diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2012-03-14 10:25:59 -0700
committerPaul Phillips <>2012-03-14 12:24:34 -0700
commit55990c9ec619cf212a31db4f818dedb5d3150157 (patch)
parent3ab383ae01a66208df4955bf2117dd2ea8eb2afe (diff)
New starr to support new fundamental laws of reality.
And grueling recovery from branch drift. Merges a portion (and only a portion) of topic/inline into master. The major changes which come with this merge are: AnyVal is unsealed, can be extended directly. ScalaObject is no longer with us.
21 files changed, 75 insertions, 649 deletions
diff --git a/lib/scala-compiler.jar.desired.sha1 b/lib/scala-compiler.jar.desired.sha1
index 79f6de5e27..d8c99fd8a7 100644
--- a/lib/scala-compiler.jar.desired.sha1
+++ b/lib/scala-compiler.jar.desired.sha1
@@ -1 +1 @@
-40f87533e0d03ad04ca632119286d347ee54d8ae ?scala-compiler.jar
+c6fc8984eeabb722aca2d99e7afebdb96e834995 ?scala-compiler.jar
diff --git a/lib/scala-library-src.jar.desired.sha1 b/lib/scala-library-src.jar.desired.sha1
index cfb865f1e8..1acb36ecd9 100644
--- a/lib/scala-library-src.jar.desired.sha1
+++ b/lib/scala-library-src.jar.desired.sha1
@@ -1 +1 @@
-4a34794dd9a45cd2e8603de559f565535e7aa74b ?scala-library-src.jar
+8aca5d1d5890965ea4c8ece61a6018484566a95b ?scala-library-src.jar
diff --git a/lib/scala-library.jar.desired.sha1 b/lib/scala-library.jar.desired.sha1
index 28a2c586a0..00fc8b0018 100644
--- a/lib/scala-library.jar.desired.sha1
+++ b/lib/scala-library.jar.desired.sha1
@@ -1 +1 @@
-3516dc2e17bf72b1e4bc665e59f6b7ec51cba48d ?scala-library.jar
+3348de294ffc98750730e835e06a84dd4e1133fc ?scala-library.jar
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LiftCode.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LiftCode.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8affea56a2..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LiftCode.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Gilles Dubochet
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package transform
-import symtab._
-import Flags._
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-import scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.{ isAnyVal, isTuple }
- * Translate expressions of the form reflect.Code.lift(exp)
- * to the reified "reflect trees" representation of exp.
- * Also: mutable variables that are accessed from a local function are wrapped in refs.
- *
- * @author Martin Odersky
- * @version 2.10
- */
-abstract class LiftCode extends Transform with TypingTransformers {
- import global._ // the global environment
- import definitions._ // standard classes and methods
- import typer.{ typed, atOwner } // methods to type trees
- val symbols: global.type = global
- /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */
- val phaseName: String = "liftcode"
- def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
- new Codifier(unit)
- private lazy val MirrorMemberNames =
- filter (_.isTerm) map (_.toString) toSet
- // Would be nice if we could use something like this to check the names,
- // but it seems that info is unavailable when I need it.
- private def mirrorFactoryName(value: Any): Option[String] = value match {
- // Modest (inadequate) sanity check that there's a member by this name.
- case x: Product if MirrorMemberNames(x.productPrefix) =>
- Some(x.productPrefix)
- case _ =>
- Some(value.getClass.getName split """[$.]""" last) filter MirrorMemberNames
- }
- private def isMirrorMemberObject(value: Product) = value match {
- case NoType | NoPrefix | NoPosition | EmptyTree => true
- case _ => false
- }
- class Codifier(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
- val reifyDebug = settings.Yreifydebug.value
- val reifyTyperDebug = settings.Yreifytyperdebug.value
- val debugTrace = util.trace when reifyDebug
- val reifyCopypaste = settings.Yreifycopypaste.value
- def printCopypaste(tree: Tree) {
- if (reifyDebug) println("=======================")
- printCopypaste1(tree)
- if (reifyDebug) println("=======================")
- }
- def printCopypaste1(tree: Tree) {
- import scala.reflect.api.Modifier
- import scala.reflect.api.Modifier._
- def copypasteModifier(mod: Modifier.Value): String = mod match {
- case mod @ (
- `protected` | `private` | `override` |
- `abstract` | `final` | `sealed` |
- `implicit` | `lazy` | `macro` |
- `case` | `trait`) => "`" + mod.toString + "`"
- case mod => mod.toString
- }
- // I fervently hope this is a test case or something, not anything being
- // depended upon. Of more fragile code I cannot conceive.
