diff options
authorSean McDirmid <>2007-12-02 13:12:45 +0000
committerSean McDirmid <>2007-12-02 13:12:45 +0000
commitde4e67acfba8ab74a199c4e0d8a76c7d122d09fe (patch)
parent8647f299b0aa4195b52457cb53cddbd3206b5a5b (diff)
nuking noides, getting rid of generate ide maps
3 files changed, 3 insertions, 579 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/GenerateIdeMaps.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/GenerateIdeMaps.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 66f32086c2..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/GenerateIdeMaps.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2007 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-// $Id: $
-import scala.collection.jcl.{LinkedHashMap,LinkedHashSet}
-abstract class GenerateIdeMaps extends SubComponent {
- val phaseName = "gen-ide-map"
- def newPhase(prev: Phase): StdPhase = new GenIdeMapPhase(prev)
- import global._
- private def assert(b: Boolean) {
- if (!b) {
- assert(true)
- throw new AssertionError
- }
- }
- object sourceFiles extends LinkedHashMap[AbstractFile,AbstractFile] {
- override def update(sourceFile : AbstractFile, classDir : AbstractFile) = {
- ideMaps.get(sourceFile) match {
- case Some(map) if map.isEmpty => ideMaps.removeKey(sourceFile)
- case _ =>
- }
- super.update(sourceFile, classDir)
- }
- }
- object ideMaps extends LinkedHashMap[AbstractFile, LinkedHashMap[Int,IdeRef]]
- def getIdeMap(sourceFile : SourceFile, pkg : => Option[String], defaultClassDir : => Option[AbstractFile]) = ideMaps.get(sourceFile.file) match {
- case Some(map) if !map.isEmpty => map
- case _ =>
- val ret0 = try {
- readIdeMap(sourceFile, pkg, defaultClassDir)
- } catch {
- case _ => Nil
- }
- val ret = new LinkedHashMap[Int,IdeRef]
- ret0.foreach{
- case (offset,ref) => ret(offset) = ref
- }
- //if (!ret.isEmpty)
- ideMaps(sourceFile.file) = ret
- ret
- }
- def symToPackage(sym : Symbol) : String = {
- var pkg = sym.fullNameString
- if (pkg.indexOf('$') != -1) pkg = pkg.substring(pkg.indexOf('$'))
- if (pkg.indexOf('.') != -1) pkg = pkg.substring(pkg.lastIndexOf('.'))
- pkg
- }
- abstract class IdeRef
- object NoRef extends IdeRef
- case class Internal(offset : Int) extends IdeRef
- case class External(sym : Symbol) extends IdeRef
- class Definition(sym : Symbol) extends External(sym) {
- override def toString = "Definition(" + sym + ")"
- }
- def readIdeMap(sourceFile : SourceFile, pkg : => Option[String], defaultClassDir : => Option[AbstractFile]) : List[(Int,IdeRef)] = {
- // need to find the place where the class file was loaded....
- var name =
- assert(name.endsWith(".scala"))
- name = name.substring(0, name.length - (".scala").length) + ".ide"
- val classDir= sourceFiles.get(sourceFile.file) orElse ((defaultClassDir,pkg) match {
- case (Some(root),Some(pkg)) =>
- var file = root
- pkg.split('.').foreach{name =>
- if (file != null) file = file.lookupName(name, true)
- }
- if (file != null) Some(file) else None
- case _ => None
- })
- if (classDir.isEmpty) return Nil
- val ideFile = classDir.get.lookupPath(name, false)
- if (ideFile == null) return Nil
- try {
- val fis = new ByteArrayInputStream(ideFile.toByteArray)
- val gis = new GZIPInputStream(fis)
- val array = new Array[Byte](100)
- val buf = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Byte]
- while ({
- val read =
- if (read == -1) false else {
- buf ++= array.projection.take(read)
- true
- }
- }) {}
- val input = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.toArray))
- def read : List[(Int,String)] = {
- val array0 = input.readObject.asInstanceOf[Array[Int]]
- val array1 = input.readObject.asInstanceOf[Array[String]]
- assert(array0.length == array1.length)
- val buf = new ListBuffer[(Int,String)]
