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authorIain McGinniss <>2012-10-17 22:18:13 +0100
committerIain McGinniss <>2012-10-17 22:18:13 +0100
commit5e2a7881337e008a7de79914646ebe3b4fcd993e (patch)
tree711beb32aff6e24149cfe0da97f1c8cb9a2fd5fc /
preface and lexical syntax chapter converted, other chapters
split into their own files
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab274ffa47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1222 @@
+Classes and Objects
+ TmplDef ::= [`case'] `class' ClassDef
+ | [`case'] `object' ObjectDef
+ | `trait' TraitDef
+Classes (\sref{sec:class-defs}) and objects
+(\sref{sec:object-defs}) are both defined in terms of {\em templates}.
+ ClassTemplate ::= [EarlyDefs] ClassParents [TemplateBody]
+ TraitTemplate ::= [EarlyDefs] TraitParents [TemplateBody]
+ ClassParents ::= Constr {`with' AnnotType}
+ TraitParents ::= AnnotType {`with' AnnotType}
+ TemplateBody ::= [nl] `{' [SelfType] TemplateStat {semi TemplateStat} `}'
+ SelfType ::= id [`:' Type] `=>'
+ | this `:' Type `=>'
+A template defines the type signature, behavior and initial state of a
+trait or class of objects or of a single object. Templates form part of
+instance creation expressions, class definitions, and object
+definitions. A template
+~\lstinline@$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ {$\stats\,$}@~
+consists of a constructor invocation $sc$
+which defines the template's {\em superclass}, trait references
+~\lstinline@$mt_1 \commadots mt_n$@~ $(n \geq 0)$, which define the
+template's {\em traits}, and a statement sequence $\stats$ which
+contains initialization code and additional member definitions for the
+Each trait reference $mt_i$ must denote a trait (\sref{sec:traits}).
+By contrast, the superclass constructor $sc$ normally refers to a
+class which is not a trait. It is possible to write a list of
+parents that starts with a trait reference, e.g.
+~\lstinline@$mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$@. In that case the list
+of parents is implicitly extended to include the supertype of $mt_1$
+as first parent type. The new supertype must have at least one
+constructor that does not take parameters. In the following, we will
+always assume that this implicit extension has been performed, so that
+the first parent class of a template is a regular superclass
+constructor, not a trait reference.
+The list of parents of every class is also always implicitly extended
+by a reference to the \code{scala.ScalaObject} trait as last
+mixin. E.g.\
+$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ {$\stats\,$}
+$mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ with ScalaObject {$\stats\,$}.
+The list of parents of a template must be well-formed. This means that
+the class denoted by the superclass constructor $sc$ must be a
+subclass of the superclasses of all the traits $mt_1 \commadots mt_n$.
+In other words, the non-trait classes inherited by a template form a
+chain in the inheritance hierarchy which starts with the template's
+The {\em least proper supertype} of a template is the class type or
+compound type (\sref{sec:compound-types}) consisting of all its parent
+class types.
+The statement sequence $\stats$ contains member definitions that
+define new members or overwrite members in the parent classes. If the
+template forms part of an abstract class or trait definition, the
+statement part $\stats$ may also contain declarations of abstract
+members. If the template forms part of a concrete class definition,
+$\stats$ may still contain declarations of abstract type members, but
+not of abstract term members. Furthermore, $\stats$ may in any case
+also contain expressions; these are executed in the order they are
+given as part of the initialization of a template.
+The sequence of template statements may be prefixed with a formal
+parameter definition and an arrow, e.g.\ \lstinline@$x$ =>@, or
+~\lstinline@$x$:$T$ =>@. If a formal parameter is given, it can be
+used as an alias for the reference \lstinline@this@ throughout the
+body of the template.
+If the formal parameter comes with a type $T$, this definition affects
+the {\em self type} $S$ of the underlying class or object as follows: Let $C$ be the type
+of the class or trait or object defining the template.
+If a type $T$ is given for the formal self parameter, $S$
+is the greatest lower bound of $T$ and $C$.
+If no type $T$ is given, $S$ is just $C$.
+Inside the template, the type of \code{this} is assumed to be $S$.
+The self type of a class or object must conform to the self types of
+all classes which are inherited by the template $t$.
+A second form of self type annotation reads just
+~\lstinline@this: $S$ =>@. It prescribes the type $S$ for \lstinline@this@
+without introducing an alias name for it.
+\example Consider the following class definitions:
+class Base extends Object {}
+trait Mixin extends Base {}
+object O extends Mixin {}
+In this case, the definition of \code{O} is expanded to:
+object O extends Base with Mixin {}
+%The type of each non-private definition or declaration of a
+%template must be equivalent to a type which does not refer to any
+%private members of that template.
+\todo{Make all references to Java generic}
+\paragraph{\em Inheriting from Java Types} A template may have a Java class as
+its superclass and Java interfaces as its mixins.
+\paragraph{\em Template Evaluation}
+Consider a template ~\lstinline@$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $mt_n$ {$\stats\,$}@.
+If this is the template of a trait (\sref{sec:traits}) then its {\em
+mixin-evaluation} consists of an evaluation of the statement sequence
+If this is not a template of a trait, then its {\em evaluation}
+consists of the following steps.
+First, the superclass constructor $sc$ is evaluated (\sref{sec:constr-invoke}).
+Then, all base classes in the template's linearization
+(\sref{sec:linearization}) up to the
+template's superclass denoted by $sc$ are
+mixin-evaluated. Mixin-evaluation happens in reverse order of
+occurrence in the linearization.
+Finally the statement sequence $\stats\,$ is evaluated.