- for (line <- (tree.toString.split(Properties.lineSeparator) drop 2 dropRight 1)) {
- var s = line.trim
- s = s.replace("$mr.", "")
- s = s.replace(".apply", "")
- s = s.replace("scala.collection.immutable.", "")
- s = "List\\[List\\[.*?\\].*?\\]".r.replaceAllIn(s, "List")
- s = "List\\[.*?\\]".r.replaceAllIn(s, "List")
- s = s.replace("immutable.this.Nil", "List()")
- s = s.replace("modifiersFromInternalFlags", "Modifiers")
- s = s.replace("Modifiers(0L, newTypeName(\"\"), List())", "Modifiers()")
- s = """Modifiers\((\d+)[lL], newTypeName\("(.*?)"\), List\((.*?)\)\)""".r.replaceAllIn(s, m => {
- val buf = new StringBuilder
- val flags =
- val s_flags = Flags.modifiersOfFlags(flags) map copypasteModifier mkString ", "
- if (s_flags != "")
- buf.append("Set(" + s_flags + ")")
- val privateWithin = "" +
- if (privateWithin != "")
- buf.append(", newTypeName(\"" + privateWithin + "\")")
- val annotations =
- if (annotations.nonEmpty)
- buf.append(", List(" + annotations + ")")
- "Modifiers(" + buf.toString + ")"
- })
- s = """setInternalFlags\((\d+)L\)""".r.replaceAllIn(s, m => {
- val flags =
- val mods = Flags.modifiersOfFlags(flags) map copypasteModifier
- "setInternalFlags(flagsOfModifiers(List(" + mods.mkString(", ") + ")))"
- })
- println(s)
- }
- }
- override def transformUnit(unit: CompilationUnit) {
- atPhase( {
- super.transformUnit(unit)
- }
- }
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
- val sym = tree.symbol
- tree match {
- case Apply(_, List(tree)) if sym == Code_lift => // reify Code.lift[T](expr) instances
- val saved = printTypings
- try {
- debugTrace("transforming = ")(if (settings.Xshowtrees.value) "\n" + nodePrinters.nodeToString(tree).trim else tree.toString)
- debugTrace("transformed = ") {
- val untyped = codify(super.transform(tree))
- if (reifyCopypaste) printCopypaste(untyped)
- printTypings = reifyTyperDebug
- val typed = localTyper.typedPos(tree.pos)(untyped)
- typed
- }
- } catch {
- case ex: ReifierError =>
- unit.error(ex.pos, ex.msg)
- tree
- } finally {
- printTypings = saved
- }
- case _ =>
- super.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- def codify(tree: Tree): Tree = debugTrace("codified " + tree + " -> ") {
- val targetType =
- val reifier = new Reifier()
- val arg = gen.mkAsInstanceOf(reifier.reifyTopLevel(tree), targetType, wrapInApply = false)
- val treetpe = // this really should use packedType(tree.tpe, context.owner)
- // where packedType is defined in Typers. But we can do that only if liftCode is moved to Typers.
- if (tree.tpe.typeSymbol.isAnonymousClass) tree.tpe.typeSymbol.classBound
- else tree.tpe
- New(TypeTree(appliedType(definitions.CodeClass.typeConstructor, List(treetpe.widen))),
- List(List(arg)))
- }
- }
- /**
- * Given a tree or type, generate a tree that when executed at runtime produces the original tree or type.
- * For instance: Given
- *
- * var x = 1; Code(x + 1)
- *
- * The `x + 1` expression is reified to
- *
- * $mr.Apply($mr.Select($mr.Ident($mr.freeVar("x". <Int>, x), "+"), List($mr.Literal($mr.Constant(1))))))
- *
- * Or, the term name 'abc' is reified to:
- *
- * $mr.Apply($mr.Select($mr.Ident("newTermName")), List(Literal(Constant("abc")))))
- *
- * todo: Treat embedded Code blocks by merging them into containing block
- *
- */
- class Reifier() {
- final val scalaPrefix = "scala."
- final val localPrefix = "$local"
- final val memoizerName = "$memo"
- val reifyDebug = settings.Yreifydebug.value
- private val reifiableSyms = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Symbol]() // the symbols that are reified with the tree
- private val symIndex = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Int]() // the index of a reifiable symbol in `reifiableSyms`
- private var boundSyms = Set[Symbol]() // set of all symbols that are bound in tree to be reified
- /**
- * Generate tree of the form
- *
- * { val $mr = scala.reflect.runtime.Mirror
- * $local1 = new TypeSymbol(owner1, NoPosition, name1)
- * ...
- * $localN = new TermSymbol(ownerN, NoPositiion, nameN)
- * $local1.setInfo(tpe1)
- * ...
- * $localN.setInfo(tpeN)
- * $localN.setAnnotations(annotsN)
- * rtree
- * }
- *
- * where
- *
- * - `$localI` are free type symbols in the environment, as well as local symbols
- * of refinement types.
- * - `tpeI` are the info's of `symI`
- * - `rtree` is code that generates `data` at runtime, maintaining all attributes.
- * - `data` is typically a tree or a type.
