diff options
authorAdriaan Moors <>2016-08-11 11:30:15 -0700
committerGitHub <>2016-08-11 11:30:15 -0700
commit04d4b634d816e19d8430175eb33d02d97261dd10 (patch)
parent910d2dbdb39288391441c009d802132350269fe6 (diff)
parent0d2760dce189cdcb363e54868381175af4b2646f (diff)
Merge pull request #5262 from lrytz/t8786
SI-8786 fix generic signature for @varargs forwarder methods
10 files changed, 237 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 6ebb453176..ed42eadaaa 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ codebase and re-compiles too many files, resulting in long build times (check
[sbt#1104]( for progress on that front). In the
meantime you can:
- Enable "ant mode" in which sbt only re-compiles source files that were modified.
- Create a file `local.sbt` containing the line `(incOptions in ThisBuild) := (incOptions in ThisBuild).value.withNameHashing(false).withAntStyle(true)`.
+ Create a file `local.sbt` containing the line `antStyle := true`.
Add an entry `local.sbt` to your `~/.gitignore`.
- Use IntelliJ IDEA for incremental compiles (see [IDE Setup](#ide-setup) below) - its
incremental compiler is a bit less conservative, but usually correct.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
index db8e203c1c..6678b565d5 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
@@ -343,7 +343,18 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
case MethodType(params, restpe) =>
val buf = new StringBuffer("(")
- params foreach (p => buf append jsig(p.tpe))
+ params foreach (p => {
+ val tp = p.attachments.get[TypeParamVarargsAttachment] match {
+ case Some(att) =>
+ // For @varargs forwarders, a T* parameter has type Array[Object] in the forwarder
+ // instead of Array[T], as the latter would erase to Object (instead of Array[Object]).
+ // To make the generic signature correct ("[T", not "[Object"), an attachment on the
+ // parameter symbol stores the type T that was replaced by Object.
+ buf.append("["); att.typeParamRef
+ case _ => p.tpe
+ }
+ buf append jsig(tp)
+ })
buf append ")"
buf append (if (restpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass || sym0.isConstructor) VOID_TAG.toString else jsig(restpe))
@@ -1227,4 +1238,5 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
private class TypeRefAttachment(val tpe: TypeRef)
+ class TypeParamVarargsAttachment(val typeParamRef: Type)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
index 374e8430d8..3047b8f89a 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
@@ -744,72 +744,88 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
if (!dd.symbol.hasAnnotation(VarargsClass) || !enteringUncurry(mexists(dd.symbol.paramss)(sym => definitions.isRepeatedParamType(sym.tpe))))
return flatdd
- def toArrayType(tp: Type): Type = {
- val arg = elementType(SeqClass, tp)
- // to prevent generation of an `Object` parameter from `Array[T]` parameter later
- // as this would crash the Java compiler which expects an `Object[]` array for varargs
- // e.g. def foo[T](a: Int, b: T*)
- // becomes def foo[T](a: Int, b: Array[Object])
- // instead of def foo[T](a: Int, b: Array[T]) ===> def foo[T](a: Int, b: Object)
- arrayType(
- if (arg.typeSymbol.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) ObjectTpe
- else arg
- )
- }
+ val forwSym = currentClass.newMethod(, dd.pos, VARARGS | SYNTHETIC | flatdd.symbol.flags)
- val theTyper = typer.atOwner(dd, currentClass)
- val flatparams = flatdd.symbol.paramss.head
val isRepeated = enteringUncurry( => definitions.isRepeatedParamType(sym.tpe)))
- // create the type
- val forwformals = map2(flatparams, isRepeated) {
- case (p, true) => toArrayType(p.tpe)
- case (p, false)=> p.tpe
- }
- val forwresult = dd.symbol.tpe_*.finalResultType
- val forwformsyms = map2(forwformals, flatparams)((tp, oldparam) =>
- currentClass.newValueParameter(, oldparam.pos).setInfo(tp)
