path: root/test/files/run/delambdafy_t6028.check
blob: 92cfbaefb66b1e3c5845734b4a21d87a744fdc46 (plain) (tree)

[[syntax trees at end of                lambdalift]] // newSource1.scala
package <empty> {
  class T extends Object {
    <paramaccessor> private[this] val classParam: Int = _;
    def <init>(classParam: Int): T = {
    private[this] val field: Int = 0;
    <stable> <accessor> def field(): Int = T.this.field;
    def foo(methodParam: Int): Function0 = {
      val methodLocal: Int = 0;
        (() => T.this.$anonfun$1(methodParam, methodLocal)).$asInstanceOf[Function0]()
    def bar(barParam: Int): Object = {
      @volatile var MethodLocalObject$module: runtime.VolatileObjectRef =;
      T.this.MethodLocalObject$1(barParam, MethodLocalObject$module)
    def tryy(tryyParam: Int): Function0 = {
      var tryyLocal: runtime.IntRef = scala.runtime.IntRef.create(0);
        (() => T.this.$anonfun$2(tryyParam, tryyLocal)).$asInstanceOf[Function0]()
    final <artifact> private[this] def $anonfun$1(methodParam$1: Int, methodLocal$1: Int): Int = T.this.classParam.+(T.this.field()).+(methodParam$1).+(methodLocal$1);
    abstract trait MethodLocalTrait$1 extends Object {
      <synthetic> <stable> <artifact> def $outer(): T
    object MethodLocalObject$2 extends Object with T#MethodLocalTrait$1 {
      def <init>($outer: T, barParam$1: Int): T#MethodLocalObject$2.type = {
      <synthetic> <paramaccessor> <artifact> private[this] val $outer: T = _;
      <synthetic> <stable> <artifact> def $outer(): T = MethodLocalObject$2.this.$outer;
      <synthetic> <stable> <artifact> def $outer(): T = MethodLocalObject$2.this.$outer
    final <stable> private[this] def MethodLocalObject$1(barParam$1: Int, MethodLocalObject$module$1: runtime.VolatileObjectRef): T#MethodLocalObject$2.type = {
      MethodLocalObject$module$1.elem = new T#MethodLocalObject$2.type(T.this, barParam$1);
    abstract trait MethodLocalTrait$1$class extends Object with T#MethodLocalTrait$1 {
      def /*MethodLocalTrait$1$class*/$init$(barParam$1: Int): Unit = {
    final <artifact> private[this] def $anonfun$2(tryyParam$1: Int, tryyLocal$1: runtime.IntRef): Unit = try {
      tryyLocal$1.elem = tryyParam$1
    } finally ()

warning: there were 1 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details