+\paragraph{\em Delayed Initializaton}
+The initialization code of an object or class (but not a trait) that follows the superclass
+constructor invocation and the mixin-evaluation of the template's base
+classes is passed to a special hook, which is inaccessible from user
+code. Normally, that hook simply executes the code that is passed to
+it. But templates inheriting the \lstinline@scala.DelayedInit@ trait
+can override the hook by re-implementing the \lstinline@delayedInit@
+method, which is defined as follows:
+ def delayedInit(body: => Unit)
+\subsection{Constructor Invocations}
+ Constr ::= AnnotType {`(' [Exprs] `)'}
+Constructor invocations define the type, members, and initial state of
+objects created by an instance creation expression, or of parts of an
+object's definition which are inherited by a class or object
+definition. A constructor invocation is a function application
+~\lstinline@$x$.$c$[$\targs$]($\args_1$)$\ldots$($\args_n$)@, where $x$ is a stable identifier
+(\sref{sec:stable-ids}), $c$ is a type name which either designates a
+class or defines an alias type for one, $\targs$ is a type argument
+list, $\args_1 \commadots \args_n$ are argument lists, and there is a
+constructor of that class which is applicable (\sref{sec:apply})
+to the given arguments. If the constructor invocation uses named or
+default arguments, it is transformed into a block expression using the
+same transformation as described in (\sref{sec:named-default}).
+The prefix `\lstinline@$x$.@' can be omitted. A type argument list
+can be given only if the class $c$ takes type parameters. Even then
+it can be omitted, in which case a type argument list is synthesized
+using local type inference (\sref{sec:local-type-inf}). If no explicit
+arguments are given, an empty list \lstinline@()@ is implicitly supplied.
+An evaluation of a constructor invocation
+consists of the following steps:
+\item First, the prefix $x$ is evaluated.
+\item Then, the arguments $\args_1 \commadots \args_n$ are evaluated from left to right.
+\item Finally, the class being constructed is initialized by evaluating the
+ template of the class referred to by $c$.
+\subsection{Class Linearization}\label{sec:linearization}
+The classes reachable through transitive closure of the direct
+inheritance relation from a class $C$ are called the {\em
+base classes} of $C$. Because of mixins, the inheritance relationship
+on base classes forms in general a directed acyclic graph. A
+linearization of this graph is defined as follows.
+\newcommand{\uright}{\;\vec +\;}
+\newcommand{\lin}[1]{{\cal L}(#1)}
+\begin{definition}\label{def:lin} Let $C$ be a class with template
+~\lstinline@$C_1$ with ... with $C_n$ { $\stats$ }@.
+The {\em linearization} of $C$, $\lin C$ is defined as follows:
+\lin C &=& C\ , \ \lin{C_n} \uright \ldots \uright \lin{C_1}
+Here $\uright$ denotes concatenation where elements of the right operand
+replace identical elements of the left operand:
+\{a, A\} \uright B &=& a, (A \uright B) &{\bf if} a \not\in B \\
+ &=& A \uright B &{\bf if} a \in B
+\example Consider the following class definitions.
+abstract class AbsIterator extends AnyRef { ... }
+trait RichIterator extends AbsIterator { ... }
+class StringIterator extends AbsIterator { ... }
+class Iter extends StringIterator with RichIterator { ... }
+Then the linearization of class \lstinline@Iter@ is
+{ Iter, RichIterator, StringIterator, AbsIterator, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any }
+Trait \lstinline@ScalaObject@ appears in this list because it
+is added as last mixin to every Scala class (\sref{sec:templates}).
+Note that the linearization of a class refines the inheritance
+relation: if $C$ is a subclass of $D$, then $C$ precedes $D$ in any
+linearization where both $C$ and $D$ occur.
+\ref{def:lin} also satisfies the property that a linearization
+of a class always contains the linearization of its direct superclass
+as a suffix. For instance, the linearization of
+\lstinline@StringIterator@ is
+{ StringIterator, AbsIterator, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any }
+which is a suffix of the linearization of its subclass \lstinline@Iter@.
+The same is not true for the linearization of mixins.
+For instance, the linearization of \lstinline@RichIterator@ is
+{ RichIterator, AbsIterator, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any }
+which is not a suffix of the linearization of \lstinline@Iter@.
+\subsection{Class Members}
+A class $C$ defined by a template
+~\lstinline@$C_1$ with $\ldots$ with $C_n$ { $\stats$ }@~
+can define members in its statement sequence
+$\stats$ and can inherit members from all parent classes. Scala
+adopts Java and C\#'s conventions for static overloading of
+methods. It is thus possible that a class defines and/or inherits
+several methods with the same name. To decide whether a defined
+member of a class $C$ overrides a member of a parent class, or whether
+the two co-exist as overloaded variants in $C$, Scala uses the
+following definition of {\em matching} on members:
+A member definition $M$ {\em matches} a member definition $M'$, if $M$
+and $M'$ bind the same name, and one of following holds.
+\item Neither $M$ nor $M'$ is a method definition.
+\item $M$ and $M'$ define both monomorphic methods with equivalent argument
+ types.
+\item $M$ defines a parameterless method and $M'$ defines a method
+ with an empty parameter list \code{()} or {\em vice versa}.
+\item $M$ and $M'$ define both polymorphic methods with
+equal number of argument types $\overline T$, $\overline T'$
+and equal numbers of type parameters
+$\overline t$, $\overline t'$, say, and $\overline T' = [\overline t'/\overline t]\overline T$.
+%every argument type
+%$T_i$ of $M$ is equal to the corresponding argument type $T'_i$ of
+%$M'$ where every occurrence of a type parameter $t'$ of $M'$ has been replaced by the corresponding type parameter $t$ of $M$.
+Member definitions fall into two categories: concrete and abstract.
+Members of class $C$ are either {\em directly defined} (i.e.\ they appear in
+$C$'s statement sequence $\stats$) or they are {\em inherited}. There are two rules
+that determine the set of members of a class, one for each category:
+A {\em concrete member} of a class $C$ is any concrete definition $M$ in
+some class $C_i \in \lin C$, except if there is a preceding class $C_j
+\in \lin C$ where $j < i$ which directly defines a concrete member $M'$ matching $M$.