- )
- def mono = MethodType(forwformsyms, forwresult)
- val forwtype = dd.symbol.tpe match {
- case MethodType(_, _) => mono
- case PolyType(tps, _) => PolyType(tps, mono)
- }
+ val oldPs = flatdd.symbol.paramss.head
+ // see comment in method toArrayType below
+ val arrayTypesMappedToObject = mutable.Map.empty[Symbol, Type]
- // create the symbol
- val forwsym = currentClass.newMethod(, dd.pos, VARARGS | SYNTHETIC | flatdd.symbol.flags) setInfo forwtype
- def forwParams =
- // create the tree
- val forwtree = theTyper.typedPos(dd.pos) {
- val locals = map3(forwParams, flatparams, isRepeated) {
- case (_, fp, false) => null
- case (argsym, fp, true) =>
- Block(Nil,
- gen.mkCast(
- gen.mkWrapArray(Ident(argsym), elementType(ArrayClass, argsym.tpe)),
- seqType(elementType(SeqClass, fp.tpe))
- )
- )
+ val forwTpe = {
+ val (oldTps, tps) = dd.symbol.tpe match {
+ case PolyType(oldTps, _) =>
+ val newTps =
+ (oldTps, newTps)
+ case _ => (Nil, Nil)
- val seqargs = map2(locals, forwParams) {
- case (null, argsym) => Ident(argsym)
- case (l, _) => l
+ def toArrayType(tp: Type, newParam: Symbol): Type = {
+ val arg = elementType(SeqClass, tp)
+ val elem = if (arg.typeSymbol.isTypeParameterOrSkolem && !(arg <:< AnyRefTpe)) {
+ // To prevent generation of an `Object` parameter from `Array[T]` parameter later
+ // as this would crash the Java compiler which expects an `Object[]` array for varargs
+ // e.g. def foo[T](a: Int, b: T*)
+ // becomes def foo[T](a: Int, b: Array[Object])
+ // instead of def foo[T](a: Int, b: Array[T]) ===> def foo[T](a: Int, b: Object)
+ //
+ // In order for the forwarder method to type check we need to insert a cast:
+ // def foo'[T'](a: Int, b: Array[Object]) = foo[T'](a, wrapRefArray(b).asInstanceOf[Seq[T']])
+ // The target element type for that cast (T') is stored in the `arrayTypesMappedToObject` map.
+ val originalArg = arg.substSym(oldTps, tps)
+ arrayTypesMappedToObject(newParam) = originalArg
+ // Store the type parameter that was replaced by Object to emit the correct generic signature
+ newParam.updateAttachment(new erasure.TypeParamVarargsAttachment(originalArg))
+ ObjectTpe
+ } else
+ arg
+ arrayType(elem)
- val end = if (forwsym.isConstructor) List(UNIT) else Nil
- DefDef(forwsym, BLOCK(Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(flatdd.symbol), seqargs) :: end : _*))
+ val ps = map2(oldPs, isRepeated)((oldParam, isRep) => {
+ val newParam = oldParam.cloneSymbol(forwSym)
+ val tp = if (isRep) toArrayType(oldParam.tpe, newParam) else oldParam.tpe
+ newParam.setInfo(tp)
+ })
+ val resTp = dd.symbol.tpe_*.finalResultType.substSym(oldPs, ps)
+ val mt = MethodType(ps, resTp)
+ val r = if (tps.isEmpty) mt else PolyType(tps, mt)
+ r.substSym(oldTps, tps)
+ }
+ forwSym.setInfo(forwTpe)
+ val newPs = forwTpe.params
+ val theTyper = typer.atOwner(dd, currentClass)
+ val forwTree = theTyper.typedPos(dd.pos) {
+ val seqArgs = map3(newPs, oldPs, isRepeated)((param, oldParam, isRep) => {
+ if (!isRep) Ident(param)
+ else {
+ val parTp = elementType(ArrayClass, param.tpe)
+ val wrap = gen.mkWrapArray(Ident(param), parTp)
+ arrayTypesMappedToObject.get(param) match {
+ case Some(tp) => gen.mkCast(wrap, seqType(tp))
+ case _ => wrap
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ val forwCall = Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(flatdd.symbol), seqArgs)
+ DefDef(forwSym, if (forwSym.isConstructor) Block(List(forwCall), UNIT) else forwCall)
// check if the method with that name and those arguments already exists in the template
- => s != forwsym && s.tpe.matches(forwsym.tpe)) match {
+ => s != forwSym && s.tpe.matches(forwSym.tpe)) match {
case Some(s) => reporter.error(dd.symbol.pos,
"A method with a varargs annotation produces a forwarder method with the same signature "
+ s.tpe + " as an existing method.")
