyInfo(qual, targs, vargss :+ refArgs, blockTyper)))

      case baseFun => // also treats "case TypeApply(fun, targs)" and "case Select(New(..), <init>)"


  def missingParams[T](args: List[T], params: List[Symbol], argName: T => Option[Name] = nameOf _): (List[Symbol], Boolean) = {
    val namedArgs = args.dropWhile(arg => {
      val n = argName(arg)
      n.isEmpty || params.forall(p => != n.get)
    val namedParams = params.drop(args.length - namedArgs.length)
    // missing: keep those with a name which doesn't exist in namedArgs
    val missingParams = namedParams.filter(p => namedArgs.forall(arg => {
      val n = argName(arg)
      n.isEmpty || n.get !=
    val allPositional = missingParams.length == namedParams.length
    (missingParams, allPositional)

   * Extend the argument list `givenArgs` with default arguments. Defaults are added
   * as named arguments calling the corresponding default getter.
   * Example: given
   *   def foo(x: Int = 2, y: String = "def")
   *   foo(y = "lt")
   * the argument list (y = "lt") is transformed to (y = "lt", x = foo$default$1())
  def addDefaults(givenArgs: List[Tree], qual: Option[Tree], targs: List[Tree],
                  previousArgss: List[List[Tree]], params: List[Symbol],
                  pos: util.Position, context: Context): (List[Tree], List[Symbol]) = {
    if (givenArgs.length < params.length) {
      val (missing, positional) = missingParams(givenArgs, params)
      if (missing forall (_.hasDefaultFlag)) {
        val defaultArgs = missing flatMap (p => {
          val defGetter = defaultGetter(p, context)
          // TODO #3649 can create spurious errors when companion object is gone (because it becomes unlinked from scope)
          if (defGetter == NoSymbol) None // prevent crash in erroneous trees, #3649
          else {
            var default1 = qual match {
              case Some(q) => gen.mkAttributedSelect(q.duplicate, defGetter)
              case None    => gen.mkAttributedRef(defGetter)

            default1 = if (targs.isEmpty) default1
                       else TypeApply(default1,
            val default2 = (default1 /: previousArgss)((tree, args) =>
            Some(atPos(pos) {
              if (positional) default2
              else AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(, default2)
        (givenArgs ::: defaultArgs, Nil)
      } else (givenArgs, missing filterNot (_.hasDefaultFlag))
    } else (givenArgs, Nil)

   * For a parameter with default argument, find the method symbol of
   * the default getter.
  def defaultGetter(param: Symbol, context: Context): Symbol = {
    val i = param.owner.paramss.flatten.indexWhere(p => == + 1
    if (i > 0) {
      val defGetterName = nme.defaultGetterName(, i)
      if (param.owner.isConstructor) {
        val mod = companionSymbolOf(param.owner.owner, context)
      else {
        // isClass also works for methods in objects, owner is the ModuleClassSymbol
        if (param.owner.owner.isClass) {
          // .toInterface: otherwise we get the method symbol of the impl class

        } else {
          // the owner of the method is another method. find the default
          // getter in the context.
          context.lookup(defGetterName, param.owner.owner)
    } else NoSymbol
  private def savingUndeterminedTParams[T](context: Context)(fn: List[Symbol] => T): T = {
    val savedParams    = context.extractUndetparams()
    val savedReporting = context.ambiguousErrors
    try fn(savedParams)
    finally {
      //@M note that we don't get here when an ambiguity was detected (during the computation of res),
      // as errorTree throws an exception
      context.undetparams = savedParams

  /** Fast path for ambiguous assignment check.
  private def isNameInScope(context: Context, name: Name) = (
    context.enclosingContextChain exists (ctx =>
         (ctx.scope.lookupEntry(name) != null)
      || (ctx.owner.rawInfo.member(name) != NoSymbol)
  /** A full type check is very expensive; let's make sure there's a name
   *  somewhere which could potentially be ambiguous before we go that route.
  private def isAmbiguousAssignment(typer: Typer, param: Symbol, arg: Tree) = {
    import typer.context
    isNameInScope(context, && {
      // for named arguments, check whether the assignment expression would
      // typecheck. if it does, report an ambiguous error.
      val paramtpe = param.tpe.cloneInfo(param)
      // replace type parameters by wildcard. in the below example we need to
      // typecheck (x = 1) with wildcard (not T) so that it succeeds.
      //   def f[T](x: T) = x
      //   var x = 0
      //   f(x = 1)   <<  "x = 1" typechecks with expected type WildcardType
      savingUndeterminedTParams(context) { udp =>
        val subst = new SubstTypeMap(udp, udp map (_ => WildcardType)) {
          override def apply(tp: Type): Type = super.apply(tp match {
            case TypeRef(_, ByNameParamClass, x :: Nil) => x
            case _                                      => tp
        // This throws an exception which is caught in `tryTypedApply` (as it
        // uses `silent`) - unfortunately, tryTypedApply recovers from the
        // exception if you use errorTree(arg, ...) and conforms is allowed as
        // a view (see tryImplicit in Implicits) because it tries to produce a
        // new qualifier (if the old one was P, the new one will be
        // conforms.apply(P)), and if that works, it pretends nothing happened.
        // To make sure tryTypedApply fails, we would like to pass EmptyTree
        // instead of arg, but can't do that because eventually setType(ErrorType)
        // is called, and EmptyTree can only be typed NoType.  Thus we need to
        // disable conforms as a view...
        try typer.silent(_.typed(arg, subst(paramtpe))) match {
          case SilentResultValue(t)  => !t.isErroneous // #4041
          case _        => false
        catch {
          // `silent` only catches and returns TypeErrors which are not
          // CyclicReferences.  Fix for #3685
          case cr @ CyclicReference(sym, _) =>
            ( == && sym.accessedOrSelf.isVariable && {
              NameClashError(sym, arg)(typer.context)

   * Removes name assignments from args. Additionally, returns an array mapping
   * argument indices from call-site-order to definition-site-order.
   * Verifies that names are not specified twice, positional args don't appear
   * after named ones.
  def removeNames(typer: Typer)(args: List[Tree], params: List[Symbol]): (List[Tree], Array[Int]) = {
    implicit val context0 = typer.context
    // maps indices from (order written by user) to (order of definition)
    val argPos            = Array.fill(args.length)(-1)
    var positionalAllowed = true
    val namelessArgs = mapWithIndex(args) { (arg, index) =>
      arg match {
        case arg @ AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(name), rhs) =>
          def matchesName(param: Symbol) = !param.isSynthetic && (
            ( == name) || (param.deprecatedParamName match {
              case Some(`name`) =>
                  "the parameter name "+ name +" has been deprecated. Use "+ +" instead.")
              case _ => false
          val pos = params indexWhere matchesName
          if (pos == -1) {
            if (positionalAllowed) {
              argPos(index) = index
              // prevent isNamed from being true when calling doTypedApply recursively,
              // treat the arg as an assignment of type Unit
              Assign(arg.lhs, rhs) setPos arg.pos
            else UnknownParameterNameNamesDefaultError(arg, name)
          else if (argPos contains pos)
            DoubleParamNamesDefaultError(arg, name)
          else if (isAmbiguousAssignment(typer, params(pos), arg))
            AmbiguousReferenceInNamesDefaultError(arg, name)
          else {
            // if the named argument is on the original parameter
            // position, positional after named is allowed.
            if (index != pos)
              positionalAllowed = false
            argPos(index) = pos
        case _ =>
          argPos(index) = index
          if (positionalAllowed) arg
          else PositionalAfterNamedNamesDefaultError(arg)

    (namelessArgs, argPos)