- */
- def reifyTopLevel(data: Any): Tree = {
- val rtree = reify(data)
- Block(mirrorAlias :: reifySymbolTableSetup, rtree)
- }
- private def isLocatable(sym: Symbol) =
- sym.isPackageClass || sym.owner.isClass || sym.isTypeParameter && sym.paramPos >= 0
- private def registerReifiableSymbol(sym: Symbol): Unit =
- if (!(symIndex contains sym)) {
- sym.owner.ownersIterator find (x => !isLocatable(x)) foreach registerReifiableSymbol
- symIndex(sym) = reifiableSyms.length
- reifiableSyms += sym
- }
- // helper methods
- private def localName(sym: Symbol): TermName =
- newTermName(localPrefix + symIndex(sym))
- private def call(fname: String, args: Tree*): Tree =
- Apply(termPath(fname), args.toList)
- private def mirrorSelect(name: String): Tree =
- termPath(nme.MIRROR_PREFIX + name)
- private def mirrorCall(name: TermName, args: Tree*): Tree =
- call("" + (nme.MIRROR_PREFIX append name), args: _*)
- private def mirrorCall(name: String, args: Tree*): Tree =
- call(nme.MIRROR_PREFIX + name, args: _*)
- private def mirrorFactoryCall(value: Product, args: Tree*): Tree =
- mirrorCall(value.productPrefix, args: _*)
- private def scalaFactoryCall(name: String, args: Tree*): Tree =
- call(scalaPrefix + name + ".apply", args: _*)
- private def mkList(args: List[Tree]): Tree =
- scalaFactoryCall("collection.immutable.List", args: _*)
- private def reifyModifiers(m: Modifiers) =
- mirrorCall("modifiersFromInternalFlags", reify(m.flags), reify(m.privateWithin), reify(m.annotations))
- private def reifyAggregate(name: String, args: Any*) =
- scalaFactoryCall(name, (args map reify).toList: _*)
- /**
- * Reify a list
- */
- private def reifyList(xs: List[Any]): Tree =
- mkList(xs map reify)
- /** Reify a name */
- private def reifyName(name: Name) =
- mirrorCall(if (name.isTypeName) "newTypeName" else "newTermName", Literal(Constant(name.toString)))
- private def isFree(sym: Symbol) =
- !(symIndex contains sym)
- /**
- * Reify a reference to a symbol
- */
- private def reifySymRef(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
- symIndex get sym match {
- case Some(idx) =>
- Ident(localName(sym))
- case None =>
- if (sym == NoSymbol)
- mirrorSelect("NoSymbol")
- else if (sym == RootPackage)
- mirrorSelect("definitions.RootPackage")
- else if (sym == RootClass)
- mirrorSelect("definitions.RootClass")
- else if (sym == EmptyPackage)
- mirrorSelect("definitions.EmptyPackage")
- else if (sym == EmptyPackageClass)
- mirrorSelect("definitions.EmptyPackageClass")
- else if (sym.isModuleClass)
- Select(reifySymRef(sym.sourceModule), "moduleClass")
- else if (sym.isStatic && sym.isClass)
- mirrorCall("staticClass", reify(sym.fullName))
- else if (sym.isStatic && sym.isModule)
- mirrorCall("staticModule", reify(sym.fullName))
- else if (isLocatable(sym))
- if (sym.isTypeParameter)
- mirrorCall("selectParam", reify(sym.owner), reify(sym.paramPos))
- else {
- if (reifyDebug) println("locatable: " + sym + " " + sym.isPackageClass + " " + sym.owner + " " + sym.isTypeParameter)
- val rowner = reify(sym.owner)
- val rname = reify(
- if (sym.isType)
- mirrorCall("selectType", rowner, rname)
- else if (sym.isMethod && sym.owner.isClass && {
- val index = indexOf sym
- assert(index >= 0, sym)
- mirrorCall("selectOverloadedMethod", rowner, rname, reify(index))
- } else
- mirrorCall("selectTerm", rowner, rname)
- }
- else {
- if (sym.isTerm) {
- if (reifyDebug) println("Free: " + sym)
- val symtpe = lambdaLift.boxIfCaptured(sym, sym.tpe, erasedTypes = false)
- def markIfCaptured(arg: Ident): Tree =
- if (sym.isCapturedVariable) referenceCapturedVariable(arg) else arg
- mirrorCall("freeVar", reify(, reify(symtpe), markIfCaptured(Ident(sym)))
- } else {
- if (reifyDebug) println("Late local: " + sym)
- registerReifiableSymbol(sym)
- reifySymRef(sym)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * reify the creation of a symbol
- */
- private def reifySymbolDef(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
- if (reifyDebug) println("reify sym def " + sym)
- ValDef(NoMods, localName(sym), TypeTree(),
- Apply(
- Select(reify(sym.owner), "newNestedSymbol"),
- List(reify(, reify(sym.pos), Literal(Constant(sym.flags)))
- )
- )
- }
- /**
- * Generate code to add type and annotation info to a reified symbol
- */
- private def fillInSymbol(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
- val rset = Apply(Select(reifySymRef(sym), nme.setTypeSig), List(reifyType(
- if (sym.annotations.isEmpty) rset
- else Apply(Select(rset, nme.setAnnotations), List(reify(sym.annotations)))
- }
- /** Reify a scope */
- private def reifyScope(scope: Scope): Tree = {
- scope foreach registerReifiableSymbol
- mirrorCall(nme.newScopeWith, scope.toList map reifySymRef: _*)
- }
- /** Reify a list of symbols that need to be created */
- private def reifySymbols(syms: List[Symbol]): Tree = {
- syms foreach registerReifiableSymbol
- mkList(syms map reifySymRef)
- }
- /** Reify a type that defines some symbols */
- private def reifyTypeBinder(value: Product, bound: List[Symbol], underlying: Type): Tree =
- mirrorFactoryCall(value, reifySymbols(bound), reify(underlying))
- /** Reify a type */
- private def reifyType(tpe0: Type): Tree = {
- val tpe = tpe0.normalize
- val tsym = tpe.typeSymbol
- if (tsym.isClass && tpe == tsym.typeConstructor && tsym.isStatic)
- Select(reifySymRef(tpe.typeSymbol), nme.asTypeConstructor)
- else tpe match {
- case t @ NoType =>
- reifyMirrorObject(t)
- case t @ NoPrefix =>
- reifyMirrorObject(t)
- case tpe @ ThisType(clazz) if clazz.isModuleClass && clazz.isStatic =>
- mirrorCall(nme.thisModuleType, reify(clazz.fullName))
- case t @ RefinedType(parents, decls) =>
- registerReifiableSymbol(tpe.typeSymbol)
- mirrorFactoryCall(t, reify(parents), reify(decls), reify(t.typeSymbol))
- case t @ ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
- registerReifiableSymbol(clazz)
- mirrorFactoryCall(t, reify(parents), reify(decls), reify(t.typeSymbol))
- case t @ ExistentialType(tparams, underlying) =>
- reifyTypeBinder(t, tparams, underlying)
- case t @ PolyType(tparams, underlying) =>
- reifyTypeBinder(t, tparams, underlying)
- case t @ MethodType(params, restpe) =>
- reifyTypeBinder(t, params, restpe)
- case _ =>
- reifyProductUnsafe(tpe)
- }
- }
- private def definedInLiftedCode(tpe: Type) =
- tpe exists (tp => boundSyms contains tp.typeSymbol)
- private def isErased(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case tt: TypeTree => definedInLiftedCode(tt.tpe) && tt.original == null
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Reify a tree */
- private def reifyTree(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- reifyMirrorObject(EmptyTree)
- case This(_) if !(boundSyms contains tree.symbol) =>
- reifyFree(tree)
- case Ident(_) if !(boundSyms contains tree.symbol) =>
- if (tree.symbol.isVariable && tree.symbol.owner.isTerm) {
- captureVariable(tree.symbol) // Note order dependency: captureVariable needs to come before reifyTree here.
