diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2010-12-01 21:16:28 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2010-12-01 21:16:28 +0000
commit1660cfc41e6e58d19db6cfdb6a768831c57033f8 (patch)
parenta37284fdf7e2b2917c9e894a9b93c02d1defc983 (diff)
A patch authored by martin to fix one of the bi...
A patch authored by martin to fix one of the big outstanding issues with -Ycheck. The typer had a vision of the world which fell to pieces if presented with a tree from after phase constructors. Now it is wiser: perhaps a bit sadder as well, but every typer must face this day sooner or later. Also removed the various passing tests from test/checker-tests, but still plenty of fascinating failures in there for anyone interested in helping push to the finish line! No review.
7 files changed, 7 insertions, 751 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
index 03c5d2958c..b6e45fe58c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
@@ -1150,8 +1150,11 @@ trait Typers { self: Analyzer =>
treeInfo.firstConstructor(templ.body) match {
case constr @ DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, cbody @ Block(cstats, cunit)) =>
// Convert constructor body to block in environment and typecheck it
- val cstats1: List[Tree] = cstats map (_.duplicate)
- val scall = if (cstats.isEmpty) EmptyTree else cstats.last
+ val (preSuperStats, rest) = cstats span (!treeInfo.isSuperConstrCall(_))
+ val (scall, upToSuperStats) =
+ if (rest.isEmpty) (EmptyTree, preSuperStats)
+ else (rest.head, preSuperStats :+ rest.head)
+ val cstats1: List[Tree] = upToSuperStats map (_.duplicate)
val cbody1 = scall match {
case Apply(_, _) =>
treeCopy.Block(cbody, cstats1.init,
@@ -4158,7 +4161,7 @@ trait Typers { self: Analyzer =>
tree.tpe = null
if (tree.hasSymbol) tree.symbol = NoSymbol
- printTyping("typing "+tree+", pt = "+pt+", undetparams = "+context.undetparams+", implicits-enabled = "+context.implicitsEnabled+", silent = "+context.reportGeneralErrors) //DEBUG
+ printTyping("typing "+tree+", pt = "+pt+", undetparams = "+context.undetparams+", implicits-enabled = "+context.implicitsEnabled+", silent = "+context.reportGeneralErrors+", context.owner = "+context.owner) //DEBUG
var tree1 = if (tree.tpe ne null) tree else typed1(tree, mode, dropExistential(pt))
printTyping("typed "+tree1+":"+tree1.tpe+(if (isSingleType(tree1.tpe)) " with underlying "+tree1.tpe.widen else "")+", undetparams = "+context.undetparams+", pt = "+pt) //DEBUG
@@ -4332,3 +4335,4 @@ trait Typers { self: Analyzer =>
diff --git a/test/checker-tests/fail11.scala b/test/checker-tests/fail11.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d5f619c674..0000000000
--- a/test/checker-tests/fail11.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Constructor rewriting does not preserve ordering.
-// Oddly the error is not issued without the thrown exception, even
-// though the same reordering takes place.
