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authorSom Snytt <>2016-06-16 09:52:20 -0700
committerSom Snytt <>2016-06-16 09:52:20 -0700
commit14d3b9e7062662ae55cca02ad653a68aa6aef78d (patch)
parent8eaa53d57c8d3346e03ccde7b7d4c4c8103d9253 (diff)
Refactor triple quote quoting
To quote a triple quote, only quote one quote. Refactors the code for legibility. Adds test for other inline cruft like control chars.
2 files changed, 23 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala
index 4ad34ff8c7..9602a2859b 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala
@@ -1045,23 +1045,23 @@ trait Printers extends api.Printers { self: SymbolTable =>
- case l @ Literal(x) =>
- import Chars.LF
- x match {
- case Constant(v: String) if {
- val strValue = x.stringValue
- strValue.contains(LF) && !strValue.contains("\"\"\"") && strValue.size > 1
- } =>
- val splitValue = x.stringValue.split(s"$LF").toList
- val multilineStringValue = if (x.stringValue.endsWith(s"$LF")) splitValue :+ "" else splitValue
- val trQuotes = "\"\"\""
- print(trQuotes); printSeq(multilineStringValue) { print(_) } { print(LF) }; print(trQuotes)
- case _ =>
- // processing Float constants
- val printValue = x.escapedStringValue + (if (x.value.isInstanceOf[Float]) "F" else "")
- print(printValue)
+ case Literal(k @ Constant(s: String)) if s.contains(Chars.LF) =>
+ val tq = "\"" * 3
+ val lines = s.lines.toList
+ if (lines.lengthCompare(1) <= 0) print(k.escapedStringValue)
+ else {
+ val tqp = """["]{3}""".r
+ val tqq = """""\\"""" // ""\" is triple-quote quoted
+ print(tq)
+ printSeq( => tqp.replaceAllIn(x, tqq)))(print(_))(print(Chars.LF))
+ print(tq)
+ case Literal(x) =>
+ // processing Float constants
+ val suffix = x.value match { case _: Float => "F" case _ => "" }
+ print(s"${x.escapedStringValue}${suffix}")
case an @ Annotated(ap, tree) =>
val printParentheses = needsParentheses(tree)()
parenthesize(printParentheses) { print(tree) }; print(if (tree.isType) " " else ": ")
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/PrintersTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/PrintersTest.scala
index 916f21adc8..38fe205af7 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/PrintersTest.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/PrintersTest.scala
@@ -79,13 +79,17 @@ class BasePrintTest {
@Test def testConstantLong = assertTreeCode(Literal(Constant(42l)))("42L")
- @Test def testConstantMultiline = assertTreeCode(Literal(Constant("hello\nworld")))("\"\"\"hello\nworld\"\"\"")
val sq = "\""
- val teq = "\\\"" * 3
val tq = "\"" * 3
+ val teq = "\"\"\\\""
+ @Test def testConstantMultiline = assertTreeCode(Literal(Constant("hello\nworld")))(s"${tq}hello\nworld${tq}")
+ @Test def testConstantFormfeed = assertTreeCode(Literal(Constant("hello\fworld")))(s"${sq}hello\\fworld${sq}")
+ @Test def testConstantControl = assertTreeCode(Literal(Constant("hello\u0003world")))(s"${sq}hello\\03world${sq}")
- @Test def testConstantEmbeddedTriple = assertTreeCode(Literal(Constant(s"${tq}hello${tq}\nworld")))(s"${sq}${teq}hello${teq}\\nworld${sq}")
+ @Test def testConstantEmbeddedTriple = assertTreeCode(Literal(Constant(s"${tq}hello${tq}\nworld")))(s"${tq}${teq}hello${teq}\nworld${tq}")
@Test def testOpExpr = assertPrintedCode("(5).+(4)", checkTypedTree = false)