diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2013-05-19 12:40:30 -0700
committerPaul Phillips <>2013-05-20 10:01:39 -0700
commit0fe56b9770331d258cc71b609af343e02be3f65f (patch)
parent01bbaa9dc2f380892aef5209a4b33eb467e34929 (diff)
Cleaning crew moves down the hall.
Swabbing the decks of isAsSpecific and isApplicableSafe. Wow isApplicableSafe, you don't really need to declare and allocate a two-argument case class in order to manage a second method call.
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
index 8005ad6ffd..af7b27a4ff 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
@@ -170,22 +170,18 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
object instantiate extends TypeMap {
private var excludedVars = immutable.Set[TypeVar]()
+ private def applyTypeVar(tv: TypeVar): Type = tv match {
+ case TypeVar(origin, constr) if !constr.instValid => throw new DeferredNoInstance(() => s"no unique instantiation of type variable $origin could be found")
+ case _ if excludedVars(tv) => throw new NoInstance("cyclic instantiation")
+ case TypeVar(_, constr) =>
+ excludedVars += tv
+ try apply(constr.inst)
+ finally excludedVars -= tv
+ }
def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case WildcardType | BoundedWildcardType(_) | NoType =>
- throw new NoInstance("undetermined type")
- case tv @ TypeVar(origin, constr) if !tv.untouchable =>
- if (constr.inst == NoType) {
- throw new DeferredNoInstance(() =>
- s"no unique instantiation of type variable $origin could be found")
- } else if (excludedVars(tv)) {
- throw new NoInstance("cyclic instantiation")
- } else {
- excludedVars += tv
- try apply(constr.inst)
- finally excludedVars -= tv
- }
- case _ =>
- mapOver(tp)
+ case WildcardType | BoundedWildcardType(_) | NoType => throw new NoInstance("undetermined type")
+ case tv: TypeVar if !tv.untouchable => applyTypeVar(tv)
+ case _ => mapOver(tp)
@@ -834,7 +830,8 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
(args ne argtpes0)
&& isApplicable(undetparams, mt, args, pt)
- def tryInstantiating(args: List[Type], restpe: Type) = falseIfNoInstance {
+ def tryInstantiating(args: List[Type]) = falseIfNoInstance {
+ val restpe = mt resultType args
val AdjustedTypeArgs.Undets(okparams, okargs, leftUndet) = methTypeArgs(undetparams, formals, restpe, args, pt)
val restpeInst = restpe.instantiateTypeParams(okparams, okargs)
// #2665: must use weak conformance, not regular one (follow the monomorphic case above)
@@ -843,12 +840,9 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
case _ => isWithinBounds(NoPrefix, NoSymbol, okparams, okargs)
- def typesCompatible(argtpes: List[Type]) = {
- val restpe = mt resultType argtpes
- undetparams match {
- case Nil => isCompatibleArgs(argtpes, formals) && isWeaklyCompatible(restpe, pt)
- case _ => tryInstantiating(argtpes, restpe)
- }
+ def typesCompatible(args: List[Type]) = undetparams match {
+ case Nil => isCompatibleArgs(args, formals) && isWeaklyCompatible(mt resultType args, pt)
+ case _ => tryInstantiating(args)
// when using named application, the vararg param has to be specified exactly once
@@ -880,7 +874,7 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
case OverloadedType(pre, alts) => alts exists (alt => isApplicable(undetparams, pre memberType alt, argtpes0, pt))
case ExistentialType(_, qtpe) => isApplicable(undetparams, qtpe, argtpes0, pt)
case mt @ MethodType(_, _) => isApplicableToMethod(undetparams, mt, argtpes0, pt)
- case NullaryMethodType(restpe) => isApplicable(undetparams, restpe, argtpes0, pt) // strip nullary methods
+ case NullaryMethodType(restpe) => isApplicable(undetparams, restpe, argtpes0, pt)
case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => createFromClonedSymbols(tparams, restpe)((tps1, res1) => isApplicable(tps1 ::: undetparams, res1, argtpes0, pt))
case ErrorType => true
case _ => false
@@ -893,83 +887,58 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
// Todo: Try to make isApplicable always safe (i.e. not cause TypeErrors).
// The chance of TypeErrors should be reduced through context errors
- private[typechecker] def isApplicableSafe(undetparams: List[Symbol], ftpe: Type,
- argtpes0: List[Type], pt: Type): Boolean = {
- final case class Result(error: Boolean, applicable: Boolean)
- def isApplicableWithExpectedType(pt0: Type): Result = {
+ private[typechecker] def isApplicableSafe(undetparams: List[Symbol], ftpe: Type, argtpes0: List[Type], pt: Type): Boolean = {
+ def applicableExpectingPt(pt: Type): Boolean = {
val silentContext = context.makeSilent(reportAmbiguousErrors = false)
- val applicable = newTyper(silentContext).infer.isApplicable(undetparams, ftpe, argtpes0, pt0)
- Result(silentContext.hasErrors, applicable)
- }
- val canSecondTry = pt != WildcardType
- val firstTry = isApplicableWithExpectedType(pt)
- if (!firstTry.error || !canSecondTry)
- firstTry.applicable
- else {
- val secondTry = isApplicableWithExpectedType(WildcardType)
- // TODO `!secondTry.error &&` was faithfully replicated as part of the refactoring, but mayberedundant.
