path: root/test/files/run/t6555.check
blob: 04117b7c2fb57bdb80b90b95fbef0369dafc3101 (plain) (tree)

[[syntax trees at end of                specialize]] // newSource1
package <empty> {
  class Foo extends Object {
    def <init>(): Foo = {
    private[this] val f: Int => Int = {
      @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1$mcII$sp with Serializable {
        def <init>(): anonymous class $anonfun = {
        final def apply(param: Int): Int = $anonfun.this.apply$mcII$sp(param);
        <specialized> def apply$mcII$sp(param: Int): Int = param
      (new anonymous class $anonfun(): Int => Int)
    <stable> <accessor> def f(): Int => Int = Foo.this.f