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authorPaul Phillips <>2013-08-17 13:16:12 -0700
committerPaul Phillips <>2013-08-17 22:06:40 -0700
commit54bb76b898e9edf2a90c6b385196771c14acf581 (patch)
parent4f6b16a5e931cf11a8388745738a78cec0818be4 (diff)
Move more pattern logic into BoundTree.
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
index 2ebd01f091..45003ccef1 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
import global._
import definitions._
import global.analyzer.{ErrorUtils, formalTypes}
- import treeInfo.{ Unapplied, isStar }
+ import treeInfo.{ WildcardStarArg, Unapplied, isStar, unbind }
// Always map repeated params to sequences
private def setVarInfo(sym: Symbol, info: Type) =
@@ -57,11 +57,53 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
trait MatchTranslator extends TreeMakers {
import typer.context
- case class BoundTree(binder: Symbol, tree: Tree)
+ case class BoundTree(binder: Symbol, tree: Tree) {
+ def pos = tree.pos
+ def tpe = // the type of the variable bound to the pattern
+ def pt = unbound match {
+ case Star(tpt) => this glbWith seqType(tpt.tpe)
+ case Typed(_, tpt) => tpt.tpe
+ case tree => tree.tpe
+ }
+ def repeatedType = unbound match {
+ case Star(tpt) => tpt.tpe
+ case _ => NoType
+ }
+ def glbWith(other: Type) = glb(tpe :: other :: Nil).normalize
+ private def setInfo(paramType: Type): Boolean = {
+ devWarning(s"resetting info of $this to $paramType")
+ setVarInfo(binder, paramType)
+ true
+ }
+ // If <:< but not =:=, no type test needed, but the tree maker relies on the binder having
+ // exactly paramType (and not just some type compatible with it.) SI-6624 shows this is necessary
+ // because apparently patBinder may have an unfortunate type (.decls don't have the case field
+ // accessors) TODO: get to the bottom of this -- I assume it happens when type checking
+ // infers a weird type for an unapply call. By going back to the parameterType for the
+ // extractor call we get a saner type, so let's just do that for now.
+ def ensureConformsTo(paramType: Type): Boolean = (
+ (tpe =:= paramType)
+ || (tpe <:< paramType) && setInfo(paramType)
+ )
+ private def concreteType = tpe.bounds.hi
+ private def unbound = unbind(tree)
+ private def tpe_s = if (pt <:< concreteType) "" + pt else s"$pt (binder: $tpe)"
+ private def at_s = unbound match {
+ case WildcardPattern() => ""
+ case pat => s" @ $pat"
+ }
+ override def toString = s"${}: $tpe_s$at_s"
+ }
// a list of TreeMakers that encode `patTree`, and a list of arguments for recursive invocations of `translatePattern` to encode its subpatterns
private case class TranslationStep(makers: List[TreeMaker], subpatterns: List[BoundTree]) {
+ if ((sys.props contains "patmat") && subpatterns.nonEmpty)
+ Console.err.println(this)
def merge(f: BoundTree => List[TreeMaker]): List[TreeMaker] = makers ::: (subpatterns flatMap f)
+ override def toString = if (subpatterns.isEmpty) "" else subpatterns.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
// Why is it so difficult to say "here's a name and a context, give me any
@@ -246,61 +288,45 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
def translateCase(scrutSym: Symbol, pt: Type)(caseDef: CaseDef) = {
val CaseDef(pattern, guard, body) = caseDef
- translatePattern(scrutSym, pattern) ++ translateGuard(guard) :+ translateBody(body, pt)
+ translatePattern(BoundTree(scrutSym, pattern)) ++ translateGuard(guard) :+ translateBody(body, pt)
- def translatePattern(bound: BoundTree): List[TreeMaker] = translatePattern(bound.binder, bound.tree)
- def translatePattern(patBinder: Symbol, patTree: Tree): List[TreeMaker] = {
- val pos = patTree.pos
- def patType = // the type of the variable bound to the pattern
- def glbWithBinder(other: Type) = glb(patType :: other :: Nil).normalize
+ def translatePattern(bound: BoundTree): List[TreeMaker] = {
+ def patBinder = bound.binder
+ def patTree = bound.tree
+ def patType = bound.tpe
+ def pos = bound.pos
def withSubPats(treeMakers: List[TreeMaker], subpats: BoundTree*): TranslationStep = TranslationStep(treeMakers, subpats.toList)
def noFurtherSubPats(treeMakers: TreeMaker*): TranslationStep = TranslationStep(treeMakers.toList, Nil)
+ // example check: List[Int] <:< ::[Int]
def translateExtractorPattern(extractor: ExtractorCall): TranslationStep = {
- import extractor.paramType // the type expected by the unapply
- def patConforms = patType <:< paramType
- def patEquiv = patType =:= paramType
+ import extractor.{ paramType, treeMaker, subBindersAndPatterns }
if (!extractor.isTyped)
ErrorUtils.issueNormalTypeError(patTree, "Could not typecheck extractor call: "+ extractor)(context)
- debug.patmat("translateExtractorPattern checking parameter type: " + ((patBinder, patType, paramType, patConforms)))
- // example check: List[Int] <:< ::[Int]
