path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
blob: 8153766784e77be1c53101d50f25dc0e5ba69088 (plain) (tree)










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

// Added: Sat Oct 7 16:08:21 2006
//todo: use inherited type info also for vars and values

// Added: Thu Apr 12 18:23:58 2007
//todo: disallow C#D in superclass
//todo: treat :::= correctly
package typechecker

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{ BatchSourceFile, Statistics }
import mutable.ListBuffer
import symtab.Flags._

// Suggestion check whether we can do without priming scopes with symbols of outer scopes,
// like the IDE does.
/** This trait provides methods to assign types to trees.
 *  @author  Martin Odersky
 *  @version 1.0
trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
  self: Analyzer =>

  import global._
  import definitions._
  import TypersStats._

  final def forArgMode(fun: Tree, mode: Int) =
    if (treeInfo.isSelfOrSuperConstrCall(fun)) mode | SCCmode
    else mode

  // namer calls typer.computeType(rhs) on DefDef / ValDef when tpt is empty. the result
  // is cached here and re-used in typedDefDef / typedValDef
  // Also used to cache imports type-checked by namer.
  val transformed = new mutable.HashMap[Tree, Tree]

  final val shortenImports = false

  def resetTyper() {
    //println("resetTyper called")

  object UnTyper extends Traverser {
    override def traverse(tree: Tree) = {
      if (tree != EmptyTree) tree.tpe = null
      if (tree.hasSymbol) tree.symbol = NoSymbol
/* needed for experimental version where early types can be type arguments
  class EarlyMap(clazz: Symbol) extends TypeMap {
    def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
      case TypeRef(NoPrefix, sym, List()) if (sym hasFlag PRESUPER) =>
        TypeRef(ThisType(clazz), sym, List())
      case _ =>

  sealed abstract class SilentResult[+T]
  case class SilentTypeError(err: AbsTypeError) extends SilentResult[Nothing] { }
  case class SilentResultValue[+T](value: T) extends SilentResult[T] { }

  def newTyper(context: Context): Typer = new NormalTyper(context)
  private class NormalTyper(context : Context) extends Typer(context)

  // A transient flag to mark members of anonymous classes
  // that are turned private by typedBlock
  private final val SYNTHETIC_PRIVATE = TRANS_FLAG

  private def isPastTyper = >

  // To enable decent error messages when the typer crashes.
  // TODO - this only catches trees which go through def typed,
  // but there are all kinds of back ways - typedClassDef, etc. etc.
  // Funnel everything through one doorway.
  var lastTreeToTyper: Tree = EmptyTree

  // when true:
  //  - we may virtualize matches (if -Xexperimental and there's a suitable __match in scope)
  //  - we synthesize PartialFunction implementations for `x => x match {...}` and `match {...}` when the expected type is PartialFunction
  // this is disabled by: -Xoldpatmat or interactive compilation (we run it for scaladoc due to SI-5933)
  private def newPatternMatching = opt.virtPatmat && !forInteractive //&& !forScaladoc && ( <

  abstract class Typer(context0: Context) extends TyperDiagnostics with Adaptation with Tag with TyperContextErrors {
    import context0.unit
    import typeDebug.{ ptTree, ptBlock, ptLine }
    import TyperErrorGen._

    val infer = new Inferencer(context0) {
      override def isCoercible(tp: Type, pt: Type): Boolean = undoLog undo { // #3281
        tp.isError || pt.isError ||
        context0.implicitsEnabled && // this condition prevents chains of views
        inferView(EmptyTree, tp, pt, false) != EmptyTree

    /** Find implicit arguments and pass them to given tree.
    def applyImplicitArgs(fun: Tree): Tree = fun.tpe match {
      case MethodType(params, _) =>
        val argResultsBuff = new ListBuffer[SearchResult]()
        val argBuff = new ListBuffer[Tree]()
        // paramFailed cannot be initialized with params.exists(_.tpe.isError) because that would
        // hide some valid errors for params preceding the erroneous one.
        var paramFailed = false

        def mkPositionalArg(argTree: Tree, paramName: Name) = argTree
        def mkNamedArg(argTree: Tree, paramName: Name) = atPos(argTree.pos)(new AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(paramName), (argTree)))
        var mkArg: (Tree, Name) => Tree = mkPositionalArg

        // DEPMETTODO: instantiate type vars that depend on earlier implicit args (see adapt (4.1))
        // apply the substitutions (undet type param -> type) that were determined
        // by implicit resolution of implicit arguments on the left of this argument
        for(param <- params) {
          var paramTp = param.tpe
          for(ar <- argResultsBuff)
            paramTp = paramTp.subst(ar.subst.from,

          val res = if (paramFailed || (paramTp.isError && {paramFailed = true; true})) SearchFailure else inferImplicit(fun, paramTp, context.reportErrors, false, context)
          argResultsBuff += res

          if (res.isSuccess) {
            argBuff += mkArg(res.tree,
          } else {
            mkArg = mkNamedArg // don't pass the default argument (if any) here, but start emitting named arguments for the following args
            if (!param.hasDefault && !paramFailed) {
              context.errBuffer.find(_.kind == ErrorKinds.Divergent) match {
                case Some(divergentImplicit) if !settings.Xdivergence211.value =>
                  // DivergentImplicit error has higher priority than "no implicit found"
                  // no need to issue the problem again if we are still in silent mode
                  if (context.reportErrors) {
                    context.condBufferFlush(_.kind  == ErrorKinds.Divergent)
                case Some(divergentImplicit: DivergentImplicitTypeError) if settings.Xdivergence211.value =>
                  if (context.reportErrors) {
                    context.condBufferFlush(_.kind  == ErrorKinds.Divergent)
                case None =>
                  NoImplicitFoundError(fun, param)
              paramFailed = true
            /* else {
             TODO: alternative (to expose implicit search failure more) -->
             resolve argument, do type inference, keep emitting positional args, infer type params based on default value for arg
             for (ar <- argResultsBuff) ar.subst traverse defaultVal
             val targs = exprTypeArgs(context.undetparams, defaultVal.tpe, paramTp)
             substExpr(tree, tparams, targs, pt)

        val args = argBuff.toList
        for (ar <- argResultsBuff) {
          ar.subst traverse fun
          for (arg <- args) ar.subst traverse arg

        new ApplyToImplicitArgs(fun, args) setPos fun.pos
      case ErrorType =>

    def inferView(tree: Tree, from: Type, to: Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean): Tree =
      inferView(tree, from, to, reportAmbiguous, true)

    /** Infer an implicit conversion (``view'') between two types.
     *  @param tree             The tree which needs to be converted.
     *  @param from             The source type of the conversion
     *  @param to               The target type of the conversion
     *  @param reportAmbiguous  Should ambiguous implicit errors be reported?
     *                          False iff we search for a view to find out
     *                          whether one type is coercible to another.
     *  @param saveErrors       Should ambiguous and divergent implicit errors that were buffered
     *                          during the inference of a view be put into the original buffer.
     *                          False iff we don't care about them.
    def inferView(tree: Tree, from: Type, to: Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean, saveErrors: Boolean): Tree = {
      debuglog("infer view from "+from+" to "+to)//debug
      if (isPastTyper) EmptyTree
      else from match {
        case MethodType(_, _) => EmptyTree
        case OverloadedType(_, _) => EmptyTree
        case PolyType(_, _) => EmptyTree
        case _ =>
          def wrapImplicit(from: Type): Tree = {
            val result = inferImplicit(tree, functionType(from :: Nil, to), reportAmbiguous, true, context, saveErrors)
            if (result.subst != EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter) {
              result.subst traverse tree
          wrapImplicit(from) orElse wrapImplicit(byNameType(from))

    import infer._

    private var namerCache: Namer = null
    def namer = {
      if ((namerCache eq null) || namerCache.context != context)
        namerCache = newNamer(context)

    var context = context0
    def context1 = context

    def dropExistential(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
      case ExistentialType(tparams, tpe) =>
        new SubstWildcardMap(tparams).apply(tp)
      case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAliasType =>
        val tp0 = tp.dealias
        if (tp eq tp0) {
          debugwarn(s"dropExistential did not progress dealiasing $tp, see SI-7126")
        } else {
          val tp1 = dropExistential(tp0)
          if (tp1 eq tp0) tp else tp1
      case _ => tp

    /** Check that <code>tree</code> is a stable expression.
     *  @param tree ...
     *  @return     ...
    def checkStable(tree: Tree): Tree = (
      if (treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(tree)) tree
      else if (tree.isErrorTyped) tree
      else UnstableTreeError(tree)

    /** Would tree be a stable (i.e. a pure expression) if the type
     *  of its symbol was not volatile?
    protected def isStableExceptVolatile(tree: Tree) = {
      tree.hasSymbol && tree.symbol != NoSymbol && tree.tpe.isVolatile &&
      { val savedTpe =
        val savedSTABLE = tree.symbol getFlag STABLE
        tree.symbol setInfo AnyRefClass.tpe
        tree.symbol setFlag STABLE
        val result = treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(tree)
        tree.symbol setInfo savedTpe
        tree.symbol setFlag savedSTABLE
    private def errorNotClass(tpt: Tree, found: Type)  = { ClassTypeRequiredError(tpt, found); false }
    private def errorNotStable(tpt: Tree, found: Type) = { TypeNotAStablePrefixError(tpt, found); false }

    /** Check that `tpt` refers to a non-refinement class type */
    def checkClassType(tpt: Tree): Boolean = {
      val tpe = unwrapToClass(tpt.tpe)
      isNonRefinementClassType(tpe) || errorNotClass(tpt, tpe)

    /** Check that `tpt` refers to a class type with a stable prefix. */
    def checkStablePrefixClassType(tpt: Tree): Boolean = {
      val tpe = unwrapToStableClass(tpt.tpe)
      def prefixIsStable = {
        def checkPre = tpe match {
          case TypeRef(pre, _, _) => pre.isStable || errorNotStable(tpt, pre)
          case _                  => false
        // A type projection like X#Y can get by the stable check if the
        // prefix is singleton-bounded, so peek at the tree too.
        def checkTree = tpt match {
          case SelectFromTypeTree(qual, _)  => isSingleType(qual.tpe) || errorNotClass(tpt, tpe)
          case _                            => true
        checkPre && checkTree

      (    (isNonRefinementClassType(tpe) || errorNotClass(tpt, tpe))
        && (isPastTyper || prefixIsStable)

    /** Check that type <code>tp</code> is not a subtype of itself.
     *  @param pos ...
     *  @param tp  ...
     *  @return    <code>true</code> if <code>tp</code> is not a subtype of itself.
    def checkNonCyclic(pos: Position, tp: Type): Boolean = {
      def checkNotLocked(sym: Symbol) = {
        sym.lockOK || { CyclicAliasingOrSubtypingError(pos, sym); false }
      tp match {
        case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
          checkNotLocked(sym) &&
          ((!sym.isNonClassType) || checkNonCyclic(pos, appliedType(pre.memberInfo(sym), args), sym))
          // @M! info for a type ref to a type parameter now returns a polytype
          // @M was: checkNonCyclic(pos, pre.memberInfo(sym).subst(sym.typeParams, args), sym)

        case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
        case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
          var ok = true
          for (t <- lo) ok = ok & checkNonCyclic(pos, t)
        case st: SubType =>
          checkNonCyclic(pos, st.supertype)
        case ct: CompoundType =>
          ct.parents forall (x => checkNonCyclic(pos, x))
        case _ =>

    def checkNonCyclic(pos: Position, tp: Type, lockedSym: Symbol): Boolean = try {
      if (!lockedSym.lock(CyclicReferenceError(pos, lockedSym))) false
      else checkNonCyclic(pos, tp)
    } finally {

    def checkNonCyclic(sym: Symbol) {
      if (!checkNonCyclic(sym.pos, sym.tpe)) sym.setInfo(ErrorType)

    def checkNonCyclic(defn: Tree, tpt: Tree) {
      if (!checkNonCyclic(defn.pos, tpt.tpe, defn.symbol)) {
        tpt.tpe = ErrorType

    def checkParamsConvertible(tree: Tree, tpe0: Type) {
      def checkParamsConvertible0(tpe: Type) =
        tpe match {
          case MethodType(formals, restpe) =>
            if (formals.exists(_.typeSymbol == ByNameParamClass) && formals.length != 1)
              error(pos, "methods with `=>`-parameter can be converted to function values only if they take no other parameters")
            if (formals exists (isRepeatedParamType(_)))
              error(pos, "methods with `*`-parameters cannot be converted to function values");
            if (tpe.isDependentMethodType)
              DependentMethodTpeConversionToFunctionError(tree, tpe)
            checkParamsConvertible(tree, restpe)
          case _ =>

    /** Check that type of given tree does not contain local or private
     *  components.
    object checkNoEscaping extends TypeMap {
      private var owner: Symbol = _
      private var scope: Scope = _
      private var hiddenSymbols: List[Symbol] = _

      /** Check that type <code>tree</code> does not refer to private
       *  components unless itself is wrapped in something private
       *  (<code>owner</code> tells where the type occurs).
       *  @param owner ...
       *  @param tree  ...
       *  @return      ...
      def privates[T <: Tree](owner: Symbol, tree: T): T =
        check(owner, EmptyScope, WildcardType, tree)

      /** Check that type <code>tree</code> does not refer to entities
       *  defined in scope <code>scope</code>.
       *  @param scope ...
       *  @param pt    ...
       *  @param tree  ...
       *  @return      ...
      def locals[T <: Tree](scope: Scope, pt: Type, tree: T): T =
        check(NoSymbol, scope, pt, tree)

      private def check[T <: Tree](owner: Symbol, scope: Scope, pt: Type, tree: T): T = {
        this.owner = owner
        this.scope = scope
        hiddenSymbols = List()
        val tp1 = apply(tree.tpe)
        if (hiddenSymbols.isEmpty) tree setType tp1
        else if (hiddenSymbols exists (_.isErroneous)) HiddenSymbolWithError(tree)
        else if (isFullyDefined(pt)) tree setType pt
        else if (tp1.typeSymbol.isAnonymousClass)
          check(owner, scope, pt, tree setType tp1.typeSymbol.classBound)
        else if (owner == NoSymbol)
          tree setType packSymbols(hiddenSymbols.reverse, tp1)
        else if (!phase.erasedTypes) { // privates
          val badSymbol = hiddenSymbols.head
          SymbolEscapesScopeError(tree, badSymbol)
        } else tree

      def addHidden(sym: Symbol) =
        if (!(hiddenSymbols contains sym)) hiddenSymbols = sym :: hiddenSymbols

      override def apply(t: Type): Type = {
        def checkNoEscape(sym: Symbol) {
          if (sym.isPrivate && !sym.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC_PRIVATE)) {
            var o = owner
            while (o != NoSymbol && o != sym.owner && o != sym.owner.linkedClassOfClass &&
                   !o.isLocal && !o.isPrivate &&
              o = o.owner
            if (o == sym.owner || o == sym.owner.linkedClassOfClass)
          } else if (sym.owner.isTerm && !sym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) {
            var e = scope.lookupEntry(
            var found = false
            while (!found && (e ne null) && e.owner == scope) {
              if (e.sym == sym) {
                found = true
              } else {
                e = scope.lookupNextEntry(e)
          t match {
            case TypeRef(_, sym, args) =>
              if (!hiddenSymbols.isEmpty && hiddenSymbols.head == sym &&
                  sym.isAliasType && sameLength(sym.typeParams, args)) {
                hiddenSymbols = hiddenSymbols.tail
              } else t
            case SingleType(_, sym) =>
            case _ =>

    def reenterValueParams(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]) {
      for (vparams <- vparamss)
        for (vparam <- vparams)
          context.scope enter vparam.symbol

    def reenterTypeParams(tparams: List[TypeDef]): List[Symbol] =
      for (tparam <- tparams) yield {
        context.scope enter tparam.symbol

    /** The qualifying class
     *  of a this or super with prefix <code>qual</code>.
     *  packageOk is equal false when qualifying class symbol
    def qualifyingClass(tree: Tree, qual: Name, packageOK: Boolean) =
      context.enclClass.owner.ownerChain.find(o => qual.isEmpty || o.isClass && == qual) match {
        case Some(c) if packageOK || !c.isPackageClass => c
        case _                                         => QualifyingClassError(tree, qual) ; NoSymbol

    /** The typer for an expression, depending on where we are. If we are before a superclass
     *  call, this is a typer over a constructor context; otherwise it is the current typer.
    final def constrTyperIf(inConstr: Boolean): Typer =
      if (inConstr) {
        assert(context.undetparams.isEmpty, context.undetparams)
      } else this

    final def withCondConstrTyper[T](inConstr: Boolean)(f: Typer => T): T =
      if (inConstr) {
        assert(context.undetparams.isEmpty, context.undetparams)
        val c = context.makeConstructorContext
      } else {

    final def typerWithCondLocalContext[T](c: => Context)(cond: Boolean)(f: Typer => T): T =
      if (cond) typerWithLocalContext(c)(f) else f(this)

    final def typerWithLocalContext[T](c: Context)(f: Typer => T): T = {
      val res = f(newTyper(c))
      if (c.hasErrors)

    final def typerReportAnyContextErrors[T](c: Context)(f: Typer => T): T = {

    final def withSavedContext[T](c: Context)(f: => T) = {
      val savedErrors = c.flushAndReturnBuffer()
      val res = f

    /** The typer for a label definition. If this is part of a template we
     *  first have to enter the label definition.
    def labelTyper(ldef: LabelDef): Typer =
      if (ldef.symbol == NoSymbol) { // labeldef is part of template
        val typer1 = newTyper(context.makeNewScope(ldef, context.owner))
      } else this

    final val xtypes = false

    /** Is symbol defined and not stale?
    def reallyExists(sym: Symbol) = {
      if (isStale(sym)) sym.setInfo(NoType)

    /** A symbol is stale if it is toplevel, to be loaded from a classfile, and
     *  the classfile is produced from a sourcefile which is compiled in the current run.
    def isStale(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
      sym.rawInfo.isInstanceOf[loaders.ClassfileLoader] && {
        (sym.sourceFile ne null) &&
        (currentRun.compiledFiles contains sym.sourceFile.path)

    /** Does the context of tree <code>tree</code> require a stable type?
    private def isStableContext(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type) =
      isNarrowable(tree.tpe) && ((mode & (EXPRmode | LHSmode)) == EXPRmode) &&
      (xtypes ||
      (pt.isStable ||
       (mode & QUALmode) != 0 && !tree.symbol.isConstant ||
       pt.typeSymbol.isAbstractType && pt.bounds.lo.isStable && !(tree.tpe <:< pt)) ||
       pt.typeSymbol.isRefinementClass && !(tree.tpe <:< pt))

    /** Make symbol accessible. This means:
     *  If symbol refers to package object, insert `.package` as second to last selector.
     *  (exception for some symbols in scala package which are dealiased immediately)
     *  Call checkAccessible, which sets tree's attributes.
     *  Also note that checkAccessible looks up sym on pre without checking that pre is well-formed
     *  (illegal type applications in pre will be skipped -- that's why typedSelect wraps the resulting tree in a TreeWithDeferredChecks)
     *  @return modified tree and new prefix type
    private def makeAccessible(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol, pre: Type, site: Tree): (Tree, Type) =
      if (isInPackageObject(sym, pre.typeSymbol)) {
        if (pre.typeSymbol == ScalaPackageClass && sym.isTerm) {
          // short cut some aliases. It seems pattern matching needs this
          // to notice exhaustiveness and to generate good code when
          // List extractors are mixed with :: patterns. See Test5 in lists.scala.
          def dealias(sym: Symbol) =
            (atPos(tree.pos.makeTransparent) {gen.mkAttributedRef(sym)} setPos tree.pos, sym.owner.thisType)
 match {
            case nme.List => return dealias(ListModule)
            case nme.Seq  => return dealias(SeqModule)
            case nme.Nil  => return dealias(NilModule)
            case _ =>
        val qual = typedQualifier { atPos(tree.pos.makeTransparent) {
          tree match {
            case Ident(_) => Ident(nme.PACKAGEkw)
            case Select(qual, _) => Select(qual, nme.PACKAGEkw)
            case SelectFromTypeTree(qual, _) => Select(qual, nme.PACKAGEkw)
        val tree1 = atPos(tree.pos) {
          tree match {
            case Ident(name) => Select(qual, name)
            case Select(_, name) => Select(qual, name)
            case SelectFromTypeTree(_, name) => SelectFromTypeTree(qual, name)
        (checkAccessible(tree1, sym, qual.tpe, qual), qual.tpe)
      } else {
        (checkAccessible(tree, sym, pre, site), pre)

    /** Is `sym` defined in package object of package `pkg`?
    private def isInPackageObject(sym: Symbol, pkg: Symbol) = {
      def isInPkgObj(sym: Symbol) =
        !sym.owner.isPackage && {
          sym.owner.isPackageObjectClass &&
            sym.owner.owner == pkg ||
            pkg.isInitialized && {
              // need to be careful here to not get a cyclic reference during bootstrap
              val pkgobj =
              pkgobj.isInitialized &&
                ( contains sym)
      pkg.isPackageClass && {
        if (sym.isOverloaded) sym.alternatives forall isInPkgObj
        else isInPkgObj(sym)

    /** Post-process an identifier or selection node, performing the following:
     *  1. Check that non-function pattern expressions are stable
     *  2. Check that packages and static modules are not used as values
     *  3. Turn tree type into stable type if possible and required by context.
     *  4. Give getClass calls a more precise type based on the type of the target of the call.
    private def stabilize(tree: Tree, pre: Type, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      if (tree.symbol.isOverloaded && !inFunMode(mode))
        inferExprAlternative(tree, pt)

      val sym = tree.symbol
      def fail() = NotAValueError(tree, sym)

      if (tree.isErrorTyped) tree
      else if ((mode & (PATTERNmode | FUNmode)) == PATTERNmode && tree.isTerm) { // (1)
        if (sym.isValue) {
          val tree1 = checkStable(tree)
          // A module reference in a pattern has type Foo.type, not "object Foo"
          if (sym.isModule && !sym.isMethod) tree1 setType singleType(pre, sym)
          else tree1
        else fail()
      } else if ((mode & (EXPRmode | QUALmode)) == EXPRmode && !sym.isValue && !phase.erasedTypes) { // (2)
      } else {
        if (sym.isStable && pre.isStable && !isByNameParamType(tree.tpe) &&
            (isStableContext(tree, mode, pt) || sym.isModule && !sym.isMethod))
          tree.setType(singleType(pre, sym))
        // To fully benefit from special casing the return type of
        // getClass, we have to catch it immediately so expressions
        // like x.getClass().newInstance() are typed with the type of x.
        else if (  isGetClass(tree.symbol)
                // TODO: If the type of the qualifier is inaccessible, we can cause private types
                // to escape scope here, e.g. pos/t1107.  I'm not sure how to properly handle this
                // so for now it requires the type symbol be public.
                && pre.typeSymbol.isPublic)
          tree setType MethodType(Nil, getClassReturnType(pre))

    private def isNarrowable(tpe: Type): Boolean = unwrapWrapperTypes(tpe) match {
      case TypeRef(_, _, _) | RefinedType(_, _) => true
      case _                                    => !phase.erasedTypes

     *  @param tree ...
     *  @param mode ...
     *  @param pt   ...
     *  @return     ...
    def stabilizeFun(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      val sym = tree.symbol
      val pre = tree match {
        case Select(qual, _) => qual.tpe
        case _ => NoPrefix
      if (tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[MethodType] && pre.isStable && sym.tpe.params.isEmpty &&
          (isStableContext(tree, mode, pt) || sym.isModule))
        tree.setType(MethodType(List(), singleType(pre, sym))) // TODO: should this be a NullaryMethodType?
      else tree

    /** The member with given name of given qualifier tree */
    def member(qual: Tree, name: Name) = {
      def callSiteWithinClass(clazz: Symbol) = context.enclClass.owner hasTransOwner clazz
      val includeLocals = qual.tpe match {
        case ThisType(clazz) if callSiteWithinClass(clazz)                => true
        case SuperType(clazz, _) if callSiteWithinClass(clazz.typeSymbol) => true
        case _                                                            =>
      if (includeLocals) qual.tpe member name
      else qual.tpe nonLocalMember name

    def silent[T](op: Typer => T,
                  reportAmbiguousErrors: Boolean = context.ambiguousErrors,
                  newtree: Tree = context.tree): SilentResult[T] = {
      val rawTypeStart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startCounter(rawTypeFailed) else null
      val findMemberStart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startCounter(findMemberFailed) else null
      val subtypeStart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startCounter(subtypeFailed) else null
      val failedSilentStart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(failedSilentNanos) else null
      def stopStats() = {
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopCounter(rawTypeFailed, rawTypeStart)
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopCounter(findMemberFailed, findMemberStart)
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopCounter(subtypeFailed, subtypeStart)
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(failedSilentNanos, failedSilentStart)
      try {
        if (context.reportErrors ||
            reportAmbiguousErrors != context.ambiguousErrors ||
            newtree != context.tree) {
          val context1 = context.makeSilent(reportAmbiguousErrors, newtree)
          context1.undetparams = context.undetparams
          context1.savedTypeBounds = context.savedTypeBounds
          context1.namedApplyBlockInfo = context.namedApplyBlockInfo
          val typer1 = newTyper(context1)
          val result = op(typer1)
          context.undetparams = context1.undetparams
          context.savedTypeBounds = context1.savedTypeBounds
          context.namedApplyBlockInfo = context1.namedApplyBlockInfo
          if (context1.hasErrors) {
          } else {
            // If we have a successful result, emit any warnings it created.
            if (context1.hasWarnings) {
              context1.flushAndReturnWarningsBuffer() foreach {
                case (pos, msg) => unit.warning(pos, msg)
        } else {
          assert(context.bufferErrors || isPastTyper, "silent mode is not available past typer")
            val res = op(this)
            val errorsToReport = context.flushAndReturnBuffer()
            if (errorsToReport.isEmpty) SilentResultValue(res) else SilentTypeError(errorsToReport.head)
      } catch {
        case ex: CyclicReference => throw ex
        case ex: TypeError =>
          // fallback in case TypeError is still thrown
          // @H this happens for example in cps annotation checker

    /** Check whether feature given by `featureTrait` is enabled.
     *  If it is not, issue an error or a warning depending on whether the feature is required.
     *  @param  construct  A string expression that is substituted for "#" in the feature description string
     *  @param  immediate  When set, feature check is run immediately, otherwise it is run
     *                     at the end of the typechecking run for the enclosing unit. This
     *                     is done to avoid potential cyclic reference errors by implicits
     *                     that are forced too early.
     *  @return if feature check is run immediately: true if feature is enabled, false otherwise
     *          if feature check is delayed or suppressed because we are past typer: true
    def checkFeature(pos: Position, featureTrait: Symbol, construct: => String = "", immediate: Boolean = false): Boolean =
      if (isPastTyper) true
      else {
        val nestedOwners =
          featureTrait.owner.ownerChain.takeWhile(_ != languageFeatureModule.moduleClass).reverse
        val featureName = (nestedOwners map ( + ".")).mkString +
        def action(): Boolean = {
          def hasImport = inferImplicit(EmptyTree: Tree, featureTrait.tpe, true, false, context).isSuccess
          def hasOption = settings.language.value exists (s => s == featureName || s == "_")
          val OK = hasImport || hasOption
          if (!OK) {
            val Some(AnnotationInfo(_, List(Literal(Constant(featureDesc: String)), Literal(Constant(required: Boolean))), _)) =
              featureTrait getAnnotation LanguageFeatureAnnot
            val req     = if (required) "needs to" else "should"
            val fqname  = "scala.language." + featureName
            val explain = (
              if (currentRun.reportedFeature contains featureTrait) "" else
                  |This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import $fqname'
                  |or by setting the compiler option -language:$featureName.
                  |See the Scala docs for value $fqname for a discussion
                  |why the feature $req be explicitly enabled.""".stripMargin
            currentRun.reportedFeature += featureTrait

            val msg = s"$featureDesc $req be enabled\nby making the implicit value $fqname visible.$explain" replace ("#", construct)
            if (required) unit.error(pos, msg)
            else currentRun.featureWarnings.warn(pos, msg)
        if (immediate) {
        } else {
          unit.toCheck += action

    def checkExistentialsFeature(pos: Position, tpe: Type, prefix: String) = tpe match {
      case extp: ExistentialType if !extp.isRepresentableWithWildcards =>
        checkFeature(pos, ExistentialsFeature, prefix+" "+tpe)
      case _ =>

    /** Perform the following adaptations of expression, pattern or type `tree` wrt to
     *  given mode `mode` and given prototype `pt`:
     *  (-1) For expressions with annotated types, let AnnotationCheckers decide what to do
     *  (0) Convert expressions with constant types to literals (unless in interactive/scaladoc mode)
     *  (1) Resolve overloading, unless mode contains FUNmode
     *  (2) Apply parameterless functions
     *  (3) Apply polymorphic types to fresh instances of their type parameters and
     *      store these instances in context.undetparams,
     *      unless followed by explicit type application.
     *  (4) Do the following to unapplied methods used as values:
     *  (4.1) If the method has only implicit parameters pass implicit arguments
     *  (4.2) otherwise, if `pt` is a function type and method is not a constructor,
     *        convert to function by eta-expansion,
     *  (4.3) otherwise, if the method is nullary with a result type compatible to `pt`
     *        and it is not a constructor, apply it to ()
     *  otherwise issue an error
     *  (5) Convert constructors in a pattern as follows:
     *  (5.1) If constructor refers to a case class factory, set tree's type to the unique
     *        instance of its primary constructor that is a subtype of the expected type.
     *  (5.2) If constructor refers to an extractor, convert to application of
     *        unapply or unapplySeq method.
     *  (6) Convert all other types to TypeTree nodes.
     *  (7) When in TYPEmode but not FUNmode or HKmode, check that types are fully parameterized
     *      (7.1) In HKmode, higher-kinded types are allowed, but they must have the expected kind-arity
     *  (8) When in both EXPRmode and FUNmode, add apply method calls to values of object type.
     *  (9) If there are undetermined type variables and not POLYmode, infer expression instance
     *  Then, if tree's type is not a subtype of expected type, try the following adaptations:
     *  (10) If the expected type is Byte, Short or Char, and the expression
     *      is an integer fitting in the range of that type, convert it to that type.
     *  (11) Widen numeric literals to their expected type, if necessary
     *  (12) When in mode EXPRmode, convert E to { E; () } if expected type is scala.Unit.
     *  (13) When in mode EXPRmode, apply AnnotationChecker conversion if expected type is annotated.
     *  (14) When in mode EXPRmode, apply a view
     *  If all this fails, error
    protected def adapt(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type, original: Tree = EmptyTree): Tree = {

      def adaptToImplicitMethod(mt: MethodType): Tree = {
        if (context.undetparams.nonEmpty) { // (9) -- should revisit dropped condition `(mode & POLYmode) == 0`
          // dropped so that type args of implicit method are inferred even if polymorphic expressions are allowed
          // needed for implicits in 2.8 collection library -- maybe once #3346 is fixed, we can reinstate the condition?
            context.undetparams = inferExprInstance(tree, context.extractUndetparams(), pt,
              // approximate types that depend on arguments since dependency on implicit argument is like dependency on type parameter
              keepNothings = false,
              useWeaklyCompatible = true) // #3808