case None =>
// enter symbol into scope
- enter forwsym
- addNewMember(forwtree)
+ enter forwSym
+ addNewMember(forwTree)
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/t8786-sig.scala b/test/files/jvm/t8786-sig.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0745b650e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/t8786-sig.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+class A[U] {
+ @annotation.varargs def m1[T] (a: T*): T = a.head
+ @annotation.varargs def m2[T <: AnyRef](a: T*): T = a.head
+ @annotation.varargs def m3[T <: AnyVal](a: T*): T = a.head
+ @annotation.varargs def m4[T <: Int] (a: T*): T = a.head
+ @annotation.varargs def m5[T <: String](a: T*): T = a.head
+ @annotation.varargs def m6 (a: String*): String = a.head
+ @annotation.varargs def m7 (a: Int*): Int = a.head
+ @annotation.varargs def m8 (a: U*): U = a.head
+ def n1[T] (a: Array[T]): T = a(0)
+ def n2[T <: AnyRef](a: Array[T]): T = a(0)
+ def n3[T <: AnyVal](a: Array[T]): T = a(0)
+ def n4[T <: Int] (a: Array[T]): T = a(0)
+ def n5[T <: String](a: Array[T]): T = a(0)
+ def n6 (a: Array[String]): String = a(0)
+ def n7 (a: Array[Int]): Int = a(0)
+ def n8 (a: Array[U]): U = a(0)
+object Test extends App {
+ val a = classOf[A[_]]
+ def sig (method: String, tp: Class[_]) = a.getDeclaredMethod(method, tp).toString
+ def genSig(method: String, tp: Class[_]) = a.getDeclaredMethod(method, tp).toGenericString
+ def bound (method: String, tp: Class[_]) = {
+ val m = a.getDeclaredMethod(method, tp)
+ m.getGenericParameterTypes.apply(0) match {
+ case _: Class[_] => ""
+ case gat: java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType =>
+ val compTp = gat.getGenericComponentType.asInstanceOf[java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable[_]]
+ compTp.getBounds.apply(0).toString
+ }
+ }
+ def check(a: String, b: String) = {
+ assert(a == b, s"found: $a\nexpected: $b")
+ }
+ val sq = classOf[Seq[_]]
+ val ob = classOf[Object]
+ val ao = classOf[Array[Object]]
+ val as = classOf[Array[String]]
+ val ai = classOf[Array[Int]]
+ check(sig("m1", sq) , "public java.lang.Object A.m1(scala.collection.Seq)")
+ check(sig("m2", sq) , "public java.lang.Object A.m2(scala.collection.Seq)")
+ check(sig("m3", sq) , "public java.lang.Object A.m3(scala.collection.Seq)")
+ check(sig("m4", sq) , "public int A.m4(scala.collection.Seq)")
+ check(sig("m5", sq) , "public java.lang.String A.m5(scala.collection.Seq)")
+ check(sig("m6", sq) , "public java.lang.String A.m6(scala.collection.Seq)")
+ check(sig("m7", sq) , "public int A.m7(scala.collection.Seq)")
+ check(sig("m8", sq) , "public java.lang.Object A.m8(scala.collection.Seq)")
+ check(genSig("m1", sq), "public <T> T A.m1(scala.collection.Seq<T>)")
+ check(genSig("m2", sq), "public <T> T A.m2(scala.collection.Seq<T>)")
+ check(genSig("m3", sq), "public <T> T A.m3(scala.collection.Seq<T>)")
+ // TODO: the signature for is wrong for T <: Int, SI-9846. The signature should be
+ // `public int A.m4(scala.collection.Seq<java.lang.Object>)`. This is testing the status quo.
+ check(genSig("m4", sq), "public <T> T A.m4(scala.collection.Seq<T>)")
+ check(genSig("m5", sq), "public <T> T A.m5(scala.collection.Seq<T>)")
+ check(genSig("m6", sq), "public java.lang.String A.m6(scala.collection.Seq<java.lang.String>)")
+ check(genSig("m7", sq), "public int A.m7(scala.collection.Seq<java.lang.Object>)")
+ check(genSig("m8", sq), "public U A.m8(scala.collection.Seq<U>)")
+ // varargs forwarder
+ check(sig("m1", ao) , "public java.lang.Object A.m1(java.lang.Object[])")
+ check(sig("m2", ao) , "public java.lang.Object A.m2(java.lang.Object[])")
+ check(sig("m3", ao) , "public java.lang.Object A.m3(java.lang.Object[])")
+ check(sig("m4", ao) , "public int A.m4(java.lang.Object[])")
+ check(sig("m5", as) , "public java.lang.String A.m5(java.lang.String[])")
+ check(sig("m6", as) , "public java.lang.String A.m6(java.lang.String[])")
+ check(sig("m7", ai) , "public int A.m7(int[])")
+ check(sig("m8", ao) , "public java.lang.Object A.m8(java.lang.Object[])")
+ check(genSig("m1", ao), "public <T> T A.m1(T...)")
+ check(genSig("m2", ao), "public <T> T A.m2(T...)")
+ check(genSig("m3", ao), "public <T> T A.m3(T...)")
+ // testing status quo: signature is wrong for T <: Int, SI-9846
+ check(genSig("m4", ao), "public <T> T A.m4(T...)")
+ check(genSig("m5", as), "public <T> T A.m5(T...)")
+ check(genSig("m6", as), "public java.lang.String A.m6(java.lang.String...)")
+ check(genSig("m7", ai), "public int A.m7(int...)")
+ check(genSig("m8", ao), "public U A.m8(U...)")