+An {\em abstract member} of a class $C$ is any abstract definition $M$
+in some class $C_i \in \lin C$, except if $C$ contains already a
+concrete member $M'$ matching $M$, or if there is a preceding class
+$C_j \in \lin C$ where $j < i$ which directly defines an abstract member $M'$ matching
+This definition also determines the overriding relationships between
+matching members of a class $C$ and its parents (\sref{sec:overriding}).
+First, a concrete definition always overrides an abstract definition. Second, for
+definitions $M$ and $M$' which are both concrete or both abstract, $M$
+overrides $M'$ if $M$ appears in a class that precedes (in the
+linearization of $C$) the class in which $M'$ is defined.
+It is an error if a template directly defines two matching members. It
+is also an error if a template contains two members (directly defined
+or inherited) with the same name and the same erased type (\sref{sec:erasure}).
+Finally, a template is not allowed to contain two methods (directly
+defined or inherited) with the same name which both define default arguments.
+The type of a member $m$ is determined as follows: If $m$ is defined
+in $\stats$, then its type is the type as given in the member's
+declaration or definition. Otherwise, if $m$ is inherited from the
+base class ~\lstinline@$B$[$T_1$, $\ldots$. $T_n$]@, $B$'s class declaration has formal
+parameters ~\lstinline@[$a_1 \commadots a_n$]@, and $M$'s type in $B$ is $U$, then
+$M$'s type in $C$ is ~\lstinline@$U$[$a_1$ := $T_1 \commadots a_n$ := $T_n$]@.
+Members of templates have internally qualified names $Q\qex x$ where
+$x$ is a simple name and $Q$ is either the empty name $\epsilon$, or
+is a qualified name referencing the module or class that first
+introduces the member. A basic declaration or definition of $x$ in a
+module or class $M$ introduces a member with the following qualified
+If the binding is labeled with an ~\lstinline@override $Q$@\notyet{Override
+ with qualifier} modifier,
+where $Q$ is a fully qualified name of a base class of $M$, then the
+qualified name is the qualified expansion (\sref{sec:names}) of $x$ in
+If the binding is labeled with an \code{override} modifier without a
+base class name, then the qualified name is the qualified expansion
+of $x$ in $M$'s least proper supertype (\sref{sec:templates}).
+An implicit \code{override} modifier is added and case (2) also
+applies if $M$'s least proper supertype contains an abstract member
+with simple name $x$.
+If no \code{override} modifier is given or implied, then if $M$ is
+labeled \code{qualified}, the qualified name is $M\qex x$. If $M$ is
+not labeled \code{qualified}, the qualified name is $\epsilon\qex x$.
+\example Consider the trait definitions:
+trait A { def f: Int }
+trait B extends A { def f: Int = 1 ; def g: Int = 2 ; def h: Int = 3 }
+trait C extends A { override def f: Int = 4 ; def g: Int }
+trait D extends B with C { def h: Int }
+Then trait \code{D} has a directly defined abstract member \code{h}. It
+inherits member \code{f} from trait \code{C} and member \code{g} from
+trait \code{B}.
+\todo{Explain that classes cannot override each other}
+A member $M$ of class $C$ that matches (\sref{sec:members})
+a non-private member $M'$ of a
+base class of $C$ is said to {\em override} that member. In this case
+the binding of the overriding member $M$ must subsume
+(\sref{sec:conformance}) the binding of the overridden member $M'$.
+Furthermore, the following restrictions on modifiers apply to $M$ and
+$M'$ must not be labeled \code{final}.
+$M$ must not be \code{private} (\sref{sec:modifiers}).
+If $M$ is labeled ~\lstinline@private[$C$]@~ for some enclosing class or package $C$,
+then $M'$ must be labeled ~\lstinline@private[$C'$]@~ for some class or package $C'$ where
+$C'$ equals $C$ or $C'$ is contained in $C$. \todo{check whether this is accurate}
+If $M$ is labeled \code{protected}, then $M'$ must also be
+labeled \code{protected}.
+If $M'$ is not an abstract member, then
+$M$ must be labeled \code{override}.
+Furthermore, one of two possibilities must hold:
+\item either $M$ is defined in a subclass of the class where is $M'$ is defined,
+\item or both $M$ and $M'$ override a third member $M''$ which is defined
+ in a base class of both the classes containing $M$ and $M'$
+If $M'$ is incomplete (\sref{sec:modifiers}) in $C$ then $M$ must be
+labeled \code{abstract override}.
+If $M$ and $M'$ are both concrete value definitions, then either none
+of them is marked \code{lazy} or both must be marked \code{lazy}.
+A special rule concerns parameterless methods. If a paramterless
+method defined as \lstinline@def $f$: $T$ = ...@ or
+\lstinline@def $f$ = ...@ overrides a method of
+type $()T'$ which has an empty parameter list, then $f$ is also
+assumed to have an empty parameter list.
+Another restriction applies to abstract type members: An abstract type
+member with a volatile type (\sref{sec:volatile-types}) as its upper
+bound may not override an abstract type member which does not have a
+volatile upper bound.
+An overriding method inherits all default arguments from the definition
+in the superclass. By specifying default arguments in the overriding method
+it is possible to add new defaults (if the corresponding parameter in the
+superclass does not have a default) or to override the defaults of the
+superclass (otherwise).
+Consider the definitions:
+trait Root { type T <: Root }
+trait A extends Root { type T <: A }
+trait B extends Root { type T <: B }
+trait C extends A with B
+Then the class definition \code{C} is not well-formed because the
+binding of \code{T} in \code{C} is
+~\lstinline@type T <: B@,
+which fails to subsume the binding ~\lstinline@type T <: A@~ of \code{T}
+in type \code{A}. The problem can be solved by adding an overriding
+definition of type \code{T} in class \code{C}:
+class C extends A with B { type T <: C }
+\subsection{Inheritance Closure}\label{sec:inheritance-closure}
+Let $C$ be a class type. The {\em inheritance closure} of $C$ is the
+smallest set $\SS$ of types such that
+If $T$ is in $\SS$, then every type $T'$ which forms syntactically
+a part of $T$ is also in $\SS$.