-class Foo(x: Int) {
- def this(x1: Int, x2: Int) = {
- this(x1 + x2)
- throw new Exception
- }
-// Here it is at lambda lift:
-// [[syntax trees at end of lambdalift]]// Scala source: fail11.scala
-// package <empty> {
-// class Foo extends java.lang.Object with ScalaObject {
-// <paramaccessor> private[this] val x: Int = _;
-// def this(x: Int): Foo = {
-// Foo.super.this();
-// ()
-// };
-// def this(x1: Int, x2: Int): Foo = {
-// Foo.this.this(x1.+(x2));
-// throw new java.lang.Exception();
-// ()
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// % scalac -d /tmp -Xprint:constr -Ycheck-debug -Ycheck:all test/checker-tests/fail11.scala
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(type AnyRef)
-// [Not checkable: parser]
-// [Not checkable: namer]
-// [Not checkable: packageobjects]
-// [Now checking: typer]
-// [Now checking: superaccessors]
-// [Now checking: pickler]
-// [Now checking: refchecks]
-// [Now checking: selectiveanf]
-// [Now checking: liftcode]
-// [Now checking: selectivecps]
-// [Now checking: uncurry]
-// [Now checking: tailcalls]
-// [Not checkable: specialize]
-// [Not checkable: explicitouter]
-// [Now checking: erasure]
-// [Now checking: lazyvals]
-// [Now checking: lambdalift]
-// [[syntax trees at end of constructors]]// Scala source: fail11.scala
-// package <empty> {
-// class Foo extends java.lang.Object with ScalaObject {
-// def this(x1: Int, x2: Int): Foo = {
-// Foo.this.this(x1.+(x2));
-// throw new java.lang.Exception();
-// ()
-// };
-// def this(x: Int): Foo = {
-// Foo.super.this();
-// ()
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// [Now checking: constructors]
-// test/checker-tests/fail11.scala:4: error:
-// called constructor's definition must precede calling constructor's definition
-// this(x1 + x2)
-// ^
-// one error found
diff --git a/test/checker-tests/fail3.scala b/test/checker-tests/fail3.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8eacc25473..0000000000
--- a/test/checker-tests/fail3.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-object Obby {
- val Set = scala.collection.immutable.Set
-// % work/check all -uniqid -Xprint:constructors work/fail3.scala
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(type AnyRef#2783)
-// [Not checkable: parser]
-// [Not checkable: namer]
-// [Not checkable: packageobjects]
-// [Now checking: typer]
-// [Now checking: superaccessors]
-// [Now checking: pickler]
-// [Now checking: refchecks]
-// [Now checking: selectiveanf]
-// [Now checking: liftcode]
-// [Now checking: selectivecps]
-// [Now checking: uncurry]
-// [Now checking: tailcalls]
-// [Not checkable: specialize]
-// [Not checkable: explicitouter]
-// [Now checking: erasure]
-// [Now checking: lazyvals]
-// [Now checking: lambdalift]
-// [[syntax trees at end of constructors]]// Scala source: fail3.scala
-// package <empty>#3 {
-// final class Obby#9240 extends java.lang.Object#2488 with ScalaObject#1481 {
-// private[this] val Set#9246: object scala.collection.immutable.Set#9713 = _;
-// <stable> <accessor> def Set#9245(): object scala.collection.immutable.Set#9713 = Obby#9240.this.Set#9246;
-// def this#9244(): object Obby#9240 = {
-// Obby#9240.super.this#5850();
-// Obby#9240.this.Set#9246 = scala#23.collection#2221.immutable#8875.Set#9712;
-// ()
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// [Now checking: constructors]
-// work/fail3.scala:2: error:
-// value Set#9246 in object Obby#9240 cannot be accessed in object Obby#9240
-// because of an internal error (no accessible symbol):
-// sym = value Set#9246
-// underlying(sym) = value Set#9246
-// pre = object Obby#9240
-// site = Obby#9240.this
-// tree = Obby#9240.this.Set#9246
-// sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner) = object Obby#9240
-// sym.ownerChain = List(value Set#9246, object Obby#9240, package <empty>#4, package <root>#2)
-// sym.owner.thisType = object Obby#9240
-// context.owner = package <empty>#4
-// context.outer.enclClass.owner = package <empty>#4
-// val Set = scala.collection.immutable.Set
-// ^
-// one error found
diff --git a/test/checker-tests/fail4.scala b/test/checker-tests/fail4.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf44617f9..0000000000
--- a/test/checker-tests/fail4.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-// Incompatible stacks in icode: BoxedUnit vs. empty.