- val i = array0.elements
- val j = array1.elements
- while (i.hasNext) buf += (,
- buf.toList
- }
- val uses = read
- val defs = read
- val defs0 = new LinkedHashMap[Int,Symbol]
- val ret = new scala.collection.jcl.LinkedHashMap[Int,IdeRef]
- implicit val cache = new LinkedHashMap[String,Symbol]
- defs.foreach{
- case (offset,url) =>
- val sym = url2sym(url)
- //assert(sym != null)
- if (sym != null) {
- sym.setPos(new OffsetPosition(sourceFile, offset))
- ret += ((offset,new Definition(sym)))
- defs0(offset) = sym
- } else {
- assert(true)
- assert(true)
- }
- if (sym != null) {
- }
- }
- uses.foreach{
- case (offset,url) =>
- if (url.startsWith(":")) {
- val offset0 = Integer.parseInt(url.substring(1))
- ret(offset) = (defs0.get(offset0) match {
- case Some(sym) => new Definition(sym)
- case None => Internal(offset0)
- })
- } else {
- val sym = url2sym(url)
- if (sym != null) {
- ret(offset) = (External(sym))
- } else {
- assert(true)
- assert(true)
- }
- }
- }
- ret.toList
- } catch {
- case ex =>
- //ex.printStackTrace
- Nil
- }
- }
- def decodeIdeName(string : String) : (Name,String) = {
- val idx = string.indexOf('[')
- if (idx != -1) { // a method
- return (newTermName(string.substring(0, idx)), string.substring(idx))
- } else if (string.endsWith(";")) {
- return (newTermName(string.substring(0, string.length - (";").length)), null)
- } else return (newTypeName(string), null)
- }
- def lookupIdeName(owner : Symbol, scope : Scope, string : String) : Symbol = {
- val (name,params) = decodeIdeName(string)
- var e = scope.lookupEntry(name)
- while ((e ne null) && params != null && methodSig( != params)
- e = scope.lookupNextEntry(e)
- if (e != null) return (e.sym)
- val isPC = owner.isPackageClass
- if (isPC) {
- assert(params == null)
- assert(true)
- val info =[PackageClassInfoType]
- val loader = info.loader.asInstanceOf[global.loaders.PackageLoader]
- if (loader ne null) loader.refresh
- e = scope.lookupEntry(name)
- if (e ne null) return (e.sym)
- }
- assert(true) // not found!
- return null
- }
- def walk(sourceFile : SourceFile, tree: Tree, uses : scala.collection.mutable.Map[Position,Symbol], defs : LinkedHashMap[Symbol,Position]) : Unit = {
- val visited = new LinkedHashSet[Tree]
- def f(t : Tree) : Unit = {
- if (!visited.add(t)) return
- def fs(l : List[Tree]) : Unit = {
- val i = l.elements
- while (i.hasNext) f(
- }
- def fss(l : List[List[Tree]]) : Unit = {
- val i = l.elements
- while (i.hasNext) fs(
- }
- if (t.isInstanceOf[StubTree]) return
- def asTypeRef = t.tpe.asInstanceOf[TypeRef]
- val sym = (t,t.tpe) match {
- case (Super(_,_),SuperType(_,supertp)) if supertp.typeSymbol != NoSymbol && supertp.typeSymbol != null => supertp.typeSymbol
- case _ if t.symbol != NoSymbol && t.symbol != null => t.symbol
- case (t : TypeTree, tp) if tp != null && tp.typeSymbol != null && tp.typeSymbol != NoSymbol => tp.typeSymbol
- case (t : TypeTree, tp) if tp != null && tp.resultType != null && tp.resultType.typeSymbol != null => tp.resultType.typeSymbol
- case (t, tpe : Type) if tpe != null && (t.symbol eq NoSymbol) && t.isTerm && tpe.termSymbol != null =>
- assert(true)
- tpe.termSymbol
- case (t, tpe : Type) if tpe != null && (t.symbol eq NoSymbol) && tpe.typeSymbol != null =>
- if (t.tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeRef]) asTypeRef.sym // XXX: looks like a bug
- else tpe.typeSymbol
- case _ => NoSymbol
- }
- if (sym != null && sym != NoSymbol /* && !sym.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC) */) {
- var id = sourceFile.identifier(t.pos, global)
- val doAdd = if (id.isDefined) {
- if (id.get.charAt(0) == '`') id = Some(id.get.substring(1, id.get.length - 1))
- val name =
- if (name == id.get) true
- else if (name.endsWith("_=")) {
- val name1 = name.substring(0, name.length - ("_=").length)
- name1 == id.get
- } else false
- //if ( true else false
- } else false
- if (doAdd) {
- if (!uses.contains(t.pos)) {
- uses(t.pos) = sym
- } else {
- val existing = uses(t.pos)
- if (sym.sourceFile != existing.sourceFile || sym.pos != existing.pos) {
- (sym,existing) match {
- case (sym,existing) if sym.pos == existing.pos =>
- case (sym : TypeSymbol ,_ : ClassSymbol) => uses(t.pos) = sym
- case (_ : ClassSymbol,_ : TypeSymbol) => // nothing
- case _ if sym.isModule && existing.isValue => // nothing
- case _ if sym.isClass && existing.isMethod => // nothing
- case _ =>
- assert(true)
- }
- }
- }}
- }
- assert(true)
- t match {
- case t : DefTree if defs != null && t.symbol != NoSymbol =>
- if (t.pos != NoPosition)
- defs.put(t.symbol, t.pos)
- if (t.symbol.isClass) {
- val factory = t.symbol.caseFactory
- if (factory != NoSymbol) {
- assert(true)
- defs.put(factory, t.pos)
- }
- }
- else {
- assert(true)
- assert(true)
- }
- case t : TypeBoundsTree => f(t.lo); f(t.hi)
- case t : TypeTree if t.original != null =>
- def h(original : Tree, tpe : Type): Unit = try {
- if (original.tpe == null)
- original.tpe = tpe
- (original) match {
- case (AppliedTypeTree(_,trees)) if tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeRef] =>
- val types = tpe.asInstanceOf[TypeRef].args
- case (tree,tpe) => assert(tree != null && tpe != null); h(tree, tpe)
- //case _ =>
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- if (t.original.tpe == null) {
- val dup = t.original.duplicate
- h(dup,t.tpe)
- f(dup)
- } else f(t.original)
- ()
- case _ =>
- }
- (t) match {
- case (t : MemberDef) if t.symbol != null && t.symbol != NoSymbol =>
- val annotated = if (sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass else sym
- val i = t.mods.annotations.elements
- val j = annotated.attributes.elements
- while (i.hasNext && j.hasNext) {
- val tree =
- val ainfo =
- val sym = ainfo.atp.typeSymbol
- tree.setType(ainfo.atp)
- tree.setSymbol(sym)
- f(tree)
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- t match {
- case tree: ImplDef =>
- fs(tree.impl.parents); f(tree.impl.self); fs(tree.impl.body)
- tree match {
- case tree : ClassDef => fs(tree.tparams)
- case _ =>
- }
- case tree: PackageDef => fs(tree.stats)
- case tree: ValOrDefDef =>
- f(tree.rhs);
- if (tree.tpt != null) {
- assert(true)
- f(tree.tpt)
- }
- tree match {
- case tree : DefDef => fs(tree.tparams); fss(tree.vparamss)
- case _ =>
- }
- case tree: Function => fs(tree.vparams); f(tree.body)
- case tree : Bind => f(tree.body)
- case tree : Select =>
- val qualifier = if (tree.tpe != null && tree.qualifier.tpe == null) {
- val pre = tree.tpe.prefix
- val qualifier = tree.qualifier.duplicate
- qualifier.tpe = pre
- qualifier
- } else tree.qualifier
- f(qualifier)
- case tree : Annotation => f(tree.constr)
- case tree : Annotated => f(tree.annot); f(tree.arg)
- case tree : GenericApply => f(; fs(tree.args)
- case tree : UnApply => f(; fs(tree.args)
- case tree : AppliedTypeTree =>
- if (tree.tpe != null) {
- val i = tree.tpe.typeArgs.elements
- val j = tree.args.elements
- while (i.hasNext && j.hasNext) {
- val tpe =
- val arg =
- if (arg.tpe == null) {
- arg.tpe = tpe
- }
- }
- }
- f(tree.tpt); fs(tree.args)
- case tree : SingletonTypeTree =>
- if (tree.ref.tpe == null) {
- val dup = tree.ref.duplicate
- dup.tpe = tree.tpe
- f(dup)
- } else f(tree.ref)
- case tree : CompoundTypeTree => f(tree.templ)
- case tree : Template => fs(tree.parents); f(tree.self); fs(tree.body)
- case tree : SelectFromTypeTree => {
- if (tree.qualifier.tpe == null) tree.tpe match {
- case tpe : TypeRef =>
- // give it a type!
- tree.qualifier.tpe = tpe.prefix
- case _ =>
- // tree.tpe.pre
- }
- f(tree.qualifier)
- }
- case tree : Literal =>
- if (tree.tpe != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol == definitions.ClassClass) {
- // nothing we can do without original tree.
- }
- case tree : Typed => f(tree.expr); f(tree.tpt)
- case tree : Block => fs(tree.stats); f(tree.expr)
- case tree: CaseDef => f(tree.pat);f(tree.guard);f(tree.body)
- case tree : Sequence => fs(tree.trees);
- case tree : Assign => f(tree.lhs); f(tree.rhs);
- case tree : If => f(tree.cond); f(tree.thenp); f(tree.elsep);
- case tree : New => f(tree.tpt);
- case tree : Match => f(tree.selector); fs(tree.cases);
- case tree : Return => f(tree.expr);
- case tree : LabelDef => f(tree.rhs);
- case tree : Throw => f(tree.expr);
- case tree : Try => f(tree.block); fs(tree.catches); f(tree.finalizer);
- case tree : Alternative => fs(tree.trees);
- case tree : TypeDef => f(tree.rhs); fs(tree.tparams)
- case tree : DocDef => f(tree.definition);
- case tree: Import => f(tree.expr)
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- f(tree)
- }
- def isRoot(sym : Symbol) = sym == definitions.RootPackage || sym == definitions.RootClass || sym == NoSymbol
- private var depth = 0
- def methodSig(info : Type) : String = info match {
- case PolyType(_, result) => methodSig(result)
- case info =>
-{t =>
- if (depth >= 10) {
- assert(true)
- assert(true)
- }
- assert(!isRoot(t.typeSymbol))
- //assert(t.symbol != sym && t.symbol != sym.owner)
- depth += 1
- val ret = sym2url(t.typeSymbol) +
- (t match {
- case TypeRef(_,_,tparams) if !tparams.isEmpty =>
-{t => sym2url(t.typeSymbol)}.mkString("<",":",">")
- case _ => ""
- })
- depth -= 1
- ret
- }.mkString("[",":","]") + (info.resultType match {
- case MethodType(args,result) => "*"
- case tpe => sym2url(tpe.typeSymbol)
- })
- }
- def sym2url(sym : Symbol) : String = try {
- assert(!isRoot(sym))
- assert(sym != sym.owner)
- if (sym.isModuleClass) {
- if (sym.linkedModuleOfClass eq NoSymbol) {
- if (isRoot(sym.owner)) {
- return
- } else if (sym.owner != NoSymbol) return sym2url(sym.owner) + "." +
- scala.Console.println("XXX: " + sym + " " + sym.moduleClass + " " + sym.isPackage + " " + sym.owner)
- return
- }
- return sym2url(sym.linkedModuleOfClass)
- }
- (if (isRoot(sym.owner) || sym.owner.isTerm) ""
- else sym2url(sym.owner) + ".") + + {
- //assert(!sym.owner.isTerm)
- if (sym.isMethod) methodSig(
- else if (! ";" else ""
- }
- } catch {
- case e : Throwable =>
- e.printStackTrace
- throw new Error("Could not convert " + sym.fullNameString + " to URL")
- }
- def url2sym(paths : List[String], owner : Symbol) : Symbol = {
- if (paths.isEmpty) owner
- else {
- // decode name
- val owner0 = if (owner.isModule) {
- assert(owner.moduleClass ne NoSymbol)
- owner.moduleClass
- } else owner
- val sym = lookupIdeName(owner0,, paths.head)
- if (sym == null) {
- assert(true)
- return null
- }
- else url2sym(paths.tail, sym)
- }
- }
- def url2sym(url : String)(implicit cache : LinkedHashMap[String,Symbol]) : Symbol = {
- if (cache != null) cache.get(url) match {
- case Some(sym) => return sym
- case _ =>
- }
- // decode the string.
- var url0 = url
- var idx = url.lastIndexOf('[') // could be method
- val paths = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String]
- while (url0 ne null) {
- val jdx = url0.indexOf('.')