+If $T$ is a class type in $\SS$, then all parents (\sref{sec:templates})
+of $T$ are also in $\SS$.
+It is a static error if the inheritance closure of a class type
+consists of an infinite number of types. (This restriction is
+necessary to make subtyping decidable
+\subsection{Early Definitions}\label{sec:early-defs}
+ EarlyDefs ::= `{' [EarlyDef {semi EarlyDef}] `}' `with'
+ EarlyDef ::= {Annotation} {Modifier} PatVarDef
+A template may start with an {\em early field definition} clause,
+which serves to define certain field values before the supertype
+constructor is called. In a template
+{ val $p_1$: $T_1$ = $e_1$
+ ...
+ val $p_n$: $T_n$ = $e_n$
+} with $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $mt_n$ {$\stats\,$}
+The initial pattern definitions of $p_1 \commadots p_n$ are called
+{\em early definitions}. They define fields
+which form part of the template. Every early definition must define
+at least one variable.
+An early definition is type-checked and evaluated in the scope which
+is in effect just before the template being defined, augmented by any
+type parameters of the enclosing class and by any early definitions
+preceding the one being defined. In particular, any reference to
+\lstinline@this@ in the right-hand side of an early definition refers
+to the identity of \lstinline@this@ just outside the template. Consequently, it
+is impossible that an early definition refers to the object being
+constructed by the template, or refers to one of its fields and
+methods, except for any other preceding early definition in the same
+section. Furthermore, references to preceding early definitions
+always refer to the value that's defined there, and do not take into account
+overriding definitions. In other words, a block of early definitions
+is evaluated exactly as if it was a local bock containing a number of value
+Early definitions are evaluated in the order they are being defined
+before the superclass constructor of the template is called.
+\example Early definitions are particularly useful for
+traits, which do not have normal constructor parameters. Example:
+trait Greeting {
+ val name: String
+ val msg = "How are you, "+name
+class C extends {
+ val name = "Bob"
+} with Greeting {
+ println(msg)
+In the code above, the field \code{name} is initialized before the
+constructor of \code{Greeting} is called. Therefore, field \lstinline@msg@ in
+class \code{Greeting} is properly initialized to \code{"How are you, Bob"}.
+If \code{name} had been initialized instead in \code{C}'s normal class
+body, it would be initialized after the constructor of
+\code{Greeting}. In that case, \lstinline@msg@ would be initialized to
+\code{"How are you, <null>"}.
+ Modifier ::= LocalModifier
+ | AccessModifier
+ | `override'
+ LocalModifier ::= `abstract'
+ | `final'
+ | `sealed'
+ | `implicit'
+ | `lazy'
+ AccessModifier ::= (`private' | `protected') [AccessQualifier]
+ AccessQualifier ::= `[' (id | `this') `]'
+Member definitions may be preceded by modifiers which affect the
+accessibility and usage of the identifiers bound by them. If several
+modifiers are given, their order does not matter, but the same
+modifier may not occur more than once. Modifiers preceding a repeated
+definition apply to all constituent definitions. The rules governing
+the validity and meaning of a modifier are as follows.
+The \code{private} modifier can be used with any definition or
+declaration in a template. Such members can be accessed only from
+within the directly enclosing template and its companion module or
+companion class (\sref{def:companion}). They
+are not inherited by subclasses and they may not override definitions
+in parent classes.
+The modifier can be {\em qualified} with an identifier $C$ (e.g.
+~\lstinline@private[$C$]@) that must denote a class or package
+enclosing the definition. Members labeled with such a modifier are
+accessible respectively only from code inside the package $C$ or only
+from code inside the class $C$ and its companion module
+(\sref{sec:object-defs}). Such members are also inherited only from
+templates inside $C$.
+An different form of qualification is \code{private[this]}. A member
+$M$ marked with this modifier can be accessed only from within
+the object in which it is defined. That is, a selection $p.M$ is only
+legal if the prefix is \code{this} or \lstinline@$O$.this@, for some
+class $O$ enclosing the reference. In addition, the restrictions for
+unqualified \code{private} apply.
+Members marked private without a qualifier are called {\em
+class-private}, whereas members labeled with \lstinline@private[this]@
+are called {\em object-private}. A member {\em is private} if it is
+either class-private or object-private, but not if it is marked
+\lstinline@private[$C$]@ where $C$ is an identifier; in the latter
+case the member is called {\em qualified private}.
+Class-private or object-private members may not be abstract, and may
+not have \code{protected} or \code{override} modifiers.
+The \code{protected} modifier applies to class member definitions.
+Protected members of a class can be accessed from within
+\item the template of the defining class,
+\item all templates that have the defining class as a base class,
+\item the companion module of any of those classes.
+A \code{protected} modifier can be qualified with an
+identifier $C$ (e.g. ~\lstinline@protected[$C$]@) that must denote a
+class or package enclosing the definition. Members labeled with such
+a modifier are also accessible respectively from all code inside the
+package $C$ or from all code inside the class $C$ and its companion
+module (\sref{sec:object-defs}).
+A protected identifier $x$ may be used as a member name in a selection
+\lstinline@$r$.$x$@ only if one of the following applies:
+\item The access is within the template defining the member, or, if
+ a qualification $C$ is given, inside the package $C$,
+ or the class $C$, or its companion module, or
+\item $r$ is one of the reserved words \code{this} and
+ \code{super}, or
+\item $r$'s type conforms to a type-instance of the
+ class which contains the access.
+A different form of qualification is \code{protected[this]}. A member
+$M$ marked with this modifier can be accessed only from within
+the object in which it is defined. That is, a selection $p.M$ is only
+legal if the prefix is \code{this} or \lstinline@$O$.this@, for some
+class $O$ enclosing the reference. In addition, the restrictions for
+unqualified \code{protected} apply.
+The \code{override} modifier applies to class member definitions or declarations. It
+is mandatory for member definitions or declarations that override some other concrete
+member definition in a parent class. If an \code{override}
+modifier is given, there must be at least one overridden member
+definition or declaration (either concrete or abstract).
+The \code{override} modifier has an additional significance when
+combined with the \code{abstract} modifier. That modifier combination
+is only allowed for value members of traits.
+We call a member $M$ of a template {\em incomplete} if it is either
+abstract (i.e.\ defined by a declaration), or it is labeled
+\code{abstract} and \code{override} and
+every member overridden by $M$ is again incomplete.
+Note that the \code{abstract override} modifier combination does not
+influence the concept whether a member is concrete or abstract. A
+member is {\em abstract} if only a declaration is given for it; it is
+{\em concrete} if a full definition is given.
+The \code{abstract} modifier is used in class definitions. It is
+redundant for traits, and mandatory for all other classes which have
+incomplete members. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated
+(\sref{sec:inst-creation}) with a constructor invocation unless
+followed by mixins and/or a refinement which override all
+incomplete members of the class. Only abstract classes and traits can have
+abstract term members.
+The \code{abstract} modifier can also be used in conjunction with
+\code{override} for class member definitions. In that case the
+previous discussion applies.
+The \code{final} modifier applies to class member definitions and to
+class definitions. A \code{final} class member definition may not be
+overridden in subclasses. A \code{final} class may not be inherited by
+a template. \code{final} is redundant for object definitions. Members
+of final classes or objects are implicitly also final, so the
+\code{final} modifier is generally redundant for them, too. Note, however, that
+constant value definitions (\sref{sec:valdef}) do require an explicit \code{final} modifier,
+even if they are defined in a final class or object.
+\code{final} may
+not be applied to incomplete members, and it may not be combined in one
+modifier list with \code{sealed}.
+The \code{sealed} modifier applies to class definitions. A
+\code{sealed} class may not be directly inherited, except if the inheriting
+template is defined in the same source file as the inherited class.
+However, subclasses of a sealed class can be inherited anywhere.
+The \code{lazy} modifier applies to value definitions. A \code{lazy}
+value is initialized the first time it is accessed (which might never
+happen at all). Attempting to access a lazy value during its
+initialization might lead to looping behavior. If an exception is
+thrown during initialization, the value is considered uninitialized,
+and a later access will retry to evaluate its right hand side.
+\example The following code illustrates the use of qualified private:
+package outerpkg.innerpkg
+class Outer {
+ class Inner {
+ private[Outer] def f()
+ private[innerpkg] def g()
+ private[outerpkg] def h()
+ }
+Here, accesses to the method \lstinline@f@ can appear anywhere within
+\lstinline@OuterClass@, but not outside it. Accesses to method
+\lstinline@g@ can appear anywhere within the package
+\lstinline@outerpkg.innerpkg@, as would be the case for
+package-private methods in Java. Finally, accesses to method
+\lstinline@h@ can appear anywhere within package \lstinline@outerpkg@,
+including packages contained in it.
+\example A useful idiom to prevent clients of a class from
+constructing new instances of that class is to declare the class
+\code{abstract} and \code{sealed}:
+object m {
+ abstract sealed class C (x: Int) {
+ def nextC = new C(x + 1) {}
+ }
+ val empty = new C(0) {}
+For instance, in the code above clients can create instances of class
+\lstinline@m.C@ only by calling the \code{nextC} method of an existing \lstinline@m.C@
+object; it is not possible for clients to create objects of class
+\lstinline@m.C@ directly. Indeed the following two lines are both in error:
+ new m.C(0) // **** error: C is abstract, so it cannot be instantiated.
+ new m.C(0) {} // **** error: illegal inheritance from sealed class.
+A similar access restriction can be achieved by marking the primary
+constructor \code{private} (see \ref{ex:private-constr}).
+\section{Class Definitions}
+ TmplDef ::= `class' ClassDef
+ ClassDef ::= id [TypeParamClause] {Annotation}
+ [AccessModifier] ClassParamClauses ClassTemplateOpt
+ ClassParamClauses ::= {ClassParamClause}
+ [[nl] `(' implicit ClassParams `)']
+ ClassParamClause ::= [nl] `(' [ClassParams] ')'
+ ClassParams ::= ClassParam {`,' ClassParam}
+ ClassParam ::= {Annotation} [{Modifier} (`val' | `var')]
+ id [`:' ParamType] [`=' Expr]
+ ClassTemplateOpt ::= `extends' ClassTemplate | [[`extends'] TemplateBody]
+The most general form of class definition is
+class $c$[$\tps\,$] $as$ $m$($\ps_1$)$\ldots$($\ps_n$) extends $t$ $\gap(n \geq 0)$.
+$c$ is the name of the class to be defined.
+\item[] $\tps$ is a non-empty list of type parameters of the class
+being defined. The scope of a type parameter is the whole class
+definition including the type parameter section itself. It is
+illegal to define two type parameters with the same name. The type
+parameter section \lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@ may be omitted. A class with a type
+parameter section is called {\em polymorphic}, otherwise it is called
+{\em monomorphic}.
+\item[] $as$ is a possibly empty sequence of annotations
+ (\sref{sec:annotations}). If any annotations are given,
+they apply to the primary constructor of the class.
+\item[] $m$ is an access modifier (\sref{sec:modifiers}) such as
+\code{private} or \code{protected}, possibly with a qualification. If
+such an access modifier is given it applies to the primary constructor
+to the class.
+$(\ps_1)\ldots(\ps_n)$ are formal value parameter clauses for the {\em primary
+constructor} of the class. The scope of a formal value parameter includes
+all subsequent parameter sections and the template $t$. However, a formal value
+parameter may not form
+part of the types of any of the parent classes or members of the class
+template $t$.
+It is illegal to define two formal value parameters with the same name.
+If no formal parameter sections are given,
+an empty parameter section \lstinline@()@ is assumed.
+If a formal parameter declaration $x: T$ is preceded by a \code{val}
+or \code{var} keyword, an accessor (getter) definition
+(\sref{sec:vardef}) for this parameter is implicitly added to the
+class. The getter introduces a value member $x$ of class $c$ that is
+defined as an alias of the parameter. If the introducing keyword is
+\code{var}, a setter accessor \lstinline@$x$_=@ (\sref{sec:vardef}) is also
+implicitly added to the class. In invocation of that setter \lstinline@$x$_=($e$)@
+changes the value of the parameter to the result of evaluating $e$.
+The formal parameter declaration may contain modifiers, which then
+carry over to the accessor definition(s). A formal parameter prefixed
+by \code{val} or \code{var} may not at the same time be a call-by-name
+parameter (\sref{sec:by-name-params}).
+$t$ is a
+template (\sref{sec:templates}) of the form
+$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_m$ { $\stats$ } $\gap(m \geq 0)$
+which defines the base classes, behavior and initial state of objects of
+the class. The extends clause ~\lstinline@extends $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_m$@~
+can be omitted, in which case
+~\lstinline@extends scala.AnyRef@~ is assumed. The class body
+~\lstinline@{$\stats\,$}@~ may also be omitted, in which case the empty body
+\lstinline@{}@ is assumed.
+This class definition defines a type \lstinline@$c$[$\tps\,$]@ and a constructor
+which when applied to parameters conforming to types $\ps$
+initializes instances of type \lstinline@$c$[$\tps\,$]@ by evaluating the template
+\example The following example illustrates \code{val} and \code{var}
+parameters of a class \code{C}:
+class C(x: Int, val y: String, var z: List[String])
+val c = new C(1, "abc", List())
+c.z = c.y :: c.z
+The following class can be created only from its companion
+object Sensitive {
+ def makeSensitive(credentials: Certificate): Sensitive =
+ if (credentials == Admin) new Sensitive()
+ else throw new SecurityViolationException
+class Sensitive private () {
+ ...
+For any index $i$ let $\csig_i$ be a class signature consisting of a class
+name and optional type parameter and value parameter sections. Let $ct$
+be a class template.
+Then a class definition
+~\lstinline@class $\csig_1 \commadots \csig_n$ $ct$@~
+is a shorthand for the sequence of class definitions
+~\lstinline@class $\csig_1$ $ct$; ...; class $\csig_n$ $ct$@.
+A class definition
+~\lstinline@class $\csig_1 \commadots \csig_n: T$ $ct$@~
+is a shorthand for the sequence of class definitions
+~\lstinline@class $\csig_1: T$ $ct$; ...; class $\csig_n: T$ $ct$@.
+\subsection{Constructor Definitions}\label{sec:constr-defs}
+ FunDef ::= `this' ParamClause ParamClauses
+ (`=' ConstrExpr | [nl] ConstrBlock)
+ ConstrExpr ::= SelfInvocation
+ | ConstrBlock
+ ConstrBlock ::= `{' SelfInvocation {semi BlockStat} `}'
+ SelfInvocation ::= `this' ArgumentExprs {ArgumentExprs}
+A class may have additional constructors besides the primary
+constructor. These are defined by constructor definitions of the form
+~\lstinline@def this($\ps_1$)$\ldots$($\ps_n$) = $e$@. Such a
+definition introduces an additional constructor for the enclosing
+class, with parameters as given in the formal parameter lists $\ps_1
+\commadots \ps_n$, and whose evaluation is defined by the constructor
+expression $e$. The scope of each formal parameter is the subsequent
+parameter sections and the constructor
+expression $e$. A constructor expression is either a self constructor
+invocation \lstinline@this($\args_1$)$\ldots$($\args_n$)@ or a block
+which begins with a self constructor invocation. The self constructor
+invocation must construct a generic instance of the class. I.e.\ if the
+class in question has name $C$ and type parameters
+\lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@, then a self constructor invocation must
+generate an instance of \lstinline@$C$[$\tps\,$]@; it is not permitted
+to instantiate formal type parameters.
+The signature and the self constructor invocation of a constructor
+definition are type-checked and evaluated in the scope which is in
+effect at the point of the enclosing class definition, augmented by
+any type parameters of the enclosing class and by any early
+definitions (\sref{sec:early-defs}) of the enclosing template.
+The rest of the
+constructor expression is type-checked and evaluated as a function
+body in the current class.
+If there are auxiliary constructors of a class $C$, they form together
+with $C$'s primary constructor (\sref{sec:class-defs})
+an overloaded constructor
+definition. The usual rules for overloading resolution
+(\sref{sec:overloading-resolution}) apply for constructor invocations of $C$,
+including for the self constructor invocations in the constructor
+expressions themselves. However, unlike other methods, constructors
+are never inherited. To prevent infinite cycles of constructor
+invocations, there is the restriction that every self constructor
+invocation must refer to a constructor definition which precedes it
+(i.e.\ it must refer to either a preceding auxiliary constructor or the
+primary constructor of the class).
+\example Consider the class definition
+class LinkedList[A]() {
+ var head = _
+ var tail = null
+ def isEmpty = tail != null
+ def this(head: A) = { this(); this.head = head }
+ def this(head: A, tail: List[A]) = { this(head); this.tail = tail }
+This defines a class \code{LinkedList} with three constructors. The
+second constructor constructs an singleton list, while the
+third one constructs a list with a given head and tail.
+Case Classes
+ TmplDef ::= `case' `class' ClassDef
+If a class definition is prefixed with \code{case}, the class is said
+to be a {\em case class}.
+The formal parameters in the first parameter section of a case class
+are called {\em elements}; they are treated
+specially. First, the value of such a parameter can be extracted as a
+field of a constructor pattern. Second, a \code{val} prefix is
+implicitly added to such a parameter, unless the parameter carries
+already a \code{val} or \code{var} modifier. Hence, an accessor
+definition for the parameter is generated (\sref{sec:class-defs}).
+A case class definition of ~\lstinline@$c$[$\tps\,$]($\ps_1\,$)$\ldots$($\ps_n$)@~ with type
+parameters $\tps$ and value parameters $\ps$ implicitly
+generates an extractor object (\sref{sec:extractor-patterns}) which is
+defined as follows:
+ object $c$ {
+ def apply[$\tps\,$]($\ps_1\,$)$\ldots$($\ps_n$): $c$[$\tps\,$] = new $c$[$\Ts\,$]($\xs_1\,$)$\ldots$($\xs_n$)
+ def unapply[$\tps\,$]($x$: $c$[$\tps\,$]) =
+ if (x eq null) scala.None
+ else scala.Some($x.\xs_{11}\commadots x.\xs_{1k}$)
+ }
+ $\Ts$ stands for the vector of types defined in the type
+parameter section $\tps$,
+each $\xs_i$ denotes the parameter names of the parameter
+section $\ps_i$, and
+$\xs_{11}\commadots \xs_{1k}$ denote the names of all parameters
+in the first parameter section $\xs_1$.
+If a type parameter section is missing in the
+class, it is also missing in the \lstinline@apply@ and
+\lstinline@unapply@ methods.
+The definition of \lstinline@apply@ is omitted if class $c$ is
+If the case class definition contains an empty value parameter list, the
+\lstinline@unapply@ method returns a \lstinline@Boolean@ instead of an \lstinline@Option@ type and
+is defined as follows:
+ def unapply[$\tps\,$]($x$: $c$[$\tps\,$]) = x ne null
+The name of the \lstinline@unapply@ method is changed to \lstinline@unapplySeq@ if the first
+parameter section $\ps_1$ of $c$ ends in a repeated parameter of (\sref{sec:repeated-params}).
+If a companion object $c$ exists already, no new object is created,
+but the \lstinline@apply@ and \lstinline@unapply@ methods are added to the existing
+object instead.
+A method named \code{copy} is implicitly added to every case class unless the
+class already has a member (directly defined or inherited) with that name. The
+method is defined as follows:
+ def copy[$\tps\,$]($\ps'_1\,$)$\ldots$($\ps'_n$): $c$[$\tps\,$] = new $c$[$\Ts\,$]($\xs_1\,$)$\ldots$($\xs_n$)
+Again, $\Ts$ stands for the vector of types defined in the type parameter section $\tps$
+and each $\xs_i$ denotes the parameter names of the parameter section $\ps'_i$. Every value
+parameter $\ps'_{i,j}$ of the \code{copy} method has the form \lstinline@$x_{i,j}$:$T_{i,j}$=this.$x_{i,j}$@,
+where $x_{i,j}$ and $T_{i,j}$ refer to the name and type of the corresponding class parameter
+Every case class implicitly overrides some method definitions of class
+\lstinline@scala.AnyRef@ (\sref{sec:cls-object}) unless a definition of the same
+method is already given in the case class itself or a concrete
+definition of the same method is given in some base class of the case
+class different from \code{AnyRef}. In particular:
+\item[] Method ~\lstinline@equals: (Any)Boolean@~ is structural equality, where two
+instances are equal if they both belong to the case class in question and they
+have equal (with respect to \code{equals}) constructor arguments.
+Method ~\lstinline@hashCode: Int@ computes a hash-code. If the hashCode methods
+of the data structure members map equal (with respect to equals)
+values to equal hash-codes, then the case class hashCode method does
+\item[] Method ~\lstinline@toString: String@~ returns a string representation which
+contains the name of the class and its elements.
+\example Here is the definition of abstract syntax for lambda
+class Expr
+case class Var (x: String) extends Expr
+case class Apply (f: Expr, e: Expr) extends Expr
+case class Lambda(x: String, e: Expr) extends Expr
+This defines a class \code{Expr} with case classes
+\code{Var}, \code{Apply} and \code{Lambda}. A call-by-value evaluator for lambda
+expressions could then be written as follows.
+type Env = String => Value
+case class Value(e: Expr, env: Env)
+def eval(e: Expr, env: Env): Value = e match {
+ case Var (x) =>
+ env(x)
+ case Apply(f, g) =>
+ val Value(Lambda (x, e1), env1) = eval(f, env)
+ val v = eval(g, env)
+ eval (e1, (y => if (y == x) v else env1(y)))
+ case Lambda(_, _) =>
+ Value(e, env)
+It is possible to define further case classes that extend type
+\code{Expr} in other parts of the program, for instance
+case class Number(x: Int) extends Expr
+This form of extensibility can be excluded by declaring the base class
+\code{Expr} \code{sealed}; in this case, all classes that
+directly extend \code{Expr} must be in the same source file as
+ TmplDef ::= `trait' TraitDef
+ TraitDef ::= id [TypeParamClause] TraitTemplateOpt
+ TraitTemplateOpt ::= `extends' TraitTemplate | [[`extends'] TemplateBody]
+A trait is a class that is meant to be added to some other class
+as a mixin. Unlike normal classes, traits cannot have
+constructor parameters. Furthermore, no constructor arguments are
+passed to the superclass of the trait. This is not necessary as traits are
+initialized after the superclass is initialized.
+Assume a trait $D$ defines some aspect of an instance $x$ of
+type $C$ (i.e.\ $D$ is a base class of $C$). Then the {\em actual
+supertype} of $D$ in $x$ is the compound type consisting of all the
+base classes in $\lin C$ that succeed $D$. The actual supertype gives
+the context for resolving a \code{super} reference in a trait
+(\sref{sec:this-super}). Note that the actual supertype depends
+on the type to which the trait is added in a mixin composition; it is not
+statically known at the time the trait is defined.
+If $D$ is not a trait, then its actual supertype is simply its
+least proper supertype (which is statically known).