- mirrorCall("Select", reifyFree(tree), reifyName(nme.elem))
- } else reifyFree(tree)
- case tt: TypeTree if (tt.tpe != null) =>
- if (definedInLiftedCode(tt.tpe)) {
- // erase non-essential (i.e. inferred) types
- // reify symless counterparts of essential types
- if (tt.original != null) reify(tt.original) else mirrorCall("TypeTree")
- } else {
- var rtt = mirrorCall(nme.TypeTree, reifyType(tt.tpe))
- if (tt.original != null) {
- val setOriginal = Select(rtt, newTermName("setOriginal"))
- val reifiedOriginal = reify(tt.original)
- rtt = Apply(setOriginal, List(reifiedOriginal))
- }
- rtt
- }
- case ta @ TypeApply(hk, ts) =>
- if (ts exists isErased) reifyTree(hk) else reifyProduct(ta)
- case global.emptyValDef =>
- mirrorSelect(nme.emptyValDef)
- case Literal(constant @ Constant(tpe: Type)) if boundSyms exists (tpe contains _) =>
- CannotReifyClassOfBoundType(tree, tpe)
- case Literal(constant @ Constant(sym: Symbol)) if boundSyms contains sym =>
- CannotReifyClassOfBoundEnum(tree, constant.tpe)
- case _ =>
- if (tree.isDef) {
- if (reifyDebug) println("boundSym: " + tree.symbol)
- boundSyms += tree.symbol
- }
- reifyProduct(tree)
- /*
- if (tree.isDef || tree.isInstanceOf[Function])
- registerReifiableSymbol(tree.symbol)
- if (tree.hasSymbol)
- rtree = Apply(Select(rtree, nme.setSymbol), List(reifySymRef(tree.symbol)))
- Apply(Select(rtree, nme.setType), List(reifyType(tree.tpe)))
- }
- /**
- * Reify a free reference. The result will be either a mirror reference
- * to a global value, or else a mirror Literal.
- */
- private def reifyFree(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case This(_) if tree.symbol.isClass && !tree.symbol.isModuleClass =>
- val sym = tree.symbol
- if (reifyDebug) println("This for %s, reified as freeVar".format(sym))
- if (reifyDebug) println("Free: " + sym)
- val freeVar = mirrorCall("freeVar", reify(, reify(sym.tpe), This(sym))
- mirrorCall(nme.Ident, freeVar)
- case This(_) =>
- if (reifyDebug) println("This for %s, reified as This".format(tree.symbol))
- mirrorCall(nme.This, reifySymRef(tree.symbol))
- case _ =>
- mirrorCall(nme.Ident, reifySymRef(tree.symbol))
- }
- // todo: consider whether we should also reify positions
- private def reifyPosition(pos: Position): Tree =
- reifyMirrorObject(NoPosition)
- // !!! we must eliminate these casts.
- private def reifyProductUnsafe(x: Any): Tree =
- reifyProduct(x.asInstanceOf[Product])
- private def reifyProduct(x: Product): Tree =
- mirrorCall(x.productPrefix, (x.productIterator map reify).toList: _*)
- /**
- * Reify a case object defined in Mirror
- */
- private def reifyMirrorObject(name: String): Tree = mirrorSelect(name)
- private def reifyMirrorObject(x: Product): Tree = reifyMirrorObject(x.productPrefix)
- private def isReifiableConstant(value: Any) = value match {
- case null => true // seems pretty reifable to me?