- if (jdx == -1 || (idx != -1 && jdx > idx)) {
- paths append url0
- url0 = null
- } else {
- paths append url0.substring(0, jdx)
- if (idx != -1) idx = idx - (jdx + 1)
- url0 = url0.substring(jdx + 1)
- }
- }
- if (definitions.RootClass eq null) new global.Run
- val result = url2sym(paths.toList, definitions.RootClass)
- if (result != null && cache != null) cache(url) = result
- return result
- }
- class GenIdeMapPhase(prev: Phase) extends StdPhase(prev) {
- def apply(unit: global.CompilationUnit): Unit = {
- if (global.settings.noide.value) return
- global.informProgress("gen-ide-map for " + unit)
- val path = unit.source.file match {
- case file : PlainFile => file.path
- case _ => return // don't do anything.
- }
- assert(path.endsWith(".scala"))
- val sources = global.settings.sourcepath.value.split(File.pathSeparator)
- val i = sources.elements
- while (i.hasNext) {
- val sourcePath =
- if (path.startsWith(sourcePath)) {
- val usePath = path.substring(sourcePath.length, path.length - (".scala").length) + ".ide"
- val uses = new LinkedHashMap[Position,Symbol]
- val defs = new LinkedHashMap[Symbol,Position]
- walk(unit.source, unit.body, uses, defs)
- // all populated, now what?
- // populate ownerTree
- val writeUses = uses.projection.filter(_._1 != NoPosition).map{
- case (p : OffsetPosition, sym) =>
- (p.offset0, if (sym.sourceFile == unit.source.file) {
- // internal reference
- //if (!sym.pos.offset.isDefined) scala.Console.println("ERROR: " + sym + " in " + sym.sourceFile)
- ":" + sym.pos.offset.getOrElse(0)
- } else {
- val url = sym2url(sym)
- url
- })
- }.toList
- object okDefs extends LinkedHashMap[Symbol,Boolean] {
- def has(sym : Symbol) : Boolean = get(sym) match {
- case Some(value) => value
- case _ =>
- if (sym eq definitions.RootClass) return true
- if (sym.isModuleClass) {
- if (sym.linkedModuleOfClass ne NoSymbol)
- return has(sym.linkedModuleOfClass)
- //System.err.println(sym + " is module class")
- return false
- }
- val owner = sym.owner
- if (owner eq NoSymbol) return false
- if (!owner.isClass && !owner.isStable) return false
- def fail = {
- put(sym, false)
- false
- }
- if (!has(owner)) return fail
- var e =
- while (e != null&&e.sym != sym) e =
- if (e == null) return fail
- put(sym, true)
- return true
- }
- }
- val writeDefs = defs.projection.filter{
- case (sym,OffsetPosition(_,_)) if okDefs.has(sym) => true
- case _ => false
- }.map{
- case (sym,OffsetPosition(source,offset)) if unit.source == source => (offset,sym2url(sym))
- }.toList
- val file = new File(global.settings.outdir.value, usePath)
- file.mkdirs
- if (file.exists) file.delete
- val out = new ObjectOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)))
- //Console.println("GZIP: " + out)
- def write(list : List[(Int,String)]) = {
- val array0 =
- val array1 =
- out.writeObject(array0)
- out.writeObject(array1)
- }
- write(writeUses)
- write(writeDefs)
- out.close
- ideMaps.removeKey(unit.source.file)
- return
- }
- }
- //Console.println("Cannot find root source of " + path + " so cannot generate map file")
- }
- }
- case class ProjectAdapter(other : Global) {
- def translate(sym : global.Symbol) : other.Symbol = {
- assert(sym != NoSymbol)
- val from = sym2url(sym)
- // ya, its this easy!
- return other.generateIdeMaps.url2sym(from)(null)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/Scopes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/Scopes.scala
index afdd284629..d262480f07 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/Scopes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/Scopes.scala
@@ -318,5 +318,6 @@ trait Scopes {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolLoaders.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolLoaders.scala
index 16c693ea55..6cf3edef86 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolLoaders.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolLoaders.scala
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ abstract class SymbolLoaders {
val global: =
protected def doComplete(root: Symbol) {
- typeParser.parse(typ, root)
+ typeParser.parse(typ, root.asInstanceOf)
protected def kindString: String = typ.FullName
protected def sourceString = typ.Assembly.FullName
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ abstract class SymbolLoaders {
case _ =>
if (root.sourceFile ne null) {
- global.generateIdeMaps.sourceFiles(root.sourceFile) = classFile.container
+ //global.generateIdeMaps.sourceFiles(root.sourceFile) = classFile.container
protected def kindString: String = "class file"