+ check(bound("m1", ao) , "class java.lang.Object")
+ check(bound("m2", ao) , "class java.lang.Object")
+ check(bound("m3", ao) , "class java.lang.Object")
+ check(bound("m4", ao) , "class java.lang.Object")
+ check(bound("m5", as) , "class java.lang.String")
+ check(bound("m6", as) , "")
+ check(bound("m7", ai) , "")
+ check(bound("m8", ao) , "class java.lang.Object")
+ check(sig("n1", ob) , "public java.lang.Object A.n1(java.lang.Object)")
+ check(sig("n2", ao) , "public java.lang.Object A.n2(java.lang.Object[])")
+ check(sig("n3", ob) , "public java.lang.Object A.n3(java.lang.Object)")
+ check(sig("n4", ob) , "public int A.n4(java.lang.Object)")
+ check(sig("n5", as) , "public java.lang.String A.n5(java.lang.String[])")
+ check(sig("n6", as) , "public java.lang.String A.n6(java.lang.String[])")
+ check(sig("n7", ai) , "public int A.n7(int[])")
+ check(sig("n8", ob) , "public java.lang.Object A.n8(java.lang.Object)")
+ check(genSig("n1", ob), "public <T> T A.n1(java.lang.Object)")
+ check(genSig("n2", ao), "public <T> T A.n2(T[])")
+ check(genSig("n3", ob), "public <T> T A.n3(java.lang.Object)")
+ // testing status quo: signature is wrong for T <: Int, SI-9846
+ check(genSig("n4", ob), "public <T> T A.n4(java.lang.Object)")
+ check(genSig("n5", as), "public <T> T A.n5(T[])")
+ check(genSig("n6", as), "public java.lang.String A.n6(java.lang.String[])")
+ check(genSig("n7", ai), "public int A.n7(int[])")
+ check(genSig("n8", ob), "public U A.n8(java.lang.Object)")
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/t8786/A_1.scala b/test/files/jvm/t8786/A_1.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13c0ad191d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/t8786/A_1.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class A {
+ @annotation.varargs def foo[T](a: Int, b: T*): T = b.head
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/t8786/ b/test/files/jvm/t8786/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc155a290f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/t8786/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+public class B_2 {
+ private static int res = 0;
+ public static void m(char a[]) { res += 10; }
+ public static void m(String a) { res += 100; }
+ public static void m(Object a) { res += 1000; }
+ public static <T> T foo(int a, T... b) { return b[0]; }
+ public static <T> T bar(T b[]) { return b[0]; }
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ m(foo(15, "a", "b", "c"));
+ if (res != 100)
+ throw new Error("bad: "+ res);
+ A a = new A();
+ m(, "a", "b", "c"));
+ if (res != 200)
+ throw new Error("bad: " + res);
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/t8786/Test_2.scala b/test/files/jvm/t8786/Test_2.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76ccb4c3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/t8786/Test_2.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+object Test extends App {
+ B_2.main(null)
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/varargs/ b/test/files/jvm/varargs/
index 6928ee5adc..0cc3587c5e 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/varargs/
+++ b/test/files/jvm/varargs/
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
public class JavaClass {
- public static <T> void varargz(int i, T... v) {
- }
- public static void callSomeAnnotations() {
- VaClass va = new VaClass();
- va.vs(4, "", "", "");
-, 2, 3, 4);
- varargz(5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
- va.vt(16, "", "", "");
- System.out.println(va.vt1(16, "a", "b", "c"));
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ public static <T> void varargz(int i, T... v) { }
+ public static void callSomeAnnotations() {
+ VaClass va = new VaClass();
+ va.vs(4, "", "", "");
+, 2, 3, 4);
+ varargz(5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
+ va.vt(16, "", "", "");
+ System.out.println(va.vt1(16, "a", "b", "c"));
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/varargs/VaClass.scala b/test/files/jvm/varargs/VaClass.scala
index d83e63ace1..ee8c288a16 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/varargs/VaClass.scala
+++ b/test/files/jvm/varargs/VaClass.scala
@@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
import annotation.varargs
class VaClass {
@varargs def vs(a: Int, b: String*) = println(a + b.length)
@varargs def vi(a: Int, b: Int*) = println(a + b.sum)
@varargs def vt[T](a: Int, b: T*) = println(a + b.length)
- // TODO remove type bound after fixing SI-8786, see also
- @varargs def vt1[T <: String](a: Int, b: T*): T = b.head
+ @varargs def vt1[T](a: Int, b: T*): T = b.head
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/varargs/varargs.scala b/test/files/jvm/varargs/varargs.scala
index 6d2e707bdf..b09818f46f 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/varargs/varargs.scala
+++ b/test/files/jvm/varargs/varargs.scala
@@ -1,21 +1,5 @@
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {