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authorburaq <>2004-07-08 17:08:24 +0000
committerburaq <>2004-07-08 17:08:24 +0000
commit9b4accd2265d3046d1198cae67561257c077d563 (patch)
parent9686e20774b3da3efe87e24d913aefef1805041a (diff)
2 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala b/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..548d4f68e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package scala.util.automata ;
+import scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet ;
+import scala.collection.{ Set, Map, mutable };
+/** 0 is always the only initial state */
+abstract class NondetWordAutom[ A <: Alphabet ] {
+ val nstates: Int;
+ val labels: Set[A] ;
+ val finals: Map[Int,Int] ;
+ val delta: Map[Int,Map[A,List[Int]]];
+ val default: Array[List[Int]];
+ /** returns true if the state is final */
+ final def isFinal(state: Int) = finals.contains( state );
+ /** returns tag of final state */
+ final def finalTag(state: Int) = finals( state );
+ /** returns true if the set of states contains at least one final state */
+ final def containsFinal(Q: Set[Int]):Boolean = {
+ val it = Q.elements;
+ while( it.hasNext )
+ if( isFinal( ))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** returns true if there are no finite states */
+ final def isEmpty = finals.isEmpty;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala b/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..890c8cae1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+package scala.util.automata ;
+import scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet ;
+import scala.util.regexp.WordExp ;
+import scala.collection.{ mutable, Map } ;
+import scala.collection.immutable ;
+/** this turns a regexp over A into a NondetWordAutom over A using the
+ * celebrated position automata construction (also called Berry-Sethi or
+ * Glushkov)
+ */
+abstract class WordBerrySethi[ A <: Alphabet ] extends BaseBerrySethi {
+ override val lang: WordExp[ A ];
+ import lang.{Alt,Eps,Letter,Meta,RegExp,Sequ,Star} ;
+ protected var labels:mutable.HashSet[A] = _ ;
+ // don't let this fool you, only labelAt is a real, surjective mapping
+ protected var labelAt: immutable.TreeMap[int, A] = _; // new alphabet "gamma"
+ protected var deltaq: Array[mutable.HashMap[A,List[Int]]] = _; // delta
+ protected var defaultq: Array[List[Int]] = _; // default transitions
+ protected var initials:immutable.Set[Int] = _ ;
+ //NondetWordAutom revNfa ;
+ /** computes first( r ) where the word regexp r */
+ protected override def compFirst(r: RegExp): immutable.Set[Int] = r match {
+ case x:Letter => emptySet + posMap(x); // singleton set
+ case _ => super.compFirst(r);
+ }
+ /** computes last( r ) where the word regexp r */
+ protected override def compLast(r: RegExp): immutable.Set[Int] = r match {
+ case x:Letter => emptySet + posMap(x) // singleton set
+ case _ => super.compLast(r)
+ }
+ /** returns the first set of an expression, setting the follow set along
+ * the way
+ */
+ protected override def compFollow1( fol1:immutable.Set[Int], r:RegExp ): immutable.Set[Int] =
+ r match {
+ case x:Letter =>
+ val i = posMap( x );
+ this.follow.update( i, fol1 );
+ emptySet + i;
+ case _ => super.compFollow1(fol1, r)
+ }
+ /** returns "Sethi-length" of a pattern, creating the set of position
+ * along the way
+ */
+ /** called at the leaves of the regexp */
+ protected def seenLabel( r:RegExp, i:Int, label: A ): Unit = {
+ this.posMap.update( r, i );
+ this.labelAt.update( i, label );
+ //@ifdef if( label != Wildcard ) {
+ this.labels += label ;
+ //@ifdef }