        // avoid throwing spurious DivergentImplicit errors
        if (context.hasErrors)
          return setError(tree)

        withCondConstrTyper(treeInfo.isSelfOrSuperConstrCall(tree)){ typer1 =>
          if (original != EmptyTree && pt != WildcardType)
            typer1.silent(tpr => {
              val withImplicitArgs = tpr.applyImplicitArgs(tree)
              if (tpr.context.hasErrors) tree // silent will wrap it in SilentTypeError anyway
              else tpr.typed(withImplicitArgs, mode, pt)
            }) match {
              case SilentResultValue(result) =>
              case _ =>
                val resetTree = resetLocalAttrs(original)
                debuglog(s"fallback on implicits: ${tree}/$resetTree")
                val tree1 = typed(resetTree, mode, WildcardType)
                // Q: `typed` already calls `pluginsTyped` and `adapt`. the only difference here is that
                // we pass `EmptyTree` as the `original`. intended? added in 2009 (53d98e7d42) by martin.
                tree1.tpe = pluginsTyped(tree1.tpe, this, tree1, mode, pt)
                if (tree1.isEmpty) tree1 else adapt(tree1, mode, pt, EmptyTree)
            typer1.typed(typer1.applyImplicitArgs(tree), mode, pt)

      def instantiateToMethodType(mt: MethodType): Tree = {
        val meth = tree match {
          // a partial named application is a block (see comment in EtaExpansion)
          case Block(_, tree1) => tree1.symbol
          case _               => tree.symbol
        if (!meth.isConstructor && !meth.isTermMacro && isFunctionType(pt)) { // (4.2)
          debuglog("eta-expanding " + tree + ":" + tree.tpe + " to " + pt)
          checkParamsConvertible(tree, tree.tpe)
          val tree0 = etaExpand(context.unit, tree, this)
          // println("eta "+tree+" ---> "+tree0+":"+tree0.tpe+" undet: "+context.undetparams+ " mode: "+Integer.toHexString(mode))

          if (context.undetparams.nonEmpty) {
            // #2624: need to infer type arguments for eta expansion of a polymorphic method
            // context.undetparams contains clones of meth.typeParams (fresh ones were generated in etaExpand)
            // need to run typer on tree0, since etaExpansion sets the tpe's of its subtrees to null
            // can't type with the expected type, as we can't recreate the setup in (3) without calling typed
            // (note that (3) does not call typed to do the polymorphic type instantiation --
            //  it is called after the tree has been typed with a polymorphic expected result type)
            instantiate(typed(tree0, mode, WildcardType), mode, pt)
          } else
            typed(tree0, mode, pt)
        } else if (!meth.isConstructor && mt.params.isEmpty) { // (4.3)
          adapt(typed(Apply(tree, List()) setPos tree.pos), mode, pt, original)
        } else if (context.implicitsEnabled) {
          MissingArgsForMethodTpeError(tree, meth)
        } else {

      def adaptType(): Tree = {
        if (inFunMode(mode)) {
          // todo. the commented line below makes sense for typechecking, say, TypeApply(Ident(`some abstract type symbol`), List(...))
          // because otherwise Ident will have its tpe set to a TypeRef, not to a PolyType, and `typedTypeApply` will fail
          // but this needs additional investigation, because it crashes t5228, gadts1 and maybe something else
          // tree setType tree.tpe.normalize
        } else if (tree.hasSymbol && !tree.symbol.typeParams.isEmpty && !inHKMode(mode) &&
          !(tree.symbol.isJavaDefined && context.unit.isJava)) { // (7)
          // @M When not typing a higher-kinded type ((mode & HKmode) == 0)
          // or raw type (tree.symbol.isJavaDefined && context.unit.isJava), types must be of kind *,
          // and thus parameterized types must be applied to their type arguments
          // @M TODO: why do kind-* tree's have symbols, while higher-kinded ones don't?
        } else if ( // (7.1) @M: check kind-arity
        // @M: removed check for tree.hasSymbol and replace tree.symbol by tree.tpe.symbol (TypeTree's must also be checked here, and they don't directly have a symbol)
        (inHKMode(mode)) &&
          // @M: don't check tree.tpe.symbol.typeParams. check tree.tpe.typeParams!!!
          // (e.g., m[Int] --> tree.tpe.symbol.typeParams.length == 1, tree.tpe.typeParams.length == 0!)
          !sameLength(tree.tpe.typeParams, pt.typeParams) &&
          !(tree.tpe.typeSymbol == AnyClass ||
            tree.tpe.typeSymbol == NothingClass ||
            pt == WildcardType)) {
          // Check that the actual kind arity (tree.symbol.typeParams.length) conforms to the expected
          // kind-arity (pt.typeParams.length). Full checks are done in checkKindBounds in Infer.
          // Note that we treat Any and Nothing as kind-polymorphic.
          // We can't perform this check when typing type arguments to an overloaded method before the overload is resolved
          // (or in the case of an error type) -- this is indicated by pt == WildcardType (see case TypeApply in typed1).
          KindArityMismatchError(tree, pt)
        } else tree match { // (6)
          case TypeTree() => tree
          case _          => TypeTree(tree.tpe) setOriginal tree

       * To deal with the type slack between actual (run-time) types and statically known types, for each abstract type T,
       * reflect its variance as a skolem that is upper-bounded by T (covariant position), or lower-bounded by T (contravariant).
       * Consider the following example:
       *  class AbsWrapperCov[+A]
       *  case class Wrapper[B](x: Wrapped[B]) extends AbsWrapperCov[B]
       *  def unwrap[T](x: AbsWrapperCov[T]): Wrapped[T] = x match {
       *    case Wrapper(wrapped) => // Wrapper's type parameter must not be assumed to be equal to T, it's *upper-bounded* by it
       *      wrapped // : Wrapped[_ <: T]
       *  }
       * this method should type check if and only if Wrapped is covariant in its type parameter
       * when inferring Wrapper's type parameter B from x's type AbsWrapperCov[T],
       * we must take into account that x's actual type is AbsWrapperCov[Tactual] forSome {type Tactual <: T}
       * as AbsWrapperCov is covariant in A -- in other words, we must not assume we know T exactly, all we know is its upper bound
       * since method application is the only way to generate this slack between run-time and compile-time types (TODO: right!?),
       * we can simply replace skolems that represent method type parameters as seen from the method's body
       * by other skolems that are (upper/lower)-bounded by that type-parameter skolem
       * (depending on the variance position of the skolem in the statically assumed type of the scrutinee, pt)
       * see test/files/../t5189*.scala
      def adaptConstrPattern(): Tree = { // (5)
        def hasUnapplyMember(tp: Type) = reallyExists(unapplyMember(tp))
        val overloadedExtractorOfObject = tree.symbol filter (sym => hasUnapplyMember(sym.tpe))
        // if the tree's symbol's type does not define an extractor, maybe the tree's type does
        // this is the case when we encounter an arbitrary tree as the target of an unapply call (rather than something that looks like a constructor call)
        // (for now, this only happens due to wrapClassTagUnapply, but when we support parameterized extractors, it will become more common place)
        val extractor = overloadedExtractorOfObject orElse unapplyMember(tree.tpe)
        if (extractor != NoSymbol) {
          // if we did some ad-hoc overloading resolution, update the tree's symbol
          // do not update the symbol if the tree's symbol's type does not define an unapply member
          // (e.g. since it's some method that returns an object with an unapply member)
          if (overloadedExtractorOfObject != NoSymbol)
            tree setSymbol overloadedExtractorOfObject

          tree.tpe match {
            case OverloadedType(pre, alts) => tree.tpe = overloadedType(pre, alts filter (alt => hasUnapplyMember(alt.tpe)))
            case _ =>
          val unapply = unapplyMember(extractor.tpe)
          val clazz = unapplyParameterType(unapply)

          if (unapply.isCase && clazz.isCase && !(clazz.ancestors exists (_.isCase))) {
            // convert synthetic unapply of case class to case class constructor
            val prefix = tree.tpe.prefix
            val tree1 = TypeTree(clazz.primaryConstructor.tpe.asSeenFrom(prefix, clazz.owner))

            val skolems = new mutable.ListBuffer[TypeSymbol]
            object variantToSkolem extends VariantTypeMap {
              def apply(tp: Type) = mapOver(tp) match {
                case TypeRef(NoPrefix, tpSym, Nil) if variance != 0 && tpSym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem && tpSym.owner.isTerm =>
                  // must initialize or tpSym.tpe might see random type params!!
                  // without this, we'll get very weird types inferred in test/scaladoc/run/SI-5933.scala
                  // TODO: why is that??
                  val bounds = if (variance == 1) TypeBounds.upper(tpSym.tpe) else TypeBounds.lower(tpSym.tpe)
                  // origin must be the type param so we can deskolemize
                  val skolem = context.owner.newGADTSkolem(unit.freshTypeName("?", tpSym, bounds)
                  // println("mapping "+ tpSym +" to "+ skolem + " : "+ bounds +" -- pt= "+ pt +" in "+ context.owner +" at "+ context.tree )
                  skolems += skolem
                case tp1 => tp1

            // have to open up the existential and put the skolems in scope
            // can't simply package up pt in an ExistentialType, because that takes us back to square one (List[_ <: T] == List[T] due to covariance)
            val ptSafe   = variantToSkolem(pt) // TODO: pt.skolemizeExistential(context.owner, tree) ?
            val freeVars = skolems.toList

            // use "tree" for the context, not context.tree: don't make another CaseDef context,
            // as instantiateTypeVar's bounds would end up there
            val ctorContext = context.makeNewScope(tree, context.owner)
            freeVars foreach ctorContext.scope.enter
            newTyper(ctorContext).infer.inferConstructorInstance(tree1, clazz.typeParams, ptSafe)

            // simplify types without losing safety,
            // so that we get rid of unnecessary type slack, and so that error messages don't unnecessarily refer to skolems
            val extrapolate = new ExistentialExtrapolation(freeVars) extrapolate (_: Type)
            val extrapolated = tree1.tpe match {
              case MethodType(ctorArgs, res) => // ctorArgs are actually in a covariant position, since this is the type of the subpatterns of the pattern represented by this Apply node
                ctorArgs foreach (p => = extrapolate( // no need to clone, this is OUR method type
                copyMethodType(tree1.tpe, ctorArgs, extrapolate(res))
              case tp => tp

            // once the containing CaseDef has been type checked (see typedCase),
            // tree1's remaining type-slack skolems will be deskolemized (to the method type parameter skolems)
            tree1 setType extrapolated
          } else {
        } else {

      def insertApply(): Tree = {
        assert(!inHKMode(mode), modeString(mode)) //@M
        val adapted = adaptToName(tree, nme.apply)
        def stabilize0(pre: Type): Tree = stabilize(adapted, pre, EXPRmode | QUALmode, WildcardType)
        // TODO reconcile the overlap between Typers#stablize and TreeGen.stabilize
        val qual = adapted match {
          case This(_) =>
          case Ident(_) =>
            val owner = adapted.symbol.owner
            val pre =
              if (owner.isPackageClass) owner.thisType
              else if (owner.isClass) context.enclosingSubClassContext(owner).prefix
              else NoPrefix
          case Select(qualqual, _) =>
          case other =>
        typedPos(tree.pos, mode, pt) {
          Select(qual setPos tree.pos.makeTransparent, nme.apply)

      // begin adapt
      tree.tpe match {
        case atp @ AnnotatedType(_, _, _) if canAdaptAnnotations(tree, this, mode, pt) => // (-1)
          adaptAnnotations(tree, this, mode, pt)
        case ct @ ConstantType(value) if inNoModes(mode, TYPEmode | FUNmode) && (ct <:< pt) && !forScaladoc && !forInteractive => // (0)
          val sym = tree.symbol
          if (sym != null && sym.isDeprecated) {
            val msg = sym.toString + sym.locationString + " is deprecated: " + sym.deprecationMessage.getOrElse("")
            unit.deprecationWarning(tree.pos, msg)
          treeCopy.Literal(tree, value)
        case OverloadedType(pre, alts) if !inFunMode(mode) => // (1)
          inferExprAlternative(tree, pt)
          adapt(tree, mode, pt, original)
        case NullaryMethodType(restpe) => // (2)
          adapt(tree setType restpe, mode, pt, original)
        case TypeRef(_, ByNameParamClass, List(arg)) if ((mode & EXPRmode) != 0) => // (2)
          adapt(tree setType arg, mode, pt, original)
        case tr @ TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAliasType && tr.dealias.isInstanceOf[ExistentialType] &&
          ((mode & (EXPRmode | LHSmode)) == EXPRmode) =>
          adapt(tree setType tr.dealias.skolemizeExistential(context.owner, tree), mode, pt, original)
        case et @ ExistentialType(_, _) if ((mode & (EXPRmode | LHSmode)) == EXPRmode) =>
          adapt(tree setType et.skolemizeExistential(context.owner, tree), mode, pt, original)
        case PolyType(tparams, restpe) if inNoModes(mode, TAPPmode | PATTERNmode | HKmode) => // (3)
          // assert((mode & HKmode) == 0) //@M a PolyType in HKmode represents an anonymous type function,
          // we're in HKmode since a higher-kinded type is expected --> hence, don't implicitly apply it to type params!
          // ticket #2197 triggered turning the assert into a guard
          // I guess this assert wasn't violated before because type aliases weren't expanded as eagerly
          //  (the only way to get a PolyType for an anonymous type function is by normalisation, which applies eta-expansion)
          // -- are we sure we want to expand aliases this early?
          // -- what caused this change in behaviour??
          val tparams1 = cloneSymbols(tparams)
          val tree1 = if (tree.isType) tree
          else TypeApply(tree, tparams1 map (tparam =>
            TypeTree(tparam.tpeHK) setPos tree.pos.focus)) setPos tree.pos
          context.undetparams ++= tparams1
          adapt(tree1 setType restpe.substSym(tparams, tparams1), mode, pt, original)
        case mt: MethodType if mt.isImplicit && ((mode & (EXPRmode | FUNmode | LHSmode)) == EXPRmode) => // (4.1)

        case mt: MethodType if (((mode & (EXPRmode | FUNmode | LHSmode)) == EXPRmode) &&
          (context.undetparams.isEmpty || inPolyMode(mode))) && !(tree.symbol != null && tree.symbol.isTermMacro) =>

        case _ =>
          def shouldInsertApply(tree: Tree) = inAllModes(mode, EXPRmode | FUNmode) && (tree.tpe match {
            case _: MethodType | _: OverloadedType | _: PolyType => false
            case _                                               => applyPossible
          def applyPossible = {
            def applyMeth = member(adaptToName(tree, nme.apply), nme.apply)
            dyna.acceptsApplyDynamic(tree.tpe) || (
              if ((mode & TAPPmode) != 0)
                tree.tpe.typeParams.isEmpty && applyMeth.filter(!_.tpe.typeParams.isEmpty) != NoSymbol
                applyMeth.filter(_.tpe.paramSectionCount > 0) != NoSymbol
          if (tree.isType)
          else if (
              inExprModeButNot(mode, FUNmode) && !tree.isDef &&   // typechecking application
              tree.symbol != null && tree.symbol.isTermMacro &&   // of a macro
            macroExpand(this, tree, mode, pt)
          else if ((mode & (PATTERNmode | FUNmode)) == (PATTERNmode | FUNmode))
          else if (shouldInsertApply(tree))
          else if (context.undetparams.nonEmpty && !inPolyMode(mode)) { // (9)
            assert(!inHKMode(mode), modeString(mode)) //@M
            instantiatePossiblyExpectingUnit(tree, mode, pt)
          } else if (tree.tpe <:< pt) {
          } else {
            def fallBack: Tree = {
              if (inPatternMode(mode)) {
                if ((tree.symbol ne null) && tree.symbol.isModule)
                  inferModulePattern(tree, pt)
                if (isPopulated(tree.tpe, approximateAbstracts(pt)))
                  return tree
              val tree1 = constfold(tree, pt) // (10) (11)
              if (tree1.tpe <:< pt) adapt(tree1, mode, pt, original)
              else {
                if (inExprModeButNot(mode, FUNmode)) {
                  pt.dealias match {
                    case TypeRef(_, sym, _) =>
                      // note: was if (pt.typeSymbol == UnitClass) but this leads to a potentially
                      // infinite expansion if pt is constant type ()
                      if (sym == UnitClass && tree.tpe <:< AnyClass.tpe) { // (12)
                        if (settings.warnValueDiscard.value)
                          context.unit.warning(tree.pos, "discarded non-Unit value")
                        return typedPos(tree.pos, mode, pt) {
                          Block(List(tree), Literal(Constant()))
                      } else if (isNumericValueClass(sym) && isNumericSubType(tree.tpe, pt)) {
                        if (settings.warnNumericWiden.value)
                          context.unit.warning(tree.pos, "implicit numeric widening")
                        return typedPos(tree.pos, mode, pt) {
                          Select(tree, "to" +
                    case AnnotatedType(_, _, _) if canAdaptAnnotations(tree, this, mode, pt) => // (13)
                      return typed(adaptAnnotations(tree, this, mode, pt), mode, pt)
                    case _ =>
                  if (!context.undetparams.isEmpty) {
                    return instantiate(tree, mode, pt)
                  if (context.implicitsEnabled && !pt.isError && !tree.isErrorTyped) {
                    // (14); the condition prevents chains of views
                    debuglog("inferring view from " + tree.tpe + " to " + pt)
                    val coercion = inferView(tree, tree.tpe, pt, true)
                    // convert forward views of delegate types into closures wrapped around
                    // the delegate's apply method (the "Invoke" method, which was translated into apply)
                    if (forMSIL && coercion != null && isCorrespondingDelegate(tree.tpe, pt)) {
                      val meth: Symbol = tree.tpe.member(nme.apply)
                      debuglog("replacing forward delegate view with: " + meth + ":" + meth.tpe)
                      return typed(Select(tree, meth), mode, pt)
                    if (coercion != EmptyTree) {
                      def msg = "inferred view from " + tree.tpe + " to " + pt + " = " + coercion + ":" + coercion.tpe
                      if (settings.logImplicitConv.value)
                        unit.echo(tree.pos, msg)

                      val silentContext = context.makeImplicit(context.ambiguousErrors)
                      val res = newTyper(silentContext).typed(
                        new ApplyImplicitView(coercion, List(tree)) setPos tree.pos, mode, pt)
                      if (silentContext.hasErrors) context.issue(silentContext.errBuffer.head) else return res
                if (settings.debug.value) {
                  log("error tree = " + tree)
                  if (settings.explaintypes.value) explainTypes(tree.tpe, pt)

                val found = tree.tpe
                if (!found.isErroneous && !pt.isErroneous) {
                  if ((!context.reportErrors && isPastTyper) || tree.attachments.get[MacroExpansionAttachment].isDefined) {
                    val (bound, req) = pt match {
                      case ExistentialType(qs, tpe) => (qs, tpe)
                      case _ => (Nil, pt)
                    val boundOrSkolems = bound ++ pt.skolemsExceptMethodTypeParams
                    if (boundOrSkolems.nonEmpty) {
                      // Ignore type errors raised in later phases that are due to mismatching types with existential skolems
                      // We have lift crashing in 2.9 with an adapt failure in the pattern matcher.
                      // Here's my hypothsis why this happens. The pattern matcher defines a variable of type
                      //   val x: T = expr
                      // where T is the type of expr, but T contains existential skolems ts.
                      // In that case, this value definition does not typecheck.
                      // The value definition
                      //   val x: T forSome { ts } = expr
                      // would typecheck. Or one can simply leave out the type of the `val`:
                      //   val x = expr
                      // SI-6029 shows another case where we also fail (in uncurry), but this time the expected
                      // type is an existential type.
                      // The reason for both failures have to do with the way we (don't) transform
                      // skolem types along with the trees that contain them. We'd need a
                      // radically different approach to do it. But before investing a lot of time to
                      // to do this (I have already sunk 3 full days with in the end futile attempts
                      // to consistently transform skolems and fix 6029), I'd like to
                      // investigate ways to avoid skolems completely.
                      // upd. The same problem happens when we try to typecheck the result of macro expansion against its expected type
                      // (which is the return type of the macro definition instantiated in the context of expandee):
                      //   Test.scala:2: error: type mismatch;
                      //     found   : $u.Expr[Class[_ <: Object]]
                      //     required: reflect.runtime.universe.Expr[Class[?0(in value <local Test>)]] where type ?0(in value <local Test>) <: Object
                      //     scala.reflect.runtime.universe.reify(new Object().getClass)
                      //                                         ^
                      // Therefore following Martin's advice I use this logic to recover from skolem errors after macro expansions
                      // (by adding the ` || tree.attachments.get[MacroExpansionAttachment].isDefined` clause to the conditional above).
                      log("recovering from existential or skolem type error in tree \n" + tree + "\nwith type " + tree.tpe + "\n expected type = " + pt + "\n context = " + context.tree)
                      return adapt(tree, mode, deriveTypeWithWildcards(boundOrSkolems)(pt))
                  // create an actual error
                  AdaptTypeError(tree, found, pt)

    def instantiate(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      inferExprInstance(tree, context.extractUndetparams(), pt)
      adapt(tree, mode, pt)
    /** If the expected type is Unit: try instantiating type arguments
     *  with expected type Unit, but if that fails, try again with pt = WildcardType
     *  and discard the expression.
    def instantiateExpectingUnit(tree: Tree, mode: Int): Tree = {
      val savedUndetparams = context.undetparams
      silent(_.instantiate(tree, mode, UnitClass.tpe)) match {
        case SilentResultValue(t) => t
        case _ =>
          context.undetparams = savedUndetparams
          val valueDiscard = atPos(tree.pos)(Block(List(instantiate(tree, mode, WildcardType)), Literal(Constant())))
          typed(valueDiscard, mode, UnitClass.tpe)

    def instantiatePossiblyExpectingUnit(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      if (inExprModeButNot(mode, FUNmode) && pt.typeSymbol == UnitClass)
        instantiateExpectingUnit(tree, mode)
        instantiate(tree, mode, pt)

    private def isAdaptableWithView(qual: Tree) = {
      val qtpe = qual.tpe.widen
      (    !isPastTyper
        && qual.isTerm
        && !qual.isInstanceOf[Super]
        && ((qual.symbol eq null) || !qual.symbol.isTerm || qual.symbol.isValue)
        && !qtpe.isError
        && !qtpe.typeSymbol.isBottomClass
        && qtpe != WildcardType
        && !qual.isInstanceOf[ApplyImplicitView] // don't chain views
        && (context.implicitsEnabled || context.enrichmentEnabled)
        // Elaborating `context.implicitsEnabled`:
        // don't try to adapt a top-level type that's the subject of an implicit search
        // this happens because, if isView, typedImplicit tries to apply the "current" implicit value to
        // a value that needs to be coerced, so we check whether the implicit value has an `apply` method.
        // (If we allow this, we get divergence, e.g., starting at `conforms` during ant quick.bin)
        // Note: implicit arguments are still inferred (this kind of "chaining" is allowed)

    def adaptToMember(qual: Tree, searchTemplate: Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean = true, saveErrors: Boolean = true): Tree = {
      if (isAdaptableWithView(qual)) {
        qual.tpe.dealiasWiden match {
          case et: ExistentialType =>
            qual setType et.skolemizeExistential(context.owner, qual) // open the existential
          case _ =>
        inferView(qual, qual.tpe, searchTemplate, reportAmbiguous, saveErrors) match {
          case EmptyTree  => qual
          case coercion   =>
            if (settings.logImplicitConv.value)
                "applied implicit conversion from %s to %s = %s".format(
                  qual.tpe, searchTemplate, coercion.symbol.defString))

            typedQualifier(atPos(qual.pos)(new ApplyImplicitView(coercion, List(qual))))
      else qual

    /** Try to apply an implicit conversion to `qual` to that it contains
     *  a method `name` which can be applied to arguments `args` with expected type `pt`.
     *  If `pt` is defined, there is a fallback to try again with pt = ?.
     *  This helps avoiding propagating result information too far and solves
     *  #1756.
     *  If no conversion is found, return `qual` unchanged.
    def adaptToArguments(qual: Tree, name: Name, args: List[Tree], pt: Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean, saveErrors: Boolean): Tree = {
      def doAdapt(restpe: Type) =
        //util.trace("adaptToArgs "+qual+", name = "+name+", argtpes = "+(args map (_.tpe))+", pt = "+pt+" = ")
        adaptToMember(qual, HasMethodMatching(name, args map (_.tpe), restpe), reportAmbiguous, saveErrors)
      if (pt != WildcardType) {
        silent(_ => doAdapt(pt)) match {
          case SilentResultValue(result) if result != qual =>
          case _ =>
            debuglog("fallback on implicits in adaptToArguments: "+qual+" . "+name)
      } else

    /** Try to apply an implicit conversion to `qual` so that it contains
     *  a method `name`. If that's ambiguous try taking arguments into
     *  account using `adaptToArguments`.
    def adaptToMemberWithArgs(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, name: Name, mode: Int, reportAmbiguous: Boolean, saveErrors: Boolean): Tree = {
      def onError(reportError: => Tree): Tree = {
        context.tree match {
          case Apply(tree1, args) if (tree1 eq tree) && args.nonEmpty =>
            silent(_.typedArgs(, mode)) match {
              case SilentResultValue(args) =>
                if (args exists (_.isErrorTyped))
                  adaptToArguments(qual, name, args, WildcardType, reportAmbiguous, saveErrors)
              case _            =>
          case _ =>
      silent(_.adaptToMember(qual, HasMember(name), false)) match {
          case SilentResultValue(res) => res
          case SilentTypeError(err) => onError({if (reportAmbiguous) { context.issue(err) }; setError(tree)})

    /** Try to apply an implicit conversion to `qual` to that it contains a
     *  member `name` of arbitrary type.
     *  If no conversion is found, return `qual` unchanged.
    def adaptToName(qual: Tree, name: Name) =
      if (member(qual, name) != NoSymbol) qual
      else adaptToMember(qual, HasMember(name))

    private def typePrimaryConstrBody(clazz : Symbol, cbody: Tree, tparams: List[Symbol], enclTparams: List[Symbol], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Tree = {
      // XXX: see about using the class's symbol....
      enclTparams foreach (sym => context.scope.enter(sym))

    private def validateNoCaseAncestor(clazz: Symbol) = {
      if (!phase.erasedTypes) {
        for (ancestor <- clazz.ancestors find (_.isCase)) {
          unit.error(clazz.pos, (
            "case %s has case ancestor %s, but case-to-case inheritance is prohibited."+
            " To overcome this limitation, use extractors to pattern match on non-leaf nodes."
          ).format(clazz, ancestor.fullName))

    private def checkEphemeral(clazz: Symbol, body: List[Tree]) = {
      // NOTE: Code appears to be messy in this method for good reason: it clearly
      // communicates the fact that it implements rather ad-hoc, arbitrary and
      // non-regular set of rules that identify features that interact badly with
      // value classes. This code can be cleaned up a lot once implementation
      // restrictions are addressed.
      val isValueClass = !clazz.isTrait
      def where = if (isValueClass) "value class" else "universal trait extending from class Any"
      def implRestriction(tree: Tree, what: String) =
        unit.error(tree.pos, s"implementation restriction: $what is not allowed in $where" +
           "\nThis restriction is planned to be removed in subsequent releases.")
       * Deeply traverses the tree in search of constructs that are not allowed
       * in value classes (at any nesting level).
       * All restrictions this object imposes are probably not fundamental but require
       * fair amount of work and testing. We are conservative for now when it comes
       * to allowing language features to interact with value classes.
       *  */
      object checkEphemeralDeep extends Traverser {
        override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = if (isValueClass) {
          tree match {
            case _: ModuleDef =>
              implRestriction(tree, "nested object")
            case cd: ClassDef if !cd.symbol.isAnonymousClass => // Don't warn about partial functions, etc. SI-7571
              implRestriction(tree, "nested class") // avoiding Type Tests that might check the $outer pointer.
            case Select(sup @ Super(qual, mix), selector) if selector != nme.CONSTRUCTOR && qual.symbol == clazz && mix != tpnme.EMPTY =>
              implRestriction(sup, "qualified super reference")
            case _ =>
      for (stat <- body) {
        def notAllowed(what: String) = unit.error(stat.pos, s"$what is not allowed in $where")
        stat match {
          // see
          // see
          case ClassDef(mods, _, _, _) if isValueClass =>
            implRestriction(stat, s"nested ${ if (mods.isTrait) "trait" else "class" }")
          case _: Import | _: ClassDef | _: TypeDef | EmptyTree => // OK
          case DefDef(_, name, _, _, _, rhs) =>
            if (stat.symbol.isAuxiliaryConstructor)
              notAllowed("secondary constructor")
            else if (isValueClass && (name == nme.equals_ || name == nme.hashCode_) && !stat.symbol.isSynthetic)
              notAllowed(s"redefinition of $name method. See SIP-15, criterion 4.")
            else if (stat.symbol != null && stat.symbol.isParamAccessor)
              notAllowed("additional parameter")
          case _: ValDef =>
            notAllowed("field definition")
          case _: ModuleDef =>
            implRestriction(stat, "nested object")
          case _ =>
            notAllowed("this statement")

    private def validateDerivedValueClass(clazz: Symbol, body: List[Tree]) = {
      if (clazz.isTrait)
        unit.error(clazz.pos, "only classes (not traits) are allowed to extend AnyVal")
      if (!clazz.isStatic)
        unit.error(clazz.pos, "value class may not be a "+
          (if (clazz.owner.isTerm) "local class" else "member of another class"))
      if (!clazz.isPrimitiveValueClass) { => acc.isMethod && acc.isParamAccessor) match {
          case List(acc) =>
            def isUnderlyingAcc(sym: Symbol) =
              sym == acc || acc.hasAccessorFlag && sym == acc.accessed
            if (acc.accessBoundary(clazz) != rootMirror.RootClass)
              unit.error(acc.pos, "value class needs to have a publicly accessible val parameter")
            else if (acc.tpe.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass)
              unit.error(acc.pos, "value class may not wrap another user-defined value class")
            checkEphemeral(clazz, body filterNot (stat => isUnderlyingAcc(stat.symbol)))
          case x =>
            unit.error(clazz.pos, "value class needs to have exactly one public val parameter")

      for (tparam <- clazz.typeParams)
        if (tparam hasAnnotation definitions.SpecializedClass)
          unit.error(tparam.pos, "type parameter of value class may not be specialized")

    def parentTypes(templ: Template): List[Tree] =
      if (templ.parents.isEmpty) List(atPos(templ.pos)(TypeTree(AnyRefClass.tpe)))
      else try {
        val clazz = context.owner
        // Normalize supertype and mixins so that supertype is always a class, not a trait.
        var supertpt = typedTypeConstructor(templ.parents.head)
        val firstParent = supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol
        var mixins = templ.parents.tail map typedType
        // If first parent is a trait, make it first mixin and add its superclass as first parent
        while ((supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol ne null) && supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol.initialize.isTrait) {
          val supertpt1 = typedType(supertpt)
          if (!supertpt1.isErrorTyped) {
            mixins = supertpt1 :: mixins
            supertpt = TypeTree(supertpt1.tpe.firstParent) setPos supertpt.pos.focus
        if (supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol == AnyClass && firstParent.isTrait)
          supertpt.tpe = AnyRefClass.tpe

