path: root/test/files/run/repl-suppressed-warnings.check
blob: ef9e5c1270a14545563d92fb1b66e07436fb3dda (plain) (tree)









Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.



scala> // "Is this thing on?" Not working on first couple

scala> // commands, needs investigation.

scala> 123
res0: Int = 123

scala> 123
res1: Int = 123

scala> 123
res2: Int = 123


scala> object o {
  case class Bippy()
  case class Dingus {
    def f[T](xs: TraversableOnce[T]) = xs match {
      case _: List[Int]   => 1
      case _: Set[String] => 2
      case _              => xs.isInstanceOf[Iterator[Double]]
  case class DingDangDoobie(ding: Int, dang: Int, doobie: Double)
  case class Dongoo
  @serializable case class Heyooooo 

  @deprecated("I'm an ironic deprecation warning") def f0 = 5 // where's this disappearing?
  def f1 = Double.Epsilon   // and this?
warning: there were 6 deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details
warning: there were 3 unchecked warnings; re-run with -unchecked for details
defined module o


scala> :warnings
<console>:3: warning: case classes without a parameter list have been deprecated;
use either case objects or case classes with `()' as parameter list.
  case class Dingus {
<console>:11: warning: case classes without a parameter list have been deprecated;
use either case objects or case classes with `()' as parameter list.
  case class Dongoo
<console>:11: warning: case classes without a parameter list have been deprecated;
use either case objects or case classes with `()' as parameter list.
  case class Dongoo
<console>:12: warning: case classes without a parameter list have been deprecated;
use either case objects or case classes with `()' as parameter list.
  @serializable case class Heyooooo 