- !secondTry.error && secondTry.applicable
+ val applicable = newTyper(silentContext).infer.isApplicable(undetparams, ftpe, argtpes0, pt)
+ if (silentContext.hasErrors && !pt.isWildcard)
+ applicableExpectingPt(WildcardType) // second try
+ else
+ applicable
+ applicableExpectingPt(pt)
/** Is type `ftpe1` strictly more specific than type `ftpe2`
* when both are alternatives in an overloaded function?
* @see SLS (sec:overloading-resolution)
- def isAsSpecific(ftpe1: Type, ftpe2: Type): Boolean = ftpe1 match {
- case OverloadedType(pre, alts) =>
- alts exists (alt => isAsSpecific(pre memberType alt, ftpe2))
- case et: ExistentialType =>
- isAsSpecific(ftpe1.skolemizeExistential, ftpe2)
- //et.withTypeVars(isAsSpecific(_, ftpe2))
- case NullaryMethodType(res) =>
- isAsSpecific(res, ftpe2)
- case mt: MethodType if mt.isImplicit =>
- isAsSpecific(ftpe1.resultType, ftpe2)
- case mt @ MethodType(params, _) if params.nonEmpty =>
- var argtpes = mt.paramTypes
- if (isVarArgsList(params) && isVarArgsList(ftpe2.params))
- argtpes = argtpes map (argtpe =>
- if (isRepeatedParamType(argtpe)) argtpe.typeArgs.head else argtpe)
- isApplicable(List(), ftpe2, argtpes, WildcardType)
- case PolyType(tparams, NullaryMethodType(res)) =>
- isAsSpecific(PolyType(tparams, res), ftpe2)
- case PolyType(tparams, mt: MethodType) if mt.isImplicit =>
- isAsSpecific(PolyType(tparams, mt.resultType), ftpe2)
- case PolyType(_, (mt @ MethodType(params, _))) if params.nonEmpty =>
- isApplicable(List(), ftpe2, mt.paramTypes, WildcardType)
- // case NullaryMethodType(res) =>
- // isAsSpecific(res, ftpe2)
- case ErrorType =>
- true
- case _ =>
- ftpe2 match {
- case OverloadedType(pre, alts) =>
- alts forall (alt => isAsSpecific(ftpe1, pre memberType alt))
- case et: ExistentialType =>
- et.withTypeVars(isAsSpecific(ftpe1, _))
- case mt: MethodType =>
- !mt.isImplicit || isAsSpecific(ftpe1, mt.resultType)
- case NullaryMethodType(res) =>
- isAsSpecific(ftpe1, res)
- case PolyType(tparams, NullaryMethodType(res)) =>
- isAsSpecific(ftpe1, PolyType(tparams, res))
- case PolyType(tparams, mt: MethodType) =>
- !mt.isImplicit || isAsSpecific(ftpe1, PolyType(tparams, mt.resultType))
- case _ =>
- isAsSpecificValueType(ftpe1, ftpe2, List(), List())
- }
+ def isAsSpecific(ftpe1: Type, ftpe2: Type): Boolean = {
+ def checkIsApplicable(argtpes: List[Type]) = isApplicable(Nil, ftpe2, argtpes, WildcardType)
+ def bothAreVarargs = isVarArgsList(ftpe1.params) && isVarArgsList(ftpe2.params)
+ def onRight = ftpe2 match {
+ case OverloadedType(pre, alts) => alts forall (alt => isAsSpecific(ftpe1, pre memberType alt))
+ case et: ExistentialType => et.withTypeVars(isAsSpecific(ftpe1, _))
+ case mt @ MethodType(_, restpe) => !mt.isImplicit || isAsSpecific(ftpe1, restpe)
+ case NullaryMethodType(res) => isAsSpecific(ftpe1, res)
+ case PolyType(tparams, NullaryMethodType(restpe)) => isAsSpecific(ftpe1, PolyType(tparams, restpe))
+ case PolyType(tparams, mt @ MethodType(_, restpe)) => !mt.isImplicit || isAsSpecific(ftpe1, PolyType(tparams, restpe))
+ case _ => isAsSpecificValueType(ftpe1, ftpe2, Nil, Nil)
+ }
+ ftpe1 match {
+ case OverloadedType(pre, alts) => alts exists (alt => isAsSpecific(pre memberType alt, ftpe2))
+ case et: ExistentialType => isAsSpecific(et.skolemizeExistential, ftpe2)
+ case NullaryMethodType(restpe) => isAsSpecific(restpe, ftpe2)
+ case mt @ MethodType(_, restpe) if mt.isImplicit => isAsSpecific(restpe, ftpe2)
+ case mt @ MethodType(_, _) if bothAreVarargs => checkIsApplicable(mt.paramTypes map repeatedToSingle)
+ case mt @ MethodType(params, _) if params.nonEmpty => checkIsApplicable(mt.paramTypes)
+ case PolyType(tparams, NullaryMethodType(restpe)) => isAsSpecific(PolyType(tparams, restpe), ftpe2)
+ case PolyType(tparams, mt @ MethodType(_, restpe)) if mt.isImplicit => isAsSpecific(PolyType(tparams, restpe), ftpe2)
+ case PolyType(_, mt @ MethodType(params, _)) if params.nonEmpty => checkIsApplicable(mt.paramTypes)
+ case ErrorType => true
+ case _ => onRight
+ }
- private def isAsSpecificValueType(tpe1: Type, tpe2: Type, undef1: List[Symbol], undef2: List[Symbol]): Boolean = (tpe1, tpe2) match {