        // Determine
        //  - supertparams: Missing type parameters from supertype
        //  - supertpe: Given supertype, polymorphic in supertparams
        val supertparams = if (supertpt.hasSymbol) supertpt.symbol.typeParams else List()
        var supertpe = supertpt.tpe
        if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
          supertpe = PolyType(supertparams, appliedType(supertpe, supertparams map (_.tpeHK)))

        // A method to replace a super reference by a New in a supercall
        def transformSuperCall(scall: Tree): Tree = (scall: @unchecked) match {
          case Apply(fn, args) =>
            treeCopy.Apply(scall, transformSuperCall(fn), args map (_.duplicate))
          case Select(Super(_, _), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) =>
              atPos(supertpt.pos.focus)(New(TypeTree(supertpe)) setType supertpe),

        treeInfo.firstConstructor(templ.body) match {
          case constr @ DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, cbody @ Block(cstats, cunit)) =>
            // Convert constructor body to block in environment and typecheck it
            val (preSuperStats, superCall) = {
              val (stats, rest) = cstats span (x => !treeInfo.isSuperConstrCall(x))
              (stats map (_.duplicate), if (rest.isEmpty) EmptyTree else rest.head.duplicate)
            val cstats1 = if (superCall == EmptyTree) preSuperStats else preSuperStats :+ superCall
            val cbody1 = treeCopy.Block(cbody, preSuperStats, superCall match {
              case Apply(_, _) if supertparams.nonEmpty => transformSuperCall(superCall)
              case _                                    => cunit.duplicate
            val outercontext = context.outer

            assert(clazz != NoSymbol, templ)
            val cscope = outercontext.makeNewScope(constr, outercontext.owner)
            val cbody2 = newTyper(cscope) // called both during completion AND typing.
                  cbody1, supertparams, clazz.unsafeTypeParams, vparamss map (

            superCall match {
              case Apply(_, _) =>
                val treeInfo.Applied(_, _, argss) = superCall
                val sarg = argss.flatten.headOption.getOrElse(EmptyTree)
                if (sarg != EmptyTree && supertpe.typeSymbol != firstParent)
                  ConstrArgsInTraitParentTpeError(sarg, firstParent)
                if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
                  supertpt = TypeTree(cbody2.tpe) setPos supertpt.pos
              case _ =>
                if (!supertparams.isEmpty)

            val preSuperVals = treeInfo.preSuperFields(templ.body)
            if (preSuperVals.isEmpty && preSuperStats.nonEmpty)
              debugwarn("Wanted to zip empty presuper val list with " + preSuperStats)
              map2(preSuperStats, preSuperVals)((ldef, gdef) => gdef.tpt.tpe = ldef.symbol.tpe)

          case _ =>
            if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
/* experimental: early types as type arguments
        val hasEarlyTypes = templ.body exists (treeInfo.isEarlyTypeDef)
        val earlyMap = new EarlyMap(clazz)
        List.mapConserve(supertpt :: mixins){ tpt =>
          val tpt1 = checkNoEscaping.privates(clazz, tpt)
          if (hasEarlyTypes) tpt1 else tpt1 setType earlyMap(tpt1.tpe)

        //Console.println("parents("+clazz") = "+supertpt :: mixins);//DEBUG

        // Certain parents are added in the parser before it is known whether
        // that class also declared them as parents.  For instance, this is an
        // error unless we take corrective action here:
        //   case class Foo() extends Serializable
        // So we strip the duplicates before typer.
        def fixDuplicates(remaining: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = remaining match {
          case Nil      => Nil
          case x :: xs  =>
            val sym = x.symbol
            x :: fixDuplicates(
              if (isPossibleSyntheticParent(sym)) xs filterNot (_.symbol == sym)
              else xs

        fixDuplicates(supertpt :: mixins) mapConserve (tpt => checkNoEscaping.privates(clazz, tpt))
      catch {
        case ex: TypeError =>
          // fallback in case of cyclic errors
          // @H none of the tests enter here but I couldn't rule it out
          log("Type error calculating parents in template " + templ)
          log("Error: " + ex)
          ParentTypesError(templ, ex)

    /** <p>Check that</p>
     *  <ul>
     *    <li>all parents are class types,</li>
     *    <li>first parent class is not a mixin; following classes are mixins,</li>
     *    <li>final classes are not inherited,</li>
     *    <li>
     *      sealed classes are only inherited by classes which are
     *      nested within definition of base class, or that occur within same
     *      statement sequence,
     *    </li>
     *    <li>self-type of current class is a subtype of self-type of each parent class.</li>
     *    <li>no two parents define same symbol.</li>
     *  </ul>
    def validateParentClasses(parents: List[Tree], selfType: Type) {
      val pending = ListBuffer[AbsTypeError]()
      def validateDynamicParent(parent: Symbol, parentPos: Position) =
        if (parent == DynamicClass) checkFeature(parentPos, DynamicsFeature)

      def validateParentClass(parent: Tree, superclazz: Symbol) =
        if (!parent.isErrorTyped) {
          val psym = parent.tpe.typeSymbol.initialize


          if (psym != superclazz) {
            if (psym.isTrait) {
              val ps =
              if (!ps.isEmpty && !superclazz.isSubClass(ps.head.typeSymbol))
                pending += ParentSuperSubclassError(parent, superclazz, ps.head.typeSymbol, psym)
            } else {
              pending += ParentNotATraitMixinError(parent, psym)

          if (psym.isFinal)
            pending += ParentFinalInheritanceError(parent, psym)

          if (psym.hasDeprecatedInheritanceAnnotation) {
            val suffix = psym.deprecatedInheritanceMessage map (": " + _) getOrElse ""
            val msg = s"inheritance from ${psym.fullLocationString} is deprecated$suffix"
            unit.deprecationWarning(parent.pos, msg)

          if (psym.isSealed && !phase.erasedTypes)
            if (context.unit.source.file == psym.sourceFile)
              psym addChild context.owner
              pending += ParentSealedInheritanceError(parent, psym)

          if (!(selfType <:< parent.tpe.typeOfThis) &&
              !phase.erasedTypes &&
              !context.owner.isSynthetic &&   // don't check synthetic concrete classes for virtuals (part of DEVIRTUALIZE)
              !settings.noSelfCheck.value &&  // setting to suppress this very check
              !selfType.isErroneous &&
            pending += ParentSelfTypeConformanceError(parent, selfType)
            if (settings.explaintypes.value) explainTypes(selfType, parent.tpe.typeOfThis)

          if (parents exists (p => p != parent && p.tpe.typeSymbol == psym && !psym.isError))
            pending += ParentInheritedTwiceError(parent, psym)

          validateDynamicParent(psym, parent.pos)

      if (!parents.isEmpty && parents.forall(!_.isErrorTyped)) {
        val superclazz = parents.head.tpe.typeSymbol
        for (p <- parents) validateParentClass(p, superclazz)

      if (settings.Xshowcls.value != "" &&
          settings.Xshowcls.value == context.owner.fullName)
        println("INFO "+context.owner+
                ", baseclasses = "+( map (_.fullName))+
                ", lin = "+( map (context.owner.thisType.baseType)))

    def checkFinitary(classinfo: ClassInfoType) {
      val clazz = classinfo.typeSymbol

      for (tparam <- clazz.typeParams) {
        if (classinfo.expansiveRefs(tparam) contains tparam) {
          val newinfo = ClassInfoType(
            classinfo.parents map (_.instantiateTypeParams(List(tparam), List(AnyRefClass.tpe))),
          clazz.setInfo {
   match {
              case PolyType(tparams, _) => PolyType(tparams, newinfo)
              case _ => newinfo

     *  @param cdef ...
     *  @return     ...
    def typedClassDef(cdef: ClassDef): Tree = {
//      attributes(cdef)
      val clazz = cdef.symbol
      val typedMods = typedModifiers(cdef.mods)
      assert(clazz != NoSymbol, cdef)
      val tparams1 = cdef.tparams mapConserve (typedTypeDef)
      val impl1 = newTyper(context.make(cdef.impl, clazz, newScope)).typedTemplate(cdef.impl, parentTypes(cdef.impl))
      val impl2 = finishMethodSynthesis(impl1, clazz, context)
      if (clazz.isTrait && && == AnyClass)
        checkEphemeral(clazz, impl2.body)
      if ((clazz != ClassfileAnnotationClass) &&
          (clazz isNonBottomSubClass ClassfileAnnotationClass))
        restrictionWarning(cdef.pos, unit,
          "subclassing Classfile does not\n"+
          "make your annotation visible at runtime.  If that is what\n"+
          "you want, you must write the annotation class in Java.")
      if (!isPastTyper) {
        for (ann <- clazz.getAnnotation(DeprecatedAttr)) {
          val m = companionSymbolOf(clazz, context)
          if (m != NoSymbol)
            m.moduleClass.addAnnotation(AnnotationInfo(ann.atp, ann.args, List()))
      treeCopy.ClassDef(cdef, typedMods,, tparams1, impl2)

     *  @param mdef ...
     *  @return     ...
    def typedModuleDef(mdef: ModuleDef): Tree = {
      // initialize all constructors of the linked class: the type completer (Namer.methodSig)
      // might add default getters to this object. example: "object T; class T(x: Int = 1)"
      val linkedClass = companionSymbolOf(mdef.symbol, context)
      if (linkedClass != NoSymbol) foreach (_.initialize)

      val clazz     = mdef.symbol.moduleClass
      val typedMods = typedModifiers(mdef.mods)
      assert(clazz != NoSymbol, mdef)
      val noSerializable = (
           (linkedClass eq NoSymbol)
        || linkedClass.isErroneous
        || !linkedClass.isSerializable
        || clazz.isSerializable
      val impl1 = newTyper(context.make(mdef.impl, clazz, newScope)).typedTemplate(mdef.impl, {
        parentTypes(mdef.impl) ++ (
          if (noSerializable) Nil
          else {
            List(TypeTree(SerializableClass.tpe) setPos clazz.pos.focus)

      val impl2  = finishMethodSynthesis(impl1, clazz, context)

      // SI-5954. On second compile of a companion class contained in a package object we end up
      // with some confusion of names which leads to having two symbols with the same name in the
      // same owner. Until that can be straightened out we will warn on companion objects in package
      // objects. But this code also tries to be friendly by distinguishing between case classes and
      // user written companion pairs
      def warnPackageObjectMembers(mdef : ModuleDef) = for (m <- {
        // ignore synthetic objects, because the "companion" object to a case class is synthetic and
        // we only want one error per case class
        if (!m.isSynthetic) {
          // can't handle case classes in package objects
          if (m.isCaseClass) pkgObjectWarning(m, mdef, "case")
          // can't handle companion class/object pairs in package objects
          else if ((m.isClass && m.companionModule != NoSymbol && !m.companionModule.isSynthetic) ||
                   (m.isModule && m.companionClass != NoSymbol && !m.companionClass.isSynthetic))
                     pkgObjectWarning(m, mdef, "companion")

        def pkgObjectWarning(m : Symbol, mdef : ModuleDef, restricted : String) = {
          val pkgName = mdef.symbol.ownerChain find (_.isPackage) map (_.decodedName) getOrElse mdef.symbol.toString
          val pos = if (m.pos.isDefined) m.pos else mdef.pos
          debugwarn(s"${m}  should be placed directly in package ${pkgName} instead of package object ${pkgName}. Under some circumstances companion objects and case classes in package objects can fail to recompile. See")
          debugwarn(pos.lineContent + (if (pos.isDefined) " " * (pos.column - 1) + "^" else ""))

      if (mdef.symbol.isPackageObject)

      treeCopy.ModuleDef(mdef, typedMods,, impl2) setType NoType
    /** In order to override this in the TreeCheckers Typer so synthetics aren't re-added
     *  all the time, it is exposed here the module/class typing methods go through it.
     *  ...but it turns out it's also the ideal spot for namer/typer coordination for
     *  the tricky method synthesis scenarios, so we'll make it that.
    protected def finishMethodSynthesis(templ: Template, clazz: Symbol, context: Context): Template = {
      addSyntheticMethods(templ, clazz, context)
    /** For flatMapping a list of trees when you want the DocDefs and Annotated
     *  to be transparent.
    def rewrappingWrapperTrees(f: Tree => List[Tree]): Tree => List[Tree] = {
      case dd @ DocDef(comment, defn) => f(defn) map (stat => DocDef(comment, stat) setPos dd.pos)
      case Annotated(annot, defn)     => f(defn) map (stat => Annotated(annot, stat))
      case tree                       => f(tree)

    protected def enterSyms(txt: Context, trees: List[Tree]) = {
      var txt0 = txt
      for (tree <- trees) txt0 = enterSym(txt0, tree)

    protected def enterSym(txt: Context, tree: Tree): Context =
      if (txt eq context) namer.enterSym(tree)
      else newNamer(txt).enterSym(tree)

     *  @param templ    ...
     *  @param parents1 ...
     *    <li> <!-- 2 -->
     *      Check that inner classes do not inherit from Annotation
     *    </li>
     *  @return         ...
    def typedTemplate(templ: Template, parents1: List[Tree]): Template = {
      val clazz = context.owner
      if (templ.symbol == NoSymbol)
        templ setSymbol clazz.newLocalDummy(templ.pos)
      val self1 = templ.self match {
        case vd @ ValDef(_, _, tpt, EmptyTree) =>
          val tpt1 = checkNoEscaping.privates(
            treeCopy.TypeTree(tpt).setOriginal(tpt) setType vd.symbol.tpe
          copyValDef(vd)(tpt = tpt1, rhs = EmptyTree) setType NoType
      // was:
      //          val tpt1 = checkNoEscaping.privates(clazz.thisSym, typedType(tpt))
      //          treeCopy.ValDef(vd, mods, name, tpt1, EmptyTree) setType NoType
      // but this leads to cycles for existential self types ==> #2545
      if ( != nme.WILDCARD)
        context.scope enter self1.symbol

      val selfType = (
        if (clazz.isAnonymousClass && !phase.erasedTypes)
          intersectionType(, clazz.owner)
      // the following is necessary for templates generated later
      assert( != EmptyScope, clazz)
      enterSyms(context.outer.make(templ, clazz,, templ.body)
      validateParentClasses(parents1, selfType)
      if (clazz.isCase)

      if ((clazz isSubClass ClassfileAnnotationClass) && !clazz.owner.isPackageClass)
        unit.error(clazz.pos, "inner classes cannot be classfile annotations")

      if (!phase.erasedTypes && ! // @S: prevent crash for duplicated type members

      val body =
        if (isPastTyper || reporter.hasErrors) templ.body
        else templ.body flatMap rewrappingWrapperTrees(namer.addDerivedTrees(Typer.this, _))

      val body1 = typedStats(body, templ.symbol)

      if ( == AnyValClass)
        validateDerivedValueClass(clazz, body1)

      if (clazz.isTrait) {
        for (decl <- if decl.isTerm && decl.isEarlyInitialized) {
          unit.warning(decl.pos, "Implementation restriction: early definitions in traits are not initialized before the super class is initialized.")

      treeCopy.Template(templ, parents1, self1, body1) setType clazz.tpe

    /** Remove definition annotations from modifiers (they have been saved
     *  into the symbol's ``annotations'' in the type completer / namer)
     *  However reification does need annotation definitions to proceed.
     *  Unfortunately, AnnotationInfo doesn't provide enough info to reify it in general case.
     *  The biggest problem is with the "atp: Type" field, which cannot be reified in some situations
     *  that involve locally defined annotations. See more about that in Reifiers.scala.
     *  That's why the original tree gets saved into ``original'' field of AnnotationInfo (happens elsewhere).
     *  The field doesn't get pickled/unpickled and exists only during a single compilation run.
     *  This simultaneously allows us to reify annotations and to preserve backward compatibility.
    def typedModifiers(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers =
      mods.copy(annotations = Nil) setPositions mods.positions

     *  @param vdef ...
     *  @return     ...
    def typedValDef(vdef: ValDef): ValDef = {
      val sym = vdef.symbol
      val valDefTyper = {
        val maybeConstrCtx =
          if ((sym.isParameter || sym.isEarlyInitialized) && sym.owner.isConstructor) context.makeConstructorContext
          else context
        newTyper(maybeConstrCtx.makeNewScope(vdef, sym))

    // use typedValDef instead. this version is called after creating a new context for the ValDef
    private def typedValDefImpl(vdef: ValDef) = {
      val sym = vdef.symbol.initialize
      val typedMods = typedModifiers(vdef.mods)
      val tpt1 = checkNoEscaping.privates(sym, typedType(vdef.tpt))
      checkNonCyclic(vdef, tpt1)

      if (sym.hasAnnotation(definitions.VolatileAttr) && !sym.isMutable)

      val rhs1 =
        if (vdef.rhs.isEmpty) {
          if (sym.isVariable && sym.owner.isTerm && !sym.isLazy && !isPastTyper)
        } else {
          val tpt2 = if (sym.hasDefault) {
            // When typechecking default parameter, replace all type parameters in the expected type by Wildcard.
            // This allows defining "def foo[T](a: T = 1)"
            val tparams =
            val subst = new SubstTypeMap(tparams, tparams map (_ => WildcardType)) {
              override def matches(sym: Symbol, sym1: Symbol) =
                if (sym.isSkolem) matches(sym.deSkolemize, sym1)
                else if (sym1.isSkolem) matches(sym, sym1.deSkolemize)
                else super[SubstTypeMap].matches(sym, sym1)
            // allow defaults on by-name parameters
            if (sym hasFlag BYNAMEPARAM)
              if (tpt1.tpe.typeArgs.isEmpty) WildcardType // during erasure tpt1 is Function0
              else subst(tpt1.tpe.typeArgs(0))
            else subst(tpt1.tpe)
          } else tpt1.tpe
          transformedOrTyped(vdef.rhs, EXPRmode | BYVALmode, tpt2)
      treeCopy.ValDef(vdef, typedMods,, tpt1, checkDead(rhs1)) setType NoType

    /** Enter all aliases of local parameter accessors.
     *  @param clazz    ...
     *  @param vparamss ...
     *  @param rhs      ...
    def computeParamAliases(clazz: Symbol, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree) {
      debuglog(s"computing param aliases for $clazz:${clazz.primaryConstructor.tpe}:$rhs")
      val pending = ListBuffer[AbsTypeError]()

      // !!! This method is redundant with other, less buggy ones.
      def decompose(call: Tree): (Tree, List[Tree]) = call match {
        case _ if call.isErrorTyped => // e.g. SI-7636
          (call, Nil)
        case Apply(fn, args) =>
          // an object cannot be allowed to pass a reference to itself to a superconstructor
          // because of initialization issues; SI-473, SI-3913, SI-6928.
          foreachSubTreeBoundTo(args, clazz) { tree =>
            if (tree.symbol.isModule)
              pending += SuperConstrReferenceError(tree)
            tree match {
              case This(qual) =>
                pending += SuperConstrArgsThisReferenceError(tree)
              case _ => ()
          val (superConstr, preArgs) = decompose(fn)
          val params = fn.tpe.params
          // appending a dummy tree to represent Nil for an empty varargs (is this really necessary?)
          val applyArgs = if (args.length < params.length) args :+ EmptyTree else args take params.length

          assert(sameLength(applyArgs, params) || call.isErrorTyped,
            s"arity mismatch but call is not error typed: $clazz (params=$params, args=$applyArgs)")

          (superConstr, preArgs ::: applyArgs)
        case Block(_ :+ superCall, _) =>
        case _ =>
          (call, Nil)
      val (superConstr, superArgs) = decompose(rhs)
      assert(superConstr.symbol ne null, superConstr)//debug
      def superClazz = superConstr.symbol.owner
      def superParamAccessors = superClazz.constrParamAccessors

      // associate superclass paramaccessors with their aliases
      if (superConstr.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor && !superClazz.isJavaDefined && sameLength(superParamAccessors, superArgs)) {
        for ((superAcc, superArg @ Ident(name)) <- superParamAccessors zip superArgs) {
          if (mexists(vparamss)(_.symbol == superArg.symbol)) {
            val alias = (
                orElse (superAcc getter superAcc.owner)
                filter (alias => == alias)
            if (alias.exists && !alias.accessed.isVariable) {
              val ownAcc = decl name suchThat (_.isParamAccessor) match {
                case acc if !acc.isDeferred && acc.hasAccessorFlag => acc.accessed
                case acc                                           => acc
              ownAcc match {
                case acc: TermSymbol if !acc.isVariable =>
                  debuglog(s"$acc has alias ${alias.fullLocationString}")
                  acc setAlias alias
                case _ =>

    // Check for SI-4842.
    private def checkSelfConstructorArgs(ddef: DefDef, clazz: Symbol) {
      val pending = ListBuffer[AbsTypeError]()
      ddef.rhs match {
        case Block(stats, expr) =>
          val selfConstructorCall = stats.headOption.getOrElse(expr)
          foreachSubTreeBoundTo(List(selfConstructorCall), clazz) {
            case tree @ This(qual) =>
              pending += SelfConstrArgsThisReferenceError(tree)
            case _ => ()
        case _ =>

     * Run the provided function for each sub tree of `trees` that
     * are bound to a symbol with `clazz` as a base class.
     * @param f This function can assume that `tree.symbol` is non null
    private def foreachSubTreeBoundTo[A](trees: List[Tree], clazz: Symbol)(f: Tree => Unit): Unit =
      for {
        tree <- trees
        subTree <- tree
      } {
        val sym = subTree.symbol
        if (sym != null &&

      /** Check if a structurally defined method violates implementation restrictions.
     *  A method cannot be called if it is a non-private member of a refinement type
     *  and if its parameter's types are any of:
     *    - the self-type of the refinement
     *    - a type member of the refinement
     *    - an abstract type declared outside of the refinement.
     *    - an instance of a value class
     *  Furthermore, the result type may not be a value class either
    def checkMethodStructuralCompatible(ddef: DefDef): Unit = {
      val meth = ddef.symbol
      def parentString = meth.owner.parentSymbols filterNot (_ == ObjectClass) match {
        case Nil => ""
        case xs  =>" (of ", " with ", ")")
      def fail(pos: Position, msg: String): Boolean = {
        unit.error(pos, msg)
      /** Have to examine all parameters in all lists.
      def paramssTypes(tp: Type): List[List[Type]] = tp match {
        case mt @ MethodType(_, restpe) => mt.paramTypes :: paramssTypes(restpe)
        case PolyType(_, restpe)        => paramssTypes(restpe)
        case _                          => Nil
      def resultType = meth.tpe.finalResultType
      def nthParamPos(n1: Int, n2: Int) =
        try ddef.vparamss(n1)(n2).pos catch { case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException => meth.pos }

      def failStruct(pos: Position, what: String, where: String = "Parameter type") =
        fail(pos, s"$where in structural refinement may not refer to $what")

      foreachWithIndex(paramssTypes(meth.tpe)) { (paramList, listIdx) =>
        foreachWithIndex(paramList) { (paramType, paramIdx) =>
          val sym = paramType.typeSymbol
          def paramPos = nthParamPos(listIdx, paramIdx)

          /** Not enough to look for abstract types; have to recursively check the bounds
           *  of each abstract type for more abstract types. Almost certainly there are other
           *  exploitable type soundness bugs which can be seen by bounding a type parameter
           *  by an abstract type which itself is bounded by an abstract type.
          def checkAbstract(tp0: Type, what: String): Boolean = {
            def check(sym: Symbol): Boolean = !sym.isAbstractType || {
              log(s"""checking $tp0 in refinement$parentString at ${meth.owner.owner.fullLocationString}""")
              (    (!sym.hasTransOwner(meth.owner) && failStruct(paramPos, "an abstract type defined outside that refinement", what))
                || (!sym.hasTransOwner(meth) && failStruct(paramPos, "a type member of that refinement", what))
                || checkAbstract(, "Type bound")
            tp0.dealiasWidenChain forall (t => check(t.typeSymbol))
          checkAbstract(paramType, "Parameter type")

          if (sym.isDerivedValueClass)
            failStruct(paramPos, "a user-defined value class")
          if (paramType.isInstanceOf[ThisType] && sym == meth.owner)
            failStruct(paramPos, "the type of that refinement (self type)")
      if (resultType.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass)
        failStruct(ddef.tpt.pos, "a user-defined value class", where = "Result type")

    def typedUseCase(useCase: UseCase) {
      def stringParser(str: String): syntaxAnalyzer.Parser = {
        val file = new BatchSourceFile(context.unit.source.file, str) {
          override def positionInUltimateSource(pos: Position) = {
            pos.withSource(context.unit.source, useCase.pos.start)
        val unit = new CompilationUnit(file)
        new syntaxAnalyzer.UnitParser(unit)
      val trees = stringParser(useCase.body+";").nonLocalDefOrDcl
      val enclClass = context.enclClass.owner
      def defineAlias(name: Name) =
        if (context.scope.lookup(name) == NoSymbol) {
          lookupVariable(name.toString.substring(1), enclClass) match {
            case Some(repl) =>
              silent(_.typedTypeConstructor(stringParser(repl).typ())) match {
                case SilentResultValue(tpt) =>
                  val alias = enclClass.newAliasType(name.toTypeName, useCase.pos)
                  val tparams = cloneSymbolsAtOwner(tpt.tpe.typeSymbol.typeParams, alias)
                  val newInfo = genPolyType(tparams, appliedType(tpt.tpe, tparams map (_.tpe)))
                  alias setInfo newInfo
                case _ =>
            case _ =>
      for (tree <- trees; t <- tree)
        t match {
          case Ident(name) if name startsWith '$' => defineAlias(name)
          case _ =>
      useCase.aliases = context.scope.toList
      typedStats(trees, NoSymbol)
      useCase.defined = context.scope.toList filterNot (useCase.aliases contains _)
      if (settings.debug.value)
        useCase.defined foreach (sym => println("defined use cases: %s:%s".format(sym, sym.tpe)))

     *  @param ddef ...
     *  @return     ...
    def typedDefDef(ddef: DefDef): DefDef = {
      val meth = ddef.symbol.initialize


      // for `val` and `var` parameter, look at `target` meta-annotation
      if (!isPastTyper && meth.isPrimaryConstructor) {
        for (vparams <- ddef.vparamss; vd <- vparams) {
          if (vd.mods.isParamAccessor) {

      val tparams1 = ddef.tparams mapConserve typedTypeDef
      val vparamss1 = ddef.vparamss mapConserve (_ mapConserve typedValDef)

      for (vparams1 <- vparamss1; vparam1 <- vparams1 dropRight 1)
        if (isRepeatedParamType(vparam1.symbol.tpe))

      var tpt1 = checkNoEscaping.privates(meth, typedType(ddef.tpt))
      checkNonCyclic(ddef, tpt1)
      val typedMods = typedModifiers(ddef.mods)
      var rhs1 =
        if ( == nme.CONSTRUCTOR && !ddef.symbol.hasStaticFlag) { // need this to make it possible to generate static ctors
          if (!meth.isPrimaryConstructor &&
              (!meth.owner.isClass ||
               meth.owner.isModuleClass ||
        } else if (meth.isTermMacro) {
          // typechecking macro bodies is sort of unconventional
          // that's why we employ our custom typing scheme orchestrated outside of the typer
          transformedOr(ddef.rhs, typedMacroBody(this, ddef))
        } else {
          transformedOrTyped(ddef.rhs, EXPRmode, tpt1.tpe)

      if (meth.isClassConstructor && !isPastTyper && !meth.owner.isSubClass(AnyValClass)) {
        // At this point in AnyVal there is no supercall, which will blow up
        // in computeParamAliases; there's nothing to be computed for Anyval anyway.
        if (meth.isPrimaryConstructor)
          computeParamAliases(meth.owner, vparamss1, rhs1)
          checkSelfConstructorArgs(ddef, meth.owner)

      if (tpt1.tpe.typeSymbol != NothingClass && !context.returnsSeen && rhs1.tpe.typeSymbol != NothingClass)
        rhs1 = checkDead(rhs1)

      if (!isPastTyper && meth.owner.isClass &&
          meth.paramss.exists(ps => ps.exists(_.hasDefault) && isRepeatedParamType(ps.last.tpe)))

      if (!isPastTyper) {
        val allParams = meth.paramss.flatten
        for (p <- allParams) {
          for (n <- p.deprecatedParamName) {
            if (allParams.exists(p1 => == n || (p != p1 && p1.deprecatedParamName.exists(_ == n))))
              DeprecatedParamNameError(p, n)
      if (meth.isStructuralRefinementMember)

      if (meth.isImplicit && !meth.isSynthetic) match {
        case List(param) :: _ if !param.isImplicit =>
          checkFeature(ddef.pos, ImplicitConversionsFeature, meth.toString)
        case _ =>

      treeCopy.DefDef(ddef, typedMods,, tparams1, vparamss1, tpt1, rhs1) setType NoType

    def typedTypeDef(tdef: TypeDef): TypeDef =
      typerWithCondLocalContext(context.makeNewScope(tdef, tdef.symbol))(tdef.tparams.nonEmpty) {

