diff options
authorRoland <>2012-09-19 08:17:40 +0200
committerRoland <>2012-09-19 08:17:40 +0200
commit625377f53ffc9244c96b17b3fc086bf81c3215d1 (patch)
parentc555ff56db737bc65097add317946ee6d6166cd8 (diff)
improve performance of integer multiplication overflow check on Duration
- also rename divisor arguments to “divisor” - and add a scalacheck for multiplication overflow detection
2 files changed, 106 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/concurrent/util/Duration.scala b/src/library/scala/concurrent/util/Duration.scala
index 4567bf8ee6..c980170f0d 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/concurrent/util/Duration.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/concurrent/util/Duration.scala
@@ -275,13 +275,13 @@ object Duration {
if (factor == 0d || factor.isNaN) Undefined
else if (factor < 0d) -this
else this
- def /(factor: Double): Duration =
- if (factor.isNaN || factor.isInfinite) Undefined
- else if ((factor compare 0d) < 0) -this
+ def /(divisor: Double): Duration =
+ if (divisor.isNaN || divisor.isInfinite) Undefined
+ else if ((divisor compare 0d) < 0) -this
else this
- def /(other: Duration): Double = other match {
+ def /(divisor: Duration): Double = divisor match {
case _: Infinite => Double.NaN
- case x => Double.PositiveInfinity * (if ((this > Zero) ^ (other >= Zero)) -1 else 1)
+ case x => Double.PositiveInfinity * (if ((this > Zero) ^ (divisor >= Zero)) -1 else 1)
final def isFinite() = false
@@ -529,12 +529,12 @@ sealed abstract class Duration extends Serializable with Ordered[Duration] {
* $ovf
- def /(factor: Double): Duration
+ def /(divisor: Double): Duration
* Return the quotient of this and that duration as floating-point number. The semantics are
* determined by Double as if calculating the quotient of the nanosecond lengths of both factors.
- def /(other: Duration): Double
+ def /(divisor: Duration): Double
* Negate this duration. The only two values which are mapped to themselves are [[Duration.Zero]] and [[Duration.Undefined]].
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ sealed abstract class Duration extends Serializable with Ordered[Duration] {
* $ovf
- def div(factor: Double) = this / factor
+ def div(divisor: Double) = this / divisor
* Return the quotient of this and that duration as floating-point number. The semantics are
* determined by Double as if calculating the quotient of the nanosecond lengths of both factors.
@@ -691,17 +691,17 @@ final class FiniteDuration(val length: Long, val unit: TimeUnit) extends Duratio
else if ((factor > 0) ^ (this < Zero)) Inf
else MinusInf
- def /(factor: Double) =
- if (!factor.isInfinite) fromNanos(toNanos / factor)
- else if (factor.isNaN) Undefined
+ def /(divisor: Double) =
+ if (!divisor.isInfinite) fromNanos(toNanos / divisor)
+ else if (divisor.isNaN) Undefined
else Zero
// if this is made a constant, then scalac will elide the conditional and always return +0.0, SI-6331
private[this] def minusZero = -0d
- def /(other: Duration): Double =
- if (other.isFinite) toNanos.toDouble / other.toNanos
- else if (other eq Undefined) Double.NaN
- else if ((length < 0) ^ (other > Zero)) 0d
+ def /(divisor: Duration): Double =
+ if (divisor.isFinite) toNanos.toDouble / divisor.toNanos
+ else if (divisor eq Undefined) Double.NaN
+ else if ((length < 0) ^ (divisor > Zero)) 0d
else minusZero
// overloaded methods taking FiniteDurations, so that you can calculate while statically staying finite
@@ -719,16 +719,33 @@ final class FiniteDuration(val length: Long, val unit: TimeUnit) extends Duratio
* @throws ArithmeticException if the factor is 0
- def /(factor: Long) = fromNanos(toNanos / factor)
+ def /(divisor: Long) = fromNanos(toNanos / divisor)
* Return the product of this duration and the given integer factor.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the result would overflow the range of FiniteDuration
- def *(factor: Long) = {
- if (length > Long.MaxValue / factor) throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiplication overflow")
- new FiniteDuration(length * factor, unit)
+ def *(factor: Long) = new FiniteDuration(safeMul(length, factor), unit)
+ /*
+ * This method avoids the use of Long division, which saves 95% of the time spent,
+ * by checking that there are enough leading zeros so that the result has a chance
+ * to fit into a Long again; the remaining edge cases are caught by using the sign
+ * of the product for overflow detection.
