path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ClassPath.scala
blob: a6b0a1244d3808e09e799720a4e9a5f42c95a73a (plain) (tree)



























































/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2006-2010 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

// $Id$

package util

import java.util.StringTokenizer
import scala.util.Sorting

import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, ArrayBuffer, HashSet => MutHashSet}

import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.{Type => MSILType, Assembly}

/** <p>
 *    This module provides star expansion of '-classpath' option arguments, behaves the same as
 *    java, see []
 *  </p>
 *  @author Stepan Koltsov
object ClassPath {
  /** Expand single path entry */
  private def expandS(pattern: String): List[String] = {
    def isJar(name: String) = name.toLowerCase endsWith ".jar"

    /** Get all jars in directory */
    def lsJars(f: File, filt: String => Boolean = _ => true) = {
      val list = f.listFiles()
      if (list eq null) Nil
      else list.filter(f => f.isFile() && filt(f.getName) && isJar(f.getName())).map(_.getPath()).toList

    val suffix = File.separator + "*"

    def basedir(s: String) =
      if (s contains File.separator) s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(File.separator))
      else "."

    if (pattern == "*") lsJars(new File("."))
    else if (pattern endsWith suffix) lsJars(new File(pattern dropRight 2))
    else if (pattern contains '*') {
      val regexp = ("^%s$" format pattern.replaceAll("""\*""", """.*""")).r
      lsJars(new File(basedir(pattern)), regexp findFirstIn _ isDefined)
    else List(pattern)

  /** Split path using platform-dependent path separator */
  private def splitPath(path: String): List[String] =
    path split File.pathSeparator toList

  /** Expand path and possibly expanding stars */
  def expandPath(path: String, expandStar: Boolean = true): List[String] =
    if (expandStar) splitPath(path).flatMap(expandS(_))
    else splitPath(path)

  def validPackage(name: String) =
    !(name.equals("META-INF") || name.startsWith("."))

  def validSourceFile(name: String) =
    (name.endsWith(".scala") || name.endsWith(".java"))

  var XO = false
  def validClassFile(name: String) =
    if (name.endsWith(".class")) {
      val className = name.substring(0, name.length - 6)
      (!className.endsWith("$class") || XO)
    } else false

  def collectTypes(assemFile: AbstractFile) = {
    var res: Array[MSILType] = MSILType.EmptyTypes
    val assem = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemFile.path)
    if (assem != null) {
      // DeclaringType == null: true for non-inner classes
      res = assem.GetTypes().filter((typ: MSILType) => typ.DeclaringType == null)
      Sorting.stableSort(res, (t1: MSILType, t2: MSILType) => (t1.FullName compareTo t2.FullName) < 0)

 * Represents classes which can be loaded with a ClassfileLoader/MSILTypeLoader
 * and / or a SourcefileLoader.
case class ClassRep[T](binary: Option[T], source: Option[AbstractFile]) {
  def name = {
    if (binary.isDefined) binary.get match {
      case f: AbstractFile =>
        assert(".class"),, - 6)
      case t: MSILType =>
      case c =>
        throw new FatalError("Unexpected binary class representation: "+ c)
    } else {
      val nme =
      if (nme.endsWith(".scala"))
        nme.substring(0, nme.length - 6)
      else if (nme.endsWith(".java"))
        nme.substring(0, nme.length - 5)
        throw new FatalError("Unexpected source file ending: "+ nme)

 * Represents a package which contains classes and other packages
abstract class ClassPath[T] {
   * The short name of the package (without prefix)
  def name: String
  val classes: List[ClassRep[T]]
  val packages: List[ClassPath[T]]
  val sourcepaths: List[AbstractFile]

   * Find a ClassRep given a class name of the form "package.subpackage.ClassName".
   * Does not support nested classes on .NET
  def findClass(name: String): Option[ClassRep[T]] = {
    val i = name.indexOf('.')
    if (i < 0) {
      classes.find(c => == name)
    } else {
      val pkg = name.substring(0, i)
      val rest = name.substring(i + 1, name.length)
      packages.find(p => == pkg).flatMap(_.findClass(rest))