- case _: String => true
- case _ => isAnyVal(value)
- }
- /** Reify an arbitary value */
- private def reify(value: Any): Tree = value match {
- case tree: Tree => reifyTree(tree)
- case sym: Symbol => reifySymRef(sym)
- case tpe: Type => reifyType(tpe)
- case xs: List[_] => reifyList(xs)
- case xs: Array[_] => scalaFactoryCall(nme.Array, xs map reify: _*)
- case scope: Scope => reifyScope(scope)
- case x: Name => reifyName(x)
- case x: Position => reifyPosition(x)
- case x: Modifiers => reifyModifiers(x)
- case _ =>
- if (isReifiableConstant(value)) Literal(Constant(value))
- else reifyProductUnsafe(value)
- }
- /**
- * An (unreified) path that refers to definition with given fully qualified name
- * @param mkName Creator for last portion of name (either TermName or TypeName)
- */
- private def path(fullname: String, mkName: String => Name): Tree = {
- val parts = fullname split "\\."
- val prefixParts = parts.init
- val lastName = mkName(parts.last)
- if (prefixParts.isEmpty) Ident(lastName)
- else {
- val prefixTree = ((Ident(prefixParts.head): Tree) /: prefixParts.tail)(Select(_, _))
- Select(prefixTree, lastName)
- }
- }
- /** An (unreified) path that refers to term definition with given fully qualified name */
- private def termPath(fullname: String): Tree = path(fullname, newTermName)
- /** An (unreified) path that refers to type definition with given fully qualified name */
- private def typePath(fullname: String): Tree = path(fullname, newTypeName)
- private def mirrorAlias =
- ValDef(NoMods, nme.MIRROR_SHORT, TypeTree(), termPath(fullnme.MirrorPackage))
- /**
- * Generate code that generates a symbol table of all symbols registered in `reifiableSyms`
- */
- private def reifySymbolTableSetup: List[Tree] = {
- val symDefs, fillIns = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree]
- var i = 0
- while (i < reifiableSyms.length) {
- // fillInSymbol might create new reifiableSyms, that's why this is done iteratively
- symDefs += reifySymbolDef(reifiableSyms(i))
- fillIns += fillInSymbol(reifiableSyms(i))
- i += 1
- }
- symDefs.toList ++ fillIns.toList
- }
- }
- /** A throwable signalling a reification error */
- class ReifierError(var pos: Position, val msg: String) extends Throwable(msg) {
- def this(msg: String) = this(NoPosition, msg)
- }
- def CannotReifyClassOfBoundType(tree: Tree, tpe: Type) = {
- val msg = "cannot reify classOf[%s] which refers to a type declared inside the block being reified".format(tpe)
- throw new ReifierError(tree.pos, msg)
- }
- def CannotReifyClassOfBoundEnum(tree: Tree, tpe: Type) = {
- val msg = "cannot reify classOf[%s] which refers to an enum declared inside the block being reified".format(tpe)
- throw new ReifierError(tree.pos, msg)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/RefChecks.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/RefChecks.scala
index 1e17cb2e3f..a9278a2616 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/RefChecks.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/RefChecks.scala
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ abstract class RefChecks extends InfoTransform with reflect.internal.transform.R
// #3622: erasure operates on uncurried types --
// note on passing sym in both cases: only sym.isType is relevant for uncurry.transformInfo
// !!! erasure.erasure(sym, uncurry.transformInfo(sym, tp)) gives erreneous of inaccessible type - check whether that's still the case!
- def uncurryAndErase(tp: Type) = erasure.erasure(sym)(uncurry.transformInfo(sym, tp))
+ def uncurryAndErase(tp: Type) = erasure.erasure(sym, uncurry.transformInfo(sym, tp))
val tp1 = uncurryAndErase(clazz.thisType.memberType(sym))
val tp2 = uncurryAndErase(clazz.thisType.memberType(other))
afterErasure(tp1 matches tp2)
diff --git a/test/files/codelib/code.jar.desired.sha1 b/test/files/codelib/code.jar.desired.sha1
index dbf19cafd7..8dabf404b9 100644
--- a/test/files/codelib/code.jar.desired.sha1
+++ b/test/files/codelib/code.jar.desired.sha1
@@ -1 +1 @@
-e25f1daf9010b9dc6038ae7069fc9d0f7d48a53b ?code.jar
+e76a8883d275ca4870f745b505fb0a1cb9cbe446 ?code.jar
diff --git a/test/files/neg/anyval-children-2.check b/test/files/neg/anyval-children-2.check
index cb327faeeb..a88682ea93 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/anyval-children-2.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/anyval-children-2.check
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-anyval-children-2.scala:1: error: Only @inline classes (not traits) are allowed to extend AnyVal
+anyval-children-2.scala:1: error: Only classes (not traits) are allowed to extend AnyVal
@inline trait NotOkDingus1 extends AnyVal // fail
one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t5529.check b/test/files/neg/t5529.check
index 78a26aeb50..5d2175fa79 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t5529.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/t5529.check
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ t5529.scala:12: error: File is already defined as class File
t5529.scala:10: error: class type required but test.Test.File found
sealed class Dir extends File { }
-t5529.scala:10: error: illegal inheritance; super<none>
- is not a subclass of the superclass Object
- of the mixin trait ScalaObject
+t5529.scala:10: error: test.Test.File does not have a constructor
sealed class Dir extends File { }
three errors found
diff --git a/test/files/presentation/callcc-interpreter.check b/test/files/presentation/callcc-interpreter.check
index 41b07b07dc..3385ef12b7 100644
--- a/test/files/presentation/callcc-interpreter.check
+++ b/test/files/presentation/callcc-interpreter.check
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ retrieved 64 members
`method ->[B](y: B)(callccInterpreter.type, B)`
`method ==(x$1: Any)Boolean`
`method ==(x$1: AnyRef)Boolean`
-`method add(a: callccInterpreter.Value, b: callccInterpreter.Value)callccInterpreter.M[_ >: callccInterpreter.Num with callccInterpreter.Wrong.type <: Serializable with Product with callccInterpreter.Value]`
+`method add(a: callccInterpreter.Value, b: callccInterpreter.Value)callccInterpreter.M[_ >: callccInterpreter.Num with callccInterpreter.Wrong.type <: Product with Serializable with callccInterpreter.Value]`