-class Classy {
- def f(b: Boolean): Unit = synchronized {
- if (b) ()
- }
-// % work/check all -Xprint:icode work/fail4.scala
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(type AnyRef)
-// [Not checkable: parser]
-// [Not checkable: namer]
-// [Not checkable: packageobjects]
-// [Now checking: typer]
-// [Now checking: superaccessors]
-// [Now checking: pickler]
-// [Now checking: refchecks]
-// [Now checking: selectiveanf]
-// [Now checking: liftcode]
-// [Now checking: selectivecps]
-// [Now checking: uncurry]
-// [Now checking: tailcalls]
-// [Not checkable: specialize]
-// [Not checkable: explicitouter]
-// [Now checking: erasure]
-// [Now checking: lazyvals]
-// [Now checking: lambdalift]
-// [Now checking: constructors]
-// [Now checking: flatten]
-// [Now checking: mixin]
-// [Now checking: cleanup]
-// [[syntax trees at end of icode]]// Scala source: fail4.scala
-// package <empty> {
-// class Classy extends java.lang.Object with ScalaObject {
-// def f(b: Boolean): Unit = {
-// Classy.this.synchronized(if (b)
-// scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
-// else
-// scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT);
-// ()
-// };
-// def this(): Classy = {
-// Classy.super.this();
-// ()
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// [Now checking: icode]
-// ** Checking class Classy
-// ** Checking method Classy.f
-// ** Checking Block 1 [S: 4, 3] [P: N/A]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class Classy)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class Classy)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class Classy)
-// 2-> REFERENCE(class Classy)
-// 1<- REFERENCE(class Classy)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class Classy)
-// Output changed for Block 1 [S: 4, 3] [P: N/A]
-// ** Checking Block 4 [S: 3, 6, 5] [P: 1]
-// 1-> BOOL
-// 0<- BOOL
-// Output changed for Block 4 [S: 3, 6, 5] [P: 1]
-// ** Checking Block 3 [S: N/A] [P: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class Throwable)
-// 2-> REFERENCE(class Object)
-// 1<- REFERENCE(class Object)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class Throwable)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(trait Nothing)
-// ** Checking Block 6 [S: 3, 7] [P: 4]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// Output changed for Block 6 [S: 3, 7] [P: 4]
-// ** Checking Block 5 [S: 3, 7] [P: 4]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// Output changed for Block 5 [S: 3, 7] [P: 4]
-// Checker created new stack: (List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)), List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit))) => List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit))
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// Checker created new stack: (List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)), List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit))) => List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit))
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// Checker created new stack: (List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)), List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit))) => List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit))
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// ** Checking Block 3 [S: N/A] [P: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7] with initial stack [REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)]
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class Throwable)
-// 2-> REFERENCE(class Object)
-// 1<- REFERENCE(class Object)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class Throwable)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(trait Nothing)
-// ** Checking Block 7 [S: 3, 2] [P: 5, 6] with initial stack [REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)]
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class Object)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class Object)
-// Output changed for Block 7 [S: 3, 2] [P: 5, 6]
-// Checker created new stack: (List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)), List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit))) => List(REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit))
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// Exception in thread "main" Incompatible stacks: TypeStack(1 elems) {
-// REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// } and TypeStack() in Classy.f at entry to block: 3
-// at$ICodeChecker.meet2$1(Checkers.scala:165)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$meet$2.apply(Checkers.scala:174)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$meet$2.apply(Checkers.scala:174)
-// at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.foldLeft(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:123)
-// at scala.collection.immutable.List.foldLeft(List.scala:45)
-// at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.reduceLeft(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:137)
-// at scala.collection.immutable.List.reduceLeft(List.scala:45)
-// at$
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$check$5.apply(Checkers.scala:140)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$check$5.apply(Checkers.scala:140)
-// at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.foreach(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:61)
-// at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:45)
-// at$ICodeChecker.check(Checkers.scala:140)
-// at$ICodeChecker.check(Checkers.scala:110)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$check$3.apply(Checkers.scala:103)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$check$3.apply(Checkers.scala:103)
-// at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.foreach(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:61)
-// at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:45)
-// at$ICodeChecker.check(Checkers.scala:103)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$checkICodes$1.apply(Checkers.scala:81)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$checkICodes$1.apply(Checkers.scala:81)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap$$anon$2$$anonfun$foreach$3.apply(HashMap.scala:89)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap$$anon$2$$anonfun$foreach$3.apply(HashMap.scala:89)
-// at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:631)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashTable$$anon$1.foreach(HashTable.scala:161)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashTable$class.foreachEntry(HashTable.scala:194)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.foreachEntry(HashMap.scala:39)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap$$anon$2.foreach(HashMap.scala:89)
-// at$ICodeChecker.checkICodes(Checkers.scala:81)
-// at$Run.compileSources(Global.scala:759)
-// at$Run.compile(Global.scala:823)
-// at$.process(Main.scala:106)
-// at$.main(Main.scala:120)
-// at
-// [paulp@leaf trunk (check-all)]$
diff --git a/test/checker-tests/fail5.scala b/test/checker-tests/fail5.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b821dc79f9..0000000000
--- a/test/checker-tests/fail5.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-// Incompatible stacks in icode: BooleanRef vs. empty.