- // TODO: extractor.paramType may contain unbound type params (run/t2800, run/t3530)
- // `patBinderOrCasted` is assigned the result of casting `patBinder` to `extractor.paramType`
- val (typeTestTreeMaker, patBinderOrCasted, binderKnownNonNull) =
- if (patConforms) {
- // no type test needed, but the tree maker relies on `patBinderOrCasted` having type `extractor.paramType` (and not just some type compatible with it)
- // SI-6624 shows this is necessary because apparently patBinder may have an unfortunate type (.decls don't have the case field accessors)
- // TODO: get to the bottom of this -- I assume it happens when type checking infers a weird type for an unapply call
- // by going back to the parameterType for the extractor call we get a saner type, so let's just do that for now
- if (!patEquiv)
- devWarning(s"resetting info of $patBinder: $patType to $paramType")
- (Nil, setVarInfo(patBinder, paramType), false)
- }
- else {
- // chain a type-testing extractor before the actual extractor call
- // it tests the type, checks the outer pointer and casts to the expected type
- // TODO: the outer check is mandated by the spec for case classes, but we do it for user-defined unapplies as well [SPEC]
- // (the prefix of the argument passed to the unapply must equal the prefix of the type of the binder)
- val treeMaker = TypeTestTreeMaker(patBinder, patBinder, paramType, paramType)(pos, extractorArgTypeTest = true)
- // check whether typetest implies patBinder is not null,
- // even though the eventual null check will be on patBinderOrCasted
- // it'll be equal to patBinder casted to paramType anyway (and the type test is on patBinder)
- (List(treeMaker), treeMaker.nextBinder, treeMaker.impliesBinderNonNull(patBinder))
- }
+ // chain a type-testing extractor before the actual extractor call
+ // it tests the type, checks the outer pointer and casts to the expected type
+ // TODO: the outer check is mandated by the spec for case classes, but we do it for user-defined unapplies as well [SPEC]
+ // (the prefix of the argument passed to the unapply must equal the prefix of the type of the binder)
+ lazy val typeTest = TypeTestTreeMaker(patBinder, patBinder, paramType, paramType)(pos, extractorArgTypeTest = true)
+ // check whether typetest implies patBinder is not null,
+ // even though the eventual null check will be on typeTest.nextBinder
+ // it'll be equal to patBinder casted to paramType anyway (and the type test is on patBinder)
+ def extraction: TreeMaker = treeMaker(typeTest.nextBinder, typeTest impliesBinderNonNull patBinder, pos)
+ // paramType = the type expected by the unapply
+ // TODO: paramType may contain unbound type params (run/t2800, run/t3530)
+ val makers = (
+ // Statically conforms to paramType
+ if (bound ensureConformsTo paramType) treeMaker(patBinder, false, pos) :: Nil
+ else typeTest :: extraction :: Nil
+ )
- withSubPats(typeTestTreeMaker :+ extractor.treeMaker(patBinderOrCasted, binderKnownNonNull, pos), extractor.subBindersAndPatterns: _*)
+ withSubPats(makers, subBindersAndPatterns: _*)
object MaybeBoundTyped {
object NonNullTyped {
// the Ident subpattern can be ignored, subpatBinder or patBinder tell us all we need to know about it
@@ -331,8 +357,9 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
| ${asCompactDebugString(patTree)}
- def one(maker: TreeMaker) = noFurtherSubPats(maker)
- def none() = noFurtherSubPats()
+ def one(maker: TreeMaker) = noFurtherSubPats(maker)
+ def none() = noFurtherSubPats()
+ def translatedAlts(alts: List[Tree]) = alts map (alt => translatePattern(BoundTree(patBinder, alt)))
// Summary of translation cases. I moved the excerpts from the specification further below so all
// the logic can be seen at once.
@@ -351,10 +378,10 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
val translationStep = patTree match {
case WildcardPattern() => none()
case _: UnApply | _: Apply => translateExtractorPattern(ExtractorCall(patTree))
- case MaybeBoundTyped(subPatBinder, pt) => one(TypeTestTreeMaker(subPatBinder, patBinder, pt, glbWithBinder(pt))(pos))
+ case MaybeBoundTyped(subPatBinder, pt) => one(TypeTestTreeMaker(subPatBinder, patBinder, pt, bound glbWith pt)(pos))
case Bound(subpatBinder, p) => withSubPats(List(SubstOnlyTreeMaker(subpatBinder, patBinder)), BoundTree(patBinder, p))
case Literal(Constant(_)) | Ident(_) | Select(_, _) | This(_) => one(EqualityTestTreeMaker(patBinder, patTree, pos))
- case Alternative(alts) => one(AlternativesTreeMaker(patBinder, alts map (translatePattern(patBinder, _)), alts.head.pos))
+ case Alternative(alts) => one(AlternativesTreeMaker(patBinder, translatedAlts(alts), alts.head.pos))
case Bind(_, _) => devWarning(s"Bind tree with unbound symbol $patTree") ; none()
case _ => context.unit.error(patTree.pos, unsupportedPatternMsg) ; none()