+ *
+ * This method is not general purpose because it disallows the (otherwise legal)
+ * case of Long.MinValue * 1, but that is okay for use in FiniteDuration, since
+ * Long.MinValue is not a legal `length` anyway.
+ */
+ private def safeMul(_a: Long, _b: Long): Long = {
+ val a = math.abs(_a)
+ val b = math.abs(_b)
+ import java.lang.Long.{ numberOfLeadingZeros => leading }
+ if (leading(a) + leading(b) < 64) throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiplication overflow")
+ val product = a * b
+ if (product < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiplication overflow")
+ if (a == _a ^ b == _b) -product else product
@@ -736,7 +753,7 @@ final class FiniteDuration(val length: Long, val unit: TimeUnit) extends Duratio
* @throws ArithmeticException if the factor is 0
- def div(factor: Long) = this / factor
+ def div(divisor: Long) = this / divisor
* Return the product of this duration and the given integer factor.
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/duration.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/duration.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8037720f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/duration.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import org.scalacheck._
+import Prop._
+import Gen._
+import Arbitrary._
+import math._
+import concurrent.util.Duration.fromNanos
+object Test extends Properties("Division of Duration by Long") {
+ val weightedLong =
+ frequency(
+ 1 -> choose(-128L, 127L),
+ 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 8)),
+ 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 16)),
+ 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 24)),
+ 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 32)),
+ 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 40)),
+ 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 48)),
+ 1 -> (choose(-127L, 127L) map (_ << 56))
+ )
+ val genTwoSmall = for {
+ a <- weightedLong
+ b <- choose(-(Long.MaxValue / max(1, abs(a))), Long.MaxValue / max(1, abs(a)))
+ } yield (a, b)
+ val genTwoLarge = for {
+ a <- weightedLong
+ b <- arbitrary[Long] suchThat (b => (abs(b) > Long.MaxValue / max(1, abs(a))))
+ } yield (a, b)
+ val genClose = for {
+ a <- weightedLong
+ if a != 0
+ b <- choose(Long.MaxValue / a - 10, Long.MaxValue / a + 10)
+ } yield (a, b)
+ val genBorderline =
+ frequency(
+ 1 -> (Long.MinValue, 0L),
+ 1 -> (Long.MinValue, 1L),
+ 1 -> (Long.MinValue, -1L),
+ 1 -> (0L, Long.MinValue),
+ 1 -> (1L, Long.MinValue),
+ 1 -> (-1L, Long.MinValue),
+ 90 -> genClose
+ )
+ def mul(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {
+ (fromNanos(a) * b).toNanos
+ }
+ property("without overflow") = forAll(genTwoSmall) { case (a, b) =>
+ a * b == mul(a, b)
+ }
+ property("with overflow") = forAll(genTwoLarge) { case (a, b) =>
+ try { mul(a, b); false } catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => true }
+ }
+ property("on overflow edge cases") = forAll(genBorderline) { case (a, b) =>
+ val shouldFit =
+ a != Long.MinValue && // must fail due to illegal duration length
+ (b != Long.MinValue || a == 0) && // Long factor may only be MinValue if the duration is zero, otherwise the result will be illegal
+ (abs(b) <= Long.MaxValue / max(1, abs(a))) // check the rest against the “safe” division method
+ try { mul(a, b); shouldFit }
+ catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => !shouldFit }
+ }