-// This may be the same issue as fail4.scala, with the synchronized
-// block being introduced in the rewriting.
-class Crashy {
- def go(x1: Int) = {
- lazy val x2 = x1 < 0
- x2
- }
-// % work/check all -Xprint:icode work/fail5.scala
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(type AnyRef)
-// [Not checkable: parser]
-// [Not checkable: namer]
-// [Not checkable: packageobjects]
-// [Now checking: typer]
-// [Now checking: superaccessors]
-// [Now checking: pickler]
-// [Now checking: refchecks]
-// [Now checking: selectiveanf]
-// [Now checking: liftcode]
-// [Now checking: selectivecps]
-// [Now checking: uncurry]
-// [Now checking: tailcalls]
-// [Not checkable: specialize]
-// [Not checkable: explicitouter]
-// [Now checking: erasure]
-// [Now checking: lazyvals]
-// [Now checking: lambdalift]
-// [check: lambdalift] NoPosition: Apply arguments to new scala.runtime.BooleanRef contains an empty tree: List(<empty>)
-// [Now checking: constructors]
-// [check: constructors] NoPosition: Apply arguments to new scala.runtime.BooleanRef contains an empty tree: List(<empty>)
-// [Now checking: flatten]
-// [check: flatten] NoPosition: Apply arguments to new scala.runtime.BooleanRef contains an empty tree: List(<empty>)
-// [Now checking: mixin]
-// [check: mixin] NoPosition: Apply arguments to new scala.runtime.BooleanRef contains an empty tree: List(<empty>)
-// [Now checking: cleanup]
-// [[syntax trees at end of icode]]// Scala source: fail5.scala
-// package <empty> {
-// class Crashy extends java.lang.Object with ScalaObject {
-// def go(x1$1: Int): Boolean = {
-// @volatile var bitmap$0$1: scala.runtime.VolatileIntRef = new scala.runtime.VolatileIntRef(0);
-// lazy var x2$lzy$1: scala.runtime.BooleanRef = new scala.runtime.BooleanRef(<empty>);
-// Crashy.this.x2$1(x1$1, x2$lzy$1, bitmap$0$1)
-// };
-// final <stable> private[this] def x2$1(x1$1: Int, x2$lzy$1: scala.runtime.BooleanRef, bitmap$0$1: scala.runtime.VolatileIntRef): Boolean = {
-// if (bitmap$0$1.elem.&(1).==(0))
-// {
-// Crashy.this.synchronized({
-// if (bitmap$0$1.elem.&(1).==(0))
-// {
-// x2$lzy$1.elem = x1$1.<(0);
-// bitmap$0$1.elem = bitmap$0$1.elem.|(1);
-// ()
-// };
-// scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
-// });
-// ()
-// };
-// x2$lzy$1.elem
-// };
-// def this(): Crashy = {
-// Crashy.super.this();
-// ()
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// [Now checking: icode]
-// ** Checking class Crashy
-// ** Checking method Crashy.go
-// ** Checking Block 1 [S: N/A] [P: N/A]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 2-> REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 3-> INT
-// 2<- INT
-// 1<- REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 2-> REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 3-> BOOL
-// 2<- BOOL
-// 1<- REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class Crashy)
-// 2-> INT
-// 3-> REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 4-> REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 3<- REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 2<- REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 1<- INT
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class Crashy)
-// 1-> BOOL
-// 0<- BOOL
-// ** Checking method Crashy.x2$1
-// ** Checking Block 1 [S: 4, 2] [P: N/A]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 1-> INT
-// 2-> INT
-// 1<- INT
-// 0<- INT
-// 1-> INT
-// 2-> INT
-// 1<- INT
-// 0<- INT
-// Output changed for Block 1 [S: 4, 2] [P: N/A]