`method apply(a: callccInterpreter.Value, b: callccInterpreter.Value)callccInterpreter.M[callccInterpreter.Value]`
`method asInstanceOf[T0]=> T0`
`method callCC[A](h: (A => callccInterpreter.M[A]) => callccInterpreter.M[A])callccInterpreter.M[A]`
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def showM(m: callccInterpreter.M[callccInterpreter.Value]): String =
askType at CallccInterpreter.scala(50,30)
[response] askTypeAt at (50,30)
-def add(a: callccInterpreter.Value, b: callccInterpreter.Value): callccInterpreter.M[_ >: callccInterpreter.Num with callccInterpreter.Wrong.type <: Serializable with Product with callccInterpreter.Value] = scala.this.Predef.Pair.apply[callccInterpreter.Value, callccInterpreter.Value](a, b) match {
+def add(a: callccInterpreter.Value, b: callccInterpreter.Value): callccInterpreter.M[_ >: callccInterpreter.Num with callccInterpreter.Wrong.type <: Product with Serializable with callccInterpreter.Value] = scala.this.Predef.Pair.apply[callccInterpreter.Value, callccInterpreter.Value](a, b) match {
case scala.this.Predef.Pair.unapply[callccInterpreter.Value, callccInterpreter.Value](<unapply-selector>) <unapply> ((n: Int)callccInterpreter.Num((m @ _)), (n: Int)callccInterpreter.Num((n @ _))) => this.unitM[callccInterpreter.Num](callccInterpreter.this.Num.apply(m.+(n)))
case _ => callccInterpreter.this.unitM[callccInterpreter.Wrong.type](callccInterpreter.this.Wrong)
diff --git a/test/files/run/existentials3.check b/test/files/run/existentials3.check
index 41dc1f767c..8559540f80 100644
--- a/test/files/run/existentials3.check
+++ b/test/files/run/existentials3.check
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-_ <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0[_ <: Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Product with scala.Serializable] with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Serializable with java.lang.Object
-_ <: Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Product with scala.Serializable
-Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject
-Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject
-Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject
-scala.Function0[Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject]
-scala.Function0[Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject]
-_ <: Object with _ <: Object with Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject
-_ <: Object with _ <: Object with _ <: Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject
-scala.collection.immutable.List[Object with scala.collection.Seq[Int] with scala.ScalaObject]
-scala.collection.immutable.List[Object with scala.collection.Seq[_ <: Int] with scala.ScalaObject]
-_ <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0[_ <: Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Product with scala.Serializable] with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Serializable with java.lang.Object
-_ <: Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Product with scala.Serializable
-Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject
-Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject
-Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject
-scala.Function0[Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject]
-scala.Function0[Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject]
-_ <: Object with _ <: Object with Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject
-_ <: Object with _ <: Object with _ <: Object with Test$ToS with scala.ScalaObject
-scala.collection.immutable.List[Object with scala.collection.Seq[Int] with scala.ScalaObject]
-scala.collection.immutable.List[Object with scala.collection.Seq[_ <: Int] with scala.ScalaObject]
+_ <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0[_ <: Object with Test$ToS with scala.Product with scala.Serializable with Object] with scala.Serializable with java.lang.Object
+_ <: Object with Test$ToS with scala.Product with scala.Serializable with Object
+Object with Test$ToS
+Object with Test$ToS with Object
+Object with Test$ToS
+scala.Function0[Object with Test$ToS]
+scala.Function0[Object with Test$ToS]
+_ <: Object with _ <: Object with Object with Test$ToS with Object with Object
+_ <: Object with _ <: Object with _ <: Object with Test$ToS with Object with Object
+scala.collection.immutable.List[Object with scala.collection.Seq[Int] with Object]
+scala.collection.immutable.List[Object with scala.collection.Seq[_ <: Int] with Object]
+_ <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0[_ <: Object with Test$ToS with scala.Product with scala.Serializable with Object] with scala.Serializable with java.lang.Object
+_ <: Object with Test$ToS with scala.Product with scala.Serializable with Object
+Object with Test$ToS
+Object with Test$ToS with Object
+Object with Test$ToS
+scala.Function0[Object with Test$ToS]
+scala.Function0[Object with Test$ToS]
+_ <: Object with _ <: Object with Object with Test$ToS with Object with Object
+_ <: Object with _ <: Object with _ <: Object with Test$ToS with Object with Object
+scala.collection.immutable.List[Object with scala.collection.Seq[Int] with Object]
+scala.collection.immutable.List[Object with scala.collection.Seq[_ <: Int] with Object]
diff --git a/test/files/run/programmatic-main.check b/test/files/run/programmatic-main.check
index a24de79b8a..b5a54f5ea7 100644
--- a/test/files/run/programmatic-main.check
+++ b/test/files/run/programmatic-main.check
@@ -8,23 +8,22 @@
superaccessors 6 add super accessors in traits and nested classes
pickler 7 serialize symbol tables
refchecks 8 reference/override checking, translate nested objects
- liftcode 9 reify trees
- uncurry 10 uncurry, translate function values to anonymous classes
- tailcalls 11 replace tail calls by jumps
- specialize 12 @specialized-driven class and method specialization
- explicitouter 13 this refs to outer pointers, translate patterns
- erasure 14 erase types, add interfaces for traits
- lazyvals 15 allocate bitmaps, translate lazy vals into lazified defs
- lambdalift 16 move nested functions to top level
- constructors 17 move field definitions into constructors
- flatten 18 eliminate inner classes
- mixin 19 mixin composition
- cleanup 20 platform-specific cleanups, generate reflective calls