    // use typedTypeDef instead. this version is called after creating a new context for the TypeDef
    private def typedTypeDefImpl(tdef: TypeDef): TypeDef = {
      val tparams1 = tdef.tparams mapConserve typedTypeDef
      val typedMods = typedModifiers(tdef.mods)

      // @specialized should not be pickled when compiling with -no-specialize
      if (settings.nospecialization.value && currentRun.compiles(tdef.symbol)) {

      val rhs1 = checkNoEscaping.privates(tdef.symbol, typedType(tdef.rhs))
      if (tdef.symbol.owner.isType)
        rhs1.tpe match {
          case TypeBounds(lo1, hi1) if (!(lo1 <:< hi1)) => LowerBoundError(tdef, lo1, hi1)
          case _                                        => ()

      if (tdef.symbol.isDeferred &&
        checkFeature(tdef.pos, HigherKindsFeature)

      treeCopy.TypeDef(tdef, typedMods,, tparams1, rhs1) setType NoType

    private def enterLabelDef(stat: Tree) {
      stat match {
        case ldef @ LabelDef(_, _, _) =>
          if (ldef.symbol == NoSymbol)
            ldef.symbol = namer.enterInScope(
              context.owner.newLabel(, ldef.pos) setInfo MethodType(List(), UnitClass.tpe))
        case _ =>

    def typedLabelDef(ldef: LabelDef): LabelDef = {
      if (!nme.isLoopHeaderLabel( || isPastTyper) {
        val restpe = ldef.symbol.tpe.resultType
        val rhs1 = typed(ldef.rhs, restpe)
        ldef.params foreach (param => param.tpe = param.symbol.tpe)
        deriveLabelDef(ldef)(_ => rhs1) setType restpe
      else {
        val initpe = ldef.symbol.tpe.resultType
        val rhs1 = typed(ldef.rhs)
        val restpe = rhs1.tpe
        if (restpe == initpe) { // stable result, no need to check again
          ldef.params foreach (param => param.tpe = param.symbol.tpe)
          treeCopy.LabelDef(ldef,, ldef.params, rhs1) setType restpe
        } else {
          val sym2 = namer.enterInScope(
            context.owner.newLabel(, ldef.pos) setInfo MethodType(List(), restpe))
          val rhs2 = typed(resetAllAttrs(ldef.rhs), restpe)
          ldef.params foreach (param => param.tpe = param.symbol.tpe)
          deriveLabelDef(ldef)(_ => rhs2) setSymbol sym2 setType restpe

     *  @param block ...
     *  @param mode  ...
     *  @param pt    ...
     *  @return      ...
    def typedBlock(block: Block, mode: Int, pt: Type): Block = {
      val syntheticPrivates = new ListBuffer[Symbol]
      try {
        for (stat <- block.stats) enterLabelDef(stat)

        if (phaseId(currentPeriod) <= {
          // This is very tricky stuff, because we are navigating the Skylla and Charybdis of
          // anonymous classes and what to return from them here. On the one hand, we cannot admit
          // every non-private member of an anonymous class as a part of the structural type of the
          // enclosing block. This runs afoul of the restriction that a structural type may not
          // refer to an enclosing type parameter or abstract types (which in turn is necessitated
          // by what can be done in Java reflection). On the other hand, making every term member
          // private conflicts with private escape checking - see ticket #3174 for an example.
          // The cleanest way forward is if we would find a way to suppress structural type checking
          // for these members and maybe defer type errors to the places where members are called.
          // But that would be a big refactoring and also a big departure from existing code. The
          // probably safest fix for 2.8 is to keep members of an anonymous class that are not
          // mentioned in a parent type private (as before) but to disable escape checking for code
          // that's in the same anonymous class. That's what's done here.
          // We really should go back and think hard whether we find a better way to address the
          // problem of escaping idents on the one hand and well-formed structural types on the
          // other.
          block match {
            case Block(List(classDef @ ClassDef(_, _, _, _)), Apply(Select(New(_), _), _)) =>
              val classDecls =
              val visibleMembers = pt match {
                case WildcardType                           => classDecls.toList
                case BoundedWildcardType(TypeBounds(lo, _)) => lo.members
                case _                                      => pt.members
              def matchesVisibleMember(member: Symbol) = visibleMembers exists { vis =>
                ( == &&
                (member.tpe <:< vis.tpe.substThis(vis.owner, classDef.symbol))
              // The block is an anonymous class definitions/instantiation pair
              //   -> members that are hidden by the type of the block are made private
              val toHide = (
                classDecls filter (member =>
                  && member.isPossibleInRefinement
                  && member.isPublic
                  && !matchesVisibleMember(member)
                ) map (member => member
                  resetFlag (PROTECTED | LOCAL)
                  setFlag (PRIVATE | SYNTHETIC_PRIVATE)
                  setPrivateWithin NoSymbol
              syntheticPrivates ++= toHide
            case _ =>
        val stats1 = if (isPastTyper) block.stats else
          block.stats.flatMap(stat => stat match {
            case vd@ValDef(_, _, _, _) if vd.symbol.isLazy =>
              namer.addDerivedTrees(Typer.this, vd)
            case _ => stat::Nil
        val stats2 = typedStats(stats1, context.owner)
        val expr1 = typed(block.expr, mode & ~(FUNmode | QUALmode), pt)
        treeCopy.Block(block, stats2, expr1)
          .setType(if (treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(block)) expr1.tpe else expr1.tpe.deconst)
      } finally {
        // enable escaping privates checking from the outside and recycle
        // transient flag
        syntheticPrivates foreach (_ resetFlag SYNTHETIC_PRIVATE)

     *  @param cdef   ...
     *  @param pattpe ...
     *  @param pt     ...
     *  @return       ...
    def typedCase(cdef: CaseDef, pattpe: Type, pt: Type): CaseDef = {
      // verify no _* except in last position
      for (Apply(_, xs) <- cdef.pat ; x <- xs dropRight 1 ; if treeInfo isStar x)

      // withoutAnnotations - see continuations-run/z1673.scala
      // This adjustment is awfully specific to continuations, but AFAICS the
      // whole AnnotationChecker framework is.
      val pat1 = typedPattern(cdef.pat, pattpe.withoutAnnotations)
      // When case classes have more than two parameter lists, the pattern ends
      // up typed as a method.  We only pattern match on the first parameter
      // list, so substitute the final result type of the method, i.e. the type
      // of the case class.
      if (pat1.tpe.paramSectionCount > 0)
        pat1 setType pat1.tpe.finalResultType

      if (forInteractive) {
        for (bind @ Bind(name, _) <- cdef.pat)
          if (name.toTermName != nme.WILDCARD && bind.symbol != null && bind.symbol != NoSymbol)

      val guard1: Tree = if (cdef.guard == EmptyTree) EmptyTree
                         else typed(cdef.guard, BooleanClass.tpe)
      var body1: Tree = typed(cdef.body, pt)

      val contextWithTypeBounds = context.nextEnclosing(_.tree.isInstanceOf[CaseDef])
      if (contextWithTypeBounds.savedTypeBounds.nonEmpty) {
        body1.tpe = contextWithTypeBounds restoreTypeBounds body1.tpe

        // insert a cast if something typechecked under the GADT constraints,
        // but not in real life (i.e., now that's we've reset the method's type skolems'
        //   infos back to their pre-GADT-constraint state)
        if (isFullyDefined(pt) && !(body1.tpe <:< pt))
          body1 = typedPos(body1.pos)(gen.mkCast(body1, pt.normalize))


//    body1 = checkNoEscaping.locals(context.scope, pt, body1)
      treeCopy.CaseDef(cdef, pat1, guard1, body1) setType body1.tpe

    // undo adaptConstrPattern's evil deeds, as they confuse the old pattern matcher
    // the flags are used to avoid accidentally deskolemizing unrelated skolems of skolems
    object deskolemizeGADTSkolems extends TypeMap {
      def apply(tp: Type): Type = mapOver(tp) match {
        case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if sym.isGADTSkolem =>
          typeRef(NoPrefix, sym.deSkolemize, args)
        case tp1 => tp1

    def typedCases(cases: List[CaseDef], pattp: Type, pt: Type): List[CaseDef] =
      cases mapConserve { cdef =>
        newTyper(context.makeNewScope(cdef, context.owner)).typedCase(cdef, pattp, pt)

    def adaptCase(cdef: CaseDef, mode: Int, tpe: Type): CaseDef = deriveCaseDef(cdef)(adapt(_, mode, tpe))

    def ptOrLub(tps: List[Type], pt: Type  )       = if (isFullyDefined(pt)) (pt, false) else weakLub(tps map (_.deconst))
    def ptOrLubPacked(trees: List[Tree], pt: Type) = if (isFullyDefined(pt)) (pt, false) else weakLub(trees map (c => packedType(c, context.owner).deconst))

    // takes untyped sub-trees of a match and type checks them
    def typedMatch(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef], mode: Int, pt: Type, tree: Tree = EmptyTree): Match = {
      val selector1  = checkDead(typed(selector, EXPRmode | BYVALmode, WildcardType))
      val selectorTp = packCaptured(selector1.tpe.widen).skolemizeExistential(context.owner, selector)
      val casesTyped = typedCases(cases, selectorTp, pt)

      val (resTp, needAdapt) =
        if (opt.virtPatmat) ptOrLubPacked(casesTyped, pt)
        else ptOrLub(casesTyped map (_.tpe), pt)

      val casesAdapted = if (!needAdapt) casesTyped else casesTyped map (adaptCase(_, mode, resTp))

      val matchTyped = treeCopy.Match(tree, selector1, casesAdapted) setType resTp
      if (!newPatternMatching) // TODO: remove this in 2.11 -- only needed for old pattern matcher
        new TypeMapTreeSubstituter(deskolemizeGADTSkolems).traverse(matchTyped)

    // match has been typed -- virtualize it if we're feeling experimental
    // (virtualized matches are expanded during type checking so they have the full context available)
    // otherwise, do nothing: matches are translated during phase `patmat` (unless -Xoldpatmat)
    def virtualizedMatch(match_ : Match, mode: Int, pt: Type) = {
      import patmat.{vpmName, PureMatchTranslator, OptimizingMatchTranslator}

      // TODO: add fallback __match sentinel to predef
      val matchStrategy: Tree =
        if (!(newPatternMatching && opt.experimental && context.isNameInScope(vpmName._match))) null    // fast path, avoiding the next line if there's no __match to be seen
        else newTyper(context.makeImplicit(reportAmbiguousErrors = false)).silent(_.typed(Ident(vpmName._match), EXPRmode, WildcardType), reportAmbiguousErrors = false) match {
          case SilentResultValue(ms) => ms
          case _                     => null

      if (matchStrategy ne null) // virtualize
        typed((new PureMatchTranslator(this.asInstanceOf[] /*TODO*/, matchStrategy)).translateMatch(match_), mode, pt)
        match_ // will be translated in phase `patmat`

    /** synthesize and type check a PartialFunction implementation based on the match in `tree`
     *  `param => sel match { cases }` becomes:
     *  new AbstractPartialFunction[$argTp, $matchResTp] {
     *    def applyOrElse[A1 <: $argTp, B1 >: $matchResTp]($param: A1, default: A1 => B1): B1 =
     *       $selector match { $cases }
     *    def isDefinedAt(x: $argTp): Boolean =
     *       $selector match { $casesTrue }
     *  }
     * TODO: it would be nicer to generate the tree specified above at once and type it as a whole,
     * there are two gotchas:
     *    - matchResTp may not be known until we've typed the match (can only use resTp when it's fully defined),
     *       - if we typed the match in isolation first, you'd know its result type, but would have to re-jig the owner structure
     *       - could we use a type variable for matchResTp and backpatch it?
     *    - occurrences of `this` in `cases` or `sel` must resolve to the this of the class originally enclosing the match,
     *      not of the anonymous partial function subclass
     * an alternative TODO: add partial function AST node or equivalent and get rid of this synthesis --> do everything in uncurry (or later)
     * however, note that pattern matching codegen is designed to run *before* uncurry
    def synthesizePartialFunction(paramName: TermName, paramPos: Position, tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt0: Type): Tree = {
      assert(pt0.typeSymbol == PartialFunctionClass, s"PartialFunction synthesis for match in $tree requires PartialFunction expected type, but got $pt0.")

      val pt    = deskolemizeGADTSkolems(pt0)
      val targs = pt.normalize.typeArgs

      // if targs.head isn't fully defined, we can translate --> error
      targs match {
        case argTp :: _ if isFullyDefined(argTp) => // ok
        case _ => // uh-oh
          MissingParameterTypeAnonMatchError(tree, pt)
          return setError(tree)

      // NOTE: resTp still might not be fully defined
      val argTp :: resTp :: Nil = targs

      // targs must conform to Any for us to synthesize an applyOrElse (fallback to apply otherwise -- typically for @cps annotated targs)
      val targsValidParams = targs forall (_ <:< AnyClass.tpe)

      val anonClass = (context.owner
        newAnonymousFunctionClass tree.pos
        addAnnotation AnnotationInfo(SerialVersionUIDAttr.tpe, List(Literal(Constant(0))), List()))

      import CODE._

      val Match(sel, cases) = tree

      // need to duplicate the cases before typing them to generate the apply method, or the symbols will be all messed up
      val casesTrue = cases map (c => deriveCaseDef(c)(x => atPos(x.pos.focus)(TRUE_typed)).duplicate.asInstanceOf[CaseDef])

      // must generate a new tree every time
      def selector: Tree = gen.mkUnchecked(
        if (sel != EmptyTree) sel.duplicate
        else atPos(tree.pos.focusStart)(
          // SI-6925: subsume type of the selector to `argTp`
          // we don't want/need the match to see the `A1` type that we must use for variance reasons in the method signature
          // this failed: replace `selector` by `Typed(selector, TypeTree(argTp))` -- as it's an upcast, this should never fail,
          //   `(x: A1): A` doesn't always type check, even though `A1 <: A`, due to singleton types (test/files/pos/t4269.scala)
          // hence the cast, which will be erased in posterasure
          // (the cast originally caused  extremely weird types to show up
          //  in test/scaladoc/run/SI-5933.scala because `variantToSkolem` was missing `tpSym.initialize`)
          gen.mkCastPreservingAnnotations(Ident(paramName), argTp)

      def mkParam(methodSym: Symbol, tp: Type = argTp) =
        methodSym.newValueParameter(paramName, paramPos.focus, SYNTHETIC) setInfo tp

      def mkDefaultCase(body: Tree) =
        atPos(tree.pos.makeTransparent) {
          CaseDef(Bind(nme.DEFAULT_CASE, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)), body)

      // `def applyOrElse[A1 <: $argTp, B1 >: $matchResTp](x: A1, default: A1 => B1): B1 =
      //  ${`$selector match { $cases; case default$ => default(x) }`
      def applyOrElseMethodDef = {
        val methodSym = anonClass.newMethod(nme.applyOrElse, tree.pos, FINAL | OVERRIDE)

        // create the parameter that corresponds to the function's parameter
        val A1 = methodSym newTypeParameter (newTypeName("A1")) setInfo TypeBounds.upper(argTp)
        val x = mkParam(methodSym, A1.tpe)

        // applyOrElse's default parameter:
        val B1 = methodSym newTypeParameter (newTypeName("B1")) setInfo TypeBounds.empty
        val default = methodSym newValueParameter (newTermName("default"), tree.pos.focus, SYNTHETIC) setInfo functionType(List(A1.tpe), B1.tpe)

        val paramSyms = List(x, default)
        methodSym setInfo polyType(List(A1, B1), MethodType(paramSyms, B1.tpe))

        val methodBodyTyper = newTyper(context.makeNewScope(context.tree, methodSym))
        // should use the DefDef for the context's tree, but it doesn't exist yet (we need the typer we're creating to create it)
        paramSyms foreach (methodBodyTyper.context.scope enter _)

        // First, type without the default case; only the cases provided
        // by the user are typed. The LUB of these becomes `B`, the lower
        // bound of `B1`, which in turn is the result type of the default
        // case
        val match0 = methodBodyTyper.typedMatch(selector, cases, mode, resTp)
        val matchResTp = match0.tpe

        B1 setInfo TypeBounds.lower(matchResTp) // patch info

        // the default uses applyOrElse's first parameter since the scrut's type has been widened
        val match_ = {
          val defaultCase = methodBodyTyper.typedCase(
            mkDefaultCase(methodBodyTyper.typed1(REF(default) APPLY (REF(x)), mode, B1.tpe).setType(B1.tpe)), argTp, B1.tpe)
          treeCopy.Match(match0, match0.selector, match0.cases :+ defaultCase)
        match_ setType B1.tpe

        // SI-6187 Do you really want to know? Okay, here's what's going on here.
        //         Well behaved trees satisfy the property:
        //         typed(tree) == typed(resetLocalAttrs(typed(tree))
        //         Trees constructed without low-level symbol manipulation get this for free;
        //         references to local symbols are cleared by `ResetAttrs`, but bind to the
        //         corresponding symbol in the re-typechecked tree. But PartialFunction synthesis
        //         doesn't play by these rules.
        //         During typechecking of method bodies, references to method type parameter from
        //         the declared types of the value parameters should bind to a fresh set of skolems,
        //         which have been entered into scope by `Namer#methodSig`. A comment therein:
        //         "since the skolemized tparams are in scope, the TypeRefs in vparamSymss refer to skolemized tparams"
        //         But, if we retypecheck the reset `applyOrElse`, the TypeTree of the `default`
        //         parameter contains no type. Somehow (where?!) it recovers a type that is _almost_ okay:
        //         `A1 => B1`. But it should really be `A1&0 => B1&0`. In the test, run/t6187.scala, this
        //         difference results in a type error, as `default.apply(x)` types as `B1`, which doesn't
        //         conform to the required `B1&0`
        //         I see three courses of action.
        //         1) synthesize a `asInstanceOf[B1]` below (I tried this first. But... ewwww.)
        //         2) install an 'original' TypeTree that will used after ResetAttrs (the solution below)
        //         3) Figure out how the almost-correct type is recovered on re-typechecking, and
        //            substitute in the skolems.
        //         For 2.11, we'll probably shift this transformation back a phase or two, so macros
        //         won't be affected. But in any case, we should satisfy retypecheckability.
        val originals: Map[Symbol, Tree] = {
          def typedIdent(sym: Symbol) = methodBodyTyper.typedType(Ident(sym), mode)
          val A1Tpt = typedIdent(A1)
          val B1Tpt = typedIdent(B1)
            x -> A1Tpt,
            default -> gen.scalaFunctionConstr(List(A1Tpt), B1Tpt)
        val rhs = methodBodyTyper.virtualizedMatch(match_, mode, B1.tpe)
        val defdef = DefDef(methodSym, Modifiers(methodSym.flags), originals, rhs)

        (defdef, matchResTp)

      // `def isDefinedAt(x: $argTp): Boolean = ${`$selector match { $casesTrue; case default$ => false } }`
      def isDefinedAtMethod = {
        val methodSym = anonClass.newMethod(nme.isDefinedAt, tree.pos.makeTransparent, FINAL)
        val paramSym = mkParam(methodSym)

        val methodBodyTyper = newTyper(context.makeNewScope(context.tree, methodSym)) // should use the DefDef for the context's tree, but it doesn't exist yet (we need the typer we're creating to create it)
        methodBodyTyper.context.scope enter paramSym
        methodSym setInfo MethodType(List(paramSym), BooleanClass.tpe)

        val defaultCase = mkDefaultCase(FALSE_typed)
        val match_ = methodBodyTyper.typedMatch(selector, casesTrue :+ defaultCase, mode, BooleanClass.tpe)

        DefDef(methodSym, methodBodyTyper.virtualizedMatch(match_, mode, BooleanClass.tpe))

      // only used for @cps annotated partial functions
      // `def apply(x: $argTp): $matchResTp = $selector match { $cases }`
      def applyMethod = {
        val methodSym = anonClass.newMethod(nme.apply, tree.pos, FINAL | OVERRIDE)
        val paramSym = mkParam(methodSym)

        methodSym setInfo MethodType(List(paramSym), AnyClass.tpe)

        val methodBodyTyper = newTyper(context.makeNewScope(context.tree, methodSym))
        // should use the DefDef for the context's tree, but it doesn't exist yet (we need the typer we're creating to create it)
        methodBodyTyper.context.scope enter paramSym

        val match_ = methodBodyTyper.typedMatch(selector, cases, mode, resTp)

        val matchResTp = match_.tpe
        methodSym setInfo MethodType(List(paramSym), matchResTp) // patch info

        (DefDef(methodSym, methodBodyTyper.virtualizedMatch(match_, mode, matchResTp)), matchResTp)

      def parents(resTp: Type) = addSerializable(appliedType(AbstractPartialFunctionClass.typeConstructor, List(argTp, resTp)))

      val members = {
        val (applyMeth, matchResTp) = {
          // rig the show so we can get started typing the method body -- later we'll correct the infos...
          // targs were type arguments for PartialFunction, so we know they will work for AbstractPartialFunction as well
          anonClass setInfo ClassInfoType(parents(resTp), newScope, anonClass)

          // somehow @cps annotations upset the typer when looking at applyOrElse's signature, but not apply's
          // TODO: figure out the details (T @cps[U] is not a subtype of Any, but then why does it work for the apply method?)
          if (targsValidParams) applyOrElseMethodDef
          else applyMethod

        // patch info to the class's definitive info
        anonClass setInfo ClassInfoType(parents(matchResTp), newScope, anonClass)
        List(applyMeth, isDefinedAtMethod)

      members foreach (m => enter m.symbol)

      val typedBlock = typedPos(tree.pos, mode, pt) {
        Block(ClassDef(anonClass, NoMods, ListOfNil, ListOfNil, members, tree.pos.focus), atPos(tree.pos.focus)(
          Apply(Select(New(Ident(, nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List())

      if (typedBlock.isErrorTyped) typedBlock
      else // Don't leak implementation details into the type, see SI-6575
        typedPos(tree.pos, mode, pt) {
          Typed(typedBlock, TypeTree(typedBlock.tpe baseType PartialFunctionClass))

     *  @param fun  ...
     *  @param mode ...
     *  @param pt   ...
     *  @return     ...
    private def typedFunction(fun: Function, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      val numVparams = fun.vparams.length
      if (numVparams > definitions.MaxFunctionArity)
        return MaxFunctionArityError(fun)

      def decompose(pt: Type): (Symbol, List[Type], Type) =
        if ((isFunctionType(pt) || (pt.typeSymbol == PartialFunctionClass && numVparams == 1 && fun.body.isInstanceOf[Match])) && // see bug901 for a reason why next conditions are needed
            (  pt.normalize.typeArgs.length - 1 == numVparams
            || fun.vparams.exists(_.tpt.isEmpty)
          (pt.typeSymbol, pt.normalize.typeArgs.init, pt.normalize.typeArgs.last)
          (FunctionClass(numVparams), fun.vparams map (x => NoType), WildcardType)

      val (clazz, argpts, respt) = decompose(pt)
      if (argpts.lengthCompare(numVparams) != 0)
        WrongNumberOfParametersError(fun, argpts)
      else {
        foreach2(fun.vparams, argpts) { (vparam, argpt) =>
          if (vparam.tpt.isEmpty) {
            vparam.tpt.tpe =
              if (isFullyDefined(argpt)) argpt
              else {
                fun match {
                  case etaExpansion(vparams, fn, args) =>
                    silent(_.typed(fn, forFunMode(mode), pt)) match {
                      case SilentResultValue(fn1) if context.undetparams.isEmpty =>
                        // if context,undetparams is not empty, the function was polymorphic,
                        // so we need the missing arguments to infer its type. See #871
                        //println("typing eta "+fun+":"+fn1.tpe+"/"+context.undetparams)
                        val ftpe = normalize(fn1.tpe) baseType FunctionClass(numVparams)
                        if (isFunctionType(ftpe) && isFullyDefined(ftpe))
                          return typedFunction(fun, mode, ftpe)
                      case _ =>
                  case _ =>
                MissingParameterTypeError(fun, vparam, pt)
            if (!vparam.tpt.pos.isDefined) vparam.tpt setPos vparam.pos.focus

        fun.body match {
          // translate `x => x match { <cases> }` : PartialFunction to
          // `new PartialFunction { def applyOrElse(x, default) = x match { <cases> } def isDefinedAt(x) = ... }`
          case Match(sel, cases) if (sel ne EmptyTree) && newPatternMatching && (pt.typeSymbol == PartialFunctionClass) =>
            // go to outer context -- must discard the context that was created for the Function since we're discarding the function
            // thus, its symbol, which serves as the current context.owner, is not the right owner
            // you won't know you're using the wrong owner until lambda lift crashes (unless you know better than to use the wrong owner)
            val outerTyper = newTyper(context.outer)
            val p = fun.vparams.head
            if (p.tpt.tpe == null) p.tpt setType outerTyper.typedType(p.tpt).tpe

            outerTyper.synthesizePartialFunction(, p.pos, fun.body, mode, pt)
          case _ =>
            val vparamSyms = fun.vparams map { vparam =>
              enterSym(context, vparam)
              if (context.retyping) context.scope enter vparam.symbol
            val vparams = fun.vparams mapConserve (typedValDef)
    //        for (vparam <- vparams) {
    //          checkNoEscaping.locals(context.scope, WildcardType, vparam.tpt); ()
    //        }
            val formals = vparamSyms map (_.tpe)
            val body1 = typed(fun.body, respt)
            val restpe = packedType(body1, fun.symbol).deconst.resultType
            val funtpe = typeRef(clazz.tpe.prefix, clazz, formals :+ restpe)
    //        body = checkNoEscaping.locals(context.scope, restpe, body)
            treeCopy.Function(fun, vparams, body1).setType(funtpe)

    def typedRefinement(templ: Template) {
      val stats = templ.body

      // need to delay rest of typedRefinement to avoid cyclic reference errors
      unit.toCheck += { () =>
        val stats1 = typedStats(stats, NoSymbol)
        // this code kicks in only after typer, so `stats` will never be filled in time
        // as a result, most of compound type trees with non-empty stats will fail to reify
        // todo. investigate whether something can be done about this
        val att = templ.attachments.get[CompoundTypeTreeOriginalAttachment].getOrElse(CompoundTypeTreeOriginalAttachment(Nil, Nil))
        templ updateAttachment att.copy(stats = stats1)
        for (stat <- stats1 if stat.isDef) {
          val member = stat.symbol
          if (!(context.owner.ancestors forall
                (bc => member.matchingSymbol(bc, context.owner.thisType) == NoSymbol))) {
                  member setFlag OVERRIDE

    def typedImport(imp : Import) : Import = (transformed remove imp) match {
      case Some(imp1: Import) => imp1
      case _                  => log("unhandled import: "+imp+" in "+unit); imp
    private def isWarnablePureExpression(tree: Tree) = tree match {
      case EmptyTree | Literal(Constant(())) => false
      case _                                 =>
        !tree.isErrorTyped && (treeInfo isExprSafeToInline tree) && {
          val sym = tree.symbol
          (sym == null) || !(sym.isModule || sym.isLazy) || {
            debuglog("'Pure' but side-effecting expression in statement position: " + tree)

    def typedStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] = {
      val inBlock = exprOwner == context.owner
      def includesTargetPos(tree: Tree) =
        tree.pos.isRange && context.unit.exists && (tree.pos includes context.unit.targetPos)
      val localTarget = stats exists includesTargetPos
      def typedStat(stat: Tree): Tree = {
        if (context.owner.isRefinementClass && !treeInfo.isDeclarationOrTypeDef(stat))
          stat match {
            case imp @ Import(_, _) =>
              if (!imp.symbol.isError) {
                context = context.makeNewImport(imp)
              } else EmptyTree
            case _ =>
              if (localTarget && !includesTargetPos(stat)) {
                // skip typechecking of statements in a sequence where some other statement includes
                // the targetposition
              } else {
                val localTyper = if (inBlock || (stat.isDef && !stat.isInstanceOf[LabelDef])) {
                } else newTyper(context.make(stat, exprOwner))
                // XXX this creates a spurious dead code warning if an exception is thrown
                // in a constructor, even if it is the only thing in the constructor.
                val result = checkDead(localTyper.typed(stat, EXPRmode | BYVALmode, WildcardType))

                if (treeInfo.isSelfOrSuperConstrCall(result)) {
                  context.inConstructorSuffix = true
                  if (treeInfo.isSelfConstrCall(result) && result.symbol.pos.pointOrElse(0) >= exprOwner.enclMethod.pos.pointOrElse(0))

                if (isWarnablePureExpression(result)) context.warning(stat.pos,
                  "a pure expression does nothing in statement position; " +
                  "you may be omitting necessary parentheses"

      /** 'accessor' and 'accessed' are so similar it becomes very difficult to
       *  follow the logic, so I renamed one to something distinct.
      def accesses(looker: Symbol, accessed: Symbol) = accessed.hasLocalFlag && (
        || (looker.hasAccessorFlag && !accessed.hasAccessorFlag && accessed.isPrivate)

      def checkNoDoubleDefs(stats: List[Tree]): Unit = {
        val scope = if (inBlock) context.scope else
        var e = scope.elems
        while ((e ne null) && e.owner == scope) {
          var e1 = scope.lookupNextEntry(e)
          while ((e1 ne null) && e1.owner == scope) {
            if (!accesses(e.sym, e1.sym) && !accesses(e1.sym, e.sym) &&
                (e.sym.isType || inBlock || (e.sym.tpe matches e1.sym.tpe)))
              // default getters are defined twice when multiple overloads have defaults. an
              // error for this is issued in RefChecks.checkDefaultsInOverloaded
              if (!e.sym.isErroneous && !e1.sym.isErroneous && !e.sym.hasDefaultFlag &&
                  !e.sym.hasAnnotation(BridgeClass) && !e1.sym.hasAnnotation(BridgeClass)) {
                log("Double definition detected:\n  " +
                    ((e.sym.getClass,, e.sym.ownerChain)) + "\n  " +
                    ((e1.sym.getClass,, e1.sym.ownerChain)))

                DefDefinedTwiceError(e.sym, e1.sym)
                scope.unlink(e1) // need to unlink to avoid later problems with lub; see #2779
              e1 = scope.lookupNextEntry(e1)
          e =

      def addSynthetics(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
        val scope = if (inBlock) context.scope else
        var newStats = new ListBuffer[Tree]
        var moreToAdd = true
        while (moreToAdd) {
          val initElems = scope.elems
          // SI-5877 The decls of a package include decls of the package object. But we don't want to add
          //         the corresponding synthetics to the package class, only to the package object class.
          def shouldAdd(sym: Symbol) =
            inBlock || !isInPackageObject(sym, context.owner)
          for (sym <- scope if shouldAdd(sym))
            for (tree <- context.unit.synthetics get sym) {
              newStats += typedStat(tree) // might add even more synthetics to the scope
              context.unit.synthetics -= sym
          // the type completer of a synthetic might add more synthetics. example: if the
          // factory method of a case class (i.e. the constructor) has a default.
          moreToAdd = scope.elems ne initElems
        if (newStats.isEmpty) stats
        else {
          // put default getters next to the method they belong to,
          // same for companion objects. fixes #2489 and #4036.
          // [Martin] This is pretty ugly. I think we could avoid
          // this code by associating defaults and companion objects
          // with the original tree instead of the new symbol.
          def matches(stat: Tree, synt: Tree) = (stat, synt) match {
            // synt is default arg for stat
            case (DefDef(_, statName, _, _, _, _), DefDef(mods, syntName, _, _, _, _)) =>
              mods.hasDefaultFlag && syntName.toString.startsWith(statName.toString)

            // synt is companion module
            case (ClassDef(_, className, _, _), ModuleDef(_, moduleName, _)) =>
              className.toTermName == moduleName

            // synt is implicit def for implicit class (#6278)
            case (ClassDef(cmods, cname, _, _), DefDef(dmods, dname, _, _, _, _)) =>
              cmods.isImplicit && dmods.isImplicit && cname.toTermName == dname

            case _ => false

          def matching(stat: Tree): List[Tree] = {
            val (pos, neg) = newStats.partition(synt => matches(stat, synt))
            newStats = neg

          (stats foldRight List[Tree]())((stat, res) => {
            stat :: matching(stat) ::: res
          }) ::: newStats.toList

      val stats1 = stats mapConserve typedStat
      if (phase.erasedTypes) stats1
      else {

    def typedArg(arg: Tree, mode: Int, newmode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      val typedMode = onlyStickyModes(mode) | newmode
      val t = withCondConstrTyper((mode & SCCmode) != 0)(_.typed(arg, typedMode, pt))
      checkDead.inMode(typedMode, t)

    def typedArgs(args: List[Tree], mode: Int) =
      args mapConserve (arg => typedArg(arg, mode, 0, WildcardType))

    /** Type trees in `args0` against corresponding expected type in `adapted0`.
     * The mode in which each argument is typed is derived from `mode` and
     * whether the arg was originally by-name or var-arg (need `formals0` for that)
     * the default is by-val, of course.
     * (docs reverse-engineered -- AM)
    def typedArgs(args0: List[Tree], mode: Int, formals0: List[Type], adapted0: List[Type]): List[Tree] = {
      val sticky = onlyStickyModes(mode)
      def loop(args: List[Tree], formals: List[Type], adapted: List[Type]): List[Tree] = {
        if (args.isEmpty || adapted.isEmpty) Nil
        else {
          // No formals left or * indicates varargs.
          val isVarArgs = formals.isEmpty || formals.tail.isEmpty && isRepeatedParamType(formals.head)
          val typedMode = sticky | (
            if (isVarArgs) STARmode | BYVALmode
            else if (isByNameParamType(formals.head)) 0
            else BYVALmode
          val tree = typedArg(args.head, mode, typedMode, adapted.head)
          // formals may be empty, so don't call tail
          tree :: loop(args.tail, formals drop 1, adapted.tail)
      loop(args0, formals0, adapted0)

    /** Does function need to be instantiated, because a missing parameter
     *  in an argument closure overlaps with an uninstantiated formal?
    def needsInstantiation(tparams: List[Symbol], formals: List[Type], args: List[Tree]) = {
      def isLowerBounded(tparam: Symbol) = !

      exists2(formals, args) {
        case (formal, Function(vparams, _)) =>
          (vparams exists (_.tpt.isEmpty)) &&
          vparams.length <= MaxFunctionArity &&
          (formal baseType FunctionClass(vparams.length) match {
            case TypeRef(_, _, formalargs) =>
              ( exists2(formalargs, vparams)((formal, vparam) =>
                        vparam.tpt.isEmpty && (tparams exists formal.contains))
                && (tparams forall isLowerBounded)
            case _ =>
        case _ =>

    /** Is `tree` a block created by a named application?
    def isNamedApplyBlock(tree: Tree) =
      context.namedApplyBlockInfo exists (_._1 == tree)

    def callToCompanionConstr(context: Context, calledFun: Symbol) = {
      calledFun.isConstructor && {
        val methCtx = context.enclMethod
        (methCtx != NoContext) && {
          val contextFun = methCtx.tree.symbol
          contextFun.isPrimaryConstructor && contextFun.owner.isModuleClass &&
          companionSymbolOf(calledFun.owner, context).moduleClass == contextFun.owner

    def doTypedApply(tree: Tree, fun0: Tree, args: List[Tree], mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      // TODO_NMT: check the assumption that args nonEmpty
      def duplErrTree = setError(treeCopy.Apply(tree, fun0, args))
      def duplErrorTree(err: AbsTypeError) = { issue(err); duplErrTree }

      def preSelectOverloaded(fun: Tree): Tree = {
        if (fun.hasSymbol && fun.symbol.isOverloaded) {
          // remove alternatives with wrong number of parameters without looking at types.
          // less expensive than including them in inferMethodAlternatvie (see below).
          def shapeType(arg: Tree): Type = arg match {
            case Function(vparams, body) =>
              functionType(vparams map (vparam => AnyClass.tpe), shapeType(body))
            case AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(name), rhs) =>
              NamedType(name, shapeType(rhs))
            case _ =>
          val argtypes = args map shapeType
          val pre = fun.symbol.tpe.prefix

          var sym = fun.symbol filter { alt =>
            // must use pt as expected type, not WildcardType (a tempting quick fix to #2665)
            // now fixed by using isWeaklyCompatible in exprTypeArgs
            // TODO: understand why exactly -- some types were not inferred anymore (`ant clean quick.bin` failed)
            // (I had expected inferMethodAlternative to pick up the slack introduced by using WildcardType here)
            // @PP responds: I changed it to pass WildcardType instead of pt and only one line in
            // trunk (excluding scalacheck, which had another) failed to compile. It was this line in
            // Types: "refs = Array(Map(), Map())".  I determined that inference fails if there are at
            // least two invariant type parameters. See the test case I checked in to help backstop:
            // pos/isApplicableSafe.scala.
            isApplicableSafe(context.undetparams, followApply(pre.memberType(alt)), argtypes, pt)
          if (sym.isOverloaded) {
            val sym1 = sym filter (alt => {
              // eliminate functions that would result from tupling transforms
              // keeps alternatives with repeated params
              hasExactlyNumParams(followApply(alt.tpe), argtypes.length) ||
                // also keep alts which define at least one default
            if (sym1 != NoSymbol) sym = sym1
          if (sym == NoSymbol) fun
          else adapt(fun setSymbol sym setType pre.memberType(sym), forFunMode(mode), WildcardType)
        } else fun

      val fun = preSelectOverloaded(fun0)

      fun.tpe match {
        case OverloadedType(pre, alts) =>
          def handleOverloaded = {
            val undetparams = context.extractUndetparams()

            val argtpes = new ListBuffer[Type]
            val amode = forArgMode(fun, mode)
            val args1 = args map {
              case arg @ AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(name), rhs) =>
                // named args: only type the righthand sides ("unknown identifier" errors otherwise)
                val rhs1 = typedArg(rhs, amode, BYVALmode, WildcardType)
                argtpes += NamedType(name, rhs1.tpe.deconst)
                // the assign is untyped; that's ok because we call doTypedApply
                atPos(arg.pos) { new AssignOrNamedArg(arg.lhs, rhs1) }
              case arg =>
                val arg1 = typedArg(arg, amode, BYVALmode, WildcardType)
                argtpes += arg1.tpe.deconst
            context.undetparams = undetparams
            if (context.hasErrors)
            else {
              inferMethodAlternative(fun, undetparams, argtpes.toList, pt, varArgsOnly = treeInfo.isWildcardStarArgList(args))
              doTypedApply(tree, adapt(fun, forFunMode(mode), WildcardType), args1, mode, pt)

        case mt @ MethodType(params, _) =>
          val paramTypes = mt.paramTypes
          // repeat vararg as often as needed, remove by-name
          val formals = formalTypes(paramTypes, args.length)

          /** Try packing all arguments into a Tuple and apply `fun`
           *  to that. This is the last thing which is tried (after
           *  default arguments)
          def tryTupleApply: Option[Tree] = {
            // if 1 formal, 1 arg (a tuple), otherwise unmodified args
            val tupleArgs = actualArgs(tree.pos.makeTransparent, args, formals.length)

            if (!sameLength(tupleArgs, args) && !isUnitForVarArgs(args, params)) {
              // expected one argument, but got 0 or >1 ==>  try applying to tuple
              // the inner "doTypedApply" does "extractUndetparams" => restore when it fails
              val savedUndetparams = context.undetparams
              silent(_.doTypedApply(tree, fun, tupleArgs, mode, pt)) match {
                case SilentResultValue(t) =>
                  // Depending on user options, may warn or error here if
                  // a Unit or tuple was inserted.
                  Some(t) filter (tupledTree =>
                       !inExprModeButNot(mode, FUNmode)
                    || tupledTree.symbol == null
                    || checkValidAdaptation(tupledTree, args)
                case _ =>
                  context.undetparams = savedUndetparams
            } else None

          /** Treats an application which uses named or default arguments.
           *  Also works if names + a vararg used: when names are used, the vararg
           *  parameter has to be specified exactly once. Note that combining varargs
           *  and defaults is ruled out by typedDefDef.
          def tryNamesDefaults: Tree = {
            val lencmp = compareLengths(args, formals)

            def checkNotMacro() = {
              if (fun.symbol != null && fun.symbol.filter(sym => sym != null && sym.isTermMacro && !sym.isErroneous) != NoSymbol)
                tryTupleApply getOrElse duplErrorTree(NamedAndDefaultArgumentsNotSupportedForMacros(tree, fun))

            if (mt.isErroneous) duplErrTree
            else if (inPatternMode(mode)) {
              // #2064
              duplErrorTree(WrongNumberOfArgsError(tree, fun))
            } else if (lencmp > 0) {
              tryTupleApply getOrElse duplErrorTree(TooManyArgsNamesDefaultsError(tree, fun))
            } else if (lencmp == 0) {
              // we don't need defaults. names were used, so this application is transformed
              // into a block (@see transformNamedApplication in NamesDefaults)
              val (namelessArgs, argPos) = removeNames(Typer.this)(args, params)
              if (namelessArgs exists (_.isErroneous)) {
              } else if (!isIdentity(argPos) && !sameLength(formals, params))
                // !isIdentity indicates that named arguments are used to re-order arguments
              else if (isIdentity(argPos) && !isNamedApplyBlock(fun)) {
                // if there's no re-ordering, and fun is not transformed, no need to transform
                // more than an optimization, e.g. important in "synchronized { x = update-x }"
                doTypedApply(tree, fun, namelessArgs, mode, pt)
              } else {
                transformNamedApplication(Typer.this, mode, pt)(
                                          treeCopy.Apply(tree, fun, namelessArgs), argPos)
            } else {
              // defaults are needed. they are added to the argument list in named style as
              // calls to the default getters. Example:
              //  foo[Int](a)()  ==>  foo[Int](a)(b = foo$$default$2[Int](a))

              // SI-8111 transformNamedApplication eagerly shuffles around the application to preserve
              //         evaluation order. During this process, it calls `changeOwner` on symbols that
              //         are transplanted underneath synthetic temporary vals.
              //         Here, we keep track of the symbols owned by `context.owner` to enable us to
              //         rollback, so that we don't end up with "orphaned" symbols.
              //         TODO: Find a better way!
              //         Note that duplicating trees would not be enough to fix this problem, we would also need to
              //         clone local symbols in the duplicated tree to truly isolate things (in the spirit of BodyDuplicator),
              //         or, better yet, disentangle the logic in `transformNamedApplication` so that we could
              //         determine whether names/defaults is viable *before* transforming trees.
              def ownerOf(sym: Symbol) = if (sym == null || sym == NoSymbol) NoSymbol else sym.owner
              val symsOwnedByContextOwner = tree.collect {
                case t @ (_: DefTree | _: Function) if ownerOf(t.symbol) == context.owner => t.symbol
              def rollbackNamesDefaultsOwnerChanges() {
                symsOwnedByContextOwner foreach (_.owner = context.owner)

              val fun1 = transformNamedApplication(Typer.this, mode, pt)(fun, x => x)
              if (fun1.isErroneous) duplErrTree
              else {
                assert(isNamedApplyBlock(fun1), fun1)
                val NamedApplyInfo(qual, targs, previousArgss, _) = context.namedApplyBlockInfo.get._2
                val blockIsEmpty = fun1 match {
                  case Block(Nil, _) =>
                    // if the block does not have any ValDef we can remove it. Note that the call to
                    // "transformNamedApplication" is always needed in order to obtain targs/previousArgss
                    context.namedApplyBlockInfo = None
                  case _ => false
                val (allArgs, missing) = addDefaults(args, qual, targs, previousArgss, params, fun.pos.focus, context)
                val funSym = fun1 match { case Block(_, expr) => expr.symbol }
                val lencmp2 = compareLengths(allArgs, formals)

                if (!sameLength(allArgs, args) && callToCompanionConstr(context, funSym)) {
                } else if (lencmp2 > 0) {
                  removeNames(Typer.this)(allArgs, params) // #3818
                } else if (lencmp2 == 0) {
                  // useful when a default doesn't match parameter type, e.g. def f[T](x:T="a"); f[Int]()
                  val note = "Error occurred in an application involving default arguments."
                  if (!(context.diagnostic contains note)) context.diagnostic = note :: context.diagnostic
                  doTypedApply(tree, if (blockIsEmpty) fun else fun1, allArgs, mode, pt)
                } else {
                  tryTupleApply getOrElse duplErrorTree(NotEnoughArgsError(tree, fun, missing))

          if (!sameLength(formals, args) ||   // wrong nb of arguments
              (args exists isNamed) ||        // uses a named argument
              isNamedApplyBlock(fun)) {       // fun was transformed to a named apply block =>
                                              // integrate this application into the block
            if (dyna.isApplyDynamicNamed(fun)) dyna.typedNamedApply(tree, fun, args, mode, pt)
            else tryNamesDefaults
          } else {
            val tparams = context.extractUndetparams()
            if (tparams.isEmpty) { // all type params are defined
              def handleMonomorphicCall: Tree = {
                // In order for checkDead not to be misled by the unfortunate special
                // case of AnyRef#synchronized (which is implemented with signature T => T
                // but behaves as if it were (=> T) => T) we need to know what is the actual
                // target of a call.  Since this information is no longer available from
                // typedArg, it is recorded here.
                val args1 =
                  // no expected type when jumping to a match label -- anything goes (this is ok since we're typing the translation of well-typed code)
                  // ... except during erasure: we must take the expected type into account as it drives the insertion of casts!
                  // I've exhausted all other semi-clean approaches I could think of in balancing GADT magic, SI-6145, CPS type-driven transforms and other existential trickiness
                  // (the right thing to do -- packing existential types -- runs into limitations in subtyping existential types,
                  //  casting breaks SI-6145,
                  //  not casting breaks GADT typing as it requires sneaking ill-typed trees past typer)
                  if (!phase.erasedTypes && fun.symbol.isLabel && treeInfo.isSynthCaseSymbol(fun.symbol))
                    typedArgs(args, forArgMode(fun, mode))
                    typedArgs(args, forArgMode(fun, mode), paramTypes, formals)

                // instantiate dependent method types, must preserve singleton types where possible (stableTypeFor) -- example use case:
                // val foo = "foo"; def precise(x: String)(y: x.type): x.type = {...}; val bar : foo.type = precise(foo)(foo)
                // precise(foo) : foo.type => foo.type
                val restpe = mt.resultType(args1 map (arg => gen.stableTypeFor(arg) getOrElse arg.tpe))
                def ifPatternSkipFormals(tp: Type) = tp match {
                  case MethodType(_, rtp) if (inPatternMode(mode)) => rtp
                  case _ => tp

                // Replace the Delegate-Chainer methods += and -= with corresponding
                // + and - calls, which are translated in the code generator into
                // Combine and Remove
                if (forMSIL) {
                  fun match {
                    case Select(qual, name) =>
                      if (isSubType(qual.tpe, DelegateClass.tpe)
                        && (name == encode("+=") || name == encode("-="))) {
                        val n = if (name == encode("+=")) nme.PLUS else nme.MINUS
                        val f = Select(qual, n)
                        // the compiler thinks, the PLUS method takes only one argument,
                        // but he thinks it's an instance method -> still two ref's on the stack
                        //  -> translated by backend
                        val rhs = treeCopy.Apply(tree, f, args)
                        return typed(Assign(qual, rhs))
                    case _ => ()

                 * This is translating uses of List() into Nil.  This is less
                 *  than ideal from a consistency standpoint, but it shouldn't be
                 *  altered without due caution.
                 *  ... this also causes bootstrapping cycles if List_apply is
                 *  forced during kind-arity checking, so it is guarded by additional
                 *  tests to ensure we're sufficiently far along.
                if (args.isEmpty && !forInteractive && fun.symbol.isInitialized && ListModule.hasCompleteInfo && (fun.symbol == List_apply))
                  atPos(tree.pos)(gen.mkNil setType restpe)
                  constfold(treeCopy.Apply(tree, fun, args1) setType ifPatternSkipFormals(restpe))
              checkDead.updateExpr(fun) {
            } else if (needsInstantiation(tparams, formals, args)) {
              //println("needs inst "+fun+" "+tparams+"/"+(tparams map (
              inferExprInstance(fun, tparams)
              doTypedApply(tree, fun, args, mode, pt)
            } else {
              def handlePolymorphicCall = {
                assert(!inPatternMode(mode), modeString(mode)) // this case cannot arise for patterns
                val lenientTargs = protoTypeArgs(tparams, formals, mt.resultApprox, pt)
                val strictTargs = map2(lenientTargs, tparams)((targ, tparam) =>
                  if (targ == WildcardType) tparam.tpeHK else targ)
                var remainingParams = paramTypes
                def typedArgToPoly(arg: Tree, formal: Type): Tree = { //TR TODO: cleanup
                  val lenientPt = formal.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, lenientTargs)
                  val newmode =
                    if (isByNameParamType(remainingParams.head)) POLYmode
                    else POLYmode | BYVALmode
                  if (remainingParams.tail.nonEmpty) remainingParams = remainingParams.tail
                  val arg1 = typedArg(arg, forArgMode(fun, mode), newmode, lenientPt)
                  val argtparams = context.extractUndetparams()
                  if (!argtparams.isEmpty) {
                    val strictPt = formal.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, strictTargs)
                    inferArgumentInstance(arg1, argtparams, strictPt, lenientPt)
                  } else arg1
                val args1 = map2(args, formals)(typedArgToPoly)
                if (args1 exists { _.isErrorTyped }) duplErrTree
                else {
                  debuglog("infer method inst " + fun + ", tparams = " + tparams + ", args = " + + ", pt = " + pt + ", lobounds = " + + ", parambounds = " + //debug
                  // define the undetparams which have been fixed by this param list, replace the corresponding symbols in "fun"
                  // returns those undetparams which have not been instantiated.
                  val undetparams = inferMethodInstance(fun, tparams, args1, pt)
                  val result = doTypedApply(tree, fun, args1, mode, pt)
                  context.undetparams = undetparams

        case SingleType(_, _) =>
          doTypedApply(tree, fun setType fun.tpe.widen, args, mode, pt)

        case ErrorType =>
          if (!tree.isErrorTyped) setError(tree) else tree
          // @H change to setError(treeCopy.Apply(tree, fun, args))

        case otpe if inPatternMode(mode) && unapplyMember(otpe).exists =>
          doTypedUnapply(tree, fun0, fun, args, mode, pt)

        case _ =>
          duplErrorTree(ApplyWithoutArgsError(tree, fun))

    def doTypedUnapply(tree: Tree, fun0: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree], mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      def duplErrTree = setError(treeCopy.Apply(tree, fun0, args))
      def duplErrorTree(err: AbsTypeError) = { issue(err); duplErrTree }

      val otpe = fun.tpe

      if (args.length > MaxTupleArity)
        return duplErrorTree(TooManyArgsPatternError(fun))

      def freshArgType(tp: Type): (List[Symbol], Type) = tp match {
        case MethodType(param :: _, _) =>
          (Nil, param.tpe)
        case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
          createFromClonedSymbols(tparams, freshArgType(restpe)._2)((ps, t) => ((ps, t)))
        // No longer used, see test case neg/t960.scala (#960 has nothing to do with it)
        case OverloadedType(_, _) =>
          (Nil, ErrorType)
        case _ =>
          (Nil, ErrorType)

      val unapp     = unapplyMember(otpe)
      val unappType = otpe.memberType(unapp)
      val argDummy  = context.owner.newValue(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY, fun.pos, SYNTHETIC) setInfo pt
      val arg       = Ident(argDummy) setType pt

      val uncheckedTypeExtractor =
        if (unappType.paramTypes.nonEmpty)
          extractorForUncheckedType(tree.pos, unappType.paramTypes.head)
        else None

      if (!isApplicableSafe(Nil, unappType, List(pt), WildcardType)) {
        //Console.println("UNAPP: need to typetest, arg.tpe = "+arg.tpe+", unappType = "+unappType)
        val (freeVars, unappFormal) = freshArgType(unappType.skolemizeExistential(context.owner, tree))
        val unapplyContext = context.makeNewScope(context.tree, context.owner)
        freeVars foreach unapplyContext.scope.enter

        val typer1 = newTyper(unapplyContext)
        val pattp = typer1.infer.inferTypedPattern(tree, unappFormal, arg.tpe, canRemedy = uncheckedTypeExtractor.nonEmpty)

        // turn any unresolved type variables in freevars into existential skolems
        val skolems = freeVars map (fv => unapplyContext.owner.newExistentialSkolem(fv, fv))
        arg.tpe = pattp.substSym(freeVars, skolems)
        argDummy setInfo arg.tpe

      // setType null is necessary so that ref will be stabilized; see bug 881
      val fun1 = typedPos(fun.pos)(Apply(Select(fun setType null, unapp), List(arg)))

      if (fun1.tpe.isErroneous) duplErrTree
      else {
        val resTp     = fun1.tpe.finalResultType.normalize
        val nbSubPats = args.length
        val (formals, formalsExpanded) =
          extractorFormalTypes(fun0.pos, resTp, nbSubPats, fun1.symbol, treeInfo.effectivePatternArity(args))
        if (formals == null) duplErrorTree(WrongNumberOfArgsError(tree, fun))
        else {
          val args1 = typedArgs(args, mode, formals, formalsExpanded)
          // This used to be the following (failing) assert:
          //   assert(isFullyDefined(pt), tree+" ==> "+UnApply(fun1, args1)+", pt = "+pt)
          // I modified as follows.  See SI-1048.
          val pt1 = if (isFullyDefined(pt)) pt else makeFullyDefined(pt)

          val itype = glb(List(pt1, arg.tpe))
          arg.tpe = pt1    // restore type (arg is a dummy tree, just needs to pass typechecking)
          val unapply = UnApply(fun1, args1) setPos tree.pos setType itype

          // if the type that the unapply method expects for its argument is uncheckable, wrap in classtag extractor
          // skip if the unapply's type is not a method type with (at least, but really it should be exactly) one argument
          // also skip if we already wrapped a classtag extractor (so we don't keep doing that forever)
          if (uncheckedTypeExtractor.isEmpty || fun1.symbol.owner.isNonBottomSubClass(ClassTagClass)) unapply
          else wrapClassTagUnapply(unapply, uncheckedTypeExtractor.get, unappType.paramTypes.head)

    def wrapClassTagUnapply(uncheckedPattern: Tree, classTagExtractor: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = {
      // TODO: disable when in unchecked match
      // we don't create a new Context for a Match, so find the CaseDef, then go out one level and navigate back to the match that has this case
      // val thisCase = context.nextEnclosing(_.tree.isInstanceOf[CaseDef])
      // val unchecked = thisCase.outer.tree.collect{case Match(selector, cases) if cases contains thisCase => selector} match {
      //   case List(Typed(_, tpt)) if tpt.tpe hasAnnotation UncheckedClass => true
      //   case t => println("outer tree: "+ (t, thisCase, thisCase.outer.tree)); false
      // }
      // println("wrapClassTagUnapply"+ (!isPastTyper && infer.containsUnchecked(pt), pt, uncheckedPattern))
      // println("wrapClassTagUnapply: "+ extractor)
      // println(util.Position.formatMessage(uncheckedPattern.pos, "made unchecked type test into a checked one", true))

      val args = List(uncheckedPattern)
      val app  = atPos(uncheckedPattern.pos)(Apply(classTagExtractor, args))
      // must call doTypedUnapply directly, as otherwise we get undesirable rewrites
      // and re-typechecks of the target of the unapply call in PATTERNmode,
      // this breaks down when the classTagExtractor (which defineds the unapply member) is not a simple reference to an object,
      // but an arbitrary tree as is the case here
      doTypedUnapply(app, classTagExtractor, classTagExtractor, args, PATTERNmode, pt)

    // if there's a ClassTag that allows us to turn the unchecked type test for `pt` into a checked type test
    // return the corresponding extractor (an instance of ClassTag[`pt`])
    def extractorForUncheckedType(pos: Position, pt: Type): Option[Tree] = if (!opt.virtPatmat || isPastTyper) None else {
      // only look at top-level type, can't (reliably) do anything about unchecked type args (in general)
      pt.normalize.typeConstructor match {
        // if at least one of the types in an intersection is checkable, use the checkable ones
        // this avoids problems as in run/matchonseq.scala, where the expected type is `Coll with scala.collection.SeqLike`
        // Coll is an abstract type, but SeqLike of course is not
        case RefinedType(parents, _)  if (parents.length >= 2) && (parents.exists(tp => !infer.containsUnchecked(tp))) =>

        case ptCheckable if infer.containsUnchecked(ptCheckable) =>
          val classTagExtractor = resolveClassTag(pos, ptCheckable)

          if (classTagExtractor != EmptyTree && unapplyMember(classTagExtractor.tpe) != NoSymbol)
          else None

        case _ => None

     * Convert an annotation constructor call into an AnnotationInfo.
     * @param annClass the expected annotation class
    def typedAnnotation(ann: Tree, mode: Int = EXPRmode, selfsym: Symbol = NoSymbol, annClass: Symbol = AnnotationClass, requireJava: Boolean = false): AnnotationInfo = {
      lazy val annotationError = AnnotationInfo(ErrorType, Nil, Nil)
      var hasError: Boolean = false
      val pending = ListBuffer[AbsTypeError]()

      def reportAnnotationError(err: AbsTypeError) = {
        pending += err
        hasError = true

      /** Calling constfold right here is necessary because some trees (negated
       *  floats and literals in particular) are not yet folded.
      def tryConst(tr: Tree, pt: Type): Option[LiteralAnnotArg] = {
        val const: Constant = typed(constfold(tr), EXPRmode, pt) match {
          case l @ Literal(c) if !l.isErroneous => c
          case tree => tree.tpe match {
            case ConstantType(c)  => c
            case tpe              => null

        if (const == null) {
          reportAnnotationError(AnnotationNotAConstantError(tr)); None
        } else if (const.value == null) {
          reportAnnotationError(AnnotationArgNullError(tr)); None
        } else

      /** Converts an untyped tree to a ClassfileAnnotArg. If the conversion fails,
       *  an error message is reported and None is returned.
      def tree2ConstArg(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Option[ClassfileAnnotArg] = tree match {
        case Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) if (pt.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) =>
          reportAnnotationError(ArrayConstantsError(tree)); None

        case ann @ Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) =>
          val annInfo = typedAnnotation(ann, mode, NoSymbol, pt.typeSymbol, true)
          if (annInfo.atp.isErroneous) { hasError = true; None }
          else Some(NestedAnnotArg(annInfo))

        // use of Array.apply[T: ClassTag](xs: T*): Array[T]
        // and    Array.apply(x: Int, xs: Int*): Array[Int]       (and similar)
        case Apply(fun, args) =>
          val typedFun = typed(fun, forFunMode(mode), WildcardType)
          if (typedFun.symbol.owner == ArrayModule.moduleClass && == nme.apply)
            pt match {
              case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, targ :: _) =>
                trees2ConstArg(args, targ)
              case _ =>
                // For classfile annotations, pt can only be T:
                //   BT = Int, .., String, Class[_], JavaAnnotClass
                //   T = BT | Array[BT]
                // So an array literal as argument can only be valid if pt is Array[_]
                reportAnnotationError(ArrayConstantsTypeMismatchError(tree, pt))
          else tryConst(tree, pt)

        case Typed(t, _) =>
          tree2ConstArg(t, pt)

        case tree =>
          tryConst(tree, pt)
      def trees2ConstArg(trees: List[Tree], pt: Type): Option[ArrayAnnotArg] = {
        val args =, pt))
        if (args.exists(_.isEmpty)) None
        else Some(ArrayAnnotArg(args.flatten.toArray))

      // begin typedAnnotation
      val (fun, argss) = {
        def extract(fun: Tree, outerArgss: List[List[Tree]]):
          (Tree, List[List[Tree]]) = fun match {
            case Apply(f, args) =>
              extract(f, args :: outerArgss)
            case Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) =>
              (fun, outerArgss)
            case _ =>
              (setError(fun), outerArgss)
        extract(ann, List())

      val res = if (fun.isErroneous) annotationError
      else {
        val typedFun @ Select(New(tpt), _) = typed(fun, forFunMode(mode), WildcardType)
        val annType = tpt.tpe

        if (typedFun.isErroneous) annotationError
        else if (annType.typeSymbol isNonBottomSubClass ClassfileAnnotationClass) {
          // annotation to be saved as java classfile annotation
          val isJava = typedFun.symbol.owner.isJavaDefined
          if (!annType.typeSymbol.isNonBottomSubClass(annClass)) {
            reportAnnotationError(AnnotationTypeMismatchError(tpt, annClass.tpe, annType))
          } else if (argss.length > 1) {
          } else {
            val annScope = annType.decls
                .filter(sym => sym.isMethod && !sym.isConstructor && sym.isJavaDefined)
            val names = new scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[Symbol]
            def hasValue = names exists ( == nme.value)
            names ++= (if (isJava) annScope.iterator
                       else typedFun.tpe.params.iterator)
            val args = argss match {
              case List(List(arg)) if !isNamed(arg) && hasValue =>
                List(new AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(nme.value), arg))
              case as :: _ => as

            val nvPairs = args map {
              case arg @ AssignOrNamedArg(Ident(name), rhs) =>
                val sym = if (isJava) annScope.lookup(name)
                          else typedFun.tpe.params.find(p => == name).getOrElse(NoSymbol)
                if (sym == NoSymbol) {
                  reportAnnotationError(UnknownAnnotationNameError(arg, name))
                  (nme.ERROR, None)
                } else if (!names.contains(sym)) {
                  reportAnnotationError(DuplicateValueAnnotationError(arg, name))
                  (nme.ERROR, None)
                } else {
                  names -= sym
                  if (isJava) sym.cookJavaRawInfo() // #3429
                  val annArg = tree2ConstArg(rhs, sym.tpe.resultType)
                  (, annArg)
              case arg =>
                (nme.ERROR, None)
            for (sym <- names) {
              // make sure the flags are up to date before erroring (jvm/t3415 fails otherwise)
              if (!sym.hasAnnotation(AnnotationDefaultAttr) && !sym.hasDefault)
                reportAnnotationError(AnnotationMissingArgError(ann, annType, sym))

            if (hasError) annotationError
            else AnnotationInfo(annType, List(), nvPairs map {p => (p._1, p._2.get)}).setOriginal(Apply(typedFun, args).setPos(ann.pos))
        } else if (requireJava) {
          reportAnnotationError(NestedAnnotationError(ann, annType))
        } else {
          val typedAnn = if (selfsym == NoSymbol) {
            // local dummy fixes SI-5544
            val localTyper = newTyper(context.make(ann, context.owner.newLocalDummy(ann.pos)))
            localTyper.typed(ann, mode, annClass.tpe)
          } else {
            // Since a selfsym is supplied, the annotation should have
            // an extra "self" identifier in scope for type checking.
            // This is implemented by wrapping the rhs
            // in a function like "self => rhs" during type checking,
            // and then stripping the "self =>" and substituting
            // in the supplied selfsym.
            val funcparm = ValDef(NoMods, nme.self, TypeTree(, EmptyTree)
            val func = Function(List(funcparm), ann.duplicate)
                                         // The .duplicate of annot.constr
                                         // deals with problems that
                                         // accur if this annotation is
                                         // later typed again, which
                                         // the compiler sometimes does.
                                         // The problem is that "self"
                                         // ident's within annot.constr
                                         // will retain the old symbol
                                         // from the previous typing.
            val fun1clazz = FunctionClass(1)
            val funcType = typeRef(fun1clazz.tpe.prefix,
                                   List(, annClass.tpe))

            (typed(func, mode, funcType): @unchecked) match {
              case t @ Function(List(arg), rhs) =>
                val subs =
                  new TreeSymSubstituter(List(arg.symbol),List(selfsym))

          def annInfo(t: Tree): AnnotationInfo = t match {
            case Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) =>
              AnnotationInfo(annType, args, List()).setOriginal(typedAnn).setPos(t.pos)

            case Block(stats, expr) =>
              context.warning(t.pos, "Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation\n"+
                                "constructor call into a block. The corresponding AnnotationInfo\n"+
                                "will contain references to local values and default getters instead\n"+
                                "of the actual argument trees")

            case Apply(fun, args) =>
              context.warning(t.pos, "Implementation limitation: multiple argument lists on annotations are\n"+
                                     "currently not supported; ignoring arguments "+ args)

            case _ =>
              reportAnnotationError(UnexpectedTreeAnnotationError(t, typedAnn))

          if (annType.typeSymbol == DeprecatedAttr && argss.flatten.size < 2)
            unit.deprecationWarning(ann.pos, "@deprecated now takes two arguments; see the scaladoc.")

          if ((typedAnn.tpe == null) || typedAnn.tpe.isErroneous) annotationError
          else annInfo(typedAnn)

      if (hasError) {
      } else res

    /** Compute an existential type from raw hidden symbols `syms` and type `tp`
    def packSymbols(hidden: List[Symbol], tp: Type): Type = global.packSymbols(hidden, tp, Some(context0.owner))

    def isReferencedFrom(ctx: Context, sym: Symbol): Boolean =
      ctx.owner.isTerm &&
      (ctx.scope.exists { dcl => dcl.isInitialized && ( contains sym) }) ||
        var ctx1 = ctx.outer
        while ((ctx1 != NoContext) && (ctx1.scope eq ctx.scope)) ctx1 = ctx1.outer
        (ctx1 != NoContext) && isReferencedFrom(ctx1, sym)

    def isCapturedExistential(sym: Symbol) =
      (sym hasAllFlags (EXISTENTIAL | CAPTURED)) && {
      val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(isReferencedNanos) else null
      try !isReferencedFrom(context, sym)
      finally if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(isReferencedNanos, start)

    def packCaptured(tpe: Type): Type = {
      val captured = mutable.Set[Symbol]()
      for (tp <- tpe)
        if (isCapturedExistential(tp.typeSymbol))
          captured += tp.typeSymbol
      existentialAbstraction(captured.toList, tpe)

    /** convert local symbols and skolems to existentials */
    def packedType(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol): Type = {
      def defines(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol) =
        sym.isExistentialSkolem && sym.unpackLocation == tree ||
        tree.isDef && tree.symbol == sym
      def isVisibleParameter(sym: Symbol) =
        sym.isParameter && (sym.owner == owner) && (sym.isType || !owner.isAnonymousFunction)
      def containsDef(owner: Symbol, sym: Symbol): Boolean =
        (!sym.hasPackageFlag) && {
          var o = sym.owner
          while (o != owner && o != NoSymbol && !o.hasPackageFlag) o = o.owner
          o == owner && !isVisibleParameter(sym)
      var localSyms = scala.collection.immutable.Set[Symbol]()
      var boundSyms = scala.collection.immutable.Set[Symbol]()
      def isLocal(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
        if (sym == NoSymbol || sym.isRefinementClass || sym.isLocalDummy) false
        else if (owner == NoSymbol) tree exists (defines(_, sym))
        else containsDef(owner, sym) || isRawParameter(sym) || isCapturedExistential(sym)
      def containsLocal(tp: Type): Boolean =
        tp exists (t => isLocal(t.typeSymbol) || isLocal(t.termSymbol))
      val normalizeLocals = new TypeMap {
        def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
          case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
            if (sym.isAliasType && containsLocal(tp) && (tp.dealias ne tp)) apply(tp.dealias)
            else {
              if (pre.isVolatile)
                InferTypeWithVolatileTypeSelectionError(tree, pre)
          case _ =>
      // add all local symbols of `tp` to `localSyms`
      // TODO: expand higher-kinded types into individual copies for each instance.
      def addLocals(tp: Type) {
        val remainingSyms = new ListBuffer[Symbol]
        def addIfLocal(sym: Symbol, tp: Type) {
          if (isLocal(sym) && !localSyms(sym) && !boundSyms(sym)) {
            if (sym.typeParams.isEmpty) {
              localSyms += sym
              remainingSyms += sym
            } else {
              AbstractExistentiallyOverParamerizedTpeError(tree, tp)

        for (t <- tp) {
          t match {
            case ExistentialType(tparams, _) =>
              boundSyms ++= tparams
            case AnnotatedType(annots, _, _) =>
              for (annot <- annots; arg <- annot.args) {
                arg match {
                  case Ident(_) =>
                    // Check the symbol of an Ident, unless the
                    // Ident's type is already over an existential.
                    // (If the type is already over an existential,
                    // then remap the type, not the core symbol.)
                    if (!arg.tpe.typeSymbol.hasFlag(EXISTENTIAL))
                      addIfLocal(arg.symbol, arg.tpe)
                  case _ => ()
            case _ =>
          addIfLocal(t.termSymbol, t)
          addIfLocal(t.typeSymbol, t)
        for (sym <- remainingSyms) addLocals(sym.existentialBound)

      val normalizedTpe = normalizeLocals(tree.tpe)
      packSymbols(localSyms.toList, normalizedTpe)

    def typedClassOf(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, noGen: Boolean = false) =
      if (!checkClassType(tpt) && noGen) tpt
      else atPos(tree.pos)(gen.mkClassOf(tpt.tpe))

    protected def typedExistentialTypeTree(tree: ExistentialTypeTree, mode: Int): Tree = {
      for (wc <- tree.whereClauses)
        if (wc.symbol == NoSymbol) { namer.enterSym(wc); wc.symbol setFlag EXISTENTIAL }
        else context.scope enter wc.symbol
      val whereClauses1 = typedStats(tree.whereClauses, context.owner)
      for (vd @ ValDef(_, _, _, _) <- tree.whereClauses)
        if (vd.symbol.tpe.isVolatile)
      val tpt1 = typedType(tree.tpt, mode)
      existentialTransform(tree.whereClauses map (_.symbol), tpt1.tpe)((tparams, tp) => {
        val original = tpt1 match {
          case tpt : TypeTree => atPos(tree.pos)(ExistentialTypeTree(tpt.original, tree.whereClauses))
          case _ => {
            debuglog(s"cannot reconstruct the original for $tree, because $tpt1 is not a TypeTree")
        TypeTree(newExistentialType(tparams, tp)) setOriginal original

    // lifted out of typed1 because it's needed in typedImplicit0
    protected def typedTypeApply(tree: Tree, mode: Int, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree = fun.tpe match {
      case OverloadedType(pre, alts) =>
        inferPolyAlternatives(fun, args map (_.tpe))
        val tparams = fun.symbol.typeParams //@M TODO: ? (as in typedAppliedTypeTree)
        val args1 = if (sameLength(args, tparams)) {
          //@M: in case TypeApply we can't check the kind-arities of the type arguments,
          // as we don't know which alternative to choose... here we do
          map2Conserve(args, tparams) {
            //@M! the polytype denotes the expected kind
            (arg, tparam) => typedHigherKindedType(arg, mode, GenPolyType(tparam.typeParams, AnyClass.tpe))
        } else // @M: there's probably something wrong when args.length != tparams.length... (triggered by bug #320)
         // Martin, I'm using fake trees, because, if you use args or,
         // inferPolyAlternatives loops...  -- I have no idea why :-(
         // ...actually this was looping anyway, see bug #278.
          return TypedApplyWrongNumberOfTpeParametersError(fun, fun)

        typedTypeApply(tree, mode, fun, args1)
      case SingleType(_, _) =>
        typedTypeApply(tree, mode, fun setType fun.tpe.widen, args)
      case PolyType(tparams, restpe) if tparams.nonEmpty =>
        if (sameLength(tparams, args)) {
          val targs = args map (_.tpe)
          checkBounds(tree, NoPrefix, NoSymbol, tparams, targs, "")
          if (fun.symbol == Predef_classOf)
            typedClassOf(tree, args.head, true)
          else {
            if (!isPastTyper && fun.symbol == Any_isInstanceOf && targs.nonEmpty) {
              val scrutineeType = fun match {
                case Select(qual, _) => qual.tpe
                case _               => AnyClass.tpe
              checkCheckable(tree, targs.head, scrutineeType, inPattern = false)
            val resultpe = restpe.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, targs)
            //@M substitution in instantiateParams needs to be careful!
            //@M example: class Foo[a] { def foo[m[x]]: m[a] = error("") } (new Foo[Int]).foo[List] : List[Int]
            //@M    --> first, m[a] gets changed to m[Int], then m gets substituted for List,
            //          this must preserve m's type argument, so that we end up with List[Int], and not List[a]
            //@M related bug: #1438
            //println("instantiating type params "+restpe+" "+tparams+" "+targs+" = "+resultpe)
            treeCopy.TypeApply(tree, fun, args) setType resultpe
        else {
          TypedApplyWrongNumberOfTpeParametersError(tree, fun)
      case ErrorType =>
        setError(treeCopy.TypeApply(tree, fun, args))
      case _ =>
        fun match {
          // drop the application for an applyDynamic or selectDynamic call since it has been pushed down
          case treeInfo.DynamicApplication(_, _) => fun
          case _ => TypedApplyDoesNotTakeTpeParametersError(tree, fun)

    object dyna {
      import treeInfo.{isApplyDynamicName, DynamicUpdate, DynamicApplicationNamed}

      def acceptsApplyDynamic(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol isNonBottomSubClass DynamicClass

      /** Returns `Some(t)` if `name` can be selected dynamically on `qual`, `None` if not.
       * `t` specifies the type to be passed to the applyDynamic/selectDynamic call (unless it is NoType)
       * NOTE: currently either returns None or Some(NoType) (scala-virtualized extends this to Some(t) for selections on staged Structs)
      def acceptsApplyDynamicWithType(qual: Tree, name: Name): Option[Type] =
        // don't selectDynamic selectDynamic, do select dynamic at unknown type,
        // in scala-virtualized, we may return a Some(tp) where tp ne NoType
        if (!isApplyDynamicName(name) && acceptsApplyDynamic(qual.tpe.widen)) Some(NoType)
        else None

      def isDynamicallyUpdatable(tree: Tree) = tree match {
        case DynamicUpdate(qual, name) =>
          // if the qualifier is a Dynamic, that's all we need to know
        case _ => false

      def isApplyDynamicNamed(fun: Tree): Boolean = fun match {
        case DynamicApplicationNamed(qual, _) if acceptsApplyDynamic(qual.tpe.widen) => true
        case _ => false
          // look deeper?
          // val treeInfo.Applied(methPart, _, _) = fun
          // println("methPart of "+ fun +" is "+ methPart)
          // if (methPart ne fun) isApplyDynamicNamed(methPart)
          // else false

      def typedNamedApply(orig: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree], mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
        def argToBinding(arg: Tree): Tree = arg match {
          case AssignOrNamedArg(i @ Ident(name), rhs) =>
            atPos(i.pos.withEnd(rhs.pos.endOrPoint)) {
              gen.mkTuple(List(atPos(i.pos)(CODE.LIT(name.toString)), rhs))
          case _ =>
            gen.mkTuple(List(CODE.LIT(""), arg))

        val t = treeCopy.Apply(orig, fun, args map argToBinding)
        wrapErrors(t, _.typed(t, mode, pt))

      /** Translate selection that does not typecheck according to the normal rules into a selectDynamic/applyDynamic.
       * foo.method("blah")  ~~> foo.applyDynamic("method")("blah")
       * foo.method(x = "blah")  ~~> foo.applyDynamicNamed("method")(("x", "blah"))
       * foo.varia = 10      ~~> foo.updateDynamic("varia")(10)
       * foo.field           ~~> foo.selectDynamic("field")
       * foo.arr(10) = 13    ~~> foo.selectDynamic("arr").update(10, 13)
       * what if we want foo.field == foo.selectDynamic("field") == 1, but `foo.field = 10` == `foo.selectDynamic("field").update(10)` == ()
       * what would the signature for selectDynamic be? (hint: it needs to depend on whether an update call is coming or not)
       * need to distinguish selectDynamic and applyDynamic somehow: the former must return the selected value, the latter must accept an apply or an update
       *  - could have only selectDynamic and pass it a boolean whether more is to come,
       *    so that it can either return the bare value or something that can handle the apply/update
       *      HOWEVER that makes it hard to return unrelated values for the two cases
       *      --> selectDynamic's return type is now dependent on the boolean flag whether more is to come
       *  - simplest solution: have two method calls
      def mkInvoke(cxTree: Tree, tree: Tree, qual: Tree, name: Name): Option[Tree] = {
        log(s"dyna.mkInvoke($cxTree, $tree, $qual, $name)")
        val treeInfo.Applied(treeSelection, _, _) = tree
        def isDesugaredApply = treeSelection match {
          case Select(`qual`, nme.apply) => true
          case _                         => false
        acceptsApplyDynamicWithType(qual, name) map { tp =>
          // If tp == NoType, pass only explicit type arguments to applyXXX.  Not used at all
          // here - it is for scala-virtualized, where tp will be passed as an argument (for
          // selection on a staged Struct)
          def hasNamed(args: List[Tree]): Boolean = args exists (_.isInstanceOf[AssignOrNamedArg])
          // not supported:,..., an: _*)
          def hasStar(args: List[Tree]) = treeInfo.isWildcardStarArgList(args)
          def applyOp(args: List[Tree]) = if (hasNamed(args)) nme.applyDynamicNamed else nme.applyDynamic
          def matches(t: Tree)          = isDesugaredApply || treeInfo.dissectApplied(t).core == treeSelection

          /** Note that the trees which arrive here are potentially some distance from
           *  the trees of direct interest. `cxTree` is some enclosing expression which
           *  may apparently be arbitrarily larger than `tree`; and `tree` itself is
           *  too small, having at least in some cases lost its explicit type parameters.
           *  This logic is designed to use `tree` to pinpoint the immediately surrounding
           *  Apply/TypeApply/Select node, and only then creates the dynamic call.
           *  See SI-6731 among others.
          def findSelection(t: Tree): Option[(TermName, Tree)] = t match {
            case Apply(fn, args) if hasStar(args) => DynamicVarArgUnsupported(tree, applyOp(args)) ; None
            case Apply(fn, args) if matches(fn)   => Some((applyOp(args), fn))
            case Assign(lhs, _) if matches(lhs)   => Some((nme.updateDynamic, lhs))
            case _ if matches(t)                  => Some((nme.selectDynamic, t))
            case _                                => t.children flatMap findSelection headOption
          findSelection(cxTree) match {
            case Some((opName, treeInfo.Applied(_, targs, _))) =>
              val fun = gen.mkTypeApply(Select(qual, opName), targs)
              if (opName == nme.updateDynamic) suppressMacroExpansion(fun) // SI-7617
              val nameStringLit = atPos(treeSelection.pos.withStart(treeSelection.pos.point).makeTransparent) {
              atPos(qual.pos)(Apply(fun, List(nameStringLit)))
            case _ =>

      def wrapErrors(tree: Tree, typeTree: Typer => Tree): Tree = {
        silent(typeTree) match {
          case SilentResultValue(r) => r
          case SilentTypeError(err) => DynamicRewriteError(tree, err)

    final def deindentTyping() = context.typingIndentLevel -= 2
    final def indentTyping() = context.typingIndentLevel += 2
    @inline final def printTyping(s: => String) = {
      if (printTypings)
        println(context.typingIndent + s.replaceAll("\n", "\n" + context.typingIndent))
    @inline final def printInference(s: => String) = {
      if (printInfers)

    def typed1(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      def isPatternMode = inPatternMode(mode)

      //@M! get the type of the qualifier in a Select tree, otherwise: NoType
      def prefixType(fun: Tree): Type = fun match {
        case Select(qualifier, _) => qualifier.tpe
//        case Ident(name) => ??
        case _ => NoType

      def typedAnnotated(atd: Annotated): Tree = {
        val ann = atd.annot
        val arg1 = typed(atd.arg, mode, pt)
        /** mode for typing the annotation itself */
        val annotMode = mode & ~TYPEmode | EXPRmode

        def resultingTypeTree(tpe: Type) = {
          // we need symbol-ful originals for reification
          // hence we go the extra mile to hand-craft tis guy
          val original = arg1 match {
            case tt @ TypeTree() if tt.original != null => Annotated(ann, tt.original)
            // this clause is needed to correctly compile stuff like "new C @D" or "@(inline @getter)"
            case _ => Annotated(ann, arg1)
          original setType ann.tpe
          TypeTree(tpe) setOriginal original setPos tree.pos.focus

        if (arg1.isType) {
          // make sure the annotation is only typechecked once
          if (ann.tpe == null) {
            // an annotated type
            val selfsym =
              if (!settings.selfInAnnots.value)
                arg1.tpe.selfsym orElse {
                  /* Implementation limitation: Currently this
                   * can cause cyclical reference errors even
                   * when the self symbol is not referenced at all.
                   * Surely at least some of these cases can be
                   * fixed by proper use of LazyType's.  Lex tinkered
                   * on this but did not succeed, so is leaving
                   * it alone for now. Example code with the problem:
                   *  class peer extends Annotation
                   *  class NPE[T <: NPE[T] @peer]
                   * (Note: -Yself-in-annots must be on to see the problem)
                   * */
                  ( context.owner
                      newLocalDummy (ann.pos)
                      newValue (nme.self, ann.pos)
                      setInfo (arg1.tpe.withoutAnnotations)

            val ainfo = typedAnnotation(ann, annotMode, selfsym)
            val atype0 = arg1.tpe.withAnnotation(ainfo)
            val atype =
              if ((selfsym != NoSymbol) && (ainfo.refsSymbol(selfsym)))
                atype0 // do not record selfsym if
                       // this annotation did not need it

            if (ainfo.isErroneous)
              // Erroneous annotations were already reported in typedAnnotation
              arg1  // simply drop erroneous annotations
            else {
              ann.tpe = atype
          } else {
            // the annotation was typechecked before
        else {
          if (ann.tpe == null) {
            val annotInfo = typedAnnotation(ann, annotMode)
            ann.tpe = arg1.tpe.withAnnotation(annotInfo)
          val atype = ann.tpe
          Typed(arg1, resultingTypeTree(atype)) setPos tree.pos setType atype

      def typedBind(tree: Bind) = {
        val name =
        val body = tree.body
        name match {
          case name: TypeName  => assert(body == EmptyTree, context.unit + " typedBind: " + name.debugString + " " + body + " " + body.getClass)
            val sym =
              if (tree.symbol != NoSymbol) tree.symbol
              else {
                if (isFullyDefined(pt))
                  context.owner.newAliasType(name, tree.pos) setInfo pt
                  context.owner.newAbstractType(name, tree.pos) setInfo TypeBounds.empty

            if (name != tpnme.WILDCARD) namer.enterInScope(sym)
            else context.scope.enter(sym)

            tree setSymbol sym setType sym.tpe

          case name: TermName  =>
            val sym =
              if (tree.symbol != NoSymbol) tree.symbol
              else context.owner.newValue(name, tree.pos)

            if (name != nme.WILDCARD) {
              if ((mode & ALTmode) != 0) VariableInPatternAlternativeError(tree)

            val body1 = typed(body, mode, pt)
            val symTp =
              if (treeInfo.isSequenceValued(body)) seqType(body1.tpe)
              else body1.tpe
            sym setInfo symTp

            // have to imperatively set the symbol for this bind to keep it in sync with the symbols used in the body of a case
            // when type checking a case we imperatively update the symbols in the body of the case
            // those symbols are bound by the symbols in the Binds in the pattern of the case,
            // so, if we set the symbols in the case body, but not in the patterns,
            // then re-type check the casedef (for a second try in typedApply for example -- SI-1832),
            // we are no longer in sync: the body has symbols set that do not appear in the patterns
            // since body1 is not necessarily equal to body, we must return a copied tree,
            // but we must still mutate the original bind
            tree setSymbol sym
            treeCopy.Bind(tree, name, body1) setSymbol sym setType body1.tpe

      def typedArrayValue(tree: ArrayValue) = {
        val elemtpt1 = typedType(tree.elemtpt, mode)
        val elems1 = tree.elems mapConserve (elem => typed(elem, mode, elemtpt1.tpe))
        treeCopy.ArrayValue(tree, elemtpt1, elems1)
            (if (isFullyDefined(pt) && !phase.erasedTypes) pt
             else arrayType(elemtpt1.tpe)).notNull)

      def typedAssign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree = {
        // see SI-7617 for an explanation of why macro expansion is suppressed
        def typedLhs(lhs: Tree) = typed(lhs, EXPRmode | LHSmode, WildcardType)
        val lhs1    = unsuppressMacroExpansion(typedLhs(suppressMacroExpansion(lhs)))
        val varsym  = lhs1.symbol

        // see #2494 for double error message example
        def fail() =
          if (lhs1.isErrorTyped) lhs1
          else AssignmentError(tree, varsym)

        if (varsym == null)
          return fail()

        if (treeInfo.mayBeVarGetter(varsym)) {
          lhs1 match {
            case treeInfo.Applied(Select(qual, name), _, _) =>
              val sel = Select(qual, nme.getterToSetter(name.toTermName)) setPos lhs.pos
              val app = Apply(sel, List(rhs)) setPos tree.pos
              return typed(app, mode, pt)

            case _ =>
//      if (varsym.isVariable ||
//        // setter-rewrite has been done above, so rule out methods here, but, wait a minute, why are we assigning to non-variables after erasure?!
//        (phase.erasedTypes && varsym.isValue && !varsym.isMethod)) {
        if (varsym.isVariable || varsym.isValue && phase.erasedTypes) {
          val rhs1 = typed(rhs, EXPRmode | BYVALmode, lhs1.tpe)
          treeCopy.Assign(tree, lhs1, checkDead(rhs1)) setType UnitClass.tpe
        else if(dyna.isDynamicallyUpdatable(lhs1)) {
          val rhs1 = typed(rhs, EXPRmode | BYVALmode, WildcardType)
          val t = atPos(lhs1.pos.withEnd(rhs1.pos.endOrPoint)) {
            Apply(lhs1, List(rhs1))
          dyna.wrapErrors(t, _.typed1(t, mode, pt))
        else fail()

      def typedIf(tree: If) = {
        val cond1 = checkDead(typed(tree.cond, EXPRmode | BYVALmode, BooleanClass.tpe))
        val thenp = tree.thenp
        val elsep = tree.elsep
        if (elsep.isEmpty) { // in the future, should be unnecessary
          val thenp1 = typed(thenp, UnitClass.tpe)
          treeCopy.If(tree, cond1, thenp1, elsep) setType thenp1.tpe
        } else {
          var thenp1 = typed(thenp, pt)
          var elsep1 = typed(elsep, pt)
          def thenTp = packedType(thenp1, context.owner)
          def elseTp = packedType(elsep1, context.owner)

          // println("typedIf: "+(thenp1.tpe, elsep1.tpe, ptOrLub(List(thenp1.tpe, elsep1.tpe)),"\n", thenTp, elseTp, thenTp =:= elseTp))
          val (owntype, needAdapt) =
            // in principle we should pack the types of each branch before lubbing, but lub doesn't really work for existentials anyway
            // in the special (though common) case where the types are equal, it pays to pack before comparing
            // especially virtpatmat needs more aggressive unification of skolemized types
            // this breaks src/library/scala/collection/immutable/TrieIterator.scala
            if ( opt.virtPatmat && !isPastTyper
              && thenp1.tpe.annotations.isEmpty && elsep1.tpe.annotations.isEmpty // annotated types need to be lubbed regardless (at least, continations break if you by pass them like this)
              && thenTp =:= elseTp
               ) (thenp1.tpe.deconst, false) // use unpacked type. Important to deconst, as is done in ptOrLub, otherwise `if (???) 0 else 0` evaluates to 0 (SI-6331)
            // TODO: skolemize (lub of packed types) when that no longer crashes on files/pos/t4070b.scala
            else ptOrLub(thenp1.tpe :: elsep1.tpe :: Nil, pt)

          if (needAdapt) { //isNumericValueType(owntype)) {
            thenp1 = adapt(thenp1, mode, owntype)
            elsep1 = adapt(elsep1, mode, owntype)
          treeCopy.If(tree, cond1, thenp1, elsep1) setType owntype

      // under -Xexperimental (and not -Xoldpatmat), and when there's a suitable __match in scope, virtualize the pattern match
      // otherwise, type the Match and leave it until phase `patmat` (immediately after typer)
      // empty-selector matches are transformed into synthetic PartialFunction implementations when the expected type demands it
      def typedVirtualizedMatch(tree: Match): Tree = {
        val selector = tree.selector
        val cases = tree.cases
        if (selector == EmptyTree) {
          if (newPatternMatching && (pt.typeSymbol == PartialFunctionClass))
            synthesizePartialFunction(newTermName(context.unit.fresh.newName("x")), tree.pos, tree, mode, pt)
          else {
            val arity = if (isFunctionType(pt)) pt.normalize.typeArgs.length - 1 else 1
            val params = for (i <- List.range(0, arity)) yield
              atPos(tree.pos.focusStart) {
                ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM | SYNTHETIC),
                       unit.freshTermName("x" + i + "$"), TypeTree(), EmptyTree)
            val ids = for (p <- params) yield Ident(
            val selector1 = atPos(tree.pos.focusStart) { if (arity == 1) ids.head else gen.mkTuple(ids) }
            val body = treeCopy.Match(tree, selector1, cases)
            typed1(atPos(tree.pos) { Function(params, body) }, mode, pt)
        } else
          virtualizedMatch(typedMatch(selector, cases, mode, pt, tree), mode, pt)

      def typedReturn(tree: Return) = {
        val expr = tree.expr
        val enclMethod = context.enclMethod
        if (enclMethod == NoContext ||
            enclMethod.owner.isConstructor ||
            context.enclClass.enclMethod == enclMethod // i.e., we are in a constructor of a local class
            ) {
        } else {
          val DefDef(_, name, _, _, restpt, _) = enclMethod.tree
          if (restpt.tpe eq null) {
            ReturnWithoutTypeError(tree, enclMethod.owner)
          } else {
            context.enclMethod.returnsSeen = true
            val expr1: Tree = typed(expr, EXPRmode | BYVALmode | RETmode, restpt.tpe)
            // Warn about returning a value if no value can be returned.
            if (restpt.tpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass) {
              // The typing in expr1 says expr is Unit (it has already been coerced if
              // it is non-Unit) so we have to retype it.  Fortunately it won't come up much
              // unless the warning is legitimate.
              if (typed(expr).tpe.typeSymbol != UnitClass)
                unit.warning(tree.pos, "enclosing method " + name + " has result type Unit: return value discarded")
            val res = treeCopy.Return(tree, checkDead(expr1)).setSymbol(enclMethod.owner)
            val tp = pluginsTypedReturn(NothingClass.tpe, this, res, restpt.tpe)

      def typedNew(tree: New) = {
        val tpt = tree.tpt
        val tpt1 = {
          // This way typedNew always returns a dealiased type. This used to happen by accident
          // for instantiations without type arguments due to ad hoc code in typedTypeConstructor,
          // and annotations depended on it (to the extent that they worked, which they did
          // not when given a parameterized type alias which dealiased to an annotation.)
          // typedTypeConstructor dealiases nothing now, but it makes sense for a "new" to always be
          // given a dealiased type.
          val tpt0 = typedTypeConstructor(tpt) modifyType (_.dealias)
          if (checkStablePrefixClassType(tpt0))
            if (tpt0.hasSymbol && !tpt0.symbol.typeParams.isEmpty) {
              context.undetparams = cloneSymbols(tpt0.symbol.typeParams)
                        .setType(appliedType(tpt0.tpe, context.undetparams map (_.tpeHK))) // @PP: tpeHK! #3343, #4018, #4347.
            } else tpt0
          else tpt0

        /** If current tree <tree> appears in <val x(: T)? = <tree>>
         *  return `tp with x.type' else return `tp`.
        def narrowRhs(tp: Type) = { val sym = context.tree.symbol
          context.tree match {
            case ValDef(mods, _, _, Apply(Select(`tree`, _), _)) if !mods.isMutable && sym != null && sym != NoSymbol =>
              val sym1 = if (sym.owner.isClass && sym.getter(sym.owner) != NoSymbol) sym.getter(sym.owner)
                else sym.lazyAccessorOrSelf
              val pre = if (sym1.owner.isClass) sym1.owner.thisType else NoPrefix
              intersectionType(List(tp, singleType(pre, sym1)))
            case _ => tp

        val tp = tpt1.tpe
        val sym = tp.typeSymbol.initialize
        if (sym.isAbstractType || sym.hasAbstractFlag)
          IsAbstractError(tree, sym)
        else if (isPrimitiveValueClass(sym)) {
          NotAMemberError(tpt, TypeTree(tp), nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
        else if (!(  tp == sym.thisSym.tpe // when there's no explicit self type -- with (#3612) or without self variable
                     // sym.thisSym.tpe == tp.typeOfThis (except for objects)
                  || narrowRhs(tp) <:< tp.typeOfThis
                  || phase.erasedTypes
                  )) {
          DoesNotConformToSelfTypeError(tree, sym, tp.typeOfThis)
        } else
          treeCopy.New(tree, tpt1).setType(tp)

      def functionTypeWildcard(tree: Tree, arity: Int): Type = {
        val tp = functionType(List.fill(arity)(WildcardType), WildcardType)
        if (tp == NoType) MaxFunctionArityError(tree)

      def typedEta(expr1: Tree): Tree = expr1.tpe match {
        case TypeRef(_, ByNameParamClass, _) =>
          val expr2 = Function(List(), expr1) setPos expr1.pos
          new ChangeOwnerTraverser(context.owner, expr2.symbol).traverse(expr2)
          typed1(expr2, mode, pt)
        case NullaryMethodType(restpe) =>
          val expr2 = Function(List(), expr1) setPos expr1.pos
          new ChangeOwnerTraverser(context.owner, expr2.symbol).traverse(expr2)
          typed1(expr2, mode, pt)
        case PolyType(_, MethodType(formals, _)) =>
          if (isFunctionType(pt)) expr1
          else adapt(expr1, mode, functionTypeWildcard(expr1, formals.length))
        case MethodType(formals, _) =>
          if (isFunctionType(pt)) expr1
          else expr1 match {
            case Select(qual, name) if (forMSIL &&
                                        pt != WildcardType &&
                                        pt != ErrorType &&
                                        isSubType(pt, DelegateClass.tpe)) =>
              val scalaCaller = newScalaCaller(pt)
              addScalaCallerInfo(scalaCaller, expr1.symbol)
              val n: Name =
              val del = Ident(DelegateClass) setType DelegateClass.tpe
              val f = Select(del, n)
              //val f1 = TypeApply(f, List(Ident(pt.symbol) setType pt))
              val args: List[Tree] = if(expr1.symbol.isStatic) List(Literal(Constant(null)))
                                     else List(qual) // where the scala-method is located
              val rhs = Apply(f, args)
            case _ =>
              adapt(expr1, mode, functionTypeWildcard(expr1, formals.length))
        case ErrorType =>
        case _ =>

       *  @param args ...
       *  @return     ...
      def tryTypedArgs(args: List[Tree], mode: Int): Option[List[Tree]] = {
        val c = context.makeSilent(false)
        c.retyping = true
        try {
          val res = newTyper(c).typedArgs(args, mode)
          if (c.hasErrors) None else Some(res)
        } catch {
          case ex: CyclicReference =>
            throw ex
          case te: TypeError =>
            // @H some of typer erros can still leak,
            // for instance in continuations
        } finally {

      /** Try to apply function to arguments; if it does not work, try to convert Java raw to existentials, or try to
       *  insert an implicit conversion.
      def tryTypedApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree = {
        val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(failedApplyNanos) else null

        def onError(typeError: AbsTypeError): Tree = {
            if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(failedApplyNanos, start)

            // If the problem is with raw types, copnvert to existentials and try again.
            // See #4712 for a case where this situation arises,
            if ((fun.symbol ne null) && fun.symbol.isJavaDefined) {
              val newtpe = rawToExistential(fun.tpe)
              if (fun.tpe ne newtpe) {
                // println("late cooking: "+fun+":"+fun.tpe) // DEBUG
                return tryTypedApply(fun setType newtpe, args)

            def treesInResult(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = tree :: (tree match {
              case Block(_, r)                        => treesInResult(r)
              case Match(_, cases)                    => cases
              case CaseDef(_, _, r)                   => treesInResult(r)
              case Annotated(_, r)                    => treesInResult(r)
              case If(_, t, e)                        => treesInResult(t) ++ treesInResult(e)
              case Try(b, catches, _)                 => treesInResult(b) ++ catches
              case Typed(r, Function(Nil, EmptyTree)) => treesInResult(r)
              case _                                  => Nil
            def errorInResult(tree: Tree) = treesInResult(tree) exists (_.pos == typeError.errPos)

            val retry = (typeError.errPos != null) && (fun :: tree :: args exists errorInResult)
            printTyping {
              val funStr = ptTree(fun) + " and " + (args map ptTree mkString ", ")
              if (retry) "second try: " + funStr
              else "no second try: " + funStr + " because error not in result: " + typeError.errPos+"!="+tree.pos
            if (retry) {
              val Select(qual, name) = fun
              tryTypedArgs(args, forArgMode(fun, mode)) match {
                case Some(args1) =>
                  val qual1 =
                    if (!pt.isError) adaptToArguments(qual, name, args1, pt, true, true)
                    else qual
                  if (qual1 ne qual) {
                    val tree1 = Apply(Select(qual1, name) setPos fun.pos, args1) setPos tree.pos
                    return typed1(tree1, mode | SNDTRYmode, pt)
                case _ => ()
            setError(treeCopy.Apply(tree, fun, args))

        silent(_.doTypedApply(tree, fun, args, mode, pt)) match {
          case SilentResultValue(t) =>
          case SilentTypeError(err) =>

      def normalTypedApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = {
        val stableApplication = (fun.symbol ne null) && fun.symbol.isMethod && fun.symbol.isStable
        if (args.isEmpty && stableApplication && isPatternMode) {
          // treat stable function applications f() as expressions.
          // [JZ] According to Martin, this is related to the old pattern matcher, which
          //      needs to typecheck after a the translation of `x.f` to `x.f()` in a prior
          //      compilation phase. As part of SI-7377, this has been tightened with `args.isEmpty`,
          //      but we should remove it altogether in Scala 2.11.
          typed1(tree, mode & ~PATTERNmode | EXPRmode, pt)
        } else {
          val funpt = if (isPatternMode) pt else WildcardType
          val appStart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(failedApplyNanos) else null
          val opeqStart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(failedOpEqNanos) else null

          def onError(reportError: => Tree): Tree = {
              fun match {
                case Select(qual, name)
                if !isPatternMode && nme.isOpAssignmentName(newTermName(name.decode)) =>
                  val qual1 = typedQualifier(qual)
                  if (treeInfo.isVariableOrGetter(qual1)) {
                    if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(failedOpEqNanos, opeqStart)
                    convertToAssignment(fun, qual1, name, args)
                  } else {
                    if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(failedApplyNanos, appStart)
                case _ =>
                  if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(failedApplyNanos, appStart)
          silent(_.typed(fun, forFunMode(mode), funpt),
                 if ((mode & EXPRmode) != 0) false else context.ambiguousErrors,
                 if ((mode & EXPRmode) != 0) tree else context.tree) match {
            case SilentResultValue(fun1) =>
              val fun2 = if (stableApplication) stabilizeFun(fun1, mode, pt) else fun1
              if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(typedApplyCount)
              def isImplicitMethod(tpe: Type) = tpe match {
                case mt: MethodType => mt.isImplicit
                case _ => false
              val useTry = (
                && fun2.isInstanceOf[Select]
                && !isImplicitMethod(fun2.tpe)
                && ((fun2.symbol eq null) || !fun2.symbol.isConstructor)
                && (mode & (EXPRmode | SNDTRYmode)) == EXPRmode
              val res =
                if (useTry) tryTypedApply(fun2, args)
                else doTypedApply(tree, fun2, args, mode, pt)

              if (fun2.hasSymbol && fun2.symbol.isConstructor && (mode & EXPRmode) != 0) {
                res.tpe = res.tpe.notNull
              // TODO: In theory we should be able to call:
              //if (fun2.hasSymbol && == nme.apply && fun2.symbol.owner == ArrayClass) {
              // But this causes cyclic reference for Array class in Cleanup. It is easy to overcome this
              // by calling here (or some other place before specialize).
              if (fun2.symbol == Array_apply && !res.isErrorTyped) {
                val checked = gen.mkCheckInit(res)
                // this check is needed to avoid infinite recursion in Duplicators
                // (calling typed1 more than once for the same tree)
                if (checked ne res) typed { atPos(tree.pos)(checked) }
                else res
              } else
            case SilentTypeError(err) =>
              onError({issue(err); setError(tree)})

      def typedApply(tree: Apply) = {
        val fun =
        val args = tree.args
        fun match {
          case Block(stats, expr) =>
            typed1(atPos(tree.pos)(Block(stats, Apply(expr, args) setPos tree.pos.makeTransparent)), mode, pt)
          case _ =>
            normalTypedApply(tree, fun, args) match {
              case Apply(Select(New(tpt), name), args)
              if (tpt.tpe != null &&
                tpt.tpe.typeSymbol == ArrayClass &&
                args.length == 1 &&
                erasure.GenericArray.unapply(tpt.tpe).isDefined) => // !!! todo simplify by using extractor
                // convert new Array[T](len) to evidence[ClassTag[T]].newArray(len)
                // convert new Array^N[T](len) for N > 1 to evidence[ClassTag[Array[...Array[T]...]]].newArray(len), where Array HK gets applied (N-1) times
                // [Eugene] no more MaxArrayDims. ClassTags are flexible enough to allow creation of arrays of arbitrary dimensionality (w.r.t JVM restrictions)
                val Some((level, componentType)) = erasure.GenericArray.unapply(tpt.tpe)
                val tagType = List.iterate(componentType, level)(tpe => appliedType(ArrayClass.toTypeConstructor, List(tpe))).last
                atPos(tree.pos) {
                  val tag = resolveClassTag(tree.pos, tagType)
                  if (tag.isEmpty) MissingClassTagError(tree, tagType)
                  else typed(new ApplyToImplicitArgs(Select(tag, nme.newArray), args))
              case Apply(Select(fun, nme.apply), _) if treeInfo.isSuperConstrCall(fun) => //SI-5696
              case tree1 =>

      def convertToAssignment(fun: Tree, qual: Tree, name: Name, args: List[Tree]): Tree = {
        val prefix = name.toTermName stripSuffix nme.EQL
        def mkAssign(vble: Tree): Tree =
              Select(vble.duplicate, prefix) setPos fun.pos.focus, args) setPos tree.pos.makeTransparent
          ) setPos tree.pos

        def mkUpdate(table: Tree, indices: List[Tree]) = {
          gen.evalOnceAll(table :: indices, context.owner, context.unit) {
            case tab :: is =>
              def mkCall(name: Name, extraArgs: Tree*) = (
                  Select(tab(), name) setPos table.pos,
         => i()) ++ extraArgs
                ) setPos tree.pos
                Apply(Select(mkCall(nme.apply), prefix) setPos fun.pos, args) setPos tree.pos
            case _ => EmptyTree

        val tree1 = qual match {
          case Ident(_) =>

          case Select(qualqual, vname) =>
            gen.evalOnce(qualqual, context.owner, context.unit) { qq =>
              val qq1 = qq()
              mkAssign(Select(qq1, vname) setPos qual.pos)

          case Apply(fn, indices) =>
            fn match {
              case treeInfo.Applied(Select(table, nme.apply), _, _) => mkUpdate(table, indices)
              case _  => UnexpectedTreeAssignmentConversionError(qual)
        typed1(tree1, mode, pt)

      def typedSuper(tree: Super) = {
        val mix = tree.mix
        val qual1 = typed(tree.qual)

        val clazz = qual1 match {
          case This(_) => qual1.symbol
          case _ => qual1.tpe.typeSymbol

        def findMixinSuper(site: Type): Type = {
          var ps = site.parents filter ( == mix)
          if (ps.isEmpty)
            ps = site.parents filter ( == mix)
          if (ps.isEmpty) {
            debuglog("Fatal: couldn't find site " + site + " in " +
            if (phase.erasedTypes && context.enclClass.owner.isImplClass) {
              // println(qual1)
              // println(clazz)
              // println(site)
              // println(site.parents)
              // println(mix)
              // the reference to super class got lost during erasure
              restrictionError(tree.pos, unit, "traits may not select fields or methods from super[C] where C is a class")
            } else {
              MixinMissingParentClassNameError(tree, mix, clazz)
          } else if (!ps.tail.isEmpty) {
          } else {

        val owntype = (
          if (!mix.isEmpty) findMixinSuper(clazz.tpe)
          else if ((mode & SUPERCONSTRmode) != 0)
          else intersectionType(
        treeCopy.Super(tree, qual1, mix) setType SuperType(clazz.thisType, owntype)

      def typedThis(tree: This) =
        tree.symbol orElse qualifyingClass(tree, tree.qual, packageOK = false) match {
          case NoSymbol => tree
          case clazz    =>
            tree setSymbol clazz setType clazz.thisType.underlying
            if (isStableContext(tree, mode, pt)) tree setType clazz.thisType else tree

      /** Attribute a selection where <code>tree</code> is <code></code>.
       *  <code>qual</code> is already attributed.
       *  @param qual ...
       *  @param name ...
       *  @return     ...
      def typedSelect(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, name: Name): Tree = {
        def asDynamicCall = dyna.mkInvoke(context.tree, tree, qual, name) map { t =>
          dyna.wrapErrors(t, (_.typed1(t, mode, pt)))

        val sym = tree.symbol orElse member(qual, name) orElse {
          // symbol not found? --> try to convert implicitly to a type that does have the required
          // member.  Added `| PATTERNmode` to allow enrichment in patterns (so we can add e.g., an
          // xml member to StringContext, which in turn has an unapply[Seq] method)
          if (name != nme.CONSTRUCTOR && inExprModeOr(mode, PATTERNmode)) {
            val qual1 = adaptToMemberWithArgs(tree, qual, name, mode, true, true)
            if ((qual1 ne qual) && !qual1.isErrorTyped)
              return typed(treeCopy.Select(tree, qual1, name), mode, pt)
        if (phase.erasedTypes && qual.isInstanceOf[Super] && tree.symbol != NoSymbol)
          qual.tpe = tree.symbol.owner.tpe

        if (!reallyExists(sym)) {
          def handleMissing: Tree = {
            if (context.unit.isJava && name.isTypeName) {
              // SI-3120 Java uses the same syntax, A.B, to express selection from the
              // value A and from the type A. We have to try both.
              val tree1 = atPos(tree.pos) { gen.convertToSelectFromType(qual, name) }
              if (tree1 != EmptyTree) return typed1(tree1, mode, pt)

            // try to expand according to Dynamic rules.
            asDynamicCall foreach (x => return x)

              "qual = " + qual + ":" + qual.tpe +
                "\nSymbol=" + qual.tpe.termSymbol + "\nsymbol-info = " + +
                "\nscope-id = " + + "\nmembers = " + qual.tpe.members +
                "\nname = " + name + "\nfound = " + sym + "\nowner = " + context.enclClass.owner)

            def makeInteractiveErrorTree = {
              val tree1 = tree match {
                case Select(_, _) => treeCopy.Select(tree, qual, name)
                case SelectFromTypeTree(_, _) => treeCopy.SelectFromTypeTree(tree, qual, name)

            if (name == nme.ERROR && forInteractive)
              return makeInteractiveErrorTree

            if (!qual.tpe.widen.isErroneous) {
              if ((mode & QUALmode) != 0) {
                val lastTry = rootMirror.missingHook(qual.tpe.typeSymbol, name)
                if (lastTry != NoSymbol) return typed1(tree setSymbol lastTry, mode, pt)
              NotAMemberError(tree, qual, name)

            if (forInteractive) makeInteractiveErrorTree else setError(tree)
        } else {
          val tree1 = tree match {
            case Select(_, _) => treeCopy.Select(tree, qual, name)
            case SelectFromTypeTree(_, _) => treeCopy.SelectFromTypeTree(tree, qual, name)
          val (result, accessibleError) = silent(_.makeAccessible(tree1, sym, qual.tpe, qual)) match {
            case SilentTypeError(err) =>
              if (err.kind != ErrorKinds.Access) {
                context issue err
                return setError(tree)
              else (tree1, Some(err))
            case SilentResultValue(treeAndPre) =>
              (stabilize(treeAndPre._1, treeAndPre._2, mode, pt), None)

          def isPotentialNullDeference() = {
            !isPastTyper &&
            !sym.isConstructor &&
            !(qual.tpe <:< NotNullClass.tpe) && !qual.tpe.isNotNull &&
            !(List(Any_isInstanceOf, Any_asInstanceOf) contains result.symbol)  // is not a dereference
          // unit is null here sometimes; how are we to know when unit might be null? (See bug #2467.)
          if (settings.warnSelectNullable.value && isPotentialNullDeference && unit != null)
            unit.warning(tree.pos, "potential null pointer dereference: "+tree)

          result match {
            // could checkAccessible (called by makeAccessible) potentially have skipped checking a type application in qual?
            case SelectFromTypeTree(qual@TypeTree(), name) if qual.tpe.typeArgs.nonEmpty => // TODO: somehow the new qual is not checked in refchecks
                (TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck(){ () => val tp = qual.tpe; val sym = tp.typeSymbolDirect
                  // will execute during refchecks -- TODO: make private checkTypeRef in refchecks public and call that one?
                  checkBounds(qual, tp.prefix, sym.owner, sym.typeParams, tp.typeArgs, "")
                  qual // you only get to see the wrapped tree after running this check :-p
                }) setType qual.tpe setPos qual.pos,
            case _ if accessibleError.isDefined =>
              // don't adapt constructor, SI-6074
              val qual1 = if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) qual
                          else adaptToMemberWithArgs(tree, qual, name, mode, false, false)
              if (!qual1.isErrorTyped && (qual1 ne qual))
                typed(Select(qual1, name) setPos tree.pos, mode, pt)
                // before failing due to access, try a dynamic call.
                asDynamicCall getOrElse {
            case _ =>

      def typedSelectOrSuperCall(tree: Select) = {
        val qual = tree.qualifier
        val name =
        qual match {
          case _: Super if name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR =>
            val qual1 =
              typed(qual, EXPRmode | QUALmode | POLYmode | SUPERCONSTRmode, WildcardType)
              // the qualifier type of a supercall constructor is its first parent class
            typedSelect(tree, qual1, nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
          case _ =>
            if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(typedSelectCount)
            var qual1 = checkDead(typedQualifier(qual, mode))
            if (name.isTypeName) qual1 = checkStable(qual1)

            val tree1 = // temporarily use `filter` and an alternative for `withFilter`
              if (name == nme.withFilter)
                silent(_ => typedSelect(tree, qual1, name)) match {
                  case SilentResultValue(result) =>
                  case _ =>
                    silent(_ => typed1(Select(qual1, nme.filter) setPos tree.pos, mode, pt)) match {
                      case SilentResultValue(result2) =>
                          tree.pos, "`withFilter' method does not yet exist on " + qual1.tpe.widen +
                            ", using `filter' method instead")
                      case SilentTypeError(err) =>
                        WithFilterError(tree, err)
                typedSelect(tree, qual1, name)

            if (tree.isInstanceOf[PostfixSelect])
              checkFeature(tree.pos, PostfixOpsFeature, name.decode)
            if (tree1.symbol != null && tree1.symbol.isOnlyRefinementMember && !tree1.symbol.isMacro)
              checkFeature(tree1.pos, ReflectiveCallsFeature, tree1.symbol.toString)

            if (qual1.hasSymbolWhich(_.isRootPackage)) treeCopy.Ident(tree1, name)
            else tree1

      /** Attribute an identifier consisting of a simple name or an outer reference.
       *  @param tree      The tree representing the identifier.
       *  @param name      The name of the identifier.
       *  Transformations: (1) Prefix class members with this.
       *                   (2) Change imported symbols to selections
      def typedIdent(tree: Tree, name: Name): Tree = {
        var errorContainer: AbsTypeError = null
        def ambiguousError(msg: String) = {
          assert(errorContainer == null, "Cannot set ambiguous error twice for identifier")
          errorContainer = AmbiguousIdentError(tree, name, msg)
        def identError(tree: AbsTypeError) = {
          assert(errorContainer == null, "Cannot set ambiguous error twice for identifier")
          errorContainer = tree

        var defSym: Symbol = tree.symbol  // the directly found symbol
        var pre: Type = NoPrefix          // the prefix type of defSym, if a class member
        var qual: Tree = EmptyTree        // the qualifier tree if transformed tree is a select
        var inaccessibleSym: Symbol = NoSymbol // the first symbol that was found but that was discarded
                                          // for being inaccessible; used for error reporting
        var inaccessibleExplanation: String = ""

        // If a special setting is given, the empty package will be checked as a
        // last ditch effort before failing.  This method sets defSym and returns
        // true if a member of the given name exists.
        def checkEmptyPackage(): Boolean = {
          defSym = rootMirror.EmptyPackageClass.tpe.nonPrivateMember(name)
          defSym != NoSymbol
        def startingIdentContext = (
          // ignore current variable scope in patterns to enforce linearity
          if ((mode & (PATTERNmode | TYPEPATmode)) == 0) context
          else context.outer
        // A symbol qualifies if it exists and is not stale. Stale symbols
        // are made to disappear here. In addition,
        // if we are in a constructor of a pattern, we ignore all definitions
        // which are methods (note: if we don't do that
        // case x :: xs in class List would return the :: method)
        // unless they are stable or are accessors (the latter exception is for better error messages).
        def qualifies(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
          sym.hasRawInfo &&       // this condition avoids crashing on self-referential pattern variables
          reallyExists(sym) &&
          ((mode & PATTERNmode | FUNmode) != (PATTERNmode | FUNmode) || !sym.isSourceMethod || sym.hasFlag(ACCESSOR))

        if (defSym == NoSymbol) {
          var defEntry: ScopeEntry = null // the scope entry of defSym, if defined in a local scope

          var cx = startingIdentContext
          while (defSym == NoSymbol && cx != NoContext && (cx.scope ne null)) { // cx.scope eq null arises during FixInvalidSyms in Duplicators
            pre = cx.enclClass.prefix
            defEntry = cx.scope.lookupEntry(name)
            if ((defEntry ne null) && qualifies(defEntry.sym)) {
              // Right here is where SI-1987, overloading in package objects, can be
              // seen to go wrong. There is an overloaded symbol, but when referring
              // to the unqualified identifier from elsewhere in the package, only
              // the last definition is visible. So overloading mis-resolves and is
              // definition-order dependent, bad things. See run/t1987.scala.
              // I assume the actual problem involves how/where these symbols are entered
              // into the scope. But since I didn't figure out how to fix it that way, I
              // catch it here by looking up package-object-defined symbols in the prefix.
              if (isInPackageObject(defEntry.sym, pre.typeSymbol)) {
                defSym = pre.member(
                if (defSym ne defEntry.sym) {
                  qual = gen.mkAttributedQualifier(pre)
                    |  !!! Overloaded package object member resolved incorrectly.
                    |        prefix: $pre
                    |     Discarded: ${defEntry.sym.defString}
                    |         Using: ${defSym.defString}
                defSym = defEntry.sym
            else {
              cx = cx.enclClass
              val foundSym = pre.member(name) filter qualifies
              defSym = foundSym filter (context.isAccessible(_, pre, false))
              if (defSym == NoSymbol) {
                if ((foundSym ne NoSymbol) && (inaccessibleSym eq NoSymbol)) {
                  inaccessibleSym = foundSym
                  inaccessibleExplanation = analyzer.lastAccessCheckDetails
                cx = cx.outer

          val symDepth = if (defEntry eq null) cx.depth
                         else cx.depth - (cx.scope.nestingLevel - defEntry.owner.nestingLevel)
          var impSym: Symbol = NoSymbol      // the imported symbol
          var imports = context.imports      // impSym != NoSymbol => it is imported from imports.head

          // Java: A single-type-import declaration d in a compilation unit c of package p
          // that imports a type named n shadows, throughout c, the declarations of:
          //  1) any top level type named n declared in another compilation unit of p
          // A type-import-on-demand declaration never causes any other declaration to be shadowed.
          // Scala: Bindings of different kinds have a precedence defined on them:
          //  1) Definitions and declarations that are local, inherited, or made available by a
          //     package clause in the same compilation unit where the definition occurs have
          //     highest precedence.
          //  2) Explicit imports have next highest precedence.
          def depthOk(imp: ImportInfo) = (
               imp.depth > symDepth
            || (unit.isJava && imp.isExplicitImport(name) && imp.depth == symDepth)
          while (!reallyExists(impSym) && !imports.isEmpty && depthOk(imports.head)) {
            impSym = imports.head.importedSymbol(name)
            if (!impSym.exists) imports = imports.tail

          // detect ambiguous definition/import,
          // update `defSym` to be the final resolved symbol,
          // update `pre` to be `sym`s prefix type in case it is an imported member,
          // and compute value of:

          if (defSym.exists && impSym.exists) {
            // imported symbols take precedence over package-owned symbols in different
            // compilation units. Defined symbols take precedence over erroneous imports.
            if (defSym.isDefinedInPackage &&
                (!currentRun.compiles(defSym) ||
                 context.unit.exists && defSym.sourceFile != context.unit.source.file))
              defSym = NoSymbol
            else if (impSym.isError || == nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
              impSym = NoSymbol
          if (defSym.exists) {
            if (impSym.exists)
                "it is both defined in "+defSym.owner +
                " and imported subsequently by \n"+imports.head)
            else if (!defSym.owner.isClass || defSym.owner.isPackageClass || defSym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem)
              pre = NoPrefix
              qual = atPos(tree.pos.focusStart)(gen.mkAttributedQualifier(pre))
          } else {
            if (impSym.exists) {
              var impSym1: Symbol = NoSymbol
              var imports1 = imports.tail

              /** It's possible that seemingly conflicting identifiers are
               *  identifiably the same after type normalization.  In such cases,
               *  allow compilation to proceed.  A typical example is:
               *    package object foo { type InputStream = }
               *    import foo._,
              def ambiguousImport() = {
                // The types of the qualifiers from which the ambiguous imports come.
                // If the ambiguous name is a value, these must be the same.
                def t1  = imports.head.qual.tpe
                def t2  = imports1.head.qual.tpe
                // The types of the ambiguous symbols, seen as members of their qualifiers.
                // If the ambiguous name is a monomorphic type, we can relax this far.
                def mt1 = t1 memberType impSym
                def mt2 = t2 memberType impSym1
                def characterize = List(
                  s"types:  $t1 =:= $t2  ${t1 =:= t2}  members: ${mt1 =:= mt2}",
                  s"member type 1: $mt1",
                  s"member type 2: $mt2",
                  s"$impSym == $impSym1  ${impSym == impSym1}",
                  s"${impSym.debugLocationString} ${impSym.getClass}",
                  s"${impSym1.debugLocationString} ${impSym1.getClass}"
                ).mkString("\n  ")

                // The symbol names are checked rather than the symbols themselves because
                // each time an overloaded member is looked up it receives a new symbol.
                // So foo.member("x") != foo.member("x") if x is overloaded.  This seems
                // likely to be the cause of other bugs too...
                if (t1 =:= t2 && ==
                  log(s"Suppressing ambiguous import: $t1 =:= $t2 && $impSym == $impSym1")
                // Monomorphism restriction on types is in part because type aliases could have the
                // same target type but attach different variance to the parameters. Maybe it can be
                // relaxed, but doesn't seem worth it at present.
                else if (mt1 =:= mt2 && name.isTypeName && impSym.isMonomorphicType && impSym1.isMonomorphicType)
                  log(s"Suppressing ambiguous import: $mt1 =:= $mt2 && $impSym and $impSym1 are equivalent")
                else {
                  log(s"Import is genuinely ambiguous:\n  " + characterize)
                  ambiguousError(s"it is imported twice in the same scope by\n${imports.head}\nand ${imports1.head}")
              while (errorContainer == null && !imports1.isEmpty &&
                     (!imports.head.isExplicitImport(name) ||
                      imports1.head.depth == imports.head.depth)) {
                impSym1 = imports1.head.importedSymbol(name)
                if (reallyExists(impSym1)) {
                  if (imports1.head.isExplicitImport(name)) {
                    if (imports.head.isExplicitImport(name) ||
                        imports1.head.depth != imports.head.depth) ambiguousImport()
                    impSym = impSym1
                    imports = imports1
                  } else if (!imports.head.isExplicitImport(name) &&
                             imports1.head.depth == imports.head.depth) ambiguousImport()
                imports1 = imports1.tail
              defSym = impSym
              val qual0 = imports.head.qual
              if (!(shortenImports && qual0.symbol.isPackage)) // optimization: don't write out package prefixes
                qual = atPos(tree.pos.focusStart)(resetPos(qual0.duplicate))
              pre = qual.tpe
            else if (settings.exposeEmptyPackage.value && checkEmptyPackage())
              log("Allowing empty package member " + name + " due to settings.")
            else {
              if ((mode & QUALmode) != 0) {
                val lastTry = rootMirror.missingHook(rootMirror.RootClass, name)
                if (lastTry != NoSymbol) return typed1(tree setSymbol lastTry, mode, pt)
              if (settings.debug.value) {
              if (inaccessibleSym eq NoSymbol) {
                // Avoiding some spurious error messages: see SI-2388.
                if (reporter.hasErrors && (name startsWith tpnme.ANON_CLASS_NAME)) ()
                else identError(SymbolNotFoundError(tree, name, context.owner, startingIdentContext))
              } else
                  tree, inaccessibleSym, context.enclClass.owner.thisType, context.enclClass.owner,
              defSym = context.owner.newErrorSymbol(name)
        if (errorContainer != null) {
        } else {
          if (defSym.owner.isPackageClass)
            pre = defSym.owner.thisType

          // Inferring classOf type parameter from expected type.
          if (defSym.isThisSym) {
            typed1(This(defSym.owner) setPos tree.pos, mode, pt)
          // Inferring classOf type parameter from expected type.  Otherwise an
          // actual call to the stubbed classOf method is generated, returning null.
          else if (isPredefMemberNamed(defSym, nme.classOf) && pt.typeSymbol == ClassClass && pt.typeArgs.nonEmpty)
            typedClassOf(tree, TypeTree(pt.typeArgs.head))
          else {
            val tree1 = (
              if (qual == EmptyTree) tree
              // atPos necessary because qualifier might come from startContext
              else atPos(tree.pos)(Select(qual, name) setAttachments tree.attachments)
            val (tree2, pre2) = makeAccessible(tree1, defSym, pre, qual)
            // assert(pre.typeArgs isEmpty) // no need to add #2416-style check here, right?
            val tree3 = stabilize(tree2, pre2, mode, pt)
            // SI-5967 Important to replace param type A* with Seq[A] when seen from from a reference, to avoid
            //         inference errors in pattern matching.
            tree3 setType dropRepeatedParamType(tree3.tpe)

      def typedIdentOrWildcard(tree: Ident) = {
        val name =
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(typedIdentCount)
        if ((name == nme.WILDCARD && (mode & (PATTERNmode | FUNmode)) == PATTERNmode) ||
            (name == tpnme.WILDCARD && (mode & TYPEmode) != 0))
          tree setType makeFullyDefined(pt)
          typedIdent(tree, name)

      def typedCompoundTypeTree(tree: CompoundTypeTree) = {
        val templ = tree.templ
        val parents1 = templ.parents mapConserve (typedType(_, mode))

        // This is also checked later in typedStats, but that is too late for SI-5361, so
        // we eagerly check this here.
        for (stat <- templ.body if !treeInfo.isDeclarationOrTypeDef(stat))

        if ((parents1 ++ templ.body) exists (_.isErrorTyped)) tree setType ErrorType
        else {
          val decls = newScope
          //Console.println("Owner: " + context.enclClass.owner + " " +
          val self = refinedType(parents1 map (_.tpe), context.enclClass.owner, decls, templ.pos)
          newTyper(context.make(templ, self.typeSymbol, decls)).typedRefinement(templ)
          templ updateAttachment CompoundTypeTreeOriginalAttachment(parents1, Nil) // stats are set elsewhere
          tree setType (if (templ.exists(_.isErroneous)) ErrorType else self) // Being conservative to avoid SI-5361

      def typedAppliedTypeTree(tree: AppliedTypeTree) = {
        val tpt = tree.tpt
        val args = tree.args
        val tpt1 = typed1(tpt, mode | FUNmode | TAPPmode, WildcardType)
        if (tpt1.isErrorTyped) {
        } else if (!tpt1.hasSymbol) {
          AppliedTypeNoParametersError(tree, tpt1.tpe)
        } else {
          val tparams = tpt1.symbol.typeParams
          if (sameLength(tparams, args)) {
            // @M: kind-arity checking is done here and in adapt, full kind-checking is in checkKindBounds (in Infer)
            val args1 =
              if (!tpt1.symbol.rawInfo.isComplete)
                args mapConserve (typedHigherKindedType(_, mode))
                // if symbol hasn't been fully loaded, can't check kind-arity
              else map2Conserve(args, tparams) { (arg, tparam) =>
                //@M! the polytype denotes the expected kind
                typedHigherKindedType(arg, mode, GenPolyType(tparam.typeParams, AnyClass.tpe))
            val argtypes = args1 map (_.tpe)

            foreach2(args, tparams)((arg, tparam) => arg match {
              // note: can't use args1 in selector, because Bind's got replaced
              case Bind(_, _) =>
                if (arg.symbol.isAbstractType)
                  arg.symbol setInfo // XXX, feedback. don't trackSymInfo here!
                      lub(List(,, argtypes))),
                      glb(List(,, argtypes))))
              case _ =>
            val original = treeCopy.AppliedTypeTree(tree, tpt1, args1)
            val result = TypeTree(appliedType(tpt1.tpe, argtypes)) setOriginal original
            if(tpt1.tpe.isInstanceOf[PolyType]) // did the type application (performed by appliedType) involve an unchecked beta-reduction?
              TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck(){ () =>
                // wrap the tree and include the bounds check -- refchecks will perform this check (that the beta reduction was indeed allowed) and unwrap
                // we can't simply use original in refchecks because it does not contains types
                // (and the only typed trees we have have been mangled so they're not quite the original tree anymore)
                checkBounds(result, tpt1.tpe.prefix, tpt1.symbol.owner, tpt1.symbol.typeParams, argtypes, "")
                result // you only get to see the wrapped tree after running this check :-p
              } setType (result.tpe) setPos(result.pos)
            else result
          } else if (tparams.isEmpty) {
            AppliedTypeNoParametersError(tree, tpt1.tpe)
          } else {
            if (settings.debug.value) Console.println(tpt1+":"+tpt1.symbol+":"
            AppliedTypeWrongNumberOfArgsError(tree, tpt1, tparams)

      val sym: Symbol = tree.symbol
      if ((sym ne null) && (sym ne NoSymbol)) sym.initialize

      def typedPackageDef(pdef: PackageDef) = {
        val pid1 = typedQualifier([RefTree]
        assert(sym.moduleClass ne NoSymbol, sym)
        val stats1 = newTyper(context.make(tree, sym.moduleClass,
          .typedStats(pdef.stats, NoSymbol)
        treeCopy.PackageDef(tree, pid1, stats1) setType NoType

      def typedDocDef(docdef: DocDef) = {
        if (forScaladoc && (sym ne null) && (sym ne NoSymbol)) {
          val comment = docdef.comment
          fillDocComment(sym, comment)
          val typer1 = newTyper(context.makeNewScope(tree, context.owner))
          for (useCase <- comment.useCases) {
            typer1.silent(_.typedUseCase(useCase)) match {
              case SilentTypeError(err) =>
                unit.warning(useCase.pos, err.errMsg)
              case _ =>
            for (useCaseSym <- useCase.defined) {
              if ( !=
                unit.warning(useCase.pos, "@usecase " + + " does not match commented symbol: " +
        typed(docdef.definition, mode, pt)

       * The typer with the correct context for a method definition. If the method is a default getter for
       * a constructor default, the resulting typer has a constructor context (fixes SI-5543).
      def defDefTyper(ddef: DefDef) = {
        val isConstrDefaultGetter = ddef.mods.hasDefaultFlag && sym.owner.isModuleClass &&
            nme.defaultGetterToMethod( == nme.CONSTRUCTOR
        newTyper(context.makeNewScope(ddef, sym)).constrTyperIf(isConstrDefaultGetter)

      def typedAlternative(alt: Alternative) = {
        val alts1 = alt.trees mapConserve (alt => typed(alt, mode | ALTmode, pt))
        treeCopy.Alternative(tree, alts1) setType pt

      def typedStar(tree: Star) = {
        if ((mode & STARmode) == 0 && !isPastTyper)
        treeCopy.Star(tree, typed(tree.elem, mode, pt)) setType makeFullyDefined(pt)

      def typedUnApply(tree: UnApply) = {
        val fun1 = typed(
        val tpes = formalTypes(unapplyTypeList(,, fun1.tpe, tree.args), tree.args.length)
        val args1 = map2(tree.args, tpes)(typedPattern)
        treeCopy.UnApply(tree, fun1, args1) setType pt

      def typedTry(tree: Try) = {
        var block1 = typed(tree.block, pt)
        var catches1 = typedCases(tree.catches, ThrowableClass.tpe, pt)

        for (cdef <- catches1 if !isPastTyper && cdef.guard.isEmpty) {
          def warn(name: Name) = context.warning(cdef.pat.pos, s"This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case ${name.decoded} : Throwable` to clear this warning.")
          def unbound(t: Tree) = t.symbol == null || t.symbol == NoSymbol
          cdef.pat match {
            case Bind(name, i @ Ident(_)) if unbound(i) => warn(name)
            case i @ Ident(name) if unbound(i) => warn(name)
            case _ =>

        val finalizer1 =
          if (tree.finalizer.isEmpty) tree.finalizer
          else typed(tree.finalizer, UnitClass.tpe)
        val (owntype, needAdapt) = ptOrLub(block1.tpe :: (catches1 map (_.tpe)), pt)
        if (needAdapt) {
          block1 = adapt(block1, mode, owntype)
          catches1 = catches1 map (adaptCase(_, mode, owntype))

        treeCopy.Try(tree, block1, catches1, finalizer1) setType owntype

      def typedThrow(tree: Throw) = {
        val expr1 = typed(tree.expr, EXPRmode | BYVALmode, ThrowableClass.tpe)
        treeCopy.Throw(tree, expr1) setType NothingClass.tpe

      def typedTyped(tree: Typed) = {
        val expr = tree.expr
        val tpt = tree.tpt
        tpt match {
          case Function(List(), EmptyTree) =>
            // find out whether the programmer is trying to eta-expand a macro def
            // to do that we need to typecheck the tree first (we need a symbol of the eta-expandee)
            // that typecheck must not trigger macro expansions, so we explicitly prohibit them
            // however we cannot do `context.withMacrosDisabled`
            // because `expr` might contain nested macro calls (see SI-6673)
            val exprTyped = typed1(suppressMacroExpansion(expr), mode, pt)
            exprTyped match {
              case macroDef if macroDef.symbol != null && macroDef.symbol.isTermMacro && !macroDef.symbol.isErroneous =>
              case _ =>

          case Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR) =>
            val exprTyped = typed(expr, onlyStickyModes(mode), WildcardType)
            def subArrayType(pt: Type) =
              if (isPrimitiveValueClass(pt.typeSymbol) || !isFullyDefined(pt)) arrayType(pt)
              else {
                val tparam = context.owner freshExistential "" setInfo TypeBounds.upper(pt)
                newExistentialType(List(tparam), arrayType(tparam.tpe))

            val (exprAdapted, baseClass) = exprTyped.tpe.typeSymbol match {
              case ArrayClass => (adapt(exprTyped, onlyStickyModes(mode), subArrayType(pt)), ArrayClass)
              case _ => (adapt(exprTyped, onlyStickyModes(mode), seqType(pt)), SeqClass)
            exprAdapted.tpe.baseType(baseClass) match {
              case TypeRef(_, _, List(elemtp)) =>
                treeCopy.Typed(tree, exprAdapted, tpt setType elemtp) setType elemtp
              case _ =>

          case _ =>
            val tptTyped = typedType(tpt, mode)
            val exprTyped = typed(expr, onlyStickyModes(mode), tptTyped.tpe.deconst)
            val treeTyped = treeCopy.Typed(tree, exprTyped, tptTyped)

            if (isPatternMode) {
              val uncheckedTypeExtractor = extractorForUncheckedType(tpt.pos, tptTyped.tpe)

              // make fully defined to avoid bounded wildcard types that may be in pt from calling dropExistential (SI-2038)
              val ptDefined = if (isFullyDefined(pt)) pt else makeFullyDefined(pt)
              val ownType = inferTypedPattern(tptTyped, tptTyped.tpe, ptDefined, canRemedy = uncheckedTypeExtractor.nonEmpty)
              treeTyped setType ownType

              uncheckedTypeExtractor match {
                case None => treeTyped
                case Some(extractor) => wrapClassTagUnapply(treeTyped, extractor, tptTyped.tpe)
            } else
              treeTyped setType tptTyped.tpe

      def typedTypeApply(tree: TypeApply) = {
        val fun =
        val args = tree.args
        // @M: kind-arity checking is done here and in adapt, full kind-checking is in checkKindBounds (in Infer)
        //@M! we must type fun in order to type the args, as that requires the kinds of fun's type parameters.
        // However, args should apparently be done first, to save context.undetparams. Unfortunately, the args
        // *really* have to be typed *after* fun. We escape from this classic Catch-22 by simply saving&restoring undetparams.

        // @M TODO: the compiler still bootstraps&all tests pass when this is commented out..
        //val undets = context.undetparams

        // @M: fun is typed in TAPPmode because it is being applied to its actual type parameters
        val fun1 = typed(fun, forFunMode(mode) | TAPPmode, WildcardType)
        val tparams = fun1.symbol.typeParams

        //@M TODO: val undets_fun = context.undetparams  ?
        // "do args first" (by restoring the context.undetparams) in order to maintain context.undetparams on the function side.

        // @M TODO: the compiler still bootstraps when this is commented out.. TODO: run tests
        //context.undetparams = undets

        // @M maybe the well-kindedness check should be done when checking the type arguments conform to the type parameters' bounds?
        val args1 = if (sameLength(args, tparams)) map2Conserve(args, tparams) {
          //@M! the polytype denotes the expected kind
          (arg, tparam) => typedHigherKindedType(arg, mode, GenPolyType(tparam.typeParams, AnyClass.tpe))
        else {
          //@M  this branch is correctly hit for an overloaded polymorphic type. It also has to handle erroneous cases.
          // Until the right alternative for an overloaded method is known, be very liberal,
          // typedTypeApply will find the right alternative and then do the same check as
          // in the then-branch above. (see pos/tcpoly_overloaded.scala)
          // this assert is too strict: be tolerant for errors like trait A { def foo[m[x], g]=error(""); def x[g] = foo[g/*ERR: missing argument type*/] }
          //assert([OverloadedType] || fun1.symbol.isError) //, (fun1.symbol,,,args,tparams))
          args mapConserve (typedHigherKindedType(_, mode))

        //@M TODO: context.undetparams = undets_fun ?
        Typer.this.typedTypeApply(tree, mode, fun1, args1)

      def typedApplyDynamic(tree: ApplyDynamic) = {
        val reflectiveCalls = !(settings.refinementMethodDispatch.value == "invoke-dynamic")
        val qual1 = typed(tree.qual, AnyRefClass.tpe)
        val args1 = tree.args mapConserve (arg => if (reflectiveCalls) typed(arg, AnyRefClass.tpe) else typed(arg))
        treeCopy.ApplyDynamic(tree, qual1, args1) setType (if (reflectiveCalls) AnyRefClass.tpe else

      def typedReferenceToBoxed(tree: ReferenceToBoxed) = {
        val id = tree.ident
        val id1 = typed1(id, mode, pt) match { case id: Ident => id }
        // [Eugene] am I doing it right?
        val erasedTypes = phaseId(currentPeriod) >=
        val tpe = capturedVariableType(id.symbol, erasedTypes = erasedTypes)
        treeCopy.ReferenceToBoxed(tree, id1) setType tpe

      def typedLiteral(tree: Literal) = {
        val value = tree.value
        tree setType (
          if (value.tag == UnitTag) UnitClass.tpe
          else ConstantType(value))

      def typedSingletonTypeTree(tree: SingletonTypeTree) = {
        val ref1 = checkStable(
            typed(tree.ref, EXPRmode | QUALmode | (mode & TYPEPATmode), AnyRefClass.tpe)
        tree setType ref1.tpe.resultType

      def typedSelectFromTypeTree(tree: SelectFromTypeTree) = {
        val qual1 = typedType(tree.qualifier, mode)
        if (qual1.tpe.isVolatile) TypeSelectionFromVolatileTypeError(tree, qual1)
        else typedSelect(tree, qual1,

      def typedTypeBoundsTree(tree: TypeBoundsTree) = {
        val lo1 = typedType(tree.lo, mode)
        val hi1 = typedType(tree.hi, mode)
        treeCopy.TypeBoundsTree(tree, lo1, hi1) setType TypeBounds(lo1.tpe, hi1.tpe)

      def typedExistentialTypeTree(tree: ExistentialTypeTree) = {
        val tree1 = typerWithLocalContext(context.makeNewScope(tree, context.owner)){
          _.typedExistentialTypeTree(tree, mode)
        checkExistentialsFeature(tree1.pos, tree1.tpe, "the existential type")

      def typedTypeTree(tree: TypeTree) = {
        if (tree.original != null) {
          val newTpt = typedType(tree.original, mode)
          tree setType newTpt.tpe
          newTpt match {
            case tt @ TypeTree() => tree setOriginal tt.original
            case _ => tree
          // we should get here only when something before failed
          // and we try again (@see tryTypedApply). In that case we can assign
          // whatever type to tree; we just have to survive until a real error message is issued.
          tree setType AnyClass.tpe
      def typedFunction(fun: Function) = {
        if (fun.symbol == NoSymbol)
          fun.symbol = context.owner.newAnonymousFunctionValue(fun.pos)

        typerWithLocalContext(context.makeNewScope(fun, fun.symbol))(_.typedFunction(fun, mode, pt))

      // begin typed1
      //if (settings.debug.value && tree.isDef) log("typing definition of "+sym);//DEBUG
      tree match {
        case tree: Ident                        => typedIdentOrWildcard(tree)
        case tree: Select                       => typedSelectOrSuperCall(tree)
        case tree: Apply                        => typedApply(tree)
        case tree: TypeTree                     => typedTypeTree(tree)
        case tree: Literal                      => typedLiteral(tree)
        case tree: This                         => typedThis(tree)
        case tree: ValDef                       => typedValDef(tree)
        case tree: DefDef                       => defDefTyper(tree).typedDefDef(tree)
        case tree: Block                        => typerWithLocalContext(context.makeNewScope(tree, context.owner))(_.typedBlock(tree, mode, pt))
        case tree: If                           => typedIf(tree)
        case tree: TypeApply                    => typedTypeApply(tree)
        case tree: AppliedTypeTree              => typedAppliedTypeTree(tree)
        case tree: Bind                         => typedBind(tree)
        case tree: Function                     => typedFunction(tree)
        case tree: Match                        => typedVirtualizedMatch(tree)
        case tree: New                          => typedNew(tree)
        case tree: Assign                       => typedAssign(tree.lhs, tree.rhs)
        case tree: AssignOrNamedArg             => typedAssign(tree.lhs, tree.rhs) // called by NamesDefaults in silent typecheck
        case tree: Super                        => typedSuper(tree)
        case tree: TypeBoundsTree               => typedTypeBoundsTree(tree)
        case tree: Typed                        => typedTyped(tree)
        case tree: ClassDef                     => newTyper(context.makeNewScope(tree, sym)).typedClassDef(tree)
        case tree: ModuleDef                    => newTyper(context.makeNewScope(tree, sym.moduleClass)).typedModuleDef(tree)
        case tree: TypeDef                      => typedTypeDef(tree)
        case tree: LabelDef                     => labelTyper(tree).typedLabelDef(tree)
        case tree: PackageDef                   => typedPackageDef(tree)
        case tree: DocDef                       => typedDocDef(tree)
        case tree: Annotated                    => typedAnnotated(tree)
        case tree: SingletonTypeTree            => typedSingletonTypeTree(tree)
        case tree: SelectFromTypeTree           => typedSelectFromTypeTree(tree)
        case tree: CompoundTypeTree             => typedCompoundTypeTree(tree)
        case tree: ExistentialTypeTree          => typedExistentialTypeTree(tree)
        case tree: Return                       => typedReturn(tree)
        case tree: Try                          => typedTry(tree)
        case tree: Throw                        => typedThrow(tree)
        case tree: Alternative                  => typedAlternative(tree)
        case tree: Star                         => typedStar(tree)
        case tree: UnApply                      => typedUnApply(tree)
        case tree: ArrayValue                   => typedArrayValue(tree)
        case tree: ApplyDynamic                 => typedApplyDynamic(tree)
        case tree: ReferenceToBoxed             => typedReferenceToBoxed(tree)
        case tree: TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck => tree // TODO: retype the wrapped tree? TTWDRC would have to change to hold the wrapped tree (not a closure)
        case tree: Import                       => assert(forInteractive, "!forInteractive") ; tree setType tree.symbol.tpe // should not happen in normal circumstances.
        case _                                  => abort(s"unexpected tree: ${tree.getClass}\n$tree")

     *  @param tree ...
     *  @param mode ...
     *  @param pt   ...
     *  @return     ...
    def typed(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      lastTreeToTyper = tree

      val ptPlugins = pluginsPt(pt, this, tree, mode)

      val startByType = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.pushTimer(byTypeStack, byTypeNanos(tree.getClass)) else null
      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(visitsByType, tree.getClass)
      try {
        if (context.retyping &&
            (tree.tpe ne null) && (tree.tpe.isErroneous || !(tree.tpe <:< ptPlugins))) {
          tree.tpe = null
          if (tree.hasSymbol) tree.symbol = NoSymbol

        val alreadyTyped = tree.tpe ne null
        var tree1: Tree = if (alreadyTyped) tree else {
            ptLine("typing %s: pt = %s".format(ptTree(tree), ptPlugins),
              "undetparams"      -> context.undetparams,
              "implicitsEnabled" -> context.implicitsEnabled,
              "enrichmentEnabled"   -> context.enrichmentEnabled,
              "mode"             -> modeString(mode),
              "silent"           -> context.bufferErrors,
              "context.owner"    -> context.owner
          typed1(tree, mode, dropExistential(ptPlugins))
        // Can happen during erroneous compilation - error(s) have been
        // reported, but we need to avoid causing an NPE with this tree
        if (tree1.tpe eq null)
          return setError(tree)

        if (!alreadyTyped) {
          printTyping("typed %s: %s%s".format(
            ptTree(tree1), tree1.tpe,
            if (isSingleType(tree1.tpe)) " with underlying "+tree1.tpe.widen else "")

        tree1.tpe = pluginsTyped(tree1.tpe, this, tree1, mode, ptPlugins)
        val result =
          if (tree1.isEmpty) tree1
          else {
            val result = adapt(tree1, mode, ptPlugins, tree)
            if (hasPendingMacroExpansions) macroExpandAll(this, result) else result

        if (!alreadyTyped) {
          printTyping("adapted %s: %s to %s, %s".format(
            tree1, tree1.tpe.widen, ptPlugins, context.undetparamsString)
          ) //DEBUG
        if (!isPastTyper) signalDone(context.asInstanceOf[analyzer.Context], tree, result)
      } catch {
        case ex: TypeError =>
          tree.tpe = null
          // The only problematic case are (recoverable) cyclic reference errors which can pop up almost anywhere.
          printTyping("caught %s: while typing %s".format(ex, tree)) //DEBUG

          reportTypeError(context, tree.pos, ex)
        case ex: Exception =>
          if (settings.debug.value) // @M causes cyclic reference error
            Console.println("exception when typing "+tree+", pt = "+ptPlugins)
          if (context != null && context.unit.exists && tree != null)
            logError("AT: " + (tree.pos).dbgString, ex)
          throw ex
      finally {
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.popTimer(byTypeStack, startByType)

    def atOwner(owner: Symbol): Typer =
      newTyper(context.make(context.tree, owner))

    def atOwner(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol): Typer =
      newTyper(context.make(tree, owner))

    /** Types expression or definition <code>tree</code>.
     *  @param tree ...
     *  @return     ...
    def typed(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      val ret = typed(tree, EXPRmode, WildcardType)

    def typedPos(pos: Position, mode: Int, pt: Type)(tree: Tree) = typed(atPos(pos)(tree), mode, pt)
    def typedPos(pos: Position)(tree: Tree) = typed(atPos(pos)(tree))
    // TODO: see if this formulation would impose any penalty, since
    // it makes for a lot less casting.
    // def typedPos[T <: Tree](pos: Position)(tree: T): T = typed(atPos(pos)(tree)).asInstanceOf[T]

    /** Types expression <code>tree</code> with given prototype <code>pt</code>.
     *  @param tree ...
     *  @param pt   ...
     *  @return     ...
    def typed(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree =
      typed(tree, EXPRmode, pt)

    /** Types qualifier <code>tree</code> of a select node.
     *  E.g. is tree occurs in a context like <code>tree.m</code>.
    def typedQualifier(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree =
      typed(tree, EXPRmode | QUALmode | POLYmode | mode & TYPEPATmode, pt) // TR: don't set BYVALmode, since qualifier might end up as by-name param to an implicit

    /** Types qualifier <code>tree</code> of a select node.
     *  E.g. is tree occurs in a context like <code>tree.m</code>.
    def typedQualifier(tree: Tree, mode: Int): Tree =
      typedQualifier(tree, mode, WildcardType)

    def typedQualifier(tree: Tree): Tree = typedQualifier(tree, NOmode, WildcardType)

    /** Types function part of an application */
    def typedOperator(tree: Tree): Tree =
      typed(tree, EXPRmode | FUNmode | POLYmode | TAPPmode, WildcardType)

    /** Types a pattern with prototype <code>pt</code> */
    def typedPattern(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = {
      // We disable implicits because otherwise some constructs will
      // type check which should not.  The pattern matcher does not
      // perform implicit conversions in an attempt to consummate a match.

      // on the one hand,
      //   "abc" match { case Seq('a', 'b', 'c') => true }
      // should be ruled out statically, otherwise this is a runtime
      // error both because there is an implicit from String to Seq
      // (even though such implicits are not used by the matcher) and
      // because the typer is fine with concluding that "abc" might
      // be of type "String with Seq[T]" and thus eligible for a call
      // to unapplySeq.

      // on the other hand, we want to be able to use implicits to add members retro-actively (e.g., add xml to StringContext)

      // as a compromise, context.enrichmentEnabled tells adaptToMember to go ahead and enrich,
      // but arbitrary conversions (in adapt) are disabled
      // TODO: can we achieve the pattern matching bit of the string interpolation SIP without this?
      typingInPattern(context.withImplicitsDisabledAllowEnrichment(typed(tree, PATTERNmode, pt))) match {
        case tpt if tpt.isType => PatternMustBeValue(tpt, pt); tpt
        case pat => pat

    /** Types a (fully parameterized) type tree */
    def typedType(tree: Tree, mode: Int): Tree =
      typed(tree, forTypeMode(mode), WildcardType)

    /** Types a (fully parameterized) type tree */
    def typedType(tree: Tree): Tree = typedType(tree, NOmode)

    /** Types a higher-kinded type tree -- pt denotes the expected kind*/
    def typedHigherKindedType(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree =
      if (pt.typeParams.isEmpty) typedType(tree, mode) // kind is known and it's *
      else typed(tree, HKmode, pt)

    def typedHigherKindedType(tree: Tree, mode: Int): Tree =
      typed(tree, HKmode, WildcardType)

    def typedHigherKindedType(tree: Tree): Tree = typedHigherKindedType(tree, NOmode)

    /** Types a type constructor tree used in a new or supertype */
    def typedTypeConstructor(tree: Tree, mode: Int): Tree = {
      val result = typed(tree, forTypeMode(mode) | FUNmode, WildcardType)

      // get rid of type aliases for the following check (#1241)
      result.tpe.dealias match {
        case restpe @ TypeRef(pre, _, _) if !phase.erasedTypes && !pre.isStable && !context.unit.isJava =>
          // The isJava exception if OK only because the only type constructors scalac gets
          // to see are those in the signatures. These do not need a unique object as a prefix.
          // The situation is different for new's and super's, but scalac does not look deep
          // enough to see those. See #3938
          ConstructorPrefixError(tree, restpe)
        case _ =>
          // must not normalize: type application must be (bounds-)checked (during RefChecks), see #2208
          // during uncurry (after refchecks), all types are normalized

    def typedTypeConstructor(tree: Tree): Tree = typedTypeConstructor(tree, NOmode)

    def computeType(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Type = {
      // macros employ different logic of `computeType`
      assert(!context.owner.isTermMacro, context.owner)
      val tree1 = typed(tree, pt)
      transformed(tree) = tree1
      val tpe = packedType(tree1, context.owner)
      checkExistentialsFeature(tree.pos, tpe, "inferred existential type")

    def computeMacroDefType(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Type = {
      assert(context.owner.isTermMacro, context.owner)
      assert(tree.symbol.isTermMacro, tree.symbol)
      assert(tree.isInstanceOf[DefDef], tree.getClass)
      val ddef = tree.asInstanceOf[DefDef]

      val tree1 =
        if (transformed contains ddef.rhs) {
          // macro defs are typechecked in `methodSig` (by calling this method) in order to establish their link to macro implementation asap
          // if a macro def doesn't have explicitly specified return type, this method will be called again by `assignTypeToTree`
          // here we guard against this case
        } else {
          val tree1 = typedMacroBody(this, ddef)
          transformed(ddef.rhs) = tree1

      val isMacroBodyOkay = !tree.symbol.isErroneous && !(tree1 exists (_.isErroneous)) && tree1 != EmptyTree
      val shouldInheritMacroImplReturnType = ddef.tpt.isEmpty
      if (isMacroBodyOkay && shouldInheritMacroImplReturnType) computeMacroDefTypeFromMacroImpl(ddef, tree1.symbol) else AnyClass.tpe

    def transformedOr(tree: Tree, op: => Tree): Tree = transformed.get(tree) match {
      case Some(tree1) => transformed -= tree; tree1
      case None => op

    def transformedOrTyped(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = transformed.get(tree) match {
      case Some(tree1) => transformed -= tree; tree1
      case None => typed(tree, mode, pt)

    def convertToTypeTree(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
      case TypeTree() => tree
      case _ => TypeTree(tree.tpe)

object TypersStats {
  import scala.reflect.internal.TypesStats._
  import scala.reflect.internal.BaseTypeSeqsStats._
  val typedIdentCount     = Statistics.newCounter("#typechecked identifiers")
  val typedSelectCount    = Statistics.newCounter("#typechecked selections")
  val typedApplyCount     = Statistics.newCounter("#typechecked applications")
  val rawTypeFailed       = Statistics.newSubCounter ("  of which in failed", rawTypeCount)
  val subtypeFailed       = Statistics.newSubCounter("  of which in failed", subtypeCount)
  val findMemberFailed    = Statistics.newSubCounter("  of which in failed", findMemberCount)
  val compoundBaseTypeSeqCount = Statistics.newSubCounter("  of which for compound types", baseTypeSeqCount)
  val typerefBaseTypeSeqCount = Statistics.newSubCounter("  of which for typerefs", baseTypeSeqCount)
  val singletonBaseTypeSeqCount = Statistics.newSubCounter("  of which for singletons", baseTypeSeqCount)
  val failedSilentNanos   = Statistics.newSubTimer("time spent in failed", typerNanos)
  val failedApplyNanos    = Statistics.newSubTimer("  failed apply", typerNanos)
  val failedOpEqNanos     = Statistics.newSubTimer("  failed op=", typerNanos)
  val isReferencedNanos   = Statistics.newSubTimer("time spent ref scanning", typerNanos)
  val visitsByType        = Statistics.newByClass("#visits by tree node", "typer")(Statistics.newCounter(""))
  val byTypeNanos         = Statistics.newByClass("time spent by tree node", "typer")(Statistics.newStackableTimer("", typerNanos))
  val byTypeStack         = Statistics.newTimerStack()