+\example\label{ex:comparable} The following trait defines the property
+of being comparable to objects of some type. It contains an abstract
+method \lstinline@<@ and default implementations of the other
+comparison operators \lstinline@<=@, \lstinline@>@, and
+trait Comparable[T <: Comparable[T]] { self: T =>
+ def < (that: T): Boolean
+ def <=(that: T): Boolean = this < that || this == that
+ def > (that: T): Boolean = that < this
+ def >=(that: T): Boolean = that <= this
+\example Consider an abstract class \code{Table} that implements maps
+from a type of keys \code{A} to a type of values \code{B}. The class
+has a method \code{set} to enter a new key / value pair into the table,
+and a method \code{get} that returns an optional value matching a
+given key. Finally, there is a method \code{apply} which is like
+\code{get}, except that it returns a given default value if the table
+is undefined for the given key. This class is implemented as follows.
+abstract class Table[A, B](defaultValue: B) {
+ def get(key: A): Option[B]
+ def set(key: A, value: B)
+ def apply(key: A) = get(key) match {
+ case Some(value) => value
+ case None => defaultValue
+ }
+Here is a concrete implementation of the \code{Table} class.
+class ListTable[A, B](defaultValue: B) extends Table[A, B](defaultValue) {
+ private var elems: List[(A, B)]
+ def get(key: A) = elems.find(._1.==(key)).map(._2)
+ def set(key: A, value: B) = { elems = (key, value) :: elems }
+Here is a trait that prevents concurrent access to the
+\code{get} and \code{set} operations of its parent class:
+trait SynchronizedTable[A, B] extends Table[A, B] {
+ abstract override def get(key: A): B =
+ synchronized { super.get(key) }
+ abstract override def set((key: A, value: B) =
+ synchronized { super.set(key, value) }
+Note that \code{SynchronizedTable} does not pass an argument to
+its superclass, \code{Table}, even though \code{Table} is defined with a
+formal parameter. Note also that the \code{super} calls
+in \code{SynchronizedTable}'s \code{get} and \code{set} methods
+statically refer to abstract methods in class \code{Table}. This is
+legal, as long as the calling method is labeled
+\code{abstract override} (\sref{sec:modifiers}).
+Finally, the following mixin composition creates a synchronized list table
+with strings as keys and integers as values and with a default value \code{0}:
+object MyTable extends ListTable[String, Int](0) with SynchronizedTable
+The object \code{MyTable} inherits its \code{get} and \code{set}
+method from \code{SynchronizedTable}. The \code{super} calls in these
+methods are re-bound to refer to the corresponding implementations in
+\code{ListTable}, which is the actual supertype of \code{SynchronizedTable}
+in \code{MyTable}.
+\section{Object Definitions}
+ ObjectDef ::= id ClassTemplate
+An object definition defines a single object of a new class. Its
+most general form is
+~\lstinline@object $m$ extends $t$@. Here,
+$m$ is the name of the object to be defined, and
+$t$ is a template (\sref{sec:templates}) of the form
+$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ { $\stats$ }
+which defines the base classes, behavior and initial state of $m$.
+The extends clause ~\lstinline@extends $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$@~
+can be omitted, in which case
+~\lstinline@extends scala.AnyRef@~ is assumed. The class body
+~\lstinline@{$\stats\,$}@~ may also be omitted, in which case the empty body
+\lstinline@{}@ is assumed.
+The object definition defines a single object (or: {\em module})
+conforming to the template $t$. It is roughly equivalent to the
+following definition of a lazy value:
+lazy val $m$ = new $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ { this: $m.type$ => $\stats$ }
+Note that the value defined by an object definition is instantiated
+lazily. The ~\lstinline@new $m\Dollar$cls@~ constructor is evaluated
+not at the point of the object definition, but is instead evaluated
+the first time $m$ is dereferenced during execution of the program
+(which might be never at all). An attempt to dereference $m$ again in
+the course of evaluation of the constructor leads to a infinite loop
+or run-time error.
+Other threads trying to dereference $m$ while the
+constructor is being evaluated block until evaluation is complete.
+The expansion given above is not accurate for top-level objects. It
+cannot be because variable and method definition cannot appear on the
+top-level outside of a package object (\sref{sec:pkg-obj}). Instead,
+top-level objects are translated to static fields.
+Classes in Scala do not have static members; however, an equivalent
+effect can be achieved by an accompanying object definition
+abstract class Point {
+ val x: Double
+ val y: Double
+ def isOrigin = (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0)
+object Point {
+ val origin = new Point() { val x = 0.0; val y = 0.0 }
+This defines a class \code{Point} and an object \code{Point} which
+contains \code{origin} as a member. Note that the double use of the
+name \code{Point} is legal, since the class definition defines the
+name \code{Point} in the type name space, whereas the object
+definition defines a name in the term namespace.
+This technique is applied by the Scala compiler when interpreting a
+Java class with static members. Such a class $C$ is conceptually seen
+as a pair of a Scala class that contains all instance members of $C$
+and a Scala object that contains all static members of $C$.
+Generally, a {\em companion module} of a class is an object which has
+the same name as the class and is defined in the same scope and
+compilation unit. Conversely, the class is called the {\em companion class}
+of the module.
+Let $ct$ be a class template.
+Then an object definition
+~\lstinline@object $x_1 \commadots x_n$ $ct$@~
+is a shorthand for the sequence of object definitions
+~\lstinline@object $x_1$ $ct$; ...; object $x_n$ $ct$@.
+An object definition
+~\lstinline@object $x_1 \commadots x_n: T$ $ct$@~
+is a shorthand for the sequence of object definitions
+~\lstinline@object $x_1: T$ $ct$; ...; object $x_n: T$ $ct$@.
+\example Here's an outline of a module definition for a file system.
+object FileSystem {
+ private type FileDirectory
+ private val dir: FileDirectory
+ trait File {
+ def read(xs: Array[Byte])
+ def close: Unit
+ }
+ private class FileHandle extends File { $\ldots$ }
+ def open(name: String): File = $\ldots$