- icode 21 generate portable intermediate code
- inliner 22 optimization: do inlining
-inlineExceptionHandlers 23 optimization: inline exception handlers
- closelim 24 optimization: eliminate uncalled closures
- dce 25 optimization: eliminate dead code
- jvm 26 generate JVM bytecode
- terminal 27 The last phase in the compiler chain
+ uncurry 9 uncurry, translate function values to anonymous classes
+ tailcalls 10 replace tail calls by jumps
+ specialize 11 @specialized-driven class and method specialization
+ explicitouter 12 this refs to outer pointers, translate patterns
+ erasure 13 erase types, add interfaces for traits
+ lazyvals 14 allocate bitmaps, translate lazy vals into lazified defs
+ lambdalift 15 move nested functions to top level
+ constructors 16 move field definitions into constructors
+ flatten 17 eliminate inner classes
+ mixin 18 mixin composition
+ cleanup 19 platform-specific cleanups, generate reflective calls
+ icode 20 generate portable intermediate code
+ inliner 21 optimization: do inlining
+inlineExceptionHandlers 22 optimization: inline exception handlers
+ closelim 23 optimization: eliminate uncalled closures
+ dce 24 optimization: eliminate dead code
+ jvm 25 generate JVM bytecode
+ terminal 26 The last phase in the compiler chain
diff --git a/test/files/run/reify_ann1a.check b/test/files/run/reify_ann1a.check
index 2822238706..97d4848a49 100644
--- a/test/files/run/reify_ann1a.check
+++ b/test/files/run/reify_ann1a.check
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- @new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("1a")) @new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("1b")) class C[@new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("2a")) @new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("2b")) T>: Nothing <: Any] extends Object with ScalaObject {
+ @new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("1a")) @new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("1b")) class C[@new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("2a")) @new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("2b")) T>: Nothing <: Any] extends scala.AnyRef {
@new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("3a")) @new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("3b")) <paramaccessor> private[this] val x: T @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("4a")) @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("4b")) = _;
def <init>(@new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("3a")) @new ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("3b")) x: T @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("4a")) @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("4b"))) = {
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("1a")) @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("1b")) class C[@ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("2a")) @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("2b")) T>: Nothing <: Any] extends Object with ScalaObject {
+ @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("1a")) @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("1b")) class C[@ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("2a")) @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("2b")) T>: Nothing <: Any] extends scala.AnyRef {
@ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("3a")) @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("3b")) <paramaccessor> private[this] val x: T @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("4b")) @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("4a")) = _;
def <init>(@ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("3a")) @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("3b")) x: T @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("4b")) @ann(immutable.this.List.apply[String]("4a"))): C[T] = {
diff --git a/test/files/run/reify_ann1b.check b/test/files/run/reify_ann1b.check
index e240e1e0ce..ceebc0e2ed 100644
--- a/test/files/run/reify_ann1b.check
+++ b/test/files/run/reify_ann1b.check
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- @new ann(bar = "1a") @new ann(bar = "1b") class C[@new ann(bar = "2a") @new ann(bar = "2b") T>: Nothing <: Any] extends Object with ScalaObject {
+ @new ann(bar = "1a") @new ann(bar = "1b") class C[@new ann(bar = "2a") @new ann(bar = "2b") T>: Nothing <: Any] extends scala.AnyRef {
@new ann(bar = "3a") @new ann(bar = "3b") <paramaccessor> private[this] val x: T @ann(bar = "4a") @ann(bar = "4b") = _;
def <init>(@new ann(bar = "3a") @new ann(bar = "3b") x: T @ann(bar = "4a") @ann(bar = "4b")) = {
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- @ann(bar = "1a") @ann(bar = "1b") class C[@ann(bar = "2a") @ann(bar = "2b") T>: Nothing <: Any] extends Object with ScalaObject {
+ @ann(bar = "1a") @ann(bar = "1b") class C[@ann(bar = "2a") @ann(bar = "2b") T>: Nothing <: Any] extends scala.AnyRef {
@ann(bar = "3a") @ann(bar = "3b") <paramaccessor> private[this] val x: T @ann(bar = "4b") @ann(bar = "4a") = _;
def <init>(@ann(bar = "3a") @ann(bar = "3b") x: T @ann(bar = "4b") @ann(bar = "4a")): C[T] = {
diff --git a/test/files/run/reify_classfileann_a.check b/test/files/run/reify_classfileann_a.check
index 1773263a94..419d916907 100644
--- a/test/files/run/reify_classfileann_a.check
+++ b/test/files/run/reify_classfileann_a.check
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- @new ann(bar = "1", quux = Array("2", "3"), baz = new ann(bar = "4")) class C extends Object with ScalaObject {
+ @new ann(bar = "1", quux = Array("2", "3"), baz = new ann(bar = "4")) class C extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>() = {
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- @ann(bar = "1", quux = ["2", "3"], baz = ann(bar = "4")) class C extends Object with ScalaObject {
+ @ann(bar = "1", quux = ["2", "3"], baz = ann(bar = "4")) class C extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>(): C = {
diff --git a/test/files/run/t1195.check b/test/files/run/t1195.check
index dc521fb8ca..1214d0c4b5 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t1195.check
+++ b/test/files/run/t1195.check