+ }
+ // overriden in BindingBerrySethi
+ protected def seenLabel( r: RegExp, label: A ): Unit = {
+ pos = pos + 1;
+ seenLabel( r, pos, label );
+ }
+ // todo: replace global variable pos with acc
+ override def traverse(r: RegExp): Unit = r match {
+ case Letter( label ) => seenLabel( r, label ) ;
+ case _ => super.traverse(r)
+ }
+ protected def makeTransition(src: Int, dest:Int, label: A ):Unit = {
+ //@ifdef compiler if( label == Wildcard )
+ //@ifdef compiler defaultq.update(src, dest::defaultq( src ))
+ //@ifdef compiler else
+ val q = deltaq( src );
+ q.update(label, dest::(q.get(label) match {
+ case Some(x) => x
+ case _ => Nil
+ }));
+ }
+ protected def initialize(subexpr: Seq[RegExp]): Unit = {
+ this.posMap = new mutable.HashMap[RegExp,Int]();
+ this.labelAt = new immutable.TreeMap[Int,A]();
+ this.follow = new mutable.HashMap[Int,immutable.Set[Int]]();
+ this.labels = new mutable.HashSet[A]();
+ this.pos = 0;
+ // determine "Sethi-length" of the regexp
+ //activeBinders = new Vector();
+ var it = subexpr.elements;
+ while( it.hasNext )
+ traverse( );
+ //assert ( activeBinders.isEmpty() );
+ this.initials = emptySet + 0;
+ }
+ protected def initializeAutom(): Unit = {
+ finals = immutable.TreeMap.Empty[Int,Int]; // final states
+ deltaq = new Array[mutable.HashMap[A,List[Int]]]( pos ); // delta
+ defaultq = new Array[List[Int]]( pos ); // default transitions
+ var j = 0;
+ while( j < pos ) {
+ deltaq( j ) = new mutable.HashMap[A,List[Int]]();
+ defaultq( j ) = Nil;
+ j = j + 1
+ }
+ }
+ protected def collectTransitions(): Unit = { // make transitions
+ var j = 0;
+ while( j < pos ) {
+ val fol = this.follow( j );
+ val it = fol.elements;
+ while( it.hasNext ) {
+ val k =;
+ if( pos == k )
+ finals.update( k, finalTag )
+ else
+ makeTransition( j, k, labelAt( k ))
+ }
+ j = j + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ def automatonFrom(pat: RegExp, finalTag: Int): NondetWordAutom[ A ] = {
+ this.finalTag = finalTag;
+ pat match {
+ case x:Sequ =>
+ // (1,2) compute follow + first
+ initialize( );
+ pos = pos + 1;
+ globalFirst = compFollow( );
+ //System.out.print("someFirst:");debugPrint(someFirst);
+ // (3) make automaton from follow sets
+ initializeAutom();
+ collectTransitions();
+ if( x.isNullable ) // initial state is final
+ finals.update( 0, finalTag );
+ var delta1: immutable.TreeMap[Int,Map[A,List[Int]]] =
+ new immutable.TreeMap[Int,Map[A,List[Int]]];
+ var i = 0;
+ while( i < deltaq.length ) {
+ delta1 = delta1.update( i, deltaq( i ));
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ new NondetWordAutom[ A ] {
+ val nstates = pos;
+ val labels = WordBerrySethi.this.labels;
+ val initials = WordBerrySethi.this.initials;
+ val finals = WordBerrySethi.this.finals;
+ val delta = delta1;
+ val default = defaultq;
+ }
+ case _ => error("expected Sequ");
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ void print1() {
+ System.out.println("after sethi-style processing");
+ System.out.println("#positions:" + pos);
+ System.out.println("posMap:");
+ for( Iterator it = this.posMap.keySet().iterator();
+ it.hasNext(); ) {
+ Tree t = (Tree);
+ switch(t) {
+ case Literal( _ ):
+ System.out.print( "(" + t.toString() + " -> ");
+ String s2 = ((Integer) posMap.get(t)).toString();
+ System.out.print( s2 +") ");
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println("\nfollow: ");
+ for( int j = 1; j < pos; j++ ) {
+ TreeSet fol = (TreeSet) this.follow.get(new Integer(j));
+ System.out.print("("+j+" -> "+fol.toString()+") ");
+ //debugPrint( fol );
+ System.out.println();
+ }
+ }
+ */