- case (PolyType(tparams1, rtpe1), _) =>
+ private def isAsSpecificValueType(tpe1: Type, tpe2: Type, undef1: List[Symbol], undef2: List[Symbol]): Boolean = tpe1 match {
+ case PolyType(tparams1, rtpe1) =>
isAsSpecificValueType(rtpe1, tpe2, undef1 ::: tparams1, undef2)
- case (_, PolyType(tparams2, rtpe2)) =>
- isAsSpecificValueType(tpe1, rtpe2, undef1, undef2 ::: tparams2)
- case _ =>
- existentialAbstraction(undef1, tpe1) <:< existentialAbstraction(undef2, tpe2)
+ case _ =>
+ tpe2 match {
+ case PolyType(tparams2, rtpe2) => isAsSpecificValueType(tpe1, rtpe2, undef1, undef2 ::: tparams2)
+ case _ => existentialAbstraction(undef1, tpe1) <:< existentialAbstraction(undef2, tpe2)
+ }
def isStrictlyMoreSpecific(ftpe1: Type, ftpe2: Type): Boolean =
ftpe1.isError || isAsSpecific(ftpe1, ftpe2) &&
@@ -981,17 +950,20 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
* sym2 (or its companion class in case it is a module)?
def isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = (
- (sym1 != sym2) && (sym1 != NoSymbol) && (
- (sym1 isSubClass sym2)
- || (sym1.isModuleClass && isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1.linkedClassOfClass, sym2))
- || (sym2.isModuleClass && isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1, sym2.linkedClassOfClass))
- )
+ (sym1 ne sym2)
+ && (sym1 ne NoSymbol)
+ && ( (sym1 isSubClass sym2)
+ || (sym1.isModuleClass && isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1.linkedClassOfClass, sym2))
+ || (sym2.isModuleClass && isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1, sym2.linkedClassOfClass))
+ )
/** is symbol `sym1` defined in a proper subclass of symbol `sym2`?
- def isInProperSubClassOrObject(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) =
- sym2 == NoSymbol || isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1.owner, sym2.owner)
+ def isInProperSubClassOrObject(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) = (
+ (sym2 eq NoSymbol)
+ || isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1.safeOwner, sym2.owner)
+ )
def isStrictlyMoreSpecific(ftpe1: Type, ftpe2: Type, sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = {
// ftpe1 / ftpe2 are OverloadedTypes (possibly with one single alternative) if they
@@ -1187,7 +1159,7 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
try {
val pt = if (pt0.typeSymbol == UnitClass) WildcardType else pt0
val formals = formalTypes(mt.paramTypes, args.length)
- val argtpes = tupleIfNecessary(formals, args map (x => elimAnonymousClass(x.tpe.deconst)))
+ val argtpes = tupleIfNecessary(formals, args map (x => elimAnonymousClass(x.tpe.deconst)))
val restpe = fn.tpe.resultType(argtpes)
val AdjustedTypeArgs.AllArgsAndUndets(okparams, okargs, allargs, leftUndet) =
@@ -1583,7 +1555,7 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
val argtpes = argtpes0 mapConserve {
case RepeatedType(tp) => varargsStar = true ; tp
case tp => tp
- }
+ }
def followType(sym: Symbol) = followApply(pre memberType sym)
def bestForExpectedType(pt: Type, isLastTry: Boolean): Unit = {
val applicable0 = alts filter (alt => context inSilentMode (isApplicable(undetparams, followType(alt), argtpes, pt)))
@@ -1605,7 +1577,7 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
val pt = if (pt0.typeSymbol == UnitClass) WildcardType else pt0
debuglog(s"infer method alt ${tree.symbol} with alternatives ${alts map pre.memberType} argtpes=$argtpes pt=$pt")
bestForExpectedType(pt, isLastTry)
- }
+ }
/** Try inference twice, once without views and once with views,
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
index a0ddc1e1b2..b32d439426 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
@@ -431,6 +431,11 @@ trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
case _ => false
+ def repeatedToSingle(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
+ case TypeRef(_, RepeatedParamClass, arg :: Nil) => arg
+ case _ => tp
+ }
def repeatedToSeq(tp: Type): Type = (tp baseType RepeatedParamClass) match {
case TypeRef(_, RepeatedParamClass, arg :: Nil) => seqType(arg)
case _ => tp