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-_ <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[Int, _ <: Object with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Product with scala.Serializable] with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Serializable with java.lang.Object
-_ <: Object with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Product with scala.Serializable
-Object with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Product with scala.Serializable
-_ <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[Int, _ <: Object with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Product with scala.Serializable] with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Serializable with java.lang.Object
-_ <: Object with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Product with scala.Serializable
-Object with scala.ScalaObject with scala.Product with scala.Serializable
+_ <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[Int, _ <: Object with scala.Product with scala.Serializable with Object] with scala.Serializable with java.lang.Object
+_ <: Object with scala.Product with scala.Serializable with Object
+Object with scala.Product with scala.Serializable
+_ <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[Int, _ <: Object with scala.Product with scala.Serializable with Object] with scala.Serializable with java.lang.Object
+_ <: Object with scala.Product with scala.Serializable with Object
+Object with scala.Product with scala.Serializable
diff --git a/test/files/run/t5224.check b/test/files/run/t5224.check
index 5bead91b36..28bc75d4fd 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t5224.check
+++ b/test/files/run/t5224.check
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- @new Foo(bar = "qwe") class C extends Object with ScalaObject {
+ @new Foo(bar = "qwe") class C extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>() = {
diff --git a/test/files/run/t5271_1.check b/test/files/run/t5271_1.check
index d4fd544e88..9b956da17a 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t5271_1.check
+++ b/test/files/run/t5271_1.check
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- case class C extends Object with ScalaObject with Product with Serializable {
+ case class C extends Object with Product with Serializable {
<caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> val foo : Int = _;
<caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> val bar : Int = _;
def <init>(foo: Int, bar: Int) = {
diff --git a/test/files/run/t5271_2.check b/test/files/run/t5271_2.check
index 5a519f265f..27297febb6 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t5271_2.check
+++ b/test/files/run/t5271_2.check
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- case class C extends Object with ScalaObject with Product with Serializable {
+ case class C extends Object with Product with Serializable {
<caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> val foo : Int = _;
<caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> val bar : Int = _;
def <init>(foo: Int, bar: Int) = {
diff --git a/test/files/run/t5271_3.check b/test/files/run/t5271_3.check
index be87696f02..9331c78959 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t5271_3.check
+++ b/test/files/run/t5271_3.check
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
- object C extends Object with ScalaObject with Serializable {
+ object C extends scala.AnyRef with Serializable {
def <init>() = {
def qwe: Int = 4
- case class C extends Object with ScalaObject with Product with Serializable {
+ case class C extends Object with Product with Serializable {
<caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> val foo : Int = _;
<caseaccessor> <paramaccessor> val bar : Int = _;
def <init>(foo: Int, bar: Int) = {
diff --git a/test/files/run/t5527.check b/test/files/run/t5527.check
index 4a8a9ce602..bb13928fd8 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t5527.check
+++ b/test/files/run/t5527.check
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
[[syntax trees at end of parser]]// Scala source: newSource1
package <empty> {
- object UselessComments extends scala.ScalaObject {
+ object UselessComments extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>() = {
var z = 0;
def test1 = {
- object Maybe extends scala.ScalaObject {
+ object Maybe extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>() = {
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ package <empty> {
/** comments that we should keep */
- object UsefulComments extends scala.ScalaObject {
+ object UsefulComments extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>() = {
/** class A */
- class A extends scala.ScalaObject {
+ class A extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>() = {
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ package <empty> {
var u = 2
/** trait B */
- abstract trait B extends scala.ScalaObject {
+ abstract trait B extends scala.AnyRef {
def $init$() = {
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ package <empty> {
var u = 2
/** object C */
- object C extends scala.ScalaObject {
+ object C extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>() = {
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ package <empty> {
var u = 2
/** class D */
- @new deprecated("use ... instead", "2.10.0") class D extends scala.ScalaObject {
+ @new deprecated("use ... instead", "2.10.0") class D extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>() = {
diff --git a/test/files/specialized/SI-5005.check b/test/files/specialized/SI-5005.check
index d2a97512ae..9fc63a2b1d 100644
--- a/test/files/specialized/SI-5005.check
+++ b/test/files/specialized/SI-5005.check
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[[syntax trees at end of specialize]]// Scala source: newSource1
package <empty> {
- class C2[@specialized(scala.Boolean) U >: Nothing <: Any] extends Object with ScalaObject {
+ class C2[@specialized(scala.Boolean) U >: Nothing <: Any] extends Object {
def <init>(): C2[U] = {
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ package <empty> {
def apply(x: U): U = x;
<specialized> def apply$mcZ$sp(x: Boolean): Boolean = C2.this.apply(x.asInstanceOf[U]()).asInstanceOf[Boolean]()
- class B extends Object with ScalaObject {
+ class B extends Object {
def <init>(): B = {