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authorSébastien Doeraene <>2016-09-14 17:06:53 +0200
committerSébastien Doeraene <>2016-09-15 11:42:02 +0200
commit44971d104f4364a0ddaa4f05afc4cc61ee39cdf7 (patch)
parent05016d9035ab9b1c866bd9f12fdd0491f1ea0cbb (diff)
Rewrite TraversableLike.stringPrefix not to blow up code size in Scala.js.
The commit 30876fe2dd8cbe657a6cad6b11bbc34f10c29b36 changed `TraversableLike.stringPrefix` to report nicer results for inner classes and method-local classes. The changes included calls to `String.split()`, `Character.isDigit()` and `Character.isUpperCase()`. This was particularly bad for Scala.js, because those methods bring with them huge parts of the JDK (the `java.util.regex.*` implementation on the one hand, and the Unicode database on the other hand), which increased generated code size by 6 KB after minimification and gzip for an application that does not otherwise use those methods. This sudden increase is tracked in the Scala.js bug tracker at This commit rewrites `TraversableLike.stringPrefix` in a very imperative way, without resorting to those methods. The behavior is (mostly) preserved. There can be different results when `getClass().getName()` contains non-ASCII lowercase letters and/or digits. Those will now be recognized as user-defined instead of likely compiler-synthesized (which is a progression). There still are false positives for ASCII lowercase letters, which cause the `stringPrefix` to be empty (as before). Since the new implementation is imperative anyway, at least I made it not allocate anything but the result `String` in the common case where the result does not contain any `.`.
2 files changed, 100 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/TraversableLike.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/TraversableLike.scala
index be2f427ea4..c9482fe0a2 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/TraversableLike.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/TraversableLike.scala
@@ -605,22 +605,69 @@ trait TraversableLike[+A, +Repr] extends Any
* applied to this $coll. By default the string prefix is the
* simple name of the collection class $coll.
- def stringPrefix : String = {
+ def stringPrefix: String = {
+ /* This method is written in a style that avoids calling `String.split()`
+ * as well as methods of java.lang.Character that require the Unicode
+ * database information. This is mostly important for Scala.js, so that
+ * using the collection library does automatically bring java.util.regex.*
+ * and the Unicode database in the generated code.
+ *
+ * This algorithm has the additional benefit that it won't allocate
+ * anything except the result String in the common case, where the class
+ * is not an inner class (i.e., when the result contains no '.').
+ */
val fqn = repr.getClass.getName
- val cls = {
- val idx1 = fqn.lastIndexOf('.' : Int)
- if (idx1 != -1) fqn.substring(idx1 + 1) else fqn
+ var pos: Int = fqn.length - 1
+ // Skip trailing $'s
+ while (pos != -1 && fqn.charAt(pos) == '$') {
+ pos -= 1
+ }
+ if (pos == -1 || fqn.charAt(pos) == '.') {
+ return ""
- val parts = cls.split('$')
- val last = parts.length - 1
- parts.zipWithIndex.foldLeft("") { case (z, (s, i)) =>
- if (s.isEmpty) z
- else if (i != last && s.forall(java.lang.Character.isDigit)) "" // drop prefix in method-local classes
- else if (i == 0 || java.lang.Character.isUpperCase(s.charAt(0))) {
- if (z.isEmpty) s else z + '.' + s
+ var result: String = ""
+ while (true) {
+ // Invariant: if we enter the loop, there is a non-empty part
+ // Look for the beginning of the part, remembering where was the last non-digit
+ val partEnd = pos + 1
+ while (pos != -1 && fqn.charAt(pos) <= '9' && fqn.charAt(pos) >= '0') {
+ pos -= 1
+ }
+ val lastNonDigit = pos
+ while (pos != -1 && fqn.charAt(pos) != '$' && fqn.charAt(pos) != '.') {
+ pos -= 1
+ }
+ val partStart = pos + 1
+ // A non-last part which contains only digits marks a method-local part -> drop the prefix
+ if (pos == lastNonDigit && partEnd != fqn.length) {
+ return result
+ }
+ // Skip to the next part, and determine whether we are the end
+ while (pos != -1 && fqn.charAt(pos) == '$') {
+ pos -= 1
+ }
+ val atEnd = pos == -1 || fqn.charAt(pos) == '.'
+ // Handle the actual content of the part (we ignore parts that are likely synthetic)
+ def isPartLikelySynthetic = {
+ val firstChar = fqn.charAt(partStart)
+ (firstChar > 'Z' && firstChar < 0x7f) || (firstChar < 'A')
+ }
+ if (atEnd || !isPartLikelySynthetic) {
+ val part = fqn.substring(partStart, partEnd)
+ result = if (result.isEmpty) part else part + '.' + result
+ if (atEnd)
+ return result
- else z
+ // dead code
+ result
/** Creates a non-strict view of this $coll.
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/collection/TraversableLikeTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/collection/TraversableLikeTest.scala
index 8588956016..f703abf3e4 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/collection/TraversableLikeTest.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/collection/TraversableLikeTest.scala
@@ -5,29 +5,65 @@ import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+object TraversableLikeTest {
+ abstract class FakeIndexedSeq[A] extends IndexedSeq[A] {
+ def apply(i: Int): A = ???
+ def length: Int = 0
+ }
class TraversableLikeTest {
+ import TraversableLikeTest._
// For test_SI9019; out here because as of test writing, putting this in a method would crash compiler
class Baz[@specialized(Int) A]() extends IndexedSeq[A] {
def apply(i: Int) = ???
def length: Int = 0
def test_SI9019 {
object Foo {
def mkBar = () => {
- class Bar extends IndexedSeq[Int] {
- def apply(i: Int) = ???
- def length: Int = 0
- }
+ class Bar extends FakeIndexedSeq[Int]
new Bar
+ def mkFalsePositiveToSyntheticTest = () => {
+ /* A class whose name tarts with an ASCII lowercase letter.
+ * It will be a false positive to the synthetic-part test.
+ */
+ class falsePositive extends FakeIndexedSeq[Int]
+ new falsePositive
+ }
+ def mkFrench = () => {
+ // For non-French speakers, this means "strange class name"
+ class ÉtrangeNomDeClasse extends FakeIndexedSeq[Int]
+ new ÉtrangeNomDeClasse
+ }
+ def mkFrenchLowercase = () => {
+ class étrangeNomDeClasseMinuscules extends FakeIndexedSeq[Int]
+ new étrangeNomDeClasseMinuscules
+ }
val bar = Foo.mkBar()
assertEquals("Bar", bar.stringPrefix) // Previously would have been outermost class, TraversableLikeTest
val baz = new Baz[Int]()
assertEquals("TraversableLikeTest.Baz", baz.stringPrefix) // Make sure we don't see specialization $mcI$sp stuff
+ // The false positive unfortunately produces an empty stringPrefix
+ val falsePositive = Foo.mkFalsePositiveToSyntheticTest()
+ assertEquals("", falsePositive.stringPrefix)
+ val french = Foo.mkFrench()
+ assertEquals("ÉtrangeNomDeClasse", french.stringPrefix)
+ val frenchLowercase = Foo.mkFrenchLowercase()
+ assertEquals("étrangeNomDeClasseMinuscules", frenchLowercase.stringPrefix)