 * A Classpath containing source files
class SourcePath[T](dir: AbstractFile) extends ClassPath[T] {
  def name =

  lazy val classes = {
    val cls = new ListBuffer[ClassRep[T]]
    for (f <- dir.iterator) {
      if (!f.isDirectory && ClassPath.validSourceFile(
        cls += ClassRep[T](None, Some(f))

  lazy val packages = {
    val pkg = new ListBuffer[SourcePath[T]]
    for (f <- dir.iterator) {
      if (f.isDirectory && ClassPath.validPackage(
        pkg += new SourcePath[T](f)

  val sourcepaths: List[AbstractFile] = List(dir)

  override def toString() = "sourcepath: "+ dir.toString()

 * A directory (or a .jar file) containing classfiles and packages
class DirectoryClassPath(dir: AbstractFile) extends ClassPath[AbstractFile] {
  def name =

  lazy val classes = {
    val cls = new ListBuffer[ClassRep[AbstractFile]]
    for (f <- dir.iterator) {
      if (!f.isDirectory && ClassPath.validClassFile(
        cls += ClassRep(Some(f), None)

  lazy val packages = {
    val pkg = new ListBuffer[DirectoryClassPath]
    for (f <- dir.iterator) {
      if (f.isDirectory && ClassPath.validPackage(
        pkg += new DirectoryClassPath(f)

  val sourcepaths: List[AbstractFile] = Nil

  override def toString() = "directory classpath: "+ dir.toString()

 * A assembly file (dll / exe) containing classes and namespaces
class AssemblyClassPath(types: Array[MSILType], namespace: String) extends ClassPath[MSILType] {
  def name = {
    val i = namespace.lastIndexOf('.')
    if (i < 0) namespace
    else namespace.substring(i + 1, namespace.length)

  def this(assemFile: AbstractFile) {
    this(ClassPath.collectTypes(assemFile), "")

  private lazy val first: Int = {
    var m = 0
    var n = types.length - 1
    while (m < n) {
      val l = (m + n) / 2
      val res = types(l).FullName.compareTo(namespace)
      if (res < 0) m = l + 1
      else n = l
    if (types(m).FullName.startsWith(namespace)) m else types.length

  lazy val classes = {
    val cls = new ListBuffer[ClassRep[MSILType]]
    var i = first
    while (i < types.length && types(i).Namespace.startsWith(namespace)) {
      // CLRTypes used to exclude java.lang.Object and java.lang.String (no idea why..)
      if (types(i).Namespace == namespace)
        cls += ClassRep(Some(types(i)), None)
      i += 1

  lazy val packages = {
    val nsSet = new MutHashSet[String]
    var i = first
    while (i < types.length && types(i).Namespace.startsWith(namespace)) {
      val subns = types(i).Namespace
      if (subns.length > namespace.length) {
        // example: namespace = "System", subns = "System.Reflection.Emit"
        //   => find second "." and "System.Reflection" to nsSet.
        val end = subns.indexOf('.', namespace.length + 1)
        nsSet += (if (end < 0) subns
                  else subns.substring(0, end))
      i += 1
    for (ns <- nsSet.toList)
      yield new AssemblyClassPath(types, ns)

  val sourcepaths: List[AbstractFile] = Nil

  override def toString() = "assembly classpath "+ namespace

 * A classpath unifying multiple class- and sourcepath entries.
abstract class MergedClassPath[T] extends ClassPath[T] {
  protected val entries: List[ClassPath[T]]

  def name =

  lazy val classes: List[ClassRep[T]] = {
    val cls = new ListBuffer[ClassRep[T]]
    for (e <- entries; c <- e.classes) {
      val name =
      val idx = cls.indexWhere(cl => == name)
      if (idx >= 0) {
        val existing = cls(idx)
        if (existing.binary.isEmpty && c.binary.isDefined)
          cls(idx) = existing.copy(binary = c.binary)
        if (existing.source.isEmpty && c.source.isDefined)
          cls(idx) = existing.copy(source = c.source)
      } else {
        cls += c

  lazy val packages: List[ClassPath[T]] = {
    val pkg = new ListBuffer[ClassPath[T]]
    for (e <- entries; p <- e.packages) {
      val name =
      val idx = pkg.indexWhere(pk => == name)
      if (idx >= 0) {
        pkg(idx) = addPackage(pkg(idx), p)
      } else {
        pkg += p

  lazy val sourcepaths: List[AbstractFile] = entries.flatMap(_.sourcepaths)

  private def addPackage(to: ClassPath[T], pkg: ClassPath[T]) = to match {
    case cp: MergedClassPath[_] =>
      newMergedClassPath(cp.entries ::: List(pkg))
    case _ =>
      newMergedClassPath(List(to, pkg))

  private def newMergedClassPath(entrs: List[ClassPath[T]]): MergedClassPath[T] =
    new MergedClassPath[T] {
      protected val entries = entrs

  override def toString() = "merged classpath "+ entries.mkString("(", "\n", ")")