-// ** Checking Block 4 [S: N/A] [P: 1, 10]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 1-> BOOL
-// 0<- BOOL
-// ** Checking Block 2 [S: 7, 6] [P: 1]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class Crashy)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class Crashy)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class Crashy)
-// 2-> REFERENCE(class Crashy)
-// 1<- REFERENCE(class Crashy)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class Crashy)
-// Output changed for Block 2 [S: 7, 6] [P: 1]
-// ** Checking Block 7 [S: 6, 10, 8] [P: 2]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class VolatileIntRef)
-// 1-> INT
-// 2-> INT
-// 1<- INT
-// 0<- INT
-// 1-> INT
-// 2-> INT
-// 1<- INT
-// 0<- INT
-// Output changed for Block 7 [S: 6, 10, 8] [P: 2]
-// ** Checking Block 6 [S: N/A] [P: 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class Throwable)
-// 2-> REFERENCE(class Object)
-// 1<- REFERENCE(class Object)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class Throwable)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(trait Nothing)
-// ** Checking Block 10 [S: 6, 4] [P: 7, 13]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class BoxedUnit)
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class Object)
-// 0<- REFERENCE(class Object)
-// Output changed for Block 10 [S: 6, 4] [P: 7, 13]
-// ** Checking Block 8 [S: 6, 12, 11] [P: 7]
-// 1-> REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// 2-> INT
-// 3-> INT
-// 2<- INT
-// 1<- INT
-// Output changed for Block 8 [S: 6, 12, 11] [P: 7]
-// Exception in thread "main" Incompatible stacks: TypeStack(1 elems) {
-// REFERENCE(class BooleanRef)
-// } and TypeStack() in Crashy.x2$1 at entry to block: 6
-// at$ICodeChecker.meet2$1(Checkers.scala:165)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$meet$2.apply(Checkers.scala:174)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$meet$2.apply(Checkers.scala:174)
-// at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.foldLeft(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:123)
-// at scala.collection.immutable.List.foldLeft(List.scala:45)
-// at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.reduceLeft(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:137)
-// at scala.collection.immutable.List.reduceLeft(List.scala:45)
-// at$
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$check$5.apply(Checkers.scala:140)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$check$5.apply(Checkers.scala:140)
-// at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.foreach(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:61)
-// at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:45)
-// at$ICodeChecker.check(Checkers.scala:140)
-// at$ICodeChecker.check(Checkers.scala:110)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$check$3.apply(Checkers.scala:103)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$check$3.apply(Checkers.scala:103)
-// at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.foreach(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:61)
-// at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:45)
-// at$ICodeChecker.check(Checkers.scala:103)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$checkICodes$1.apply(Checkers.scala:81)
-// at$ICodeChecker$$anonfun$checkICodes$1.apply(Checkers.scala:81)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap$$anon$2$$anonfun$foreach$3.apply(HashMap.scala:89)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap$$anon$2$$anonfun$foreach$3.apply(HashMap.scala:89)
-// at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:631)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashTable$$anon$1.foreach(HashTable.scala:161)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashTable$class.foreachEntry(HashTable.scala:194)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.foreachEntry(HashMap.scala:39)
-// at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap$$anon$2.foreach(HashMap.scala:89)
-// at$ICodeChecker.checkICodes(Checkers.scala:81)
-// at$Run.compileSources(Global.scala:759)
-// at$Run.compile(Global.scala:823)
-// at$.process(Main.scala:106)
-// at$.main(Main.scala:120)
-// at
-// [paulp@leaf trunk (check-all)]$
diff --git a/test/checker-tests/fail8.scala b/test/checker-tests/fail8.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d64e6e7bcc..0000000000
--- a/test/checker-tests/fail8.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// reverse of fail9
-class Ding {
- private val x1 = 1
- private def x2 = 2
- private lazy val x3 = 3
- private[Ding] val x4 = 4
- private[Ding] val x5 = 5
- private[Ding] val x6 = 6
-object Ding {
- def y1 = new Ding x1
- def y2 = new Ding x2
- def y3 = new Ding x3
- def y4 = new Ding x4
- def y5 = new Ding x5
- def y6 = new Ding x6
-// % work/check all -Xprint:constru work/fail8.scala
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(type AnyRef)
-// [Not checkable: parser]
-// [Not checkable: namer]
-// [Not checkable: packageobjects]
-// [Now checking: typer]
-// [Now checking: superaccessors]
-// [Now checking: pickler]
-// [Now checking: refchecks]
-// [Now checking: selectiveanf]
-// [Now checking: liftcode]
-// [Now checking: selectivecps]
-// [Now checking: uncurry]
-// [Now checking: tailcalls]
-// [Not checkable: specialize]
-// [Not checkable: explicitouter]
-// [Now checking: erasure]
-// [Now checking: lazyvals]
-// [Now checking: lambdalift]
-// [[syntax trees at end of constructors]]// Scala source: fail8.scala
-// package <empty> {
-// class Ding extends java.lang.Object with ScalaObject {
-// private[this] val Ding$$x1: Int = _;
-// final <stable> <accessor> def Ding$$x1(): Int = Ding.this.Ding$$x1;
-// final def Ding$$x2(): Int = 2;
-// lazy private[this] var Ding$$x3: Int = _;
-// final <stable> <accessor> lazy def Ding$$x3(): Int = {
-// Ding.this.Ding$$x3 = 3;
-// Ding.this.Ding$$x3
-// };
-// private[this] val Ding$$x4: Int = _;
-// <stable> <accessor> private[Ding] def Ding$$x4(): Int = Ding.this.Ding$$x4;
-// private[this] val Ding$$x5: Int = _;
-// <stable> <accessor> private[Ding] def Ding$$x5(): Int = Ding.this.Ding$$x5;
-// private[this] val Ding$$x6: Int = _;
-// <stable> <accessor> private[Ding] def Ding$$x6(): Int = Ding.this.Ding$$x6;
-// def this(): Ding = {
-// Ding.super.this();
-// Ding.this.Ding$$x1 = 1;
-// Ding.this.Ding$$x4 = 4;
-// Ding.this.Ding$$x5 = 5;
-// Ding.this.Ding$$x6 = 6;
-// ()
-// }
-// };
-// final class Ding extends java.lang.Object with ScalaObject {
-// def y1(): Int = new Ding().Ding$$x1();
-// def y2(): Int = new Ding().Ding$$x2();
-// def y3(): Int = new Ding().Ding$$x3();
-// def y4(): Int = new Ding().Ding$$x4();
-// def y5(): Int = new Ding().Ding$$x5();
-// def y6(): Int = new Ding().Ding$$x6();
-// def this(): object Ding = {
-// Ding.super.this();
-// ()
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// [Now checking: constructors]
-// work/fail8.scala:3: error:
-// value Ding$$x1 in class Ding cannot be accessed in Ding
-// because of an internal error (no accessible symbol):
-// sym = value Ding$$x1
-// underlying(sym) = value Ding$$x1
-// pre = Ding
-// site = Ding.this
-// tree = Ding.this.Ding$$x1
-// sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner) = class Ding
-// sym.ownerChain = List(value Ding$$x1, class Ding, package <empty>, package <root>)
-// sym.owner.thisType = Ding
-// context.owner = package <empty>
-// context.outer.enclClass.owner = package <empty>
-// private val x1 = 1
-// ^
-// work/fail8.scala:6: error:
-// value Ding$$x4 in class Ding cannot be accessed in Ding
-// because of an internal error (no accessible symbol):
-// sym = value Ding$$x4
-// underlying(sym) = value Ding$$x4
-// pre = Ding
-// site = Ding.this
-// tree = Ding.this.Ding$$x4
-// sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner) = class Ding
-// sym.ownerChain = List(value Ding$$x4, class Ding, package <empty>, package <root>)
-// sym.owner.thisType = Ding
-// context.owner = package <empty>
-// context.outer.enclClass.owner = package <empty>
-// private[Ding] val x4 = 4
-// ^
-// work/fail8.scala:7: error:
-// value Ding$$x5 in class Ding cannot be accessed in Ding
-// because of an internal error (no accessible symbol):
-// sym = value Ding$$x5
-// underlying(sym) = value Ding$$x5
-// pre = Ding
-// site = Ding.this
-// tree = Ding.this.Ding$$x5
-// sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner) = class Ding
-// sym.ownerChain = List(value Ding$$x5, class Ding, package <empty>, package <root>)
-// sym.owner.thisType = Ding
-// context.owner = package <empty>
-// context.outer.enclClass.owner = package <empty>
-// private[Ding] val x5 = 5
-// ^
-// work/fail8.scala:8: error:
-// value Ding$$x6 in class Ding cannot be accessed in Ding
-// because of an internal error (no accessible symbol):
-// sym = value Ding$$x6
-// underlying(sym) = value Ding$$x6
-// pre = Ding
-// site = Ding.this
-// tree = Ding.this.Ding$$x6
-// sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner) = class Ding
-// sym.ownerChain = List(value Ding$$x6, class Ding, package <empty>, package <root>)
-// sym.owner.thisType = Ding
-// context.owner = package <empty>
-// context.outer.enclClass.owner = package <empty>
-// private[Ding] val x6 = 6
-// ^
-// four errors found
diff --git a/test/checker-tests/fail9.scala b/test/checker-tests/fail9.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 54cf0fc01e..0000000000
--- a/test/checker-tests/fail9.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// More from constructors
-class Dong {
- def y1 = Dong.x1
- def y2 = Dong.x2
- def y3 = Dong.x3
- def y4 = Dong.x4
- def y5 = Dong.x5
- def y6 = Dong.x6
-object Dong {
- private val x1 = 1
- private def x2 = 2
- private lazy val x3 = 3
- private[Dong] val x4 = 4
- private[Dong] val x5 = 5
- private[Dong] val x6 = 6
-// % work/check all -Xprint:constru work/fail9.scala
-// TypeStack init: REFERENCE(type AnyRef)
-// [Not checkable: parser]
-// [Not checkable: namer]
-// [Not checkable: packageobjects]
-// [Now checking: typer]
-// [Now checking: superaccessors]
-// [Now checking: pickler]
-// [Now checking: refchecks]
-// [Now checking: selectiveanf]
-// [Now checking: liftcode]
-// [Now checking: selectivecps]
-// [Now checking: uncurry]
-// [Now checking: tailcalls]
-// [Not checkable: specialize]
-// [Not checkable: explicitouter]
-// [Now checking: erasure]
-// [Now checking: lazyvals]
-// [Now checking: lambdalift]
-// [[syntax trees at end of constructors]]// Scala source: fail9.scala
-// package <empty> {
-// class Dong extends java.lang.Object with ScalaObject {
-// def y1(): Int = Dong.Dong$$x1();
-// def y2(): Int = Dong.Dong$$x2();
-// def y3(): Int = Dong.Dong$$x3();
-// def y4(): Int = Dong.x4();
-// def y5(): Int = Dong.x5();
-// def y6(): Int = Dong.x6();
-// def this(): Dong = {
-// Dong.super.this();
-// ()
-// }
-// };
-// final class Dong extends java.lang.Object with ScalaObject {
-// private[this] val Dong$$x1: Int = _;
-// final <stable> <accessor> def Dong$$x1(): Int = Dong.this.Dong$$x1;
-// final def Dong$$x2(): Int = 2;
-// lazy private[this] var Dong$$x3: Int = _;
-// final <stable> <accessor> lazy def Dong$$x3(): Int = {
-// Dong.this.Dong$$x3 = 3;
-// Dong.this.Dong$$x3
-// };
-// private[this] val x4: Int = _;
-// <stable> <accessor> private[Dong] def x4(): Int = Dong.this.x4;
-// private[this] val x5: Int = _;
-// <stable> <accessor> private[Dong] def x5(): Int = Dong.this.x5;
-// private[this] val x6: Int = _;
-// <stable> <accessor> private[Dong] def x6(): Int = Dong.this.x6;
-// def this(): object Dong = {
-// Dong.super.this();
-// Dong.this.Dong$$x1 = 1;
-// Dong.this.x4 = 4;
-// Dong.this.x5 = 5;
-// Dong.this.x6 = 6;
-// ()
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// [Now checking: constructors]
-// work/fail9.scala:12: error:
-// value Dong$$x1 in object Dong cannot be accessed in object Dong
-// because of an internal error (no accessible symbol):
-// sym = value Dong$$x1
-// underlying(sym) = value Dong$$x1
-// pre = object Dong
-// site = Dong.this
-// tree = Dong.this.Dong$$x1
-// sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner) = object Dong
-// sym.ownerChain = List(value Dong$$x1, object Dong, package <empty>, package <root>)
-// sym.owner.thisType = object Dong
-// context.owner = package <empty>
-// context.outer.enclClass.owner = package <empty>
-// private val x1 = 1
-// ^
-// work/fail9.scala:15: error:
-// value x4 in object Dong cannot be accessed in object Dong
-// because of an internal error (no accessible symbol):
-// sym = value x4
-// underlying(sym) = value x4
-// pre = object Dong
-// site = Dong.this
-// tree = Dong.this.x4
-// sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner) = object Dong
-// sym.ownerChain = List(value x4, object Dong, package <empty>, package <root>)
-// sym.owner.thisType = object Dong
-// context.owner = package <empty>
-// context.outer.enclClass.owner = package <empty>
-// private[Dong] val x4 = 4
-// ^
-// work/fail9.scala:16: error:
-// value x5 in object Dong cannot be accessed in object Dong
-// because of an internal error (no accessible symbol):
-// sym = value x5
-// underlying(sym) = value x5
-// pre = object Dong
-// site = Dong.this
-// tree = Dong.this.x5
-// sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner) = object Dong
-// sym.ownerChain = List(value x5, object Dong, package <empty>, package <root>)
-// sym.owner.thisType = object Dong
-// context.owner = package <empty>
-// context.outer.enclClass.owner = package <empty>
-// private[Dong] val x5 = 5
-// ^
-// work/fail9.scala:17: error:
-// value x6 in object Dong cannot be accessed in object Dong
-// because of an internal error (no accessible symbol):
-// sym = value x6
-// underlying(sym) = value x6
-// pre = object Dong
-// site = Dong.this
-// tree = Dong.this.x6
-// sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner) = object Dong
-// sym.ownerChain = List(value x6, object Dong, package <empty>, package <root>)
-// sym.owner.thisType = object Dong
-// context.owner = package <empty>
-// context.outer.enclClass.owner = package <empty>
-// private[Dong] val x6 = 6
-// ^
-// four errors found