 * The classpath when compiling with target:jvm. Binary files (classfiles) are represented
 * as AbstractFile. is used to view zip/jar archives as directories.
class JavaClassPath(boot: String, ext: String, user: String, source: String, Xcodebase: String)
extends MergedClassPath[AbstractFile] {

  protected val entries: List[ClassPath[AbstractFile]] = assembleEntries()
  private def assembleEntries(): List[ClassPath[AbstractFile]] = {
    import ClassPath._
    val etr = new ListBuffer[ClassPath[AbstractFile]]

    def addFilesInPath(path: String, expand: Boolean,
          ctr: AbstractFile => ClassPath[AbstractFile] = x => new DirectoryClassPath(x)) {
      for (fileName <- expandPath(path, expandStar = expand)) {
        val file = AbstractFile.getDirectory(fileName)
        if (file ne null) etr += ctr(file)

    // 1. Boot classpath
    addFilesInPath(boot, false)

    // 2. Ext classpath
    for (fileName <- expandPath(ext, expandStar = false)) {
      val dir = AbstractFile.getDirectory(fileName)
      if (dir ne null) {
        for (file <- dir) {
          val name =
          if (name.endsWith(".jar") || name.endsWith(".zip") || file.isDirectory) {
            val archive = AbstractFile.getDirectory(new File(dir.file, name))
            if (archive ne null) etr += new DirectoryClassPath(archive)

    // 3. User classpath
    addFilesInPath(user, true)

    // 4. Codebase entries (URLs)
      val urlSeparator = " "
      val urlStrtok = new StringTokenizer(Xcodebase, urlSeparator)
      while (urlStrtok.hasMoreTokens()) try {
        val url = new URL(urlStrtok.nextToken())
        val archive = AbstractFile.getURL(url)
        if (archive ne null) etr += new DirectoryClassPath(archive)
      catch {
        case e =>
          Console.println("error adding classpath form URL: " + e.getMessage)//debug
        throw e

    // 5. Source path
    if (source != "")
      addFilesInPath(source, false, x => new SourcePath[AbstractFile](x))


 * The classpath when compiling with target:msil. Binary files are represented as
 * MSILType values.
class MsilClassPath(ext: String, user: String, source: String) extends MergedClassPath[MSILType] {
  protected val entries: List[ClassPath[MSILType]] = assembleEntries()

  private def assembleEntries(): List[ClassPath[MSILType]] = {
    import ClassPath._
    val etr = new ListBuffer[ClassPath[MSILType]]
    val names = new MutHashSet[String]

    // 1. Assemblies from -Xassem-extdirs
    for (dirName <- expandPath(ext, expandStar = false)) {
      val dir = AbstractFile.getDirectory(dirName)
      if (dir ne null) {
        for (file <- dir) {
          val name =
          if (name.endsWith(".dll") || name.endsWith(".exe")) {
            names += name
            etr += new AssemblyClassPath(file)

    // 2. Assemblies from -Xassem-path
    for (fileName <- expandPath(user, expandStar = false)) {
      val file = AbstractFile.getFile(fileName)
      if (file ne null) {
        val name =
        if (name.endsWith(".dll") || name.endsWith(".exe")) {
          names += name
          etr += new AssemblyClassPath(file)

    def check(n: String) {
      if (!names.contains(n))
      throw new AssertionError("Cannot find assembly "+ n +
         ". Use -Xassem-extdirs or -Xassem-path to specify its location")

    // 3. Source path
    for (dirName <- expandPath(source, expandStar = false)) {
      val file = AbstractFile.getDirectory(dirName)
      if (file ne null) etr += new SourcePath[MSILType](file)
